Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : export.h
Abstract: Declarations used by export.cpp and other utility functions that support wamreg setup.
Author: Taylor Weiss ( TaylorW ) 08-Mar-1999
Environment: User Mode - Win32
Project: iis\svcs\wam\wamreg
// 0 = log errors only
// 1 = log errors and warnings
// 2 = log errors, warnings and program flow type statemtns
// 3 = log errors, warnings, program flow and basic trace activity
// 4 = log errors, warnings, program flow, basic trace activity and trace to win32 api calls.
#define LOG_TYPE_ERROR 0
#define LOG_TYPE_WARN 1
#define LOG_TYPE_TRACE 3
typedef void (*IIS5LOG_FUNCTION)(int iLogType, WCHAR *pszfmt);
// Local Declarations supporting setup.
extern IIS5LOG_FUNCTION g_pfnSetupWriteLog;
// Macros that collapse a debug and setup trace call. Note these will add code to
// fre builds, the setup tracing is always on.
#if DBG
#define SETUP_TRACE(args) \
DBGINFO(args); \ if ( g_pfnSetupWriteLog != NULL ) { \ LogSetupTrace args ; \ } else {}
#define SETUP_TRACE_ERROR(args) \
DBGINFO(args); \ if ( g_pfnSetupWriteLog != NULL ) { \ LogSetupTraceError args ; \ } else {}
#define SETUP_TRACE_ASSERT( exp ) \
if ( !(exp) ) { \ if ( g_pfnSetupWriteLog != NULL ) { \ LogSetupTraceError( DBG_CONTEXT, "Assertion Failed: (%s)", #exp ); \ } \ PuDbgAssertFailed( DBG_CONTEXT, #exp, NULL ); \ } else {}
#else // No debug
// Defining DBG_CONTEXT in fre build. Since the DBG macros do not
// disappear, DBG_CONTEXT needs to be defined.
#define SETUP_TRACE(args) \
if ( g_pfnSetupWriteLog != NULL ) { \ LogSetupTrace args ; \ } else {}
#define SETUP_TRACE_ERROR(args) \
if ( g_pfnSetupWriteLog != NULL ) { \ LogSetupTraceError args ; \ } else {}
#define SETUP_TRACE_ASSERT( exp ) \
if ( !(exp) ) { \ if ( g_pfnSetupWriteLog != NULL ) { \ LogSetupTraceError( DBG_CONTEXT, "Assertion Failed: (%s)", #exp ); \ } \ } else {}
VOID LogSetupTrace( IN LPDEBUG_PRINTS pDebugPrints, IN const char * pszFilePath, IN int nLineNum, IN const char * pszFunction, IN const char * pszFormat, ... );
VOID LogSetupTraceError( IN LPDEBUG_PRINTS pDebugPrints, IN const char * pszFilePath, IN int nLineNum, IN const char * pszFunction, IN const char * pszFormat, ... );