Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
This module defines the directory notification class. This object maintains information about a new client connection
Rohan Phillips ( Rohanp ) 11-Dec-1995
Revision History:
* Include Headers ************************************************************/
// Redefine the type to indicate that this is a call-back function
* Symbolic Constants ************************************************************/
* Type Definitions ************************************************************/
// forward class declrations
class CBuffer; class SMTP_SERVER_INSTANCE; //class CPickupRetryQ;
CBuffer* pBuffer; } DIRNOT_OVERLAPPED;
// Exposed public
BOOL CopyRestOfMessage(HANDLE hSrcFile, HANDLE hDstFile);
class CIoBuffer { public: static CPool Pool;
// override mem functions to use CPool functions
void* operator new( size_t cSize ) { return Pool.Alloc(); }
void operator delete( void *pInstance ) { Pool.Free( pInstance ); }
// the actual buffer area. size is set by reg entry
char Buffer[1]; };
class CBuffer {
public: static CPool Pool;
CBuffer( BOOL bEncrypted = FALSE ); ~CBuffer( void );
// override mem functions to use CPool functions
void* operator new( size_t cSize ) { return Pool.Alloc(); }
void operator delete( void *pInstance ) { Pool.Free(pInstance); }
// is this buffer in the right pool?
BOOL IsValid( DWORD Signature ); //
// get the number of bytes in the buffer
DWORD GetSize() { return m_cCount; } //
// get the max number of bytes in the buffer
DWORD GetMaxSize() { return Pool.GetInstanceSize(); } //
// set the expected number of bytes in the buffer
void SetSize( DWORD dw ) { m_cCount = dw; } //
// get a pointer to the buffers data area
LPBYTE GetData() { return (LPBYTE)m_pIoBuffer; } //
// copy data into a buffer
BOOL ReplaceData(PVOID src, DWORD count); //
// clear the buffer so that it can be reused
void Reset(void) { m_cCount = 0; } //
// get the IoState for this operation
BUFIOSTATE GetIoState(void) { return m_eIoState; } //
// set the IoState for this operation
void SetIoState(BUFIOSTATE io) { m_eIoState = io; }
// signature for the class
DWORD m_dwSignature; //
// the extended IO overlap structure
// In order for the completion port to work, the overlap
// structure is extended to add one pointer to the
// associated CBuffer object
private: //
// the amount of data in the buffer
DWORD m_cCount; //
// the initial IO type
BUFIOSTATE m_eIoState; //
// the buffer itself must be the last member
CIoBuffer* m_pIoBuffer; //
// whether this buffer will be used for encrypted data
BOOL m_bEncrypted; };
It maintains the state of the directory notifications.
--*/ class SMTP_DIRNOT {
~SMTP_DIRNOT(void); BOOL ProcessClient( IN DWORD cbWritten, IN DWORD dwCompletionStatus, IN OUT OVERLAPPED * lpo); BOOL ProcessFile(IMailMsgProperties *pIMsg);
static SMTP_DIRNOT * CreateSmtpDirNotification (char * Dir, ATQ_COMPLETION pfnCompletion, SMTP_SERVER_INSTANCE * pInstance); static DWORD WINAPI PickupInitialFiles(void * ClassPtr); static DWORD WINAPI CreateNonIISFindThread(void * ClassPtr);
void CloseDirHandle (void); LONG GetThreadCount(void) const {return m_cActiveThreads;} PATQ_CONTEXT QueryAtqContext(void) const {return m_pAtqContext;}
void SetPickupRetryQueueEvent(void);
SMTP_SERVER_INSTANCE * QuerySmtpInstance( VOID ) const { _ASSERT(m_pInstance != NULL); return m_pInstance; }
BOOL IsSmtpInstance( VOID ) const { return m_pInstance != NULL; }
VOID SetSmtpInstance( IN SMTP_SERVER_INSTANCE * pInstance ) { _ASSERT(m_pInstance == NULL); m_pInstance = pInstance; }
// IsValid()
// o Checks the signature of the object to determine
// if this is a valid SMTP_DIRNOT object.
// Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if invalid.
BOOL IsValid( VOID) const { return ( m_Signature == SMTP_DIRNOT_SIGNATURE_VALID); }
// this function is also called by smtpcli.cxx to create extra delivery threads when needed.
void CreateLocalDeliveryThread (void);
static VOID ReadDirectoryCompletion(PVOID pvContext, DWORD cbWritten, DWORD dwCompletionStatus, OVERLAPPED * lpo); private :
ULONG m_Signature; SMTP_SERVER_INSTANCE * m_pInstance; //CPickupRetryQ * m_pRetryQ;
HANDLE m_hDir; LONG m_cPendingIoCount; LONG m_cDirChangeIoCount; LONG m_cActiveThreads; PATQ_CONTEXT m_pAtqContext; CRITICAL_SECTION m_CritFindLock; LONG m_FindThreads; HANDLE m_FindFirstHandle; BOOL m_bDelayedFind;
SMTP_DIRNOT (SMTP_SERVER_INSTANCE * pInstance); BOOL DoFindFirstFile(BOOL bIISThread = TRUE); BOOL InitializeObject (char *DirPickupName, ATQ_COMPLETION pfnCompletion); BOOL CreateToList (char *AddrsList, IMailMsgRecipientsAdd *pIMsgRecips, IMailMsgProperties *pIMsg); BOOL PendDirChangeNotification (void); BOOL ProcessDirNotification( IN DWORD InputBufferLen, IN DWORD dwCompletionStatus, IN OUT OVERLAPPED * lpo); LONG IncPendingIoCount(void) { return InterlockedIncrement( &m_cPendingIoCount ); } LONG DecPendingIoCount(void) { return InterlockedDecrement( &m_cPendingIoCount ); } DWORD GetPendingIoCount(void) { return m_cPendingIoCount; }
LONG IncDirChangeIoCount(void) { return InterlockedIncrement( &m_cDirChangeIoCount ); } LONG DecDirChangeIoCount(void) { return InterlockedDecrement( &m_cDirChangeIoCount ); }
LONG IncThreadCount(void) { return InterlockedIncrement( &m_cActiveThreads ); } LONG DecThreadCount(void) { return InterlockedDecrement( &m_cActiveThreads ); }
VOID LockFind() { EnterCriticalSection(&m_CritFindLock); } VOID UnLockFind() { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CritFindLock); }
BOOL IncFindThreads(void) { LONG NewFindThreads;
NewFindThreads = InterlockedIncrement( &m_FindThreads );
if (NewFindThreads > g_MaxFindThreads) { InterlockedDecrement( &m_FindThreads ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
LONG DecFindThreads(void) { return InterlockedDecrement( &m_FindThreads ); }
HANDLE GetFindFirstHandle() { return m_FindFirstHandle; }
VOID SetFindFirstHandle(HANDLE hFind) { m_FindFirstHandle = hFind; }
VOID CloseFindHandle() { LONG NumThreads; NumThreads = DecFindThreads(); if (NumThreads == 0) { _VERIFY(FindClose(m_FindFirstHandle));
m_FindFirstHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
DWORD GetNumFindThreads() { return m_FindThreads; }
VOID SetDelayedFindNotification (BOOL bIn) { m_bDelayedFind = bIn; } BOOL GetDelayedFindNotification () { return m_bDelayedFind; } HRESULT SetAvailableMailMsgProperties( IMailMsgProperties *pIMsg ); HRESULT GetAndPersistRFC822Headers( char* InputLine, char* pszValueBuf, IMailMsgProperties* pIMsg, BOOL & fSeenRFC822FromAddress, BOOL & fSeenRFC822ToAddress, BOOL & fSeenRFC822BccAddress, BOOL & fSeenRFC822CcAddress, BOOL & fSeenRFC822Subject, BOOL & fSeenRFC822SenderAddress, BOOL & fSeenXPriority, BOOL & fSeenContentType, BOOL & fSetContentType );
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