Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994. // // File: WBreak.idl // // Contents: IWordBreaker interface definition // // History: 12-Aug-93 AmyA Created // 08-Apr-94 KyleP Sync to spec // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "idlmulti.h"
cpp_quote("#ifndef _tagTEXT_SOURCE_DEFINED") struct tagTEXT_SOURCE; typedef HRESULT ( __stdcall * PFNFILLTEXTBUFFER) (struct tagTEXT_SOURCE * pTextSource);
typedef struct tagTEXT_SOURCE { PFNFILLTEXTBUFFER pfnFillTextBuffer; WCHAR const * awcBuffer; ULONG iEnd; ULONG iCur; } TEXT_SOURCE; cpp_quote("#define _tagTEXT_SOURCE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _TEXT_SOURCE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#endif")
LOCAL_INTERFACE(D53552C8-77E3-101A-B552-08002B33B0E6) interface IWordBreaker: IUnknown { HRESULT Init( [in] BOOL fQuery, [in] ULONG ulMaxTokenSize, [out] BOOL * pfLicense );
HRESULT BreakText( [in] TEXT_SOURCE * pTextSource, [in] IWordSink * pWordSink, [in] IPhraseSink * pPhraseSink );
HRESULT ComposePhrase( [in, size_is(cwcNoun)] WCHAR const * pwcNoun, [in] ULONG cwcNoun, [in, size_is(cwcModifier)] WCHAR const * pwcModifier, [in] ULONG cwcModifier, [in] ULONG ulAttachmentType, [out, size_is(*pcwcPhrase)] WCHAR * pwcPhrase, [in, out] ULONG * pcwcPhrase );
HRESULT GetLicenseToUse( [out, string] WCHAR const ** ppwcsLicense ); }