// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1998.
// File: propret.hxx
// Contents: Generic property retriever
// Classes: CGenericPropRetriever
// History: 12-Dec-96 SitaramR Created
#pragma once
#include <ciintf.h>
#include <fsciexps.hxx>
#include <catalog.hxx>
#include <imprsnat.hxx>
#include <oleprop.hxx>
#include <pidremap.hxx>
#include <seccache.hxx>
class CPidRemapper; class CCompositePropRecord;
const USHORT flagNoValueYet = 0xffff; const USHORT flagNoValue = 0xfffe;
// Class: CGenericPropRetriever
// Purpose: Retrieves properties from file systems
// History: 12-Dec-96 SitaramR Created
class CGenericPropRetriever : public ICiCPropRetriever { public:
// From IUnknown
virtual SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppvObject );
// From ICiCPropRetriever
virtual SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE BeginPropertyRetrieval( WORKID wid ) = 0;
virtual SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE RetrieveValueByPid( PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT *pbData, ULONG *pcb );
virtual SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE RetrieveValueByPropSpec( const FULLPROPSPEC *pPropSpec, PROPVARIANT *pbData, ULONG *pcb) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
virtual SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CheckSecurity( ACCESS_MASK am, BOOL *pfGranted);
virtual SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsInScope( BOOL *pfInScope) = 0;
virtual SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE EndPropertyRetrieval();
// Local methods
CGenericPropRetriever( PCatalog & cat, ICiQueryPropertyMapper *pQueryPropMapper, CSecurityCache & secCache, CRestriction const * pScope = 0, ACCESS_MASK amAlreadyAccessChecked = 0 );
virtual ~CGenericPropRetriever( );
virtual void Quiesce();
// Stat properties.
virtual UNICODE_STRING const * GetName() = 0; virtual UNICODE_STRING const * GetShortName() = 0; virtual UNICODE_STRING const * GetPath() = 0; virtual UNICODE_STRING const * GetVirtualPath() = 0; virtual LONGLONG CreateTime() = 0; virtual LONGLONG ModifyTime() = 0; virtual LONGLONG AccessTime() = 0; virtual LONGLONG ObjectSize() = 0; virtual ULONG Attributes() = 0; virtual ULONG StorageType() { return 0xFFFFFFFF; } virtual BYTE * GetCachedProperty(PROPID pid, ULONG *pcb) { return 0; }
// For metadata
virtual BOOL GetVRootType( ULONG & ulType ) { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL GetPropGuid( GUID & guid ) { return FALSE; } virtual PROPID GetPropPropid() { return pidInvalid; } virtual UNICODE_STRING const * GetPropName() { return 0; } virtual DWORD StorageLevel() { return INVALID_STORE_LEVEL; } virtual BOOL IsModifiable() { return TRUE; }
BOOL FetchValue( PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT * pbData, unsigned * pcb ); BOOL IsPropRecReleased() const { return _pPropRec == 0; }
BOOL IsClientRemote() const { return _pScope != 0; }
HANDLE GetClientToken() { return _secCache.GetToken(); }
ULONG _ulAttribFilter; // restrict based on file attributes
CImpersonateRemoteAccess _remoteAccess; PCatalog & _cat; WORKID _widPrimedForPropRetrieval; // Set to the wid for which BeginPropRetreival has been
// called. After EndPropRetrieval has been called, this
// is reset to widInvalid.
void FetchPath( WCHAR * pwcPath, unsigned & cwc );
CCompositePropRecord & GetPropertyRecord() { OpenPropertyRecord();
Win4Assert( 0 != _pPropRec );
return *_pPropRec; }
void OpenPropertyRecord() { if ( 0 == _pPropRec ) _pPropRec = _cat.OpenValueRecord( _widPrimedForPropRetrieval, (BYTE *)&_aulReservedForCPropRecord ); }
void StringToVariant( UNICODE_STRING const * pString, PROPVARIANT * pbData, unsigned * pcb );
static unsigned BuildPath( UNICODE_STRING const * pPath, UNICODE_STRING const * pFilename, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcBuf);
static unsigned BuildPath( UNICODE_STRING const * pPath, UNICODE_STRING const * pFilename, CFunnyPath & funnyBuf);
static unsigned BuildPath( UNICODE_STRING const * pPath, UNICODE_STRING const * pFilename, WCHAR * pwcBuf, unsigned cbBuf );
unsigned FixupPath( WCHAR const * pwcsPath, WCHAR * pwcsFixup, unsigned cwcFixup );
unsigned FetchFixupInScope( WCHAR const * pwcsPath, WCHAR * pwcsFixup, unsigned cwcFixup, WCHAR const * pwcsRoot, unsigned cwcRoot, BOOL fDeep, BOOL & fUnchanged );
CRestriction const * _pScope; // Used only for scope fixup
ACCESS_MASK _amAlreadyAccessChecked;
// For property access.
ICiQueryPropertyMapper * _pQueryPropMapper; // Owned by the query session object
COLEPropManager _propMgr; CCompositePropRecord * _pPropRec; CSecurityCache & _secCache; // cache of AccessCheck results
ULONG _aulReservedForCPropRecord[ (sizeof_CCompositePropRecord + 2*sizeof(ULONG) - 1) / sizeof(ULONG) ];
ULONG _cRefs; };