// Copyright (C) 1999, Microsoft Corporation
// File: cnfgmgr.cpp
// Contents: Implementation of the classes defined in cnfgmgr.h
// Classes:
// CLdapCfgMgr
// CLdapCfg
// CLdapHost
// CCfgConnectionCache
// CCfgConnection
// Functions:
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/16 14:41:45: Created.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "cnfgmgr.h"
// Globals
CExShareLock CLdapServerCfg::m_listlock; LIST_ENTRY CLdapServerCfg::m_listhead;
DWORD CLdapServerCfg::m_dwCostConnectedLocal = DEFAULT_COST_CONNECTED_LOCAL; DWORD CLdapServerCfg::m_dwCostConnectedRemote = DEFAULT_COST_CONNECTED_REMOTE; DWORD CLdapServerCfg::m_dwCostInitialLocal = DEFAULT_COST_INITIAL_LOCAL; DWORD CLdapServerCfg::m_dwCostInitialRemote = DEFAULT_COST_INITIAL_REMOTE; DWORD CLdapServerCfg::m_dwCostRetryLocal = DEFAULT_COST_RETRY_LOCAL; DWORD CLdapServerCfg::m_dwCostRetryRemote = DEFAULT_COST_RETRY_REMOTE;
// Function: CLdapCfgMgr::CLdapCfgMgr
// Synopsis: Initialize member data
// Arguments: Optional:
// fAutomaticConfigUpdate: TRUE indicates that the object is to
// periodicly automaticly update the list of
// GCs.
// FALSE disables this functionality
// bt: Default bindtype to use
// pszAccount: Default account for LDAP bind
// pszPassword: Password of above account
// pszNamingContext: Naming context to use for all LDAP searches
// Returns: NOTHING
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/16 14:42:39: Created.
CLdapCfgMgr::CLdapCfgMgr( ISMTPServerEx *pISMTPServerEx, BOOL fAutomaticConfigUpdate, ICategorizerParameters *pICatParams, LDAP_BIND_TYPE bt, LPSTR pszAccount, LPSTR pszPassword, LPSTR pszNamingContext) : m_LdapConnectionCache(pISMTPServerEx) { CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfgMgr::CLdapCfgMgr");
m_dwSignature = SIGNATURE_CLDAPCFGMGR; m_pCLdapCfg = NULL; ZeroMemory(&m_ulLastUpdateTime, sizeof(m_ulLastUpdateTime)); m_dwUpdateInProgress = FALSE; m_fAutomaticConfigUpdate = fAutomaticConfigUpdate; m_pISMTPServerEx = pISMTPServerEx; if(m_pISMTPServerEx) m_pISMTPServerEx->AddRef();
// Copy default
m_bt = bt; if(pszAccount) lstrcpyn(m_szAccount, pszAccount, sizeof(m_szAccount)); else m_szAccount[0] = '\0';
if(pszPassword) lstrcpyn(m_szPassword, pszPassword, sizeof(m_szPassword)); else m_szPassword[0] = '\0';
if(pszNamingContext) lstrcpyn(m_szNamingContext, pszNamingContext, sizeof(m_szNamingContext)); else m_szNamingContext[0] = '\0';
m_pICatParams = pICatParams; m_pICatParams->AddRef();
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); } // CLdapCfgMgr::CLdapCfgMgr
// Function: CLdapCfgMgr::InitializeFromRegistry
// Synopsis: Helper function that looks up parameters from the registry.
// Configurable parameters are:
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing.
VOID CLdapCfgMgr::InitializeFromRegistry() { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwErr, dwType, dwValue, cbValue;
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbValue = sizeof(dwValue);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REBUILD_GC_LIST_MAX_INTERVAL_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &cbValue);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD && dwValue > 0) { m_dwRebuildGCListMaxInterval = dwValue; }
cbValue = sizeof(dwValue);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REBUILD_GC_LIST_MAX_FAILURES_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &cbValue);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD && dwValue > 0) { m_dwRebuildGCListMaxFailures = dwValue; }
cbValue = sizeof(dwValue);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REBUILD_GC_LIST_MIN_INTERVAL_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &cbValue);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD && dwValue > 0) { m_dwRebuildGCListMinInterval = dwValue; }
RegCloseKey( hkey );
// Function: CLdapCfgMgr::~CLdapCfgMgr
// Synopsis: Release member data/pointers
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NOTHING
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/16 14:44:28: Created.
CLdapCfgMgr::~CLdapCfgMgr() { CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfgMgr::~CLdapCfgMgr");
if(m_pCLdapCfg) { //
// Release it
m_pCLdapCfg->Release(); m_pCLdapCfg = NULL; }
if(m_pICatParams) {
m_pICatParams->Release(); m_pICatParams = NULL; } //
// This will not return until all ldap connections have been released/destroyed
if(m_pISMTPServerEx) m_pISMTPServerEx->Release();
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); } // CLdapCfgMgr::~CLdapCfgMgr
// Function: CLdapCfgMgr::HrInit
// Synopsis: Initialize with a list of available GCs
// Arguments:
// fRediscoverGCs: TRUE: pass in the force rediscovery flag to DsGetDcName
// FALSE: Attempt to call DsGetDcName first without
// passing in the force rediscovery flag.
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// error from NT5 (DsGetDcName)
// CAT_E_NO_GC_SERVERS: THere are no GC servers available to build
// the list of GCs
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/16 14:48:11: Created.
HRESULT CLdapCfgMgr::HrInit( BOOL fRediscoverGCs) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwcServerConfig = 0; DWORD dwCount = 0; PLDAPSERVERCONFIG prgServerConfig = NULL; ICategorizerLdapConfig *pICatLdapConfigInterface = NULL; ICategorizerParametersEx *pIPhatCatParams = NULL;
CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfgMgr::HrInit");
if(m_pICatParams) { hr = m_pICatParams->QueryInterface(IID_ICategorizerParametersEx, (LPVOID *)&pIPhatCatParams); _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && "Unable to get phatcatparams interface");
pIPhatCatParams->GetLdapConfigInterface(&pICatLdapConfigInterface); }
if(pICatLdapConfigInterface) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Getting GC list from sink supplied interface"); //
// Get GC servers from sink supplied interface
hr = HrGetGCServers( pICatLdapConfigInterface, m_bt, m_szAccount, m_szPassword, m_szNamingContext, &dwcServerConfig, &prgServerConfig); if(FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG("HrGetGCServers"); hr = CAT_E_NO_GC_SERVERS; goto CLEANUP; } } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Getting internal GC list"); //
// Build an array of server configs consisting of available GCs
hr = HrBuildGCServerArray( m_bt, m_szAccount, m_szPassword, m_szNamingContext, fRediscoverGCs, &dwcServerConfig, &prgServerConfig);
if(FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG("HrBuildGCServerArray"); if(fRediscoverGCs == FALSE) { //
// Attempt to build the array again. This time, force
// rediscovery of available GCs. This is expensive which is
// why we initially try to find all available GCs without
// forcing rediscovery.
hr = HrBuildGCServerArray( m_bt, m_szAccount, m_szPassword, m_szNamingContext, TRUE, // fRediscoverGCs
&dwcServerConfig, &prgServerConfig);
if(FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG("HrBuildGCServerArray - 2nd time"); hr = CAT_E_NO_GC_SERVERS; goto CLEANUP; } } else { //
// We already forced rediscovery and failed
hr = CAT_E_NO_GC_SERVERS; goto CLEANUP; } } }
LogCnfgInit(); for(dwCount = 0; dwCount < dwcServerConfig; dwCount++) { LogCnfgEntry(& (prgServerConfig[dwCount])); }
if(dwcServerConfig == 0) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "No GC servers found."); ERROR_LOG("--dwcServerConfig == 0 --"); hr = CAT_E_NO_GC_SERVERS; goto CLEANUP; } //
// Call the other init function with the array
hr = HrInit( dwcServerConfig, prgServerConfig); ERROR_CLEANUP_LOG("HrInit");
CLEANUP: if(pIPhatCatParams) pIPhatCatParams->Release();
if(prgServerConfig != NULL) delete prgServerConfig;
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CLdapCfgMgr::HrInit
// Function: CLdapCfgMgr::HrGetGCServers
// Synopsis: Get the list of GCs from dsaccess.dll
// Arguments:
// bt: Bind type to use for each server
// pszAccount: Account to use for each server
// pszPassword: password of above account
// pszNamingContext: naming context to use for each server
// fRediscoverGCs: Attempt to rediscover GCs -- this is expensive and should
// only be TRUE after the function has failed once
// pdwcServerConfig: Out parameter for the size of the array
// pprgServerConfig: Out parameter for the array pointer -- this
// should be free'd with the delete operator
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// CAT_E_NO_GC_SERVERS: There are no available GC servers to build
// the list of GCs
// error from ntdsapi
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/07/01 17:53:02: Created.
HRESULT CLdapCfgMgr::HrGetGCServers( IN ICategorizerLdapConfig *pICatLdapConfigInterface, IN LDAP_BIND_TYPE bt, IN LPSTR pszAccount, IN LPSTR pszPassword, IN LPSTR pszNamingContext, OUT DWORD *pdwcServerConfig, OUT PLDAPSERVERCONFIG *pprgServerConfig) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwNumGCs = 0; DWORD dwIdx = 0; IServersListInfo *pIServersList = NULL;
CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfgMgr::HrBuildArrayFromDCInfo");
_ASSERT(pdwcServerConfig); _ASSERT(pprgServerConfig); _ASSERT(m_pICatParams);
*pdwcServerConfig = 0;
hr = pICatLdapConfigInterface->GetGCServers(&pIServersList); if(FAILED(hr)) {
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Unable to get the list of GC servers"); //$$BUGBUG: Why are we asserting here?
_ASSERT(0 && "Failed to get GC servers!"); ERROR_LOG("pICatLdapConfigInterface->GetGCServers"); goto CLEANUP; }
hr = pIServersList->GetNumGC(&dwNumGCs); _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && "GetNumGC should always succeed!");
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Got %d GCs", dwNumGCs); if(dwNumGCs == 0) {
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "There are no GC servers"); hr = CAT_E_NO_GC_SERVERS; ERROR_LOG("--dwNumGCs == 0 --"); goto CLEANUP; } //
// Allocate array
*pprgServerConfig = new LDAPSERVERCONFIG[dwNumGCs];
if(*pprgServerConfig == NULL) {
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Out of memory allocating array of %d LDAPSERVERCONFIGs", dwNumGCs); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ERROR_LOG("new LDAPSERVERCONFIG[]"); goto CLEANUP; } //
// Fill in LDAPSERVERCONFIG structures
for(dwIdx = 0; dwIdx < dwNumGCs; dwIdx++) {
pServerConfig = &((*pprgServerConfig)[dwIdx]); //
// Copy bindtype, account, password, naming context
pServerConfig->bt = bt;
if(pszNamingContext) lstrcpyn(pServerConfig->szNamingContext, pszNamingContext, sizeof(pServerConfig->szNamingContext)); else pServerConfig->szNamingContext[0] = '\0';
if(pszAccount) lstrcpyn(pServerConfig->szAccount, pszAccount, sizeof(pServerConfig->szAccount)); else pServerConfig->szAccount[0] = '\0';
if(pszPassword) lstrcpyn(pServerConfig->szPassword, pszPassword, sizeof(pServerConfig->szPassword)); else pServerConfig->szPassword[0] = '\0';
// Initialize priority and TCP port
pServerConfig->pri = 0;
hr = pIServersList->GetItem( dwIdx, &pServerConfig->dwPort, &pszName); //
//$$BUGBUG: Why should this always succeed? It is a sink
// supplied interface, isn't it? If the last call fails, we
// will set *pdwcServerConfig below, but free the array.
_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && "GetItem should always succeed");
// Copy the name
lstrcpyn(pServerConfig->szHost, pszName, sizeof(pServerConfig->szHost));
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "GC: %s on Port: %d", pServerConfig->szHost, pServerConfig->dwPort); } //
// Set the out parameter for the array size
*pdwcServerConfig = dwNumGCs;
CLEANUP: if(FAILED(hr)) { //
// Free the allocated array if we're failing
if(*pprgServerConfig) { delete *pprgServerConfig; *pprgServerConfig = NULL; } }
if(pIServersList) pIServersList->Release();
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CLdapCfgMgr::HrBuildArrayFromDCInfo
// Function: CLdapCfgMgr::HrBuildGCServerArray
// Synopsis: Allocate/build an array of LDAPSERVERCONFIG structures --
// one for each available GC
// Arguments:
// bt: Bind type to use for each server
// pszAccount: Account to use for each server
// pszPassword: password of above account
// pszNamingContext: naming context to use for each server
// fRediscoverGCs: Attempt to rediscover GCs -- this is expensive and should
// only be TRUE after the function has failed once
// pdwcServerConfig: Out parameter for the size of the array
// pprgServerConfig: Out parameter for the array pointer -- this
// should be free'd with the delete operator
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// CAT_E_NO_GC_SERVERS: There are no available GC servers to build
// the list of GCs
// error from ntdsapi
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/07/01 17:53:02: Created.
CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfgMgr::HrBuildGCServerArray"); //
// Find one GC using DsGetDcName()
dwErr = DsGetDcName( NULL, // Computername to process this function -- local computer
NULL, // Domainname -- primary domain of this computer
NULL, // Domain GUID
NULL, // Sitename -- site of this computer
ulFlags, // Flags; we want a GC
&pDCInfo); // Out parameter for the returned info
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr);
if(FAILED(hr)) {
ERROR_LOG("DGetDcName"); //
// Map one error code
pDCInfo = NULL; goto CLEANUP; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Binding to DC %s", pDCInfo->DomainControllerName);
// Bind to the DC
dwErr = DsBind( pDCInfo->DomainControllerName, // DomainControllerAddress
NULL, // DnsDomainName
&hDS); // Out param -- handle to DS
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr);
if(FAILED(hr)) {
// Prefix says we need to check this case too
if ((NULL == hDS) || (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDS)) { FatalTrace((LPARAM)this, "DsBind returned invalid handle"); hDS = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hr = E_FAIL; ERROR_LOG("--DsBind returned invalid handle--"); goto CLEANUP; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Finding all domain controllers for %s", pDCInfo->DomainName); //
// Get information about all the domain controllers
dwErr = DsGetDomainControllerInfo( hDS, // Handle to the DS
pDCInfo->DomainName, // Domain name -- use the same domain
// as the GC found above
2, // Retrive struct version 2
&cDSDCInfo, // Out param for array size
(PVOID *) &prgDSDCInfo); // Out param for array ptr
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr);
if(FAILED(hr)) {
ERROR_LOG("DsGetDomainControllerInfo"); prgDSDCInfo = NULL; goto CLEANUP; }
hr = HrBuildArrayFromDCInfo( bt, pszAccount, pszPassword, pszNamingContext, cDSDCInfo, prgDSDCInfo, pdwcServerConfig, pprgServerConfig); ERROR_CLEANUP_LOG("HrBuildArrayFromDCInfo");
CLEANUP: if(prgDSDCInfo != NULL) DsFreeDomainControllerInfo( 2, // Free struct version 2
cDSDCInfo, // size of array
prgDSDCInfo); // array ptr
if(pDCInfo != NULL) NetApiBufferFree(pDCInfo);
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CLdapCfgMgr::HrBuildGCServerArray
// Function: CLdapCfgMgr::HrBuildArrayFromDCInfo
// Synopsis: Allocate/build an array of LDAPSERVERCONFIG structures --
// one for each available GC in the array
// Arguments:
// bt: Bind type to use for each server
// pszAccount: Account to use for each server
// pszPassword: password of above account
// pszNamingContext: naming context to use for each server
// dwDSDCInfo: size of the prgDSDCInfo array
// prgDSDCInfo: array of domain controller info structures
// pdwcServerConfig: Out parameter for the size of the array
// pprgServerConfig: Out parameter for the array pointer -- this
// should be free'd with the delete operator
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// CAT_E_NO_GC_SERVERS: There were no GCs in the array
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 10:40:46: Created.
HRESULT CLdapCfgMgr::HrBuildArrayFromDCInfo( IN LDAP_BIND_TYPE bt, IN LPSTR pszAccount, IN LPSTR pszPassword, IN LPSTR pszNamingContext, IN DWORD dwcDSDCInfo, IN PDS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_2 prgDSDCInfo, OUT DWORD *pdwcServerConfig, OUT PLDAPSERVERCONFIG *pprgServerConfig) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwNumGCs = 0; DWORD dwSrcIdx; DWORD dwDestIdx; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfgMgr::HrBuildArrayFromDCInfo");
_ASSERT(pdwcServerConfig); _ASSERT(pprgServerConfig);
for(dwSrcIdx = 0; dwSrcIdx < dwcDSDCInfo; dwSrcIdx++) {
LPSTR pszName;
pszName = SzConnectNameFromDomainControllerInfo( &(prgDSDCInfo[dwSrcIdx]));
if(pszName == NULL) {
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "DC \"%s\" has no dns/netbios names", prgDSDCInfo[dwSrcIdx].ServerObjectName ? prgDSDCInfo[dwSrcIdx].ServerObjectName : "unknown");
} else if(prgDSDCInfo[dwSrcIdx].fIsGc) {
dwNumGCs++; DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Discovered GC #%d: %s", dwNumGCs, pszName);
} else {
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Discarding non-GC: %s", pszName); } } //
// Allocate array
*pprgServerConfig = new LDAPSERVERCONFIG[dwNumGCs];
if(*pprgServerConfig == NULL) {
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Out of memory alloacting array of %d LDAPSERVERCONFIGs", dwNumGCs); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ERROR_LOG("new LDAPSERVERCONFIG[]"); goto CLEANUP; } //
// Fill in LDAPSERVERCONFIG structures
for(dwSrcIdx = 0, dwDestIdx = 0; dwSrcIdx < dwcDSDCInfo; dwSrcIdx++) {
LPSTR pszName;
pszName = SzConnectNameFromDomainControllerInfo( &(prgDSDCInfo[dwSrcIdx]));
if((pszName != NULL) && (prgDSDCInfo[dwSrcIdx].fIsGc)) {
_ASSERT(dwDestIdx < dwNumGCs);
pServerConfig = &((*pprgServerConfig)[dwDestIdx]); //
// Copy bindtype, account, password, naming context
pServerConfig->bt = bt;
if(pszNamingContext) lstrcpyn(pServerConfig->szNamingContext, pszNamingContext, sizeof(pServerConfig->szNamingContext)); else pServerConfig->szNamingContext[0] = '\0';
if(pszAccount) lstrcpyn(pServerConfig->szAccount, pszAccount, sizeof(pServerConfig->szAccount)); else pServerConfig->szAccount[0] = '\0';
if(pszPassword) lstrcpyn(pServerConfig->szPassword, pszPassword, sizeof(pServerConfig->szPassword)); else pServerConfig->szPassword[0] = '\0';
// Initialize priority and TCP port
pServerConfig->pri = 0; pServerConfig->dwPort = LDAP_GC_PORT;
// Copy the name
lstrcpyn(pServerConfig->szHost, pszName, sizeof(pServerConfig->szHost));
dwDestIdx++; } } //
// Assert check -- we should have filled in the entire array
_ASSERT(dwDestIdx == dwNumGCs); //
// Set the out parameter for the array size
*pdwcServerConfig = dwNumGCs;
CLEANUP: if(FAILED(hr)) { //
// Free the allocated array if we're failing
if(*pprgServerConfig) { delete *pprgServerConfig; *pprgServerConfig = NULL; } }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CLdapCfgMgr::HrBuildArrayFromDCInfo
// Function: CLdapCfgMgr::HrInit
// Synopsis: Initialize given an array of LDAPSERVERCONFIG structs
// Arguments:
// dwcServers: Size of the array
// prgServerConfig: Array of LDAPSERVERCONFIG structs
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 12:32:11: Created.
HRESULT CLdapCfgMgr::HrInit( DWORD dwcServers, PLDAPSERVERCONFIG prgServerConfig) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CLdapCfg *pCLdapCfgOld = NULL; CLdapCfg *pCLdapCfg = NULL; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfgMgr::HrInit");
pCLdapCfg = new (dwcServers) CLdapCfg(GetISMTPServerEx());
if(pCLdapCfg == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ERROR_LOG("new CLdapCfg"); goto CLEANUP; } //
// Allow only one config change at a time
m_sharelock.ExclusiveLock(); fHaveLock = TRUE;
// Grab the current m_pCLdapCfg into pCLdapCfgOld
pCLdapCfgOld = m_pCLdapCfg;
hr = pCLdapCfg->HrInit( dwcServers, prgServerConfig, pCLdapCfgOld); ERROR_CLEANUP_LOG("pCLdapCfg->HrInit");
// Put the new configuration in place
// Swap pointers
m_pCLdapCfg = pCLdapCfg;
// Set the last update time
CLEANUP: if(fHaveLock) m_sharelock.ExclusiveUnlock(); if(pCLdapCfgOld) pCLdapCfgOld->Release();
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CLdapCfgMgr::HrInit
// Function: CLdapCfgMgr::HrGetConnection
// Synopsis: Select/return a connection
// Arguments:
// ppConn: Out parameter to receive ptr to connection
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// E_FAIL: not initialized
// error from CLdapConnectionCache
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 15:25:51: Created.
HRESULT CLdapCfgMgr::HrGetConnection( CCfgConnection **ppConn) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfgMgr::HrGetConnection");
hr = HrUpdateConfigurationIfNecessary(); ERROR_CLEANUP_LOG("HrUpdateConfigurationIfNecessary");
if(m_pCLdapCfg) {
DWORD dwcAttempts = 0; do { dwcAttempts++; hr = m_pCLdapCfg->HrGetConnection(ppConn, &m_LdapConnectionCache);
} while((hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RETRY)) && (dwcAttempts <= m_pCLdapCfg->DwNumServers())); //
// If we retried DwNumServers() times and still couldn't get a
// connection, fail with E_DBCONNECTION.
if(FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG("m_pCLdapCfg->HrGetConnection"); if(hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RETRY)) hr = CAT_E_DBCONNECTION; }
} else { hr = E_FAIL; _ASSERT(0 && "HrInit not called or did not succeed"); }
CLEANUP: DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CLdapCfgMgr::HrGetConnection
// Function: CLdapCfgMgr::LogCnfgInit
// Synopsis: Log cnfgmgr init event
// Arguments: none
// Returns: Nothing
// History:
// jstamerj 2001/12/13 00:57:18: Created.
// Function: CLdapCfgMgr::LogCnfgEntry
// Synopsis: Log cnfgmgr entry event
// Arguments: pConfig: entry to log
// Returns: Nothing
// History:
// jstamerj 2001/12/13 00:57:30: Created.
VOID CLdapCfgMgr::LogCnfgEntry( PLDAPSERVERCONFIG pConfig) { LPCSTR rgSubStrings[6]; CHAR szPort[16], szPri[16], szBindType[16];
_snprintf(szPort, sizeof(szPort), "%d", pConfig->dwPort); _snprintf(szPri, sizeof(szPri), "%d", pConfig->pri); _snprintf(szBindType, sizeof(szBindType), "%d", pConfig->bt);
rgSubStrings[0] = pConfig->szHost; rgSubStrings[1] = szPort; rgSubStrings[2] = szPri; rgSubStrings[3] = szBindType; rgSubStrings[4] = pConfig->szNamingContext; rgSubStrings[5] = pConfig->szAccount;
// Function: CLdapCfg::operator new
// Synopsis: Allocate memory for a CLdapCfg object
// Arguments:
// size: size of C++ object
// dwcServers: Number of servers in this configuration
// Returns:
// void pointer to the new object
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 13:40:56: Created.
void * CLdapCfg::operator new( size_t size, DWORD dwcServers) { CLdapCfg *pCLdapCfg; DWORD dwAllocatedSize; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)0, "CLdapCfg::operator new");
_ASSERT(size == sizeof(CLdapCfg));
// Allocate space fo the CLdapServerCfg * array contigously after
// the memory for the C++ object
dwAllocatedSize = sizeof(CLdapCfg) + (dwcServers * sizeof(CLdapServerCfg));
pCLdapCfg = (CLdapCfg *) new BYTE[dwAllocatedSize];
if(pCLdapCfg) { pCLdapCfg->m_dwSignature = SIGNATURE_CLDAPCFG; pCLdapCfg->m_dwcServers = dwcServers; pCLdapCfg->m_prgpCLdapServerCfg = (CLdapServerCfg **) (pCLdapCfg + 1); }
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)pCLdapCfg); return pCLdapCfg; } // CLdapCfg::operator new
// Function: CLdapCfg::CLdapCfg
// Synopsis: Initialize member data
// Arguments:
// Returns: NOTHING
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 13:46:50: Created.
CLdapCfg::CLdapCfg( ISMTPServerEx *pISMTPServerEx) { CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfg::CLdapCfg"); //
// signature and number of servers should be set by the new operator
// Zero out the array of pointers to CLdapServerCfg objects
ZeroMemory(m_prgpCLdapServerCfg, m_dwcServers * sizeof(CLdapServerCfg *));
m_dwInc = 0; m_dwcConnectionFailures = 0; m_pISMTPServerEx = pISMTPServerEx; if(m_pISMTPServerEx) m_pISMTPServerEx->AddRef();
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); } // CLdapCfg::CLdapCfg
// Function: CLdapCfg::~CLdapCfg
// Synopsis: Clean up
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NOTHING
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 14:47:25: Created.
CLdapCfg::~CLdapCfg() { DWORD dwCount;
CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfg::~CLdapCfg");
// Release all connections configurations
for(dwCount = 0; dwCount < m_dwcServers; dwCount++) { CLdapServerCfg *pCLdapServerCfg;
pCLdapServerCfg = m_prgpCLdapServerCfg[dwCount]; m_prgpCLdapServerCfg[dwCount] = NULL;
if(pCLdapServerCfg) pCLdapServerCfg->Release(); } if(m_pISMTPServerEx) m_pISMTPServerEx->Release();
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); } // CLdapCfg::~CLdapCfg
// Function: CLdapCfg::HrInit
// Synopsis: Initialize the configuration
// Arguments:
// dwcServers: Size of config array
// prgSeverConfig: LDAPSERVERCONFIG array
// pCLdapCfgOld: The previous configuration
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 13:52:20: Created.
HRESULT CLdapCfg::HrInit( DWORD dwcServers, PLDAPSERVERCONFIG prgServerConfig, CLdapCfg *pCLdapCfgOld) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwCount; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfg::HrInit"); //
// m_dwcServers should be initialized by the new operator
_ASSERT(dwcServers == m_dwcServers);
m_sharelock.ExclusiveLock(); //
// Zero out the array of pointers to CLdapServerCfg objects
ZeroMemory(m_prgpCLdapServerCfg, m_dwcServers * sizeof(CLdapServerCfg *));
for(dwCount = 0; dwCount < m_dwcServers; dwCount++) {
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "GC list entry: %s (%u)", prgServerConfig[dwCount].szHost, prgServerConfig[dwCount].dwPort);
CLdapServerCfg *pServerCfg = NULL;
hr = CLdapServerCfg::GetServerCfg( GetISMTPServerEx(), &(prgServerConfig[dwCount]), &pServerCfg); ERROR_CLEANUP_LOG("CLdapServerCfg::GetServerCfg");
m_prgpCLdapServerCfg[dwCount] = pServerCfg; }
CLEANUP: m_sharelock.ExclusiveUnlock();
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CLdapCfg::HrInit
// Function: CLdapCfg::HrGetConnection
// Synopsis: Select a connection and return it
// Arguments:
// ppConn: Set to a pointer to the selected connection
// pLdapConnectionCache: Cache to get connection from
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// E_FAIL: We are shutting down
// error from ldapconn
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 14:49:37: Created.
HRESULT CLdapCfg::HrGetConnection( CCfgConnection **ppConn, CCfgConnectionCache *pLdapConnectionCache) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LDAPSERVERCOST Cost, BestCost; DWORD dwCount; CLdapServerCfg *pCLdapServerCfg = NULL; BOOL fFirstServer = TRUE; DWORD dwStart, dwCurrent;
CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfg::HrGetConnection"); //
// Get the cost of the first connection
// Round robin where we start searching the array
// Do this so we will use connections with the same cost
// approximately the same amount of time.
dwStart = InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_dwInc) % m_dwcServers;
for(dwCount = 0; dwCount < m_dwcServers; dwCount++) {
dwCurrent = (dwStart + dwCount) % m_dwcServers;
if(m_prgpCLdapServerCfg[dwCurrent]) {
m_prgpCLdapServerCfg[dwCurrent]->Cost(GetISMTPServerEx(), &Cost); if(fFirstServer) { pCLdapServerCfg = m_prgpCLdapServerCfg[dwCurrent]; fFirstServer = FALSE; BestCost = Cost;
} else if(Cost < BestCost) { pCLdapServerCfg = m_prgpCLdapServerCfg[dwCurrent]; BestCost = Cost; } } } if(pCLdapServerCfg == NULL) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "HrGetConnection can not find any connections"); hr = E_FAIL; _ASSERT(0 && "HrInit not called or did not succeed"); ERROR_LOG("--pCLdapServerCfg == NULL--"); goto CLEANUP; }
if(BestCost >= COST_TOO_HIGH_TO_CONNECT) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "BestCost is too high to attempt connection"); hr = CAT_E_DBCONNECTION; ERROR_LOG("-- BestCost >= COST_TOO_HIGH_TO_CONNECT --"); goto CLEANUP; }
hr = pCLdapServerCfg->HrGetConnection(GetISMTPServerEx(), ppConn, pLdapConnectionCache);
// If we fail to connect to a GC --- there may be other GCs which
// are still up. Therefore we should try to connect to them (till
// we run out of GCs (BestCost >= COST_TOO_HIGH_TO_CONNECT)
if(FAILED(hr)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failed to connect. hr = 0x%08x", hr); ERROR_LOG("pCLdapServerCfg->HrGetConnection"); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RETRY); }
CLEANUP: m_sharelock.ShareUnlock();
if(FAILED(hr)) InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&m_dwcConnectionFailures);
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CLdapCfg::HrGetConnection
// Function: CLdapCfg::ShuffleArray
// Synopsis: Randomize the order of the CLdapServerCfg array
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NOTHING
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 19:10:06: Created.
VOID CLdapCfg::ShuffleArray() { DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwSwap; CLdapServerCfg *pTmp; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapCfg::ShuffleArray");
srand((int)(GetCurrentThreadId() * time(NULL)));
for(dwCount = 0; dwCount < (m_dwcServers - 1); dwCount++) { //
// Choose an integer between dwCount and m_dwcServers - 1
dwSwap = dwCount + (rand() % (m_dwcServers - dwCount)); //
// Swap pointers
pTmp = m_prgpCLdapServerCfg[dwCount]; m_prgpCLdapServerCfg[dwCount] = m_prgpCLdapServerCfg[dwSwap]; m_prgpCLdapServerCfg[dwSwap] = pTmp; }
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); } // CLdapCfg::ShuffleArray
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::CLdapServerCfg
// Synopsis: Initialize member variables
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NOTHING
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 15:30:32: Created.
CLdapServerCfg::CLdapServerCfg() { CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapServerCfg::CLdapServerCfg");
m_ServerConfig.dwPort = 0; m_ServerConfig.pri = 0; m_ServerConfig.bt = BIND_TYPE_NONE; m_ServerConfig.szHost[0] = '\0'; m_ServerConfig.szNamingContext[0] = '\0'; m_ServerConfig.szAccount[0] = '\0'; m_ServerConfig.szPassword[0] = '\0';
m_connstate = CONN_STATE_INITIAL; ZeroMemory(&m_ftLastStateUpdate, sizeof(m_ftLastStateUpdate)); m_dwcPendingSearches = 0; m_lRefCount = 1; m_fLocalServer = FALSE; m_dwcCurrentConnectAttempts = 0; m_dwcFailedConnectAttempts = 0;
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); } // CLdapServerCfg::CLdapServerCfg
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::InitializeFromRegistry
// Synopsis: Helper function that looks up parameters from the registry.
// Configurable parameters are:
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing.
VOID CLdapServerCfg::InitializeFromRegistry() { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwErr, dwType, dwValue, cbValue;
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbValue = sizeof(dwValue);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, GC_COST_CONNECTED_LOCAL_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &cbValue);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD) { m_dwCostConnectedLocal = dwValue; }
cbValue = sizeof(dwValue);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, GC_COST_CONNECTED_REMOTE_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &cbValue);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD) { m_dwCostConnectedRemote = dwValue; }
cbValue = sizeof(dwValue);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, GC_COST_INITIAL_LOCAL_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &cbValue);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD) { m_dwCostInitialLocal = dwValue; }
cbValue = sizeof(dwValue);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, GC_COST_INITIAL_REMOTE_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &cbValue);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD) { m_dwCostInitialRemote = dwValue; }
cbValue = sizeof(dwValue);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, GC_COST_RETRY_LOCAL_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &cbValue);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD) { m_dwCostRetryLocal = dwValue; }
cbValue = sizeof(dwValue);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, GC_COST_RETRY_REMOTE_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &cbValue);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD) { m_dwCostRetryRemote = dwValue; }
RegCloseKey( hkey );
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::~CLdapServerCfg
// Synopsis: object destructor. Check and invalidate signature
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NOTHING
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/22 11:09:03: Created.
CLdapServerCfg::~CLdapServerCfg() { CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapServerCfg::~CLdapServerCfg");
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); } // CLdapServerCfg::~CLdapServerCfg
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::HrInit
// Synopsis: Initialize with the passed in config
// Arguments:
// pCLdapCfg: the cfg object to notify when servers go down
// pServerConfig: The server config struct to use
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 15:43:25: Created.
HRESULT CLdapServerCfg::HrInit( PLDAPSERVERCONFIG pServerConfig) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapServerCfg::HrInit");
CopyMemory(&m_ServerConfig, pServerConfig, sizeof(m_ServerConfig)); //
// Check if this is the local computer
if(fIsLocalComputer(pServerConfig)) m_fLocalServer = TRUE;
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CLdapServerCfg::HrInit
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::fIsLocalComputer
// Synopsis: Determine if pServerConfig is the local computer or not
// Arguments:
// pServerConfig: the server config info structure
// Returns:
// TRUE: Server is the local computer
// FALSE: Sevrver is a remote computer
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/22 15:26:53: Created.
BOOL CLdapServerCfg::fIsLocalComputer( PLDAPSERVERCONFIG pServerConfig) { BOOL fLocal = FALSE; DWORD dwSize; CHAR szHost[CAT_MAX_DOMAIN]; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)NULL, "CLdapServerCfg::fIsLocalComputer");
// Check the FQ name
dwSize = sizeof(szHost); if(GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified, szHost, &dwSize) && (lstrcmpi(szHost, pServerConfig->szHost) == 0)) {
fLocal = TRUE; goto CLEANUP; }
// Check the DNS name
dwSize = sizeof(szHost); if(GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNameDnsHostname, szHost, &dwSize) && (lstrcmpi(szHost, pServerConfig->szHost) == 0)) {
fLocal = TRUE; goto CLEANUP; } //
// Check the netbios name
dwSize = sizeof(szHost); if(GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNameNetBIOS, szHost, &dwSize) && (lstrcmpi(szHost, pServerConfig->szHost) == 0)) {
fLocal = TRUE; goto CLEANUP;
CLEANUP: DebugTrace((LPARAM)NULL, "returning %08lx", fLocal); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)NULL); return fLocal; } // CLdapServerCfg::fIsLocalComputer
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::Cost
// Synopsis: Return the cost of choosing this connection
// Arguments:
// pCost: Cost sturcture to fill in
// Returns: NOTHING
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/17 16:08:23: Created.
VOID CLdapServerCfg::Cost( IN ISMTPServerEx *pISMTPServerEx, OUT PLDAPSERVERCOST pCost) { BOOL fShareLock = FALSE; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapServerCfg::Cost"); //
// The smallest unit of cost is the number of pending searches.
// The next factor of cost is the connection state.
// States:
// Connected = + COST_CONNECTED
// Initially state (unconnected) = + COST_INITIAL
// Connection down = + COST_RETRY
// Connection recently went down = + COST_DOWN
// A configurable priority is always added to the cost.
// Also, COST_REMOTE is added to the cost of all non-local servers.
*pCost = m_ServerConfig.pri + m_dwcPendingSearches; //
// Protect the connection state variables with a spinlock
m_sharelock.ShareLock(); fShareLock = TRUE;
switch(m_connstate) {
case CONN_STATE_INITIAL: (*pCost) += (m_fLocalServer) ? m_dwCostInitialLocal : m_dwCostInitialRemote; break;
case CONN_STATE_RETRY: if(m_dwcCurrentConnectAttempts >= MAX_CONNECT_THREADS) (*pCost) += COST_TOO_HIGH_TO_CONNECT; else (*pCost) += (m_fLocalServer) ? m_dwCostRetryLocal : m_dwCostRetryRemote; break;
// Check if the state should be changed to CONN_STATE_RETRY
if(fReadyForRetry()) { (*pCost) += (m_fLocalServer) ? m_dwCostRetryLocal : m_dwCostRetryRemote; //
// Change state
fShareLock = FALSE; m_sharelock.ShareUnlock(); m_sharelock.ExclusiveLock(); //
// Double check in the exclusive lock
if((m_connstate == CONN_STATE_DOWN) && fReadyForRetry()) {
LogStateChangeEvent( pISMTPServerEx, CONN_STATE_RETRY, m_ServerConfig.szHost, m_ServerConfig.dwPort);
m_connstate = CONN_STATE_RETRY; } m_sharelock.ExclusiveUnlock();
} else { //
// Server is probably still down (don't retry yet)
(*pCost) += (m_fLocalServer) ? COST_DOWN_LOCAL : COST_DOWN_REMOTE;
} break;
case CONN_STATE_CONNECTED: (*pCost) += (m_fLocalServer) ? m_dwCostConnectedLocal : m_dwCostConnectedRemote; break;
default: // Nothing to add
break; } if(fShareLock) m_sharelock.ShareUnlock();
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); } // CLdapServerCfg::Cost
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::HrGetConnection
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/18 10:49:04: Created.
HRESULT CLdapServerCfg::HrGetConnection( ISMTPServerEx *pISMTPServerEx, CCfgConnection **ppConn, CCfgConnectionCache *pLdapConnectionCache) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwcConnectAttempts = 0; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapServerCfg::HrGetConnection");
dwcConnectAttempts = (DWORD) InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_dwcCurrentConnectAttempts);
m_sharelock.ShareLock(); if((m_connstate == CONN_STATE_RETRY) && (dwcConnectAttempts > MAX_CONNECT_THREADS)) {
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Over max connect thread limit"); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RETRY); ERROR_LOG_STATIC( "--over max connect thread limit--", this, pISMTPServerEx); goto CLEANUP; } m_sharelock.ShareUnlock();
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Attempting to connect to %s:%d", m_ServerConfig.szHost, m_ServerConfig.dwPort);
hr = pLdapConnectionCache->GetConnection( ppConn, &m_ServerConfig, this); ERROR_CLEANUP_LOG_STATIC( "pLdapConnectionCache->GetConnection", this, pISMTPServerEx); //
// CCfgConnection::Connect will update the connection state
CLEANUP: InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_dwcCurrentConnectAttempts); DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CLdapServerCfg::HrGetConnection
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::UpdateConnectionState
// Synopsis: Update the connection state.
// Arguments:
// pft: Time of update -- if this time is before the last update done,
// then this update will be ignored.
// If NULL, the function will assume the current time.
// connstate: The new connection state.
// Returns: NOTHING
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/18 13:22:25: Created.
VOID CLdapServerCfg::UpdateConnectionState( ISMTPServerEx *pISMTPServerEx, ULARGE_INTEGER *pft_IN, CONN_STATE connstate) { ULARGE_INTEGER ft, *pft; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapServerCfg::UpdateConnectionState");
if(pft_IN != NULL) { pft = pft_IN; } else { ft = GetCurrentTime(); pft = &ft; }
// Protect connection state variables with a sharelock
m_sharelock.ShareLock(); //
// If we have the latest information about the connection state,
// then update the state if the connection state changed.
// Also update m_ftLastStateUpdate to the latest ft when the
// connection state is down -- m_ftLastStateUpdate is assumed to
// be the last connection attempt time when connstate is down.
if( (pft->QuadPart > m_ftLastStateUpdate.QuadPart) && ((m_connstate != connstate) || (connstate == CONN_STATE_DOWN))) { //
// We'd like to update the connection state
m_sharelock.ShareUnlock(); m_sharelock.ExclusiveLock(); //
// Double check
if( (pft->QuadPart > m_ftLastStateUpdate.QuadPart) && ((m_connstate != connstate) || (connstate == CONN_STATE_DOWN))) { //
// Update
if(m_connstate != connstate) { LogStateChangeEvent( pISMTPServerEx, connstate, m_ServerConfig.szHost, m_ServerConfig.dwPort); }
m_ftLastStateUpdate = *pft; m_connstate = connstate;
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Updating state %d, conn %s:%d", connstate, m_ServerConfig.szHost, m_ServerConfig.dwPort); } else {
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Ignoring state update %d, conn %s:%d", connstate, m_ServerConfig.szHost, m_ServerConfig.dwPort); } m_sharelock.ExclusiveUnlock();
} else {
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Ignoring state update %d, conn %s:%d", connstate, m_ServerConfig.szHost, m_ServerConfig.dwPort);
m_sharelock.ShareUnlock(); }
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); } // CLdapServerCfg::UpdateConnectionState
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::GetServerCfg
// Synopsis: Find or Create a CLdapServerCfg object with the specified
// configuration.
// Arguments:
// pServerConfig: desired configuration
// pCLdapServerCfg: return pointer for the CLdapServerCfg object
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/21 11:26:49: Created.
HRESULT CLdapServerCfg::GetServerCfg( IN ISMTPServerEx *pISMTPServerEx, IN PLDAPSERVERCONFIG pServerConfig, OUT CLdapServerCfg **ppCLdapServerCfg) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CLdapServerCfg *pCCfg; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)NULL, "CLdapServerCfg::GetServerCfg");
pCCfg = FindServerCfg(pServerConfig); if(pCCfg) pCCfg->AddRef();
if(pCCfg == NULL) { //
// Check again for a server cfg object inside an exclusive
// lock
pCCfg = FindServerCfg(pServerConfig); if(pCCfg) { pCCfg->AddRef(); } else { //
// Create a new object
pCCfg = new CLdapServerCfg(); if(pCCfg == NULL) {
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ERROR_LOG_STATIC( "new CLdapServerCfg", 0, pISMTPServerEx);
} else {
hr = pCCfg->HrInit(pServerConfig); if(FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG_STATIC( "pCCfg->HrInit", pCCfg, pISMTPServerEx); delete pCCfg; pCCfg = NULL; } else { //
// Add to global list
InsertTailList(&m_listhead, &(pCCfg->m_le)); } } } m_listlock.ExclusiveUnlock(); } //
// Set out parameter
*ppCLdapServerCfg = pCCfg;
DebugTrace((LPARAM)NULL, "returning hr %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)NULL); return hr;
} // CLdapServerCfg::GetServerCfg
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::FindServerCfg
// Synopsis: Find a server cfg object that matches the
// LDAPSERVERCONFIG structure. Note, m_listlock must be
// locked when calling this function.
// Arguments:
// pServerConfig: pointer to the LDAPSERVERCONFIG struct
// Returns:
// NULL: there is no such server cfg object
// else, ptr to the found CLdapServerCfg object
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/21 10:43:23: Created.
CLdapServerCfg * CLdapServerCfg::FindServerCfg( PLDAPSERVERCONFIG pServerConfig) { CLdapServerCfg *pMatch = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY ple; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)NULL, "CLdapServerCfg::FindServerCfg");
for(ple = m_listhead.Flink; (ple != &m_listhead) && (pMatch == NULL); ple = ple->Flink) {
CLdapServerCfg *pCandidate = NULL;
pCandidate = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, CLdapServerCfg, m_le);
if(pCandidate->fMatch( pServerConfig)) {
pMatch = pCandidate; } }
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)NULL); return pMatch; } // CLdapServerCfg::FindServerCfg
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::fMatch
// Synopsis: Determine if this object matches the passed in config
// Arguments:
// pServerConfig: config to check against
// Returns:
// TRUE: match
// FALSE: no match
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/21 12:45:10: Created.
BOOL CLdapServerCfg::fMatch( PLDAPSERVERCONFIG pServerConfig) { BOOL fRet; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CLdapServerCfg::fMatch");
if((pServerConfig->dwPort != m_ServerConfig.dwPort) || (pServerConfig->bt != m_ServerConfig.bt) || (lstrcmpi(pServerConfig->szHost, m_ServerConfig.szHost) != 0) || (lstrcmpi(pServerConfig->szNamingContext, m_ServerConfig.szNamingContext) != 0) || (lstrcmpi(pServerConfig->szAccount, m_ServerConfig.szAccount) != 0) || (lstrcmpi(pServerConfig->szPassword, m_ServerConfig.szPassword) != 0)) {
fRet = FALSE;
} else {
fRet = TRUE; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", fRet); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return fRet; } // CLdapServerCfg::fMatch
// Function: CLdapServerCfg::LogStateChangeEvent
// Synopsis: Log an eventlog for a state change event
// Arguments:
// pISMTPServerEx: interface for logging
// connstate: new connstate
// pszHost: host for connection
// dwPort: port of connection
// Returns: Nothing
// History:
// jstamerj 2001/12/13 01:43:13: Created.
VOID CLdapServerCfg::LogStateChangeEvent( IN ISMTPServerEx *pISMTPServerEx, IN CONN_STATE connstate, IN LPSTR pszHost, IN DWORD dwPort) { DWORD idEvent = 0; LPCSTR rgSubStrings[2]; CHAR szPort[16];
_snprintf(szPort, sizeof(szPort), "%d", dwPort);
rgSubStrings[0] = pszHost; rgSubStrings[1] = szPort;
switch(connstate) { case CONN_STATE_CONNECTED: idEvent = CAT_EVENT_CNFGMGR_CONNECTED; break;
case CONN_STATE_RETRY: idEvent = CAT_EVENT_CNFGMGR_RETRY; break; default: break; } if(idEvent) { CatLogEvent( pISMTPServerEx, idEvent, 2, rgSubStrings, S_OK, pszHost, LOGEVENT_FLAG_ALWAYS, LOGEVENT_LEVEL_MEDIUM); } }
// Function: CCfgConnection::Connect
// Synopsis: Cfg wrapper for the Connect call.
// Arguments: None
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// CAT_E_DBCONNECTION (or whatever CBatchLdapConnection::Connect returns)
// History:
// jstamerj 2000/04/13 17:44:43: Created.
HRESULT CCfgConnection::Connect() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULARGE_INTEGER ft; CONN_STATE connstate; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CCfgConnection::Connect");
connstate = m_pCLdapServerCfg->CurrentState(); if(connstate == CONN_STATE_DOWN) {
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Not connecting because %s:%d is down", m_szHost, m_dwPort); hr = CAT_E_DBCONNECTION; ERROR_LOG("m_pCLdapServerCfg->CurrentState"); goto CLEANUP; }
ft = m_pCLdapServerCfg->GetCurrentTime();
hr = CBatchLdapConnection::Connect(); if(FAILED(hr)) { connstate = CONN_STATE_DOWN; m_pCLdapServerCfg->IncrementFailedCount(); ERROR_LOG("CBatchLdapConnection::Connect"); } else { connstate = CONN_STATE_CONNECTED; m_pCLdapServerCfg->ResetFailedCount(); } //
// Update the connection state while inside CLdapConnectionCache's
// lock. This will prevent a succeeding thread from attempting
// another connection to the GC right after CLdapConnectionCache
// releases its lock. Contact msanna for more details.
m_pCLdapServerCfg->UpdateConnectionState( GetISMTPServerEx(), &ft, connstate);
CLEANUP: DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CCfgConnection::Connect
// Function: CCfgConnection::AsyncSearch
// Synopsis: Wrapper around AsyncSearch -- keep track of the # of
// pending searches and connection state.
// Arguments: See CLdapConnection::AsyncSearch
// Returns:
// Value returned from CLdapConnection::AsyncSearch
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/18 13:49:45: Created.
HRESULT CCfgConnection::AsyncSearch( LPCWSTR szBaseDN, int nScope, LPCWSTR szFilter, LPCWSTR szAttributes[], DWORD dwPageSize, LPLDAPCOMPLETION fnCompletion, LPVOID ctxCompletion) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CCfgConnection::AsyncSearch");
hr = CBatchLdapConnection::AsyncSearch( szBaseDN, nScope, szFilter, szAttributes, dwPageSize, fnCompletion, ctxCompletion);
if(FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG("CBatchLdapConnection::AsyncSearch"); m_pCLdapServerCfg->DecrementPendingSearches(); }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "returning %08lx", hr); CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CCfgConnection::AsyncSearch
// Function: CCfgConnection::CallCompletion
// Synopsis: Wrapper around CLdapConnection::CallCompletion. Checks
// for server down errors and keeps track of pending searches.
// Arguments: See CLdapConnection::CallCompletion
// Returns: See CLdapConnection::CallCompletion
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/18 13:58:28: Created.
VOID CCfgConnection::CallCompletion( PPENDING_REQUEST preq, PLDAPMessage pres, HRESULT hrStatus, BOOL fFinalCompletion) { CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CCfgConnection::CallCompletion");
// The user(s) of CLdapConnection normally try to get a new
// connection and reissue their search when AsyncSearch
// fails. When opening a new connection fails, CLdapServerCfg
// will be notified that the LDAP server is down. We do not
// want to call NotifyServerDown() here because the LDAP
// server may have just closed this connection due to idle
// time (the server may not actually be down).
if(fFinalCompletion) {
m_pCLdapServerCfg->DecrementPendingSearches(); }
CBatchLdapConnection::CallCompletion( preq, pres, hrStatus, fFinalCompletion);
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); } // CCfgConnection::CallCompletion
// Function: CCfgConnection::NotifyServerDown
// Synopsis: Notify the server config that this connection is down.
// If we already notified it, don't do so again.
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NOTHING
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/18 14:07:48: Created.
VOID CCfgConnection::NotifyServerDown() { BOOL fNotify; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CCfgConnection::NotifyServerDown");
m_sharelock.ShareLock(); if(m_connstate == CONN_STATE_DOWN) { //
// We already notified m_pCLdapServerCfg the server went
// down. Don't repeteadly call it
fNotify = FALSE;
} else {
m_sharelock.ShareUnlock(); m_sharelock.ExclusiveLock(); //
// Double check
if(m_connstate == CONN_STATE_DOWN) {
fNotify = FALSE;
} else { m_connstate = CONN_STATE_DOWN; fNotify = TRUE; } m_sharelock.ExclusiveUnlock(); } if(fNotify) m_pCLdapServerCfg->UpdateConnectionState( GetISMTPServerEx(), NULL, // Current time
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); } // CCfgConnection::NotifyServerDown
// Function: CatStoreInitGlobals
// Synopsis: This is called to initialize global variables in the
// store layer.
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/22 11:03:53: Created.
HRESULT CatStoreInitGlobals() { CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)NULL, "CatStoreInitGlobals");
CLdapServerCfg::GlobalInit(); CLdapConnection::GlobalInit();
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)NULL); return S_OK; } // CatStoreInitGlobals
// Function: CatStoreDeinitGlobals
// Synopsis: Called to deinitialize store layer globals -- called once
// only when CatStoreInitGlobals succeeds
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NOTHING
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/06/22 11:05:44: Created.
VOID CatStoreDeinitGlobals() { CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)NULL, "CatStoreDeinitGlobals"); //
// Nothing to do
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)NULL); } // CatStoreDeinitGlobals
// Function: CCfgConnectionCache::GetConnection
// Synopsis: Same as CLdapConnectionCache::GetConnection, except
// retrieves a CCfgConnection instead of a CLdapConnection.
// Arguments:
// ppConn: out parameter for new connection
// pServerConfig: desired configuration
// pCLdapServerConfig: Pointer to config object
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/12/20 16:49:12: Created.
HRESULT CCfgConnectionCache::GetConnection( CCfgConnection **ppConn, PLDAPSERVERCONFIG pServerConfig, CLdapServerCfg *pCLdapServerConfig) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CCfgConnectionCache::GetConnection");
hr = CBatchLdapConnectionCache::GetConnection( (CBatchLdapConnection **)ppConn, pServerConfig->szHost, pServerConfig->dwPort, pServerConfig->szNamingContext, pServerConfig->szAccount, pServerConfig->szPassword, pServerConfig->bt, (PVOID) pCLdapServerConfig); // pCreateContext
if(FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG("CBatchldapConnection::GetConnection"); }
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; } // CCfgConnectionCache::GetConnection
// Function: CCfgConnectionCache::CreateCachedLdapConnection
// Synopsis: Create a CCfgConnection (Called by GetConnection only)
// Arguments: See CLdapConnectionCache::CreateCachedLdapConnection
// Returns:
// Connection ptr if successfull.
// NULL if unsuccessfull.
// History:
// jstamerj 1999/12/20 16:57:49: Created.
CCfgConnectionCache::CCachedLdapConnection * CCfgConnectionCache::CreateCachedLdapConnection( LPSTR szHost, DWORD dwPort, LPSTR szNamingContext, LPSTR szAccount, LPSTR szPassword, LDAP_BIND_TYPE bt, PVOID pCreateContext) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CCfgConnection *pret; CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CCfgConnectionCache::CreateCachedLdapConnection");
pret = new CCfgConnection( szHost, dwPort, szNamingContext, szAccount, szPassword, bt, this, (CLdapServerCfg *)pCreateContext);
if(pret) { hr = pret->HrInitialize(); if(FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG("pret->HrInitialize"); pret->Release(); pret = NULL; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ERROR_LOG("new CCfgConnection"); }
CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return pret; } // CCfgConnectionCache::CreateCachedLdapConnection