<%@Language="VBScript"%> <HTML> <!--#include file = "text.asp"-->
<STYLE> </STYLE> <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252"> </head> <BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF LINK=000000 VLINK=000000> <%On Error goto 0%> <%if Request.Form("cancel") <> "" then if Request.Form("denyifcancel") <> "" then Response.Status = "401 Unauthorized" Response.End else Response.Redirect(Request.QueryString) end if Response.End end if %>
<!-- Windows NT Server with IIS --> <%if Instr(1,Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE"), "IIS") > 0 then%> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0> <TR VALIGN=CENTER> <TD></TD> <TD WIDTH=20> </TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+3 COLOR=#000000><B><%=L_ISM_Text%><BR> <FONT SIZE=-1><%=L_IIS6_Text%><FONT></B></FONT></TD> </TR> </Table> <%end if%>
<!-- Windows NT Workstation with PWS --> <%if Instr(1,Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE"), "PWS") then%> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0> <TR VALIGN=CENTER> <TD></TD> <TD WIDTH=20> </TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+3 COLOR=#000000><B><%=L_ISM_Text%><BR> <FONT SIZE=-1><%=L_PWS_Text%><FONT></B></FONT></TD> </TR> </Table> <%end if%> <p>
<%if Request.Form("new") <> Request.Form("new2") then %> <%=L_PWDM_Text%><p> <%Response.End%> <%end if%> <% On Error resume next dim domain,posbs, posat, username, pUser, root
domain = Trim(Request.Form("domain")) ' if no domain is present we try to get the domain from the username, ' e.g. domainusername or [email protected] if domain = "" then posbs = Instr(1,Request.Form("acct"),"\" ) posat = Instr(1,Request.Form("acct"),"@" ) if posbs > 0 then domain = Left(Request.Form("acct"),posbs-1) username = Right(Request.Form("acct"),len(Request.Form("acct")) - posbs) elseif posat > 0 then domain = Right(Request.Form("acct"),len(Request.Form("acct")) - posat) username = Left(Request.Form("acct"),posat-1) else username = Request.Form("acct") set nw = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Network") domain = nw.Computername end if else username = Trim(Request.Form("acct")) end if ' verify that the characters in the user name are valid if IsInvalidUsername(username) = true then Response.Write L_InvalidUsername_Text & "." Response.Write "<br><H3><a href=" & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")) & ">" & L_Back_Text & " </a></H3>" Response.End end if ' verify that the characters in the domain name are valid if IsInvalidDomainname(domain) = true then Response.Write L_InvalidDomainname_Text & "." Response.Write "<br><H3><a href=" & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")) & ">" & L_Back_Text & " </a></H3>" Response.End end if set pUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & domain & "/" & username & ",user") if Not IsObject(pUser) then set root = GetObject("WinNT:")
set pUser = root.OpenDSObject("WinNT://" & domain & "/" & username & ",user", username, Request.Form("old"),1) Response.Write "<!--OpenDSObject call-->" end if if Not IsObject(pUser) then 'Response.Write "domain <> null - OpenDSObject also failed" if err.number = -2147024843 then Response.Write L_NotExist_Text & "." else if err.description <> "" then Response.Write L_Error_Text & ": " & err.description else Response.Write L_Errornumber_Text & ": " & err.number end if Response.Write "<br><H3><a href=" & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")) & ">" & L_Back_Text & "</a></H3>" end if Response.End end if err.Clear pUser.ChangePassword Request.Form("old"), Request.Form("new")
if err.number <> 0 then if err.number = -2147024810 then Response.Write "<p>" & L_Error_Text & ": " & L_Invalid_Text elseif err.number = -2147022651 then Response.Write L_PasswordToShort_Text else Response.Write L_Errornumber_Text & ": " & err.number end if Response.Write "<br><H3><a href=" & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")) & ">" & L_Back_Text & "</a></H3>" Response.End else Response.Write L_PasswordChanged_Text & ".<p>"
end if %> <br> <a href="<%=Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString)%>"> " <%=L_BackTo_Text%> "<%=Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString)%></a> </body></html>
<% function IsInvalidUsername(username) dim re set re = new RegExp ' list of invalid characters in a user name. re.Pattern = "[/\\""\[\]:<>\+=;,@]" IsInvalidUsername = re.Test(username) end function
function IsInvalidDomainname(domainname) dim re set re = new RegExp ' list of invalid characters in a domain name. re.Pattern = "[/\\""\[\]:<>\+=;,@!#$%^&\(\)\{\}\|~]" IsInvalidDomainName = re.Test(domainname) end function %>