Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. <%@ Page Language='C#' Inherits='UDDI.Web.UddiPage'%>
  2. <%@ Register Tagprefix='uddi' Tagname='Header' Src='controls/header.ascx' %>
  3. <%@ Register Tagprefix='uddi' Tagname='Footer' Src='controls/footer.ascx' %>
  4. <%@ Register Tagprefix='uddi' Tagname='BreadCrumb' Src='controls/breadcrumb.ascx' %>
  5. <%@ Register TagPrefix='uddi' Namespace='UDDI.Web' Assembly='uddi.web' %>
  6. <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI.API' %>
  7. <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI.API.ServiceType' %>
  8. <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI' %>
  9. <%@ Import Namespace='System.Data' %>
  10. <%@ Import Namespace='System.Globalization' %>
  11. <script language='C#' runat='server'>
  12. string root = "/";
  13. protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
  14. {
  15. root = ((Request.ApplicationPath=="/") ? "" : Request.ApplicationPath );
  16. breadcrumb.AddBlurb( Localization.GetString( "HEADING_WELCOME" ), null, null, null, false );
  17. }
  18. protected string GetHelpPath( string file )
  19. {
  20. CultureInfo culture = UDDI.Localization.GetCulture();
  21. string isoLangCode = culture.LCID.ToString();
  22. string defaultlang = Config.GetString( "Setup.WebServer.ProductLanguage", "en" );
  23. int lcid = 0;
  24. //
  25. // 'cultureIDValue is expected to contain a neutral culture. ie,
  26. // 'en', or 'ko', or 'de'. All but a few neutral cultures have
  27. // a default specific culture. For example, the default specific
  28. // culture of 'en' is 'en-US'.
  29. //
  30. // Traditional & simplified Chinese (zh-CHT and zh-CHS respectively)
  31. // are examples of neutral cultures which have no default specific
  32. // culture!
  33. //
  34. // So what happens below is this: First we try to lookup the default
  35. // specific culture for the neutral culture that we were given. If that
  36. // fails (ie, if CreateSpecificCulture throws), we just get the lcid
  37. // of the neutral culture.
  38. //
  39. try
  40. {
  41. lcid = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture( defaultlang ).LCID;
  42. }
  43. catch
  44. {
  45. CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo( defaultlang );
  46. lcid = ci.LCID;
  47. }
  48. string url = root + "/help/" + isoLangCode + "/" + file + ".aspx";
  49. if( !System.IO.File.Exists( Server.MapPath( url ) ) )
  50. url = root + "/help/" + lcid.ToString() + "/" + file + ".aspx";
  51. return url;
  52. }
  53. </script>
  54. <uddi:StyleSheetControl
  55. Runat='server'
  56. Default='./stylesheets/uddi.css'
  57. Downlevel='./stylesheets/uddidl.css'
  58. />
  59. <uddi:PageStyleControl
  60. Runat='server'
  61. OnClientContextMenu='Document_OnContextMenu()'
  62. ShowHeader='true'
  63. ShowFooter='true'
  64. Title="TITLE"
  65. AltTitle="TITLE_ALT"
  66. />
  67. <uddi:ClientScriptRegister
  68. Runat='server'
  69. Source='./client.js'
  70. Language='javascript'
  71. />
  72. <uddi:SecurityControl
  73. Runat='server'
  74. />
  75. <form Runat='server'>
  76. <table width='100%' border='0' height='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
  77. <asp:PlaceHolder
  78. Id='HeaderBag'
  79. Runat='server'
  80. >
  81. <tr height='95'>
  82. <td>
  83. <!-- Header Control Here -->
  84. <uddi:Header
  85. Runat='server'
  86. />
  87. </td>
  88. </tr>
  89. </asp:PlaceHolder>
  90. <tr height='100%'>
  91. <td>
  92. <!-- Main Content Here -->
  93. <uddi:BreadCrumb
  94. ID='breadcrumb'
  95. Runat='server'
  96. />
  97. <table cellpadding='10' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%' height='100%' >
  98. <tr>
  99. <td valign='top''>
  100. <uddi:UddiLabel
  101. Text='[[HELP_BLOCK_HOME]]'
  102. CssClass='helpBlock' Runat='server'
  103. />
  104. <br>
  105. <br>
  106. <br>
  107. <table cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' border='0' class='welcomeBox' width='100%'>
  108. <tr>
  109. <th align='left'>
  110. <uddi:UddiLabel
  111. Text='[[HEADING_GET_STARTED]]'
  112. Runat='server'
  113. />
  114. </th>
  115. </tr>
  116. <tr>
  117. <td style='border-bottom: solid 1px #BBBBBB'>
  118. <uddi:UddiLabel
  119. Text='[[HELP_BLOCK_GET_STARTED]]'
  120. Runat='server'
  121. />
  122. </td>
  123. </tr>
  124. <tr>
  125. <td style='border-bottom: solid 1px #BBBBBB'>
  126. <table cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' border='0'>
  127. <tr>
  128. <td>
  129. <a href='javascript:ShowHelp( "<%=GetHelpPath( "publish.gettingstarted" )%>" );'>
  130. <img src='images/stepbystepguide.gif' border='0'>
  131. </a>
  132. </td>
  133. <td>
  134. <a href='javascript:ShowHelp( "<%=GetHelpPath( "publish.gettingstarted" )%>" );'>
  135. <uddi:LocalizedLabel
  137. Runat='server' />
  138. </a>
  139. <br>
  140. <uddi:UddiLabel
  141. Text='[[TEXT_STEP_BY_STEP_GUIDE]]'
  142. Runat='server'
  143. />
  144. </td
  145. </tr>
  146. </table>
  147. </td>
  148. </tr>
  149. <tr>
  150. <td style='border-bottom: solid 1px #BBBBBB'>
  151. <table cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' border='0' Class='helpBlock'>
  152. <tr>
  153. <td><a href='http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=5202&amp;clcid=0x409' target='_new'><img src='images/resourcesonweb.gif' border='0'></a></td>
  154. <td>
  155. <a href='http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=5202&amp;clcid=0x409' target='_new'><uddi:LocalizedLabel Name='HEADING_ADDITIONAL_RESOURCES' Runat='server' /></a><br>
  156. <uddi:UddiLabel
  158. Runat='server'
  159. />
  160. </td
  161. </tr>
  162. </table>
  163. </td>
  164. </tr>
  165. </table>
  166. </td>
  167. </tr>
  168. </table>
  169. </td>
  170. </tr>
  171. <asp:PlaceHolder
  172. Id='FooterBag'
  173. Runat='server'
  174. >
  175. <tr height='95'>
  176. <td>
  177. <!-- Footer Control Here -->
  178. <uddi:Footer
  179. Runat='server'
  180. />
  181. </td>
  182. </tr>
  183. </asp:PlaceHolder>
  184. </table>
  185. </form>