// Filename : VarBuff.h
// Purpose : To hold the definition for the variable length buffer.
// One should remember not to take pointers into the buffer
// since it can be reallocated automatically.
// Errors are reported via exceptions (CMemoryException()).
// Project : FTFS
// Component:
// Author : urib
// Log:
// Feb 2 1997 urib Creation
// Feb 25 1997 urib Fix compilation error in constructor.
// Jan 26 1999 urib Allow zero initial size.
// May 1 2000 urib Allow specification of allocated size.
// May 14 2000 urib Add support for embedded initial array.
#ifndef VARBUFF_H
#define VARBUFF_H
#include "Excption.h"
#include "AutoPtr.h"
// CVarBuffer class definition
template<class T, ULONG ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems = 1> class CVarBuffer { public: // Constructor
CVarBuffer(ULONG ulInitialSizeInItems = 0, ULONG ulInitialAllocatedSizeInItems = 10);
// Concatenates the given buffer to this buffer.
void Cat(ULONG ulItems, T* pMemory);
// Copies the given buffer to this buffer.
void Cpy(ULONG ulItems, T* pMemory);
// Return the buffer's memory.
T* GetBuffer();
// Returns the buffer's size. The size is set by the initial value given to
// the constructor, Cat, Cpy, operations beyond the current size or Calls
// to the SetSize function.
ULONG GetSize();
// Set the buffer minimal size.
void SetSize(ULONG ulNewSizeInItems);
// Act as a buffer.
operator T*();
// This function enlarges the array.
void Double();
bool IsAllocated();
T* GetEmbeddedArray();
// A pointer to the buffer
CAutoMallocPointer<T> m_aptBuffer;
// An embedded initial buffer
byte m_rbEmbeddedBuffer[ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems * sizeof(T)];
// The used portion of the buffer.
ULONG m_ulSizeInItems;
// The allocated portion of the buffer.
ULONG m_ulAllocatedInItems; };
// CVarBuffer class implementation
// Name : CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::CVarBuffer
// Purpose : Initialize the buffer, allocate memory.
// Set the used buffer size to be ulInitialSizeInItems.
// May throw a CMemoryException on low memory.
// Parameters:
// [in] ULONG ulInitialSizeInItems
// Returns : [N/A]
// Log:
// Feb 25 1997 urib Creation
// Jan 28 1999 urib Allow 0 size buffers.
// May 1 2000 urib Allow specification of allocated size.
template<class T, ULONG ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems> inline CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::CVarBuffer( ULONG ulInitialSizeInItems, ULONG ulInitialAllocatedSizeInItems) :m_aptBuffer(GetEmbeddedArray(), false) ,m_ulSizeInItems(ulInitialSizeInItems) ,m_ulAllocatedInItems(ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems) { //
// Allocation cannot be smaller than size.
if (ulInitialAllocatedSizeInItems < ulInitialSizeInItems) { ulInitialAllocatedSizeInItems = ulInitialSizeInItems; }
// Allocate if needed.
if (m_ulAllocatedInItems < ulInitialAllocatedSizeInItems) { m_aptBuffer = (T*) malloc (sizeof(T) * ulInitialAllocatedSizeInItems); if(!m_aptBuffer.IsValid()) { THROW_MEMORY_EXCEPTION(); }
m_ulAllocatedInItems = ulInitialAllocatedSizeInItems; } }
// Name : CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::Cat
// Purpose : Concatenate this memory to the buffer's end. Reallocates
// if needed. Sets the size to the size before the
// call + ulItems.
// May throw a CMemoryException on low memory.
// Parameters:
// [in] ULONG ulItems
// [in] T* ptMemory
// Returns : [N/A]
// Log:
// Feb 25 1997 urib Creation
template<class T, ULONG ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems> inline void CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::Cat(ULONG ulItems, T* ptMemory) { // Remember the size before changing it
ULONG ulLastSize = m_ulSizeInItems;
// Change the size - allocate if needed
SetSize(m_ulSizeInItems + ulItems);
// Copy the new data to the buffer
memcpy(GetBuffer() + ulLastSize, ptMemory, ulItems * sizeof(T)); }
// Name : CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::Cpy
// Purpose : Copy this memory to the buffer (from the beginning).
// Set the used buffer size to be ulItems.
// May throw a CMemoryException on low memory.
// Parameters:
// [in] ULONG ulItems
// [in] T* ptMemory
// Returns : [N/A]
// Log:
// Feb 25 1997 urib Creation
template<class T, ULONG ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems> inline void CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::Cpy(ULONG ulItems, T* ptMemory) { m_ulSizeInItems = 0; Cat(ulItems, ptMemory); }
// Name : CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::GetBuffer
// Purpose : Return the actual memory. Don't save the return value in a
// pointer since the buffer may reallocate. Save the offset.
// Parameters:
// [N/A]
// Returns : T* - the buffer.
// Log:
// Feb 25 1997 urib Creation
template<class T, ULONG ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems> inline T* CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::GetBuffer() { return m_aptBuffer.Get(); }
// Name : CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::GetSize
// Purpose : Return the size of the buffer. The return value of this
// function is set by SetSize, Cpy, Cat, and the size
// specified in the constructor.
// Parameters:
// [N/A]
// Returns : ULONG
// Log:
// Feb 25 1997 urib Creation
template<class T, ULONG ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems> inline ULONG CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::GetSize() { return m_ulSizeInItems; }
// Name : CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::SetSize
// Purpose : Sets the size in items to be ulNewSizeInItems.
// May throw a CMemoryException on low memory.
// Parameters:
// [in] ULONG ulNewSizeInItems
// Returns : [N/A]
// Log:
// Feb 25 1997 urib Creation
template<class T, ULONG ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems> inline void CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::SetSize(ULONG ulNewSizeInItems) { // While the buffer is not in the proper size keep growing.
while (ulNewSizeInItems > m_ulAllocatedInItems) Double();
// OK. We're big. Set the size.
m_ulSizeInItems = ulNewSizeInItems; }
// Name : CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::operator void*()
// Purpose : To return a pointer to the buffer.
// Parameters:
// [N/A]
// Returns : T*
// Log:
// Feb 25 1997 urib Creation
template<class T, ULONG ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems> inline CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::operator T*() { return GetBuffer(); }
// Name : CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::Double
// Purpose : Double the alocated memory size. Not the used size.
// May throw a CMemoryException on low memory.
// Parameters:
// [N/A]
// Returns : [N/A]
// Log:
// Feb 25 1997 urib Creation
template<class T, ULONG ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems> inline void CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::Double() { ULONG ulNewAllocatedSizeInItems = 2 * m_ulAllocatedInItems;
T* ptTemp;
if (!IsAllocated()) { ptTemp = (T*)malloc(ulNewAllocatedSizeInItems * sizeof(T)); if (!ptTemp) { THROW_MEMORY_EXCEPTION(); }
memcpy(ptTemp, m_aptBuffer.Get(), m_ulSizeInItems * sizeof(T)); } else { ptTemp = (T*)realloc(m_aptBuffer.Get(), ulNewAllocatedSizeInItems * sizeof(T)); if (!ptTemp) { THROW_MEMORY_EXCEPTION(); }
m_aptBuffer.Detach(); }
m_aptBuffer = ptTemp;
m_ulAllocatedInItems = ulNewAllocatedSizeInItems; }
// Name : CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::::IsAllocated()
// Purpose : A predicate to easily test if we still use the embedded
// array or not.
// Parameters:
// [N/A]
// Returns : bool - true - an alternative array was allocated.
// Log:
// May 14 2000 urib Creation
template<class T, ULONG ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems> inline bool CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::IsAllocated() { return m_aptBuffer.Get() != GetEmbeddedArray(); }
// Name : CVarBuffer<T, ulIni...zeInItems>::GetEmbeddedArray()
// Purpose : Return the embedded array.
// Parameters:
// [N/A]
// Returns : [N/A]
// Log:
// May 14 2000 urib Creation
template<class T, ULONG ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems> inline T* CVarBuffer<T, ulInitialEmbeddedSizeInItems>::GetEmbeddedArray() { return (T*) m_rbEmbeddedBuffer; }
#endif /* VARBUFF_H */