Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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- Pop3perf.cpp - * Purpose: * * Copyright: * * History: * */
#include <StdAfx.h>
#include <winperf.h>
#include <Pop3SvcPerf.h>
#include <perfdll.h>
#define SZ_POP3_SERVICE_NAME L"Pop3Svc"
// Debugging registry key constant
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, // handle to the DLL module
DWORD fdwReason, // reason for calling function
LPVOID lpvReserved) // reserved
{ if (DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH == fdwReason) { PERF_DATA_INFO pdi;
// Configure Perfmon Counters
// PERF_DATA_INFO have buffers of MAX_PATH characters
pdi.cGlobalCounters = cntrMaxGlobalCntrs; pdi.rgdwGlobalCounterTypes = g_rgdwGlobalCntrType; pdi.rgdwGlobalCntrScale = g_rgdwGlobalCntrScale; wcsncpy(pdi.wszSvcName, SZ_POP3_SERVICE_NAME, MAX_PATH-1); wcsncpy(pdi.wszGlobalSMName, szPOP3PerfMem, MAX_PATH-1); pdi.wszSvcName[MAX_PATH-1]=0; pdi.wszGlobalSMName[MAX_PATH-1]=0; // NOTE: If your service does not require Instance
// counters, you MUST set cInstCounters to zero!
pdi.cInstCounters = cntrMaxInstCntrs; wcsncpy(pdi.wszInstSMName, szPOP3InstPerfMem, MAX_PATH-1); wcsncpy(pdi.wszInstMutexName, szPOP3InstPerfMutex, MAX_PATH-1); pdi.wszInstSMName[MAX_PATH-1]=0; pdi.wszInstMutexName[MAX_PATH-1]=0; pdi.rgdwInstCounterTypes = g_rgdwInstCntrType;
if (FAILED(HrInitPerf(&pdi))) return FALSE;
if (DLL_PROCESS_DETACH == fdwReason) { HrShutdownPerf(); }
return TRUE; }
// Must have wrapper functions, otherwise the lib functions don't get
// pulled into the executable (smart linking "saves us" again...)
DWORD APIENTRY Pop3SvcOpenPerfProc(LPWSTR sz) { return OpenPerformanceData(sz); }
DWORD APIENTRY Pop3SvcCollectPerfProc(LPWSTR sz, LPVOID *ppv, LPDWORD pdw1, LPDWORD pdw2) { return CollectPerformanceData(sz, ppv, pdw1, pdw2); }
DWORD APIENTRY Pop3SvcClosePerfProc(void) { return ClosePerformanceData(); }
HRESULT _stdcall DllRegisterServer(void) { return RegisterPerfDll( SZ_POP3_SERVICE_NAME, L"Pop3SvcOpenPerfProc", L"Pop3SvcCollectPerfProc", L"Pop3SvcClosePerfProc" ) ; }
HRESULT _stdcall DllUnregisterServer(void) { return HrUninstallPerfDll( SZ_POP3_SERVICE_NAME ); }