#include "smtpinc.h"
#include "remoteq.hxx"
#include "dropdir.hxx"
DWORD g_dwDropFileCounter = 0; CPool CDropDir::m_Pool(DROPDIR_SIG);
VOID DropDirWriteCompletion( PVOID pvContext, DWORD cbWritten, DWORD dwCompletionStatus, OVERLAPPED * lpo ) { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) 0xC0DEC0DE, "DropDirWriteCompletion"); BOOL WasProcessed = TRUE; CDropDir *pCC = (CDropDir *) pvContext;
pCC->SetHr( pCC->OnIoWriteCompletion(cbWritten, dwCompletionStatus, lpo) );
VOID DropDirReadCompletion( PFIO_CONTEXT pContext, PFH_OVERLAPPED lpo, DWORD cbRead, DWORD dwCompletionStatus ) { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) 0xC0DEC0DE, "DropDirReadCompletion"); BOOL WasProcessed = TRUE; DROPDIR_READ_OVERLAPPED *p = (DROPDIR_READ_OVERLAPPED *) lpo; CDropDir *pCC = (CDropDir*) p->ThisPtr;
pCC->SetHr( pCC->OnIoReadCompletion(cbRead, dwCompletionStatus, (LPOVERLAPPED)lpo) );
CDropDir::CDropDir() { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::CDropDir");
m_dwSig = DROPDIR_SIG; m_cRef = 1; m_NumRcpts = 0; m_hDrop = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_hMail = NULL; m_AdvContext = NULL; m_rgRcptIndexList = NULL; m_pIMsg = NULL; m_pBindInterface = NULL; m_pAtqContext = NULL; CopyMemory( m_acCrLfDotCrLf, "\r\n.\r\n", 5 ); ZeroMemory( m_acLastBytes, 5 ); m_pIMsgRecips = NULL; m_hr = S_OK; m_cbWriteOffset = 0; m_cbReadOffset = 0; m_cbMsgWritten = 0; m_idxRecips = 0; ZeroMemory( &m_WriteOverlapped, sizeof( m_WriteOverlapped ) ); ZeroMemory( &m_ReadOverlapped, sizeof( m_ReadOverlapped ) ); m_szDropDir[0] = '\0'; m_pISMTPConnection = NULL; m_ReadState = DROPDIR_READ_NULL; m_WriteState = DROPDIR_WRITE_NULL; m_pParentInst = NULL; }
CDropDir::~CDropDir() { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::~CDropDir");
SAFE_RELEASE( m_pIMsgRecips );
if(m_pBindInterface) { m_pBindInterface->ReleaseContext(); SAFE_RELEASE(m_pBindInterface); }
m_MsgAck.pIMailMsgProperties = m_pIMsg; m_MsgAck.pvMsgContext = (DWORD *) m_AdvContext;
if(SUCCEEDED(m_hr)) { m_MsgAck.dwMsgStatus = MESSAGE_STATUS_ALL_DELIVERED; } else { m_MsgAck.dwMsgStatus = MESSAGE_STATUS_RETRY_ALL; }
m_MsgAck.dwStatusCode = 0; m_pISMTPConnection->AckMessage(&m_MsgAck); SAFE_RELEASE(m_pIMsg);
if(SUCCEEDED(m_hr)) { BUMP_COUNTER( m_pParentInst, DirectoryDrops); }
if(SUCCEEDED(m_hr)) { m_pISMTPConnection->AckConnection(CONNECTION_STATUS_OK); } else { SetLastError( 0x0000FFFF & m_hr ); m_pISMTPConnection->AckConnection(CONNECTION_STATUS_FAILED); }
PATQ_CONTEXT pAtqContext = (PATQ_CONTEXT)InterlockedExchangePointer( (PVOID *)&m_pAtqContext, NULL); if ( pAtqContext != NULL ) { if(m_hDrop != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) AtqCloseFileHandle( pAtqContext ); AtqFreeContext( pAtqContext, TRUE ); }
// If we failed to completely write the message, delete the drop file
if (FAILED(m_hr)) { DeleteFile(m_szDropFile); }
// Now get the next message on this connection and
// copy it to drop directory.
if (m_szDropDir[0]) AsyncCopyMailToDropDir( m_pISMTPConnection, m_szDropDir, m_pParentInst );
SAFE_RELEASE( m_pISMTPConnection );
//---[ CDropDir::CopyMailToDropDir ]-------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Entry point to the Async writing to the mail file. When this is called
// it sets up a series of alternating reads and writes (read from the queue
// and write to the mail file). The (rough description of the) algorithm is
// as follows:
// WriteHeaders()
// Post Async Read from MailFile
// return
// Read Completion function()
// Post Async Write of Data to DropDir
// return
// Write Completion function()
// Post Async Read from MailFile
// return
// Called by
// AsyncCopyMailToDropDir()
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// History:
// Created by PGOPI
// 3/25/99 - MikeSwa modified for checkin
HRESULT CDropDir::CopyMailToDropDir( ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection, const char *DropDirectory, IMailMsgProperties *pIMsg, PVOID AdvContext, DWORD NumRcpts, DWORD *rgRcptIndexList, SMTP_SERVER_INSTANCE *pParentInst) { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::CopyMailToDropDir"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
m_pISMTPConnection = pISMTPConnection; SAFE_ADDREF( m_pISMTPConnection ); m_pIMsg = pIMsg; SAFE_ADDREF( m_pIMsg ); m_pParentInst = pParentInst; m_AdvContext = AdvContext; m_NumRcpts = NumRcpts; m_rgRcptIndexList = rgRcptIndexList;
if (!DropDirectory) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto error_exit; }
//Copy drop directory now... so we have a copy in the destructor
//even if this message cannot be dropped
lstrcpy(m_szDropDir, DropDirectory);
hr = m_pIMsg->QueryInterface(IID_IMailMsgBind, (void **)&m_pBindInterface);
if(FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "m_pIMsg->QueryInterface for IID_IMailMsgBind return hr = 0x%x", hr ); goto error_exit; }
hr = m_pBindInterface->GetBinding(&m_hMail, NULL);
if(FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "GetBinding return hr = 0x%x", hr ); goto error_exit; }
hr = m_pIMsg->QueryInterface( IID_IMailMsgRecipients, (PVOID *) &m_pIMsgRecips);
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "QueryInterface for IID_IMailMsgRecipients failed hr = 0x%x", hr ); goto error_exit; }
if( CheckIfAllRcptsHandled() ) { goto exit; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Dropping file to: %s", DropDirectory);
m_hDrop = CreateDropFile(DropDirectory);
if (m_hDrop == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Unable to create drop directory (%s) : 0x%x", DropDirectory, hr); goto error_exit; }
if (!AtqAddAsyncHandle( &m_pAtqContext, NULL, (LPVOID) this, DropDirWriteCompletion, INFINITE, m_hDrop)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Error 0x%x while adding async handle to ATQ", hr); goto error_exit; }
// Output the x-headers
if (FAILED( hr = CreateXHeaders() ) ) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, " Error while creating x-headers hr = 0x%x", hr); goto error_exit; }
exit: return( hr );
error_exit: // If we failed here we must make sure we bubble up the failure so
// it will be seen in the destructor - if we succeeded it is dangerous
// to set this since we could overwrite a failure code written in the
// async path resulting from CreateXHeaders (so we don't do that!)
SetHr(hr); goto exit;
HANDLE CDropDir::CreateDropFile(const char * DropDir) { HANDLE FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwStrLen; FILETIME ftTime; DWORD Error = 0;
DECL_TRACE((LPARAM)this, "CDropDir::CreateDropFile");
dwStrLen = lstrlen(DropDir); lstrcpy(m_szDropFile, DropDir);
do { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftTime); wsprintf(&m_szDropFile[dwStrLen], "%08x%08x%08x%s", ftTime.dwLowDateTime, ftTime.dwHighDateTime, InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&g_dwDropFileCounter), ".eml");
if((Error = GetLastError()) != ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) { FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "CreateFile returns err = %u", Error ); break; }
} while( (FileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && !m_pParentInst->IsShuttingDown());
return (FileHandle); }
HRESULT CDropDir::ReadFile( IN LPVOID pBuffer, IN DWORD cbSize ) { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::ReadFile"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
_ASSERT(pBuffer != NULL);
m_ReadOverlapped.Overlapped.Offset = LODWORD( m_cbReadOffset ); m_ReadOverlapped.Overlapped.OffsetHigh = HIDWORD( m_cbReadOffset ); m_ReadOverlapped.Overlapped.pfnCompletion = DropDirReadCompletion; m_ReadOverlapped.ThisPtr = (PVOID)this;
BOOL fRet = FIOReadFile( m_hMail, pBuffer, // Buffer
cbSize, // BytesToRead
(PFH_OVERLAPPED)&m_ReadOverlapped) ;
if(!fRet) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if( err != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( err );
ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "FIOReadFile return hr = 0x%x", hr ); }
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { Release(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CDropDir::WriteFile( IN LPVOID pBuffer, IN DWORD cbSize ) { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::WriteFile"); CDropDir *p = this; _ASSERT(pBuffer != NULL); _ASSERT(cbSize > 0); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
m_WriteOverlapped.Offset = LODWORD( m_cbWriteOffset ); m_WriteOverlapped.OffsetHigh = HIDWORD( m_cbWriteOffset );
BOOL fRet = AtqWriteFile( m_pAtqContext, // Atq context
pBuffer, // Buffer
cbSize, // BytesToRead
(OVERLAPPED *) &m_WriteOverlapped) ;
if(!fRet) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if( err != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( err );
ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "AtqWriteFile return hr = 0x%x", hr ); }
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { Release(); } return( hr ); }
HRESULT CDropDir::OnIoWriteCompletion( DWORD cbSize, DWORD dwErr, OVERLAPPED *lpo ) { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::OnIoWriteCompletion");
if( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "OnIoWriteCompletion got err = %u", dwErr ); return( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwErr ) ); }
m_cbWriteOffset += cbSize;
switch( m_ReadState ) { case DROPDIR_READ_X_SENDER: _ASSERT(!"Invalid State READ_X_SENDER"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; case DROPDIR_READ_X_RECEIVER: hr = CreateXRecvHeaders(); break; case DROPDIR_READ_DATA: hr = OnCopyMessageWrite( cbSize); break; default: _ASSERT(!"INVALID read STATE"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Invalid ReadState" ); break; }
return( hr ); }
HRESULT CDropDir::OnIoReadCompletion( DWORD cbSize, DWORD dwErr, OVERLAPPED *lpo ) { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::OnIoReadCompletion"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if( ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) && ( dwErr != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwErr );
ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "OnIOReadCompletion got hr = 0x%x", hr ); } else { m_cbReadOffset += cbSize; hr = OnCopyMessageRead( cbSize, dwErr ); }
return( hr ); }
HRESULT CDropDir::CreateXHeaders() {
DECL_TRACE(((LPARAM) this), "CDropDir::CreateXHeaders"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Setting m_ReadState = DROPDIR_READ_X_SENDER" );
strcpy( m_szBuffer, X_SENDER_HEADER );
hr = m_pIMsg->GetStringA( IMMPID_MP_SENDER_ADDRESS_SMTP, MAX_INTERNET_NAME, &m_szBuffer[ sizeof(X_SENDER_HEADER) - 1] );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strcat( m_szBuffer, X_HEADER_EOLN);
// this WriteFile will complete async, so set the next read state.
// Make Sure that no class member variables are acessed after calling
// WriteFile or ReadFile as they complete async & there is no critical
// section protecting access.To do this trace through all paths
// thru which ReadFile and WriteFile are called and make sure no member
// variables are accessed.
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Setting m_ReadState = DROPDIR_READ_X_RECEIVER" ); //
if( FAILED( hr = WriteFile( m_szBuffer, strlen( m_szBuffer ) ) ) ) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Error %d writing x-sender line %s", hr, m_szBuffer);
return( hr ); } } else {
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Could not get Sender Address returning hr = 0x%x", hr);
return( hr ); }
return( hr );
HRESULT CDropDir::CreateXRecvHeaders() { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::CreateXRecvHeaders"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwRecipientFlags = 0; BOOL fPendingWrite = FALSE;
strcpy( m_szBuffer, X_RECEIVER_HEADER );
while( m_idxRecips < m_NumRcpts ) { hr = m_pIMsgRecips->GetDWORD( m_rgRcptIndexList[m_idxRecips], IMMPID_RP_RECIPIENT_FLAGS,&dwRecipientFlags);
if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { if( RP_HANDLED != ( dwRecipientFlags & RP_HANDLED ) ) { hr = m_pIMsgRecips->GetStringA( m_rgRcptIndexList[m_idxRecips], IMMPID_RP_ADDRESS_SMTP, MAX_INTERNET_NAME, &m_szBuffer[ sizeof(X_RECEIVER_HEADER) - 1 ]); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strcat(m_szBuffer, X_HEADER_EOLN);
// Make Sure that no class member variables are acessed after calling
// WriteFile or ReadFile as they complete async & there is no critical
// section protecting access.To do this trace through all paths
// thru which ReadFile and WriteFile are called and make sure no member
// variables are accessed.
if(FAILED( hr = WriteFile(m_szBuffer, strlen(m_szBuffer) ) ) )
{ ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "WriteFile return hr = 0x%x", hr ); return( hr ); } fPendingWrite = TRUE; break; } else { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "GetStringA for IMMPID_RP_ADDRESS_SMTP returns hr = 0x%x", hr ); return( hr ); } } else { m_idxRecips++; } } else { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "GetDWORD for IMMPID_RP_RECIPIENT_FLAGS returns hr = 0x%x", hr ); return( hr ); } }
if( !fPendingWrite ) { m_ReadState = DROPDIR_READ_DATA; m_WriteState = DROPDIR_WRITE_DATA; DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Setting m_WriteState & m_ReadState to WRITE_DATA & READ_DATA respectively" ); return( CopyMessage() ); }
return( hr ); }
HRESULT CDropDir::CopyMessage() { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::CopyMessage");
// Make Sure that no class member variables are acessed after calling
// WriteFile or ReadFile as they complete async & there is no critical
// section protecting access.To do this trace through all paths
// thru which ReadFile and WriteFile are called and make sure no member
// variables are accessed.
HRESULT hr = ReadFile( m_szBuffer, sizeof( m_szBuffer ) );
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "ReadFile returns err = ERROR_HANDLE_EOF, Setting m_WriteState = DROPDIR_WRITE_CRLF" );
return( DoLastFileOp() ); }
return( hr );
HRESULT CDropDir::OnCopyMessageRead( DWORD dwBytesRead, DWORD dwErr ) { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::OnCopyMessageRead"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (dwBytesRead ) { if (dwBytesRead > 4) { CopyMemory(m_acLastBytes, &m_szBuffer[dwBytesRead-5], 5); } else { MoveMemory(m_acLastBytes, &m_acLastBytes[dwBytesRead], 5-dwBytesRead); CopyMemory(&m_acLastBytes[5-dwBytesRead], m_szBuffer, dwBytesRead); }
// the write file will complete async & then we'll do the
// last fileop.
if( dwErr == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) { DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, " Interesting case err = ERROR_HANDLE_EOF, Setting m_WriteState = DROPDIR_WRITE_CRLF" );
m_WriteState = DROPDIR_WRITE_CRLF; }
// Make Sure that no class member variables are acessed after calling
// WriteFile or ReadFile as they complete async & there is no critical
// section protecting access.To do this trace through all paths
// thru which ReadFile and WriteFile are called and make sure no member
// variables are accessed.
if ( FAILED( hr = WriteFile(m_szBuffer, dwBytesRead ) ) ) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "WriteFile return hr = 0x%x", hr ); return( hr ); }
} else { m_WriteState = DROPDIR_WRITE_CRLF;
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Setting m_WriteState = DROPDIR_WRITE_CRLF" );
return( DoLastFileOp() );
return( hr ); }
HRESULT CDropDir::OnCopyMessageWrite( DWORD cbWritten ) { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::OnCopyMessageWrite"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
m_cbMsgWritten += cbWritten;
switch( m_WriteState ) { case DROPDIR_WRITE_DATA: return( CopyMessage() ); break; case DROPDIR_WRITE_CRLF: return( DoLastFileOp() ); break; case DROPDIR_WRITE_SETPOS: return( AdjustFilePos() ); break; default: _ASSERT(!"Invalid WriteState"); ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Invalid WriteState" ); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
return( hr );
HRESULT CDropDir::DoLastFileOp() { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::DoLastFileOp"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "DoLastFileOp called" );
// Now, see if the file ends with a CRLF, if not, add it
if ((m_cbMsgWritten > 1) && memcmp(&m_acLastBytes[3], &m_acCrLfDotCrLf[3], 2)) { //
// the write will complete async. set next write state
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Setting m_WriteState = DROPDIR_WRITE_SETPOS" );
// Make Sure that no class member variables are acessed after calling
// WriteFile or ReadFile as they complete async & there is no critical
// section protecting access.To do this trace through all paths
// thru which ReadFile and WriteFile are called and make sure no member
// variables are accessed.
// Add the trailing CRLF
if(FAILED( hr = WriteFile(m_acCrLfDotCrLf, 2 ) ) ) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "WriteFile returns hr = 0x%x", hr ); return(hr); }
} else { DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Setting m_WriteState = DROPDIR_WRITE_SETPOS" );
return( AdjustFilePos() ); }
return( hr ); }
HRESULT CDropDir::AdjustFilePos() { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::AdjustFilePos"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "AdjustFilePos called" );
//If file ends with CRLF.CRLF, remove the trailing .CRLF
//Do not modify the file otherwise
DWORD dwLo = LODWORD( m_cbWriteOffset ); DWORD dwHi = HIDWORD( m_cbWriteOffset );
if ((m_cbMsgWritten > 4) && !memcmp(m_acLastBytes, m_acCrLfDotCrLf, 5)) { DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Removing the trailing CRLF-DOT-CRLF" );
// Remove the trailing .CRLF
if ((SetFilePointer(m_hDrop, dwLo-3, (LONG*)&dwHi, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xffffffff) || !SetEndOfFile(m_hDrop)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "SetFilePointer or SetEndofFile return hr = 0x%x", hr ); return( hr ); } }
//We need to flush the context before ACK'ing the message
if (!FlushFileBuffers(m_hDrop)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = E_FAIL; ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "FlushFileBuffers failed with hr = 0x%x", hr ); return( hr ); }
hr = SetAllRcptsHandled(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "SetAllRcptsHandledreturn hr = 0x%x", hr ); return( hr ); }
return( hr ); }
BOOL CDropDir::CheckIfAllRcptsHandled() { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::CheckIfAllRcptsHandled"); BOOL fRet = TRUE;
for( DWORD i = 0; i < m_NumRcpts; i++ ) { if ( m_rgRcptIndexList[i] != INVALID_RCPT_IDX_VALUE) { DWORD dwRecipientFlags = 0; HRESULT hr = m_pIMsgRecips->GetDWORD(m_rgRcptIndexList[i], IMMPID_RP_RECIPIENT_FLAGS,&dwRecipientFlags); if (FAILED(hr)) { fRet = FALSE; break; }
if( RP_HANDLED != ( dwRecipientFlags & RP_HANDLED ) ) { fRet = FALSE; break; }
} }
return( fRet ); }
HRESULT CDropDir::SetAllRcptsHandled() { DECL_TRACE((LPARAM) this, "CDropDir::SetAllRcptsHandled"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
for( DWORD i = 0; i < m_NumRcpts; i++ ) { if (m_rgRcptIndexList[i] != INVALID_RCPT_IDX_VALUE) { DWORD dwRecipientFlags = 0; hr = m_pIMsgRecips->GetDWORD(m_rgRcptIndexList[i], IMMPID_RP_RECIPIENT_FLAGS,&dwRecipientFlags); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
if( RP_HANDLED != ( dwRecipientFlags & RP_HANDLED ) ) { dwRecipientFlags |= RP_DELIVERED;
hr = m_pIMsgRecips->PutDWORD(m_rgRcptIndexList[i], IMMPID_RP_RECIPIENT_FLAGS,dwRecipientFlags); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } }
} } return( hr ); }