// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994-2000.
// File: PLIST.HXX
// Contents: Property List class
// Classes: CPropertyList
// CPropEntry
// CPListException
// History: 17-May-94 t-jeffc Created.
#pragma once
const MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 512; const MAX_PROPNAME_LENGTH = 200; unsigned const PLIST_DEFAULT_WIDTH = 10;
// forward decls
class CQueryScanner; class CEmptyPropertyList; class CPropEntry;
// Class: CPropEntryIter
// Purpose: Iterates over CPropEntry items in a CPropertyList
// History: 28-Feb-96 dlee Created.
class CPropEntryIter { public: CPropEntryIter( CEmptyPropertyList & list );
CPropEntry const * Next();
CEmptyPropertyList & _list; };
// Class: CPropEntry
// Purpose: One entry in the 'friendly' to 'ugly' property name
// mapping. A list of these is managed by CPropertyList.
// History: 17-May-94 t-jeffc Created.
class CPropEntry { public: CPropEntry( XPtrST<WCHAR> & wcsDisplayName, XPtrST<WCHAR> & wcsName ) : _szFriendlyName( wcsName.Acquire() ), _szDisplayName( wcsDisplayName.Acquire() ), _ppentryNext( 0 ), _ptype(0), _uWidth(0), _fIsDisplayed( TRUE ), _fStaticStrings( FALSE ) { }
CPropEntry( XPtrST<WCHAR> & wcsName, DBTYPE dbType, const GUID & guid, PROPID propId ) : _szFriendlyName( wcsName.Acquire() ), _szDisplayName( 0 ), _ppentryNext( 0 ), _ptype(dbType), _uWidth(0), _fIsDisplayed( TRUE ), _fStaticStrings( FALSE ) { _prop.SetPropSet(guid); _prop.SetProperty(propId); }
CPropEntry( XPtrST<WCHAR> & wcsName, DBTYPE dbType, const GUID & guid, const WCHAR * wcsPropName ) : _szFriendlyName( wcsName.Acquire() ), _szDisplayName( 0 ), _ppentryNext( 0 ), _ptype(dbType), _uWidth(0), _fIsDisplayed( TRUE ), _fStaticStrings( FALSE ) { _prop.SetPropSet(guid); if ( !_prop.SetProperty(wcsPropName) ) THROW( CException(E_OUTOFMEMORY) ); }
CPropEntry( XPtrST<WCHAR> & wcsName, DBTYPE dbType, const DBID dbCol ) : _szFriendlyName( wcsName.Acquire() ), _szDisplayName( 0 ), _ppentryNext( 0 ), _ptype(dbType), _uWidth(0), _fIsDisplayed( TRUE ), _fStaticStrings( FALSE ), _prop( dbCol ) { }
CPropEntry( LPWSTR wcsName, LPWSTR wcsDisplayName, DBTYPE dbType, const DBID dbCol ) : _szFriendlyName( wcsName ), _szDisplayName( wcsDisplayName ), _ppentryNext( 0 ), _ptype(dbType), _uWidth(0), _fIsDisplayed( TRUE ), _fStaticStrings( TRUE ), _prop( dbCol ) { }
~CPropEntry() { if (! _fStaticStrings) { delete _szFriendlyName; delete _szDisplayName; } }
BOOL NameMatch( WCHAR const * wcsName ) const { return !wcscmp( wcsName, _szFriendlyName ); }
BOOL DisplayNameMatch( WCHAR const * wcsName ) const { return !_wcsicmp( wcsName, _szDisplayName ); }
// getters/setters
CPropEntry * Next() const { return _ppentryNext; } void SetNext( CPropEntry * ppentry ) { _ppentryNext = ppentry; }
DBTYPE GetPropType() const { return _ptype; } void SetPropType( DBTYPE ptype ) { _ptype = ptype; }
unsigned int GetWidth() const { return _uWidth; } void SetWidth( unsigned int uWidth ) { _uWidth = uWidth; }
CDbColId & PropSpec() { return _prop; } CDbColId const & PropSpec() const { return _prop; }
WCHAR const * GetName() const { return _szFriendlyName; } WCHAR const * GetDisplayName() const { return _szDisplayName; }
BOOL IsDisplayed() const { return _fIsDisplayed; } void SetDisplayed( BOOL fDisplayed ) { _fIsDisplayed = fDisplayed; }
CPropEntry * _ppentryNext; WCHAR * _szFriendlyName; WCHAR * _szDisplayName; CDbColId _prop; unsigned int _uWidth; BOOL _fIsDisplayed; BOOL _fStaticStrings; DBTYPE _ptype; };
// Keep this in sync with CPropEntry. Can't use CPropEntry because
// CDbColId can't be initialized with static initializer, and it's
// too painful to use DBID in CPropEntry.
struct SPropEntry { CPropEntry * _ppentryNext; WCHAR * _szFriendlyName; WCHAR * _szDisplayName; DBID _prop; unsigned int _uWidth; BOOL _fIsDisplayed; BOOL _fStaticStrings; DBTYPE _ptype; };
// Class: CEmptyPropertyList
// Purpose: Base class implementing common functionality.
// History: 28-Aug-97 krishnan Created.
class CEmptyPropertyList : public IColumnMapper { public: CEmptyPropertyList() : _cRefs( 1 ), _iLastEntryPos( 0 ), _pPropIterator( 0 ) { }
static unsigned GetPropTypeCount(); static WCHAR const * GetPropTypeName( unsigned i ); static DBTYPE GetPropType( unsigned i );
BOOL GetPropInfo( WCHAR const * wcsPropName, CDbColId ** ppprop, DBTYPE * pproptype, unsigned int * puWidth ); BOOL GetPropInfo( CDbColId const & prop, WCHAR const ** pwcsName, DBTYPE * pproptype, unsigned int * puWidth );
// This is the same for all property lists, since it only
// itetarates through the list of entries using proplist
// specific iterators.
CPropEntry const * Find( CDbColId const & prop );
// These are only meaningful where there is a list.
virtual CPropEntry const * Find( WCHAR const * wcsName ) = 0; virtual void AddEntry( CPropEntry * ppentry, int iLine ) = 0; virtual CPropEntry const * Next() = 0; virtual void InitIterator() = 0; virtual ULONG GetCount() = 0; virtual SCODE GetAllEntries(CPropEntry **ppPropEntries, ULONG ulMaxCount) = 0;
// IUnknown methods.
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, void ** ppvObj); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) (THIS); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (THIS);
// IColumnMapper methods
STDMETHOD(GetPropInfoFromName) ( const WCHAR *wcsPropName, DBID * *ppPropId, DBTYPE *pPropType, unsigned int *puiWidth);
STDMETHOD(GetPropInfoFromId) ( const DBID *pPropId, WCHAR * *pwcsName, DBTYPE *pPropType, unsigned int *puiWidth);
STDMETHOD(EnumPropInfo) ( ULONG iEntry, const WCHAR * *pwcsName, DBID * *ppPropId, DBTYPE *pPropType, unsigned int *puiWidth);
STDMETHOD(IsMapUpToDate) () = 0;
// this should be virtual so the derived classes's destructor will always
// be called.
virtual ~CEmptyPropertyList() { delete _pPropIterator; }
LONG _cRefs; // ref counting
// Variables to support EnumPropInfo
ULONG _iLastEntryPos; // last retrieved entry position.
CPropEntryIter * _pPropIterator; // the enumerator
// Class: CStaticPropertyList
// Purpose: Static list of 'friendly' to 'ugly' property name mapping.
// It also holds an array of "file" based property mapping, which
// will be used only when file based entries are used to override
// the static entries (as in CPropListFile)
// History: 17-May-94 t-jeffc Created.
// 28-Aug-97 krishnan IColumnMapper replaces PPropertyList.
class CStaticPropertyList : public CEmptyPropertyList { public: CStaticPropertyList(ULONG ulCodePage = CP_ACP) : CEmptyPropertyList(), _ulCodePage( ulCodePage ), _icur( 0 ), _pcur( 0 ) { }
virtual void AddEntry( CPropEntry * ppentry, int iLine ) { Win4Assert(!"Should not have been called."); }
virtual CPropEntry const * Find( WCHAR const * wcsName ); virtual CPropEntry const * Find( CDbColId const & prop ) { return CEmptyPropertyList::Find(prop); } virtual CPropEntry const * Next(); virtual void InitIterator();
STDMETHOD(IsMapUpToDate) () { // the static property list is always up to date.
return S_OK; };
virtual ULONG GetCount() {return cStaticPropEntries;}; virtual SCODE GetAllEntries(CPropEntry **ppPropEntries, ULONG ulMaxCount);
enum { cStaticPropHash = 1311 };
// Static (system-defined) properties, like path and filename
static const CPropEntry * _aStaticEntries[ cStaticPropHash ]; static const unsigned cStaticPropEntries;
ULONG _ulCodePage; CPropEntry const * _pcur; unsigned _icur; };
// Class: CPropertyList
// Purpose: Parses and manages a 'friendly' to 'ugly' property name
// mapping.
// History: 17-May-94 t-jeffc Created.
// 28-Aug-97 krishnan IColumnMapper replaces PPropertyList.
class CPropertyList : public CEmptyPropertyList { public: CPropertyList(ULONG ulCodePage = CP_ACP) : CEmptyPropertyList(), _ulCodePage( ulCodePage ), _icur( 0 ), _pcur( 0 ), _ulCount( 0 ) { RtlZeroMemory( _aEntries, sizeof _aEntries ); }
void ClearList();
virtual void AddEntry( CPropEntry * ppentry, int iLine ); virtual CPropEntry const * Find( WCHAR const * wcsName ); virtual CPropEntry const * Find( CDbColId const & prop ) { return CEmptyPropertyList::Find(prop); } virtual CPropEntry const * Next(); virtual void InitIterator();
virtual ULONG GetCount(); virtual SCODE GetAllEntries(CPropEntry **ppPropEntries, ULONG ulMaxCount);
static void ParseOneLine( CQueryScanner & scan, int iLine, XPtr<CPropEntry> & propentry );
STDMETHOD(IsMapUpToDate) () { //
// The local list is always considered up to date because it can't
// go get new items even if it knew there were new ones. The
// owner adds them.
return S_OK; };
private: CPropEntry * FindDynamic( WCHAR const * wcsName );
enum { cPropHash = 13};
// Dynamic (user-defined) properties
CPropEntry * _aEntries[ cPropHash ]; ULONG _ulCodePage; CMutexSem _mtxList; CPropEntry const * _pcur; unsigned _icur; ULONG _ulCount; };
inline ULONG CPropertyList::GetCount() { return _ulCount; }
// Class: CPListException
// Purpose: Exception class for property list errors
// History: 17-May-94 t-jeffc Created.
class CPListException : public CException { public: CPListException( SCODE ple, int iLine ) : CException( ple ), _iLine( iLine ) { }
SCODE GetPListError() { return GetErrorCode(); }
int GetLine() { return _iLine; }
private: int _iLine; };
inline CPropEntryIter::CPropEntryIter( CEmptyPropertyList & list ) : _list( list ) { _list.InitIterator(); }
inline CPropEntry const * CPropEntryIter::Next() { return _list.Next(); }
ULONG HashFun( WCHAR const * pwcName );