// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 2000.
// File: wqitem.cxx
// Contents: WEB Query item class
// History: 96/Jan/3 DwightKr Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <params.hxx>
static const DBID dbcolNull = { {0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},DBKIND_GUID_PROPID,0};
static const GUID guidQueryExt = DBPROPSET_QUERYEXT; static const GUID guidRowsetProps = DBPROPSET_ROWSET;
static const DBID dbidVirtualPath = { QueryGuid, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPWSTR) 9 };
// Member: CWQueryItem::CWQueryItem - public constructor
// Arguments: [idqFile] - IDQ file corresponding to this query
// [htxFile] - HTX file corresponding to this query
// [wcsColumns] - string representation of output columns
// [dbColumns] - OLE-DB column representation of output
// [avarColumns] - Variables from [dbColumns]. Same order.
// [ulSequenceNumber] - sequence # to assign this query
// [lNextRecordNumber] - # of next available record from query
// results; important for reconstructing
// stale sequential queries
// [securityIdentity] - security context of this query
// Synopsis: Builds a new query object, parses the IDQ file, and parses
// the HTX file.
// History: 96-Jan-18 DwightKr Created
CWQueryItem::CWQueryItem(CIDQFile & idqFile, CHTXFile & htxFile, XPtrST<WCHAR> & wcsColumns, XPtr<CDbColumns> & dbColumns, CDynArray<WCHAR> & awcsColumns, ULONG ulSequenceNumber, LONG lNextRecordNumber, CSecurityIdentity securityIdentity ) : _signature(CWQueryItemSignature), _idqFile(idqFile), _htxFile(htxFile), _ulSequenceNumber(ulSequenceNumber), _refCount(0), _fIsZombie(FALSE), _fInCache(FALSE), _fCanCache(TRUE), _locale(InvalidLCID), _wcsRestriction(0), _wcsDialect(0), _ulDialect(0), _wcsSort(0), _wcsScope(0), _wcsCatalog(0), _wcsCiFlags(0), _wcsForceUseCI(0), _wcsDeferTrimming(0), _wcsColumns(wcsColumns.Acquire()), _wcsQueryTimeZone(0), _pDbColumns(dbColumns.Acquire()), _awcsColumns( awcsColumns ), _pIRowset(0), _pIAccessor(0), _pIRowsetStatus(0), _pICommand(0), _lNextRecordNumber(lNextRecordNumber), _cFilteredDocuments(0), _securityIdentity(securityIdentity) { time ( &_lastAccessTime ); }
// Member: CWQueryItem::~CWQueryItem - public destructor
// Synopsis: Releases storage and interfaces.
// History: 96-Jan-18 DwightKr Created
CWQueryItem::~CWQueryItem() { Win4Assert( _refCount == 0 );
delete _wcsRestriction; delete _wcsDialect; delete _wcsSort; delete _wcsScope; delete _wcsCatalog; delete _wcsColumns; delete _wcsCiFlags; delete _wcsForceUseCI; delete _wcsDeferTrimming; delete _wcsQueryTimeZone; delete _pDbColumns;
if ( 0 != _pIAccessor ) { _pIAccessor->ReleaseAccessor( _hAccessor, 0 ); _pIAccessor->Release(); }
if ( 0 != _pIRowset ) { _pIRowset->Release(); }
if ( 0 != _pIRowsetStatus ) { _pIRowsetStatus->Release(); }
if ( 0 != _pICommand ) { TheICommandCache.Release( _pICommand ); }
_idqFile.Release(); _htxFile.Release(); }
// Member: CWQueryItem::ExecuteQuery - public
// Synopsis: Executes the query and builds an IRowset or IRowsetScroll
// as necessary.
// Arguments: [variableSet] - list of replaceable parameters
// [outputFormat] - format of numbers & dates
// History: 96-Jan-18 DwightKr Created
void CWQueryItem::ExecuteQuery( CVariableSet & variableSet, COutputFormat & outputFormat ) { Win4Assert( 0 == _pIRowset ); // Should not have executed query
Win4Assert( 0 == _pIAccessor );
_locale = outputFormat.GetLCID();
// Setup the variables needed to execute this query; including:
// CiRestriction
// CiMaxRecordsInResultSet
// CiSort
// CiScope
// Build the final restriction from the existing restriction string
// and the additional parameters passed in from the browser.
ULONG cwcOut; _wcsRestriction = ReplaceParameters( _idqFile.GetRestriction(), variableSet, outputFormat, cwcOut );
variableSet.CopyStringValue( ISAPI_CI_RESTRICTION, _wcsRestriction, 0, cwcOut ); ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Restriction = '%ws'\n", _wcsRestriction )); if ( 0 == *_wcsRestriction ) { THROW( CIDQException(MSG_CI_IDQ_MISSING_RESTRICTION , 0) ); }
// Setup CiMaxRecordsInResultSet
_lMaxRecordsInResultSet = ReplaceNumericParameter( _idqFile.GetMaxRecordsInResultSet(), variableSet, outputFormat, TheIDQRegParams.GetMaxISRowsInResultSet(), IS_MAX_ROWS_IN_RESULT_MIN, IS_MAX_ROWS_IN_RESULT_MAX );
PROPVARIANT propVariant; propVariant.vt = VT_I4; propVariant.lVal = _lMaxRecordsInResultSet; variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_MAX_RECORDS_IN_RESULTSET, &propVariant, 0 ); ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CiMaxRecordsInResultSet = %d\n", _lMaxRecordsInResultSet ));
// Setup CiFirstRowsInResultSet
_lFirstRowsInResultSet = ReplaceNumericParameter( _idqFile.GetFirstRowsInResultSet(), variableSet, outputFormat, TheIDQRegParams.GetISFirstRowsInResultSet(), IS_FIRST_ROWS_IN_RESULT_MIN, IS_FIRST_ROWS_IN_RESULT_MAX );
PROPVARIANT propVar; propVar.vt = VT_I4; propVar.lVal = _lFirstRowsInResultSet; variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_FIRST_ROWS_IN_RESULTSET, &propVar, 0 ); ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CiFirstRowsInResultSet = %d\n", _lFirstRowsInResultSet ));
_ulDialect = ReplaceNumericParameter( _idqFile.GetDialect(), variableSet, outputFormat, ISQLANG_V2, // default
ISQLANG_V1, // min
ISQLANG_V2 ); // max
Win4Assert( 0 != _ulDialect );
propVariant.vt = VT_UI4; propVariant.ulVal = _ulDialect; variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_DIALECT, &propVariant, 0 ); ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CiDialect = %d\n", _ulDialect ));
// Build the final sort set from the existing sortset string
// and the additional parameters passed in from the browser.
XPtr<CDbSortNode> xDbSortNode;
if ( 0 != _idqFile.GetSort() ) { _wcsSort = ReplaceParameters( _idqFile.GetSort(), variableSet, outputFormat, cwcOut );
variableSet.CopyStringValue( ISAPI_CI_SORT, _wcsSort, 0, cwcOut );
ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Sort = '%ws'\n", _wcsSort )); Win4Assert( 0 != _wcsSort ); }
// Build the projection list from the column list.
CTextToTree textToTree( _wcsRestriction, _ulDialect, _pDbColumns, _idqFile.GetColumnMapper(), _locale, _wcsSort, 0, 0, _lMaxRecordsInResultSet, _lFirstRowsInResultSet );
CDbCmdTreeNode * pDbCmdTree = (CDbCmdTreeNode *) (void *) textToTree.FormFullTree(); XPtr<CDbCmdTreeNode> xDbCmdTree( pDbCmdTree );
// Remap the scope from a replaceable parameter
_wcsScope = ReplaceParameters( _idqFile.GetScope(), variableSet, outputFormat, cwcOut );
variableSet.CopyStringValue( ISAPI_CI_SCOPE, _wcsScope, 0, cwcOut );
ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Scope = '%ws'\n", _wcsScope )); Win4Assert( 0 != _wcsScope ); if ( 0 == *_wcsScope ) { THROW( CIDQException(MSG_CI_IDQ_MISSING_SCOPE , 0) ); }
// Build the location of the catalog
ULONG cwcCatalog; Win4Assert( 0 != _idqFile.GetCatalog() ); _wcsCatalog = ReplaceParameters( _idqFile.GetCatalog(), variableSet, outputFormat, cwcCatalog );
variableSet.CopyStringValue( ISAPI_CI_CATALOG, _wcsCatalog, 0, cwcCatalog );
ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Catalog = '%ws'\n", _wcsCatalog )); Win4Assert( 0 != _wcsCatalog );
if ( !IsAValidCatalog( _wcsCatalog, cwcCatalog ) ) { THROW( CIDQException(MSG_CI_IDQ_NO_SUCH_CATALOG, 0) ); }
XPtrST<WCHAR> xpCat; XPtrST<WCHAR> xpMach;
if ( ( ! SUCCEEDED( ParseCatalogURL( _wcsCatalog, xpCat, xpMach ) ) ) || ( xpCat.IsNull() ) ) { THROW( CIDQException(MSG_CI_IDQ_NO_SUCH_CATALOG, 0) ); }
// Get the query flags.
ULONG cwcCiFlags; _wcsCiFlags = ReplaceParameters( _idqFile.GetCiFlags(), variableSet, outputFormat, cwcCiFlags );
if ( 0 != _wcsCiFlags ) { variableSet.CopyStringValue( ISAPI_CI_FLAGS, _wcsCiFlags, 0, cwcCiFlags ); } ULONG ulFlags = _idqFile.ParseFlags( _wcsCiFlags ); ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CiFlags = '%ws' (%x)\n", _wcsCiFlags, ulFlags ));
// We've setup all the parameters to run the query. Run the query
// now.
_pICommand = 0;
// Paths start out as one of:
// ?:\...
// \\....\....\ // /...
if ( _wcsicmp( _wcsScope, L"VIRTUAL_ROOTS" ) == 0 ) { _fCanCache = FALSE; CheckAdminSecurity( xpMach.GetPointer() ); IUnknown * pIUnknown; scIC = MakeMetadataICommand( &pIUnknown, CiVirtualRoots, xpCat.GetPointer(), xpMach.GetPointer() ); if (SUCCEEDED (scIC)) { XInterface<IUnknown> xUnk( pIUnknown ); scIC = pIUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_ICommand, (void **)&_pICommand); } } else if ( _wcsicmp( _wcsScope, L"PROPERTIES" ) == 0 ) { _fCanCache = FALSE; CheckAdminSecurity( xpMach.GetPointer() ); IUnknown * pIUnknown; scIC = MakeMetadataICommand( &pIUnknown, CiProperties, xpCat.GetPointer(), xpMach.GetPointer() ); if (SUCCEEDED (scIC)) { XInterface<IUnknown> xUnk( pIUnknown ); scIC = pIUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_ICommand, (void **)&_pICommand); }
} else { //
// Verify that the caller has admin security for DontTimeout queries.
if ( _idqFile.IsDontTimeout() ) CheckAdminSecurity( xpMach.GetPointer() );
scIC = TheICommandCache.Make( &_pICommand, ulFlags, xpMach.GetPointer(), xpCat.GetPointer(), _wcsScope );
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( FAILED( scIC ) ) Win4Assert( 0 == _pICommand ); else Win4Assert( 0 != _pICommand ); #endif // CIDBG == 1
if ( 0 == _pICommand ) { ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Make*ICommand failed with error 0x%x\n", scIC ));
// Make*ICommand returns SCODEs, not Win32 error codes
Win4Assert( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != scIC ); Win4Assert( ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT != scIC );
// These errors are no longer returned -- the work isn't
// done until Execute(), and the errors are mapped to
// the popular E_FAIL. Leave the code in since now the
// OLE DB spec allows the errors and we may change the provider.
ICommandTree * pICmdTree = 0; SCODE sc = _pICommand->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandTree, (void **) &pICmdTree ); if (FAILED (sc) ) { THROW( CException( QUERY_EXECUTE_FAILED ) ); }
DBCOMMANDTREE * pDbCommandTree = pDbCmdTree->CastToStruct(); sc = pICmdTree->SetCommandTree(&pDbCommandTree, DBCOMMANDREUSE_NONE, FALSE); pICmdTree->Release();
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { THROW( CException(sc) ); }
// Save the time this query started execution
GetLocalTime( &_queryTime );
// If we should NOT be using a enumerated query, notify pCommand
const unsigned MAX_PROPS = 5; DBPROPSET aPropSet[MAX_PROPS]; DBPROP aProp[MAX_PROPS]; ULONG cProp = 0;
// Set the property that says we accept PROPVARIANTs
aProp[cProp].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_USEEXTENDEDDBTYPES; aProp[cProp].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_OPTIONAL; aProp[cProp].dwStatus = 0; // Ignored
aProp[cProp].colid = dbcolNull; aProp[cProp].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; aProp[cProp].vValue.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE;
aPropSet[cProp].rgProperties = &aProp[cProp]; aPropSet[cProp].cProperties = 1; aPropSet[cProp].guidPropertySet = guidQueryExt;
ULONG cwc; _wcsForceUseCI = ReplaceParameters( _idqFile.GetForceUseCI(), variableSet, outputFormat, cwc );
if ( 0 != _wcsForceUseCI ) { variableSet.CopyStringValue( ISAPI_CI_FORCE_USE_CI, _wcsForceUseCI, 0, cwc ); }
BOOL fForceUseCI = _idqFile.ParseForceUseCI( _wcsForceUseCI ); ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CiForceUseCi = '%ws'\n", _wcsForceUseCI ));
{ // Set the property that says we don't want to enumerate
aProp[cProp].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_USECONTENTINDEX; aProp[cProp].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_OPTIONAL; aProp[cProp].dwStatus = 0; // Ignored
aProp[cProp].colid = dbcolNull; aProp[cProp].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; aProp[cProp].vValue.boolVal = fForceUseCI ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE;
aPropSet[cProp].rgProperties = &aProp[cProp]; aPropSet[cProp].cProperties = 1; aPropSet[cProp].guidPropertySet = guidQueryExt;
cProp++; }
PROPVARIANT Variant; Variant.vt = VT_BOOL; Variant.boolVal = fForceUseCI ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE; variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_FORCE_USE_CI, &Variant, 0 );
_wcsDeferTrimming = ReplaceParameters( _idqFile.GetDeferTrimming(), variableSet, outputFormat, cwc );
if ( 0 != _wcsDeferTrimming ) { variableSet.CopyStringValue( ISAPI_CI_DEFER_NONINDEXED_TRIMMING, _wcsDeferTrimming, 0, cwc ); }
BOOL fDeferTrimming = _idqFile.ParseDeferTrimming( _wcsDeferTrimming ); ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CiDeferNonIndexedTrimming = '%ws'\n", _wcsDeferTrimming ));
{ // Set the property that says we don't want to enumerate
aProp[cProp].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_DEFERNONINDEXEDTRIMMING; aProp[cProp].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_OPTIONAL; aProp[cProp].dwStatus = 0; // Ignored
aProp[cProp].colid = dbcolNull; aProp[cProp].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; aProp[cProp].vValue.boolVal = fDeferTrimming ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE;
aPropSet[cProp].rgProperties = &aProp[cProp]; aPropSet[cProp].cProperties = 1; aPropSet[cProp].guidPropertySet = guidQueryExt;
cProp++; }
if ( _idqFile.IsDontTimeout() ) { // Set the property that says we don't want to timeout
aProp[cProp].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_COMMANDTIMEOUT; aProp[cProp].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_OPTIONAL; aProp[cProp].dwStatus = 0; // Ignored
aProp[cProp].colid = dbcolNull; aProp[cProp].vValue.vt = VT_I4; aProp[cProp].vValue.lVal = 0;
aPropSet[cProp].rgProperties = &aProp[cProp]; aPropSet[cProp].cProperties = 1; aPropSet[cProp].guidPropertySet = guidRowsetProps;
cProp++; }
Win4Assert( Variant.vt == VT_BOOL ); Variant.boolVal = fDeferTrimming ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE; variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_DEFER_NONINDEXED_TRIMMING, &Variant, 0 );
// If this is a non-Sequential query, make it asynchronous
if (! IsSequential() ) { // Set the property that says we want to use asynch. queries
aProp[cProp].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_ROWSET_ASYNCH; aProp[cProp].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_OPTIONAL; aProp[cProp].dwStatus = 0; // Ignored
aProp[cProp].colid = dbcolNull; aProp[cProp].vValue.vt = VT_I4; aProp[cProp].vValue.lVal = DBPROPVAL_ASYNCH_SEQUENTIALPOPULATION | DBPROPVAL_ASYNCH_RANDOMPOPULATION;
aPropSet[cProp].rgProperties = &aProp[cProp]; aPropSet[cProp].cProperties = 1; aPropSet[cProp].guidPropertySet = guidRowsetProps;
cProp++; }
if ( cProp > 0 ) { Win4Assert( cProp <= MAX_PROPS );
ICommandProperties * pCmdProp = 0; sc = _pICommand->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandProperties, (void **)&pCmdProp );
if (FAILED (sc) ) { THROW( CException( QUERY_EXECUTE_FAILED ) ); }
sc = pCmdProp->SetProperties( cProp, aPropSet ); pCmdProp->Release();
if ( FAILED(sc) || DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED == sc ) { THROW( CException( QUERY_EXECUTE_FAILED ) ); } }
// Execute the query
sc = _pICommand->Execute( 0, // No aggr
IsSequential() ? IID_IRowset : IID_IRowsetScroll, 0, // disp params
0, // # rowsets returned
(IUnknown **) &_pIRowset );
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { ERRORINFO ErrorInfo; XInterface<IErrorInfo> xErrorInfo; SCODE sc2 = GetOleDBErrorInfo(_pICommand, IID_ICommand, GetLocale(), eMostDetailedCIError, &ErrorInfo, (IErrorInfo **)xErrorInfo.GetQIPointer()); // Post IErrorInfo only if we have a valid ptr to it.
if (SUCCEEDED(sc2) && 0 != xErrorInfo.GetPointer()) { sc = ErrorInfo.hrError;
// Maybe the ICommand is stale because cisvc was stopped and
// restarted -- purge it from the cache.
TheICommandCache.Remove( _pICommand ); _pICommand = 0;
THROW( CPostedOleDBException(sc, eDefaultISAPIError, xErrorInfo.GetPointer()) ); } else { // Maybe the ICommand is stale because cisvc was stopped and
// restarted -- purge it from the cache.
TheICommandCache.Remove( _pICommand ); _pICommand = 0;
THROW( CException(sc) ); } }
// Create an accessor
_pIAccessor = 0;
sc = _pIRowset->QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, (void **)&_pIAccessor); if ( FAILED( sc ) || _pIAccessor == 0 ) { THROW( CException( DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED ) ); }
ULONG cCols = _pDbColumns->Count(); if ( cCols > MAX_QUERY_COLUMNS ) { THROW( CException( DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED ) ); }
sc = _pIAccessor->CreateAccessor( DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, // Type of access required
cCols, // # of bindings
g_aDbBinding, // Array of bindings
0, // reserved
&_hAccessor, 0 );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { THROW( CException(sc) ); }
// Create some of the restriction specific variables.
// Get _pIRowsetStatus interface
sc = _pIRowset->QueryInterface( IID_IRowsetQueryStatus, (void **) &_pIRowsetStatus );
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { THROW( CException(sc) ); }
Win4Assert( 0 != _pIRowsetStatus );
// Save the # of filtered documents for this catalog and get the
// query status.
DWORD dwStatus = 0; DWORD cToFilter; DBCOUNTITEM cDen, cNum; DBCOUNTITEM iCur, cTotal; sc = _pIRowsetStatus->GetStatusEx( &dwStatus, &_cFilteredDocuments, &cToFilter, &cDen, &cNum, 0, 0, &iCur, &cTotal );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { THROW( CException(sc) ); }
propVariant.vt = VT_BOOL;
if ( QUERY_RELIABILITY_STATUS(dwStatus) & (STAT_CONTENT_OUT_OF_DATE | STAT_REFRESH_INCOMPLETE) ) { propVariant.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "The query is out of date\n" )); } else { propVariant.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; } variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_OUT_OF_DATE, &propVariant, 0 );
if ( QUERY_RELIABILITY_STATUS(dwStatus) & STAT_CONTENT_QUERY_INCOMPLETE ) { propVariant.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "The query is incomplete\n" )); } else { propVariant.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; } variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_QUERY_INCOMPLETE, &propVariant, 0 );
if ( QUERY_RELIABILITY_STATUS(dwStatus) & STAT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ) { propVariant.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "The query timed out\n" )); } else { propVariant.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; } variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_QUERY_TIMEDOUT, &propVariant, 0 );
// Set CiQueryTimeZone
TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION TimeZoneInformation; DWORD dwResult = GetTimeZoneInformation( &TimeZoneInformation ); LPWSTR pwszTimeZoneName = 0;
if ( TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT == dwResult ) { pwszTimeZoneName = TimeZoneInformation.DaylightName; } else if ( 0xFFFFFFFF == dwResult ) { # if CIDBG == 1
DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error %d from GetTimeZoneInformation.\n", dwError )); THROW(CException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError) )); # else
THROW( CException() ); # endif
} else { pwszTimeZoneName = TimeZoneInformation.StandardName; }
ULONG cchQueryTimeZone = wcslen( pwszTimeZoneName ); _wcsQueryTimeZone = new WCHAR[ cchQueryTimeZone + 1 ]; RtlCopyMemory( _wcsQueryTimeZone, pwszTimeZoneName, (cchQueryTimeZone+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); }
// Member: CWQueryItem::GetQueryResultsIterator - private
// Synopsis: Builds a CBaseQueryResultsIter which can subsequently be used
// to send the query results back to the web browser. All
// per-browser data relative to the query is kept in the iterator.
// Returns: [CBaseQueryResultsIter] - a sequential or non-sequential
// iterator depending on the paramaters requested in the HTX
// file.
// History: 96-Jan-18 DwightKr Created
CBaseQueryResultsIter * CWQueryItem::GetQueryResultsIterator( COutputFormat & outputFormat ) { CBaseQueryResultsIter *pIter;
// Setup the formatting for the vector types
_idqFile.GetVectorFormatting( outputFormat );
if ( IsSequential() ) { Win4Assert( _lNextRecordNumber > 0 ); pIter = new CSeqQueryResultsIter( *this, _pIRowset, _hAccessor, _pDbColumns->Count(), _lNextRecordNumber-1 );
ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Using a sequential iterator\n" )); } else { IRowsetScroll *pIRowsetScroll = 0; HRESULT sc = _pIRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IRowsetScroll, (void **) &pIRowsetScroll);
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { THROW( CException(sc) ); }
XInterface<IRowsetScroll> xIRowsetScroll(pIRowsetScroll); pIter = new CQueryResultsIter( *this, pIRowsetScroll, _hAccessor, _pDbColumns->Count() );
ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Using a NON-sequential iterator\n" )); }
return pIter; }
// Member: CWQueryItem::OutputQueryResults - public
// Arguments: [variableSet] - list of browser-supplied replaceable parameters
// [outputFormat] - format of numbers & dates
// [vString] - destination buffer for output results
// Synopsis: Using the parameters passed, build an iterator to walk the
// query results and buffer output into the vString.
// History: 18-Jan-96 DwightKr Created
// 11-Jun-97 KyleP Use web server from output format
void CWQueryItem::OutputQueryResults( CVariableSet & variableSet, COutputFormat & outputFormat, CVirtualString & vString ) { //
// Build the query results iterator based on the parameters passed in.
CBaseQueryResultsIter *pIter = GetQueryResultsIterator( outputFormat ); XPtr<CBaseQueryResultsIter> iter(pIter);
iter->Init( variableSet, outputFormat );
UpdateQueryStatus( variableSet );
// Build the HTML pages in three sections: first the header
// section (evenything before the <%begindetail%>), next the detail
// section (everything between the <%begindetail%> and <%enddetail%>),
// and finally the footer section (everything after the
// <%enddetail%> section).
// Output the header section.
_htxFile.GetHeader( vString, variableSet, outputFormat ) ;
LONG lCurrentRecordNumber = iter->GetFirstRecordNumber();
if ( _htxFile.DoesDetailSectionExist() ) { //
// Output the detail section
ULONG cCols = iter->GetColumnCount(); XArray<CVariable *> xVariables( cCols );
for ( ULONG i=0; i<cCols; i++ ) { xVariables[i] = variableSet.SetVariable( _awcsColumns.Get(i), 0, 0 ); Win4Assert( 0 != xVariables[i] ); }
PROPVARIANT VariantRecordNumber; VariantRecordNumber.vt = VT_I4;
CVariable * pvarRecordNumber = variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_CURRENT_RECORD_NUMBER, 0, 0 ); Win4Assert( 0 != pvarRecordNumber );
// Execute the detail section for each row/record in the query results
for ( ; !iter->AtEnd(); iter->Next(), lCurrentRecordNumber++ ) { COutputColumn * pColumns = iter->GetRowData();
// Update the replaceable parameters for each of the columns
// in this row.
for ( i = 0; i < cCols; i++ ) xVariables[i]->FastSetValue( pColumns[i].GetVariant() );
VariantRecordNumber.lVal = lCurrentRecordNumber; pvarRecordNumber->FastSetValue( &VariantRecordNumber );
_htxFile.GetDetailSection( vString, variableSet, outputFormat ); }
// The query output columns are no longer defined outside of the
// DETAIL section. Delete these variables here so that any reference
// to them will return a NULL string.
for ( i=0; i<cCols; i++ ) { variableSet.Delete( xVariables[i] ); } }
// If we couldn't get the first record #, then the current page #
// should be set to 0.
if ( iter->GetFirstRecordNumber() == lCurrentRecordNumber ) { PROPVARIANT Variant; Variant.vt = VT_I4; Variant.lVal = 0; variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_CURRENT_PAGE_NUMBER, &Variant, 0 ); }
// Output the footer section.
_htxFile.GetFooter( vString, variableSet, outputFormat ); }
// Member: CWQueryItem::UpdateQueryStatus - public
// Synopsis: Updates variables relating to query status.
// Arguments: [variableSet] - VariableSet to be updated
// Returns: Nothing
// Notes: These are post-execution checks that can change an up-to-date
// query to an out-of-date query, but not the reverse. The
// following variables are set:
// CiOutOfDate
// CiQueryIncomplete
// CiQueryTimedOut
// History: 96 Apr 16 AlanW Created
void CWQueryItem::UpdateQueryStatus( CVariableSet & variableSet ) { Win4Assert( 0 != _pIRowsetStatus );
DWORD dwStatus = 0; DWORD cDocsFiltered, cToFilter; DBCOUNTITEM cDen, cNum; DBCOUNTITEM iCur, cTotal; SCODE sc = _pIRowsetStatus->GetStatusEx( &dwStatus, &cDocsFiltered, &cToFilter, &cDen, &cNum, 0, 0, &iCur, &cTotal );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException(sc) );
PROPVARIANT propVariant; propVariant.vt = VT_BOOL;
BOOL fUpToDate = ( ( cDocsFiltered == _cFilteredDocuments ) && ( 0 == cToFilter ) );
if (( QUERY_RELIABILITY_STATUS(dwStatus) & (STAT_CONTENT_OUT_OF_DATE | STAT_REFRESH_INCOMPLETE) ) || ! fUpToDate ) { propVariant.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "The query is out of date\n" )); variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_OUT_OF_DATE, &propVariant, 0 ); }
if ( QUERY_RELIABILITY_STATUS(dwStatus) & STAT_CONTENT_QUERY_INCOMPLETE ) { propVariant.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "The query is incomplete\n" )); variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_QUERY_INCOMPLETE, &propVariant, 0 ); }
if ( QUERY_RELIABILITY_STATUS(dwStatus) & STAT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ) { propVariant.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "The query timed out\n" )); variableSet.SetVariable( ISAPI_CI_QUERY_TIMEDOUT, &propVariant, 0 ); } }
// Member: CWQueryItem::IsQueryDone - public
// History: 96-Mar-01 DwightKr Created
BOOL CWQueryItem::IsQueryDone() { Win4Assert( 0 != _pIRowsetStatus );
DWORD dwStatus = 0; SCODE sc = _pIRowsetStatus->GetStatus( &dwStatus ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { THROW( CException(sc) ); }
BOOL fQueryDone = FALSE;
if ( QUERY_FILL_STATUS(dwStatus) == STAT_DONE || QUERY_FILL_STATUS(dwStatus) == STAT_ERROR) { fQueryDone = TRUE; }
return fQueryDone; }
#if (DBG == 1)
// Member: CWQueryItem::LokDump - public
// Arguments: [string] - buffer to send results to
// Synopsis: Dumps the state of the query
// History: 96-Jan-18 DwightKr Created
void CWQueryItem::LokDump( CVirtualString & string, CVariableSet * pVariableSet, COutputFormat * pOutputFormat ) { if ( IsSequential() ) { string.StrCat( L"<I>Sequential cursor</I><BR>\n" ); } else { string.StrCat( L"<I>Non-Sequential cursor</I><BR>\n" ); }
if ( 0 != pVariableSet ) pVariableSet->Dump( string, *pOutputFormat );
WCHAR wcsBuffer[80]; LONG cwcBuffer = swprintf( wcsBuffer, L"Refcount=%d<BR>\n", _refCount ); string.StrCat( wcsBuffer, cwcBuffer );
cwcBuffer = swprintf( wcsBuffer, L"NextRecordNumber=%d<BR>\n", _lNextRecordNumber ); string.StrCat( wcsBuffer, cwcBuffer );
cwcBuffer = swprintf( wcsBuffer, L"SequenceNumber=%d<BR>\n", _ulSequenceNumber ); string.StrCat( wcsBuffer, cwcBuffer );
cwcBuffer = swprintf( wcsBuffer, L"IDQ File name=" ); string.StrCat( wcsBuffer, cwcBuffer ); string.StrCat( _idqFile.GetIDQFileName() ); string.StrCat( L"<BR>\n" );
cwcBuffer = swprintf( wcsBuffer, L"# documents filtered when query created=%d<BR>\n", _cFilteredDocuments ); string.StrCat( wcsBuffer, cwcBuffer );
string.StrCat( L"<P>\n" ); } #endif // DBG
// Member: CWPendingQueryItem::CWPendingQueryItem - public constructor
// Synposis: Builds a item for use to track an asynchronous query.
// Arguments: [queryItem] - query item that is pending
// [outputFormat] - output format supplied by the browser
// [variableSet] - browser supplied variables
// History: 96-Mar-01 DwightKr Created
CWPendingQueryItem::CWPendingQueryItem( XPtr<CWQueryItem> & queryItem, XPtr<COutputFormat> & outputFormat, XPtr<CVariableSet> & variableSet ) :
_pQueryItem(queryItem.GetPointer()), _pOutputFormat(outputFormat.GetPointer()), _pVariableSet(variableSet.GetPointer()) { queryItem.Acquire(); outputFormat.Acquire(); variableSet.Acquire(); }
// Member: CWPendingQueryItem::~CWPendingQueryItem - public destructor
// Synposis: Destrolys a query item
// History: 96-Mar-01 DwightKr Created
// 96-Nov-25 dlee added header, moved out of .hxx
CWPendingQueryItem::~CWPendingQueryItem() { Win4Assert( 0 != _pOutputFormat );
if ( _pOutputFormat->IsValid() ) { TheWebQueryCache.DecrementActiveRequests(); ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "~cwpendingqueryitem releasing session hse %d http %d\n", HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, HTTP_STATUS_OK ));
// Processing the query may not have been successful, but if so
// we wrote an error message, so from an isapi standpoint this was
// a success.
_pOutputFormat->SetHttpStatus( HTTP_STATUS_OK ); _pOutputFormat->ReleaseSession( HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS ); }
delete _pQueryItem; delete _pOutputFormat; delete _pVariableSet; }
#if (DBG == 1)
// Member: CWPendingQueryItem::LokDump - public
// Arguments: [string] - buffer to send results to
// Synopsis: Dumps the state of a pending query
// History: 96 Mar 20 Alanw Created
void CWPendingQueryItem::LokDump( CVirtualString & string ) { if ( IsQueryDone() ) { string.StrCat( L"<I>Completed query, </I>" ); } else { string.StrCat( L"<I>Executing query, </I>" ); } _pQueryItem->LokDump( string, _pVariableSet, _pOutputFormat ); } #endif // DBG