Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
This module implements the initialization function for the random failure library, plus the code to determine if it's time to fail.
Author :
Sam Neely
Revision History :
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "traceint.h"
#include "randint.h"
#include "exchmem.h"
static long s_nCount = 0; long nFailRate = kDontFail; DWORD dwRandFailTlsIndex=0xffffffff; const DWORD g_dwMaxCallStack = 1024;
// Call stack buffer array
CHAR **g_ppchCallStack = NULL;
// Randfail call stack file and its handle
// Number of buffers allocated for randfail call stack
LONG g_cCallStack = 1;
// Current index in the buffer array
LONG g_iCallStack = 0;
VOID DumpCallStack( DWORD_PTR *rgdwCall, DWORD dwCallers, PBYTE pbCallstack, DWORD& cbCallstack ) /*++
Routine description:
Dump call stack into the given buffer.
rgdwCall - Array of caller's address dwCallers - Number of callers pbCallstack - The buffer to put the call stack string into cbCallstack - In: How big the buffer is, Out: how much stuff I have put in there
Return value:
None. --*/ { DWORD i; CHAR Buffer[g_dwMaxCallStack]; DWORD dwLine = 0; DWORD dwBufferAvail = cbCallstack - 2*sizeof(CHAR); PBYTE pbStart = pbCallstack; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; BOOL fRetry = TRUE; char szModuleName[MAX_PATH]; char* pszFileName; char* pszExtension;
_ASSERT( pbStart ); _ASSERT( cbCallstack > 0 );
cbCallstack = 0;
// Get the executable's filename and point past the last slash
// in the path, if it's present. Also, whack off the extension
// if it's .EXE
if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, szModuleName, MAX_PATH) == 0) { strcpy (szModuleName, "Unknown"); }
pszFileName = strrchr(szModuleName, '\\'); if (pszFileName == NULL) { pszFileName = szModuleName; } else { pszFileName++; }
pszExtension = strrchr(pszFileName, '.'); if (pszExtension) { if (_stricmp(pszExtension+1, "exe") == 0) { *pszExtension = NULL; } }
// Format a header line
dwBytesWritten = _snprintf((char*)pbStart, g_dwMaxCallStack, "*** %s, Process: %d(%#x), Thread: %d(%#x) ***\r\n", pszFileName, GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId(), GetCurrentThreadId());
cbCallstack += dwBytesWritten; pbStart += dwBytesWritten; dwBufferAvail -= dwBytesWritten;
// Dump call stack
// Note that we skip the first two entries. These are the internal
// calls to ExchmemGetCallStack and g_TestTrace
for (i = 2; i < dwCallers && rgdwCall[i] != 0; i++) { ExchmemFormatSymbol( GetCurrentProcess(), rgdwCall[i], Buffer, g_dwMaxCallStack ); dwLine = strlen( Buffer ); if ( dwLine+2 < dwBufferAvail ) { CopyMemory( pbStart, Buffer, dwLine ); *(pbStart+dwLine) = '\r'; *(pbStart+dwLine+1) = '\n'; dwBufferAvail -= (dwLine + 2*sizeof(CHAR)); pbStart += (dwLine + 2*sizeof(CHAR)); cbCallstack +=( dwLine + 2*sizeof(CHAR)); } else { break; } }
// Add an extra \r\n at the end
*(pbCallstack + cbCallstack) = '\r'; *(pbCallstack + cbCallstack + 1) = '\n'; cbCallstack += 2;
// Dump it to the log file as well, if we do have a log file
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != g_hRandFailFile && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != g_hRandFailMutex ) {
WaitForSingleObject (g_hRandFailMutex, INFINITE);
DWORD dwOffset = SetFilePointer( g_hRandFailFile, 0, 0, FILE_END );
// if the file is too big then we need to truncate it
if (dwOffset > dwMaxFileSize) { SetFilePointer(g_hRandFailFile, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile(g_hRandFailFile); } try_again: BOOL b = WriteFile( g_hRandFailFile, pbCallstack, cbCallstack, &dwBytesWritten, NULL );
if ( b == FALSE || dwBytesWritten != cbCallstack ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
if( dwError && fRetry ) { fRetry = FALSE; Sleep( 100 ); goto try_again; } INT_TRACE( "Error writing to file: %d, number of bytes %d:%d\n", dwError, cbCallstack, dwBytesWritten ); }
// See if it's time for this API to fail
// Note: This routine was renamed from fTimeToFail to g_TestTrace
// to hide the symbol from someone dumping the dll
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall g_TestTrace(void) { /*++
Routine Description:
Check to see if it's time for an instrumented API to fail.
Note: This routine was renamed from fTimeToFail to g_TestTrace to hide the symbol from someone dumping the dll
Return Value:
true if it's time for us to fail, false if not or we're disabled.
--*/ LONG l;
// Never fail?
if (nFailRate == kDontFail) return 0;
// Have failures been suspended?
if (dwRandFailTlsIndex != 0xffffffff && TlsGetValue (dwRandFailTlsIndex) != NULL) return 0;
// This is good enough for now..
l = InterlockedIncrement(&s_nCount) % nFailRate;
if ( l == 0 ) {
// We are going to fail
if ( g_ppchCallStack ) { LONG i = 0; const DWORD dwMaxCallStack = 20; DWORD dwCallStackBuffer = g_dwMaxCallStack; DWORD_PTR rgdwCaller[dwMaxCallStack];
i = InterlockedIncrement( &g_iCallStack ); if ( i <= g_cCallStack ) { i--; if ( g_ppchCallStack[i] ) { ZeroMemory( rgdwCaller, sizeof(DWORD_PTR)*dwMaxCallStack ); ExchmemGetCallStack(rgdwCaller, dwMaxCallStack); DumpCallStack( rgdwCaller, dwMaxCallStack, (PBYTE)g_ppchCallStack[i], dwCallStackBuffer ); } } else { InterlockedExchange( &g_iCallStack, g_cCallStack ); } }
return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall g_TestTraceDisable(void) { /*++
Routine Description:
Function to temporarily suspend g_TestTrace's ability to return a failure. This is used when you want to call one of the instrumented APIs that you don't want to fail. This function is nestable up to 128(abitrary) levels deep.
Return Value:
if (dwRandFailTlsIndex == 0xffffffff) return;
SIZE_T OldValue = (SIZE_T)TlsGetValue(dwRandFailTlsIndex); ASSERT (OldValue <= 128); TlsSetValue(dwRandFailTlsIndex, (LPVOID)(OldValue+1)); }
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall g_TestTraceEnable(void) { /*++
Routine Description:
Resume g_TestTrace's normal functionality if the nesting level has returned to zero.
Return Value:
--*/ if (dwRandFailTlsIndex == 0xffffffff) return;
SIZE_T OldValue = (SIZE_T)TlsGetValue(dwRandFailTlsIndex); ASSERT (OldValue > 0 && OldValue <= 128); TlsSetValue(dwRandFailTlsIndex, (LPVOID)(OldValue-1)); }