// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1998.
// File: cpid.cxx
// Contents: codepage functions
// History: 97-Jun-09 t-elainc Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <gibralt.hxx>
#include <codepage.hxx>
#include <cphash.hxx>
#include <cpid.hxx>
// Function: GetBrowserCodepage - public
// Synposis: returns the ULONG value of the codepage determined by the
// query string
// Arguments: CWebServer & webServer, LCID locale
// History: 97-Jun-09 t-elainc Created
ULONG GetBrowserCodepage( CWebServer & webServer, LCID locale ) { ULONG cpval=0;
//first get value of CICodepage specified in the query string
CHAR acCPString[20];
//if a codepage string is specified
if ( GetCodepageValue( webServer, acCPString, sizeof(acCPString) ) ) { WCHAR awcCPString[100]; unsigned int ccString = strlen( acCPString ) + 1; unsigned int numconverted = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, acCPString, ccString, awcCPString, 100);
//make sure everything was converted properly. Otherwise throw an exception
if (ccString != numconverted) { THROW ( CException () ); }
//Check to see if the string is one of the values in the code page hash table
BOOL valid = CCodePageTable::Lookup(awcCPString, wcslen(awcCPString), cpval);
//code page string is not in the hash table
if (!valid) { CHAR* pctmp; cpval = strtoul(acCPString, &pctmp, 10);
//if the codepage value is not a number
if (!cpval) { LCID lcid = GetLCIDFromString(awcCPString);
//if the codepage value is not a legitimate lcid
if (InvalidLCID == lcid) { THROW ( CException (QUTIL_E_INVALID_CODEPAGE) ); }
//use the locale to determine the proper codepage
cpval = LocaleToCodepage(lcid); } } }
else //no codepage string specified, use locale to determine proper codepage
{ //ciGibDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "No codepage specified. Using default codepage by locale."));
cpval = LocaleToCodepage(locale); }
return cpval; }
// Function: GetCodePageValue
// Synposis: Returns the string contained withing the Query String that
// specifies the codepage. If no string is there, returns 0.
// Arguments: [webServer] -- Web server
// [pcCPString] -- String containing CiCodepage returned here
// [ccCPString] -- Size (in chars) of [pcCPString]
// Returns: TRUE if a codepage parameter was found and fits in buffer.
// History: 97-Jun-11 t-elainc Created
BOOL GetCodepageValue( CWebServer & webServer, char * pcCPString, unsigned ccCPString ) { unsigned ccValue = 0xFFFFFFFF; char* ISAPI_CI_CODEPAGE_A = "CICODEPAGE";
char const * pcStart = webServer.GetQueryString();
while ( 0 != pcStart && 0 != pcStart[0] ) { if ( 0 == _strnicmp( pcStart, ISAPI_CI_CODEPAGE_A, strlen(ISAPI_CI_CODEPAGE_A) ) && '=' == pcStart[strlen(ISAPI_CI_CODEPAGE_A)] ) break;
pcStart = strchr( pcStart, '&' );
if ( 0 != pcStart ) pcStart++; }
if ( 0 != pcStart && 0 != pcStart[0] ) { pcStart += strlen(ISAPI_CI_CODEPAGE_A)+1; // sizeof includes null
char* pcEnd = strchr(pcStart, '&');
if (pcEnd) ccValue = CiPtrToUint( pcEnd - pcStart ); else ccValue = strlen( pcStart );
if ( ccValue < ccCPString ) { strncpy( pcCPString, pcStart, ccValue ); pcCPString[ccValue] = 0; } }
return (ccValue < ccCPString); }