// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1998.
// File: lgplist.hxx
// Contents: Local/Global property list classes
// History: 05 May 1997 Alanw Created
// 27 Aug 1997 KrishnaN Moved from ixsso to querylib
#pragma once
#include "plist.hxx"
#include <regevent.hxx>
#include <regacc.hxx>
#include <ciregkey.hxx>
class CPropListFile; class CLocalGlobalPropertyList;
// A few Ref counting rules to remember.
// 1. GetGlobalPropListFile and GetGlobalStaticList will AddRef the pointer
// they return.
// 2. SetDefaultList will AddRef the pointer it receives (and later releases
// it).
// 3. Anyone calling GetGlobalPropListFile and GetGlobalStaticList should
// be aware that they are AddRef'ing.
// 4. Anyone calling SetDefaultList should be aware that it will AddRef the
// pointer it receives.
// 5. The global prop list file returned by GetGlobalPropListFile should
// have a refcount of 0 when the last consumer releases it. This is so
// that it will be cleaned up when the service shuts down.
// Class: CDefColumnRegEntry
// Purpose: Registry variables used by IColumnMapper implementation.
// History 17-Sep-97 KrishnaN Created
class CDefColumnRegEntry { public : CDefColumnRegEntry();
void Refresh( BOOL fUseDefaultOnFailure = FALSE );
const ULONG GetDefaultColumnFile( WCHAR *pwc, ULONG cwc ) { Refresh( TRUE );
ULONG cwcBuf = wcslen( _awcDefaultColumnFile ); if ( cwc > cwcBuf ) wcscpy( pwc, _awcDefaultColumnFile ); return cwcBuf; }
WCHAR _awcDefaultColumnFile[_MAX_PATH]; // default column definitions
// Class: CCombinedPropertyList
// Purpose: This encapsulates a default property list and an overriding
// property list. All search and iteration will first target the
// default list, and on failure, targets the overriding list.
// Notes: This class is intended to be shared among multiple threads.
// History: 11 Sep 1997 KrishnaN Created
class CCombinedPropertyList : public CEmptyPropertyList { public: CCombinedPropertyList(ULONG ulCodePage = CP_ACP) : CEmptyPropertyList(), _ulCodePage( ulCodePage ), _fOverrides( FALSE ) { // We were not passed in a prop list. You should use SetDefaultList to
// set the default.
CCombinedPropertyList(CEmptyPropertyList *pDefaultList, ULONG ulCodePage = CP_ACP) : CEmptyPropertyList(), _ulCodePage( ulCodePage ), _fOverrides( FALSE ) { // NOTE : pDefaultList was already addref'd by caller, so it will be
// released by the smart ptr.
XInterface<CEmptyPropertyList> xPropList(pDefaultList); SetDefaultList(xPropList.GetPointer()); }
virtual CPropEntry const * Find( WCHAR const * wcsName ); virtual CPropEntry const * Find( CDbColId const & prop ) { return CEmptyPropertyList::Find(prop); } virtual CPropEntry const * Next(); virtual void InitIterator(); virtual void AddEntry( CPropEntry * ppentry, int iLine );
virtual ULONG GetCount(); virtual SCODE GetAllEntries(CPropEntry **ppPropEntries, ULONG ulMaxCount);
void ClearList(); // q.exe accesses this, so it has to be public for now.
STDMETHOD(IsMapUpToDate)() { // return the IsMapUpToDate of the default list.
return GetDefaultList().IsMapUpToDate(); }
protected: virtual ~CCombinedPropertyList() {};
CEmptyPropertyList & GetDefaultList() const { return _xDefaultList.GetReference(); }
void SetDefaultList(CEmptyPropertyList *pDefaultList);
CPropertyList & GetOverrideList() const { return _xOverrideList.GetReference(); }
private: // CPropertyList is a XInterface so it does not have to know about the
// protected destructor of CPropertyList.
XInterface<CPropertyList> _xOverrideList; XInterface<CEmptyPropertyList> _xDefaultList;
CMutexSem _mtxAdd; BOOL _fOverrides; ULONG _ulCodePage; };
// Class: CPropListFile
// Purpose: Property list file. Contains a property list obtained from
// column definition file.
// Notes: This class is intended to be shared among multiple threads.
// History: 06 May 1997 AlanW Created
// 29 Aug 1997 KrishnaN Modified
class CPropListFile : public CCombinedPropertyList {
public: CPropListFile( CEmptyPropertyList *pDefaultList, BOOL fDynamicRefresh, WCHAR const * pwcsPropFile = 0, ULONG ulCodePage = CP_ACP );
SCODE CheckError( ULONG & iLine, WCHAR ** ppFile );
// Before accessing the file based list, check to see
// if the list needs to be updated.
virtual CPropEntry const * Find( WCHAR const * wcsName ) { Refresh(); return CCombinedPropertyList::Find(wcsName); }
virtual CPropEntry const * Find( CDbColId const & prop ) { Refresh(); return CCombinedPropertyList::Find(prop); } virtual void InitIterator() { Refresh(); CCombinedPropertyList::InitIterator(); }
friend CLocalGlobalPropertyList;
// load the property list from the file
void Load( WCHAR const * const pwszFile ); SCODE ParseNameFile( WCHAR const * wcsFileName ); static SCODE GetLastWriteTime( WCHAR const * pwszFileName, FILETIME & ft ); void Refresh(); // return property list file name
WCHAR const * const GetFileName() const { return _xFileName.GetPointer(); }
FILETIME _ftFile; // file modification time
CMutexSem _mtx; XPtrST<WCHAR> _xFileName; DWORD _dwLastCheckMoment; ULONG _ulCodePage; ULONG _iErrorLine; SCODE _scError; BOOL _fDynamicRefresh; // want dynamic refresh of list?
XPtrST<WCHAR> _xErrorFile; CDefColumnRegEntry _RegParams; // registry params
// Class: CLocalGlobalPropertyList
// Purpose: A property list that includes a global portion, and a set of
// local override definitions. If the user wants to use their own
// file, they can provide one and specify how that should be used.
// Or they can simply have the registry based prop list file.
// Notes:
// History: 06 May 1997 AlanW Created
// 27 Aug 1997 KrishnaN Modified to use/expose schema i/fs.
class CLocalGlobalPropertyList : public CCombinedPropertyList {
public: CLocalGlobalPropertyList( ULONG ulCodePage = CP_ACP ); CLocalGlobalPropertyList( CEmptyPropertyList *pDefaultList, BOOL fDynamicRefresh, WCHAR const * pwcsPropFile = 0, ULONG ulCodePage = CP_ACP );
SCODE CheckError( ULONG & iLine, WCHAR ** ppFile );
void Load( WCHAR const * const wcsFileName );
private: friend CPropListFile * GetGlobalPropListFile(); friend CEmptyPropertyList; friend void CreateNewGlobalPropFileList(WCHAR CONST *wcsFileName);
ULONG _ulCodePage; CDefColumnRegEntry _RegParams; // registry params
DWORD _dwLastCheckMoment; CMutexSem _mtx; XPtrST<WCHAR> _xFileName;
static CPropListFile * _pGlobalPropListFile;
static void InitGlobalPropertyList();
class CGlobalPropFileRefresher { public:
CGlobalPropFileRefresher() { _dwLastCheckMoment = GetTickCount(); // Init to an error condition. The most reasonable is can't open
_lRegReturn = ERROR_CANTOPEN; }
void Init();
void GetDefaultColumnFile(WCHAR *wcsFileName) { wcsFileName[0] = 0; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == _lRegReturn) { DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR); // If we successfully read the value, the full path name will be read in
RegQueryValueEx(_hKey, wcsDefaultColumnFile, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)wcsFileName, &dwSize ); } }
BOOL DoIt();
~CGlobalPropFileRefresher() { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == _lRegReturn) { Win4Assert(_fInited);
RegCloseKey(_hKey); } } private:
void GetLastWriteTime(FILETIME & ftLastWrite) { WIN32_FIND_DATA ffData;
if ( !_wcsFileName[0] || !GetFileAttributesEx( _wcsFileName, GetFileExInfoStandard, &ffData ) ) { RtlZeroMemory(&ftLastWrite, sizeof(FILETIME)); return; }
ftLastWrite = ffData.ftLastWriteTime; }
static CRegChangeEvent _regChangeEvent; static WCHAR _wcsFileName[MAX_PATH]; static FILETIME _ftFile; // file modification time
static DWORD _dwLastCheckMoment; static BOOL _fInited; static HKEY _hKey; static LONG _lRegReturn; };
CStaticPropertyList * GetGlobalStaticPropertyList(); CPropListFile * GetGlobalPropListFile(); void CreateNewGlobalPropFileList(WCHAR CONST *wcsFileName);