Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains definition for the CSecurityCtx class.
Johnson Apacible (JohnsonA) 18-Sept-1995
Revision History:
#if !defined(dllexp)
#define dllexp __declspec( dllexport )
#endif // !defined( dllexp )
#include <dbgutil.h>
#include <tcpdll.hxx>
#include <tcpsvcs.h>
#include <tcpdebug.h>
#include <tsvcinfo.hxx>
#include <inetdata.h>
extern "C" { #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dbgtrace.h>
#include <inetinfo.h>
// SSL and SSPI related include files
#include <dbgutil.h>
#include <buffer.hxx>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <imd.h>
#include <iadm.h>
#include <mb.hxx>
extern "C" { #define SECURITY_WIN32
#include <sspi.h>
#include <ntsecapi.h>
#include <spseal.h>
//#include <sslsp.h>
#include <schnlsp.h>
#include ".\credcach.hxx"
#include <certnotf.hxx>
//#include "sslmsgs.h"
#include "simssl2.h"
// try/finally macros
#define START_TRY __try {
#define END_TRY }
#define START_FINALLY } __finally {
// tracing
#define ENTER( _x_ ) TraceFunctEnter( _x_ );
#define LEAVE TraceFunctLeave( );
#define MAX_SECRET_NAME 255
#define MAX_ADDRESS_LEN 64
VOID WINAPI NotifySslChanges( DWORD dwNotifyType, LPVOID pInstance );
// The list of encryption packages we support. PCT goes first since it's a
// superset of SSL
struct _ENC_PROVIDER* pEncProviders = EncProviders;
// service specific string names
WCHAR CEncryptCtx::wszServiceName[16]; //char CEncryptCtx::szLsaPrefix[16];
BOOL CEncryptCtx::m_IsSecureCapable = FALSE;
// hSecurity - NULL when security.dll/secur32.dll is not loaded
HINSTANCE CEncryptCtx::m_hSecurity = NULL; HINSTANCE CEncryptCtx::m_hLsa = NULL; PVOID CEncryptCtx::m_psmcMapContext = NULL;
// g_pSecFuncTable - Pointer to Global Structure of Pointers that are used
// for storing the entry points into the SCHANNEL.dll
PSecurityFunctionTableW g_pSecFuncTableW = NULL; HINSTANCE g_hSchannel = NULL; //
// NB : Under NT 5, the SslEmptyCache function is no longer supported
#if 0
VOID AsciiStringToUnicode( IN LPWSTR UnicodeString, IN LPSTR AsciiString ) { while ( (*UnicodeString++ = (WCHAR)*AsciiString++) != (WCHAR)'\0');
} // AsciiStringToUnicode
BOOL CEncryptCtx::Initialize( LPSTR pszServiceName, IMDCOM* pImdcom, PVOID psmcMapContext, PVOID pvAdminBase //LPSTR pszLsaPrefix
) /*++
Routine Description:
Activates the security package
Return Value:
TRUE, if successful. FALSE, otherwise.
--*/ { ENTER("CEncryptCtx::Initialize")
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; DWORD cb; SECURITY_STATUS ss; PSecPkgInfoW pPackageInfo = NULL; ULONG cPackages; ULONG i; ULONG fCaps; DWORD dwEncFlags = ENC_CAPS_DEFAULT; DWORD cProviders = 0; #if 0
UNICODE_STRING* punitmp; WCHAR achSecretName[MAX_SECRET_NAME+1]; #endif
extern IMDCOM* pMDObject ; extern IMSAdminBaseW* pAdminObject ;
pMDObject = pImdcom ; m_psmcMapContext = psmcMapContext ; pAdminObject = (IMSAdminBaseW*)pvAdminBase ;
// deal with different security packages DLL on different platforms
_ASSERT( m_hSecurity == NULL ); _ASSERT( m_hLsa == NULL );
// load dll.
os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); _VERIFY( GetVersionEx( &os ) );
if ( os.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ) { m_hSecurity = LoadLibrary("security"); } else { m_hSecurity = LoadLibrary("secur32"); }
if ( m_hSecurity == NULL ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "LoadLibrary failed: %d", GetLastError() ); goto quit; }
// only on NT get the LSA function pointers
if ( os.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ) { #if 0
m_hLsa = LoadLibrary("advapi32"); if ( m_hLsa == NULL ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "LoadLibrary ADVAPI32 failed: %d", GetLastError() ); goto quit; }
g_LsaOpenPolicy = (LSAOPENPOLICY) GetProcAddress( m_hLsa, "LsaOpenPolicy" );
if ( g_LsaOpenPolicy == NULL ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "LsaOpenPolicy GetProcAddress failed: %d", GetLastError() ); goto quit; }
g_LsaRetrievePrivateData = (LSARETRIEVEPRIVATEDATA) GetProcAddress( m_hLsa, "LsaRetrievePrivateData" );
if ( g_LsaRetrievePrivateData == NULL ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "LsaRetrievePrivateData GetProcAddress failed: %d", GetLastError() ); goto quit; }
g_LsaClose = (LSACLOSE) GetProcAddress( m_hLsa, "LsaClose" );
if ( g_LsaClose == NULL ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "LsaClose GetProcAddress failed: %d", GetLastError() ); goto quit; }
g_LsaNtStatusToWinError = (LSANTSTATUSTOWINERROR) GetProcAddress( m_hLsa, "LsaNtStatusToWinError" );
if ( g_LsaNtStatusToWinError == NULL ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "LsaNtStatusToWinError GetProcAddress failed: %d", GetLastError() ); goto quit; }
g_LsaFreeMemory = (LSAFREEMEMORY) GetProcAddress( m_hLsa, "LsaFreeMemory" );
if ( g_LsaFreeMemory == NULL ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "LsaFreeMemory GetProcAddress failed: %d", GetLastError() ); goto quit; } #endif
} //
// get function addresses for ansi entries.
pfInitSecurityInterfaceW = (INITSECURITYINTERFACE) GetProcAddress( m_hSecurity, SECURITY_ENTRYPOINTW );
if ( pfInitSecurityInterfaceW == NULL ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "GetProcAddress failed: %d", GetLastError() ); goto quit; }
g_pSecFuncTableW = (SecurityFunctionTableW*)((*pfInitSecurityInterfaceW)());
if ( g_pSecFuncTableW == NULL ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "SecurityFunctionTable failed: %d", GetLastError() ); goto quit; }
// Initialize cached credential data
InitializeCriticalSection( &csGlobalLock ); InitCredCache(); if ( g_hSchannel = LoadLibrary( "schannel.dll" ) ) { g_pfnFlushSchannelCache = (PFN_SCHANNEL_INVALIDATE_CACHE)GetProcAddress( g_hSchannel, "SslEmptyCache" ); }
// Client implementations do not require Lsa secrets
if ( pszServiceName ) { cb = lstrlen( pszServiceName ) + 1; if ( cb*2 > sizeof( wszServiceName ) ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "szServiceName too long" ); goto quit; } //CopyMemory( szServiceName, pszServiceName, cb );
AsciiStringToUnicode( wszServiceName, pszServiceName ); }
#if 0
if ( pszLsaPrefix ) { cb = lstrlen( pszLsaPrefix ) + 1; if ( cb > sizeof( szLsaPrefix ) ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "szLsaPrefix too long" ); goto quit; } CopyMemory( szLsaPrefix, pszLsaPrefix, cb ); } #endif
// Get the list of security packages on this machine
ss = g_EnumerateSecurityPackages( &cPackages, &pPackageInfo );
if ( ss != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "g_EnumerateSecurityPackages failed: 0x%08X", ss ); SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto quit; }
for ( i = 0; i < cPackages ; i++ ) { //
// We'll only use the security package if it supports connection
// oriented security and it supports the appropriate side (client
// or server)
fCaps = pPackageInfo[i].fCapabilities;
if ( fCaps & SECPKG_FLAG_STREAM ) { if ( fCaps & SECPKG_FLAG_CLIENT_ONLY || !(fCaps & SECPKG_FLAG_PRIVACY )) { continue; }
// Does it match one of our known packages and are we configured
// to use it?
for ( int j = 0; pEncProviders[j].pszName != NULL; j++ ) { if ( !wcscmp( pPackageInfo[i].Name, pEncProviders[j].pszName ) && pEncProviders[j].dwFlags & dwEncFlags ) { pEncProviders[j].fEnabled = TRUE; cProviders++; } } } }
g_FreeContextBuffer( pPackageInfo );
if ( !cProviders ) { //
// The package wasn't found, fail this filter's load
ErrorTrace( 0, "No security packages were found" ); SetLastError( (DWORD) SEC_E_SECPKG_NOT_FOUND );
// not a fatal error
fSuccess = TRUE; goto quit; }
#if 0
// The package is installed. Check to see if there are any keys
// installed
if ( os.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && pszLsaPrefix ) { wsprintfW( achSecretName, CORE_SSL_KEY_LIST_SECRET, szLsaPrefix );
if ( !GetSecretW( achSecretName, &punitmp ) ) { ErrorTrace( 0, "GetSecretW returned error %d", GetLastError() );
// Looks like no secrets are installed, fail to load, don't log an
// event
SetLastError( NO_ERROR );
// not a fatal error
fSuccess = TRUE; goto quit; } g_LsaFreeMemory( punitmp ); } #endif
if ( psmc ) { if (!psmc->ServerSupportFunction( NULL, (LPVOID)NotifySslChanges, (UINT)SIMSSL_NOTIFY_MAPPER_CERT11_CHANGED ) || !psmc->ServerSupportFunction( NULL, (LPVOID)NotifySslChanges, (UINT)SIMSSL_NOTIFY_MAPPER_CERTW_CHANGED ) || !psmc->ServerSupportFunction( NULL, (LPVOID)NotifySslChanges, (UINT)SIMSSL_NOTIFY_MAPPER_SSLKEYS_CHANGED )) { _ASSERT( FALSE ); fSuccess = FALSE; goto quit; } }
// if we got here everything is cool for secure communications
fSuccess = m_IsSecureCapable = TRUE;
quit: if ( fSuccess == FALSE ) { if ( m_hSecurity != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( m_hSecurity ); m_hSecurity = NULL; }
if ( m_hLsa != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( m_hLsa ); m_hLsa = NULL; } }
return fSuccess;
} // Initialize
VOID CEncryptCtx::Terminate( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Terminates the security package
Return Value:
--*/ {
// Close cached credential handles
// NB : Under NT 5, the SslEmptyCache function is no longer supported
#if 0
if ( g_pfnFlushSchannelCache ) { (g_pfnFlushSchannelCache)(); } #endif
if ( g_hSchannel ) { FreeLibrary( g_hSchannel ); }
if ( psmc ) { if (!psmc->ServerSupportFunction( NULL, (LPVOID)NULL, (UINT)SIMSSL_NOTIFY_MAPPER_CERT11_CHANGED ) || !psmc->ServerSupportFunction( NULL, (LPVOID)NULL, (UINT)SIMSSL_NOTIFY_MAPPER_CERTW_CHANGED ) || !psmc->ServerSupportFunction( NULL, (LPVOID)NULL, (UINT)SIMSSL_NOTIFY_MAPPER_SSLKEYS_CHANGED )) { _ASSERT( FALSE ); } }
DeleteCriticalSection( &csGlobalLock );
if ( m_hSecurity != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( m_hSecurity ); m_hSecurity = NULL; }
if ( m_hLsa != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( m_hLsa ); m_hLsa = NULL; }
LEAVE return;
} // Terminate
CEncryptCtx::CEncryptCtx( BOOL IsClient, DWORD dwSslAccessPerms ) : m_IsClient( IsClient ), m_haveSSLCtxtHandle( FALSE ), m_cbSealHeaderSize( 0 ), m_cbSealTrailerSize( 0 ), m_IsAuthenticated( FALSE ), m_IsNewSSLSession( TRUE ), m_IsEncrypted( FALSE ), m_phCredInUse( NULL ), m_iCredInUse( 0 ), m_phCreds( NULL ), m_dwSslAccessPerms( dwSslAccessPerms ), m_hSSPToken( NULL ), m_dwKeySize( 0 )
Routine Description:
Class constructor
Return Value:
--*/ {
ZeroMemory( (PVOID)&m_hSealCtxt, sizeof(m_hSealCtxt) );
} // CEncryptCtx
CEncryptCtx::~CEncryptCtx( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Class destructor
Return Value:
--*/ { Reset();
} // ~CEncryptCtx
VOID CEncryptCtx::Reset( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
resets the instance to reauth user
Return Value:
--*/ { TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "CEncryptCtx::Reset" );
m_cbSealHeaderSize = 0; m_cbSealTrailerSize = 0; m_IsAuthenticated = FALSE; m_IsNewSSLSession = TRUE; m_IsEncrypted = FALSE; m_phCredInUse = NULL; m_iCredInUse = 0;
if ( m_haveSSLCtxtHandle == TRUE ) { g_DeleteSecurityContext( &m_hSealCtxt ); m_haveSSLCtxtHandle = FALSE; }
ZeroMemory( (PVOID)&m_hSealCtxt, sizeof(m_hSealCtxt) );
//mikeswa 4/1/99
//According to JBanes, it is not legal to Free the credentials
//handle before deleting the associated security context.
//Moving release to after delete just in case this is the
//final release.
if (m_phCreds != NULL) { ((CRED_CACHE_ITEM *) m_phCreds)->Release(); } m_phCreds = NULL;
// Close the NT token obtained during cert mapping
if( m_hSSPToken ) { _ASSERT( m_dwSslAccessPerms & MD_ACCESS_MAP_CERT ); _VERIFY( CloseHandle( m_hSSPToken ) ); m_hSSPToken = NULL; }
} // ~CEncryptCtx
BOOL CEncryptCtx::SealMessage( IN LPBYTE Message, IN DWORD cbMessage, OUT LPBYTE pBuffOut, OUT DWORD *pcbBuffOut ) /*++
Routine Description:
Encrypt message
Message - message to be encrypted cbMessage - size of message to be encrypted
Return Value:
Status of operation
--*/ { SECURITY_STATUS ss = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; SecBufferDesc inputBuffer; SecBuffer inBuffers[3]; DWORD encryptedLength; DWORD iBuff = 0;
TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "CEncryptCtx::SealMessage");
if ( m_haveSSLCtxtHandle ) {
encryptedLength = cbMessage + GetSealHeaderSize() + GetSealTrailerSize();
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "InBuf: 0x%08X, OutBuf: 0x%08X, in: %d, max: %d, out: %d", Message, pBuffOut, cbMessage, *pcbBuffOut, encryptedLength );
// don't do the MoveMemory if the app is SSL/PCT buffer aware
if ( Message != pBuffOut + GetSealHeaderSize() ) { MoveMemory( pBuffOut + GetSealHeaderSize(), Message, cbMessage ); }
if ( GetSealHeaderSize() ) { inBuffers[iBuff].pvBuffer = pBuffOut; inBuffers[iBuff].cbBuffer = GetSealHeaderSize(); inBuffers[iBuff].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN;
iBuff++; }
inBuffers[iBuff].pvBuffer = pBuffOut + GetSealHeaderSize(); inBuffers[iBuff].cbBuffer = cbMessage; inBuffers[iBuff].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA;
if ( GetSealTrailerSize() ) { inBuffers[iBuff].pvBuffer = pBuffOut + GetSealHeaderSize() + cbMessage; inBuffers[iBuff].cbBuffer = GetSealTrailerSize(); inBuffers[iBuff].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN;
iBuff++; }
inputBuffer.cBuffers = iBuff; inputBuffer.pBuffers = inBuffers; inputBuffer.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
ss = g_SealMessage( &m_hSealCtxt, 0, &inputBuffer, 0 );
*pcbBuffOut = encryptedLength;
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "SealMessage returned: %d, 0x%08X", ss, ss ); }
SetLastError(ss); return (ss == STATUS_SUCCESS);
} // SealMessage
BOOL CEncryptCtx::UnsealMessage( IN LPBYTE Message, IN DWORD cbMessage, OUT LPBYTE *DecryptedMessage, OUT PDWORD DecryptedMessageSize, OUT PDWORD ExpectedMessageSize, OUT LPBYTE *NextSealMessage ) /*++
Routine Description:
Decrypt message
Message - message to be encrypted cbMessage - size of message to be encrypted
Return Value:
Status of operation
--*/ {
SECURITY_STATUS ss; SecBufferDesc inputBuffer; SecBuffer inBuffers[4]; DWORD qOP;
// if the app wants to know the start of the next seal msg init to NULL
if ( NextSealMessage != NULL ) { *NextSealMessage = NULL; }
TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "CEncryptCtx::UnsealMessage");
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "initial ptr: 0x%08X, count: %d", Message, cbMessage );
if ( m_haveSSLCtxtHandle ) {
inBuffers[0].pvBuffer = Message; inBuffers[0].cbBuffer = cbMessage; inBuffers[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA;
inBuffers[1].pvBuffer = NULL; inBuffers[1].cbBuffer = 0; inBuffers[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY;
inBuffers[2].pvBuffer = NULL; inBuffers[2].cbBuffer = 0; inBuffers[2].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY;
inBuffers[3].pvBuffer = NULL; inBuffers[3].cbBuffer = 0; inBuffers[3].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY;
// one for the data and one for the head and/or tail
inputBuffer.cBuffers = 4; // if ( GetSealHeaderSize() ) inputBuffer.cBuffers++;
// if ( GetSealTrailerSize() ) inputBuffer.cBuffers++;
// if ( NextSealMessage ) inputBuffer.cBuffers++;
inputBuffer.pBuffers = inBuffers; inputBuffer.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
ss = g_UnsealMessage( &m_hSealCtxt, &inputBuffer, 0, &qOP );
if(ss == SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE) { //
// We do not support renegotiation. Renegotiation makes no sense
// in the context of an SMTP/NNTP client - because there should be
// no need to change TLS session parameters in mid-stream. Only
// applications that require different security-levels for different
// transactions within the same session have use for renegotiation.
SetLastError(ss); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
if ( NT_SUCCESS(ss) ) { for (DWORD i=0;i<inputBuffer.cBuffers;i++) { if ( inBuffers[i].BufferType == SECBUFFER_DATA ) { *DecryptedMessage = (LPBYTE)inBuffers[i].pvBuffer; *DecryptedMessageSize = inBuffers[i].cbBuffer;
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "unsealed ptr: 0x%08X, count: %d", *DecryptedMessage, *DecryptedMessageSize );
// if the app wants to know the start of the next seal msg
if ( NextSealMessage != NULL ) { for ( ;i<inputBuffer.cBuffers;i++ ) { if ( inBuffers[i].BufferType == SECBUFFER_EXTRA ) { *NextSealMessage = (LPBYTE)inBuffers[i].pvBuffer; DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Found extra buffer: 0x%08X", *NextSealMessage ); break; } } }
return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } else if( ss == SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE ) { for( DWORD i=0; i<inputBuffer.cBuffers;i++ ) { if( inBuffers[i].BufferType == SECBUFFER_MISSING ) { *ExpectedMessageSize = inBuffers[i].cbBuffer; } } } SetLastError(ss); } return FALSE; } // UnsealMessage
// set this define to allow schannel to allocate responses in InitializeSecurityContext
DWORD CEncryptCtx::EncryptConverse( IN PVOID InBuffer, IN DWORD InBufferSize, OUT LPBYTE OutBuffer, IN OUT PDWORD OutBufferSize, OUT PBOOL MoreBlobsExpected, IN CredHandle* pCredHandle, OUT PULONG pcbExtra ) { /*++
Routine Description:
Internal private routine for attempting to use a given protocol
InBuffer: ptr to apps input buffer InBufferSize: count of input buffer OutBuffer: ptr to apps output buffer OutBuffer: ptr to apps max size of output buffer and resultant output count MoreBlobsExpected: expect more data from the client ? pCredHandle: ptr to the credential handle to use pcbExtra: Sometimes, even after the handshake succeeds, all the data in InBuffer may not be used up. This is because the other side may have started sending non-handshake (application) data. The param returns the length of this unprocessed "tail" which should be processed using Decrypt functions.
Return Value:
TRUE if negotiation succeeded. FALSE if negotiation failed.
--*/ SECURITY_STATUS ss; DWORD error = NO_ERROR; SecBufferDesc inBuffDesc; SecBuffer inSecBuff[2]; SecBufferDesc outBuffDesc; SecBuffer outSecBuff; PCtxtHandle pCtxtHandle; DWORD contextAttributes = 0 ; TimeStamp lifeTime; DWORD dwMaxBuffer = *OutBufferSize; SECURITY_STATUS sc; SECURITY_STATUS scR; HANDLE hSSPToken = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT pClientCert = NULL;
// Init vars used to check/return the number of bytes unprocessed by SSL handshake
_ASSERT (pcbExtra); inSecBuff[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY; *pcbExtra = 0;
BOOL fCert = TRUE; SecPkgContext_StreamSizes sizes; #ifdef DEBUG
SecPkgContext_ProtoInfo spcPInfo; SECURITY_STATUS ssProto; #endif
SecPkgContext_KeyInfo spcKInfo; SECURITY_STATUS ssInfo;
// See if we have enough data
TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "CEncryptCtx::EncryptConverse");
pCtxtHandle = &m_hSealCtxt;
_ASSERT(OutBuffer != NULL && "Must pass in an OutBuffer"); if(NULL == OutBuffer) { ss = E_INVALIDARG; goto error_exit; }
ScanNextPacket: outBuffDesc.ulVersion = 0; outBuffDesc.cBuffers = 1; outBuffDesc.pBuffers = &outSecBuff;
// need to set cbBuffer to zero because sslsspi will leave it
// uninitialized when the converse completes
outSecBuff.cbBuffer = dwMaxBuffer; outSecBuff.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; outSecBuff.pvBuffer = OutBuffer;
// Prepare our Input buffer - Note the server is expecting the client's
// negotiation packet on the first call
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(InBuffer) ) { inBuffDesc.ulVersion = 0; inBuffDesc.cBuffers = 2; inBuffDesc.pBuffers = &inSecBuff[0];
inSecBuff[0].cbBuffer = InBufferSize; inSecBuff[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; inSecBuff[0].pvBuffer = InBuffer;
inSecBuff[1].cbBuffer = 0; inSecBuff[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY; inSecBuff[1].pvBuffer = NULL; }
if ( m_IsClient ) {
DWORD contextAttributes; LPVOID pvBuffer; DWORD cbBuffer;
// Note the client will return success when its done but we still
// need to send the out buffer if there are bytes to send
pvBuffer = outSecBuff.pvBuffer; cbBuffer = outSecBuff.cbBuffer;
outSecBuff.pvBuffer = NULL; outSecBuff.cbBuffer = 0; #endif
if( ( m_dwSslAccessPerms & MD_ACCESS_NEGO_CERT ) || ( m_dwSslAccessPerms & MD_ACCESS_REQUIRE_CERT) || ( m_dwSslAccessPerms & MD_ACCESS_MAP_CERT ) ) { dwIscReq |= ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH; }
if (m_IsNewSSLSession) { dwIscReq |= ISC_REQ_USE_SUPPLIED_CREDS; }
ss = g_InitializeSecurityContext( pCredHandle, m_IsNewSSLSession ? NULL : pCtxtHandle, wszServiceName, dwIscReq, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, m_IsNewSSLSession ? NULL : &inBuffDesc, 0, pCtxtHandle, &outBuffDesc, &contextAttributes, &lifeTime );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( ss ) && outSecBuff.pvBuffer ) { DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Output %d bytes, Maximum %d bytes", outSecBuff.cbBuffer, cbBuffer );
if ( outSecBuff.cbBuffer <= cbBuffer ) { CopyMemory( pvBuffer, outSecBuff.pvBuffer, outSecBuff.cbBuffer ); } else { ss = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; }
g_FreeContextBuffer( outSecBuff.pvBuffer ); } #endif
} else {
// This is the server side
// Set the mutual auth attribute if we are configured
// to negotiate, require or map client certs
if( ( m_dwSslAccessPerms & MD_ACCESS_NEGO_CERT ) || ( m_dwSslAccessPerms & MD_ACCESS_REQUIRE_CERT) || ( m_dwSslAccessPerms & MD_ACCESS_MAP_CERT ) ) { dwAscReq |= ASC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH; }
ss = g_AcceptSecurityContext( pCredHandle, m_IsNewSSLSession ? NULL : pCtxtHandle, &inBuffDesc, dwAscReq, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, pCtxtHandle, &outBuffDesc, &contextAttributes, &lifeTime );
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "AcceptSecurityContext returned win32 error %d (%x)", ss, ss);
if( outSecBuff.pvBuffer != OutBuffer && outSecBuff.cbBuffer ) { //
// SSPI workaround - if the buffer got allocated by SSPI
// copy it over and free it..
if ( outSecBuff.cbBuffer <= dwMaxBuffer ) { CopyMemory( OutBuffer, outSecBuff.pvBuffer, outSecBuff.cbBuffer ); } else { ss = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; }
g_FreeContextBuffer( outSecBuff.pvBuffer ); }
// Negotiation succeeded, there is extra stuff left in the buffer
// Return the number of the unused bytes.
if( ss == SEC_E_OK && inSecBuff[1].BufferType == SECBUFFER_EXTRA ) { *pcbExtra = inSecBuff[1].cbBuffer;
} else if( ss == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED && inBuffDesc.pBuffers[1].cbBuffer ) { //
// Need to process next SSL packet by calling Init/AcceptSecurityContext again
// Should ASSERT that InBuffer <= OrigInBuffer + OrigInBufferSize
_ASSERT( !outSecBuff.cbBuffer ); InBuffer = (LPSTR)InBuffer + InBufferSize - inBuffDesc.pBuffers[1].cbBuffer; InBufferSize = inBuffDesc.pBuffers[1].cbBuffer; goto ScanNextPacket;
} else if ( ss == SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE ) { //
// Not enough data from server... need to read more before proceeding
// If there is unconsumed data, the new data is to be appended to it
*pcbExtra = InBufferSize;
} else if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ss ) ) {
ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this,"%s failed with %x\n", m_IsClient ? "InitializeSecurityContext" : "AcceptSecurityContext", ss );
if ( ss == SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED ) { ss = ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE; } goto error_exit; }
// Only query the context attributes if this is a new session, and the
// Accept/Initialize have returned SEC_E_OK (ie, the channel has been fully
// established)
if( ss == SEC_E_OK ) {
ssInfo = g_QueryContextAttributes( pCtxtHandle, SECPKG_ATTR_KEY_INFO, &spcKInfo );
if ( ssInfo != SEC_E_OK ) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Cannot get SSL\\PCT Key Info. Err %x",ssInfo ); //goto error_exit;
} else { // Note the key size
m_dwKeySize = spcKInfo.KeySize; if ( spcKInfo.sSignatureAlgorithmName ) g_FreeContextBuffer( spcKInfo.sSignatureAlgorithmName ); if ( spcKInfo.sEncryptAlgorithmName ) g_FreeContextBuffer( spcKInfo.sEncryptAlgorithmName ); } }
m_haveSSLCtxtHandle = TRUE;
// Now we just need to complete the token (if requested) and prepare
// it for shipping to the other side if needed
ss = g_CompleteAuthToken( pCtxtHandle, &outBuffDesc );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ss )) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "CompleteAuthToken failed. Err %x",ss ); goto error_exit; } }
*OutBufferSize = outSecBuff.cbBuffer;
if ( *MoreBlobsExpected == FALSE ) {
// HACK: SSLSSPI leaves outSecBuff.cbBuffer uninitialized
// after final successful call for client side connections
if ( m_IsClient && *OutBufferSize == dwMaxBuffer ) { *OutBufferSize = 0; }
// we're done so get the SSPI header/trailer sizes for SealMessage
ss = g_QueryContextAttributes( pCtxtHandle, SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES, &sizes );
if ( ss != SEC_E_OK ) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Cannot get SSL\\PCT Header Length. Err %x",ss ); goto error_exit; }
m_cbSealHeaderSize = sizes.cbHeader; m_cbSealTrailerSize = sizes.cbTrailer;
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Header: %d, Trailer: %d", m_cbSealHeaderSize, m_cbSealTrailerSize );
if(!m_IsClient) { scR = g_QueryContextAttributes( pCtxtHandle, SECPKG_ATTR_REMOTE_CERT_CONTEXT, &pClientCert );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scR ) || !pClientCert ) { fCert = FALSE; } else { CertFreeCertificateContext( pClientCert); DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "[OnAuthorizationInfo] Certificate available!\n"); }
// check if client authentication available
if ( 1 /*|| pssc->IsMap()*/ ) { sc = g_QuerySecurityContextToken( pCtxtHandle, &hSSPToken );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( sc ) || (hSSPToken == (HANDLE)0x00000001) ) { hSSPToken = NULL; } }
if ( !fCert && hSSPToken != NULL ) { CloseHandle( hSSPToken ); hSSPToken = NULL; }
if( !(m_dwSslAccessPerms & MD_ACCESS_MAP_CERT) && hSSPToken != NULL ) { DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this,"NT token not required - closing"); CloseHandle( hSSPToken ); hSSPToken = NULL; }
if( (m_dwSslAccessPerms & MD_ACCESS_REQUIRE_CERT) && !fCert ) { //
// We require client cert - bail !
// Converse will return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
_ASSERT( !hSSPToken ); return FALSE; }
if( hSSPToken ) { _ASSERT( fCert ); m_hSSPToken = hSSPToken; m_IsAuthenticated = TRUE; } else if(m_dwSslAccessPerms & MD_ACCESS_MAP_CERT) { //
// We need to map cert to token - but token is NULL
return FALSE; } } }
return TRUE;
SetLastError(ss); return FALSE;
} // EncryptConverse
DWORD CEncryptCtx::Converse( IN PVOID InBuffer, IN DWORD InBufferSize, OUT LPBYTE OutBuffer, OUT PDWORD OutBufferSize, OUT PBOOL MoreBlobsExpected, IN LPSTR LocalIpAddr, IN LPSTR LocalPort, IN LPVOID lpvInstance, IN DWORD dwInstance, OUT PULONG pcbExtra ) /*++
Routine Description:
Internal private routine for attempting to use a given protocol
InBuffer: ptr to apps input buffer InBufferSize: count of input buffer OutBuffer: ptr to apps output buffer OutBuffer: ptr to apps max size of output buffer and resultant output count MoreBlobsExpected: expect more data from the client ? LocalIpAddr: stringized local IP addr for the connection pcbExtra: See description of EncryptConverse Return Value:
Win32/SSPI error code
--*/ { TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "CEncryptCtx::Converse");
DWORD dwMaxBuffer = *OutBufferSize; DWORD i, cbCreds; CredHandle* pCredArray = NULL;
if ( m_IsNewSSLSession ) { if ( m_IsClient ) { //
// Get the credentials for the client
LockGlobals(); if ( !LookupClientCredential( wszServiceName, (BOOL)m_dwSslAccessPerms, (CRED_CACHE_ITEM**)&m_phCreds ) ) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "LookupClientCredential failed, error 0x%lx", GetLastError() );
UnlockGlobals(); goto error_exit; } UnlockGlobals(); } else { DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "LookupCredential for %S on %s", wszServiceName, LocalIpAddr );
// Get the credentials for this IP address
LockGlobals(); if ( !LookupFullyQualifiedCredential( wszServiceName, LocalIpAddr, lstrlen(LocalIpAddr), LocalPort, lstrlen(LocalPort), lpvInstance, (CRED_CACHE_ITEM**)&m_phCreds, m_psmcMapContext, dwInstance )) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "LookupCredential failed, error 0x%lx", GetLastError() );
UnlockGlobals(); goto error_exit; } UnlockGlobals();
// run thru all initialized credentials look for a package which
// will accept this connection
// For server: Need to use SSL access perms
// to figure out whether to use CredMap or Cred
if( !m_IsClient && (m_dwSslAccessPerms & MD_ACCESS_MAP_CERT) ) { cbCreds = phCreds->m_cCredMap; pCredArray = phCreds->m_ahCredMap; } else { cbCreds = phCreds->m_cCred; pCredArray = phCreds->m_ahCred; } } else { //
// hack to only allow one pass thru the loop
cbCreds = 1; pCredArray = m_phCredInUse; }
// Do the conversation
for ( i=0; i<cbCreds; i++, pCredArray++ ) { if ( EncryptConverse(InBuffer, InBufferSize, OutBuffer, OutBufferSize, MoreBlobsExpected, pCredArray, pcbExtra ) ) { if ( m_IsNewSSLSession ) { //
// if the first time remember which credential succeeded.
m_phCredInUse = pCredArray; m_iCredInUse = i;
m_IsNewSSLSession = FALSE; } return NO_ERROR; } }
// We failed
if(OutBuffer) *OutBuffer = 0;
if(OutBufferSize) *OutBufferSize = 0;
DWORD error = GetLastError();
if ( error == NO_ERROR ) { error = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } return error;
} // Converse
// Function: DecryptInputBuffer
// Synopsis: decrypted input read from the client
// Arguments: pBuffer: ptr to the input/output buffer
// cbInBuffer: initial input length of the buffer
// pcbOutBuffer: total length of decrypted/remaining
// data. pcbOutBuffer - pcbParsable is
// the length of offset for next read
// pcbParsable: length of decrypted data
// pcbExpected: length of remaining unread data for
// full SSL message
// Returns: DWORD Win32/SSPI error core
DWORD CEncryptCtx::DecryptInputBuffer( IN LPBYTE pBuffer, IN DWORD cbInBuffer, OUT DWORD* pcbOutBuffer, OUT DWORD* pcbParsable, OUT DWORD* pcbExpected ) { LPBYTE pDecrypted; DWORD cbDecrypted; DWORD cbParsable = 0; LPBYTE pNextSeal; LPBYTE pStartBuffer = pBuffer; BOOL fRet;
// initialize to zero so app does not inadvertently post large read
*pcbExpected = 0;
TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "CEncryptCtx::DecryptInputBuffer" );
while( fRet = UnsealMessage(pBuffer, cbInBuffer, &pDecrypted, &cbDecrypted, pcbExpected, &pNextSeal ) ) { DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Decrypted %d bytes at offset %d", cbDecrypted, pDecrypted - pStartBuffer );
// move the decrypted data to the front of buffer
MoveMemory( pStartBuffer + cbParsable, pDecrypted, cbDecrypted );
// increment where the next parsing should take place
cbParsable += cbDecrypted;
// move to the next potential seal buffer
if ( pNextSeal != NULL ) { _ASSERT( pNextSeal >= pStartBuffer ); _ASSERT( pNextSeal <= pBuffer + cbInBuffer ); //
// remove header, body and trailer from input buffer length
cbInBuffer -= (DWORD)(pNextSeal - pBuffer); pBuffer = pNextSeal; } else { //
// in this case we received a seal message at the boundary
// of the IO buffer
cbInBuffer = 0; break; } }
*pcbParsable = cbParsable; *pcbOutBuffer= cbParsable + cbInBuffer;
if ( fRet == FALSE ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "UnsealMessage returned: 0x%08X", GetLastError() );
// deal with seal fragments at the end of the IO buffer
if ( dwError == SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE ) { _ASSERT( cbInBuffer != 0 );
// move the remaining memory forward
MoveMemory( pStartBuffer + cbParsable, pBuffer, cbInBuffer );
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Seal fragment remaining: %d bytes", cbInBuffer ); } else { return dwError; } }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: IsEncryptionPermitted
// Synopsis: This routine checks whether encryption is getting
// the system default LCID and checking whether the
// country code is CTRY_FRANCE.
// Arguments: void
// Returns: BOOL: supported
BOOL IsEncryptionPermitted(void) { LCID DefaultLcid; CHAR CountryCode[10]; CHAR FranceCode[10];
DefaultLcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
// Check if the default language is Standard French
if ( LANGIDFROMLCID( DefaultLcid ) == 0x40c ) { return FALSE; }
// Check if the users's country is set to FRANCE
if ( GetLocaleInfo( DefaultLcid, LOCALE_ICOUNTRY, CountryCode, sizeof(CountryCode) ) == 0 ) { return FALSE; }
wsprintf( FranceCode, "%d", CTRY_FRANCE );
// if the country codes matches France return FALSE
return lstrcmpi( CountryCode, FranceCode ) == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE ; }
// Function: GetAdminInfoEncryptCaps
// Synopsis: sets the magical buts to send the IIS admin program
// Arguments: PDWORD: ptr to the dword bitmask
// Returns: void
VOID CEncryptCtx::GetAdminInfoEncryptCaps( PDWORD pdwEncCaps ) { *pdwEncCaps = 0;
if ( m_IsSecureCapable == FALSE ) { *pdwEncCaps |= (IsEncryptionPermitted() ? ENC_CAPS_NOT_INSTALLED : ENC_CAPS_DISABLED ); } else { //
// for all enabled encryption providers set the flags bit
for ( int j = 0; EncProviders[j].pszName != NULL; j++ ) { if ( TRUE == EncProviders[j].fEnabled ) { *pdwEncCaps |= EncProviders[j].dwFlags; } } } }
// From here to the end of the file is code stolen from the Athena group from
// the file called thorsspi.cpp
// minor mods have been made to incorporate msntrace functionality and to
// fit in the CEncryptCtx class definition
// CompareDNStoCommonName()
// Description:
// Compare a DNS name to a common name field value
// Parameters:
// pDNS - string containing DNS name - *WARNING* will be munged
// pCN - string containing common name field value
// Return:
// TRUE if they match
// Comments:
// There are two ways for these two strings to match. The first is that
// they contain exactly the same characters. The second involved the use
// of a single wildcard character in the common name field value. This
// wildcard character ('*') can only be used once, and if used must be
// the first character of the field.
// ASSUMES: the caller will allow pDNS and pCN to be uppercased and changed.
BOOL CompareDNStoCommonName(LPSTR pDNS, LPSTR pCN) { int nCountPeriods = 1; // start of DNS amount to virtual '.' as prefix
BOOL fExactMatch = TRUE; LPSTR pBakDNS = pDNS; LPSTR pBakCN = pCN;
CharUpper(pDNS); CharUpper(pCN);
while ((*pDNS == *pCN || *pCN == '*') && *pDNS && *pCN) { if (*pDNS != *pCN) fExactMatch = FALSE;
if (*pCN == '*') { nCountPeriods = 0; if (*pDNS == '.') pCN++; else pDNS++; } else { if (*pDNS == '.') nCountPeriods++; pDNS++; pCN++; } }
// if they are sized 0, we make sure not to say they match.
if (pBakDNS == pDNS || pBakCN == pCN) fExactMatch = FALSE;
return (*pDNS == 0) && (*pCN == 0) && ((nCountPeriods >= 2) || fExactMatch); }
// CompareDNStoMultiCommonName()
// Description:
// Compare a DNS name to a comma delimited list of common name fields.
// Parameters:
// pDNS - string containing DNS name - *WARNING* will munge
// pCN - string containing common name field value - *WARNING* will munge
// Return:
// TRUE if they match
// ASSUMES: the caller will allow pDNS and pCN to be uppercased and changed.
BOOL CompareDNStoMultiCommonName(LPSTR pDNS, LPSTR pCN) { LPSTR pComma; LPSTR lpszCommonName; BOOL retval = FALSE; // assume we won't find a match
BOOL done = FALSE; // assume we're not done
lpszCommonName = pCN;
do { // If there is a space, turn it into a null terminator to isolate the first
// DNS name in the string
lpszCommonName = strstr(lpszCommonName, "CN=");
if (lpszCommonName) { // jump past "CN=" string
lpszCommonName += 3;
pComma = strchr(lpszCommonName, ','); if (pComma) *pComma = 0;
// See if this component is a match
retval = CompareDNStoCommonName(pDNS, lpszCommonName);
// Now restore the comma (if any) that was overwritten
if (pComma) { *pComma = ','; lpszCommonName = pComma + 1; } else { // If there were no more commas, then we're done
done = TRUE; } } } while (!retval && !done && lpszCommonName && *lpszCommonName);
return retval; }
// Description:
// This function checks if pDns is a subdomain of pCn.
// Basic rule: A wildcard character '*' at the beginning of a DNS name
// matches any number of components. i.e. a wildcard implies that we will
// match all subdomains of a given domain.
// microsoft.com == microsoft.com
// *.microsoft.com == microsoft.com
// *.microsoft.com == foo.microsoft.com
// *.microsoft.com == foo.bar.microsoft.com
// Note that the arguments are modified (converted to uppercase).
// Arguments:
// pDns - DNS name to which we are trying to connect
// pCn - Common name in certificate
// Returns:
// TRUE if subdomain, FALSE otherwise
BOOL MatchSubDomain (LPSTR pDns, LPSTR pCn) { LPSTR pCnBegin = NULL; int cbDns = 0; int cbCn = 0;
_ASSERT (pDns); _ASSERT (pCn);
CharUpper(pDns); CharUpper(pCn);
cbDns = lstrlen (pDns); cbCn = lstrlen (pCn);
// check if we have an initial wildcard: this is only allowed as "*.restofdomain"
if (cbCn >= 2 && *pCn == '*') { pCn++; // we have a wildcard, try to get parent domain
if (*pCn != '.') return FALSE; // Bad syntax, '.' must follow wildcard
else pCn++; // Skip wildcard, get to parent domain part
cbCn -= 2; // Update string length
if (cbDns < cbCn) // subdomains must be >= parent domains in length
return FALSE;
// If subdomain is > parent domain, verify that there is a '.' between
// the subdomain part and parent domain part. This is to guard from matching
// *.microsoft.com with foobarmicrosoft.com since all we do after this
// line of code is check that the parent is a substring of the subdomain
// at the end.
if (cbDns != cbCn && pDns[cbDns - cbCn - 1] != '.') return FALSE;
pCnBegin = pCn; pCn += cbCn; pDns += cbDns;
// Walk backwards doing matching
for (; pCnBegin <= pCn && *pCn == *pDns; pCn--, pDns--);
// Check if we terminated without a mismatch,
return (pCnBegin > pCn); }
#define CompareCertTime(ft1, ft2) (((*(LONGLONG *)&ft1) > (*(LONGLONG *)&ft2)) \
? 1 \ : (((*(LONGLONG *)&ft1) == (*(LONGLONG *)&ft2)) ? 0 : -1 ))
// Function: CheckCertificateCommonName
// Synopsis: verifies the intended host name matches the
// the name contained in the certificate
// This function, checks a given hostname against the current certificate
// stored in an active SSPI Context Handle. If the certificate containts
// a common name, and it matches the passed in hostname, this function
// will return TRUE
// Arguments: IN LPSTR: DNS host name
// Returns: BOOL
BOOL CEncryptCtx::CheckCertificateCommonName( IN LPSTR pszHostName ) { DWORD dwErr; BOOL fIsCertGood = FALSE; SecPkgContext_Names CertNames;
TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "CEncryptCtx::CheckCertificateCommonName" );
CertNames.sUserName = NULL;
if ( !pszHostName ) { goto quit; }
dwErr = g_QueryContextAttributes(&m_hSealCtxt, SECPKG_ATTR_NAMES, (PVOID)&CertNames); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "QueryContextAttributes failed to retrieve CN, returned %#x", dwErr ); goto quit; }
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "QueryContextAttributes returned CN=%.200s", CertNames.sUserName );
fIsCertGood = CompareDNStoMultiCommonName(pszHostName, CertNames.sUserName);
quit: if ( CertNames.sUserName ) { LocalFree( CertNames.sUserName ); }
return fIsCertGood; }
// Description:
// Verifies that the subject of the certificate matches the FQDN of
// the server we are talking to. Does some wildcard matching if there
// are '*' characters at the beginning of the cert subject.
// Arguments:
// pCtxtHandle The context of an established SSL connection
// pszServerFqdn FQDN of server to which we are talking (from who we
// received the certificate).
// Returns:
// TRUE match found, FALSE unmatched
BOOL CEncryptCtx::CheckCertificateSubjectName (IN LPSTR pszServerFqdn) { CHAR pszSubjectStackBuf[256]; LPSTR pszSubject = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = NULL; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD cSize = 0; DWORD cSubject = 0; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
TraceFunctEnterEx ((LPARAM) this, "CEncryptCtx::VerifySubject");
_ASSERT (pszServerFqdn);
dwErr = g_QueryContextAttributes( &m_hSealCtxt, SECPKG_ATTR_REMOTE_CERT_CONTEXT, &pCertContext);
if (dwErr != SEC_E_OK) { StateTrace ((LPARAM) this, "Cannot get Context Handle %x", dwErr); goto Exit; }
// Check the size of the buffer needed, if it's small enough we'll
// just use the fixed size stack buffer, otherwise allocate on heap.
cSize = CertGetNameString ( pCertContext, CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (cSize <= sizeof(pszSubjectStackBuf)) {
pszSubject = pszSubjectStackBuf; cSubject = sizeof (pszSubjectStackBuf);
} else {
pszSubject = new CHAR [cSize]; if (NULL == pszSubject) { ErrorTrace ((LPARAM) this, "No memory to alloc subject string."); goto Exit; } cSubject = cSize; }
// Get the subject of the certificate
cSize = CertGetNameString ( pCertContext, CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE, 0, NULL, pszSubject, cSubject);
if (cSize == 1 && pszSubject[0] == '\0') { //
// If the CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE could not be found in the cert,
// the API returns a zero length NULL terminated string.
StateTrace ((LPARAM) this, "Certificate subject not found"); goto Exit; }
StateTrace ((LPARAM) this, "Certificate subject: %s, FQDN: %s", pszSubject, pszServerFqdn);
if (MatchSubDomain(pszServerFqdn, pszSubject)) { //
// Certificate matches the server FQDN we're talking to
fRet = TRUE; }
// Delete the Subject buffer if we were using the heap
if (pszSubject != pszSubjectStackBuf) delete [] pszSubject;
if (pCertContext) CertFreeCertificateContext (pCertContext);
StateTrace ((LPARAM) this, "Returning: %s", fRet ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); TraceFunctLeaveEx ((LPARAM) this); return fRet;
// Description:
// Checks if the certificate for this CEncryptCtx chains up to a
// trusted CA.
// Returns:
// TRUE if certificate is trusted.
// FALSE if the certificate is untrusted or if trust could not be
// verified (temporary errors can cause this).
// Source:
// MSDN sample
BOOL CEncryptCtx::CheckCertificateTrust () { BOOL fRet = FALSE; DWORD dwErr = SEC_E_OK; DWORD dwFlags = 0; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = NULL; PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT pChainContext = NULL; CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE EnhkeyUsage; CERT_USAGE_MATCH CertUsage; CERT_CHAIN_PARA ChainPara;
TraceFunctEnterEx ((LPARAM) this, "CEncryptCtx::CheckCertificateTrust");
dwErr = g_QueryContextAttributes ( &m_hSealCtxt, SECPKG_ATTR_REMOTE_CERT_CONTEXT, &pCertContext);
if (SEC_E_OK != dwErr) { ErrorTrace ((LPARAM) this, "g_QueryContextAttributes failed, err - %8x", dwErr); fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; }
// ChainPara is a struct used to match specific certificates using OIDs
// We don't need this and initialize it to empty (no OIDs)
EnhkeyUsage.cUsageIdentifier = 0; EnhkeyUsage.rgpszUsageIdentifier = NULL; CertUsage.dwType = USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_AND; CertUsage.Usage = EnhkeyUsage; ChainPara.cbSize = sizeof(CERT_CHAIN_PARA); ChainPara.RequestedUsage = CertUsage;
fRet = CertGetCertificateChain ( NULL, // Use the default chaining engine
pCertContext, // The end certificate to be checked
NULL, // Expiration checking... use currenttime
NULL, // Additional cert stores: none
&ChainPara, // Chaining criteria: none, this is an empty struct
dwFlags, // Options: how to check chain
NULL, // reserved param
&pChainContext);// Returned chain context
if (!fRet) { dwErr = GetLastError (); ErrorTrace ((LPARAM) this, "Unable to create certificate chain, err - %8x", dwErr); goto Exit; }
DebugTrace ((LPARAM) this, "Status of certificate chain - %8x", pChainContext->TrustStatus.dwErrorStatus);
if (CERT_TRUST_NO_ERROR == pChainContext->TrustStatus.dwErrorStatus) { DebugTrace ((LPARAM) this, "Certificate trust verified"); fRet = TRUE; } else { ErrorTrace ((LPARAM) this, "Certificate is untrusted, status - %8x", pChainContext->TrustStatus.dwErrorStatus); fRet = FALSE; }
Exit: if (pCertContext) CertFreeCertificateContext (pCertContext);
if (pChainContext) CertFreeCertificateChain (pChainContext);
TraceFunctLeaveEx ((LPARAM) this); return fRet; }
// Function: CheckCertificateExpired
// Synopsis: verifies the ccertificate has not expired
// returns TRUE if the cert is valid
// Arguments: void
// Returns: BOOL cert is good
BOOL CEncryptCtx::CheckCertificateExpired( void ) { SYSTEMTIME st; FILETIME ftCurTime; DWORD dwErr;
SecPkgContext_Lifespan CertLifeSpan;
TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "CEncryptCtx::CheckCertificateExpired" );
GetSystemTime(&st); if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ftCurTime)) return FALSE;
dwErr = g_QueryContextAttributes(&m_hSealCtxt, SECPKG_ATTR_LIFESPAN, (PVOID)&CertLifeSpan); if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "QueryContextAttributes failed to retrieve cert lifespan, returned %#x", dwErr); return FALSE; }
return CompareCertTime( CertLifeSpan.tsStart, ftCurTime ) < 0 && CompareCertTime( CertLifeSpan.tsExpiry, ftCurTime) > 0 ; }
// Function: CheckServerCert
// Synopsis: Checks to see if a server cert has been installed.
// Arguments: [LocalIpAddr] -- IP Address of virtual server
// [LocalPort] -- Port of virtual server
// [lpvInstance] -- Pointer to IIS_SERVER_INSTANCE object
// [dwInstance] -- Virtual server id
// Returns: TRUE if there is a cert for this virtual server
BOOL CEncryptCtx::CheckServerCert( IN LPSTR LocalIpAddr, IN LPSTR LocalPort, IN LPVOID lpvInstance, IN DWORD dwInstance) { TraceFunctEnterEx( (LPARAM)this, "CEncryptCtx::CheckServerCert" );
DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "CheckServerCert for %S on %s", wszServiceName, LocalIpAddr );
// Get the credentials for this IP address
LockGlobals(); if ( fRet = LookupFullyQualifiedCredential( wszServiceName, LocalIpAddr, lstrlen(LocalIpAddr), LocalPort, lstrlen(LocalPort), lpvInstance, &pCCI, m_psmcMapContext, dwInstance )) { IIS_SERVER_CERT *pCert = pCCI->m_pSslInfo->GetCertificate(); // Log the status of the cert if we got one
if ( pCert ) { fRet = TRUE; } else fRet = FALSE;
} else {
ErrorTrace( (LPARAM)this, "LookupCredential failed, error 0x%lx", GetLastError() );
return( fRet ); }
// Function: NotifySslChanges
// Synopsis: This is called when SSL settings change
// Arguments: dwNotifyType
// pInstance
// Returns: VOID
VOID WINAPI NotifySslChanges( DWORD dwNotifyType, LPVOID pInstance ) { LockGlobals();
if ( dwNotifyType == SIMSSL_NOTIFY_MAPPER_SSLKEYS_CHANGED ) { FreeCredCache();
// NB : Under NT 5, the SslEmptyCache function is no longer supported
#if 0
if ( g_pfnFlushSchannelCache ) { (g_pfnFlushSchannelCache)(); } #endif
} else if ( dwNotifyType == SIMSSL_NOTIFY_MAPPER_CERT11_CHANGED || dwNotifyType == SIMSSL_NOTIFY_MAPPER_CERTW_CHANGED ) { FreeCredCache(); } else if ( dwNotifyType == SIMSSL_NOTIFY_MAPPER_CERT11_TOUCHED ) { //
// NB : Under NT 5, the SslEmptyCache function is no longer supported
#if 0
if ( g_pfnFlushSchannelCache ) { (g_pfnFlushSchannelCache)(); } #endif
} else { _ASSERT( FALSE ); }
UnlockGlobals(); }