// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: opendoc.cxx
// Contents: Code that encapsulates an opened file on a Nt volume
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <docname.hxx>
#include <ciole.hxx>
#include <opendoc.hxx>
#include <statprop.hxx>
#include <imprsnat.hxx>
#include <dmnstart.hxx>
#include <queryexp.hxx>
#include <filterob.hxx>
#include <ntopen.hxx>
// Class: CImpersonatedOpenOpLock
// Purpose: Opens the oplock by doing any necessary impersonation. If there
// are multiple alternative user-ids, it will try until one
// succeeds or there are no more choices.
// History: 1-24-97 srikants Created
class CImpersonatedOpenOpLock : public PImpersonatedWorkItem { public:
CImpersonatedOpenOpLock( const CFunnyPath & funnyDoc, CImpersonateRemoteAccess * pRemoteAccess, BOOL fTakeOpLock ) : PImpersonatedWorkItem( funnyDoc.GetActualPath() ), _funnyDoc(funnyDoc), _fTakeOpLock( fTakeOpLock ), _pRemoteAccess( pRemoteAccess ), _fSharingViolation(FALSE) { }
BOOL DoIt(); // virtual
void Open() { if ( _pRemoteAccess ) { ImpersonateAndDoWork( *_pRemoteAccess ); } else { BOOL fSuccess = DoIt(); Win4Assert( fSuccess ); } }
CFilterOplock * Acquire() { return _oplock.Acquire(); }
BOOL IsSharingViolation() const { return _fSharingViolation; }
BOOL IsOffline() const { return _oplock->IsOffline(); }
BOOL IsNotContentIndexed() const { return _oplock->IsNotContentIndexed(); }
const CFunnyPath & _funnyDoc; BOOL _fTakeOpLock; CImpersonateRemoteAccess * _pRemoteAccess; XPtr<CFilterOplock> _oplock;
BOOL _fSharingViolation; };
// Member: CImpersonatedOpenOpLock::DoIt
// Synopsis: The virtual "DoIt" method that does the work under the
// impersonated context (if necessary).
// Returns: TRUE if successful.
// FALSE if another impersonation must be tried
// THROWS if there is a failure and no impersonation to be
// tried.
// History: 1-24-97 srikants Created
BOOL CImpersonatedOpenOpLock::DoIt() { BOOL fStatus = TRUE; BOOL fTryAgain = TRUE;
for (;;) { TRY { _oplock.Set( new CFilterOplock( _funnyDoc, _fTakeOpLock ) ); break; } CATCH( CException, e ) { NTSTATUS Status = e.GetErrorCode();
// If the path was a net path, we may have to use a different impersonation
// to gain access. We try until there are no more impersonation choices left.
if ( _fNetPath && 0 != _pRemoteAccess && IsRetryableError(Status) ) { fStatus = FALSE; ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Trying another user-id for (%ws)\n", _funnyDoc.GetPath() )); } else { if ( fTryAgain && ::IsSharingViolation( Status ) ) { _fSharingViolation = TRUE; _fTakeOpLock = FALSE; fTryAgain = FALSE; continue; } ciDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN, "Failed to filter (%ws). Error (0x%X)\n", _funnyDoc.GetPath(), e.GetErrorCode() )); RETHROW(); } break; } END_CATCH } return fStatus; }
// Construction/Destruction
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::CCiCOpenedDoc
// Synopsis: Default constructor. We initialize the minimal set of
// members to indicate an inactive document
// Arguments: None
CCiCOpenedDoc::CCiCOpenedDoc( CStorageFilterObject * pFilterObject, CClientDaemonWorker * pWorker, BOOL fTakeOpLock, BOOL fFailIfNotContentIndexed ) :_RefCount( 1 ), _TypeOfStorage( eUnknown ), _llFileSize(0), _pWorker( pWorker), _pRemoteImpersonation(0), _pFilterObject( pFilterObject ), _fTakeOpLock( fTakeOpLock ), _fSharingViolation( FALSE ), _fFailIfNotContentIndexed( fFailIfNotContentIndexed ) { if ( _pWorker ) { _pRemoteImpersonation = new CImpersonateRemoteAccess( &(_pWorker->GetImpersonationCache()) ); } }
CCiCOpenedDoc::~CCiCOpenedDoc() { Win4Assert( 0 == _RefCount );
delete _pRemoteImpersonation; }
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::_TooBigForDefault
// Synopsis: Checks if the given size is too big for using the default
// filter.
// Arguments: [ll] - Size to check
// History: 1-24-97 srikants Created
inline BOOL CCiCOpenedDoc::_TooBigForDefault( LONGLONG const ll ) { Win4Assert( 0 != _pWorker ); return( ll > (_pWorker->GetRegParams().GetMaxFilesizeFiltered() * 1024) ); }
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::_GetFileSize
// Synopsis: Retrieves the size of the current file.
// History: 1-24-97 srikants Created
LONGLONG CCiCOpenedDoc::_GetFileSize() { Win4Assert( IsOpen( ) );
IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus; HANDLE FileHandle = _SafeOplock->GetFileHandle( ); Win4Assert( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FileHandle );
NTSTATUS Status = NtQueryInformationFile( FileHandle, // File handle
&IoStatus, // I/O Status
&stdInfo, // Buffer
sizeof( stdInfo ),// Buffer size
FileStandardInformation );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "Error 0x%x querying file info\n", Status )); QUIETTHROW( CException( Status )); }
return stdInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart; }
// IUnknown method implementations
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Supports IID_IUnknown and IID_ICiCOpenedDoc
// Arguments: [riid] - desired interface id
// [ppvObject] - output interface pointer
STDMETHODIMP CCiCOpenedDoc::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) { Win4Assert( 0 != ppvObject );
if ( IID_ICiCOpenedDoc == riid ) *ppvObject = (void *)((ICiCOpenedDoc *)this); else if ( IID_IUnknown == riid ) *ppvObject = (void *)((IUnknown *)this); else { *ppvObject = 0; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
AddRef(); return S_OK; } // QueryInterface
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::AddRef
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CCiCOpenedDoc::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement( &_RefCount ); } // AddRef
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::Release
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CCiCOpenedDoc::Release() { Win4Assert( _RefCount != 0 );
LONG RefCount = InterlockedDecrement( &_RefCount );
if ( RefCount <= 0 ) delete this;
return (ULONG) RefCount;
} // Release
// ICiCOpenedDoc method implementations
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::Open
// Synopsis: Opens the specified file. In general, the caller
// passes an implementation-specific blob of data to the
// ICiCOpenedDoc interface. The selected implementation is
// free to choose how it wants to interpret it. This
// implementation considers it to be a lpwstr.
// Arguments: [pbDocName] - Pointer to, presumably, lpwstr
// [cbDocName] - Length in BYTES, not characters, of the name
// Returns: S_OK if successful
// FILTER_E_ALREADY_OPEN if there is already an open document
// FILTER_E_UNREACHABLE if there is a net failure
// FILTER_E_IN_USE if the document is in use by another proess
// other errors as appropriate
SCODE CCiCOpenedDoc::Open ( BYTE const * pbDocName, ULONG cbDocName ) { //
// We cannot open if we're already open
if ( IsOpen() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "CCiCOpenedDoc::Open - Document is already open\n" )); return FILTER_E_ALREADY_OPEN; }
// The docname (Path) is always null terminated. It is an empty string
// for a deleted document.
if ( cbDocName <= 2 ) return CI_E_NOT_FOUND;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { //
// Safely construct each piece.
XInterface<CCiCDocName> LocalFileName( new CCiCDocName( (PWCHAR) pbDocName, cbDocName / sizeof( WCHAR ))); _funnyFileName.SetPath( (const WCHAR*)pbDocName, (cbDocName/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1) );
#if DBG || CIDBG
// Check that we haven't been asked to filter a file in a catalog.wci
// directory.
const WCHAR * pwszComponent = (WCHAR *)pbDocName; while (pwszComponent = wcschr(pwszComponent+1, L'\\')) { Win4Assert ( _wcsnicmp( pwszComponent, L"\\catalog.wci\\", wcslen(L"\\catalog.wci\\" )) != 0 ); } #endif // DBG || CIDBG
// We have to impersonate before accessing.
CImpersonatedOpenOpLock openDoc( _funnyFileName, _pRemoteImpersonation, _fTakeOpLock ); openDoc.Open();
// Anything bad happen?
if ( openDoc.IsSharingViolation() ) sc = FILTER_E_IN_USE; else if ( openDoc.IsOffline() ) sc = FILTER_E_OFFLINE; else if ( _fFailIfNotContentIndexed && openDoc.IsNotContentIndexed() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "not indexing not-indexed file\n" )); sc = FILTER_E_IN_USE; } else { //
// At this point, everything is correctly opened. We assign to the
// members. This disconnects the objects from the safe pointers.
_FileName.Set( LocalFileName.Acquire( )); _SafeOplock.Set( openDoc.Acquire( )); _TypeOfStorage = eUnknown; }
} CATCH ( CException, e ) { //
// Grab status code and convert to SCODE. Convert the status,
// if possible, to a known class of SCODE that the caller might,
// in some way, be able to deal with.
NTSTATUS Status = e.GetErrorCode( );
if (::IsSharingViolation( Status )) {
ciDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "CCiCOpenedDoc::Open - sharing violation - %x\n", Status )); sc = FILTER_E_IN_USE; _fSharingViolation = TRUE;
} else if (IsNetDisconnect( Status )) {
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CCiCOpenedDoc::Open - net disconnect - %x\n", Status )); sc = FILTER_E_UNREACHABLE; } else {
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CCiCOpenedDoc::Open - other error - %x\n", Status )); sc = Status; } } END_CATCH
return sc; } //Open
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::Close
// Synopsis: Terminate all access to a file
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: S_OK if successful
// FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN if there is no document
STDMETHODIMP CCiCOpenedDoc::Close( void ) { //
// If there is no document open, reject this call
if ( !IsOpen() ) return FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN;
if ( 0 != _pWorker ) _SafeOplock->MaybeSetLastAccessTime( _pWorker->GetRegParams().GetStompLastAccessDelay() );
// Release pointers
_Storage.Free(); _SafeOplock.Free( ); _FileName.Free( ); _funnyFileName.Truncate(0); _llFileSize = 0;
return S_OK; } //Close
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::GetDocumentName
// Synopsis: Returns the interface to the document name, if open.
// Arguments: [ppIDocName] - Pointer to the returned document name
// Returns: S_OK if successful
// FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN if document is not currently open
STDMETHODIMP CCiCOpenedDoc::GetDocumentName( ICiCDocName ** ppIDocName ) { //
// If there is no name, then we haven't opened a document yet.
if (!IsOpen( )) {
// Set up return pointer and reference interface
*ppIDocName = _FileName.GetPointer( ); (*ppIDocName)->AddRef( );
return S_OK;
} // GetDocumentName
void FunnyToNormalPath( const CFunnyPath & funnyPath, WCHAR * awcPath );
SCODE ShellBindToItemByName( WCHAR const * pszFile, REFIID riid, void ** ppv );
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::GetPropertySetStorage
// Synopsis: Returns the interface to the underlying IStorage if we have
// a docfile.
// Returns: IStorage* of underlying docfile.
// NULL if not a docfile or not open
// History: 06-Apr-1998 KyleP Use only for property set storage
IPropertySetStorage * CCiCOpenedDoc::GetPropertySetStorage() { // NTRAID#DB-NTBUG9-84131-2000/07/31-dlee Indexing Service contains workarounds for StgOpenStorage AV on > MAX_PATH paths
if ( _funnyFileName.GetLength() >= MAX_PATH ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Not calling StgOpenStorage in CCiCOpenedDoc::GetPropertySetStorage for paths > MAX_PATH: \n(%ws)\n", _funnyFileName.GetPath() )); _TypeOfStorage = eOther; Win4Assert( _Storage.IsNull() ); return _Storage.GetPointer( ); }
// If we are open and we don't have a storage instance and we don't know
// the type of storage
if (IsOpen() && _Storage.IsNull( ) && _TypeOfStorage == eUnknown) { //
// Attempt to open docfile
Win4Assert( _Storage.IsNull() ); Win4Assert( !_SafeOplock->IsOffline() );
#if 0
SCODE sc = StgOpenStorageEx( _funnyFileName.GetPath( ), // Path
STGM_DIRECT | STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, // Flags (BChapman said use these)
STGFMT_ANY, // Format
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
IID_IPropertySetStorage, // IID
_Storage.GetQIPointer() ); #else
// The shell expects the string not to change or go away until the
// IPropertySetStorage is released, so make a copy of it.
FunnyToNormalPath( _funnyFileName, _awcPath );
SCODE sc = ShellBindToItemByName( _awcPath, IID_IPropertySetStorage, _Storage.GetQIPointer() );
// Set the type of storage based on what we found
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) _TypeOfStorage = eDocfile; else { _TypeOfStorage = eOther; Win4Assert( _Storage.IsNull() ); } }
return _Storage.GetPointer( ); } //GetPropertySetStorage
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::GetStatPropertyEnum
// Synopsis: Return property storage for the "stat" (i.e., system storage)
// property set. This property set is not really stored in normal
// property storage but is faked out of Nt file information.
// Arguments: [ppIStatPropEnum] - pointer to the returned IPropertyStorage
// interface
// Returns: S_OK -if successful
// E_NOTIMPL if stat properties are not supported. This
// implementation supports them.
// FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN if there is no open document.
// Other as appropriate
STDMETHODIMP CCiCOpenedDoc::GetStatPropertyEnum( IPropertyStorage **ppIStatPropEnum ) { //
// Make sure the document is open
if (!IsOpen( )) {
ciDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "Document is not open\n" )); return FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN;
// Return and interface
*ppIStatPropEnum = new CStatPropertyStorage( _SafeOplock->GetFileHandle( ), _funnyFileName.GetLength() );
return S_OK;
} // GetStatPropertyEnum
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::GetPropertySetEnum
// Synopsis: Returns the docfile property set storage interface on the
// current doc.
// Arguments: [ppIPropSetEnum] - returned pointer to the Docfile property
// set storage
// Returns: S_OK if successful
// FILTER_S_NO_PROPSETS if no property sets (beyond stat ones)
// available on this document
// FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN if the document is not currently open
// Other as appropriate
STDMETHODIMP CCiCOpenedDoc::GetPropertySetEnum( IPropertySetStorage ** ppIPropSetEnum ) { //
// Make sure the document is open
if ( !IsOpen() ) return FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN;
// Make sure the extra file handle in the oplock is closed
// Get the IStorage corresponding to this document
IPropertySetStorage * Storage = GetPropertySetStorage();
// If we couldn't get the IStorage, then we certainly
// couldn't get the property set storage
if ( 0 == Storage ) return FILTER_S_NO_PROPSETS;
Storage->AddRef(); *ppIPropSetEnum = Storage; return S_OK; }
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::GetPropertyEnum
// Synopsis: Return the property storage for a particular property set
// Arguments: [GuidPropSet] - GUID of the property set whose property
// storage is being requested
// [ppIPropEnum] - returned pointer to property storage
// Returns: S_OK if successful
// FILTER_E_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY - if property set with GUID not found
// FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN if there is no open document
STDMETHODIMP CCiCOpenedDoc::GetPropertyEnum( REFFMTID refGuidPropSet, IPropertyStorage **ppIPropEnum ) { //
// Get the property set storage interface
IPropertySetStorage *PropSetStorage; SCODE sc = GetPropertySetEnum( &PropSetStorage );
if (!SUCCEEDED( sc )) {
return sc;
// Attempt to open the named property set.
HRESULT hr = PropSetStorage->Open( refGuidPropSet, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, // BChapman said to use these
ppIPropEnum ); PropSetStorage->Release( );
if (!SUCCEEDED( hr )) {
return S_OK; } // GetPropertyEnum
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::GetIFilter
// Synopsis: Return the appropriate filter bound to the document
// Arguments: [ppIFilter] - returned IFilter
// Returns: S_OK if successful
// FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN if there is no open document
// E_NOT_IMPL if not implemented
// Other as appropriate
STDMETHODIMP CCiCOpenedDoc::GetIFilter( IFilter ** ppIFilter ) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// We can't do anything if the document is not opened yet.
if ( !IsOpen() || IsSharingViolation() ) return FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN;
// Make sure the extra file handle in the oplock is closed
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != _SafeOplock->GetFileHandle() ) { _llFileSize = _GetFileSize(); _SafeOplock->CloseFileHandle(); }
// Call Ole to perform the binding
TRY { sc = CCiOle::BindIFilter( _funnyFileName.GetPath(), NULL, ppIFilter, FALSE );
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { // MK_E_CANTOPENFILE is returned by the office filter. It should be
// fixed to return FILTER_E_ACCESS/FILTER_E_PASSWORD in case it is not able
// to open a file for filtering. Once that is done, we can get rid
// of MK_E_CANTOPENFILE condition
if ( FILTER_E_ACCESS == sc || ( MK_E_CANTOPENFILE == sc && ::IsSharingViolation( GetLastError() )) ) { sc = FILTER_E_IN_USE ; } else if ( FILTER_E_PASSWORD == sc ) { sc = FILTER_E_UNREACHABLE; } else if ( _pWorker->GetRegParams().FilterFilesWithUnknownExtensions() ) { //
// File with unknown extension. Does the registry say that we should
// filter the file ?
ciDebugOut((DEB_IWARN, "Going to default filtering for %ws.\n", _FileName->GetPath( ) ));
// TSTART(_drep->timerNoBind);
// Verify file is of appropriate size for default filtering.
if ( _TooBigForDefault( _llFileSize ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN, "%ws too large for default filtering\n", _FileName->GetPath( ) ));
// When this code was in CFilterDriver::Init we returned FILTER_E_TOO_BIG.
// Now we don't want to do that. Properties should still be filtered.
sc = LoadBinaryFilter( _funnyFileName.GetPath(), ppIFilter ); } else { sc = LoadTextFilter( _funnyFileName.GetPath(), ppIFilter ); }
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { if ( FILTER_E_ACCESS == sc ) { sc = FILTER_E_IN_USE ; } else if ( FILTER_E_PASSWORD == sc ) { sc = FILTER_E_UNREACHABLE; } } // TSTOP(_drep->timerNoBind);
} } } CATCH ( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH
if ( FAILED(sc) && 0 != _pFilterObject ) _pFilterObject->ReportFilterLoadFailure( _FileName->GetPath(), sc );
return sc; }
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::GetSecurity
// Synopsis: Retrieves security
// Arguments: [pbData] - pointer to returned buffer containing security descriptor
// [pcbData] - input: size of buffer
// output: amount of buffer used, if successful, size needed
// otherwise
// Returns: S_OK if successful
// FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN if document not open
STDMETHODIMP CCiCOpenedDoc::GetSecurity( BYTE * pbData, ULONG * pcbData ) { //
// Verify that the file is open
if (!IsOpen( )) { return FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN;
// If it is a network file, don't store security.
if ( _pRemoteImpersonation && _pRemoteImpersonation->IsImpersonated() ) { *pcbData = 0; return S_OK; }
// Attempt to get the security descriptor into the buffer
ULONG cbBuffer = *pcbData; NTSTATUS Status = NtQuerySecurityObject ( _SafeOplock->GetFileHandle(), OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pbData, cbBuffer, pcbData );
// If we succeeded let caller know
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *pcbData = GetSecurityDescriptorLength(pbData); return S_OK; }
// Map status for caller
if ( STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == Status ) return CI_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL; else return HRESULT_FROM_NT( Status ); }
// Member: CCiCOpenedDoc::IsInUseByAnotherProcess
// Synopsis: Tests to see if the document is wanted by another process
// Arguments: [pfInUse] - Returned flag, TRUE => someone wants this document
// Returns: S_OK if successful
// FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN if document isn't open
STDMETHODIMP CCiCOpenedDoc::IsInUseByAnotherProcess( BOOL * pfInUse ) { //
// Verify that the file is open
if (!IsOpen( ) || IsSharingViolation() ) { // If there was a sharing violation, then we never took the oplock.
*pfInUse = _SafeOplock->IsOplockBroken( );
return S_OK; }