// File: main.cpp
// Description: Main file for SMTP retry sink
// Author: NimishK
// History:
// 7/15/99 - MikeSwa Moved to Platinum
// Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#define MAX_RETRY_OBJECTS 15000
#define DEFAULT_GLITCH_FAILURE_RETRY_SECONDS (1 * 60) // retry a glitch intwo minutes
#define DEFAULT_FIRST_TIER_RETRY_SECONDS (15 * 60) // retry a failure in 15 minutes
#define DEFAULT_SECOND_TIER_RETRY_SECONDS (60 * 60) // retry a failure in 60 minutes
// provide memory for static declared in RETRYHASH_ENTRY
//Forward declarations
BOOL ShouldHoldForRetry(DWORD dwConnectionStatus, DWORD cFailedMsgCount, DWORD cTriedMsgCount);
//Debugging related
#define LOGGING_DIRECTORY "c:\\temp\\"
void WriteDebugInfo(CRETRY_HASH_ENTRY* pRHEntry, DWORD DebugType, DWORD dwConnectionStatus, DWORD cTriedMessages, DWORD cFailedMessages); #endif
// Logic :
// In a normal state every hashentry is added to a retry hash and
// a retry queue strcture.
// An entry is considered deleted when removed from both structures.
// The deletion could happen in two ways depending on the sequence in
// which the entry is removed from the two structres.
// For eg : when an entry is to be released from retry, we start by
// dequeing it from RETRYQ and then remove it from hash table.
// On the other hand when we get successful ConnectionReleased( ) for
// a domain that we are holding fro retry, we remove it from the hash
// table first based on the name.
// The following is the logic for deletion that has least contention and
// guards against race conditions.
// Every hash entry has normally two ref counts - one for hash table and
// the other for the retry queue.
// If a thread gets into ProcessEntry(), that means it dequed a
// hash entry from RETRYQ. Obviously no other thread is going to
// succeed in dequeing this same entry.
// Some other thread could possibily remove it from the table, but
// will not succeed in dequeing it from RETRYQ.
// The deletion logic is that only the thread succeeding in dequing
// the hash entry from RETRYQ frees it up.
// The conflicting thread that removed the entry from hashtable via a
// call to RemoveDomain() will fail on deque and simply carry on.
// The thread that succeeded in dequeing may fail to remove it from hash
// table becasue somebody has already removed it, but still goes ahead
// and frees up the hash entry
HRESULT CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::HrInitialize(IN IConnectionRetryManager *pIConnectionRetryManager) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::HrInitialize"); //Decide if we need to copy over data from earlier sink
_ASSERT(pIConnectionRetryManager != NULL);
if(!pIConnectionRetryManager) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Bad Init params"); return E_FAIL; }
m_pIRetryManager = pIConnectionRetryManager; m_ThreadsInRetry = 0;
if(InterlockedIncrement((LONG*)&CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::dwInstanceCount) == 1) { //First instance to come in reserves the memory for the retry entries
if (!CRETRY_HASH_ENTRY::PoolForHashEntries.ReserveMemory( MAX_RETRY_OBJECTS, sizeof(CRETRY_HASH_ENTRY))) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace((LPARAM)NULL, "ReserveMemory failed for CRETRY_HASH_ENTRY. err: %u", err); _ASSERT(err != NO_ERROR); if(err == NO_ERROR) err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)NULL); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } }
//Initialize Hash Table
m_pRetryHash = new CRETRY_HASH_TABLE();
if(!m_pRetryHash || !m_pRetryHash->IsHashTableValid()) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failed to initialize the hash table "); _ASSERT(0); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return E_FAIL; }
//Create the retry queue
m_pRetryQueue = CRETRY_Q::CreateQueue(); if(!m_pRetryQueue) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failed to initialize the retry queue "); _ASSERT(0); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return E_FAIL; }
//create the Retry queue event. Others will set this event
//when something is placed at the top of the queue or when
//Sink needs to shutdown
m_RetryEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_RetryEvent == NULL) { TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
//create the Shutdown event. The last of the ConnectionReleased
//threads will set this event when the Shutting down flag is set.
m_ShutdownEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_ShutdownEvent == NULL) { TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
//create the thread that processes things out of the
//the queue
DWORD ThreadId; m_ThreadHandle = CreateThread (NULL, 0, CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::RetryThreadRoutine, this, 0, &ThreadId); if (m_ThreadHandle == NULL) { TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
//Initialize RetryQ
return S_OK; TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
HRESULT CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::HrDeInitialize(void) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::HrDeInitialize");
//Set the flag that the Handler is shutting down
SetShuttingDown(); //Release the Retry thread by setting the retry event
SetQueueEvent(); //Wait for the thread to exit
//NK** - right now this is infinite wait - but that needs to
//change and we will have to comeout and keep giving hints
//At this point we just need to wait for all the threads that are in there
//to go out and we can then shutdown
//Obviously ConnectionManager has to to stop sending threads this way
//NK** - right now this is infinite wait - but that needs to
//change and we will have to comeout and keep giving hints
if(m_ThreadsInRetry) WaitForShutdown();
//Close the shutdown Event handle
if(m_ShutdownEvent != NULL) CloseHandle(m_ShutdownEvent);
//Close the Retry Event handle
if(m_RetryEvent != NULL) CloseHandle(m_RetryEvent);
//Close the Retry Thread handle
if(m_ThreadHandle != NULL) CloseHandle(m_ThreadHandle);
//Once all threads are gone
//we can deinit the hash table and the queue
m_pRetryQueue->DeInitialize(); m_pRetryHash->DeInitialize();
//Release the shedule manager
if(InterlockedDecrement((LONG*)&CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::dwInstanceCount) == 0) { //finally, release all our memory
CRETRY_HASH_ENTRY::PoolForHashEntries.ReleaseMemory(); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); delete this; return S_OK; }
//---[ CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::ConnectionReleased ]-------------------------------
// Description:
// Default sink for ConnectionReleased event
// Parameters:
// - see aqintrnl.idl for a description of parameters
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
// History:
// 9/24/98 - MikeSwa updated from original ConnectionReleased
STDMETHODIMP CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::ConnectionReleased( IN DWORD cbDomainName, IN CHAR szDomainName[], IN DWORD dwDomainInfoFlags, IN DWORD dwScheduleID, IN GUID guidRouting, IN DWORD dwConnectionStatus, IN DWORD cFailedMessages, IN DWORD cTriedMessages, IN DWORD cConsecutiveConnectionFailures, OUT BOOL* pfAllowImmediateRetry, OUT FILETIME *pftNextRetryTime) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::ConnectionReleased");
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwError; GUID guid = GUID_NULL; LPSTR szRouteHashedDomain = NULL;
//Keep a track of threads that are inside
//This will be needed in shutdown
//By default, we will allow the domain to retry
_ASSERT(pfAllowImmediateRetry); *pfAllowImmediateRetry = TRUE;
if(TRUE) { // Check what we want to do
// **If we need to disable the connection - disable it
// **Check if there are any outstanding connections
// If no connections, calculate the retry time and add in the queue and return
if(ShouldHoldForRetry(dwConnectionStatus, cFailedMessages, cTriedMessages)) { //Do not hold TURN/ETRN domains for retry (except for "glitch" retry)
if((!(dwDomainInfoFlags & (DOMAIN_INFO_TURN_ONLY | DOMAIN_INFO_ETRN_ONLY))) || (cConsecutiveConnectionFailures < m_dwRetryThreshold)) { //Insert it - we could fail to insert it if an entry already exists
//That is OK - we will return success
if(!InsertDomain(szDomainName, cbDomainName, dwConnectionStatus, dwScheduleID, &guidRouting, cConsecutiveConnectionFailures, cTriedMessages, cFailedMessages, pftNextRetryTime )) { dwError = GetLastError(); DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failed to insert %s entry into retry hash table : Err : %d ", szDomainName, dwError);
if(dwError == ERROR_FILE_EXISTS ) { //We did not insert because the entry was already there
*pfAllowImmediateRetry = FALSE; hr = S_OK; goto Exit; } else { if(dwError == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { _ASSERT(0); hr = E_FAIL; } goto Exit; } } //Normal retry domain
*pfAllowImmediateRetry = FALSE; DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Holding domain %s for retry",szDomainName); } } else { // Some connection succeeded for this domain.
//If we have it marked for retry - it needs to be freed up
//Looks like the incident which caused retry has cleared up.
//Hash schedule ID and router guid to domain name
CreateRouteHash(cbDomainName, szDomainName, ROUTE_HASH_SCHEDULE_ID, &guidRouting, dwScheduleID, szHashedDomain, sizeof(szHashedDomain));
RemoveDomain(szHashedDomain); hr = S_OK; goto Exit; } } hr = S_OK;
Exit :
//Keep a track of threads that are inside
//This will be needed in shutdown
if(InterlockedDecrement(&m_ThreadsInRetry) == 0 && IsShuttingDown()) { //we signal the shutdown event to indicate that
//no more threads are in the system
_ASSERT(m_ShutdownEvent != NULL); SetEvent(m_ShutdownEvent); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return hr; }
BOOL CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::InsertDomain(char * szDomainName, IN DWORD cbDomainName, IN DWORD dwConnectionStatus, //eConnectionStatus
IN DWORD dwScheduleID, IN GUID *pguidRouting, IN DWORD cConnectionFailureCount, IN DWORD cTriedMessages, //# of untried messages in queue
IN DWORD cFailedMessages, //# of failed message for *this* connection
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::InsertDomain");
//Get the insertion time for the entry
//Cpool based allocations for hash entries
pRHEntry = new CRETRY_HASH_ENTRY (szDomainName, cbDomainName, dwScheduleID, pguidRouting, &TimeNow);
if(!pRHEntry) { //_ASSERT(0);
dwError = GetLastError(); DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "failed to Create a new hash entry : %s err: %d", szDomainName, dwError); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
//Based on the current time and the number of connections failures calculate the
//time of release for retry
RetryTime = CalculateRetryTime(cConnectionFailureCount, &TimeNow); pRHEntry->SetRetryReleaseTime(&RetryTime); pRHEntry->SetFailureCount(cConnectionFailureCount);
//The hash entry has been initialized
//Insert it - we could fail to insert it if an entry already exists
//That is OK - we will return success
if(!m_pRetryHash->InsertIntoTable (pRHEntry)) { //Free up the entry
_ASSERT(pRHEntry); delete pRHEntry; TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; } else { //Report next retry time
if (pftNextRetry) memcpy(pftNextRetry, &RetryTime, sizeof(FILETIME));
//Insert into the retry queue.
BOOL fTopOfQueue = FALSE; //Lock the queue
m_pRetryQueue->LockQ(); m_pRetryQueue->InsertSortedIntoQueue(pRHEntry, &fTopOfQueue);
#ifdef DEBUG
//Add ref count for logging before releasing the lock
//Do rtacing afterwards so as to reduce lock time
pRHEntry->IncRefCount(); #endif
m_pRetryQueue->UnLockQ(); //If the insertion was at the top of the queue
//wake up the retry thread to evaluate the new
//sleep time
if(fTopOfQueue) { SetEvent(m_RetryEvent); }
#ifdef DEBUG
//Write out the insert and release time to a file
WriteDebugInfo(pRHEntry, INSERT, dwConnectionStatus, cTriedMessages, cFailedMessages); //Decrement the ref count obtained for the tracing
pRHEntry->DecRefCount(); #endif
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE;
BOOL CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::RemoveDomain(char * szDomainName) { PRETRY_HASH_ENTRY pRHEntry;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::RemoveDomain");
if(!m_pRetryHash->RemoveFromTable(szDomainName, &pRHEntry)) { if(GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) return TRUE; else { _ASSERT(0); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; } }
_ASSERT(pRHEntry != NULL);
//Remove it from the queue
m_pRetryQueue->LockQ(); if(!m_pRetryQueue->RemoveFromQueue(pRHEntry)) { m_pRetryQueue->UnLockQ(); if(GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) return TRUE; else { _ASSERT(0); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; } } m_pRetryQueue->UnLockQ();
//If successful in removing from the queue then we are not competing with
//the Retry thread
//decrement hash table ref count as well as the ref count for the queue
pRHEntry->DecRefCount(); pRHEntry->DecRefCount();
//Release this entry by setting the right flags
//This should always succeed
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Releasing domain %s because another connection succeeded", szDomainName); if(!ReleaseForRetry(szDomainName)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failed to release the entry"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); //_ASSERT(0);
} return TRUE; }
// CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::CalculateRetryTime
// Logic to decide based on the number of failed connection how long to hld this
// domain for retry
FILETIME CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::CalculateRetryTime(DWORD cFailedConnections, FILETIME* InsertedTime) { FILETIME ftTemp; LONGLONG Temptime; DWORD dwRetryMilliSec = 0;
//Does this look like a glitch
//A glitch is defined as less than x consecutive failures
if(cFailedConnections < m_dwRetryThreshold) dwRetryMilliSec = m_dwGlitchRetrySeconds * 1000; else { switch(cFailedConnections - m_dwRetryThreshold) { case 0: dwRetryMilliSec = m_dwFirstRetrySeconds * 1000; break;
case 1: dwRetryMilliSec = m_dwSecondRetrySeconds * 1000; break;
case 2: dwRetryMilliSec = m_dwThirdRetrySeconds * 1000; break;
case 3: dwRetryMilliSec = m_dwFourthRetrySeconds * 1000; break;
default: dwRetryMilliSec = m_dwFourthRetrySeconds * 1000; break; } }
Temptime = INT64_FROM_FILETIME(*InsertedTime) + HnsFromMs((__int64)dwRetryMilliSec); // HnsFromMin(m_RetryMinutes)
ftTemp = FILETIME_FROM_INT64(Temptime);
return ftTemp; }
// Description :
// Process the hash entry removed from the queue because it is
// time to release the corresponding domain.
// We mark the domain active for retry and then take the hash
// entry out of the hash table and delete the hash entry.
void CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::ProcessEntry(PRETRY_HASH_ENTRY pRHEntry) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::ProcessEntry");
_ASSERT(pRHEntry != NULL);
if (pRHEntry->IsCallback()) { //call callback function
pRHEntry->ExecCallback(); } else { //Remove the entry from the hash table
if(!m_pRetryHash->RemoveFromTable(pRHEntry->GetHashKey(), &pTempEntry)) { _ASSERT(GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); }
//Check to see if this is
//Release this entry by setting the right flags
//This shoudl alway suceed
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Releasing domain %s for retry", pRHEntry->GetHashKey()); if(!ReleaseForRetry(pRHEntry->GetHashKey())) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failed to release the entry %s", pRHEntry->GetHashKey()); // _ASSERT(0);
//Irrespective of fail or success while removing the hash entry,
//we decrement the refcount for both the hash table
pRHEntry->DecRefCount(); }
pRHEntry->DecRefCount(); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
// CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::UpdateAllEntries
// Whenever the config data changes we update the release time for the queues
// based on it.
BOOL CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::UpdateAllEntries(void) { CRETRY_HASH_ENTRY * pHashEntry = NULL; CRETRY_Q * pTempRetryQueue = NULL; FILETIME ftInsertTime, ftRetryTime; DWORD cConnectionFailureCount = 0; BOOL fTopOfQueue; BOOL fInserted = FALSE;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CRETRY_Q::UpdateAllEntries");
//Create the temporary retry queue
pTempRetryQueue = CRETRY_Q::CreateQueue(); if(!pTempRetryQueue) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failed to initialize the temp retry queue "); _ASSERT(0); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
//Create a new queue and load everything into it
while(1) { //Get the top entry from first queue
//Do not release the ref count on it - we need the entry to be around
//so as to reinsert it at the right place in the updated queue
pHashEntry = m_pRetryQueue->RemoveFromTop();
//If we get hash entry
if(pHashEntry) { if (!pHashEntry->IsCallback()) //don't update times of callbacks
{ ftInsertTime = pHashEntry->GetInsertTime(); cConnectionFailureCount = pHashEntry->GetFailureCount();
ftRetryTime = CalculateRetryTime(cConnectionFailureCount, &ftInsertTime); pHashEntry->SetRetryReleaseTime(&ftRetryTime); #ifdef DEBUG
WriteDebugInfo(pHashEntry,UPDATE,0,0,0); #endif
//Insert the entry into the new queue using the new Release time
//This will bump up the ref count.
pTempRetryQueue->InsertSortedIntoQueue(pHashEntry, &fTopOfQueue);
//Decrement the ref count to correspond to remove from Old queue now
fInserted = TRUE;
} else break; }
//Update the old queue head with the Flink/Blink ptrs from the new queue
if(fInserted) { m_pRetryQueue->StealQueueEntries(pTempRetryQueue); }
pTempRetryQueue->DeInitialize(); m_pRetryQueue->UnLockQ(); SetEvent(m_RetryEvent); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE;
// Name :
// CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::RetryThreadRoutine
// Description:
// This function is the static member
// function that gets passed to CreateThread
// during the initialization. It is the main
// thread that does the work of releasing the
// domain that are being held for retry.
// Arguments:
// A pointer to a RETRYQ
// Returns:
DWORD WINAPI CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::RetryThreadRoutine(void * ThisPtr) { CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER* RetryHandler = (CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER*)ThisPtr; CRETRY_Q* QueuePtr = (CRETRY_Q*) RetryHandler->GetQueuePtr(); PRETRY_HASH_ENTRY pRHEntry; DWORD dwDelay; //Delay in seconds to sleep for
// HANDLE WaitTable[2];
// HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)QueuePtr, "CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::RetryThreadRoutine");
//This thread will permanently loop on the retry queue.
//If we find something at the top of the queue that can be retried, it gets
while(TRUE) { //if we are shutting down, break out of the loop
if (RetryHandler->IsShuttingDown()) { goto Out; }
//if we find the top entry to be ready for a retry
//we remove it from the queue and do the needful
if( QueuePtr->CanRETRYHeadEntry(&pRHEntry, &dwDelay)) { //We got an entry to process
//Processing should be simply enabling a link
if(pRHEntry) { RetryHandler->ProcessEntry(pRHEntry); } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM)QueuePtr, "Error getting a domain entry off the retry queue"); } } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM)QueuePtr,"Sleeping for %d seconds", dwDelay); //Goto Sleep
WaitForSingleObject(RetryHandler->m_RetryEvent,dwDelay); } } //end while
DebugTrace((LPARAM)QueuePtr,"Queue thread exiting"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)QueuePtr); return 1; }
// Logic to decide based on the failure condition if the connection needs to be
// disabled and added to retry queue
// If we fail we hold it for retry
// Otherwise if we tried more than one messages and every one of them failed we
// hold for retry
// In all other cases we keep the link active
// 2/5/99 - MikeSwa Modified to kick all non-success acks into retry
BOOL ShouldHoldForRetry(DWORD dwConnectionStatus, DWORD cFailedMsgCount, DWORD cTriedMsgCount) {
//If connection failed or all messages on this connection failed TRUE
if(dwConnectionStatus != CONNECTION_STATUS_OK) { return TRUE; } else if( cTriedMsgCount > 0 && !(cTriedMsgCount - cFailedMsgCount)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; }
//---[ CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::SetCallbackTime ]----------------------------------
// Description:
// Puts an entry in the retry queue to provide a callback at a specified
// later time.
// Parameters:
// IN pCallbackFn Pointer to retry function
// IN pvContext Context passed to retry function
// IN dwCallbackMinutes Minutes to wait before calling back
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if a hash entry cannot be allocated
// E_INVALIDARG of pCallbackFn is NULL
// History:
// 8/17/98 - MikeSwa Created
HRESULT CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::SetCallbackTime( IN RETRFN pCallbackFn, IN PVOID pvContext, IN DWORD dwCallbackMinutes) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::SetCallbackTime"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; CRETRY_HASH_ENTRY* pRHEntry = NULL; BOOL fTopOfQueue = FALSE; FILETIME TimeNow; FILETIME RetryTime; LONGLONG Temptime; GUID guidFakeRoutingGUID = GUID_NULL;
//This (and all other occurences of this in retrsink) is not really thread
//safe... but since the code calling the retrsink *is* thread safe,
//this is not too much of a problem. Still, this should get fixed for M3
//though - MikeSwa 8/17/98
if (!pCallbackFn) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
//Get the insertion time for the entry
pRHEntry = new CRETRY_HASH_ENTRY (CALLBACK_DOMAIN, sizeof(CALLBACK_DOMAIN), 0, &guidFakeRoutingGUID, &TimeNow); if (!pRHEntry) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "ERROR: Unable to allocate retry hash entry"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
//Calculate retry time
Temptime = INT64_FROM_FILETIME(TimeNow) + HnsFromMs((__int64)dwCallbackMinutes*60*1000); RetryTime = FILETIME_FROM_INT64(Temptime);
//set callback time
pRHEntry->SetRetryReleaseTime(&RetryTime); pRHEntry->SetCallbackContext(pCallbackFn, pvContext);
//Lock the queue
m_pRetryQueue->LockQ(); m_pRetryQueue->InsertSortedIntoQueue(pRHEntry, &fTopOfQueue);
#ifdef DEBUG
//Add ref count for logging before releasing the lock
//Do rtacing afterwards so as to reduce lock time
#endif //DEBUG
m_pRetryQueue->UnLockQ(); //If the insertion was at the top of the queue
//wake up the retry thread to evaluate the new
//sleep time
if(fTopOfQueue) { SetEvent(m_RetryEvent); }
#ifdef DEBUG
//Write out the insert and release time to a file
WriteDebugInfo(pRHEntry, INSERT, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0,0);
//Decrement the ref count obtained for the tracing
#endif //DEBUG
Exit: InterlockedDecrement(&m_ThreadsInRetry); TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
//---[ ReleaseForRetry ]-------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Releases given domain for retry by setting link state flags
// Parameters:
// IN szHashedDomainName Route-hashed domain name to release
// Returns:
// TRUE on success
// FALSE on failure
// History:
// 9/25/98 - MikeSwa Created (adapted from inline function)
BOOL CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::ReleaseForRetry(IN char * szHashedDomainName) { _ASSERT(szHashedDomainName); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwScheduleID = dwGetIDFromRouteHash(szHashedDomainName); GUID guidRouting = GUID_NULL; LPSTR szUnHashedDomain = szGetDomainFromRouteHash(szHashedDomainName);
GetGUIDFromRouteHash(szHashedDomainName, &guidRouting);
hr = m_pIRetryManager->RetryLink(lstrlen(szUnHashedDomain), szUnHashedDomain, dwScheduleID, guidRouting);
return (SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
// Debugging functions
#ifdef DEBUG
void CSMTP_RETRY_HANDLER::DumpAll(void) { m_pRetryQueue->PrintAllEntries(); }
void WriteDebugInfo(CRETRY_HASH_ENTRY* pRHEntry, DWORD DebugType, DWORD dwConnectionStatus, DWORD cTriedMessages, DWORD cFailedMessages) { //open a transcript file and put the insert and release times in it
SYSTEMTIME stRetryTime, stInsertTime, stLocalInsertTime, stLocalRetryTime; char szScratch[MAX_PATH]; char sztmp[20]; DWORD cbWritten; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tz;
FileTimeToSystemTime(&pRHEntry->GetRetryTime(), &stRetryTime); FileTimeToSystemTime(&pRHEntry->GetInsertTime(), &stInsertTime);
GetTimeZoneInformation(&tz); SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&tz, &stInsertTime, &stLocalInsertTime); SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&tz, &stRetryTime, &stLocalRetryTime);
if(DebugType == INSERT) { //Get rid of annoying routing information
if (lstrcmp(pRHEntry->GetHashKey(), CALLBACK_DOMAIN)) { sprintf(pRHEntry->m_szTranscriptFile, "%s%.200s.%p.rtr", LOGGING_DIRECTORY, szGetDomainFromRouteHash(pRHEntry->GetHashKey()), pRHEntry); } else { //callback function
sprintf(pRHEntry->m_szTranscriptFile, "%s%.200s.rtr", LOGGING_DIRECTORY, pRHEntry->GetHashKey());
_ASSERT(strlen(pRHEntry->m_szTranscriptFile) < MAX_PATH);
switch(dwConnectionStatus) { case 0: lstrcpy( sztmp, "OK"); break; case 1: lstrcpy( sztmp, "FAILED"); break; case 2: lstrcpy( sztmp, "DROPPED"); break; default:lstrcpy( sztmp, "UNKNOWN"); break; }
sprintf(szScratch,"InsertTime:%d:%d:%d Retrytime:%d:%d:%d\nConnection status:%s Consecutive failures:%d\nMessages Tried:%d Failed:%d\n\n", stLocalInsertTime.wHour, stLocalInsertTime. wMinute,stLocalInsertTime.wSecond, stLocalRetryTime.wHour, stLocalRetryTime.wMinute, stLocalRetryTime.wSecond, sztmp, pRHEntry->GetFailureCount(), cTriedMessages, cFailedMessages);
if( pRHEntry->m_hTranscriptHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetFilePointer(pRHEntry->m_hTranscriptHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_END); ::WriteFile(pRHEntry->m_hTranscriptHandle, szScratch, strlen(szScratch), &cbWritten, NULL); } } else if (DebugType == UPDATE) { sprintf(szScratch,"Updated : InsertedTime:%d:%d:%d Retrytime:%d:%d:%d\n\n", stLocalInsertTime.wHour, stLocalInsertTime.wMinute, stLocalInsertTime.wSecond, stLocalRetryTime.wHour, stLocalRetryTime.wMinute, stLocalRetryTime.wSecond);
if( pRHEntry->m_hTranscriptHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetFilePointer(pRHEntry->m_hTranscriptHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_END); ::WriteFile(pRHEntry->m_hTranscriptHandle, szScratch, strlen(szScratch), &cbWritten, NULL); } } }