// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996.
// File: statchnk.cxx
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// Coupling:
// Notes:
// History: 10-14-1996 ericne Created
#include "pch.cxx"
#include "statchnk.hxx"
#include "mydebug.hxx"
#include "utility.hxx"
// Member: CStatChunk::CStatChunk
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 10-14-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
CStatChunk::CStatChunk() { // Set the fields equal to zero
idChunk = 0; breakType = CHUNK_NO_BREAK; flags = CHUNK_TEXT; locale = 0; idChunkSource = 0; cwcStartSource = 0; cwcLenSource = 0;
// Set all the sub-fields of the attribute fields to zero
memset( (void*)&attribute, (int)0, sizeof( FULLPROPSPEC ) );
// Reset the value of the ulKind field since a value of 0 indicates pwstr
attribute.psProperty.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID;
} //CStatChunk::CStatChunk
// Member: CStatChunk::CStatChunk
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [ToCopy] --
// Returns:
// History: 10-14-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
CStatChunk::CStatChunk( const CStatChunk & ToCopy ) { // Set the fields
idChunk = ToCopy.idChunk; breakType = ToCopy.breakType; flags = ToCopy.flags; locale = ToCopy.locale; idChunkSource = ToCopy.idChunkSource; cwcStartSource = ToCopy.cwcStartSource; cwcLenSource = ToCopy.cwcLenSource;
// First, perform a bitwise copy of the attribute field
memcpy( (void*)&attribute, (void*)&ToCopy.attribute, sizeof( FULLPROPSPEC ) );
// If the attribute contains a pwstr, create room for it:
if( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == ToCopy.attribute.psProperty.ulKind ) { size_t lpwstrlen = wcslen( ToCopy.attribute.psProperty.lpwstr );
attribute.psProperty.lpwstr = NEW WCHAR[ lpwstrlen + 1 ];
if( attribute.psProperty.lpwstr ) { wcscpy( attribute.psProperty.lpwstr, ToCopy.attribute.psProperty.lpwstr ); } } } //CStatChunk::CStatChunk
// Member: CStatChunk::~CStatChunk
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 10-14-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
CStatChunk::~CStatChunk() { if( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == attribute.psProperty.ulKind && NULL != attribute.psProperty.lpwstr ) { delete [] attribute.psProperty.lpwstr; } } //CStatChunk::~CStatChunk
// Member: CStatChunk::operator=
// Synopsis: Overloaded assignment operator. Frees any memory if necessary
// then copies the parameter
// Arguments: [ToCopy] -- The object to copy
// Returns: a reference to this
// History: 10-14-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
CStatChunk & CStatChunk::operator=( const CStatChunk & ToCopy ) { // Make sure this is not a self copy
if( this == &ToCopy ) return( *this ); return( operator=( ( STAT_CHUNK ) ToCopy ) );
} //CStatChunk::operator=
// Member: CStatChunk::operator
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [ToCopy] --
// Returns:
// History: 10-21-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
CStatChunk & CStatChunk::operator=( const STAT_CHUNK & ToCopy ) { // Clean up the old mess
// Copy the fields
idChunk = ToCopy.idChunk; breakType = ToCopy.breakType; flags = ToCopy.flags; locale = ToCopy.locale; idChunkSource = ToCopy.idChunkSource; cwcStartSource = ToCopy.cwcStartSource; cwcLenSource = ToCopy.cwcLenSource;
// First, perform a bitwise copy of the attribute field
memcpy( (void*)&attribute, (void*)&ToCopy.attribute, sizeof( FULLPROPSPEC ) );
// If the attribute contains a lpwstr, create room for it:
if( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == ToCopy.attribute.psProperty.ulKind ) { size_t lpwstrlen = wcslen( ToCopy.attribute.psProperty.lpwstr );
attribute.psProperty.lpwstr = NEW WCHAR[ lpwstrlen + 1 ];
if( attribute.psProperty.lpwstr ) { wcscpy( attribute.psProperty.lpwstr, ToCopy.attribute.psProperty.lpwstr ); } }
return( *this );
} //CStatChunk::operator
// Member: CStatChunk::Display
// Synopsis: Formatted display of the STAT_CHUNK structure
// Arguments: [pFileStream] -- Output stream, stdout by default
// Returns: void
// History: 10-14-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
void CStatChunk::Display( FILE* pFileStream ) const { TCHAR szGuidBuffer[ GuidBufferSize ];
// Insert a blank line
fwprintf( pFileStream, L"\r\nChunk statistics:\r\n" );
// Print the chunk id
fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Chunk ID: ........... %d\r\n", idChunk);
// Print the break type (in English if possible)
if( CHUNK_NO_BREAK > breakType || CHUNK_EOC < breakType ) // not legal
{ fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Illegal Break Type: . %d\r\n", breakType ); } else { fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Chunk Break Type: ... %ls\r\n", BreakType[ breakType ] ); }
// Print the Chunk state (in English if possible)
if( CHUNK_TEXT == flags || CHUNK_VALUE == flags) { fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Chunk State: ........ %ls\r\n", ChunkState[ flags - 1 ] ); } else { fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Bad Chunk State: .... %d\r\n", flags ); }
// Print the locale
fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Chunk Locale: ....... 0x%08x\r\n", locale );
// Print the Chunk id source
fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Chunk Source ID: .... %d\r\n", idChunkSource );
// Print the start source
fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Chunk Start Source .. 0x%08x\r\n", cwcStartSource );
// Print the length source
fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Chunk Length Source . 0x%08x\r\n", cwcLenSource );
// Display the guid
GetStringFromCLSID( attribute.guidPropSet, szGuidBuffer, GuidBufferSize ); fwprintf( pFileStream, L"GUID ................ %s\r\n", szGuidBuffer );
// Display the contents of the PROPSPEC field (careful of the union)
if( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == attribute.psProperty.ulKind ) { fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Property name ....... %ls\r\n", attribute.psProperty.lpwstr ); } else if( PRSPEC_PROPID == attribute.psProperty.ulKind ) { fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Property ID ......... 0x%08x\r\n", attribute.psProperty.propid ); } else { fwprintf( pFileStream, L"Bad ulKind field .... %d\r\n", attribute.psProperty.ulKind ); }
// Insert a blank line
fwprintf( pFileStream, L"\r\n" ); } //CStatChunk::Display
// Function: operator==
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [ChunkA] --
// [ChunkB] --
// Returns:
// History: 10-14-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
int operator==( const STAT_CHUNK & ChunkA, const STAT_CHUNK & ChunkB ) { return( ! ( ChunkA != ChunkB ) ); } //operator
// Function: operator!=
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [ChunkA] --
// [ChunkB] --
// Returns: 1 If the chunks are not equal
// 0 if the chunks are equal
// History: 10-14-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
int operator!=( const STAT_CHUNK & ChunkA, const STAT_CHUNK & ChunkB ) {
// Check chunk ID
if( ChunkA.idChunk != ChunkB.idChunk ) { return( 1 ); } // Check the breaktype
if( ChunkA.breakType != ChunkB.breakType ) { return( 1 ); } // Check the flags
if( ChunkA.flags != ChunkB.flags ) { return( 1 ); }
// Check the locale
if( ChunkA.locale != ChunkB.locale ) { return( 1 ); }
// Check the GUID
if( ChunkA.attribute.guidPropSet != ChunkB.attribute.guidPropSet ) { return( 1 ); }
// Make sure they have the same ulKind
if( ChunkA.attribute.psProperty.ulKind != ChunkB.attribute.psProperty.ulKind ) { return( 1 ); }
if( PRSPEC_PROPID == ChunkA.attribute.psProperty.ulKind && PRSPEC_PROPID == ChunkB.attribute.psProperty.ulKind ) { // compare the propid's
if( ChunkA.attribute.psProperty.propid != ChunkB.attribute.psProperty.propid ) { return( 1 ); } } else { // compare the pwstr's
if( 0 != _wcsicmp( ChunkA.attribute.psProperty.lpwstr, ChunkB.attribute.psProperty.lpwstr ) ) { return( 1 ); } }
// Check the chunk source
if( ChunkA.idChunkSource != ChunkB.idChunkSource ) { return( 1 ); }
// Check the start source
if( ChunkA.cwcStartSource != ChunkB.cwcStartSource ) { return( 1 ); }
// check the source length
if( ChunkA.cwcLenSource != ChunkB.cwcLenSource ) { return( 1 ); }
// They are equal, return 0:
return( 0 );
} //operator