// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// Contents: Merge Cursor for multiple keys
// Classes: CSynCursor
// History: 20-Jan-92 BartoszM and AmyA Created
// widHeap occHeap
// (same wid)
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <misc.hxx>
#include <curstk.hxx>
#include "syncur.hxx"
#pragma optimize( "t", on )
// Member: CSynCursor::CSynCursor, public
// Synopsis: Create a cursor that merges a number of cursors.
// Arguments: [curStack] -- cursors to be merged
// [widMax] -- the maximum WORKID of the cursors
// History: 20-Jan-92 BartoszM and AmyA Created
// Notes: The cursors and the array will be deleted by destructor.
// Leaves occHeap empty.
CSynCursor::CSynCursor( COccCurStack &curStack, WORKID widMax ) : COccCursor(widMax), _widHeap (), _occHeap ( curStack.Count() ) { // Two step construction of the heap.
// We have to make sure that all cursors have a valid key
int cCursor = curStack.Count(); COccCursor **aCursor = curStack.AcqStack(); int count = 0; // remove empty cursors
for ( int i = 0; i < cCursor; i++ ) { Win4Assert ( aCursor[i] != 0 ); if ( aCursor[i]->IsEmpty() || aCursor[i]->WorkId() == widInvalid ) { delete aCursor[i]; } else if ( count != i ) aCursor[count++] = aCursor[i]; else count++; }
_widHeap.MakeHeap ( count, aCursor ); if ( !_widHeap.IsEmpty() ) { _iid = _widHeap.Top()->IndexId(); _pid = _widHeap.Top()->Pid(); ReplenishOcc(); } }
// Member: CSynCursor::WorkId, public
// Synopsis: Get current work id.
// History: 20-Jan-92 BartoszM and AmyA Created
// Notes: Current wid is defined as:
// 1. Cur wid of Top of occHeap (and cur wid of all
// cursors in occHeap
// 2. if occHeap empty: cur wid from top of widHeap
WORKID CSynCursor::WorkId() { if ( _occHeap.IsEmpty() ) { if (_widHeap.IsEmpty()) { _pid = pidInvalid; return widInvalid; } else { _pid = _widHeap.Top()->Pid(); return _widHeap.Top()->WorkId(); } }
_pid = _occHeap.Top()->Pid(); return _occHeap.Top()->WorkId(); }
// Member: CSynCursor::Occurrence, public
// Synopsis: Get current occurrence.
// History: 20-Jan-92 BartoszM and AmyA Created
// Notes: Current occurrence is defined as:
// 1. cur occ of top of occHeap and cur occ of all other
// cursors in it with the same cur occ
OCCURRENCE CSynCursor::Occurrence() { if ( _occHeap.IsEmpty() ) return OCC_INVALID;
return _occHeap.Top()->Occurrence(); }
// Member: CSynCursor::NextWorkId, public
// Synopsis: Move to next work id
// Returns: Target work id or widInvalid if no more wid's
// Effects: Updates _iid to the one of the widHeap top
// History: 20-Jan-92 BartoszM and AmyA Created
// Notes: 1. increment and move to widHeap all cursors in occHeap, or,
// 2. if occHeap empty, increment and reheap all cursors with
// the same wid as Top of widHeap, or,
// 3. if widHeap empty, return widInvalid.
WORKID CSynCursor::NextWorkId() { if ( ! _occHeap.IsEmpty() ) { COccCursor * cur; while ( ( cur = _occHeap.RemoveBottom() ) != 0 ) { WORKID wid = cur->NextWorkId(); _widHeap.AddKey( cur, wid ); } } else { if ( _widHeap.IsEmpty() ) return widInvalid;
WORKID wid = _widHeap.Top()->WorkId(); if ( wid == widInvalid ) return widInvalid;
do { _widHeap.Top()->NextWorkId(); _widHeap.ReheapKey(); } while ( _widHeap.Top()->WorkId() == wid && wid != widInvalid ); }
if ( WorkId() != widInvalid ) ReplenishOcc();
return WorkId(); }
// Member: CSynCursor::NextOccurrence, public
// Synopsis: Move to next occurrence
// Returns: Target occurrence or OCC_INVALID if no more occurrences
// for current (wid, index id) combination.
// History: 20-Jan-92 BartoszM and AmyA Created
// Notes: 1. Increment and reheap Top of occHeap
OCCURRENCE CSynCursor::NextOccurrence() { if ( _occHeap.IsEmpty() ) return OCC_INVALID;
OCCURRENCE occPrev = _occHeap.Top()->Occurrence(); if ( occPrev == OCC_INVALID ) return OCC_INVALID;
// Get the next occurrence. Don't skip duplicate occurrences
// because the pids will be different.
_occHeap.Top()->NextOccurrence(); _occHeap.ReheapKey();
OCCURRENCE occNext = _occHeap.Top()->Occurrence();
// Retrieve the current PID
if ( _occHeap.IsEmpty() ) { if ( _widHeap.IsEmpty() ) _pid = pidInvalid; else _pid = _widHeap.Top()->Pid(); } else _pid = _occHeap.Top()->Pid();
return occNext; } //NextOccurrence
// Member: CSynCursor::WorkIdCount, public
// Synopsis: return wid count
// History: 20-Jan-92 BartoszM and AmyA Created
// Notes: Sum up all wid counts of all cursors in occHeap
// and widHeap.
ULONG CSynCursor::WorkIdCount() { if ( _occHeap.IsEmpty() && _widHeap.IsEmpty() ) { return 0; }
// at least one of heaps is not empty
ULONG widCount = 0; COccCursor **curVec;
int count = _occHeap.Count(); if ( count > 0 ) { curVec = _occHeap.GetVector(); while ( --count >= 0 ) widCount += curVec[count]->WorkIdCount(); }
count = _widHeap.Count(); if ( count > 0 ) { curVec = _widHeap.GetVector(); while ( --count >= 0 ) widCount += curVec[count]->WorkIdCount(); }
return widCount; }
// Member: CSynCursor::OccurrenceCount, public
// Synopsis: return occurrence count
// History: 20-Jan-92 BartoszM and AmyA Created
// Notes: 1. sum up occ count of all cursors in the occHeap
ULONG CSynCursor::OccurrenceCount() { // sum up all occ counts for the same wid
if ( _occHeap.IsEmpty() ) return 0;
int count = _occHeap.Count(); ULONG occCount = 0; COccCursor **curVec = _occHeap.GetVector(); while ( --count >= 0 ) occCount += curVec[count]->OccurrenceCount();
return occCount; }
// Member: CSynCursor::MaxOccurrence
// Synopsis: Returns max occurrence of current wid
// History: 26-Jun-96 SitaramR Created
OCCURRENCE CSynCursor::MaxOccurrence() { Win4Assert( !_occHeap.IsEmpty() );
if ( _occHeap.IsEmpty() ) return OCC_INVALID; else return _occHeap.Top()->MaxOccurrence(); }
// Member: CSynCursor::HitCount, public
// Synopsis: return occurrence count
// History: 28-Feb-92 AmyA Created
// Notes: see notes for OccurrenceCount.
ULONG CSynCursor::HitCount() { return OccurrenceCount(); }
// Member: CSynCursor::Hit, public
// Synopsis: Hits the top level child
// History: 13-Oct-92 BartoszM Created
LONG CSynCursor::Hit() { if ( _occHeap.IsEmpty() ) { return rankInvalid; } return _occHeap.Top()->Hit(); }
// Member: CSynCursor::Hit, public
// Synopsis: Goes to next occurrence and hits the top level child
// History: 13-Oct-92 BartoszM Created
LONG CSynCursor::NextHit() { if (NextOccurrence() == OCC_INVALID) return(rankInvalid); return Hit(); }
// Member: CSynCursor::Rank, public
// Synopsis: Returns weighted average of ranks of children
// History: 22-Jul-92 BartoszM Created
LONG CSynCursor::Rank() { if ( _occHeap.IsEmpty() ) { return 0; }
unsigned count = _occHeap.Count(); COccCursor **curVec = _occHeap.GetVector();
// One occurance, no need to average
if ( 1 == count ) return curVec[0]->Rank();
ULONG occCount = 0; LONG rank = 0; unsigned cWid = 0; for (unsigned n = 0; n < count; n++) { LONG r = curVec[n]->OccurrenceCount() * curVec[n]->GetWeight(); if(r > rank) rank = r; cWid += curVec[n]->WorkIdCount(); } rank /= MAX_QUERY_RANK; Win4Assert ( cWid != 0 ); rank *= RANK_MULTIPLIER * Log2 ( _widMax / cWid );
OCCURRENCE maxOcc = _occHeap.Top()->MaxOccurrence(); Win4Assert( maxOcc != 0 );
rank /= maxOcc;
return (rank > MAX_QUERY_RANK)? MAX_QUERY_RANK: rank; }
// Member: CSynCursor::RatioFinished, public
// Synopsis: return approximate ratio of documents processed to total
// documents.
// Notes: The ratio, while approximate, should not return 1/1 until
// all cursors are exhausted.
void CSynCursor::RatioFinished (ULONG& denom, ULONG& num) { WORKID widTop = WorkId(); if (widTop == widInvalid) { num = denom = 1; return; }
denom = 0; num = 0;
// at least one of the heaps is not empty
COccCursor **vector; int count = _occHeap.Count(); vector = _occHeap.GetVector();
unsigned cValid = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ULONG d, n; vector[i]->RatioFinished(d, n);
denom += d; num += n; Win4Assert(denom >= d);
if (n == d) { WORKID widCurrent = vector[i]->WorkId(); if (widCurrent != widInvalid && widCurrent != widTop) cValid++; } }
count = _widHeap.Count(); vector = _widHeap.GetVector();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { ULONG d, n; vector[i]->RatioFinished(d, n);
denom += d; num += n; Win4Assert(denom >= d);
if (n == d) { WORKID widCurrent = vector[i]->WorkId(); if (widCurrent != widInvalid && widCurrent != widTop) cValid++; } } Win4Assert( denom > 0 ); if (num == denom && cValid > 1) denom++; }
// Member: CSynCursor::ReplenishOcc, private
// Synopsis: Replenish the occurrence heap
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE if wid heap exhausted
// Requires: _occHeap empty
// History: 20-Jan-92 BartoszM and AmyA Created
BOOL CSynCursor::ReplenishOcc() { Win4Assert ( _occHeap.IsEmpty() );
Win4Assert( WorkId() != widInvalid );
if ( _widHeap.IsEmpty() ) return FALSE;
// Move all cursors with the current wid
// to occ heap
WORKID wid = _widHeap.Top()->WorkId();
do { COccCursor* cur = _widHeap.RemoveTopKey(); _occHeap.AddKey( cur, cur->Occurrence() ); } while ( !_widHeap.IsEmpty() && (wid == _widHeap.Top()->WorkId()) );
return TRUE; } //ReplenishOcc