// Copyright (C) 1997, Microsoft Corporation
// File: thrdpool.cpp
// Contents: implementation of thrdpool library
// Description: See header file.
// Functions:
// History: 03/15/97 Rajeev Rajan (rajeevr) Created
#include <windows.h>
#include <thrdpool.h>
#include <dbgtrace.h>
LONG CWorkerThread::m_lInitCount = -1 ; HANDLE CWorkerThread::m_hCompletionPort = NULL ;
BOOL CWorkerThread::InitClass( DWORD dwConcurrency ) { TraceFunctEnter("CWorkerThread::InitClass");
if( InterlockedIncrement( &m_lInitCount ) == 0 ) { //
// called for the first time - go ahead with initialization
m_hCompletionPort = CreateIoCompletionPort( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, dwConcurrency );
if( !m_hCompletionPort ) { ErrorTrace(0, "Failed to create completion port: GetLastError is %d", GetLastError()); return FALSE ; }
} else { //
// bogus Init or already called
InterlockedDecrement( &m_lInitCount ); return FALSE ; }
DebugTrace(0,"Created completion port 0x%x", m_hCompletionPort); TraceFunctLeave();
return TRUE ; }
BOOL CWorkerThread::TermClass() { TraceFunctEnter("CWorkerThread::TermClass");
if( InterlockedDecrement( &m_lInitCount ) < 0 ) { //
// Init has been called so go ahead with termination
_ASSERT( m_hCompletionPort ); _VERIFY( CloseHandle( m_hCompletionPort ) ); return TRUE ; }
return FALSE ; }
CWorkerThread::CWorkerThread() : m_hThread(NULL), m_hShutdownEvent( NULL ) { DWORD dwThreadId;
// create shutdown event
if( !(m_hShutdownEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL) ) ) { ErrorTrace(0,"Failed to create shutdown event"); _ASSERT( FALSE ); return; }
// create worker thread
if (!(m_hThread = ::CreateThread( NULL, 0, ThreadDispatcher, this, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &dwThreadId))) { ErrorTrace(0,"Failed to create thread: error: %d", GetLastError()); _ASSERT( FALSE ); } else { _VERIFY( ResumeThread( m_hThread ) != 0xFFFFFFFF ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
CWorkerThread::~CWorkerThread() { TraceFunctEnter("CWorkerThread::~CWorkerThread");
_ASSERT( m_hCompletionPort ); _ASSERT( m_hThread ); _ASSERT( m_hShutdownEvent );
// signal worker thread to shutdown
// this depends on derived class completion routines
// checking this event - if they dont, we will block
// till the thread finishes.
_VERIFY( SetEvent( m_hShutdownEvent ) );
// post a null termination packet
if( !PostWork( NULL ) ) { ErrorTrace(0,"Error terminating worker thread"); _ASSERT( FALSE ); }
// wait for worker thread to terminate
DWORD dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread, INFINITE); if(WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dwWait) { ErrorTrace(0,"WFSO: returned %d", dwWait); _ASSERT( FALSE ); }
_VERIFY( CloseHandle(m_hThread) ); _VERIFY( CloseHandle(m_hShutdownEvent) ); m_hThread = NULL; m_hShutdownEvent = NULL; }
DWORD __stdcall CWorkerThread::ThreadDispatcher(PVOID pvWorkerThread) { //
// get pointer to this CWorkerThread object
CWorkerThread *pWorkerThread = (CWorkerThread *) pvWorkerThread;
// call GetQueuedCompletionStatus() to get work completion
return 0; }
VOID CWorkerThread::GetWorkCompletion(VOID) { DWORD dwBytesTransferred; DWORD_PTR dwCompletionKey; DWORD dwWait; LPOVERLAPPED lpo; LPWorkContextEnv lpWCE; PVOID pvWorkContext;
_ASSERT( m_hThread ); _ASSERT( m_hCompletionPort );
do { //
// wait for work items to be queued
if( !GetQueuedCompletionStatus( m_hCompletionPort, &dwBytesTransferred, &dwCompletionKey, &lpo, INFINITE // wait timeout
) ) { ErrorTrace(0,"GetQueuedCompletionStatus() failed: error: %d", GetLastError()); break ; }
// get a hold of the work context envelope and work context
lpWCE = (LPWorkContextEnv) lpo; pvWorkContext = lpWCE->pvWorkContext;
// check for termination packet
if( pvWorkContext == NULL ) { DebugTrace(0,"Received termination packet - bailing"); delete lpWCE; lpWCE = NULL; break; }
// check for termination signal
dwWait = WaitForSingleObject( m_hShutdownEvent, 0 );
// call derived class method to process work completion
if( WAIT_TIMEOUT == dwWait ) { DebugTrace(0,"Calling WorkCompletion() routine"); WorkCompletion( pvWorkContext ); }
// destroy the WorkContextEnv object allocated before PostQueuedCompletionStatus()
delete lpWCE; lpWCE = NULL;
} while( TRUE );
return; }
BOOL CWorkerThread::PostWork(PVOID pvWorkerContext) { TraceFunctEnter("CWorkerThread::PostWork");
_ASSERT( m_hThread ); _ASSERT( m_hCompletionPort );
// allocate a WorkContextEnv blob - this is destroyed after GetQueuedCompletionStatus()
// completes ! We may want to have a pool of such blobs instead of hitting the heap !!
LPWorkContextEnv lpWCE = new WorkContextEnv; if( !lpWCE ) { ErrorTrace(0,"Failed to allocate memory"); return FALSE ; }
ZeroMemory( lpWCE, sizeof(WorkContextEnv) ); lpWCE->pvWorkContext = pvWorkerContext;
if( !PostQueuedCompletionStatus( m_hCompletionPort, 0, 0, (LPOVERLAPPED)lpWCE ) ) { ErrorTrace(0,"PostQCompletionStatus() failed: error: %d", GetLastError()); return FALSE ; }
return TRUE; }