#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <msi.h>
#include <msiquery.h>
#include "dbcaum.h"
#include "..\..\shared\apppool.h"
#include "..\..\shared\common.h"
#define DIM(x) (sizeof x)/(sizeof x[0])
#define ROOT_REGPATH "Software\\Microsoft\\UDDI"
#define INSTROOT_REGPATH "InstallRoot"
#define RESROOT_REGPATH "ResourceRoot"
#define BOOTSTRAP_DIR "bootstrap"
// Forward declarations.
static int AddSharedDllRef( LPCSTR szFullPath ); static int ReleaseSharedDll ( LPCSTR szFullPath ); static bool AddAccessRights( TCHAR *lpszFileName, TCHAR *szUserName, DWORD dwAccessMask ); static LONG GetServiceStartupAccount( const TCHAR *pwszServiceName, TCHAR *pwszServiceAccount, int iLen ); static void GetUDDIDBServiceName( const TCHAR *pwszInstanceName, TCHAR *pwszServiceName, int iLen ); static void AddAccessRightsVerbose( TCHAR *pwszFileName, TCHAR *pwszUserName, DWORD dwMask ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { return TRUE; }
// Install custom action used by the DB component installer to recycle the app pool
// This function is exported
UINT _stdcall Install( MSIHANDLE hInstall ) { ENTER(); //
// stop and start the app pool
CUDDIAppPool apppool; apppool.Recycle();
UINT __stdcall InstallTaxonomy( LPCSTR szSrcResource, LPCSTR szDestResource ) { //
// Now we parse the path out of the Source and copy the Destination right by it
CHAR szPath[ _MAX_PATH + 1 ] = {0};
PCHAR pSlash = strrchr( szSrcResource, '\\' ); if ( pSlash ) { strncpy( szPath, szSrcResource, pSlash - szSrcResource + 1 ); int iLen = _MAX_PATH - strlen( szPath ); strncat( szPath, szDestResource, iLen ); } else { strncpy( szPath, szDestResource, _MAX_PATH + 1 ); }
szPath[ _MAX_PATH ] = 0;
#if defined( DBG ) || defined( _DEBUG )
TCHAR wszPath[ _MAX_PATH + 1 ]; int iwszCount = _MAX_PATH; int ipszCount = strlen( szPath );
memset( wszPath, 0, _MAX_PATH * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_THREAD_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, szPath, ipszCount, wszPath, iwszCount );
Log( _T( "Installing taxonomy file: %s." ), wszPath ); #endif
if ( !CopyFileA( szSrcResource, szPath, FALSE ) ) return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE;
DeleteFileA( szSrcResource );
UINT __stdcall InstallResource( LPCSTR szCultureID, LPCSTR szDefCulture, LPCSTR szSrcResource, LPCSTR szDestResource ) { //
// Get the properties and then do the file manipulation
if ( _stricmp( szCultureID, szDefCulture ) ) { //
// Now we parse the path out of the Source and copy the Destination right by it
CHAR szPath[ _MAX_PATH + 1 ] = {0};
PCHAR pSlash = strrchr( szSrcResource, '\\' ); if ( pSlash ) { strncpy( szPath, szSrcResource, pSlash - szSrcResource + 1 ); int iLen = _MAX_PATH - strlen( szPath ); strncat( szPath, szDestResource, iLen ); } else { strncpy( szPath, szDestResource, _MAX_PATH + 1 ); }
szPath[ _MAX_PATH ] = 0;
#if defined( DBG ) || defined( _DEBUG )
TCHAR wszPath[ _MAX_PATH + 1 ]; int iwszCount = _MAX_PATH; int ipszCount = strlen( szPath );
memset( wszPath, 0, _MAX_PATH * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_THREAD_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, szPath, ipszCount, wszPath, iwszCount );
Log( _T( "Installing resource file: %s." ), wszPath ); #endif
if ( !CopyFileA( szSrcResource, szPath, FALSE ) ) return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE;
AddSharedDllRef( szPath ); }
DeleteFileA( szSrcResource );
UINT __stdcall RemoveResource( LPCSTR szDestResource ) { HKEY hUddiKey = NULL; try { CHAR szPath[ _MAX_PATH + 1 ] = {0}; DWORD cbPath = DIM( szPath ); size_t iLen = 0;
iRes = RegQueryValueExA( hUddiKey, RESROOT_REGPATH, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szPath, &cbPath ); if ( iRes != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE;
RegCloseKey( hUddiKey ); hUddiKey = NULL;
iLen = strlen( szPath ); if ( ( iLen < _MAX_PATH ) && ( szPath[ iLen - 1 ] != '\\' ) ) { strncat( szPath, "\\", 2 ); }
iLen = _MAX_PATH - strlen( szPath ); strncat( szPath, szDestResource, iLen );
szPath[ _MAX_PATH ] = 0;
#if defined( DBG ) || defined( _DEBUG )
TCHAR wszPath[ _MAX_PATH + 1 ]; int iwszCount = _MAX_PATH; int ipszCount = strlen( szPath );
memset( wszPath, 0, _MAX_PATH * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_THREAD_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, szPath, ipszCount, wszPath, iwszCount );
Log( _T( "Removing resource file: %s." ), wszPath ); #endif
if ( ReleaseSharedDll( szPath ) == 0 ) DeleteFileA( szPath ); } catch (...) { if ( hUddiKey ) RegCloseKey( hUddiKey );
UINT __stdcall RemoveTaxonomy( LPCSTR szDestResource ) { HKEY hUddiKey = NULL;
try { CHAR szPath[ _MAX_PATH + 1 ] = {0}; DWORD cbPath = DIM( szPath ); size_t iLen = 0;
iRes = RegQueryValueExA( hUddiKey, INSTROOT_REGPATH, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szPath, &cbPath ); if ( iRes != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE;
RegCloseKey( hUddiKey ); hUddiKey = NULL;
iLen = strlen( szPath ); if ( ( iLen < _MAX_PATH ) && ( szPath[ iLen - 1 ] != '\\' ) ) { strncat( szPath, "\\", 2 ); }
// Append \bootstrap\<resource filename> to InstallRoot
iLen = _MAX_PATH - strlen( szPath ); strncat( szPath, BOOTSTRAP_DIR, iLen );
strncat( szPath, "\\", 2 );
iLen = _MAX_PATH - strlen( szPath ); strncat( szPath, szDestResource, iLen );
szPath[ _MAX_PATH ] = 0;
#if defined( DBG ) || defined( _DEBUG )
TCHAR wszPath[ _MAX_PATH + 1 ]; int iwszCount = _MAX_PATH; int ipszCount = strlen( szPath );
memset( wszPath, 0, _MAX_PATH * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_THREAD_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, szPath, ipszCount, wszPath, iwszCount );
Log( _T( "Removing taxonomy file: %s." ), wszPath ); #endif
DeleteFileA( szPath ); } catch (...) { if ( hUddiKey ) RegCloseKey( hUddiKey );
UINT __stdcall GrantExecutionRights( LPCSTR pszInstanceNameOnly ) { ENTER();
TCHAR wszInstanceName[ 256 ]; int iwszCount = 256; int ipszCount = strlen( pszInstanceNameOnly );
memset( wszInstanceName, 0, 256 * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_THREAD_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, pszInstanceNameOnly, ipszCount, wszInstanceName, iwszCount ); Log( _T( "Instance Name only = %s" ), wszInstanceName );
TCHAR wszServiceName[ 128 ]; GetUDDIDBServiceName( wszInstanceName, wszServiceName, 128 );
TCHAR wszServiceAccount[ 128 ]; GetServiceStartupAccount( wszServiceName, wszServiceAccount, 128 );
// Get the UDDI installation point. ie, C:\Inetpub\uddi\ //
HKEY hKey = NULL; LONG lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T( "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\UDDI\\Setup\\DBServer" ), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet ) { Log( _T( "Call to RegOpenKeyEx failed." ) ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD dwType = 0; TCHAR wszUDDIRoot[ _MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwSize = _MAX_PATH * sizeof( TCHAR ); memset( wszUDDIRoot, 0, dwSize );
lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, _T( "TargetDir" ), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)wszUDDIRoot, &dwSize ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet ) { Log( _T( "Call to RegQueryValueEx failed." ) ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Build the full path to the 3 files whose ACLs are being modified.
memset( wszResetKeyExe, 0, dwSize * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); memset( wszRecalcStatsExe, 0, dwSize * sizeof( TCHAR ) ) ; memset( wszXPDLL, 0, dwSize * sizeof( TCHAR ) ) ;
_tcscat( wszResetKeyExe, wszUDDIRoot ); _tcscat( wszResetKeyExe, _T( "bin\\resetkey.exe" ) );
_tcscat( wszRecalcStatsExe, wszUDDIRoot ); _tcscat( wszRecalcStatsExe, _T( "bin\\recalcstats.exe" ) );
_tcscat( wszXPDLL, wszUDDIRoot ); _tcscat( wszXPDLL, _T( "bin\\uddi.xp.dll" ) );
// If the service startup account is a local account, it will be prefixed
// with ".\" For example: ".\Administrator".
// For some reason, LookupAccountName (which we rely on just below) wants
// local accounts not to be prefixed with ".\".
TCHAR wszAccount[ 256 ]; memset( wszAccount, 0, 256 * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); if( 0 == _tcsnicmp( _T( ".\\" ), wszServiceAccount, 2 ) ) { _tcsncpy( wszAccount, &wszServiceAccount[ 2 ], _tcslen( wszServiceAccount ) - 2 ); } else { _tcsncpy( wszAccount, wszServiceAccount, _tcslen( wszServiceAccount ) ); }
Log( _T( "Account we will attempt to grant execute privilege = %s." ), wszAccount );
// We add an "execute" ACE to the ACL only if:
// 1. There is some content in the wszAccount variable.
// 2. The content is not "LocalSystem". We don't need to add an ACE if this is the case.
if( ( 0 != _tcslen( wszAccount ) ) && ( 0 != _tcsicmp( wszAccount, _T( "LocalSystem" ) ) ) ) { DWORD dwAccessMask = GENERIC_EXECUTE; AddAccessRightsVerbose( wszResetKeyExe, wszAccount, dwAccessMask ); AddAccessRightsVerbose( wszRecalcStatsExe, wszAccount, dwAccessMask ); AddAccessRightsVerbose( wszXPDLL, wszAccount, dwAccessMask ); }
// Helper functions. Manage the Shared Dll counters
int AddSharedDllRef( LPCSTR szFullPath ) { LPCSTR szRegPath = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\SharedDLLs"; HKEY hReg = NULL; DWORD dwCount = 0;
if ( IsBadStringPtrA( szFullPath, MAX_PATH ) ) return E_INVALIDARG;
try { DWORD cbData = sizeof dwCount;
LONG iRes = RegOpenKeyA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegPath, &hReg ); if ( iRes != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return iRes;
iRes = RegQueryValueExA( hReg, szFullPath, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwCount, &cbData ); if ( iRes != ERROR_SUCCESS && iRes != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && iRes != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) { RegCloseKey( hReg ); return iRes; }
dwCount++; cbData = sizeof dwCount; iRes = RegSetValueExA( hReg, szFullPath, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwCount, cbData );
RegCloseKey( hReg ); } catch (...) { if ( hReg ) RegCloseKey( hReg ); return E_FAIL; }
return dwCount; }
int ReleaseSharedDll ( LPCSTR szFullPath ) { LPCSTR szRegPath = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\SharedDLLs"; HKEY hReg = NULL; DWORD dwCount = 0;
if ( IsBadStringPtrA( szFullPath, MAX_PATH ) ) return E_INVALIDARG;
try { DWORD cbData = sizeof dwCount;
LONG iRes = RegOpenKeyA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegPath, &hReg ); if ( iRes != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return iRes;
iRes = RegQueryValueExA( hReg, szFullPath, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwCount, &cbData ); if ( iRes != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey( hReg ); return iRes; }
if ( dwCount > 1 ) { dwCount--; cbData = sizeof dwCount; iRes = RegSetValueExA( hReg, szFullPath, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwCount, cbData ); } else { dwCount = 0; iRes = RegDeleteValueA( hReg, szFullPath ); }
RegCloseKey( hReg ); } catch (...) { if ( hReg ) RegCloseKey( hReg ); return E_FAIL; }
return dwCount; }
bool AddAccessRights( TCHAR *lpszFileName, TCHAR *szUserName, DWORD dwAccessMask ) { //
// SID variables.
SID_NAME_USE snuType; TCHAR * szDomain = NULL; DWORD cbDomain = 0;
// User name variables.
LPVOID pUserSID = NULL; DWORD cbUserSID = 0; DWORD cbUserName = 0;
// File SD variables.
// New SD variables.
// ACL variables.
PACL pACL = NULL; BOOL fDaclPresent; BOOL fDaclDefaulted; ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION AclInfo;
// New ACL variables.
// Temporary ACE.
LPVOID pTempAce = NULL; UINT CurrentAceIndex; bool fResult = false; BOOL fAPISuccess;
// error code
DWORD lastErr = 0;
try { //
// Call this API once to get the buffer sizes ( it will return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER )
fAPISuccess = LookupAccountName( NULL, szUserName, pUserSID, &cbUserSID, szDomain, &cbDomain, &snuType );
if( fAPISuccess ) { throw E_FAIL; // we throw some fake error to skip through to the exit door
} else if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "LookupAccountName() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// allocate the buffers
pUserSID = calloc( cbUserSID, 1 ); if( !pUserSID ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "Alloc() for UserSID failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
szDomain = ( TCHAR * ) calloc( cbDomain + sizeof TCHAR, sizeof TCHAR ); if( !szDomain ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "Alloc() for szDomain failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// The LookupAccountName function accepts the name of a system and an account as input.
// It retrieves a security identifier ( SID ) for the account and
// the name of the domain on which the account was found
fAPISuccess = LookupAccountName( NULL /* = local computer */, szUserName, pUserSID, &cbUserSID, szDomain, &cbDomain, &snuType ); if( !fAPISuccess ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "LookupAccountName() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// call this API once to get the buffer sizes
// API should have failed with insufficient buffer.
fAPISuccess = GetFileSecurity( lpszFileName, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pFileSD, 0, &cbFileSD ); if( fAPISuccess ) { throw E_FAIL; } else if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "GetFileSecurity() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// allocate the buffers
pFileSD = calloc( cbFileSD, 1 ); if( !pFileSD ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "Alloc() for pFileSD failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// call the api to get the actual data
fAPISuccess = GetFileSecurity( lpszFileName, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pFileSD, cbFileSD, &cbFileSD ); if( !fAPISuccess ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "GetFileSecurity() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// Initialize new SD.
pNewSD = calloc( cbFileSD, 1 ); // Should be same size as FileSD.
if( !pNewSD ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "Alloc() for pNewDS failed" ), GetLastError() ); throw lastErr; }
if( !InitializeSecurityDescriptor( pNewSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION ) ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "InitializeSecurityDescriptor() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// Get DACL from SD.
if( !GetSecurityDescriptorDacl( pFileSD, &fDaclPresent, &pACL, &fDaclDefaulted ) ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "GetSecurityDescriptorDacl() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// Get size information for DACL.
AclInfo.AceCount = 0; // Assume NULL DACL.
AclInfo.AclBytesFree = 0; AclInfo.AclBytesInUse = sizeof( ACL ); // If not NULL DACL, gather size information from DACL.
if( fDaclPresent && pACL ) { if( !GetAclInformation( pACL, &AclInfo, sizeof( ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION ), AclSizeInformation ) ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "GetAclInformation() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; } }
// Compute size needed for the new ACL.
cbNewACL = AclInfo.AclBytesInUse + sizeof( ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE ) + GetLengthSid( pUserSID );
// Allocate memory for new ACL.
pNewACL = ( PACL ) calloc( cbNewACL, 1 ); if( !pNewACL ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "HeapAlloc() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// Initialize the new ACL.
if( !InitializeAcl( pNewACL, cbNewACL, ACL_REVISION2 ) ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "InitializeAcl() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// Add the access-allowed ACE to the new DACL.
ACE_HEADER aceheader = {0}; aceheader.AceFlags = CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE; aceheader.AceSize = sizeof( ACE_HEADER ); aceheader.AceType = ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE; if( !AddAccessAllowedAceEx( pNewACL, ACL_REVISION2, aceheader.AceFlags, dwAccessMask, pUserSID ) ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "AddAccessAllowedAce() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// If DACL is present, copy it to a new DACL.
if( fDaclPresent ) { //
// Copy the file's ACEs to the new ACL
if( AclInfo.AceCount ) { for( CurrentAceIndex = 0; CurrentAceIndex < AclInfo.AceCount; CurrentAceIndex++ ) { //
// Get an ACE.
if( !GetAce( pACL, CurrentAceIndex, &pTempAce ) ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "GetAce() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
// Add the ACE to the new ACL.
if( !AddAce( pNewACL, ACL_REVISION, MAXDWORD, pTempAce, ( ( PACE_HEADER ) pTempAce )->AceSize ) ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "AddAce() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; } } } }
// Set the new DACL to the file SD.
if( !SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( pNewSD, TRUE, pNewACL, FALSE ) ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl() failed" ), lastErr ); lastErr; }
// Set the SD to the File.
if( !SetFileSecurity( lpszFileName, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pNewSD ) ) { lastErr = GetLastError(); LogError( TEXT( "SetFileSecurity() failed" ), lastErr ); throw lastErr; }
fResult = TRUE; } catch (...) { fResult = FALSE; }
// Free allocated memory
if( pUserSID ) free( pUserSID ); if( szDomain ) free( szDomain ); if( pFileSD ) free( pFileSD ); if( pNewSD ) free( pNewSD ); if( pNewACL ) free( pNewACL );
return fResult; }
// This function takes in the name of a Service (ie, MSSQL$DAVESEBESTA), and
// fills a buffer with the name of the startup account for said Service.
// It does this by opening the Service Control Manager, getting a handle to
// said Service, and then querying the properties of the service.
// returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if everything goes well.
LONG GetServiceStartupAccount( const TCHAR *pwszServiceName, TCHAR *pwszServiceAccount, int iLen ) { memset( pwszServiceAccount, 0, iLen * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
// 1. Open the Service Control Manager.
SC_HANDLE hSCM = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT ); if( NULL == hSCM ) { Log( _T( "Could not open the Service Control Manager." ) ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { Log( _T( "Successfully opened a handle to the Service Control Manager." ) ); }
// 2. Get a handle to the Service.
DWORD dwAccess = SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG; SC_HANDLE hSvc = OpenService( hSCM, pwszServiceName, dwAccess ); if( NULL == hSvc ) { Log( _T( "Could not open a handle to the service %s." ), pwszServiceName ); CloseServiceHandle( hSCM ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { Log( _T( "Successfully opened a handle to the service %s." ), pwszServiceName ); }
// 3. Call QueryServiceConfig. This get us, among other things, the name of
// the account that is used to start the Service.
DWORD dwSizeNeeded = 0; BOOL b = QueryServiceConfig( hSvc, NULL, 0, &dwSizeNeeded ); DWORD d = GetLastError(); if( !b && ( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == d ) ) { Log( _T( "About to allocate memory for service config info..." ) ); } else { Log( _T( "Something went wrong during the call to QueryServiceConfig." ) ); CloseServiceHandle( hSvc ); CloseServiceHandle( hSCM ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG pSvcQuery = (LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG)malloc( dwSizeNeeded ); if( NULL == pSvcQuery ) { Log( _T( "Ran out of memory." ) ); CloseServiceHandle( hSvc ); CloseServiceHandle( hSCM ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
b = QueryServiceConfig( hSvc, pSvcQuery, dwSizeNeeded, &dwSizeNeeded ); if( !b ) { Log( _T( "Call to QueryServiceConfig failed." ) ); free( (void *)pSvcQuery ); CloseServiceHandle( hSvc ); CloseServiceHandle( hSCM ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
Log( _T( "Service startup account = %s" ), pSvcQuery->lpServiceStartName );
// 4. Copy the account into our output buffer, free up memory, and exit.
_tcsncpy( pwszServiceAccount, pSvcQuery->lpServiceStartName, iLen );
free( (void *)pSvcQuery ); CloseServiceHandle( hSvc ); CloseServiceHandle( hSCM ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Use the instance name to determine the name of the SQL Service.
// From the database instance name, you can infer the name of the Service
// for that particular instance.
// Instance Name Service Name
// ===========================================
// (default) MSSQLSERVER
// <anything else> MSSQL$<anything else>
void GetUDDIDBServiceName( const TCHAR *pwszInstanceName, TCHAR *pwszServiceName, int iLen ) { memset( pwszServiceName, 0, iLen * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); _tcscpy( pwszServiceName, _T( "MSSQL" ) );
if( ( 0 == _tcslen( pwszInstanceName ) ) || ( 0 == _tcsicmp( pwszInstanceName, _T( "----" ) ) ) || ( 0 == _tcsicmp( pwszInstanceName, _T( "(default)" ) ) ) ) { _tcsncat( pwszServiceName, _T( "SERVER" ), iLen ); } else { _tcsncat( pwszServiceName, _T( "$" ), iLen ); _tcsncat( pwszServiceName, pwszInstanceName, iLen ); }
Log( _T( "Database service name = %s" ), pwszServiceName ); }
void AddAccessRightsVerbose( TCHAR *pwszFileName, TCHAR *pwszUserName, DWORD dwMask ) { BOOL b = AddAccessRights( pwszFileName, pwszUserName, dwMask ); if( !b ) { Log( _T( "ACL for file %s was NOT modified." ), pwszFileName ); } else { Log( _T( "User: %s now has execute permissions on file: %s." ), pwszUserName, pwszFileName ); } }