// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: ColCompr.hxx
// Contents: Column compressor definitions
// Classes: CCompressedCol
// CCompressedColHash
// XCompressFreeVariant
// History: 22 Mar 1994 Alanw Created
#pragma once
#pragma message( "#include <" __FILE__ ">..." )
#include <objcur.hxx>
class CPathStore;
// Class: CCompressedCol
// Purpose: An encapsulation of a compressed column
// Interface:
// Notes:
class CCompressedCol { public: enum CompType { FixedHash=1, // fixed data width hash table
VarHash, // variable data width hash table
PathCompr, // file path name compression
StringVecCompr, // string vector compression
CCompressedCol( VARTYPE vtData, unsigned cbKey, CompType ComprType ) : DataType( vtData ), _cbKeyWidth( cbKey ), _CompressionType( ComprType ) { }
CCompressedCol( ) : DataType( VT_NULL ), _cbKeyWidth( sizeof ULONG ), _CompressionType( (CompType) 0 ) { }
virtual ~CCompressedCol( ) { }
virtual void AddData(PROPVARIANT const * const pvarnt, ULONG * pKey, GetValueResult& reIndicator) = 0;
virtual GetValueResult GetData(PROPVARIANT * pvarnt, VARTYPE PreferredType, ULONG key = 0, PROPID prop = 0) = 0;
virtual void FreeVariant(PROPVARIANT * pvarnt) = 0;
virtual ULONG MemUsed(void) = 0;
virtual CPathStore * GetPathStore() { return 0; }
virtual BOOL FindData(PROPVARIANT const * const pvarnt, ULONG & rKey ) { Win4Assert(!"FindData should not be called!"); return FALSE; }
protected: unsigned _cbKeyWidth; // width in row data (0 if compressed and no
// key needed
CompType _CompressionType; };
// Class: CCompressedColHash
// Purpose: A compressed column which uses a hash table for
// redundant value elimination.
// Interface: CCompressedCol
// Notes: The hash table code is generic and intended for
// any fixed sized data. A hash table may be parameterized
// for any particular data type by supplying the data
// item width, an initial hash table size and optionally
// a hash function. Items in the hash table are uniquely
// identified by their offset in the data area.
// Entries are only added to the table, never removed.
// This reduces storage requirements since reference
// counts do not need to be stored.
class CCompressedColHash: public CCompressedCol { public: typedef ULONG (* PFNHASH) (BYTE *, USHORT); static ULONG DefaultHash(BYTE *pbData, USHORT cbData);
CCompressedColHash( VARTYPE vtData, USHORT cbDataWidth, PFNHASH pfnHashFunction = DefaultHash);
void AddData(PROPVARIANT const * const pvarnt, ULONG * pKey, GetValueResult& reIndicator);
GetValueResult GetData(PROPVARIANT * pvarnt, VARTYPE PreferredType, ULONG key = 0, PROPID prop = 0);
void FreeVariant(PROPVARIANT * pvarnt);
ULONG MemUsed(void) { // return (_pAlloc->MemUsed());
return _cbData; }
protected: VOID _AddData(BYTE *pbData, USHORT cbDataSize, ULONG* pKey); VOID _Rehash(HASHKEY iKey, BYTE *pbData); VOID _GrowHashTable( void ); HASHKEY* _IndexHashkey( HASHKEY iKey ); ULONG _GetHashIndex( BYTE *pbData, USHORT cbData ) { ULONG ulHash = _pfnHash( pbData, cbData ); return ulHash%_cHashEntries; } void _ClearAll();
HASHKEY* _pHashTable; // pointer to hash table
PBYTE _pDataItems; // pointer to data items
HASHKEY _cDataItems; // number of entries in pDataItems
const USHORT _cbDataWidth; // width of each data item
private: USHORT _NextHashSize( HASHKEY cItems, USHORT cHash ); PFNHASH _pfnHash; // hash function
USHORT _cHashEntries; // size of hash table
USHORT _maxChain; // maximum hash chain length
USHORT _fGrowthInProgress; // TRUE if _GrowHashTable active
// CLEANCODE - the class should be changed to use CFixedAllocator
ULONG _cbData; // size of allocation for compressed data
PVOID _pData; // pointer to compression data
ULONG _ulMemCounter; // Memory allocation counter
// Serialization.
CMutexSem _mtxSerialize; // Serialize Table access
// Method: CCompressedColHash::_IndexHashkey, protected inline
// Synopsis: Index a hash key and return a pointer to the hash
// chain. The data will be found at the return value
// plus sizeof (HASHKEY)
// Arguments: [iKey] - lookup key value
// Returns: HASHKEY*, pointer to the indexed item
// Notes:
inline HASHKEY* CCompressedColHash::_IndexHashkey( HASHKEY iKey ) { Win4Assert(iKey > 0 && iKey <= _cDataItems); return (HASHKEY *) ((BYTE *)_pDataItems + (iKey - 1) * (sizeof (HASHKEY) + _cbDataWidth)); }
ULONG GuidHash(BYTE *pbData, USHORT cbData);
// Class: XCompressFreeVariant
// Purpose: Safe pointer for variants created by compressors
// Interface:
// Notes: This class assures that variant structures are properly freed
// in case of exception unwinds.
class XCompressFreeVariant { CCompressedCol * _pCompr; PROPVARIANT * _pVarnt;
public: XCompressFreeVariant() : _pCompr( 0 ), _pVarnt( 0 ) { END_CONSTRUCTION( XCompressFreeVariant ); }
~XCompressFreeVariant( ) { if (_pCompr) _pCompr->FreeVariant(_pVarnt); }
void Set( CCompressedCol * pCompr, PROPVARIANT * pVarnt ) { _pCompr = pCompr; _pVarnt = pVarnt; } };