Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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[DestinationDirs] ImegenCopyFilesSys = 24,%PROGRAMF%\%ACCESSOR% ; LDID_SHARED ImegenCopyFilesHelp = 18 ; LDID_HELP
[Optional Components] Imegen
[Imegen] OptionDesc = %Imegen_DESC% Tip = %Imegen_TIP% IconIndex = 70 Parent = AccessTop CopyFiles = ImegenCopyFilesSys, ImegenCopyFilesHelp ProfileItems = ImegenUninstallItems, ImegenUninstallCommonItems Uninstall = ImegenUninstall Modes = 0,1,2,3 SizeApproximation = 174046
[ImegenUninstall] DelFiles = ImegenCopyFilesSys, ImegenCopyFilesHelp ProfileItems = ImegenUninstallItems, ImegenUninstallCommonItems
[ImegenInstallItems] Name = %Imegen_DESC% CmdLine = 24, %PROGRAMF%\%ACCESSOR%, imegen.exe SubDir = %Access_GROUP% WorkingDir = 24, %PROGRAMF%\%ACCESSOR% InfoTip = %Imegen_Infotip%
[ImegenUninstallItems] Name = %Imegen_DESC%,0x00000003 Subdir = %Access_GROUP%
[ImegenUninstallCommonItems] Name = %Imegen_DESC%,0x00000002 Subdir = %Access_GROUP%
[ImegenCopyFilesSys] Imegen.exe
[ImegenCopyFilesHelp] Imegen.chm
Imegen_TIP = "ʹ���ܹ������Լ������뷨��" Imegen_InfoTIP = "ʹ���ܹ������Լ������뷨��" Imegen_Desc = "ͨ�����뷨�༭��"
PROGRAMF = "Program Files" ACCESSOR = "Windows NT\Accessories"
@*:;begin_sld_ShellMSPaint KEY_OPTIONAL = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OptionalComponents" KEY_RENAME = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles" KEY_CURRENT = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" Access_GROUP = "����"
AccessTop_DESC = "����" SystemTools_GROUP = "����\ϵͳ����" AccessTop_TIP = "���� Windows �����Լ���������ǿ������"
AccessUtil_Desc = "��������" AccessUtil_TIP = "���� Windows �������ߡ�"
Calc_DESC = "������" Calc_TIP = "�������㡣" Calc_Infotip = "ʹ����Ļ����������ִ�л���������������"
CharMap_DESC = "�ַ�ӳ����" CharMap_TIP = "�����������ĵ��в����������ź����֡�" CharMap_Infotip = "ѡ�������ַ����Ҹ��Ƶ��ĵ��С�"
ClipBook_DESC = "�������鿴��" ClipBook_TIP = "���������ڡ��������鿴�����в鿴���洢��Ϣ��" ClipBook_Infotip = "ʹ�á��������鿴�������鿴�����桢�Լ��������ĵ��м����������߸����������ı���" CLIPBOARD_CLIP = "����������"
Deskpaper_DESC = "����ǽֽ" Deskpaper_TIP = "�������� Windows ��������ʾ�ı���ͼ����ͼƬ��" Blueday = "Blue Monday.bmp" Blulac16 = "Blue Lace 16.bmp" Blumon16 = "Blue Monday 16.bmp" Bubbles = "Soap Bubbles.bmp" Coffee16 = "Coffee Bean 16.bmp" Coffeebn = "Coffee Bean.bmp" Feather = "FeatherTexture.bmp" Fidlhead = "Fiddle Head.bmp" Furry16 = "Furry Dog 16.bmp" Furrydog = "Furry Dog.bmp" Geometrx = "Geometrix.bmp" Gonefish = "Gone Fishing.bmp" Grnstone = "Greenstone.bmp" Hazy16 = "Hazy Autumn 16.bmp" Hikingbt = "Hiking Boot.bmp" Leaves16 = "Leaf Fossils 16.bmp" Lether16 = "Leather 16.bmp" Mpltrail = "Maple Trails.bmp" Pglyph16 = "Petroglyph 16.bmp" Pool = "Swimming Pool.bmp" Prairie = "Prairie Wind.bmp" Rhody = "Rhododendron.bmp" Rvrsumid = "River Sumida.bmp" Santafe = "Santa Fe Stucco.bmp" Seaside = "Seaside.bmp" Seside16 = "Seaside 16.bmp" Snakeskn = "Snakeskin.bmp" Solstice = "Solstice.bmp" Upstrm16 = "Upstream 16.bmp" Zapotec = "Zapotec.bmp" Zaptec16 = "Zapotec 16.bmp"
MousePoint_DESC = "����ָ��" MousePoint_TIP = "�ṩ���ֲ�ͬ�ߴ�����ʽ������ָ�롣" MP_REG_SCHEMES = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes" Cursors = "Cursors" WindowsDefault = "Windows Ĭ��" WindowsAnimated = "Windows ��̬����" 3DWhite = "��ά��ɫ" Hands1 = "���� 1" Hands2 = "���� 2" Dinosaur = "����" OldFashioned = "����ʽ" Conductor = "ָ�Ӽ�" Magnified = "�Ŵ�" Variations = "����" 3DBronze = "��ά��ͭɫ"
Paint_DESC = "��ͼ" Paint_TIP = "�������Խ������ĺ�����ͼƬ��" Paint_Infotip = "�����ͱ༭ͼ�����Լ���ʾ�ͱ༭ɨ�����õ�ͼƬ��" PaintbrushPicture = "����ͼƬ" Edit = "�༭" BitmapImage = "λͼͼ��" HotKey_Edit = "�༭(&E)" HotKey_Open = "����(&O)"
QuickView_DESC = "���ٲ鿴" QuickView_TIP = "�������ô����ĵ��Ϳ���Ԥ����"
ScreenSave_DESC= "��Ļ��������" ScreenSave_TIP = "�ڼ���������ʱ��Ϊ��ֹ��Ļ��������ʾ���ͼ����"
SSOpenGL_DESC = "OpenGL ��Ļ��������" SSOpenGL_TIP = "��ά��Ļ����������"
SSStandard_DESC= "����Ļ��������" SSStandard_TIP = "������Ļ����������"
Templates_DESC = "�ĵ�ģ��" Templates_TIP = "�������Է���������õij������ĵ���" Templates_Dir = "Templates" @*:;end_sld_ShellMSPaint