Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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; User-visible strings [Strings] PROGDIR = "Windows NT\Windows Messaging" Apps_DESC = "P��slu�enstv�" EMAILTop_DESC = "Windows Messaging" EMAILTop_TIP = "Elektronick� po�ta a pomocn� programy" EXCHANGE_DOC = "Po�tovn� zpr�va" EmailRunOnce = "Windows Messaging" Exchange_Desc = "Doru�en� po�ta" HFM_MSFS = "Po�ta Microsoft Mail" HFM_MAPI = "MAPI 1.0" HFM_PAB = "Osobn� adres��" HFM_PST = "Osobn� slo�ky" MAPI_Desc = "Windows Messaging" MAPI_Tip = "Integrovan� po�ta, rozhran� MAPI a dal�� aplikace po�ty" MMFMig_Desc = "P�evad�� soubor� po�ty" MSFS_Desc = "Po�ta Microsoft Mail" MSFS_Tip = "Umo��uje p��stup k uzl�m po�ty Microsoft Mail." MSFSAB_Desc = "Adres�� programu Microsoft Mail" MSFSTS_Desc = "P�enos po�ty programu Microsoft Mail" MSFSS_Desc = "Sd�len� slo�ky programu Microsoft Mail" MSLMS_Desc = "Osobn� slo�ky" MSPAB_Desc = "Osobn� adres��" MlviewExplore_Desc = "Prozkoumat" MlviewFLDR_Desc = "Slo�ka prohl��e�e slu�by Windows Messaging" MlviewLOADER_Desc = "Zavad�� WMSUI" MlviewMSGSTO_Desc = "Datab�ze zpr�v prohl��e�e slu�by Windows Messaging" MlviewOpen_Desc = "Otev��t" MlviewROOT_Desc = "Windows Messaging" MlviewROOT_ShortDesc = "Ms-Exchg" Mlview_Desc = "Prohl��e� slu�by Windows Messaging" OpenMailbox = "Otev��t po�tovn� schr�nku" Program_Files = "Program Files" SYSTOOLS_DESC = "P��slu�enstv�\Syst�mov� n�stroje" ScanPst_Desc = "N�stroj pro opravu doru�en� po�ty" SendNewMessage = "Odeslat novou zpr�vu" SendToMailNew_DESC = "P��jemce po�ty" SendToMail_DESC = "Windows Messaging" SendTo_DESC = "SendTo" VERB_LABEL = "P�&ejmenovat" VERB_OPEN = "&Otev��t" VERB_PRINT = "&Tisk" VERB_QUICKVIEW = "&Zb��n� zobrazen�" VERB_SAVE = "Ulo�it j&ako" V_MailBeep = "Ozn�men� o�nov� po�t�" WizRemoveMsg = "Touto operac� odstran�te ikonu z plochy. Slu�bu Windows Messaging nainstalujete pomoc� ovl�dac�ho panelu P�idat nebo odebrat programy." desktop_DESC = "Plocha" IMAIL_Desc = "Po�ta Internetu" IMAIL_Tip = "Umo��uje p��stup k po�t� s�t� Internet." InternetABTemp = "�ablona internetov� adresy" InternetServices = "Slu�by Internetu"