// Ntfs.cpp : Implementation of NTFS Store driver classes
// Copyright (C) 1998, Microsoft Corporation
// File: ntfs.cpp
// Contents: Implementation of NTFS Store driver classes.
// Classes: CNtfsStoreDriver, CNtfsPropertyStream
// Functions:
// History: 3/31/98 KeithLau Created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "filehc.h"
#include "mailmsg.h"
#include "mailmsgi.h"
#include "mailmsgprops.h"
#include "seo.h"
#include "seo_i.c"
#include "Ntfs.h"
#include "smtpmsg.h"
HANDLE g_hTransHeap = NULL;
// Instantiate the CLSIDs
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{ #endif
const CLSID CLSID_NtfsStoreDriver = {0x609b7e3a,0xc918,0x11d1,{0xaa,0x5e,0x00,0xc0,0x4f,0xa3,0x5b,0x82}}; const CLSID CLSID_NtfsEnumMessages = {0xbbddbdec,0xc947,0x11d1,{0xaa,0x5e,0x00,0xc0,0x4f,0xa3,0x5b,0x82}}; const CLSID CLSID_NtfsPropertyStream = {0x6d7572ac,0xc939,0x11d1,{0xaa,0x5e,0x00,0xc0,0x4f,0xa3,0x5b,0x82}};
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
// Define the store file prefix and extension
#define SMTP_MD_ID_BEGIN_RESERVED 0x00009000
// CDriverUtils
// Define the registry path location in the registry
#define NTFS_STORE_DIRECTORY_REG_PATH _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\StoreDriver\\Ntfs\\%u")
// Instantiate static
DWORD CDriverUtils::s_dwCounter = 0; CEventLogWrapper *CNtfsStoreDriver::g_pEventLog = NULL;
CDriverUtils::CDriverUtils() { }
CDriverUtils::~CDriverUtils() { }
HRESULT CDriverUtils::LoadStoreDirectory( DWORD dwInstanceId, LPTSTR szStoreDirectory, DWORD *pdwLength ) { HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwRes; DWORD dwType; TCHAR szStoreDirPath[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hrRes = S_OK;
_ASSERT(szStoreDirectory); _ASSERT(pdwLength);
// Build up the registry path given instance ID
wsprintf(szStoreDirPath, NTFS_STORE_DIRECTORY_REG_PATH, dwInstanceId);
// Open the registry key
dwRes = (DWORD)RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szStoreDirPath, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey); if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRes); goto Cleanup; }
// Adjust the buffer size for character type ...
(*pdwLength) *= sizeof(TCHAR); dwRes = (DWORD)RegQueryValueEx( hKey, NTFS_STORE_DIRECTORY_REG_NAME, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szStoreDirectory, pdwLength); if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRes); ErrorTrace((LPARAM)0, "Failed to load store driver directory %u", dwRes); } else { hrRes = S_OK; DebugTrace((LPARAM)0, "Store directory is %s", szStoreDirectory); }
if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
TraceFunctLeave(); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CDriverUtils::GetStoreFileName( LPTSTR szStoreDirectory, LPTSTR szStoreFilename, DWORD *pdwLength ) { _ASSERT(szStoreDirectory); _ASSERT(szStoreFilename); _ASSERT(pdwLength);
DWORD dwLength = *pdwLength; DWORD dwStrLen; FILETIME ftTime;
dwStrLen = lstrlen(szStoreDirectory); if (dwLength <= dwStrLen) return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA));
lstrcpy(szStoreFilename, szStoreDirectory); dwLength -= dwStrLen; szStoreFilename += dwStrLen; *pdwLength = dwStrLen;
dwStrLen = lstrlen(NTFS_STORE_FILE_PREFIX) + lstrlen(NTFS_STORE_FILE_EXTENSION) + 26; if (dwLength <= dwStrLen) return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA)); wsprintf(szStoreFilename, "%s%08x%08x%08x%s", NTFS_STORE_FILE_PREFIX, ftTime.dwLowDateTime, ftTime.dwHighDateTime, InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&s_dwCounter), NTFS_STORE_FILE_EXTENSION);
*pdwLength += (dwStrLen + 1);
return(S_OK); }
HRESULT CDriverUtils::GetStoreFileFromPath( LPTSTR szStoreFilename, IMailMsgPropertyStream **ppStream, PFIO_CONTEXT *ppFIOContentFile, BOOL fCreate, BOOL fIsFAT, IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, GUID guidInstance ) { // OK, got a file, get the content handle and property stream
_ASSERT(fCreate || (guidInstance == GUID_NULL));
IMailMsgPropertyStream *pIStream = NULL;
if (ppFIOContentFile) { // Open the content ...
hFile = CreateFile( szStoreFilename, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // Read / Write
FILE_SHARE_READ, // Shared read
NULL, // Default security
(fCreate)?CREATE_NEW:OPEN_EXISTING, // Create new or open existing file
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | // Overlapped access
//FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, // Write through cache
NULL); // No template
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto Cleanup; }
DebugTrace(0, "--- start ---"); if (ppStream) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)0, "Handling stream in %s", fIsFAT?"FAT":"NTFS");
BOOL fTryLiveStream = !fCreate; BOOL fNoLiveStream = FALSE; BOOL fLiveWasCorrupt = FALSE;
do { // Open the alternate file stream
lstrcpy(szPropertyStream, szStoreFilename);
if (fTryLiveStream) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "TryingLive"); lstrcat(szPropertyStream, fIsFAT?NTFS_FAT_STREAM_FILE_EXTENSION_LIVE: NTFS_STORE_FILE_PROPERTY_STREAM_LIVE); } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "Trying1st"); lstrcat(szPropertyStream, fIsFAT?NTFS_FAT_STREAM_FILE_EXTENSION_1ST: NTFS_STORE_FILE_PROPERTY_STREAM_1ST); }
DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "File: %s", szPropertyStream);
hStream = CreateFile( szPropertyStream, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // Read / Write
FILE_SHARE_READ, // No sharing
NULL, // Default security
(fCreate)? CREATE_NEW: // Create new or
OPEN_EXISTING, // Open existing file
//FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, // Write through cache
NULL); // No template
if (hStream == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "Got INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE\n"); if (fTryLiveStream && GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "livestream and FILE_NOT_FOUND\n"); hrRes = S_INVALIDSTREAM; fNoLiveStream = TRUE; } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "no primary stream either\n"); hrRes = S_NO_FIRST_COMMIT; } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "Returning CreateFile error %lu\n", GetLastError()); hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } } else { hrRes = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_NtfsPropertyStream, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMailMsgPropertyStream, (LPVOID *)&pIStream); if (FAILED(hrRes)) goto Cleanup;
hrRes = ((CNtfsPropertyStream *)pIStream)->SetHandle(hStream, guidInstance, fTryLiveStream, pMsg); if (FAILED(hrRes)) { if (fCreate) fDeleteOnCleanup = TRUE; goto Cleanup; } }
if (hrRes == S_INVALIDSTREAM || hrRes == S_NO_FIRST_COMMIT) { if (hrRes == S_INVALIDSTREAM) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "SetHandle returned S_INVALIDSTREAM\n"); } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "SetHandle returned S_NO_FIRST_COMMIT\n"); } if (fTryLiveStream) { // if we were working with the live stream then retry with
// the 1st commited stream
fTryLiveStream = FALSE; fLiveWasCorrupt = !fNoLiveStream; DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "Trying regular stream\n"); if (pIStream) { pIStream->Release(); pIStream = NULL; } if (hrRes == S_NO_FIRST_COMMIT) hrRes = S_INVALIDSTREAM; } else { // the 1st committed stream was invalid. this can
// only occur when the message was not acked.
// if the live stream existed and this one is invalid
// then something is weird, so we go down the eventlog
// path (returning S_OK). S_OK works because currently
// pStream->m_fStreamHasHeader is set to 0. Either
// the mailmsg signature check will fail or mailmsg
// won't be able to read the entire master header.
// either way will cause the message to be ignored and
// eventlog'd
// CEnumNtfsMessages::Next will delete the message
// for us
if (hrRes == S_INVALIDSTREAM) { if (fLiveWasCorrupt && !fNoLiveStream) { hrRes = S_OK; DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "Returning S_OK because there was no live stream\n"); } else { hrRes = S_NO_FIRST_COMMIT; DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "Returning S_NO_FIRST_COMMIT\n"); } } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "Returning S_NO_FIRST_COMMIT\n"); } } } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "SetHandle returned other error %x\n", hrRes); } _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hrRes)); if (FAILED(hrRes)) goto Cleanup; } while (hrRes == S_INVALIDSTREAM); }
// Fill in the return values
if (ppStream) { *ppStream = pIStream; } if (ppFIOContentFile) { *ppFIOContentFile = AssociateFile(hFile); if (*ppFIOContentFile == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } }
TraceFunctLeave(); return(hrRes);
Cleanup: if (hrRes == S_OK) hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) hrRes = E_FAIL;
if (hStream != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hStream); } if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); } if (fDeleteOnCleanup) { // this only happens at file creation time. There is no
// live file to worry about. The below code is too simplistic
// if we do have to delete a live stream.
_ASSERT(fCreate); DeleteFile(szStoreFilename); DeleteFile(szPropertyStream); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CDriverUtils::SetMessageContext( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, LPBYTE pbContext, DWORD dwLength ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; BYTE pbData[(MAX_PATH * 2) + sizeof(CLSID)];
if (dwLength > (MAX_PATH * 2)) return(E_INVALIDARG);
MoveMemory(pbData, &CLSID_NtfsStoreDriver, sizeof(CLSID)); MoveMemory(pbData + sizeof(CLSID), pbContext, dwLength); dwLength += sizeof(CLSID); hrRes = pMsg->PutProperty( IMMPID_MPV_STORE_DRIVER_HANDLE, dwLength, pbData);
// make S_FALSE return S_OK
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) hrRes = S_OK;
return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CDriverUtils::GetMessageContext( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, LPBYTE pbContext, DWORD *pdwLength ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; DWORD dwLength;
_ASSERT(pMsg); _ASSERT(pbContext); _ASSERT(pdwLength);
dwLength = *pdwLength;
hrRes = pMsg->GetProperty( IMMPID_MPV_STORE_DRIVER_HANDLE, dwLength, pdwLength, pbContext);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { dwLength = *pdwLength;
// Verify length and CLSID
if ((dwLength < sizeof(CLSID)) || (*(CLSID *)pbContext != CLSID_NtfsStoreDriver)) hrRes = NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE; else { // Copy the context info
dwLength -= sizeof(CLSID); MoveMemory(pbContext, pbContext + sizeof(CLSID), dwLength); *pdwLength = dwLength; } }
return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CDriverUtils::IsStoreDirectoryFat( LPTSTR szStoreDirectory, BOOL *pfIsFAT ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; TCHAR szDisk[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFileSystem[MAX_PATH]; DWORD lSerial, lMaxLen, lFlags; DWORD dwLength; UINT uiErrorMode;
_ASSERT(szStoreDirectory); _ASSERT(pfIsFAT);
// OK, find the root drive, make sure we handle UNC names
dwLength = lstrlen(szStoreDirectory); if (dwLength < 2) return(E_INVALIDARG);
szDisk[0] = szStoreDirectory[0]; szDisk[1] = szStoreDirectory[1]; if ((szDisk[0] == _T('\\')) && (szDisk[1] == _T('\\'))) { DWORD dwCount = 0; LPTSTR pTemp = szDisk + 2;
DebugTrace((LPARAM)0, "UNC Name: %s", szStoreDirectory);
// Handle UNC
szStoreDirectory += 2; while (*szStoreDirectory) if (*pTemp = *szStoreDirectory++) if (*pTemp++ == _T('\\')) { dwCount++; if (dwCount == 2) break; } if (dwCount == 2) *pTemp = _T('\0'); else if (dwCount == 1) { *pTemp++ = _T('\\'); *pTemp = _T('\0'); } else return(E_INVALIDARG); } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM)0, "Local drive: %s", szStoreDirectory);
// Local path
if (!_istalpha(szDisk[0]) || (szDisk[1] != _T(':'))) return(E_INVALIDARG); szDisk[2] = _T('\\'); szDisk[3] = _T('\0'); }
// Call the system to determine what file system we have here,
// we set the error mode here to avoid unsightly pop-ups.
uiErrorMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); if (GetVolumeInformation( szDisk, NULL, 0, &lSerial, &lMaxLen, &lFlags, szFileSystem, MAX_PATH)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)0, "File system is: %s", szFileSystem);
if (!lstrcmpi(szFileSystem, _T("NTFS"))) *pfIsFAT = FALSE; else if (!lstrcmpi(szFileSystem, _T("FAT"))) *pfIsFAT = TRUE; else if (!lstrcmpi(szFileSystem, _T("FAT32"))) *pfIsFAT = TRUE; else hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); } else hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); SetErrorMode(uiErrorMode);
TraceFunctLeave(); return(hrRes); }
// CNtfsStoreDriver
// Instantiate static
DWORD CNtfsStoreDriver::sm_cCurrentInstances = 0; CRITICAL_SECTION CNtfsStoreDriver::sm_csLockInstList; LIST_ENTRY CNtfsStoreDriver::sm_ListHead;
CNtfsStoreDriver::CNtfsStoreDriver() { m_fInitialized = FALSE; m_fIsShuttingDown = FALSE; *m_szQueueDirectory = _T('\0'); m_pSMTPServer = NULL; m_lRefCount = 0; m_fIsFAT = TRUE; // Assume we ARE on a fat partition until we discover otherwise
UuidCreate(&m_guidInstance); m_ppoi = NULL; m_InstLEntry.Flink = NULL; m_InstLEntry.Blink = NULL; }
CNtfsStoreDriver::~CNtfsStoreDriver() { CNtfsStoreDriver::LockList(); if (m_InstLEntry.Flink != NULL) { _ASSERT(m_InstLEntry.Blink != NULL); HRESULT hr = CNtfsStoreDriver::RemoveSinkInstance( (IUnknown *)(ISMTPStoreDriver *)this); _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } _ASSERT(m_InstLEntry.Flink == NULL); _ASSERT(m_InstLEntry.Blink == NULL); CNtfsStoreDriver::UnLockList(); }
DECLARE_STD_IUNKNOWN_METHODS(NtfsStoreDriver, IMailMsgStoreDriver)
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::AllocMessage( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, DWORD dwFlags, IMailMsgPropertyStream **ppStream, PFIO_CONTEXT *phContentFile, IMailMsgNotify *pNotify ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; TCHAR szStoreFileName[MAX_PATH << 1]; DWORD dwLength;
_ASSERT(pMsg); _ASSERT(ppStream); _ASSERT(phContentFile);
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::AllocMessage");
if (!m_fInitialized) return(E_FAIL);
if (m_fIsShuttingDown) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failing because shutting down"); return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS)); }
if (!pMsg || !ppStream || !phContentFile) return(E_POINTER);
do {
// Get a file name
dwLength = sizeof(szStoreFileName); hrRes = CDriverUtils::GetStoreFileName( m_szQueueDirectory, szStoreFileName, &dwLength); if (FAILED(hrRes)) return(hrRes);
// Create the file
hrRes = CDriverUtils::GetStoreFileFromPath( szStoreFileName, ppStream, phContentFile, TRUE, m_fIsFAT, pMsg, m_guidInstance );
// GetStoreFileFromPath can return S_NO_FIRST_COMMIT and no handle
// treat this as an error.
if (FAILED(hrRes)) return(hrRes);
((CNtfsPropertyStream *)*ppStream)->SetInfo(this);
// OK, save the file name as a store driver context
hrRes = CDriverUtils::SetMessageContext( pMsg, (LPBYTE)szStoreFileName, dwLength * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (FAILED(hrRes)) { // Release all file resources
ReleaseContext(*phContentFile); DecCtr(m_ppoi, NTFSDRV_MSG_BODIES_OPEN); _VERIFY((*ppStream)->Release() == 0); } else { // Update counters
TraceFunctLeave(); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::EnumMessages( IMailMsgEnumMessages **ppEnum ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::EnumMessages");
if (!m_fInitialized) return(E_FAIL);
if (m_fIsShuttingDown) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failing because shutting down"); return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS)); }
if (!ppEnum) return E_POINTER;
hrRes = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_NtfsEnumMessages, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMailMsgEnumMessages, (LPVOID *)ppEnum); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { ((CNtfsEnumMessages *)(*ppEnum))->SetInfo(this); hrRes = ((CNtfsEnumMessages *)(*ppEnum))->SetStoreDirectory( m_szQueueDirectory, m_fIsFAT); } TraceFunctLeave(); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::ReOpen( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, IMailMsgPropertyStream **ppStream, PFIO_CONTEXT *phContentFile, IMailMsgNotify *pNotify ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; TCHAR szStoreFileName[MAX_PATH * 2]; DWORD dwLength = MAX_PATH * 2;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::ReOpen");
if (!m_fInitialized) return(E_FAIL);
if (!pMsg) return E_POINTER;
if (m_fIsShuttingDown) { // We allow reopen to occur when we are pending shutdown.
// This gives a chance to reopen the streams and commit any
// unchanged data
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "ReOpening while shutting down ..."); }
// Now we have to load the file name from the context
dwLength *= sizeof(TCHAR); hrRes = CDriverUtils::GetMessageContext( pMsg, (LPBYTE)szStoreFileName, &dwLength); if (FAILED(hrRes)) return(hrRes);
// Got the file name, just open the files
hrRes = CDriverUtils::GetStoreFileFromPath( szStoreFileName, ppStream, phContentFile, FALSE, m_fIsFAT, pMsg); //
// GetStoreFileFromPath can return S_NO_FIRST_COMMIT and no handle
// treat this as an error.
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes) && ppStream) { ((CNtfsPropertyStream *)*ppStream)->SetInfo(this); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { if (phContentFile) IncCtr(m_ppoi, NTFSDRV_MSG_BODIES_OPEN); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::ReAllocMessage( IMailMsgProperties *pOriginalMsg, IMailMsgProperties *pNewMsg, IMailMsgPropertyStream **ppStream, PFIO_CONTEXT *phContentFile, IMailMsgNotify *pNotify ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; TCHAR szStoreFileName[MAX_PATH * 2]; DWORD dwLength = MAX_PATH * 2;
IMailMsgPropertyStream *pStream; PFIO_CONTEXT hContentFile;
_ASSERT(pOriginalMsg); _ASSERT(pNewMsg); _ASSERT(ppStream); _ASSERT(phContentFile);
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::ReAllocMessage");
if (!m_fInitialized) return(E_FAIL);
if (m_fIsShuttingDown) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failing because shutting down"); return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS)); }
// Now we have to load the file name from the context
dwLength *= sizeof(TCHAR); hrRes = CDriverUtils::GetMessageContext( pOriginalMsg, (LPBYTE)szStoreFileName, &dwLength); if (FAILED(hrRes)) return(hrRes);
// Allocate a new message
hrRes = AllocMessage( pNewMsg, 0, &pStream, &hContentFile, NULL); if (FAILED(hrRes)) return(hrRes);
// Copy the content from original message to new message
hrRes = pOriginalMsg->CopyContentToFile( hContentFile, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { *ppStream = pStream; *phContentFile = hContentFile; } else { HRESULT myRes;
// Delete on failure
pStream->Release(); ReleaseContext(hContentFile); DecCtr(m_ppoi, NTFSDRV_MSG_BODIES_OPEN); myRes = Delete(pNewMsg, NULL); _ASSERT(myRes); } TraceFunctLeave(); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::Delete( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, IMailMsgNotify *pNotify ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; TCHAR szStoreFileName[MAX_PATH * 2]; TCHAR szStoreFileNameStl[MAX_PATH * 2]; DWORD dwLength = MAX_PATH * 2;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::Delete");
if (!m_fInitialized) return(E_FAIL);
if (!pMsg) return E_POINTER;
if (m_fIsShuttingDown) { // We would allow deletes during shutdown
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Deleteing while shutting down ..."); }
// Now we have to load the file name from the context
dwLength *= sizeof(TCHAR); hrRes = CDriverUtils::GetMessageContext( pMsg, (LPBYTE)szStoreFileName, &dwLength); if (FAILED(hrRes)) return(hrRes);
// Got the file name, delete the file
// For FAT, we know we can force delete the stream, but we are not
// so sure about the content file. So we always try to delete the
// content file first, if it succeeds, we delete the stream file.
// If it fails, we will keep the stream intact so we can at least
// use the stream to debug what's going on.
if (!DeleteFile(szStoreFileName)) { DWORD cRetries = 0; hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); // in hotmail we've found that delete sometimes fails with
// a sharing violation even though we've closed all handles.
// in this case we try again
for (cRetries = 0; hrRes == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) && cRetries < 5; cRetries++) { Sleep(0); if (DeleteFile(szStoreFileName)) { hrRes = S_OK; } else { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hrRes)); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "DeleteFile(%s) failed with %lu, cRetries=%lu, hrRes=%x", szStoreFileName, GetLastError(), cRetries, hrRes); } else if (m_fIsFAT) { // Wiped the content, now wipe the stream
DWORD cRetries = 0; lstrcpy(szStoreFileNameStl, szStoreFileName); lstrcat(szStoreFileName, NTFS_FAT_STREAM_FILE_EXTENSION_1ST); if (!DeleteFile(szStoreFileName)) { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); for (cRetries = 0; hrRes == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) && cRetries < 5; cRetries++) { Sleep(0); if (DeleteFile(szStoreFileName)) { hrRes = S_OK; } else { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hrRes)); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "DeleteFile(%s) failed with %lu, cRetries=%lu, hrRes=%x", szStoreFileName, GetLastError(), cRetries, hrRes); } lstrcat(szStoreFileNameStl, NTFS_FAT_STREAM_FILE_EXTENSION_LIVE); // this can fail, since we don't always have a live stream
DeleteFile(szStoreFileNameStl); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { DecCtr(m_ppoi, NTFSDRV_QUEUE_LENGTH); IncCtr(m_ppoi, NTFSDRV_NUM_DELETES); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::CloseContentFile( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, PFIO_CONTEXT hContentFile ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK;
_ASSERT(pMsg); _ASSERT(hContentFile!=NULL);
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::CloseContentFile");
if (!m_fInitialized) return (E_FAIL);
if (m_fIsShuttingDown) { // We would allow content files to be closed during shutdown
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Closing content file while shutting down ..."); }
#ifdef DEBUG
TCHAR szStoreFileName[MAX_PATH * 2]; DWORD dwLength = MAX_PATH * 2; dwLength *= sizeof(TCHAR); _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(CDriverUtils::GetMessageContext(pMsg,(LPBYTE)szStoreFileName,&dwLength))); #endif
ReleaseContext(hContentFile); DecCtr(m_ppoi, NTFSDRV_MSG_BODIES_OPEN);
TraceFunctLeave(); return (hrRes); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::Init( DWORD dwInstance, IUnknown *pBinding, IUnknown *pServer, DWORD dwReason, IUnknown **ppStoreDriver ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; DWORD dwLength = sizeof(m_szQueueDirectory); REFIID iidStoreDriverBinding = GUID_NULL; IUnknown * pTempStoreDriver = NULL;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::Init");
// We will treat all dwReasons as equal ...
//NK** : We need to treat binding change differently in order to set the correct
//enumeration status - we do it before returning from here
// Try to load the store directory
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Initializing instance %u", dwInstance);
//Grab a lock for the duration of this function
CNtfsStoreDriver::LockList(); pTempStoreDriver = CNtfsStoreDriver::LookupSinkInstance(dwInstance, iidStoreDriverBinding);
if(pTempStoreDriver) { //Found a valid store driver
pTempStoreDriver->AddRef(); *ppStoreDriver = (IUnknown *)(ISMTPStoreDriver *)pTempStoreDriver; CNtfsStoreDriver::UnLockList(); return S_OK; }
DWORD BuffSize = sizeof(m_szQueueDirectory);
// Get the SMTP server interface
m_pSMTPServer = NULL; if (pServer && !SUCCEEDED(pServer->QueryInterface(IID_ISMTPServer, (LPVOID *)&m_pSMTPServer))) m_pSMTPServer = NULL;
// Read the metabase if we have a server, otherwise read from the registry
if(m_pSMTPServer) { hrRes = m_pSMTPServer->ReadMetabaseString(MD_MAIL_QUEUE_DIR, (unsigned char *) m_szQueueDirectory, &BuffSize, FALSE); if (FAILED(hrRes)) { //retry once, then fall through
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "failed to read queue directory from metabase -%x", hrRes); BuffSize = sizeof(m_szQueueDirectory); hrRes = m_pSMTPServer->ReadMetabaseString(MD_MAIL_QUEUE_DIR, (unsigned char *) m_szQueueDirectory, &BuffSize, FALSE); } } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "NTFSDRV Getting config from registry"); hrRes = CDriverUtils::LoadStoreDirectory( dwInstance, m_szQueueDirectory, &dwLength); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { // Deduce the queue directory
lstrcat(m_szQueueDirectory, NTFS_QUEUE_DIRECTORY_SUFFIX); } }
// return failure code if we failed to get a queue directory, to avoid message loss.
if (FAILED(hrRes)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::Init failed -%x", hrRes); CNtfsStoreDriver::UnLockList(); return hrRes; } // Detect the file system
hrRes = CDriverUtils::IsStoreDirectoryFat( m_szQueueDirectory, &m_fIsFAT);
m_fInitialized = TRUE;
m_fIsShuttingDown = FALSE; m_dwInstance = dwInstance; m_lRefCount = 0;
//NK** MAke binding GUID a member and start storing it
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Queue directory: %s", m_szQueueDirectory);
// Return a store driver only if we succeeded initialization
if (ppStoreDriver) { *ppStoreDriver = (IUnknown *)(ISMTPStoreDriver *)this; AddRef();
// if we are the first instance then initialize perfmon
if (IsListEmpty(&sm_ListHead)) { InitializePerformanceStatistics(); }
CNtfsStoreDriver::InsertSinkInstance(&m_InstLEntry); }
WCHAR wszPerfInstanceName[MAX_INSTANCE_NAME]; _snwprintf(wszPerfInstanceName, MAX_INSTANCE_NAME, L"SMTP #%u", dwInstance); wszPerfInstanceName[MAX_INSTANCE_NAME-1] = L'\0'; m_ppoi = CreatePerfObjInstance(wszPerfInstanceName);
// Always return S_OK
CNtfsStoreDriver::UnLockList(); return(S_OK); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::PrepareForShutdown( DWORD dwReason ) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::PrepareForShutdown");
m_fIsShuttingDown = TRUE;
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(S_OK); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::Shutdown( DWORD dwReason ) { DWORD dwWaitTime = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::Shutdown");
m_fIsShuttingDown = TRUE;
_ASSERT(m_lRefCount == 0);
#if 0
// BUG - 80960
// Now wait for all our references to come back
while (m_lRefCount) { _ASSERT(m_lRefCount >= 0); Sleep(100); dwWaitTime += 100; DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "[%u ms] Waiting for objects to be released (%u outstanding)", dwWaitTime, m_lRefCount); } #endif
if(m_pSMTPServer) { m_pSMTPServer->Release(); m_pSMTPServer = NULL; }
if (m_ppoi) { delete m_ppoi; m_ppoi = NULL; }
CNtfsStoreDriver::LockList(); hr = CNtfsStoreDriver::RemoveSinkInstance((IUnknown *)(ISMTPStoreDriver *)this); // if we are the last instance then shutdown perfmon
if (IsListEmpty(&sm_ListHead)) { ShutdownPerformanceStatistics(); } CNtfsStoreDriver::UnLockList(); if(FAILED(hr)) { //We failed to remove this sink from the global list
_ASSERT(0); }
m_fInitialized = FALSE; m_fIsShuttingDown = FALSE;
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(S_OK); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::LocalDelivery( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, DWORD dwRecipCount, DWORD *pdwRecipIndexes, IMailMsgNotify *pNotify ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; TCHAR szStoreFileName[MAX_PATH * 2]; TCHAR szCopyFileName[MAX_PATH * 2]; LPTSTR pszFileName; DWORD dwLength = MAX_PATH * 2;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::LocalDelivery");
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return (hrRes); }
static void LogEventCorruptMessage(CEventLogWrapper *pEventLog, IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, char *pszQueueDirectory, HRESULT hrLog) { HRESULT hr; char szMessageFile[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLength = sizeof(szMessageFile); const char *rgszSubstrings[] = { szMessageFile, pszQueueDirectory };
hr = CDriverUtils::GetMessageContext(pMsg, (LPBYTE) szMessageFile, &dwLength); if (FAILED(hr)) { strcpy(szMessageFile, "<unknown>"); }
static void DeleteNeverAckdMessage(CEventLogWrapper *pEventLog, IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, char *pszQueueDirectory, HRESULT hrLog, BOOL fIsFAT) { HRESULT hr; char szMessageFile[MAX_PATH+50]; char szMessageFileSTL[MAX_PATH+50]; DWORD dwLength = MAX_PATH; TraceFunctEnter("DeleteNeverAckdMessage");
hr = CDriverUtils::GetMessageContext(pMsg, (LPBYTE) szMessageFile, &dwLength); if (FAILED(hr)) { _ASSERT(FALSE && "GetMessageContext failed"); return; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM) 0, "Deleting: %s\n", szMessageFile); DeleteFile(szMessageFile); if (fIsFAT) { // Wiped the content, now wipe the stream
lstrcpy(szMessageFileSTL, szMessageFile); lstrcat(szMessageFile, NTFS_FAT_STREAM_FILE_EXTENSION_1ST); DeleteFile(szMessageFile); lstrcat(szMessageFileSTL, NTFS_FAT_STREAM_FILE_EXTENSION_LIVE); // this can fail, since we don't always have a live stream
DeleteFile(szMessageFileSTL); } }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::EnumerateAndSubmitMessages( IMailMsgNotify *pNotify ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK;
IMailMsgEnumMessages *pEnum = NULL;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsStoreDriver::EnumerateAndSubmitMessages");
if (!m_fInitialized) return (E_FAIL);
if (m_fIsShuttingDown) goto Shutdown;
// Assert we got all the pieces ...
if (!m_pSMTPServer) return S_FALSE;
// Now, get an enumerator from our peer IMailMsgStoreDriver and
// start enumerating away ...
hrRes = EnumMessages(&pEnum); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { IMailMsgProperties *pMsg = NULL; IMailMsgPropertyStream *pStream = NULL; PFIO_CONTEXT hContentFile = NULL;
do { // Check for shut down
if (m_fIsShuttingDown) goto Shutdown;
// Create an instance of the message object, note
// we reuse messages from a failed attempt
if (!pMsg) { hrRes = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MsgImp, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMailMsgProperties, (LPVOID *)&pMsg);
// Next, check if we are over the inbound cutoff limit. If so, we will release the message
// and not proceed.
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { DWORD dwCreationFlags; hrRes = pMsg->GetDWORD( IMMPID_MPV_MESSAGE_CREATION_FLAGS, &dwCreationFlags); if (FAILED(hrRes) || (dwCreationFlags & MPV_INBOUND_CUTOFF_EXCEEDED)) { // If we fail to get this property of if the inbound cutoff
// exceeded flag is set, discard the message and return failure
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failing because inbound cutoff reached"); hrRes = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } pMsg->Release(); pMsg = NULL; } }
// Now if we are out of memory, we would probably
// keep failing, so lets just return and get on with
// delivery
if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { break; } }
// Get the next message
hrRes = pEnum->Next( pMsg, &pStream, &hContentFile, NULL); // Next() cleans up its own mess if it fails
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { DWORD dwStreamSize = 0;
IncCtr(m_ppoi, NTFSDRV_MSG_BODIES_OPEN); DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Next returned success\n");
// We delete streams which are too short to contain
// a master header
hrRes = pStream->GetSize(pMsg, &dwStreamSize, NULL); DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "GetSize returned %x, %x\n", dwStreamSize, hrRes); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes) || dwStreamSize < 1024) { pStream->Release(); ReleaseContext(hContentFile); DeleteNeverAckdMessage(g_pEventLog, pMsg, m_szQueueDirectory, hrRes, m_fIsFAT); DecCtr(m_ppoi, NTFSDRV_MSG_BODIES_OPEN); continue; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Submitting to mailmsg\n"); // Submit the message, this call will actually do the
// bind to the store driver
if (m_fIsShuttingDown) hrRes = E_FAIL; else { IMailMsgBind *pBind = NULL;
// Bind and submit
hrRes = pMsg->QueryInterface( IID_IMailMsgBind, (LPVOID *)&pBind); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { hrRes = pBind->BindToStore( pStream, (IMailMsgStoreDriver *)this, hContentFile); pBind->Release(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { // Relinquish the extra refcount added by bind(2 -> 1)
hrRes = m_pSMTPServer->SubmitMessage( pMsg); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) {
// Relinquish the usage count added by bind (1 -> 0)
IMailMsgQueueMgmt *pMgmt = NULL;
hrRes = pMsg->QueryInterface( IID_IMailMsgQueueMgmt, (LPVOID *)&pMgmt); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { pMgmt->ReleaseUsage(); pMgmt->Release(); } else { _ASSERT(hrRes == S_OK); } } else { // update counter
IncCtr(m_ppoi, NTFSDRV_QUEUE_LENGTH); IncCtr(m_ppoi, NTFSDRV_NUM_ENUMERATED); } // Whether or not the message is submitted, release our
// refcount
pMsg->Release(); pMsg = NULL; } } else { _ASSERT(hrRes == S_OK); } } if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { // Clean up the mess ...
pStream->Release(); ReleaseContext(hContentFile); DecCtr(m_ppoi, NTFSDRV_MSG_BODIES_OPEN);
if (m_fIsShuttingDown) goto Shutdown;
// log an event about the message being corrupt
LogEventCorruptMessage(g_pEventLog, pMsg, m_szQueueDirectory, hrRes);
// We might want to discard this message and go on
// with other messages. We will re-use this message
// object upstream.
hrRes = S_OK; } else { // Make sure we will not accidentally delete or
// reuse the message
pMsg = NULL; } }
} while (SUCCEEDED(hrRes));
// We distinguish the successful end of enumeration
// Release the enumerator, of course ...
// Release any residual messages
if (pMsg) pMsg->Release(); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return (S_OK);
// Release the enumerator, of course ...
if(pEnum) pEnum->Release();
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::IsCacheable() { // signal that only one instance of the sink should be created
return (S_OK); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsStoreDriver::ValidateMessageContext( BYTE *pbContext, DWORD cbContext) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// CMailMsgEnumMessages
CNtfsEnumMessages::CNtfsEnumMessages() { *m_szEnumPath = _T('\0'); m_hEnum = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_pDriver = NULL; m_fIsFAT = TRUE; // Assume we are FAT until we discover otherwise
CNtfsEnumMessages::~CNtfsEnumMessages() { *m_szEnumPath = _T('\0'); if (m_hEnum != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!FindClose(m_hEnum)) { _ASSERT(FALSE); } m_hEnum = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (m_pDriver) m_pDriver->ReleaseUsage(); }
HRESULT CNtfsEnumMessages::SetStoreDirectory( LPTSTR szStoreDirectory, BOOL fIsFAT ) { if (!szStoreDirectory) return(E_FAIL);
// Mark the file system
m_fIsFAT = fIsFAT;
if (lstrlen(szStoreDirectory) >= MAX_PATH) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return(E_FAIL); }
lstrcpy(m_szEnumPath, szStoreDirectory); lstrcat(m_szEnumPath, NTFS_STORE_FILE_PREFIX); lstrcat(m_szEnumPath, NTFS_STORE_FILE_WILDCARD); lstrcat(m_szEnumPath, NTFS_STORE_FILE_EXTENSION); lstrcpy(m_szStorePath, szStoreDirectory); lstrcat(m_szStorePath, NTFS_STORE_BACKSLASH); return(S_OK); }
DECLARE_STD_IUNKNOWN_METHODS(NtfsEnumMessages, IMailMsgEnumMessages)
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsEnumMessages::Next( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, IMailMsgPropertyStream **ppStream, PFIO_CONTEXT *phContentFile, IMailMsgNotify *pNotify ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; TCHAR szFQPN[MAX_PATH * 2];
if (!pMsg || !ppStream || !phContentFile) return E_POINTER;
BOOL fFoundFile = FALSE; TraceFunctEnter("CNtfsEnumMessages::Next");
while (!fFoundFile) { _ASSERT(m_pDriver); if (m_pDriver->IsShuttingDown()) return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS));
if (m_hEnum == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_hEnum = FindFirstFile(m_szEnumPath, &m_Data); if (m_hEnum == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } } else { if (!FindNextFile(m_hEnum, &m_Data)) { return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } }
// Digest the data ...
while (m_Data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // Make sure it's not a directory
if (!FindNextFile(m_hEnum, &m_Data)) { return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } }
// OK, got a file, get the content handle and property stream
lstrcpy(szFQPN, m_szStorePath); lstrcat(szFQPN, m_Data.cFileName); hrRes = CDriverUtils::GetStoreFileFromPath( szFQPN, ppStream, phContentFile, FALSE, m_fIsFAT, pMsg); if (hrRes == S_NO_FIRST_COMMIT) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Got no first commit, doing a delete\n"); // this means that we never ACK'd the message. silently delete it
if (*ppStream) (*ppStream)->Release(); ReleaseContext(*phContentFile); DeleteFile(szFQPN); if (m_fIsFAT) { TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH * 2]; lstrcpy(szFileName, szFQPN); lstrcat(szFileName, NTFS_FAT_STREAM_FILE_EXTENSION_1ST); DeleteFile(szFileName); lstrcpy(szFileName, szFQPN); lstrcat(szFileName, NTFS_FAT_STREAM_FILE_EXTENSION_LIVE); DeleteFile(szFileName); } } else if (FAILED(hrRes)) { // couldn't open the file. try the next one
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "GetStoreFileFromPath returned %x\n", hrRes); } else { CNtfsPropertyStream *pNtfsStream = (CNtfsPropertyStream *) (*ppStream);
// skip over items made with this instance of the ntfs store driver
if (pNtfsStream->GetInstanceGuid() == m_pDriver->GetInstanceGuid()) { (*ppStream)->Release(); ReleaseContext(*phContentFile); } else { fFoundFile = TRUE; } } }
// We got the handles successfully opened, now write the filename
// as the store driver context
hrRes = CDriverUtils::SetMessageContext( pMsg, (LPBYTE)szFQPN, (lstrlen(szFQPN) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (FAILED(hrRes)) { // Release all file resources
ReleaseContext(*phContentFile); _VERIFY((*ppStream)->Release() == 0); } else { ((CNtfsPropertyStream *)(*ppStream))->SetInfo(m_pDriver); }
return(hrRes); }
// CNtfsPropertyStream
CNtfsPropertyStream::CNtfsPropertyStream() { m_hStream = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_pDriver = NULL; m_fValidation = FALSE; // this will make us fail writeblocks if they don't call startwriteblocks
// first
m_hrStartWriteBlocks = E_FAIL; }
CNtfsPropertyStream::~CNtfsPropertyStream() { if (m_hStream != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(m_hStream); m_hStream = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (m_pDriver) { DecCtr((m_pDriver->m_ppoi), NTFSDRV_MSG_STREAMS_OPEN); m_pDriver->ReleaseUsage(); } }
DECLARE_STD_IUNKNOWN_METHODS(NtfsPropertyStream, IMailMsgPropertyStream)
// IMailMsgPropertyStream
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsPropertyStream::GetSize( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, DWORD *pdwSize, IMailMsgNotify *pNotify ) { DWORD dwHigh, dwLow; DWORD cStreamOffset = m_fStreamHasHeader ? STREAM_OFFSET : 0;
_ASSERT(m_pDriver || m_fValidation); if (!m_fValidation && (!m_pDriver || m_pDriver->IsShuttingDown())) return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS));
if (m_hStream == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return(E_FAIL);
if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER;
dwLow = GetFileSize(m_hStream, &dwHigh); if (dwHigh) return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW));
*pdwSize = dwLow - cStreamOffset; return(S_OK); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsPropertyStream::ReadBlocks( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, DWORD dwCount, DWORD *pdwOffset, DWORD *pdwLength, BYTE **ppbBlock, IMailMsgNotify *pNotify ) { DWORD dwSizeRead; DWORD dwStreamSize; DWORD dwOffsetToRead; DWORD dwLengthToRead; HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; DWORD cStreamOffset = m_fStreamHasHeader ? STREAM_OFFSET : 0;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsPropertyStream::ReadBlocks");
if (m_hStream == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return(E_FAIL);
if (!pdwOffset || !pdwLength || !ppbBlock) { return E_POINTER; }
if (!m_pDriver && !m_fValidation) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
_ASSERT(m_pDriver || m_fValidation); if (m_pDriver && m_pDriver->IsShuttingDown()) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Reading while shutting down ..."); }
// Need to get the file size to determine if there is enough bytes
// to read for each block. Note that WriteBlocks are to be serialzed so
// ReadBlocks and WriteBlocks should not be overlapped.
dwStreamSize = GetFileSize(m_hStream, NULL); if (dwStreamSize == 0xffffffff) { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); if (hrRes == S_OK) hrRes = STG_E_READFAULT; ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failed to get size of stream (%08x)", hrRes); return(hrRes); }
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwCount; i++, pdwOffset++, pdwLength++, ppbBlock++) { // For each block, check beforehand that we are not reading past
// the end of the file. Make sure to be weary about overflow cases
dwOffsetToRead = (*pdwOffset) + cStreamOffset; dwLengthToRead = *pdwLength; if ((dwOffsetToRead > dwStreamSize) || (dwOffsetToRead > (dwOffsetToRead + dwLengthToRead)) || ((dwOffsetToRead + dwLengthToRead) > dwStreamSize)) { // Insufficient bytes, abort immediately
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Insufficient bytes: Read(%u, %u); Size = %u", dwOffsetToRead, dwLengthToRead, dwStreamSize); hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_HANDLE_EOF); break; }
if (SetFilePointer( m_hStream, dwOffsetToRead, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xffffffff) { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); break; }
if (!ReadFile( m_hStream, *ppbBlock, dwLengthToRead, &dwSizeRead, NULL)) { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); break; } else if (dwSizeRead != dwLengthToRead) { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_HANDLE_EOF); break; } }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CNtfsPropertyStream::SetHandle(HANDLE hStream, GUID guidInstance, BOOL fLiveStream, IMailMsgProperties *pMsg) { TraceFunctEnter("CNtfsPropertyStream::SetHandle");
if (hStream == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return(E_FAIL); m_hStream = hStream; DWORD dw; NTFS_STREAM_HEADER header;
// if guidInstance is non-NULL then we are dealing with a fresh
// stream and need to write the header block
if (guidInstance != GUID_NULL) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "writing NTFSDRV header"); header.dwSignature = STREAM_SIGNATURE_PRECOMMIT; header.dwVersion = 1; header.guidInstance = guidInstance; if (!WriteFile(m_hStream, &header, sizeof(header), &dw, NULL)) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } m_fStreamHasHeader = TRUE; m_guidInstance = guidInstance; m_cCommits = 0; } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "reading NTFSDRV header, fLiveStream = %lu", fLiveStream);
// if we are working with :PROPERTIES then we want to set the
// commit count to 1 so that the next set of writes will go to
m_cCommits = (fLiveStream) ? 2 : 1;
// read the header. if we can't read it, or there aren't enough
// bytes to read it, then assume that the header wasn't fully
// written out.
if (!ReadFile(m_hStream, &header, sizeof(header), &dw, NULL) || dw != sizeof(header)) { header.dwSignature = STREAM_SIGNATURE_PRECOMMIT; }
// act according to what we find in the signature
switch (header.dwSignature) { case STREAM_SIGNATURE: { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "signature is valid"); // the signature (and thus the stream) is valid
m_fStreamHasHeader = TRUE; m_guidInstance = header.guidInstance; break; } case STREAM_SIGNATURE_PRECOMMIT: { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "signature is STREAM_SIGNATURE_PRECOMMIT"); // a commit was never completed
return S_NO_FIRST_COMMIT; break; } case STREAM_SIGNATURE_INVALID: { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "signature is STREAM_SIGNATURE_INVALID"); // the valid-stream signature was never written
IMailMsgValidate *pValidate = NULL; HRESULT hr;
// assume that the stream is valid, and go through a full
// check
m_fStreamHasHeader = TRUE; m_guidInstance = header.guidInstance;
// this flag allows the read stream operations to take place
// before the stream is fully setup
m_fValidation = TRUE;
// validate stream can only be trusted on the first
// property stream. this is because it can detect
// truncated streams, but not streams with corrupted
// properties. the first stream (:PROPERTIES) can be
// truncated, but not corrupted.
// if we see the invalid signature on a :PROPERTIES-LIVE
// stream then we will always assume that it is corrupted
// and fall back to the initial stream.
// call into mailmsg to see if the stream is valid. if
// it isn't then we won't allow it to be loaded
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Calling ValidateStream\n"); if (fLiveStream || FAILED(pMsg->QueryInterface(IID_IMailMsgValidate, (void **) &pValidate)) || FAILED(pValidate->ValidateStream(this))) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Stream contains invalid data"); m_fStreamHasHeader = FALSE; m_guidInstance = GUID_NULL; if (pValidate) pValidate->Release(); return S_INVALIDSTREAM; }
// we are done with the validation routines
if (pValidate) pValidate->Release(); m_fValidation = FALSE;
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Stream contains valid data"); break; } default: { // if it is anything else then it could be a file with
// no header (older builds generated these) or it could be
// invalid data. mailmsg will figure it out.
m_fStreamHasHeader = FALSE; m_guidInstance = GUID_NULL;
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Unknown signature %x on stream", header.dwSignature); } } }
return(S_OK); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsPropertyStream::StartWriteBlocks( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, DWORD cBlocksToWrite, DWORD cBytesToWrite) { TraceFunctEnter("CNtfsPropertyStream::StartWriteBlocks");
NTFS_STREAM_HEADER header; DWORD dw; m_hrStartWriteBlocks = S_OK;
// if we have seen one full commit, then fork the stream and start
// writing to the live stream
if (m_cCommits == 1) { char szLiveStreamFilename[MAX_PATH * 2]; BOOL fIsFAT = m_pDriver->IsFAT(); char szFatLiveStreamExtension[] = NTFS_FAT_STREAM_FILE_EXTENSION_LIVE; char szNtfsLiveStreamExtension[] = NTFS_STORE_FILE_PROPERTY_STREAM_LIVE; const DWORD cCopySize = 64 * 1024;
// get the filename of the message from the mailmsg object
// we need to save space in szLiveStreamFilename for the largest
// extension that we might tack on
DWORD dwLength = sizeof(char) * ((MAX_PATH * 2) - max(sizeof(szNtfsLiveStreamExtension), sizeof(szFatLiveStreamExtension))); m_hrStartWriteBlocks = CDriverUtils::GetMessageContext(pMsg, (LPBYTE) szLiveStreamFilename, &dwLength); if (FAILED(m_hrStartWriteBlocks)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "GetMessageContext failed with %x", m_hrStartWriteBlocks); TraceFunctLeave(); return m_hrStartWriteBlocks; }
// allocate memory up front that will be used for copying the
// streams
BYTE *lpb = new BYTE[cCopySize]; if (lpb == NULL) { m_hrStartWriteBlocks = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "pvMalloc failed to allocate 64k"); TraceFunctLeave(); return m_hrStartWriteBlocks; }
// we know that we have enough space for the strcats because
// we saved space for it in the GetMessageContext call above
strcat(szLiveStreamFilename, (m_pDriver->IsFAT()) ? szFatLiveStreamExtension : szNtfsLiveStreamExtension);
// open the new stream
HANDLE hLiveStream = CreateFile(szLiveStreamFilename, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (hLiveStream == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { delete[] (lpb); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "CreateFile(%s) failed with %lu", szLiveStreamFilename, GetLastError()); m_hrStartWriteBlocks = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); TraceFunctLeave(); return m_hrStartWriteBlocks; }
// copy the data between the two streams
BOOL fCopyFailed = FALSE; DWORD i = 0, cRead = cCopySize, cWritten; SetFilePointer(m_hStream, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); while (!fCopyFailed && cRead == cCopySize) { if (ReadFile(m_hStream, lpb, cCopySize, &cRead, NULL)) { // if this is the first block then we will touch the
// signature to mark it as invalid. it will get
// rewritten as valid once this commit is complete
if (i == 0) { DWORD *pdwSignature = (DWORD *) lpb; if (*pdwSignature == STREAM_SIGNATURE) { *pdwSignature = STREAM_SIGNATURE_PRECOMMIT; } } if (WriteFile(hLiveStream, lpb, cRead, &cWritten, NULL)) { _ASSERT(cWritten == cRead); fCopyFailed = (cWritten != cRead); if (fCopyFailed) { SetLastError(ERROR_WRITE_FAULT); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "WriteFile didn't write enough bytes" "cWritten = %lu, cRead = %lu", cWritten, cRead); } } else { fCopyFailed = TRUE; ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "WriteFile failed with %lu", GetLastError()); } } else { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "ReadFile failed with %lu", GetLastError()); fCopyFailed = TRUE; } i++; }
delete[] (lpb);
if (fCopyFailed) { // there isn't any way to delete the incomplete stream here.
// however we gave it an invalid signature above, so it won't
// be loaded during enumeration
m_hrStartWriteBlocks = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); TraceFunctLeave(); return m_hrStartWriteBlocks; }
// close the handle to the current stream and point the stream handle
// to the new one
CloseHandle(m_hStream); m_hStream = hLiveStream; } else { header.dwSignature = STREAM_SIGNATURE_INVALID; if (m_fStreamHasHeader) { if (SetFilePointer(m_hStream, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0) { if (!WriteFile(m_hStream, &header, sizeof(header.dwSignature), &dw, NULL)) { m_hrStartWriteBlocks = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } else { m_hrStartWriteBlocks = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } } TraceFunctLeave(); return m_hrStartWriteBlocks; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsPropertyStream::EndWriteBlocks( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dw; NTFS_STREAM_HEADER header;
_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(m_hrStartWriteBlocks)); if (FAILED(m_hrStartWriteBlocks)) { return m_hrStartWriteBlocks; }
header.dwSignature = STREAM_SIGNATURE; if (m_fStreamHasHeader) { if (SetFilePointer(m_hStream, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0) { if (!WriteFile(m_hStream, &header, sizeof(header.dwSignature), &dw, NULL)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } if (hr == S_OK) m_cCommits++; return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsPropertyStream::CancelWriteBlocks( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CNtfsPropertyStream::WriteBlocks( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, DWORD dwCount, DWORD *pdwOffset, DWORD *pdwLength, BYTE **ppbBlock, IMailMsgNotify *pNotify ) { DWORD dwSizeWritten; HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; DWORD cStreamOffset = m_fStreamHasHeader ? STREAM_OFFSET : 0;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CNtfsPropertyStream::WriteBlocks");
if (!pdwOffset || !pdwLength || !ppbBlock) { return E_POINTER; }
if (!m_pDriver) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
_ASSERT(m_pDriver); if (m_pDriver->IsShuttingDown()) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Writing while shutting down ..."); }
if (m_hStream == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return(E_FAIL);
if (FAILED(m_hrStartWriteBlocks)) return m_hrStartWriteBlocks;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwCount; i++, pdwOffset++, pdwLength++, ppbBlock++) { if (SetFilePointer( m_hStream, (*pdwOffset) + cStreamOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xffffffff) { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); break; }
if (!WriteFile( m_hStream, *ppbBlock, *pdwLength, &dwSizeWritten, NULL) || (dwSizeWritten != *pdwLength)) { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); break; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { if (!FlushFileBuffers(m_hStream)) hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(hrRes); }