#include "stdafx.h"
#include "userenv.h"
#include "userenvp.h"
#include "shlobj.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "mddefw.h"
#include "mdkey.h"
#include "wizpages.h"
#include "ocmanage.h"
#include "setupapi.h"
#include "k2suite.h"
extern OCMANAGER_ROUTINES gHelperRoutines;
DWORD GetUnattendedMode(HANDLE hUnattended, LPCTSTR szSubcomponent) { BOOL b = FALSE; TCHAR szLine[1024]; DWORD dwMode = SubcompUseOcManagerDefault; CString csMsg;
csMsg = _T("GetUnattendedMode "); csMsg += szSubcomponent; csMsg += _T("\n"); DebugOutput((LPCTSTR)csMsg);
// Try to get the line of interest
if (hUnattended && (hUnattended != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { b = SetupGetLineText(NULL, hUnattended, _T("Components"), szSubcomponent, szLine, sizeof(szLine)/sizeof(szLine[0]), NULL); if (b) { csMsg = szSubcomponent; csMsg += _T(" = "); csMsg += szLine; csMsg += _T("\n"); DebugOutput((LPCTSTR)csMsg);
// Parse the line
if (!lstrcmpi(szLine, _T("on"))) { dwMode = SubcompOn; } else if (!lstrcmpi(szLine, _T("off"))) { dwMode = SubcompOff; } else if (!lstrcmpi(szLine, _T("default"))) { dwMode = SubcompUseOcManagerDefault; } } else DebugOutput(_T("SetupGetLineText failed.")); }
return(dwMode); }
DWORD GetUnattendedModeFromSetupMode( HANDLE hUnattended, DWORD dwComponent, LPCTSTR szSubcomponent) { BOOL b = FALSE; TCHAR szProperty[64]; TCHAR szLine[1024]; DWORD dwMode = SubcompUseOcManagerDefault; DWORD dwSetupMode;
DebugOutput(_T("GetUnattendedModeFromSetupMode %s"), szSubcomponent);
// Try to get the line of interest
if (hUnattended && (hUnattended != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { dwSetupMode = GetIMSSetupMode(); switch (dwSetupMode) { case IIS_SETUPMODE_MINIMUM: case IIS_SETUPMODE_TYPICAL: case IIS_SETUPMODE_CUSTOM: // One of the fresh modes
lstrcpy(szProperty, _T("FreshMode")); break;
lstrcpy(szProperty, _T("UpgradeMode")); break;
lstrcpy(szProperty, _T("MaintenanceMode")); break;
default: // Error! Use defaults
return(SubcompUseOcManagerDefault); }
// Get the specified line
b = SetupGetLineText( NULL, hUnattended, _T("Global"), szProperty, szLine, sizeof(szLine)/sizeof(szLine[0]), NULL); if (b) { DWORD dwOriginalMode;
DebugOutput(_T("%s = %s"), szProperty, szLine);
// See which setup mode we will end up with
if (!lstrcmpi(szLine, _T("Minimal"))) dwSetupMode = IIS_SETUPMODE_MINIMUM; else if (!lstrcmpi(szLine, _T("Typical"))) dwSetupMode = IIS_SETUPMODE_TYPICAL; else if (!lstrcmpi(szLine, _T("Custom"))) dwSetupMode = IIS_SETUPMODE_CUSTOM; else if (!lstrcmpi(szLine, _T("AddRemove"))) dwSetupMode = IIS_SETUPMODE_ADDREMOVE; else if (!lstrcmpi(szLine, _T("RemoveAll"))) dwSetupMode = IIS_SETUPMODE_REMOVEALL; else if (!lstrcmpi(szLine, _T("UpgradeOnly"))) dwSetupMode = IIS_SETUPMODE_UPGRADEONLY; else if (!lstrcmpi(szLine, _T("AddExtraComps"))) dwSetupMode = IIS_SETUPMODE_ADDEXTRACOMPS; else return(SubcompUseOcManagerDefault);
// Get the custom unattended setting
dwMode = GetUnattendedMode(hUnattended, szSubcomponent);
// Do the right thing based on the setup mode
SetIMSSetupMode(dwSetupMode); switch (dwSetupMode) { case IIS_SETUPMODE_MINIMUM: case IIS_SETUPMODE_TYPICAL: // Minimum & typical means the same:
// Install all for SMTP, none for NNTP
DebugOutput(_T("Unattended mode is MINIMUM/TYPICAL")); if (dwComponent == MC_IMS) dwMode = SubcompOn; else dwMode = SubcompOff; break;
case IIS_SETUPMODE_CUSTOM: // For custom we use the custom setting
DebugOutput(_T("Unattended mode is CUSTOM")); break;
case IIS_SETUPMODE_UPGRADEONLY: // Return the original state
DebugOutput(_T("Unattended mode is UPGRADEONLY")); dwMode = gHelperRoutines.QuerySelectionState( gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext, szSubcomponent, OCSELSTATETYPE_ORIGINAL) ? SubcompOn : SubcompOff; break;
case IIS_SETUPMODE_ADDEXTRACOMPS: // Turn it on only if the old state is off and the
// custom state is on
DebugOutput(_T("Unattended mode is ADDEXTRACOMPS")); dwOriginalMode = gHelperRoutines.QuerySelectionState( gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext, szSubcomponent, OCSELSTATETYPE_ORIGINAL) ? SubcompOn : SubcompOff; if (dwOriginalMode == SubcompOff && dwMode == SubcompOn) dwMode = SubcompOn; else dwMode = dwOriginalMode; break;
case IIS_SETUPMODE_ADDREMOVE: // Return the custom setting
DebugOutput(_T("Unattended mode is ADDREMOVE")); break;
case IIS_SETUPMODE_REMOVEALL: // Kill everything
DebugOutput(_T("Unattended mode is REMOVEALL")); dwMode = SubcompOff; break; }
DebugOutput(_T("Unattended state for %s is %s"), szSubcomponent, (dwMode == SubcompOn)?_T("ON"):_T("OFF")); } else { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_LINE_NOT_FOUND) DebugOutput(_T("SetupGetLineText failed (%x)."), GetLastError()); } }
return(dwMode); }
BOOL DetectExistingSmtpServers() { // Detect other mail servers
CRegKey regMachine = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
// System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MsExchangeIMC\Parameters
CRegKey regSMTPParam( regMachine, REG_EXCHANGEIMCPARAMETERS, KEY_READ ); if ((HKEY) regSMTPParam ) { CString csCaption;
DebugOutput(_T("IMC detected, suppressing SMTP"));
if (!theApp.m_fIsUnattended && !theApp.m_fNTGuiMode) { MyLoadString(IDS_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT, csCaption); PopupOkMessageBox(IDS_SUPPRESS_SMTP, csCaption); }
return(TRUE); }
DebugOutput(_T("No other SMTP servers detected, installing IMS.")); return(FALSE); }
BOOL DetectExistingIISADMIN() { //
// Detect is IISADMIN service exists
// This is to make sure we don't do any metabase operation if
// IISADMIN doesn't exists, especially in the uninstall cases.
DWORD dwStatus = 0; dwStatus = InetQueryServiceStatus(SZ_MD_SERVICENAME); if (0 == dwStatus) { // some kind of error occur during InetQueryServiceStatus.
DebugOutput(_T("DetectExistingIISADMIN() return FALSE")); return (FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL InsertSetupString( LPCSTR REG_PARAMETERS ) { // set up registry values
CRegKey regMachine = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
// System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NNTPSVC\Parameters
CRegKey regParam( (LPCTSTR) REG_PARAMETERS, regMachine ); if ((HKEY) regParam) { regParam.SetValue( _T("MajorVersion"), (DWORD)STAXNT5MAJORVERSION ); regParam.SetValue( _T("MinorVersion"), (DWORD)STAXNT5MINORVERSION ); regParam.SetValue( _T("InstallPath"), theApp.m_csPathInetsrv );
switch (theApp.m_eNTOSType) { case OT_NTW: regParam.SetValue( _T("SetupString"), REG_SETUP_STRING_NT5WKSB3 ); break;
default: _ASSERT(!"Unknown OS type"); // Fall through
case OT_NTS: case OT_PDC_OR_BDC: case OT_PDC: case OT_BDC: regParam.SetValue( _T("SetupString"), REG_SETUP_STRING_NT5SRVB3 ); break; } }
return TRUE; }
// Scans a multi-sz and finds the first occurrence of the
// specified string
LPTSTR ScanMultiSzForSz(LPTSTR szMultiSz, LPTSTR szSz) { LPTSTR lpTemp = szMultiSz;
do { if (!lstrcmpi(lpTemp, szSz)) return(lpTemp);
lpTemp += lstrlen(lpTemp); lpTemp++;
} while (*lpTemp != _T('\0'));
return(NULL); }
// Removes the said string from a MultiSz
// This places a lot of faith in the caller!
void RemoveSzFromMultiSz(LPTSTR szSz) { LPTSTR lpScan = szSz; TCHAR tcLastChar;
lpScan += lstrlen(szSz); lpScan++;
tcLastChar = _T('x'); while ((tcLastChar != _T('\0')) || (*lpScan != _T('\0'))) { tcLastChar = *lpScan; *szSz++ = *lpScan++; }
*szSz++ = _T('\0');
// Properly terminate it if it's the last one
if (*lpScan == _T('\0')) *szSz = _T('\0'); }
// This walks the multi-sz and returns a pointer between
// the last string of a multi-sz and the second terminating
LPTSTR GetEndOfMultiSz(LPTSTR szMultiSz) { LPTSTR lpTemp = szMultiSz;
do { lpTemp += lstrlen(lpTemp); lpTemp++;
} while (*lpTemp != _T('\0'));
return(lpTemp); }
// This appends a string to the end of a multi-sz
// The buffer must be long enough
BOOL AppendSzToMultiSz(LPTSTR szMultiSz, LPTSTR szSz, DWORD dwMaxSize) { LPTSTR szTemp = szMultiSz; DWORD dwLength = lstrlen(szSz);
// If the string is empty, do not append!
if (*szMultiSz == _T('\0') && *(szMultiSz + 1) == _T('\0')) szTemp = szMultiSz; else { szTemp = GetEndOfMultiSz(szMultiSz); dwLength += (DWORD)(szTemp - szMultiSz); }
if (dwLength >= dwMaxSize) return(FALSE);
lstrcpy(szTemp, szSz); szMultiSz += dwLength; *szMultiSz = _T('\0'); *(szMultiSz + 1) = _T('\0'); return(TRUE); }
BOOL AddServiceToDispatchList(LPTSTR szServiceName) { TCHAR szMultiSz[4096]; DWORD dwSize = 4096;
CRegKey RegInetInfo(REG_INETINFOPARAMETERS, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); if ((HKEY)RegInetInfo) { // Default to empty string if not exists
szMultiSz[0] = _T('\0'); szMultiSz[1] = _T('\0');
if (RegInetInfo.QueryValue(SZ_INETINFODISPATCH, szMultiSz, dwSize) == NO_ERROR) { // Walk the list to see if the value is already there
if (ScanMultiSzForSz(szMultiSz, szServiceName)) return(TRUE); }
// Create the value and add it to the list
if (!AppendSzToMultiSz(szMultiSz, szServiceName, dwSize)) return(FALSE);
// Get the size of the new Multi-sz
dwSize = (DWORD)(GetEndOfMultiSz(szMultiSz) - szMultiSz) + 1;
// Write the value back to the registry
if (RegInetInfo.SetValue(SZ_INETINFODISPATCH, szMultiSz, dwSize * (DWORD) sizeof(TCHAR)) == NO_ERROR) return(TRUE); }
// If the InetInfo key is not here, there isn't much we can do ...
return(FALSE); }
BOOL RemoveServiceFromDispatchList(LPTSTR szServiceName) { TCHAR szMultiSz[4096]; DWORD dwSize = 4096; LPTSTR szTemp; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
CRegKey RegInetInfo(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_INETINFOPARAMETERS); if ((HKEY)RegInetInfo) { if (RegInetInfo.QueryValue(SZ_INETINFODISPATCH, szMultiSz, dwSize) == NO_ERROR) { // Walk the list to see if the value is already there
while (szTemp = ScanMultiSzForSz(szMultiSz, szServiceName)) { RemoveSzFromMultiSz(szTemp); fFound = TRUE; } }
// Write the value back to the registry if necessary, note we
// will indicate success if the string is not found
if (!fFound) return(TRUE);
// Get the size of the new Multi-sz
dwSize = (DWORD)(GetEndOfMultiSz(szMultiSz) - szMultiSz) + 1;
// Write the value back to the registry
if (RegInetInfo.SetValue(SZ_INETINFODISPATCH, szMultiSz, dwSize * (DWORD) sizeof(TCHAR)) == NO_ERROR) return(TRUE); }
// If the InetInfo key is not here, there isn't much we can do ...
return(FALSE); }
void GetIISProgramGroup(CString &csGroupName, BOOL fIsMcisGroup) { TCHAR szName[_MAX_PATH]; CString csTempName; UINT uType, uSize;
if (fIsMcisGroup) { csGroupName = ""; } else { // Get the NT program group name from the private data
uSize = _MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR); { // We use the default group name
MyLoadString(IDS_DEFAULT_NT_PROGRAM_GROUP, csTempName); lstrcpy(szName, csTempName.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH)); csTempName.ReleaseBuffer(); } csGroupName = szName; csGroupName += _T("\\");
// Get the IIS program group name from the private data
uSize = _MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR); { // We use the default group name
MyLoadString(IDS_DEFAULT_IIS_PROGRAM_GROUP, csTempName); lstrcpy(szName, csTempName.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH)); csTempName.ReleaseBuffer(); } csGroupName += szName; } }
void MyGetGroupPath(LPCTSTR szGroupName, LPTSTR szPath);
BOOL GetFullPathToProgramGroup(DWORD dwMainComponent, CString &csGroupName, BOOL fIsMcisGroup) { // add items to the program group
CString csTemp; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
// Get the program group name from the private data
GetIISProgramGroup(csTemp, fIsMcisGroup);
// Get the system path to this menu item
MyGetGroupPath((LPCTSTR)csTemp, szPath); csGroupName = szPath;
// Load up the resource string for the group
if (fIsMcisGroup) MyLoadString(IDS_PROGGROUP_MCIS_MAIL_AND_NEWS, csTemp); else MyLoadString(dwMainComponent == MC_IMS?IDS_PROGGROUP_MAIL:IDS_PROGGROUP_NEWS, csTemp);
// Build the program group
csGroupName += csTemp;
DebugOutput(_T("Program group loaded: %s"), (LPCTSTR)csGroupName);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL GetFullPathToAdminGroup(DWORD dwMainComponent, CString &csGroupName) { // add items to the program group
CString csTemp; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
// Get the program group name from the private data
// Get the system path to this menu item
MyGetGroupPath((LPCTSTR)csTemp, szPath); csGroupName = szPath;
DebugOutput(_T("Program group loaded: %s"), (LPCTSTR)csGroupName);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL RemoveProgramGroupIfEmpty(DWORD dwMainComponent, BOOL fIsMcisGroup) { // add items to the program group
CString csGroupName; CString csTemp; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fResult;
// Get the program group name from the private data
GetIISProgramGroup(csTemp, fIsMcisGroup);
// Get the system path to this menu item
MyGetGroupPath((LPCTSTR)csTemp, szPath); csGroupName = szPath;
// Load up the resource string for the group
if (fIsMcisGroup) MyLoadString(IDS_PROGGROUP_MCIS_MAIL_AND_NEWS, csTemp); else MyLoadString(dwMainComponent == MC_IMS?IDS_PROGGROUP_MAIL:IDS_PROGGROUP_NEWS, csTemp);
// Build the program group
csGroupName += csTemp;
DebugOutput(_T("Removing Program group: %s"), (LPCTSTR)csGroupName);
fResult = RemoveDirectory((LPCTSTR)csGroupName); if (fResult && fIsMcisGroup) { SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_RMDIR, SHCNF_PATH, (LPCTSTR)csGroupName, 0);
csGroupName = szPath; MyLoadString(IDS_MCIS_2_0, csTemp); csGroupName += csTemp; fResult = RemoveDirectory((LPCTSTR)csGroupName); } if (fResult) { SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_RMDIR, SHCNF_PATH, (LPCTSTR)csGroupName, 0); }
return(fResult); }
BOOL RemoveInternetShortcut(DWORD dwMainComponent, int dwDisplayNameId, BOOL fIsMcisGroup) { CString csItemPath; CString csDisplayName;
MyLoadString(dwDisplayNameId, csDisplayName);
// Build the full path to the program link
GetFullPathToProgramGroup(dwMainComponent, csItemPath, fIsMcisGroup); csItemPath += _T("\\"); csItemPath += csDisplayName; csItemPath += _T(".url");
DebugOutput(_T("Removing shortcut file: %s"), (LPCTSTR)csItemPath);
DeleteFile((LPCTSTR)csItemPath); SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_DELETE, SHCNF_PATH, (LPCTSTR)csItemPath, 0);
RemoveProgramGroupIfEmpty(dwMainComponent, fIsMcisGroup); return(TRUE); }
BOOL RemoveNt5InternetShortcut(DWORD dwMainComponent, int dwDisplayNameId) { CString csItemPath; CString csDisplayName;
MyLoadString(dwDisplayNameId, csDisplayName);
// Build the full path to the program link
GetFullPathToAdminGroup(dwMainComponent, csItemPath); csItemPath += _T("\\"); csItemPath += csDisplayName; csItemPath += _T(".url");
DebugOutput(_T("Removing shortcut file: %s"), (LPCTSTR)csItemPath);
DeleteFile((LPCTSTR)csItemPath); SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_DELETE, SHCNF_PATH, (LPCTSTR)csItemPath, 0);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL RemoveMCIS10MailProgramGroup() { CString csGroupName; CString csNiceName;
MyLoadString(IDS_PROGGROUP_MCIS10_MAIL, csGroupName);
MyLoadString(IDS_PROGITEM_MCIS10_MAIL_STARTPAGE, csNiceName); MyDeleteItem(csGroupName, csNiceName);
MyLoadString(IDS_PROGITEM_MCIS10_MAIL_WEBADMIN, csNiceName); MyDeleteItemEx(csGroupName, csNiceName);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL RemoveMCIS10NewsProgramGroup() { CString csGroupName; CString csNiceName;
// BUGBUG: need to figure out how to get
// the old MCIS 1.0 program group path
MyLoadString(IDS_PROGGROUP_MCIS10_NEWS, csGroupName);
MyLoadString(IDS_PROGITEM_MCIS10_NEWS_STARTPAGE, csNiceName); MyDeleteItem(csGroupName, csNiceName);
MyLoadString(IDS_PROGITEM_MCIS10_NEWS_WEBADMIN, csNiceName); MyDeleteItemEx(csGroupName, csNiceName);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL RemoveUninstallEntries(LPCTSTR szInfFile) { // All components are removed, we will have to remove
// the Add/Remove option from the control panel
CRegKey regUninstall( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_UNINSTALL); if ((HKEY)regUninstall) regUninstall.DeleteTree(szInfFile); else return(FALSE); return(TRUE); }
BOOL MyDeleteLink(LPTSTR lpszShortcut) { TCHAR szFile[_MAX_PATH]; SHFILEOPSTRUCT fos;
ZeroMemory(szFile, sizeof(szFile)); lstrcpy(szFile, lpszShortcut);
// only call SHFileOperation if this file/link exists
if (0xFFFFFFFF != GetFileAttributes(szFile)) { ZeroMemory(&fos, sizeof(fos)); fos.hwnd = NULL; fos.wFunc = FO_DELETE; fos.pFrom = szFile; fos.fFlags = FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; SHFileOperation(&fos); }
return TRUE; }
void MyGetGroupPath(LPCTSTR szGroupName, LPTSTR szPath) { int nLen = 0; LPITEMIDLIST pidlPrograms;
szPath[0] = NULL;
if (NOERROR != SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS, &pidlPrograms)) return;
if (!SHGetPathFromIDList(pidlPrograms, szPath)) return; nLen = lstrlen(szPath); if (szGroupName) { if (nLen == 0 || szPath[nLen-1] != _T('\\')) lstrcat(szPath, _T("\\")); lstrcat(szPath, szGroupName); } return; }
BOOL MyAddGroup(LPCTSTR szGroupName) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; CString csPath;
MyGetGroupPath(szGroupName, szPath); csPath = szPath; CreateLayerDirectory(csPath); SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_MKDIR, SHCNF_PATH, szPath, 0);
return TRUE; }
BOOL MyIsGroupEmpty(LPCTSTR szGroupName) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; HANDLE hFind; BOOL bFindFile = TRUE; BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
MyGetGroupPath(szGroupName, szPath);
lstrcpy(szFile, szPath); lstrcat(szFile, _T("\\*.*"));
hFind = FindFirstFile(szFile, &FindData); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind) { while (bFindFile) { if(*(FindData.cFileName) != _T('.')) { fReturn = FALSE; break; }
//find the next file
bFindFile = FindNextFile(hFind, &FindData); }
FindClose(hFind); }
return fReturn; }
BOOL MyDeleteGroup(LPCTSTR szGroupName) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; SHFILEOPSTRUCT fos; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; HANDLE hFind; BOOL bFindFile = TRUE; BOOL fResult;
MyGetGroupPath(szGroupName, szPath);
//we can't remove a directory that is not empty, so we need to empty this one
lstrcpy(szFile, szPath); lstrcat(szFile, _T("\\*.*"));
ZeroMemory(&fos, sizeof(fos)); fos.hwnd = NULL; fos.wFunc = FO_DELETE; fos.fFlags = FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION;
hFind = FindFirstFile(szFile, &FindData); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind) { while (bFindFile) { if(*(FindData.cFileName) != _T('.')) { //copy the path and file name to our temp buffer
lstrcpy(szFile, szPath); lstrcat(szFile, _T("\\")); lstrcat(szFile, FindData.cFileName); //add a second NULL because SHFileOperation is looking for this
lstrcat(szFile, _T("\0"));
//delete the file
fos.pFrom = szFile; SHFileOperation(&fos); } //find the next file
bFindFile = FindNextFile(hFind, &FindData); } FindClose(hFind); }
fResult = RemoveDirectory(szPath); if (fResult) { SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_RMDIR, SHCNF_PATH, szPath, 0); }
return(fResult); }
void MyDeleteItem(LPCTSTR szGroupName, LPCTSTR szAppName) { TCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH];
MyGetGroupPath(szGroupName, szPath); lstrcat(szPath, _T("\\")); lstrcat(szPath, szAppName); lstrcat(szPath, _T(".lnk"));
if (MyIsGroupEmpty(szGroupName)) MyDeleteGroup(szGroupName); }
// Use to delete files with extension other than ".lnk"
void MyDeleteItemEx(LPCTSTR szGroupName, LPCTSTR szAppName) { TCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH];
MyGetGroupPath(szGroupName, szPath); lstrcat(szPath, _T("\\")); lstrcat(szPath, szAppName);
if (MyIsGroupEmpty(szGroupName)) MyDeleteGroup(szGroupName); }
BOOL RemoveISMLink() { // add items to the program group
CString csGroupName; CString csNiceName; CString csTemp;
DebugOutput(_T("Removing ISM link ..."));
// Get the program group name from the private data
GetIISProgramGroup(csGroupName, TRUE);
// Build the program group
csGroupName += csTemp;
MyLoadString(IDS_PROGITEM_ISM, csNiceName); MyDeleteItem(csGroupName, csNiceName);
return(TRUE); }
void GetInetpubPathFromMD(CString& csPathInetpub) { TCHAR szw3root[] = _T("\\wwwroot"); TCHAR szPathInetpub[_MAX_PATH];
ZeroMemory( szPathInetpub, sizeof(szPathInetpub) );
CMDKey W3Key; DWORD dwScratch; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwLength;
// Get W3Root path
W3Key.OpenNode(_T("LM/W3Svc/1/Root")); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)W3Key ) { dwLength = _MAX_PATH;
if (W3Key.GetData(3001, &dwScratch, &dwScratch, &dwType, &dwLength, (LPBYTE)szPathInetpub)) { if (dwType == STRING_METADATA) { dwScratch = lstrlen(szw3root); dwLength = lstrlen(szPathInetpub);
// If it ends with "\\wwwroot", then we copy the prefix into csPathInetpub
if ((dwLength > dwScratch) && !lstrcmpi(szPathInetpub + (dwLength - dwScratch), szw3root)) { csPathInetpub.Empty(); lstrcpyn( csPathInetpub.GetBuffer(512), szPathInetpub, (dwLength - dwScratch + 1)); csPathInetpub.ReleaseBuffer(); }
// otherwise fall back to use the default...
} } W3Key.Close(); }