Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
This module defines the RemoteQ class
Rohan Phillips ( Rohanp ) 11-Dec-1995
Revision History:
* Include Headers ************************************************************/
* Symbolic Constants ************************************************************/ #include "asynccon.hxx"
#include <smtpevent.h>
* Type Definitions ************************************************************/
// X5 189659 intrumentation
extern DWORD g_fCrashOnInvalidSMTPConn;
BOOL AsyncCopyMailToDropDir( ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection, const char * DropDirectory, SMTP_SERVER_INSTANCE * pParentInst );
// A wrapper class for iterating through the hosts in the basic dns resolver record
// returned by the dns resolution sink. The wrapper clubs together the index (of the
// current destination host) with the resolver record, as they always are used in
// conjunction.
class DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD { private: IDnsResolverRecord *pIDnsResolverRecord; DWORD iDnsResolverRecord; CTcpRegIpList *m_pTcpRegIpList; DWORD m_signature;
public: DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD() : pIDnsResolverRecord(NULL), iDnsResolverRecord(0), m_pTcpRegIpList(NULL), m_signature(DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD_VALID_SIGNATURE) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD::DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD"); DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Creating DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD = 0x%08x", this); }
~DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD() { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD::~DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD"); DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Destructing DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD = 0x%08x", this);
if(pIDnsResolverRecord) { pIDnsResolverRecord->Release(); pIDnsResolverRecord = NULL; }
m_pTcpRegIpList = NULL; m_signature = DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD_INVALID_SIGNATURE; } void SetDnsResolverRecord(IDnsResolverRecord *pIDns) { pIDnsResolverRecord = pIDns; } IDnsResolverRecord *GetDnsResolverRecord() { return pIDnsResolverRecord; } void SetDnsList(CTcpRegIpList *pTcpRegIpList) { m_pTcpRegIpList = pTcpRegIpList; } CTcpRegIpList *GetDnsList() { return m_pTcpRegIpList; }
void ResetCounter() { iDnsResolverRecord = 0; }
HRESULT HrGetNextDestinationHost(LPSTR *ppszHostName, DWORD *pdwAddr) { _ASSERT(pIDnsResolverRecord && "Check with GetDnsResolverRecord first!"); if(!pIDnsResolverRecord) return E_FAIL;
return pIDnsResolverRecord->GetItem( iDnsResolverRecord++, ppszHostName, pdwAddr ); } };
virtual void BeforeDelete(void){DROP_COUNTER (GetParentInst(), RemoteQueueLength);} virtual BOOL ProcessQueueEvents(ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection); virtual BOOL InsertEntry(IN OUT PERSIST_QUEUE_ENTRY * pEntry, QUEUE_SIG Qsig = SIGNAL, QUEUE_POSITION Qpos = QUEUE_TAIL) {
return PERSIST_QUEUE::InsertEntry (pEntry, Qsig, Qpos); }
virtual PQUEUE_ENTRY PopQEntry(void) { //Decrement our counter
DROP_COUNTER(GetParentInst(), RemoteQueueLength);
return PERSIST_QUEUE::PopQEntry (); }
virtual void DropRetryCounter(void) {DROP_COUNTER(GetParentInst(), RemoteRetryQueueLength);} virtual void BumpRetryCounter(void) {BUMP_COUNTER(GetParentInst(), RemoteRetryQueueLength);} virtual DWORD GetRetryMinutes(void) {return GetParentInst()->GetRemoteRetryMinutes();}
BOOL MakeATQConnection( SMTPDNS_RECS * pDnsRec, SOCKET socket, DWORD IpAddress, ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection, DWORD Options, LPSTR pszSSLVerificationName, DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD *pDNS_RESOLVER_RECORD);
void HandleFailedConnection (ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection, DWORD dwConnectionStatus = CONNECTION_STATUS_FAILED, DWORD dwConnectedIPAddress = 0);
// Used by HandleFailedConnection to report IP address to AQ
void ReportConnectedIPAddress(ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection, DWORD dwConnectedIPAddress); BOOL StartAsyncConnect(const char * HostName, ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection, DWORD DomainOptions, BOOL fUseSmartHostAfterFail);
BOOL ConnectToNextResolverHost( CAsyncMx * pThisQ );
BOOL CopyMailToDropDir(ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection, const char * DropDirectory);
HANDLE CreateDropFile(const char * DropDir, char * szDropFile);
BOOL ReStartAsyncConnections( SMTPDNS_RECS * pDnsRecs, ISMTPConnection * pISMTPConnection, DWORD DomainParams, LPSTR pszSSLVerificationName, DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD *pDNS_RESOLVER_RECORD);
private: BOOL ConnectToResolverHost( const char * HostName, LPSTR MyFQDNName, ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection, DWORD DomainOptions, BOOL fUseSmartHostAfterFail, DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD *pDNS_RESOLVER_RECORD, PSMTPDNS_RECS pDnsRetryRec);
BOOL BeginInitializeAsyncDnsQuery( LPSTR pszHostName, LPSTR pszFQDN, ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection, DWORD dwDnsFlags, DWORD DomainOptions, BOOL fUseSmartHostAfterFail, DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD *pDNS_RESOLVER_RECORD, const char * pszSSLVerificationName, PSMTPDNS_RECS pRetryDnsRec);
BOOL BeginInitializeAsyncConnect( PSMTPDNS_RECS pDnsRec, ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection, DWORD DomainOptions, DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD *pDNS_RESOLVER_RECORD, const char * pszSSLVerificationName );
BOOL CheckIfAllRcptsHandled( IMailMsgRecipients *pIMsgRecips, DWORD *RcptIndexList, DWORD NumRcpts ); HRESULT SetAllRcptsHandled( IMailMsgRecipients *pIMsgRecips, DWORD *RcptIndexList, DWORD NumRcpts ); };
VOID InternetCompletion(PVOID pvContext, DWORD cbWritten, DWORD dwCompletionStatus, OVERLAPPED * lpo);
BOOL DnsQueryAsync( SMTP_SERVER_INSTANCE *pServiceInstance, LPSTR pszHostName, LPSTR pszFQDN, ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection, DWORD dwDnsFlags, DWORD DomainOptions, BOOL fUseSmartHostAfterFail, DNS_RESOLVER_RECORD *pDNS_RESOLVER_RECORD, const char * pszSSLVerificationName, RETRYPARAMS *pRetryParams, BOOL fUdp);
// This function has been added to try catch X5 189572 where a NULL
// ISMTPConnection causes us to crash in SMTP_CONNOUT::StartSession.
// Unfortunately by then it is to late to figure out the cause of the
// crash, so this code has been added in strategic places to cause a
// crash at a point where we can diagnose the problem. Note that if
// pISMTPConnection is NULL, we will ALWAYS crash, so this code does
// not make the problem worse, it merely makes it occur earlier
// during the outbound code-path at a point where it can be diagnosed.
// -- GPulla
inline void CrashOnInvalidSMTPConn(ISMTPConnection *pISMTPConnection) { int *p = NULL;
if(g_fCrashOnInvalidSMTPConn && !pISMTPConnection) *p = 0; }