#include "smtpinc.h"
#include "dirnot.hxx"
#include "headers.hxx"
#include "timeconv.h"
#include "smtpcli.hxx"
// ProgID for IMsg - this needs to be published in an SDK
#define IMSG_PROGID L"Exchange.IMsg"
#define MAILMSG_PROGID L"Exchange.MailMsg"
extern void GenerateMessageId (char * Buffer, DWORD BuffLen); extern DWORD GetIncreasingMsgId(); extern BOOL FindNextUnquotedOccurrence(char *lpszString,DWORD dwStringLength, char cSearch,char **ppszLocation);
static char * Daynames[7] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"};
//Event used make write files blocking
HANDLE g_hFileWriteEvent;
// provide memory for static declared in SMTP_DIRNOT
int strcasecmp(char *s1, char *s2); int strncasecmp(char *s1, char *s2, int n);
// Function: CBuffer
// Synopsis: constructor
// Arguments: void
// Returns: void
CBuffer::CBuffer( BOOL bEncrypted ) : m_dwSignature( DIRNOT_BUFFER_SIGNATURE ), m_bEncrypted( bEncrypted ) { TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "CBuffer::CBuffer" );
// allocate the IO Buffer for this CBuffer
// allocator needs to call GetData to ensure m_pIoBuffer is not NULL
ZeroMemory (&m_Overlapped, sizeof(m_Overlapped)); m_pIoBuffer = new CIoBuffer;
m_Overlapped.pBuffer = this; m_cCount = 0; }
// Function: CBuffer::~CBuffer
// Synopsis: frees associated IO buffer
// Arguments: void
// Returns: void
CBuffer::~CBuffer( void ) { TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "CBuffer::~CBuffer" );
// delete the IO Buffer for this CBuffer
if ( m_pIoBuffer != NULL ) { delete m_pIoBuffer; m_pIoBuffer = NULL; } TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
Constructs a new SMTP connection object for the client connection given the client connection socket and socket address. This constructor is private. Only the Static member funtion, declared below, can call it.
_ASSERT(pInstance != NULL);
m_hDir = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_pAtqContext = NULL; m_cPendingIoCount = 0; m_cDirChangeIoCount = 0; m_cActiveThreads = 0; m_pInstance = pInstance; //m_pRetryQ = NULL;
m_Signature = SMTP_DIRNOT_SIGNATURE_VALID; InitializeCriticalSection (&m_CritFindLock);
m_FindThreads = 0; m_FindFirstHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_bDelayedFind = FALSE;
TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "SMTP_DIRNOT::~SMTP_DIRNOT" );
_ASSERT(GetThreadCount() == 0);
//release the context from Atq
pAtqContext = (PATQ_CONTEXT)InterlockedExchangePointer( (PVOID *)&m_pAtqContext, (PVOID) NULL); if ( pAtqContext != NULL ) { pAtqContext->hAsyncIO = NULL; AtqFreeContext( pAtqContext, TRUE ); }
// Invalidate the signature. since this connection is trashed.
hTemp = (HANDLE)InterlockedExchangePointer( (PVOID *)&g_hFileWriteEvent, (PVOID) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if ( hTemp != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle(hTemp); }
DeleteCriticalSection (&m_CritFindLock);
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
void SMTP_DIRNOT::SetPickupRetryQueueEvent(void) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "SMTP_SERVER_INSTANCE::SetPickupRetryQueueEvent");
// m_pRetryQ->SetQueueEvent();
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
BOOL SMTP_DIRNOT::InitializeObject (char *DirPickupName, ATQ_COMPLETION pfnCompletion) { DWORD error = 0; //PATQ_CONT pContext;
HANDLE StopHandle; DWORD i;
TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "SMTP_DIRNOT::InitializeObject" );
_ASSERT(m_pInstance != NULL);
//open the directory
m_hDir = CreateFile (DirPickupName, FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); if(m_hDir == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "CreateFile on %s failed with error %d ", DirPickupName, GetLastError()); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return FALSE; }
g_hFileWriteEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if(g_hFileWriteEvent == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "CreateEvent() failed for FileWriteEvent with error %d ", GetLastError()); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return FALSE; }
StopHandle = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if(StopHandle == NULL) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "CreateEvent() failed with error %d ", GetLastError()); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return FALSE; }
//add it to our Gibraltar interface
if(!AtqAddAsyncHandle( &m_pAtqContext, NULL, this, pfnCompletion, INFINITE, m_hDir)) { error = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "AtqAddAsyncHandle on %s failed with error %d ", DirPickupName, GetLastError()); CloseHandle (m_hDir); CloseHandle (StopHandle); m_hDir = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; StopHandle = NULL; TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return FALSE; }
// pend a set of outstanding directory change notifications, at all times, we want
// at least one notification outstanding, so pend 3 or 4
for (i = 0; i < OUTSTANDING_NOTIFICATIONS; i++) { if(!PendDirChangeNotification ()) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "PendDirChangeNotification on failed with error %d ", GetLastError()); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Setting stop handle because PendDirChangeNotification () failed"); SetEvent(StopHandle); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return FALSE; } }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return TRUE; }
void SMTP_DIRNOT::CloseDirHandle (void) { HANDLE hDir = NULL; int i = 0; int Count = 0; int AfterSleepCount = 0; DWORD dwLastAllocCount = 0; DWORD dwAllocCount = 0; DWORD dwStopHint = 2; DWORD dwTickCount = 0;
TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "SMTP_DIRNOT::CloseDirHandle" );
_ASSERT(m_pInstance != NULL);
hDir = (HANDLE) InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID *) &m_hDir, NULL); if(hDir != NULL) { CloseHandle (hDir); }
// need to check Pool.GetAllocCount instead of InUseList.Empty
// because alloc goes to zero during the delete operator
// instead of during the destructor
dwTickCount = GetTickCount(); for( i = 0; i < 240; i++ ) { dwAllocCount = (DWORD) QuerySmtpInstance()->GetCBufferAllocCount ();
if ( dwAllocCount == 0) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "All pickup CBuffers are gone!"); break; }
Sleep( 1000 );
// Update the stop hint checkpoint when we get within 1 second (1000 ms), of the timeout...
if ((SERVICE_STOP_WAIT_HINT - 1000) < (GetTickCount() - dwTickCount) && g_pInetSvc && (g_pInetSvc->QueryCurrentServiceState() == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Updating stop hint in pickup, checkpoint = %u", dwStopHint);
g_pInetSvc->UpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, NO_ERROR, dwStopHint, SERVICE_STOP_WAIT_HINT ) ;
dwStopHint++ ; dwTickCount = GetTickCount(); }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Alloc counts: current = %u, last = %u;", dwAllocCount, dwLastAllocCount); if (dwAllocCount < dwLastAllocCount) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Pickup CBuffers are going away, reseting i"); i = 0; }
dwLastAllocCount = dwAllocCount; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Waiting for QuerySmtpInstance()->GetDirnotStopHandle()!");
WaitForSingleObject(QuerySmtpInstance()->GetDirnotStopHandle(), INFINITE);
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "End waiting for QuerySmtpInstance()->GetDirnotStopHandle()!");
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
Name : SMTP_DIRNOT::CreateSmtpDirNotification
Description: This is the static member function than is the only entity that is allowed to create an SMTP_CONNOUT class. This class cannot be allocated on the stack.
A pointer to an SMTP_DIRNOT class or NULL --*/ SMTP_DIRNOT * SMTP_DIRNOT::CreateSmtpDirNotification (char * DirPickupName, ATQ_COMPLETION pfnCompletion, SMTP_SERVER_INSTANCE * pInstance) { SMTP_DIRNOT * pSmtpDirNotObj;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) 0, "SMTP_CONNOUT::CreateSmtpConnection");
pSmtpDirNotObj = new SMTP_DIRNOT (pInstance); if(pSmtpDirNotObj == NULL) { ErrorTrace(0, "new SMTP_DIRNOT () failed"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)NULL); return NULL; }
if(!pSmtpDirNotObj->InitializeObject(pSmtpDirNotObj->QuerySmtpInstance()->GetMailPickupDir(), SMTP_DIRNOT::ReadDirectoryCompletion)) { TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)NULL); return NULL; }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)NULL); return pSmtpDirNotObj; }
BOOL SMTP_DIRNOT::DoFindFirstFile(BOOL bIISThread) { //
// re-entrent FindFirst... the first thread does the FindFirst, all other threads up to
// MAXFIND_THREADS do the FindNext.
char Buffer [MAX_PATH + 1]; HANDLE hFindFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD BytesRead = 0; DWORD NumFiles = 0; WIN32_FIND_DATA find; BOOL bClosed; PSMTP_IIS_SERVICE pService;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "DoFindFirstFile");
_ASSERT(m_pInstance != NULL);
if (!QuerySmtpInstance()->GetAcceptConnBool()) { return TRUE; }
pService = (PSMTP_IIS_SERVICE) g_pInetSvc; //
// ensure only one thread gets in here at a time. we can only have one thread either setting
// the find first at a time.
hFindFile = GetFindFirstHandle(); if (hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //make up the file spec we want to find
lstrcpy(Buffer, QuerySmtpInstance()->GetMailPickupDir()); lstrcat(Buffer, "*.*");
hFindFile = FindFirstFile(Buffer, &find); if (hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // should not fail as we look for *.* and the directory root should be there.
// setting the flag will make sure that next drop posts a findfirst.
ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "FindFirst failed for %s. Error %d", Buffer, GetLastError());
UnLockFind(); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE; } else {
IncFindThreads(); // there should be not find threads running at this point.
// We have no IIS threads available for the single findfirst... we must create a thread.
// hopefull this will happen seldom.
SetFindFirstHandle(hFindFile); SetDelayedFindNotification(FALSE); } } else { SetDelayedFindNotification(TRUE); if (!IncFindThreads()) { UnLockFind(); DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Have hit the max num Find Threads."); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE; }
if (!FindNextFile(hFindFile, &find)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { SetDelayedFindNotification(TRUE); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this,"FindNextFile() failed with error %d", GetLastError()); } CloseFindHandle(); // will DecFindThreads.
// In the case below, it is possible that some files were missed by FindFirst.
// Create an ATQ thread for a final findfirst iteration to make sure.
if ((GetNumFindThreads() == 0) && GetDelayedFindNotification()) { IncPendingIoCount(); // AtqContext with buffer size of zero to get a FindFirst Going.
if(!AtqPostCompletionStatus(QueryAtqContext(), 0)) { DecPendingIoCount(); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this,"AtqPostCompletionStatus() failed with error %d", GetLastError()); } }
UnLockFind(); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE; } }
bClosed = FALSE; do { //format the name of the stream and then open the file.
BytesRead = wsprintf(Buffer, "%s%s",QuerySmtpInstance()->GetMailPickupDir(), find.cFileName); if (!(find.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMailMsgProperties *pIMsg = NULL;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MsgImp, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMailMsgProperties, (LPVOID *)&pIMsg);
// Next, check if we are over the inbound cutoff limit. If so, we will release the message
// and not proceed.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwCreationFlags; hr = pIMsg->GetDWORD( IMMPID_MPV_MESSAGE_CREATION_FLAGS, &dwCreationFlags); if (FAILED(hr) || (dwCreationFlags & MPV_INBOUND_CUTOFF_EXCEEDED)) { // If we fail to get this property of if the inbound cutoff
// exceeded flag is set, discard the message and return failure
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failing because inbound cutoff reached"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } pIMsg->Release(); pIMsg = NULL; } }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this,"Found file %s", find.cFileName);
if ((pIMsg == NULL) || FAILED(hr)) { // We are out of resources, there is absolutely nothing
// we can do: can't NDR, can't retry ...
ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "new MAILQ_ENTRY failed for file: %s", find.cFileName);
// Will want to run a findfirst when things free up a little. Flag the post-processing findfirst.
SetDelayedFindNotification(TRUE); IncPendingIoCount (); AtqContextSetInfo(QueryAtqContext(), ATQ_INFO_TIMEOUT, TIMEOUT_INTERVAL); //retry after a while
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failed to create message will retry later."); break; } else { // We are in faith that upon delivery, the allocated
// MailQEntry structure will be freed
NumFiles++; pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_PICKUP_FILE_NAME, find.cFileName);
if(!ProcessFile(pIMsg)) { // will be mail left in pickup. queue a findfirst to take care of it.
SetDelayedFindNotification(TRUE); } } }
LockFind(); if (!FindNextFile(hFindFile, &find)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { SetDelayedFindNotification(TRUE); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this,"FindNextFile() failed with error %d", GetLastError()); }
// In the case below, it is possible that some files were missed by FindFirst.
// Create an ATQ thread for a final findfirst iteration to make sure.
if ((GetNumFindThreads() == 0) && GetDelayedFindNotification()) { IncPendingIoCount(); // AtqContext with buffer size of zero to get a FindFirst Going.
if(!AtqPostCompletionStatus(QueryAtqContext(), 0)) { DecPendingIoCount(); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this,"AtqPostCompletionStatus() failed with error %d", GetLastError()); } }
UnLockFind(); bClosed = TRUE; break; } UnLockFind();
} while ((!QuerySmtpInstance()->IsShuttingDown()) && (QuerySmtpInstance()->QueryServerState( ) != MD_SERVER_STATE_STOPPED) && (QuerySmtpInstance()->QueryServerState( ) != MD_SERVER_STATE_INVALID));
if (!bClosed) // termination by the while condition above.
{ LockFind(); CloseFindHandle(); UnLockFind(); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE; }
DWORD WINAPI SMTP_DIRNOT::CreateNonIISFindThread(void * ClassPtr) { //
// Called by a CreateThread when we have run out of IIS threads.
SMTP_DIRNOT * ThisPtr = (SMTP_DIRNOT *) ClassPtr;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) ThisPtr,"CreateNonIISFindThread");
_ASSERT(ThisPtr != NULL);
_ASSERT(ThisPtr->QuerySmtpInstance() != NULL);
// Build the initial list - THE FLAG bIISThread IS SET TO FALSE.
// We IncCBufferAllocCount and DecCBufferAllocCount to make sure that we clean up properly in CloseDirHandle.
// We don't want to destroy the Dirnot Object before this thread finishes.
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)ThisPtr); return TRUE; }
DWORD WINAPI SMTP_DIRNOT::PickupInitialFiles(void * ClassPtr) { SMTP_DIRNOT * ThisPtr = (SMTP_DIRNOT *) ClassPtr;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) ThisPtr,"PickupInitialFiles");
_ASSERT(ThisPtr != NULL);
_ASSERT(ThisPtr->QuerySmtpInstance() != NULL);
// Just quit if we are suhtting down already
if (ThisPtr->QuerySmtpInstance()->IsShuttingDown()) return TRUE;
// Build the initial list
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)ThisPtr); return TRUE; }
#define IS_SPACE_OR_TAB(ch) (((ch) == ' ') || ((ch) == '\t'))
#define IS_WHITESPACE_OR_CRLF(ch) (((ch) == ' ') || ((ch) == '\t') || ((ch) == '\n') || ((ch) == '\r'))
static void pReplaceCrLfWithSpaces(CHAR *szIn, CHAR *szOut) { while (*szIn) { if ((*szIn == '\r') || (*szIn == '\n')) *szOut++ = ' '; else *szOut++ = *szIn; szIn++; } *szOut = '\0'; }
BOOL SMTP_DIRNOT::CreateToList (char *AddrsList, IMailMsgRecipientsAdd *pIMsgRecips, IMailMsgProperties *pIMsgProps) { char *p = NULL; //points to the ',' or '\0'
char * StartOfAddress = NULL; //start of recipient address
char * EndOfAddress = NULL; // end of recipient address
char * ThisAddress = NULL; CAddr * NewAddress = NULL; //new CAddr to add to our list
char szAddress[MAX_INTERNET_NAME + 1], *pszAddress = szAddress; DWORD dwPropId = IMMPID_RP_ADDRESS_SMTP; DWORD dwNewRecipIndex = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fNotFound = FALSE;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "SMTP_DIRNOT::CreateToList");
_ASSERT(m_pInstance != NULL);
//start at the top of the list
p = AddrsList;
//get rid of leading white space, newlines, and commas
while ((*p == ',') || IS_WHITESPACE_OR_CRLF(*p)) p++;
while((p != NULL) && (*p != '\0')) { char LastChar;
StartOfAddress = p;
// Find the ending delimiter of the address
//while((*p != '\0') && (*p != ','))
// p++;
// The first unquoted comma indicates the end of the address
if(!FindNextUnquotedOccurrence(p,strlen(p),',',&EndOfAddress)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); NewAddress = NULL; ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Failed to parse out the address"); return FALSE; } else if(!EndOfAddress) EndOfAddress = p + strlen(p);
p = EndOfAddress;
_ASSERT(EndOfAddress != NULL); // We don't like trailing spaces either, so walk backwards
// to get rid of them
//EndOfAddress = p;
while (EndOfAddress > StartOfAddress) { EndOfAddress--; if (!IS_WHITESPACE_OR_CRLF(*EndOfAddress)) { EndOfAddress++; break; } }
// Save the character we are about to overrite
LastChar = *EndOfAddress;
// NULL terminate the address
*EndOfAddress = '\0';
if(lstrlen(StartOfAddress) > (MAX_INTERNET_NAME + 1)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); NewAddress = NULL; ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Address too long : %d bytes",lstrlen(StartOfAddress)); return FALSE; }
pReplaceCrLfWithSpaces(StartOfAddress, szAddress);
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "found address [%s]", szAddress);
// Run it through the addr821 library
NewAddress = CAddr::CreateAddress(szAddress); BOOL fValidAddress = FALSE; if(NewAddress) { if(!NewAddress->IsDomainOffset()) { CAddr * TempAddress = NULL; TempAddress = QuerySmtpInstance()->AppendLocalDomain (NewAddress); if (TempAddress) { delete NewAddress; NewAddress = TempAddress; TempAddress = NULL; } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "CAddr::CreateAddress (StartOfAddress) failed . err: %u", ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "CreateAddress returned %s", NewAddress->GetAddress());
ThisAddress = NewAddress->GetAddress(); DWORD dwLen = strlen(ThisAddress); if(Validate821Address( ThisAddress, dwLen)) { LPSTR pszDomain; if(Get821AddressDomain( ThisAddress, dwLen, &pszDomain) && pszDomain) { DWORD dwDomain = strlen(pszDomain); if (Validate821Domain(pszDomain, dwDomain)) { // everything is valid
fValidAddress = TRUE; } } else { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)0, "Detected legal address without a domain: %s", ThisAddress); } } else { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)0, "Detected ILLEGAL address: %s", ThisAddress); } } else { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "CAddr::CreateAddress (StartOfAddress) failed . err: %u", ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } ThisAddress = szAddress; fValidAddress = FALSE; }
hr = pIMsgRecips->AddPrimary(1, (LPCTSTR *) &ThisAddress, &dwPropId, &dwNewRecipIndex, NULL, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(hr); return FALSE; }
if (NewAddress) delete NewAddress;
if (!fValidAddress) { // AQ will look for this special domain and won't add it to the
// DMT. This stops us from putting corrupted domains into the
// DMT
hr = pIMsgRecips->PutStringA(dwNewRecipIndex, IMMPID_RP_DOMAIN, "==NDR=="); if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "PutString(RP_DOMAIN) failed 0x%x", hr); SetLastError(hr); return FALSE; }
// set the recipient to NDR
hr = pIMsgRecips->PutDWORD(dwNewRecipIndex, IMMPID_RP_RECIPIENT_FLAGS, (RP_ERROR_CONTEXT_CAT | RP_UNRESOLVED)); if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "PutDWORD(RP_FLAGS) failed 0x%x", hr); SetLastError(hr); return FALSE; }
// tell AQ why it is NDRing
hr = pIMsgRecips->PutDWORD(dwNewRecipIndex, IMMPID_RP_ERROR_CODE, CAT_E_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS); if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "PutDWORD(RP_ERROR) failed 0x%x", hr); SetLastError(hr); return FALSE; }
// tell AQ that some recips are NDRing
hr = pIMsgProps->PutDWORD(IMMPID_MP_HR_CAT_STATUS, CAT_W_SOME_UNDELIVERABLE_MSGS); if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "SetMailMsgCatStatus failed 0x%x", hr); SetLastError(hr); return FALSE; } }
// Go find the start of the next address
*EndOfAddress = LastChar; if(*p == ',') { p++; while(IS_WHITESPACE_OR_CRLF(*p)) p++; } }
TraceFunctLeave(); return (TRUE); }
static HANDLE pOpenPickupFile(LPSTR szFileName) { DWORD dwError; HANDLE hFile;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)NULL, "pOpenPickupFile");
// Open the file
hFile = CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL ); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwError = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace((LPARAM)NULL, "Error: Can't open source file %s (err=%d)...skipping it", szFileName, dwError); } TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)NULL); return(hFile); }
static inline BOOL pFetchFileBuffer( HANDLE hFile, CHAR *lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwSize) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; DWORD Error = 0;
fRet = ReadFile(hFile, lpBuffer, *lpdwSize, lpdwSize, NULL);
if(!fRet) { Error = GetLastError(); if(Error == 998) { _ASSERT(FALSE); } }
return fRet; }
static CHAR *pGetLineBuffer(CHAR *lpOldBuffer, DWORD *lpdwLength) { DWORD dwLength = *lpdwLength; CHAR *lpBuffer;
if (lpOldBuffer) { // We have an old buffer, we double the size of the old buffer
_ASSERT(lpdwLength); dwLength <<= 1; } else dwLength = PRIVATE_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE;
// Allocate the new buffer
lpBuffer = (CHAR *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwLength); if (!lpBuffer) return(NULL);
if (lpOldBuffer) { // Copy the info over and free the old buffer
CopyMemory((LPVOID)lpBuffer, (LPVOID)lpOldBuffer, *lpdwLength); _VERIFY( HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpOldBuffer) ); }
*lpdwLength = dwLength; return(lpBuffer); }
static BOOL pFreeLineBuffer(CHAR *lpBuffer) { return( HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpBuffer) ); }
static CHAR *pGetValueFromHeader(CHAR *szHeader) { while (*szHeader && (*szHeader++ != ':')) ; while (*szHeader) { if (!IS_SPACE_OR_TAB(*szHeader)) return(szHeader); else szHeader++; } return(NULL); }
static CHAR *pReadNextLineFromBuffer( HANDLE hFile, CHAR *lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwSize, CHAR *lpStart, LPSTR *ppszLine, DWORD *lpdwMaxLineLen, LPSTR *ppOriginalBuffer, DWORD *lpdwOriginalBufferLen) { DWORD dwLineLen = 0; DWORD dwMaxLineLen = *lpdwMaxLineLen; BOOL fThisIsCR = FALSE; BOOL fLastIsCR = FALSE; BOOL fThisIsLF = FALSE; BOOL fLastIsLF = FALSE; CHAR *lpEnd; CHAR *lpszLine = *ppszLine; CHAR ch; BOOL bEndOfFile;
_ASSERT(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); _ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(lpdwSize, sizeof(DWORD))); _ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(lpBuffer, *lpdwSize)); _ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(*ppszLine, *lpdwMaxLineLen));
// raid 181922/88855 - replace recusive loop with while loop.
do { dwLineLen = 0; dwMaxLineLen = *lpdwMaxLineLen; fThisIsCR = FALSE; fLastIsCR = FALSE; fThisIsLF = FALSE; fLastIsLF = FALSE; bEndOfFile = FALSE;
// Now, make sure the supplied start pointer is within
// buffer supplied (We allow it to be one byte past the
// end of the buffer, but we will never dereference it).
if ((lpStart < lpBuffer) || (lpStart > (lpBuffer + *lpdwSize))) { _ASSERT(0); return(NULL); }
// Now, keep copying until we hit one of the following scenarios:
// i) We hit CRLF
// ii) We hit the end of the buffer, which we reload more data
// or if it is the end of the mail, we postpend a CRLF.
lpEnd = lpBuffer + *lpdwSize; do { // See if this is past the buffer
if (lpStart == lpEnd) { DWORD dwNewLength;
dwNewLength = *lpdwSize; if (!pFetchFileBuffer(hFile, lpBuffer, &dwNewLength)) { return(NULL); }
// Done!
if (!dwNewLength) { bEndOfFile = TRUE; break; }
// Get the new buffer length
*lpdwSize = dwNewLength;
// Reset the start and end pointers
lpStart = lpBuffer; lpEnd = lpBuffer + *lpdwSize; }
ch = *lpszLine++ = *lpStart++;
// Too long?
if (++dwLineLen >= dwMaxLineLen) { CHAR *lpTemp; DWORD dwUsedPortion = (DWORD)(lpszLine - *ppOriginalBuffer);
// Yep, get a bigger buffer, all the existing stuff is copied over
DebugTrace((LPARAM)*ppOriginalBuffer, "Growing buffer at %u bytes", *lpdwOriginalBufferLen); lpTemp = pGetLineBuffer(*ppOriginalBuffer, lpdwOriginalBufferLen); if (!lpTemp) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)NULL, "Failed to obtain buffer (%u)", GetLastError()); TraceFunctLeave(); return(NULL); }
// Got it, adjust all associated pointers and lengths
DebugTrace((LPARAM)lpTemp, "Obtained buffer at %u bytes", *lpdwOriginalBufferLen);
// New beginning of line buffer
*ppOriginalBuffer = lpTemp;
// New beginning of line
*ppszLine = lpTemp;
// New pointer to next character
lpszLine = lpTemp + dwUsedPortion;
// New maximum length for current string before re-growing
dwMaxLineLen = *lpdwOriginalBufferLen - dwUsedPortion;
fLastIsCR = fThisIsCR; if (ch == '\r') fThisIsCR = TRUE; else fThisIsCR = FALSE;
fLastIsLF = fThisIsLF; if (ch == '\n') fThisIsLF = TRUE; else fThisIsLF = FALSE;
// If we have CRLF or LFCR we leave
if ((fLastIsCR && fThisIsLF) || (fLastIsLF && fThisIsCR)) break;
} while (1);
*lpszLine = '\0';
// Calculate remaining buffer size
*lpdwMaxLineLen = dwMaxLineLen - dwLineLen;
// raid 178234 - If we have CRLF or LFCR and no more continue line we leave
if (((fLastIsCR && fThisIsLF) || (fLastIsLF && fThisIsCR)) && !IS_SPACE_OR_TAB(*lpStart)) { // raid 166777 - Make sure we do leave if we find a line.
break; }
} while (!bEndOfFile && (IS_SPACE_OR_TAB(*lpStart) || (lpStart == lpEnd))); // We always return the start of line to be the start of our buffer
// Note that the buffer could have changed during recursion due to growth
*ppszLine = *ppOriginalBuffer;
TraceFunctLeave(); return(lpStart); }
BOOL inline WriteToSpooledFile(PFIO_CONTEXT hDstFile, CHAR *lpszLine, DWORD &DestOffset) { DWORD dwBytesToWrite; DWORD dwBytesWritten; BOOL fResult = FALSE; FH_OVERLAPPED ov; DWORD err = NO_ERROR; HANDLE HackedHandle = NULL; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
ZeroMemory(&ov, sizeof(ov));
ov.Offset = DestOffset;
dwBytesToWrite = lstrlen(lpszLine); if (!dwBytesToWrite) { fRet = TRUE; //This is not really a failure
goto Exit; }
//HackedHandle = ((DWORD)g_hFileWriteEvent | 1);
HackedHandle = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if(HackedHandle == NULL) { return FALSE; } ov.hEvent = (HANDLE) ((ULONG_PTR) HackedHandle | 1);
//ov.hEvent = (HANDLE)HackedHandle;
fResult = FIOWriteFile(hDstFile, lpszLine, dwBytesToWrite, &ov);
if (!fResult) err = GetLastError(); if((err == ERROR_IO_PENDING) || (((DWORD)STATUS_PENDING == ov.Internal) && ( err == NO_ERROR ))) {
// 12/16/98 - MikeSwa Modified
// OK... this is the theory... we are getting random AV, from what
// looks like async completion to I/O. It looks like
// GetOverlappedResult cannot be called to wait for a hacked handle,
// and it will not use the first argument unless the event in the
// overlapped structure is NULL. The solution is to call WaitForSingleObject
// if we detect that the IO is still pending
WaitForSingleObject(HackedHandle, INFINITE); _ASSERT((DWORD)STATUS_PENDING != ov.Internal); } else if (NO_ERROR != err) { SetLastError (err); //preserve the last error
if(err == 998) { _ASSERT(FALSE); }
goto Exit; }
DestOffset += dwBytesToWrite;
fRet = TRUE;
if(HackedHandle) { CloseHandle(HackedHandle); }
return fRet; }
BOOL CopyRestOfMessage(HANDLE hSrcFile, PFIO_CONTEXT hDstFile, DWORD &DestOffset) { CHAR acBuffer[PRIVATE_OPTIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE]; DWORD dwBytesRead; DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwTotalBytes = 0; DWORD err = NO_ERROR; BOOL fResult = FALSE; BOOL fRet = FALSE; HANDLE HackedHandle; FH_OVERLAPPED ov;
CHAR acCrLfDotCrLf[5] = { '\r', '\n', '.', '\r', '\n' }; CHAR acLastBytes[5] = { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' };
// Copies from the current file pointer to the end of hSrcFile
// and appends to the current file pointer of hDstFile.
ZeroMemory(&ov, sizeof(ov)); HackedHandle = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if(HackedHandle == NULL) { return FALSE; } ov.hEvent = (HANDLE) ((ULONG_PTR) HackedHandle | 1);
do { if (!ReadFile(hSrcFile, acBuffer, PRIVATE_OPTIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { err = GetLastError(); if(err == 998) { _ASSERT(FALSE); }
goto Exit; }
if (dwBytesRead) { ov.Offset = DestOffset;
// Save the last two bytes ever read/written. the buffer after
// writing could be modified due to dot-stripping.
if (dwBytesRead > 4) { CopyMemory(acLastBytes, &acBuffer[dwBytesRead-5], 5); } else { MoveMemory(acLastBytes, &acLastBytes[dwBytesRead], 5-dwBytesRead); CopyMemory(&acLastBytes[5-dwBytesRead], acBuffer, dwBytesRead); }
fResult = FIOWriteFile(hDstFile, acBuffer, dwBytesRead, &ov);
if (!fResult) err = GetLastError();
if((err == ERROR_IO_PENDING) || (((DWORD)STATUS_PENDING == ov.Internal) && ( err == NO_ERROR ))) {
// 12/16/98 - MikeSwa Modified
// OK... this is the theory... we are getting random AV, from what
// looks like async completion to I/O. It looks like
// GetOverlappedResult cannot be called to wait for a hacked handle,
// and it will not use the first argument unless the event in the
// overlapped structure is NULL. The solution is to call
// WaitForSingleObject and pass in the un-munged handle (only if
// we know that IO is still pending).
WaitForSingleObject(HackedHandle, INFINITE); _ASSERT((DWORD)STATUS_PENDING != ov.Internal); } else if (NO_ERROR != err) { SetLastError (err); //preserve the last error
if(err == 998) { _ASSERT(FALSE); }
goto Exit; }
// this is because Fcache keeps track of the offset were we need
// to write. So we update dwBytesWritten to what we actually read.
dwBytesWritten = dwBytesRead; } else { dwBytesWritten = 0; }
if (dwBytesWritten) { dwTotalBytes += dwBytesWritten; DestOffset += dwBytesWritten; }
} while (dwBytesRead);
// Now, see if the file ends with a CRLF, if not, add it
if ((dwTotalBytes > 1) && memcmp(&acLastBytes[3], &acCrLfDotCrLf[3], 2)) { // Add the trailing CRLF
if (!WriteToSpooledFile(hDstFile, "\r\n", DestOffset)) { goto Exit; }
//If file ends with CRLF.CRLF, remove the trailing .CRLF
//NimishK ** : this was decided per the bug 63394
if ((dwTotalBytes > 4) && !memcmp(acLastBytes, acCrLfDotCrLf, 5)) { DWORD dwFileSizeHigh = 0; DWORD dwFileSizeLow = GetFileSizeFromContext( hDstFile, &dwFileSizeHigh );
DWORD Offset = SetFilePointer(hDstFile->m_hFile, dwFileSizeLow, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
// Remove the trailing CRLF only as the <DOT> would have been removed by
// dot-stripping by file handle cache.
if ((SetFilePointer(hDstFile->m_hFile, -2, NULL, FILE_CURRENT) == 0xffffffff) || !SetEndOfFile(hDstFile->m_hFile)) { _ASSERT(0 && "SetFilePointerFailed"); goto Exit; } }
fRet = TRUE;
if(HackedHandle) { CloseHandle(HackedHandle); }
return fRet; }
BOOL SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessFile(IMailMsgProperties *pIMsg) { LONGLONG LastAccessTime = (LONGLONG) 0; CHAR* acCrLf = "\r\n"; DWORD AbOffset = 0; DWORD DestWriteOffset = 0; DWORD HeaderFlags = 0; DWORD dwPickupFileSize = 0; BOOL fIsStartOfFile = TRUE; BOOL fIsXSenderRead = FALSE; BOOL fAreXRcptsRead = FALSE; BOOL fIsSenderSeen = FALSE; BOOL fInvalidAddresses = FALSE; BOOL fDateExists = FALSE; BOOL fMessageIdExists = FALSE; BOOL fXOriginalArrivalTime = FALSE; BOOL fFromSeen = FALSE; BOOL fRcptSeen = FALSE; BOOL fSeenRFC822FromAddress = FALSE; BOOL fSeenRFC822ToAddress = FALSE; BOOL fSeenRFC822CcAddress = FALSE; BOOL fSeenRFC822BccAddress = FALSE; BOOL fSeenRFC822Subject = FALSE; BOOL fSeenRFC822SenderAddress = FALSE; BOOL fSeenXPriority = FALSE; BOOL fSeenContentType = FALSE; BOOL fSetContentType = FALSE; HANDLE hSource = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PFIO_CONTEXT hDest = NULL; SYSTEMTIME SysTime; DWORD dwLineBufferSize = 0; DWORD dwMaxLineSize = 0; CHAR* szLineBuffer = NULL; CHAR* szLine = NULL; CHAR* szValue = NULL; CHAR szScratch[512]; CHAR szMsgId[512]; CHAR acReadBuffer[PRIVATE_OPTIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE]; CHAR szPickupFilePath[MAX_PATH + 1]; CHAR szDateBuf [cMaxArpaDate]; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; CHAR FileName[MAX_PATH + 1]; CHAR* lpStart = NULL; CHAR* lpXMarker = NULL; DWORD dwBytesToRewind = 0; LONG lOffset = 0; CAddr* Sender = NULL; PSMTP_IIS_SERVICE pService = NULL; IMailMsgRecipientsAdd* pIMsgRecips = NULL; IMailMsgRecipients* pIMsgOrigRecips = NULL; IMailMsgBind* pBindInterface = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwTotalRecips = 0; SMTP_ALLOC_PARAMS AllocParams; BOOL fResult = FALSE; BOOL DeleteIMsg = TRUE;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessFile" );
_ASSERT(m_pInstance != NULL); _ASSERT(pIMsg); if (!pIMsg) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Internal error: pIMsg is NULL."); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
// Compose the pickup path
hr = pIMsg->GetStringA(IMMPID_MP_PICKUP_FILE_NAME, sizeof(FileName), FileName); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "MailQEntry->GetFileName() is NULL."); goto RetryPickup; }
hr = pIMsg->QueryInterface(IID_IMailMsgBind, (void **)&pBindInterface); if(FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "IMsg->QueryInterface(IID_IMailMsgBindATQ) failed."); goto RetryPickup; }
//Get recipient list
hr = pIMsg->QueryInterface(IID_IMailMsgRecipients, (void **) &pIMsgOrigRecips); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "IMsg->QueryInterface(IID_IMailMsgRecipients) failed."); goto RetryPickup; }
hr = pIMsgOrigRecips->AllocNewList(&pIMsgRecips); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "pIMsgOrigRecips->AllocNewList"); goto RetryPickup; }
_snprintf(szPickupFilePath, sizeof(szPickupFilePath)-1, "%s%s", QuerySmtpInstance()->GetMailPickupDir(), FileName); szPickupFilePath[sizeof(szPickupFilePath)-1]='\0';
// Open the pickup file, if this failsas a sharing violation,
// we would like to retry it ...
hSource = pOpenPickupFile(szPickupFilePath); if (hSource == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// this is probably caused by the file still being written, wait a small amount of time
// we manage our IO compl. threads to ensure that there are enough, so this shouldn't be
// a big problem. It avoids the retry queue.
WaitForSingleObject(QuerySmtpInstance()->GetQStopEvent(), g_PickupWait); hSource = pOpenPickupFile(szPickupFilePath); if (hSource == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { //delete MailQEntry;
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "File %s is deleted from pickup dir", szPickupFilePath); goto RetryPickup; }
// Schedule pickup mail for retry ...
goto RetryPickup; } }
AllocParams.BindInterfacePtr = (PVOID) pBindInterface; AllocParams.IMsgPtr = (PVOID)pIMsg; AllocParams.hContent = NULL; AllocParams.pAtqClientContext = QuerySmtpInstance(); AllocParams.m_pNotify = NULL; fResult = QuerySmtpInstance()->AllocNewMessage (&AllocParams);
//Get the context and the atq context
hDest = AllocParams.hContent;
if((!fResult) || (hDest == NULL)) { goto RetryPickup; }
// Get the handle of the spooled file
_ASSERT(hDest != NULL);
// Winse:13699 and X5:174038
// Remove Dot stuffing based on the metabase key.
// Default behavior is that pickup directory messages are dot stuffed.
// If the metabase key DisablePickupDotStuff is set then the pickup directory
// messages should not be dot stuffed.
if( !SetDotStuffingOnWrites( hDest, !m_pInstance->DisablePickupDotStuff(), TRUE ) ) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "SetDotStuffingonWrites failed" ); goto RetryPickup; } // Spit a Received: line to the spooled file
GetArpaDate(szDateBuf); GetLocalTime(&SysTime);
// Allocate the needed line buffer
szLineBuffer = pGetLineBuffer(NULL, &dwLineBufferSize); if (!szLineBuffer) { // Schedule pickup mail for retry ...
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Unable to allocate line buffer (%u)", GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Allocated line buffer at %p, %u bytes", szLineBuffer, dwLineBufferSize);
// Set up the line pointers
szLine = szLineBuffer; dwMaxLineSize = dwLineBufferSize;
// Prefetch a buffer-full of text
dwBufferSize = PRIVATE_OPTIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE; if (!pFetchFileBuffer(hSource, acReadBuffer, &dwBufferSize)) { // Schedule pickup mail for retry ...
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because cannot fetch file buffer (%u)",GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; }
m_pInstance->LockGenCrit(); wsprintf( szScratch, "Received: from mail pickup service by %s with Microsoft SMTPSVC;\r\n\t %s, %s\r\n", QuerySmtpInstance()->GetFQDomainName(), Daynames[SysTime.wDayOfWeek], szDateBuf); m_pInstance->UnLockGenCrit();
//We will copy out to the temp out buffer
//NK** : This is a safe assumption that this will not result in IO
#if 0
if ((SetFilePointer(hDest, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xffffffff) || !WriteToSpooledFile(hDest, szScratch, DestWriteOffset)) #else
if (!WriteToSpooledFile(hDest, szScratch, DestWriteOffset)) #endif
goto RetryPickup;
lpStart = acReadBuffer; while (1) { HeaderFlags = 0;
// The X marker is used to mark the start of the
// non-X-headers if X-headers are used
if (fIsStartOfFile) lpXMarker = lpStart;
// This function will read a complete header line,
// into a single NULL-terminated string.
// Raid 181922 - The function no longer unfolds the line.
if (!(lpStart = pReadNextLineFromBuffer( hSource, acReadBuffer, &dwBufferSize, lpStart, &szLine, &dwMaxLineSize, &szLineBuffer, &dwLineBufferSize))) { // We failed a file operation, we will retry later
goto RetryPickup; }
// See if we are still in the header portion of the body
if (!IsHeader(szLine)) break;
// Get the set of headers that we know about.
ChompHeader(szLine, HeaderFlags); szValue = pGetValueFromHeader(szLine); if(!szValue) { continue; }
// Strip away the CRLF at the end of the value string
lOffset = lstrlen(szValue); if (lOffset >= 2) { if (((szValue[lOffset-2] == '\r') && (szValue[lOffset-1] == '\n')) || ((szValue[lOffset-2] == '\n') && (szValue[lOffset-1] == '\r')))
szValue[lOffset-2] = '\0'; }
hr = GetAndPersistRFC822Headers( szLine, szValue, pIMsg, fSeenRFC822FromAddress, fSeenRFC822ToAddress, fSeenRFC822BccAddress, fSeenRFC822CcAddress, fSeenRFC822Subject, fSeenRFC822SenderAddress, fSeenXPriority, fSeenContentType, fSetContentType ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because cannot getAndPersistRFC822 headers(%x)", hr); goto RetryPickup; }
// Check for leading X-Sender and X-Receiver header lines ...
if (fIsStartOfFile) { if (HeaderFlags & H_X_SENDER) { // NOTE: if we have more than one sender,
// we always use the first one encountered
// Yes, we found an X-header
fIsXSenderRead = TRUE; } else if (HeaderFlags & H_X_RECEIVER) { // We don't check for sender here, since if we don't
// have one, we will barf downstream
// Yes, we found an X-header
fAreXRcptsRead = TRUE; } else { // We are done with our X-headers, now we have
// normal headers!
fIsStartOfFile = FALSE; } }
if (HeaderFlags & H_FROM) { fFromSeen = TRUE; }
if (HeaderFlags & H_RCPT) { fRcptSeen = TRUE; }
// Handle senders and recipients
if (!fIsSenderSeen && ((HeaderFlags & H_X_SENDER) || (HeaderFlags & H_FROM))) { // Selectively do so
if (fIsStartOfFile || !fIsXSenderRead) { char *Address = NULL; DWORD cbText = 0; DWORD dwlen = strlen(szValue); _ASSERT(dwlen < 512 );
Sender = CAddr::CreateAddress (szValue, FROMADDR); if (Sender) { Address = Sender->GetAddress(); if(!Sender->IsDomainOffset() && !ISNULLADDRESS(Address)) { CAddr * TempAddress = NULL; TempAddress = QuerySmtpInstance()->AppendLocalDomain (Sender); delete Sender; if (TempAddress) { Sender = TempAddress; Address = Sender->GetAddress(); TempAddress = NULL; } else { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this,"Retrying because cannot to append local domain (%u)",GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; } }
// Set the size of the FromName so that we can
// read it out of the queue file if we need it.
//cbText = lstrlen(Address) + 1;
//MailQEntry->SetFromNameSize (cbText);
hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_SENDER_ADDRESS_SMTP, Address); fIsSenderSeen = TRUE; } else { // Undo the flag
if (fIsXSenderRead) fIsXSenderRead = FALSE;
// If the sender is not invalid, it is likely to be a
// resource constraint, so we go and retry it
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INVALID_DATA) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because cannot allocate sender (%u)", GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; } } } } else if ((HeaderFlags & H_X_RECEIVER) || (HeaderFlags & H_RCPT)) { // Selectively do so
if (fIsStartOfFile || !fAreXRcptsRead) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)szLine, "To: line read <%s>", szValue);
if (!CreateToList(szValue, pIMsgRecips, pIMsg)) { // If we're out of memory, we retry.
// If it is an invalid address, we remember the fact and
// remember to throw a copy into badmail
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because cannot allocate recipient (%u)", GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; } else fInvalidAddresses = TRUE; }
if (fIsStartOfFile) { // X-headers!
lpXMarker = lpStart; } } } else if (HeaderFlags & H_MID) { // Message-ID already exists
fMessageIdExists = TRUE; hr = pIMsg->PutStringA( IMMPID_MP_RFC822_MSG_ID , szValue ); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "PutStringA of IMMPID_MP_RFC822_MSG_ID failed - hr 0x%08X", hr); goto RetryPickup; } } else if (HeaderFlags & H_DATE) { // Date line already exists
fDateExists = TRUE; } // 10/15/98 - MikeSwa Added supersedes functionality
else if (HeaderFlags & H_X_MSGGUID) { hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_MSG_GUID, szValue); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "PutStringA of MSG_GUID failed - hr 0x%08X", hr); goto RetryPickup; } } else if (HeaderFlags & H_X_SUPERSEDES_MSGGUID) { hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_SUPERSEDES_MSG_GUID, szValue); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "PutStringA of SUPERSEDES_MSG_GUID failed - hr 0x%08X", hr); goto RetryPickup; } } else if( HeaderFlags & H_X_ORIGINAL_ARRIVAL_TIME ) { fXOriginalArrivalTime = TRUE; hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_ORIGINAL_ARRIVAL_TIME, szValue); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "PutStringA of ORIGINAL_ARRIVAL_TIME failed - hr 0x%08X", hr); goto RetryPickup; } }
// If this is an ordinary header, we will dump this to
// the spooled file
if (!fIsStartOfFile) { // Non-x-header; dump the line!
lstrcat(szLine, acCrLf); if (!WriteToSpooledFile(hDest, szLine, DestWriteOffset)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because cannot write to file (%u)", GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; } } }
hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_HELO_DOMAIN, m_pInstance->GetDefaultDomain()); if(FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because pIMsg->PutString(helo domain) failed (%x)", hr); goto RetryPickup;
hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_CONNECTION_IP_ADDRESS, DIRNOT_IP_ADDRESS); if(FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because pIMsg->PutString(IP address) failed (%x)", hr); goto RetryPickup;
hr = SetAvailableMailMsgProperties( pIMsg ); if(FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because pIMsg->PutString( for all available props) failed (%x)", hr); goto RetryPickup;
} wsprintf( szScratch, "%s, %s", Daynames[SysTime.wDayOfWeek], szDateBuf);
hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_ARRIVAL_TIME, szScratch); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this,"Retrying because cannot putString IMPPID_MP_ARRIVAL_TIME (%x)", hr); goto RetryPickup; }
// Now, before we go on and waste time on copying the rest of the message, etc.
// we want to make sure we saw the sender and at least one valid recipient.
// If not, we will just move the message to bad mail and be done with it.
hr = pIMsgRecips->Count(&dwTotalRecips); if (!fIsSenderSeen || FAILED(hr) || (dwTotalRecips == 0)) { // If no recipients but sender is seen, we must not leak the sender
// object
if (fIsSenderSeen) { delete Sender; Sender = NULL; }
_VERIFY( pFreeLineBuffer(szLineBuffer) ); szLineBuffer = NULL; if (hSource != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _VERIFY( CloseHandle(hSource) ); hSource = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if(FAILED(hr)) { goto RetryPickup; } else { // No choice but move to bad mail directory
if( !QuerySmtpInstance()->MoveToBadMail( pIMsg, FALSE, FileName, QuerySmtpInstance()->GetMailPickupDir()) ) { if (!DeleteFile(szPickupFilePath)) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Error deleting file %s (%u)", szPickupFilePath, dwError); } } goto RetryPickup; } }
hr = pIMsg->PutDWORD( IMMPID_MP_NUM_RECIPIENTS, dwTotalRecips ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this,"Retrying because cannot putDWORD IMPPID_MP_NUM_RECIPIENTS (%x)", hr); goto RetryPickup; }
// if we did not read a From Line, create a From: line from the xSender.
// if we did not read a To, CC, BCC line, create a To: line from the xReceiver.
if (!fFromSeen) { char *Address = NULL; char szUserName[MAX_INTERNET_NAME + 9]; // for the "From: %s\r\n" below
Address = Sender->GetAddress(); if (!Address) { _VERIFY( pFreeLineBuffer(szLineBuffer) ); szLineBuffer = NULL; if (hSource != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _VERIFY( CloseHandle(hSource) ); hSource = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// No choice but move to bad mail directory
if( !QuerySmtpInstance()->MoveToBadMail( pIMsg, FALSE, FileName, QuerySmtpInstance()->GetMailPickupDir()) ) { if (!DeleteFile(szPickupFilePath)) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Error deleting file %s (%u)", szPickupFilePath, dwError); } } goto RetryPickup; }
wsprintf(szUserName, "From: %s\r\n", Address); if (!WriteToSpooledFile(hDest, szUserName, DestWriteOffset)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this,"Retrying because cannot write to file (%u)", GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; } }
if (!fRcptSeen) { //
// fix for bug: 78275
// add an emty Bcc line:
static char * endRcpt = "Bcc:\r\n";
if (!WriteToSpooledFile(hDest, endRcpt, DestWriteOffset)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because cannot write to file (%u)", GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; } }
if (fIsSenderSeen) { delete Sender; }
// We still have to dump the current line to the spool
// file, then we copy the rest over.
// Since we use buffered read, the current file position
// really doesn't mean much. So we calculate how many bytes
// we have to rewind
dwBytesToRewind = dwBufferSize - (DWORD)(lpStart - acReadBuffer);
// Negative, since we are going backwards
_ASSERT(dwBytesToRewind <= PRIVATE_OPTIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE); lOffset = -(long)dwBytesToRewind; if (SetFilePointer(hSource, lOffset, NULL, FILE_CURRENT) == 0xffffffff) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because cannot move file pointer (%u)", GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; }
// See if we have to add a Date: or Message-ID: line
if (!fMessageIdExists) { char MessageId[MAX_PATH];
MessageId[0] = '\0';
GenerateMessageId (MessageId, sizeof(MessageId)); m_pInstance->LockGenCrit(); wsprintf( szMsgId, "<%s%8.8x@%s>", MessageId, GetIncreasingMsgId(),QuerySmtpInstance()->GetFQDomainName()); m_pInstance->UnLockGenCrit(); wsprintf(szScratch, "Message-ID: %s\r\n",szMsgId );
hr = pIMsg->PutStringA( IMMPID_MP_RFC822_MSG_ID, szMsgId ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because Put string of IMMPID_MP_RFC822 failed (%x)", hr ); goto RetryPickup; }
if (!WriteToSpooledFile(hDest, szScratch, DestWriteOffset)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because cannot write to file (%u)", GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; } }
// see if we have to add Original Arrival time
if (!fXOriginalArrivalTime ) { char szOriginalArrivalTime[64];
szOriginalArrivalTime[0] = '\0';
GetSysAndFileTimeAsString( szOriginalArrivalTime ); wsprintf(szScratch, "X-OriginalArrivalTime: %s\r\n",szOriginalArrivalTime );
hr = pIMsg->PutStringA( IMMPID_MP_ORIGINAL_ARRIVAL_TIME, szOriginalArrivalTime ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because Put string of IMMPID_MP_ORIGINAL_ARRIVAL_TIME failed (%x)", hr ); goto RetryPickup; }
if (!WriteToSpooledFile(hDest, szScratch, DestWriteOffset)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because cannot write to file (%u)", GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; } }
// see if we have to add the date
if (!fDateExists) { lstrcpy(szScratch, "Date: "); lstrcat(szScratch, szDateBuf); lstrcat(szScratch, acCrLf); if (!WriteToSpooledFile(hDest, szScratch, DestWriteOffset)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because cannot write to file (%u)", GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; } }
// Write out the currently buffered line, then copy the
// pickup file to the spooler
if (!WriteToSpooledFile(hDest, szLine, DestWriteOffset) || !CopyRestOfMessage(hSource, hDest, DestWriteOffset)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because cannot write to file (%u)", GetLastError()); goto RetryPickup; }
// We will no longer read headers at this point, so we free our
// line buffer here ...
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Freeing line buffer at %p, %u bytes", szLineBuffer, dwLineBufferSize); _VERIFY( pFreeLineBuffer(szLineBuffer) ); szLineBuffer = NULL;
// Get the size of the spooled file before we close it
DWORD dwFileSizeHigh; dwPickupFileSize = GetFileSizeFromContext(hDest, &dwFileSizeHigh); _ASSERT(dwFileSizeHigh == 0); // why??
if (dwPickupFileSize == 0xffffffff) { dwPickupFileSize = 0; }
pIMsg->PutDWORD( IMMPID_MP_MSG_SIZE_HINT, dwPickupFileSize );
// Now, we see if there are any invalid addresses; if so, we will
// throw a copy og the original message into the badmail directory
if (fInvalidAddresses) { // Close the pickup file
if (hSource != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _VERIFY( CloseHandle(hSource) ); hSource = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// Move it to badmail instead of deleting it
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Saving a copy in badmail due to bad recipients"); // No choice but move to bad mail directory
if( !QuerySmtpInstance()->MoveToBadMail( pIMsg, FALSE, FileName, QuerySmtpInstance()->GetMailPickupDir() ) ) { if (!DeleteFile(szPickupFilePath)) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Error deleting file %s (%u)", szPickupFilePath, dwError); } } } else { // Delete the file
if (!DeleteFile(szPickupFilePath)) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Error deleting file %s (%u)", szPickupFilePath, dwError); } // Close the pickup file
if (hSource != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _VERIFY( CloseHandle(hSource) ); hSource = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
// put the file into the local queue.
pService = (PSMTP_IIS_SERVICE) g_pInetSvc;
hr = pIMsgOrigRecips->WriteList(pIMsgRecips); if(FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because pIMsgOrigRecips->WriteList failed (%x)", hr); goto RetryPickup; }
// we scan for dots & strip them away while storing, so set these two properties
// so we can get the dot stuffed context while sending it out.
CompleteDotStuffingOnWrites( hDest, TRUE );
hr = pIMsg->Commit(NULL); if(FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Retrying because pIMsg->Commit(NULL) failed (%u)", hr); goto RetryPickup; }
pIMsgRecips->Release(); pIMsgOrigRecips->Release(); pIMsgRecips = NULL; pIMsgOrigRecips = NULL;
if(m_pInstance->InsertIntoQueue(pIMsg)) { DeleteIMsg = FALSE; // Up the msgs received and avg bytes per message counters
ADD_BIGCOUNTER(QuerySmtpInstance(), BytesRcvdMsg, (dwPickupFileSize)); BUMP_COUNTER(QuerySmtpInstance(), NumMsgsForwarded); }
IMailMsgQueueMgmt * pMgmt = NULL;
if(pBindInterface) { pBindInterface->Release(); }
if(pIMsgRecips) { pIMsgRecips->Release(); pIMsgRecips = NULL; }
if(pIMsgOrigRecips) { pIMsgOrigRecips->Release(); pIMsgOrigRecips = NULL; }
if(DeleteIMsg) { hr = pIMsg->QueryInterface(IID_IMailMsgQueueMgmt, (void **)&pMgmt); if(!FAILED(hr)) { pMgmt->Delete(NULL); pMgmt->Release(); } }
if(pIMsg) { pIMsg->Release(); pIMsg = NULL; }
// Retry message
if (szLineBuffer) { _VERIFY( pFreeLineBuffer(szLineBuffer) ); szLineBuffer = NULL; }
if (hSource != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _VERIFY( CloseHandle( hSource ) ); hSource = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
HRESULT SMTP_DIRNOT::GetAndPersistRFC822Headers( char* InputLine, char* pszValueBuf, IMailMsgProperties* pIMsg, BOOL & fSeenRFC822FromAddress, BOOL & fSeenRFC822ToAddress, BOOL & fSeenRFC822BccAddress, BOOL & fSeenRFC822CcAddress, BOOL & fSeenRFC822Subject, BOOL & fSeenRFC822SenderAddress, BOOL & fSeenXPriority, BOOL & fSeenContentType, BOOL & fSetContentType ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; //
// get the Subject: & persist it
if( !fSeenRFC822Subject && ( !strncasecmp( InputLine, "Subject:", strlen("Subject:") ) || !strncasecmp( InputLine, "Subject :", strlen("Subject :") ) ) ) { fSeenRFC822Subject = TRUE; if( pszValueBuf ) { if( FAILED( hr = pIMsg->PutStringA( IMMPID_MP_RFC822_MSG_SUBJECT, pszValueBuf ) ) ) { return( hr ); } } }
// get the To: address & persist it
if( !fSeenRFC822ToAddress && ( !strncasecmp( InputLine, "To:", strlen("To:") ) || !strncasecmp( InputLine, "To :", strlen("To :") ) ) ) { fSeenRFC822ToAddress = TRUE; if( pszValueBuf ) { if( FAILED( hr = pIMsg->PutStringA( IMMPID_MP_RFC822_TO_ADDRESS, pszValueBuf ) ) ) { return( hr ); } } }
// get the Cc: address & persist it
if( !fSeenRFC822CcAddress && ( !strncasecmp( InputLine, "Cc:", strlen("Cc:") ) || !strncasecmp( InputLine, "Cc :", strlen("Cc :") ) ) ) { fSeenRFC822CcAddress = TRUE; if( pszValueBuf ) { if( FAILED( hr = pIMsg->PutStringA( IMMPID_MP_RFC822_CC_ADDRESS, pszValueBuf ) ) ) { return( hr ); } } }
// get the Bcc: address & persist it
if( !fSeenRFC822BccAddress && ( !strncasecmp( InputLine, "Bcc:", strlen("Bcc:") ) || !strncasecmp( InputLine, "Bcc :", strlen("Bcc :") ) ) ) { fSeenRFC822BccAddress = TRUE; if( pszValueBuf ) { if( FAILED( hr = pIMsg->PutStringA( IMMPID_MP_RFC822_BCC_ADDRESS, pszValueBuf ) ) ) { return( hr ); } } }
// get the From: address & persist it
if( !fSeenRFC822FromAddress && ( !strncasecmp( InputLine, "From:", strlen("From:") ) || !strncasecmp( InputLine, "From :", strlen("From :") ) ) ) { fSeenRFC822FromAddress = TRUE; if( pszValueBuf ) { if( FAILED( hr = pIMsg->PutStringA( IMMPID_MP_RFC822_FROM_ADDRESS, pszValueBuf ) ) ) { return( hr ); }
char szSmtpFromAddress[MAX_INTERNET_NAME + 6] = "smtp:"; char *pszDomainOffset; DWORD cAddr; if (CAddr::ExtractCleanEmailName(szSmtpFromAddress + 5, &pszDomainOffset, &cAddr, pszValueBuf)) { if (FAILED(hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_FROM_ADDRESS, szSmtpFromAddress))) { return hr; } } }
if( !fSeenRFC822SenderAddress && ( !strncasecmp( InputLine, "Sender:", strlen("Sender:") ) || !strncasecmp( InputLine, "Sender :", strlen("Sender :") ) ) ) { fSeenRFC822SenderAddress = TRUE; if( pszValueBuf ) { char szSmtpSenderAddress[MAX_INTERNET_NAME + 6] = "smtp:"; char *pszDomainOffset; DWORD cAddr; if (CAddr::ExtractCleanEmailName(szSmtpSenderAddress + 5, &pszDomainOffset, &cAddr, pszValueBuf)) { if (FAILED(hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_SENDER_ADDRESS, szSmtpSenderAddress))) { return hr; } } } }
// get the X-Priority & persist it
if( !fSeenXPriority && ( !strncasecmp( InputLine, "X-Priority:", strlen("X-Priority:") ) || !strncasecmp( InputLine, "X-Priority :", strlen("X-Priority :") ) ) ) { fSeenXPriority = TRUE; if( pszValueBuf ) { DWORD dwPri = (DWORD)atoi( pszValueBuf ); if( FAILED( hr = pIMsg->PutDWORD( IMMPID_MP_X_PRIORITY, dwPri ) ) ) { return( hr ); } } }
// get the content type & persist it
if( !fSeenContentType && ( !strncasecmp( InputLine, "Content-Type:", strlen("Content-Type:") ) || !strncasecmp( InputLine, "Content-Type :", strlen("Content-Type :") ) ) ) { fSeenContentType = TRUE; fSetContentType = TRUE; DWORD dwContentType = 0;
if( pszValueBuf ) { if( !strncasecmp( pszValueBuf, "multipart/signed", strlen("multipart/signed") ) ) { dwContentType = 1; } else if( !strncasecmp( pszValueBuf, "application/x-pkcs7-mime", strlen("application/x-pkcs7-mime") ) || !strncasecmp( pszValueBuf, "application/pkcs7-mime", strlen("application/pkcs7-mime") ) ) { dwContentType = 2; }
if( FAILED( hr = pIMsg->PutStringA( IMMPID_MP_CONTENT_TYPE, pszValueBuf ) ) ) { return( hr ); } }
if( FAILED( hr = pIMsg->PutDWORD( IMMPID_MP_ENCRYPTION_TYPE, dwContentType ) ) ) { return( hr ); } }
if( !fSetContentType ) { fSetContentType = TRUE; if( FAILED( hr = pIMsg->PutDWORD( IMMPID_MP_ENCRYPTION_TYPE, 0 ) ) ) { return( hr ); } }
return( hr ); }
HRESULT SMTP_DIRNOT::SetAvailableMailMsgProperties( IMailMsgProperties *pIMsg ) { //set IPaddress that is already available
HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_CONNECTION_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS, DIRNOT_IP_ADDRESS); if(FAILED(hr)) { return( hr ); } hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_SERVER_NAME, g_ComputerName); if(FAILED(hr)) { return( hr ); } hr = pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_SERVER_VERSION, g_VersionString); if(FAILED(hr)) { return( hr ); }
return( hr ); }
void SMTP_DIRNOT::CreateLocalDeliveryThread (void) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "SMTP_DIRNOT::CreateLocalDeliveryThread"); //
// Add a delivery thread with the ATQPorts Overlapped structure. For the dir notifications,
// our overlapped structure is used... this is how we tell the difference in Process Client.
IncPendingIoCount(); if(!AtqPostCompletionStatus(QueryAtqContext(), 50)) { DecPendingIoCount(); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this,"AtqPostCompletionStatus() failed with error %d", GetLastError()); } TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
BOOL SMTP_DIRNOT::PendDirChangeNotification (void) { CBuffer * pBuffer = NULL; DWORD nBytes = 0; DWORD Error = 0;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "SMTP_DIRNOT::PendDirChangeNotification" );
//get a new buffer
pBuffer = new CBuffer(); if(pBuffer == NULL) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "pBuffer = new CBuffer()failed . err: %u", ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
if(pBuffer->GetData() == NULL) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "pBuffer = new CBuffer()->GetData failed . err: %u", ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); delete pBuffer; SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
QuerySmtpInstance()->IncCBufferObjs ();
IncPendingIoCount(); IncDirChangeIoCount();
if(!AtqReadDirChanges(QueryAtqContext(),pBuffer->GetData(),QuerySmtpInstance()->GetDirBufferSize(), FALSE,FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, (OVERLAPPED *) &pBuffer->m_Overlapped.SeoOverlapped.Overlapped)) { Error = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "ReadDirectoryChangesW failed . err: %u", Error); delete pBuffer; QuerySmtpInstance()->DecCBufferObjs (); //decrement over all I/O count
DecPendingIoCount(); DecDirChangeIoCount(); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE;
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE; }
BOOL SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessDirNotification( IN DWORD InputBufferLen, IN DWORD dwCompletionStatus, IN OUT OVERLAPPED * lpo) { CHAR FileName[MAX_PATH + 1]; PFILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION Info = NULL; DWORD FileNameLength = 0; DWORD ServerState; CBuffer* pBuffer = ((DIRNOT_OVERLAPPED*)lpo)->pBuffer; HRESULT hr;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessDirNotification" );
_ASSERT(m_pInstance != NULL);
// pend a new notification to replace the one we are currently using... there will still be
// a couple outstanding unless we are shutting down.
if (!PendDirChangeNotification()) ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "PendDirChangeNotification() failed");
if (!QuerySmtpInstance()->GetAcceptConnBool()) { delete pBuffer; QuerySmtpInstance()->DecCBufferObjs (); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE; }
if(dwCompletionStatus != NO_ERROR) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessDirNotification received error %d", dwCompletionStatus); delete pBuffer; QuerySmtpInstance()->DecCBufferObjs (); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE; }
ServerState = QuerySmtpInstance()->QueryServerState( );
//if we are not running, just delete
if( (ServerState == MD_SERVER_STATE_STOPPED ) || (ServerState == MD_SERVER_STATE_INVALID)) { delete pBuffer; QuerySmtpInstance()->DecCBufferObjs (); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE; }
if(InputBufferLen) { Info = (PFILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION) pBuffer->GetData(); while (1) { //we only care about files added to this
//if(Info->Action == FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED)
if(Info->Action == FILE_ACTION_ADDED) { IMailMsgProperties *pIMsg = NULL;
//convert the name to ascii
FileNameLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &Info->FileName[0], Info->FileNameLength, FileName, sizeof(FileName), NULL, NULL); FileName[FileNameLength/2] = '\0'; DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "File %s was detected", FileName);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MsgImp, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMailMsgProperties, (LPVOID *)&pIMsg);
// Next, check if we are over the inbound cutoff limit. If so, we will release the message
// and not proceed.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwCreationFlags; hr = pIMsg->GetDWORD( IMMPID_MPV_MESSAGE_CREATION_FLAGS, &dwCreationFlags); if (FAILED(hr) || (dwCreationFlags & MPV_INBOUND_CUTOFF_EXCEEDED)) { // If we fail to get this property of if the inbound cutoff
// exceeded flag is set, discard the message and return failure
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failing because inbound cutoff reached"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } pIMsg->Release(); pIMsg = NULL; } }
if( (pIMsg == NULL) || FAILED(hr)) { // We are out of resources, there is absolutely nothing
// we can do: can't NDR, can't retry ...
// Just go on with the next mail ...
ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "new MAILQ_ENTRY failed for file: %s", FileName);
// will be mail left in pickup. queue a findfirst to take care of it.
SetDelayedFindNotification(TRUE); IncPendingIoCount (); AtqContextSetInfo(QueryAtqContext(), ATQ_INFO_TIMEOUT, TIMEOUT_INTERVAL); //retry after a while
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failed to create message will retry later."); goto Exit; } else { pIMsg->PutStringA(IMMPID_MP_PICKUP_FILE_NAME, FileName); if(!ProcessFile(pIMsg)) { // will be mail left in pickup. queue a findfirst to take care of it.
SetDelayedFindNotification(TRUE); } } }
if(Info->NextEntryOffset == 0) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "No more entries in this notification"); break; }
//get the next entry in the list to process
Info = (PFILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION)( (PCHAR)Info + Info->NextEntryOffset); }
if (GetDelayedFindNotification()) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Doing FindFirstFile because max mail objects was hit in notification"); DoFindFirstFile(); }
} else { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Doing FindFirstFile because InputBufferLen == 0"); DoFindFirstFile(); }
Exit: if(pBuffer) { delete pBuffer; pBuffer = NULL; QuerySmtpInstance()->DecCBufferObjs (); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE; }
Name : SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessClient
Main function for this class. Processes the connection based on current state of the connection. It may invoke or be invoked by ATQ functions.
cbWritten count of bytes written
dwCompletionStatus Error Code for last IO operation
lpo Overlapped stucture
TRUE when processing is incomplete. FALSE when the connection is completely processed and this object may be deleted.
--*/ BOOL SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessClient( IN DWORD InputBufferLen, IN DWORD dwCompletionStatus, IN OUT OVERLAPPED * lpo) { PFILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION Info = NULL; DWORD FileNameLength = 0; BOOL fRet; PSMTP_IIS_SERVICE pService;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessClient" );
_ASSERT(m_pInstance != NULL);
// increment the number of threads processing this client
if(!QuerySmtpInstance()->IsShuttingDown()) {
// dhowell - if a gilbraltar thread, and size > 0 then it is a delivery thread we have created
// the SMTP_CONNECTION code will ensure that only the correct number run.
if (lpo == &(QueryAtqContext()->Overlapped) || dwCompletionStatus == ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT) { if(InputBufferLen == 0) { DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this,"FindFirst called internally.");
//reset timeout to infinity in anticipation of having memory; DoFindFirstFile
//will set it to TIMEOUT_INTERVAL if it runs out of memory
AtqContextSetInfo(QueryAtqContext(), ATQ_INFO_TIMEOUT, INFINITE);
//since this was a timeout completion, the atq context has been "disabled" from
//further IO processing. Restart the timeout processing.
AtqContextSetInfo(QueryAtqContext(), ATQ_INFO_RESUME_IO, 1); } } //
// A legit notification .
else { DecDirChangeIoCount(); DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this,"ReadDirectoryChange Notification"); fRet = ProcessDirNotification(InputBufferLen, dwCompletionStatus, lpo); } } else { if (lpo != &(QueryAtqContext()->Overlapped)) { //just cleanup up shop if we are shutting down.
CBuffer* pBuffer = ((DIRNOT_OVERLAPPED*)lpo)->pBuffer; delete pBuffer; pBuffer = NULL; QuerySmtpInstance()->DecCBufferObjs (); DecDirChangeIoCount(); }
// only applies to shutdown case
// these will not be decremented via SMTP_CONNECTION::ProcessMailQIO so we have to do it here.
if ((lpo == &(QueryAtqContext()->Overlapped)) && InputBufferLen) { pService = (PSMTP_IIS_SERVICE) g_pInetSvc;
QuerySmtpInstance()->DecRoutingThreads(); pService->DecSystemRoutingThreads(); } }
// decrement the number of threads processing this client
if ( DecPendingIoCount() == 0 ) { DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this,"SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessClient() shutting down - Pending IOs: %d",m_cPendingIoCount); DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this,"SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessClient() shutting down - ActiveThreads: %d",m_cActiveThreads); _ASSERT( m_cActiveThreads == 0 ); fRet = FALSE; } else { DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this,"SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessClient() - Pending IOs: %d",m_cPendingIoCount); DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this,"SMTP_DIRNOT::ProcessClient() - ActiveThreads: %d",m_cActiveThreads); fRet = TRUE; }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return fRet; }
Name : ReadDirectoryCompletion
Handles a completed I/O for ReadDirectoryChanges
pvContext: the context pointer specified in the initial IO cbWritten: the number of bytes sent dwCompletionStatus: the status of the completion (usually NO_ERROR) lpo: the overlapped structure associated with the IO
--*/ VOID SMTP_DIRNOT::ReadDirectoryCompletion(PVOID pvContext, DWORD cbWritten, DWORD dwCompletionStatus, OVERLAPPED * lpo) { BOOL WasProcessed; SMTP_DIRNOT *pCC = (SMTP_DIRNOT *) pvContext;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) pCC, "SMTP_DIRNOT::ReadDirectoryCompletion");
_ASSERT(pCC); _ASSERT(pCC->IsValid()); _ASSERT(pCC->QuerySmtpInstance() != NULL);
if (dwCompletionStatus != NO_ERROR && dwCompletionStatus != ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT) ErrorTrace((LPARAM)pCC, "Error in Atq operation: %d\r\n", dwCompletionStatus);
WasProcessed = pCC->ProcessClient(cbWritten, dwCompletionStatus, lpo); if(!WasProcessed) { SetEvent(pCC->QuerySmtpInstance()->GetDirnotStopHandle()); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) pCC); }