// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1992.
// File: SORT.HXX
// Contents: Key sorting
// Classes: CDirectory, CSortChunk, CChunkCursor
// History: 12-Jun-91 BartoszM Created
// 19-Jun-91 reviewed
#pragma once
#include <keycur.hxx>
#include <dirtree.hxx>
#include <curstk.hxx>
#include <widtab.hxx>
#include "compress.hxx"
#include "occtable.hxx"
// Class: CDirectory
// Purpose: Directory of blocks within sort chunk
// History: 12-Jun-91 BartoszM Created stub
// 14-Aug-91 BartoszM Implemented
class CDirectory { public: inline CDirectory (); inline ~CDirectory ();
void Init ( unsigned count ) { _blocks = new CBlock * [count]; _tree.Init ( count ); }
void AddEntry ( CBlock* pBlock, CKeyBuf& key );
CBlock* Seek ( const CKey& key );
void Done() { _tree.Done ( _counter ); }
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif
unsigned _counter; CDirTree _tree; CBlock** _blocks; };
inline CDirectory::CDirectory () : _counter (0), _blocks (0) {}
inline CDirectory::~CDirectory () { delete _blocks; }
inline CBlock* CDirectory::Seek ( const CKey& key ) { unsigned i = _tree.Seek ( key ); ciAssert ( i < _counter ); return _blocks [ i ]; }
// Class: CSortChunk
// Purpose: sort chunk: A block of memory that contains compressed sorted
// <key, workid, offset> tuples. Keys are prefix compressed,
// property ids are compressed using small number representation,
// workids are represented as a single byte, and offsets are
// compressed using small number representation. The sort chunk
// is divided into cbBlockSize chunks, each of which begins with
// a single byte indicating if this is a continuation key or new
// key, and a full key value. Continuation keys are those that
// were in the previous block with a different workid or offset.
// History: 23-May-91: Brianb Created
// 12-Jun-91 BartoszM Rewrote
// 14-Feb-92 AmyA moved CreateRange() in from
// CWordList.
class CChunkCursor; class CKeyCurStack;
class CSortChunk { public:
CSortChunk *next;
CSortChunk( CMaxOccTable& maxOccTable ); void Init( const BYTE* pBuf, ULONG cb, WORKID widMax );
~CSortChunk ();
CChunkCursor* QueryCursor ( INDEXID iid, const CWidTable& widTable, WORKID widMax );
CChunkCursor* QueryCursor ( INDEXID iid, const CWidTable& widTable, const CKey * pkey, WORKID widMax );
CBlock * GetBlock() const { return _blocks; }
CDirectory& GetDir() { return _dir; }
unsigned BlockCount() const { return _cBlocks; }
void CreateRange ( COccCurStack & curStk, const CKey * pkey, const CKey * pkeyEnd, INDEXID iid, const CWidTable& widTable, WORKID widMax );
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif
CBlock* _blocks; unsigned _cBlocks;
// _widSingle is set to a specific WorkId if that is the
// *only* workid that shows up in this SortChunk. Otherwise
// it is set to widInvalid;
WORKID _widSingle; CMaxOccTable & _maxOccTable; CDirectory _dir; };
// Class: CChunkCursor (scc)
// Purpose: Base chunk cursor class.
// History: 27-May-92 KyleP Created
class CChunkCursor : public CKeyCursor { public:
inline CChunkCursor( INDEXID iid, WORKID widMax, CSortChunk * pChunk );
virtual const CKeyBuf *SeekKey( const CKey * pkey ) = 0;
virtual void Init() = 0;
CSortChunk* _pChunk; // sort chunk
// Class: CManyWidChunkCursor (scc)
// Purpose: Cursor for extracting information from a chunk
// History: 23-May-91 Brianb Created
// 12-Jun-91 BartoszM Rewrote
// 27-Jan-92 AmyA Added Copy Constructor
// 27-Feb-92 AmyA Added HitCount.
// 28-May-92 KyleP Added Wid mapping (compression)
class CManyWidChunkCursor : public CChunkCursor { friend class CSortChunk;
void Init();
void Init( CBlock * pBlock );
const CKeyBuf *GetKey();
const CKeyBuf *GetNextKey();
const CKeyBuf *SeekKey(const CKey * pkey );
WORKID WorkId();
WORKID NextWorkId();
OCCURRENCE Occurrence();
OCCURRENCE NextOccurrence();
OCCURRENCE MaxOccurrence();
ULONG WorkIdCount();
ULONG OccurrenceCount();
ULONG HitCount();
void RatioFinished ( ULONG& denom, ULONG& num );
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif
CManyWidChunkCursor( INDEXID iid, const CWidTable& widTable, CSortChunk *pChunk, WORKID widMax, CMaxOccTable& maxOccTable );
friend class CWordList;
const CWidTable& _widTable; // wid transl table
WORKID _curFakeWid; // Current fake wid
CMaxOccTable& _maxOccTable; // Max occurrences of wids
CDecompress _decomp; };
// Class: COneWidChunkCursor (scc)
// Purpose: Cursor for extracting information from a chunk
// History: 21-May-92 KyleP Created
// Notes: This is identical to CManyWidChunkCursor except that it is
// used for chunks which contain only 1 WorkId.
class COneWidChunkCursor : public CChunkCursor { friend class CSortChunk;
void Init();
const CKeyBuf *GetKey();
const CKeyBuf *GetNextKey();
const CKeyBuf *SeekKey( const CKey * pkey );
WORKID WorkId();
WORKID NextWorkId();
OCCURRENCE Occurrence();
OCCURRENCE NextOccurrence();
OCCURRENCE MaxOccurrence();
ULONG WorkIdCount();
ULONG OccurrenceCount();
ULONG HitCount();
void RatioFinished ( ULONG& denom, ULONG& num );
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif
COneWidChunkCursor( INDEXID iid, const CWidTable& widTable, WORKID wid, CSortChunk *pChunk, WORKID widMax, CMaxOccTable& maxOccTable );
WORKID _wid; WORKID _widReal; // _wid is Set to widInvalid when
// NextWorkId() is called and must
// be reset.
WORKID _fakeWid;
CMaxOccTable& _maxOccTable;
COneWidDecompress _decomp; };
// Inline methods
// Member: CChunkCursor::CChunkCursor, public
// Synopsis: Creates chunk cursor.
// Arguments: [iid] -- Index Id
// [pChunk] -- Chunk
// History: 20-May-92 KyleP Created
inline CChunkCursor::CChunkCursor( INDEXID iid, WORKID widMax, CSortChunk * pChunk ) : CKeyCursor( iid, widMax ), _pChunk( pChunk ) { }