Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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[Strings] @*: @*: Codepage should be changed to the localized language codepage @*: during localization. This is used to implement the ability to @*: append/replace inf files at run time based on infs which @*: were not present when the cd was made. @*: codepage=1250
;please do not localize this CurrentVersion = HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion NTCurrentVersion = HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion Services = HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services NOECHOSYM = @ EQUALSIGN = "="
BOOT16MSG="REM Soubory vytvo�en� instala�n�m programem"
;when you have Scrolling Marquee as your screen saver on Win95, in Control.INI there is a section called "Screen Saver.XXXXX". ;Please replace the key value below with that section name. ss_marquee95 = "Spo�i� obrazovky.B���c� text"
;when you have Scrolling Marquee as your screen saver on WinNT, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel there is a key ;called "Screen Saver.XXXXX". Please replace the key value below with that key name. ss_marqueeNT = "Spo�i� obrazovky.B���c� text"
;when you have Flying Through Space as your screen saver on Win95, in Control.INI there is a section called "Screen Saver.XXXXX". ;Please replace the key value below with that section name. ss_stars95 = "Spo�i� obrazovky.Hv�zdy"
;when you have Flying Through Space as your screen saver on WinNT, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel there is a key ;called "Screen Saver.XXXXX". Please replace the key value below with that key name. ss_starsNT = "Spo�i� obrazovky.Hv�zdy"
;when you have 3D Text as your screen saver on Win95, in Control.INI there is a section called "<screen saver>.<3d text>". ;Please replace the key value below with that section name. ss_3dtext95 = "Screen Saver.3DText"
;when you have 3D Text as your screen saver on WinNT, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel there is a key ;called "<screen saver>.<3dtext>". Please replace the key value below with that key name. ss_3dtextNT = "Screen Saver.3DText"
;this is the section name from %windir%\SOL.INI where the solitaire game keeps the settings on Win9x side. Please localize accordingly. sol_sect95 = Solitaire
;this is the section name from %windir%\SOL.INI where the solitaire game keeps the settings on Win98 side. Please localize accordingly. sol_sect98 = Solitaire
;this is the section name from %windir%\WIN.INI where the solitaire game keeps the settings on NT side. Please localize accordingly. sol_sectNT = Solitaire
@*: @*: This is the Accessories directory found in %ProgramFiles%. @*: If this directory is not localized, do not change this string. @*: Accessories = P��slu�enstv�
@*: @*: This is the Internet Explorer directory found in %ProgramFiles%. @*: If this directory is not localized, do not change this string. @*: Internet_Explorer = "Internet Explorer"
@*: @*: This is the Connection Wizard directory found in %ProgramFiles%\%Internet_Explorer%. @*: If this directory is not localized, do not change this string. @*: Connection_Wizard = "Connection Wizard"
@*: @*: This is the Outlook Express directory found in %ProgramFiles%. @*: If this directory is not localized, do not change this string. @*: Outlook_Express = "Outlook Express"
@*: @*: If these directories are not localized, do not change the strings. @*: StartMenu = "Nab�dka Start" Programs = "Programy" Communications = Komunikace History = "History" System_Tools = "Syst�mov� n�stroje" Games = Hry Accessibility = Usnadn�n� Connections = "P�ipojen�" Crypto = "Crypto" Default_Pictures = "V�choz� obr�zky" Entertainment = Z�bava Fax = Fax Administrative_Tools = "N�stroje pro spr�vu" My_Faxes = "Faxy" My_Pictures = "Obr�zky" My_Music = "Hudba" Microsoft = "Microsoft" Network = "S��" Pbk = "Pbk" Documents = "Dokumenty" Common_CoverPages = "B��n� tituln� str�nky" Links = "Odkazy" Windows = "Windows" Temp = "Temp" Temporary_Internet_Files = "Temporary Internet Files" My_Video = "Filmy" My_Documents = "Dokumenty" RSA = "RSA" S-1-5-18 = "S-1-5-18" Shared_Pictures = "Obr�zky" Shared_Music = "Hudba" Shared_Video = "Filmy" Shared_Documents = "Dokumenty" Sample_Music = "Uk�zky hudby" Sample_Pictures = "Uk�zky obr�zk�" UserData = "UserData" User_Account_Pictures = "Obr�zky u�ivatelsk�ho ��tu"
@*: @*: @*: If this links are not localized, do not change this strings. @*: 3_Floppy_(A)_lnk = "Disketov� jednotka 3,5 (A).lnk" Accessibility_Wizard_lnk = "Pr�vodce usnadn�n�m.lnk" Activate_Windows_lnk = "Activate Windows.lnk" Address_Book_lnk = "Adres��.lnk" AMIPRO_SAM = "AMIPRO.SAM" Beethoven_s_Symphony_No__9_(Scherzo)_wma = "Beethovenova symfonie �. 9 (Scherzo).wma" Calculator_lnk = "Kalkula�ka.lnk" Character_Map_lnk = "Mapa znak�.lnk" Command_Prompt_lnk = "P��kazov� ��dek.lnk" Component_Services_lnk = "Slu�ba komponent.lnk" Compressed_(zipped)_Folder_ZFSendToTarget = "Komprimovan� slo�ka (ZIP).ZFSendToTarget" Computer_Management_lnk = "Spr�va po��ta�e.lnk" CONFDENT_COV = "D�v�rn�.COV" Crew_jpg = "Pos�dka.jpg" Customize_Links_url = "Vlastn� odkazy.url" Data_Sources_(ODBC)_lnk = "Datov� zdroje (ODBC).lnk" Desktop_(create_shortcut)_DeskLink = "Plocha (vytvo�it z�stupce).DeskLink" Disk_Cleanup_lnk = "Vy�i�t�n� disku.lnk" Disk_Defragmenter_lnk = "Defragmentace disku.lnk" Drumkit_Test_mid = "Zkou�ka bubn�.mid" DRM = "DRM" DRMV2_LIC = "DRMV2.LIC" DRMV2_SST = "DRMV2.SST" Event_Viewer_lnk = "Prohl��e� ud�lost�.lnk" EXCEL_XLS = "EXCEL.XLS" EXCEL4_XLS = "EXCEL4.XLS" Fax_Configuration_Wizard_lnk = "Pr�vodce konfigurac� faxu.lnk" Fax_Console_lnk = "Konzola faxu.lnk" Fax_Cover_Page_Editor_lnk = "Editor tituln�ch faxov�ch str�nek.lnk" Fax_Send_Wizard_lnk = "Pr�vodce odesl�n�m faxu.lnk" Fax_Service_Manager_lnk = "Spr�vce faxov� slu�by.lnk" Flourish_mid = "Vzkv�t.mid" File_a_bug_report_lnk = "Odeslat zpr�vu o chyb�.lnk" Files_and_Settings_Transfer_Wizard_lnk = "Pr�vodce p�enesen�m soubor� a nastaven�.lnk" Free_Hotmail_url = "��et Hotmail zdarma.url" Freecell_lnk = "Freecell.lnk" FYI_COV = "Pro informaci.COV" GENERIC_COV = "Obecn�.COV" Hearts_lnk = "Srdce.lnk" Home_Networking_Wizard_lnk = "Pr�vodce nastaven�m s�t�.lnk" HyperTerminal_lnk = "Hypertermin�l.lnk" Internet_Backgammon_lnk = "Backgammon v Internetu.lnk" Internet_Checkers_lnk = "D�ma v Internetu.lnk" Internet_Connection_Wizard_lnk = "Pr�vodce p�ipojen�m k Internetu.lnk" Internet_Explorer_lnk = "Internet Explorer.lnk" Internet_Hearts_lnk = "Srdce v Interenetu.lnk" Internet_Reversi_lnk = "Reversi v Internetu.lnk" Internet_Spades_lnk = "Piky v Internetu.lnk" LOTUS_WK4 = "LOTUS.WK4" Magnifier_lnk = "Lupa.lnk" Mail_Recipient_MAPIMail = "P��jemce po�ty.MAPIMail" Mountain_vista_jpg = "Pohled z hor.jpg" Media_Index = "Index m�di�" Minesweeper_lnk = "Hled�n� min.lnk" MSN_com_url = "MSN.com.url" MSN_Explorer_lnk = "MSN Explorer.lnk" MSN_Messenger_Service_lnk = "Slu�ba MSN Messenger.lnk" MUSIC_ASX = "Hudba.ASX" MUSIC_WMA = "Hudba.WMA" MUSIC_BMP = "Hudba.BMP" My_Documents_mydocs = "Dokumenty.mydocs" Narrator_lnk = "Narrator.lnk" NetMeeting_lnk = "NetMeeting.lnk" Network_Connections_lnk = "S��ov� p�ipojen�.lnk" Notepad_lnk = "Notepad.lnk" New_Stories_(Highway_Blues)_wma = "Nov� p��b�hy (Highway Blues).wma" On-Screen_Keyboard_lnk = "On-Screen Keyboard.lnk" OneStop_mid = "OneStop.mid" Orange_canyon_jpg = "Oran�ov� ka�on.jpg" Outlook_Express_lnk = "Aplikace Outlook Express.lnk" Paint_lnk = "Malov�n�.lnk" Performance_lnk = "V�kon.lnk" Pinball_lnk = "Pinball.lnk" POWERPNT_PPT = "POWERPNT.PPT" PRESENTA_SHW = "PRESENTA.SHW" QUATTRO_WB2 = "QUATTRO.WB2" Radio_Station_Guide_url = "Pr�vodce rozhlasov�mi stanicemi.url" Readme_Notes_lnk = "Pozn�mky k p�e�ten�.lnk" Remote_Desktop_Connection_lnk = "P�ipojen� ke vzd�len� plo�e.lnk" Run_in_Compatibility_Mode_lnk = "Spustit v re�imu kompatibility.lnk" Sail_jpg = "Plavba.jpg" Scheduled_Tasks_lnk = "Napl�novan� �lohy.lnk" Send_a_Fax_lnk = "Odeslat fax....lnk" Services_lnk = "Slu�by.lnk" SNDREC_WAV = "SNDREC.WAV" Solitaire_lnk = "Solit�r.lnk" Sound_Recorder_lnk = "Z�znam zvuku.lnk" Spider_Solitaire_lnk = "Spider Solitaire.lnk" Surfer_jpg = "Surfa�.jpg" Synchronize_lnk = "Synchronizace.lnk" System_Information_lnk = "Syst�mov� informace.lnk" System_Restore_lnk = "Obnova syst�mu.lnk" system@microsoft[1]_txt = "system@microsoft[1].txt" system@windowsme[1]_txt = "system@windowsme[1].txt" Town_mid = "M�sto.mid" URGENT_COV = "D�le�it�.COV" Utility_Manager_lnk = "Spr�vce n�stroj�.lnk" Volume_Control_lnk = "Ovl�d�n� hlasitosti.lnk" Web_Publishing_Wizard_publishwizard = "Pr�vodce publikov�n�m na webu.publishwizard" Windows_Catalog_lnk = "Katalog syst�mu Windows.lnk" Windows_Explorer_lnk = "Pr�zkumn�k Windows.lnk" Windows_Media_Player_lnk = "Windows Media Player.lnk" Windows_Media_url = "Windows Media.url" Windows_Movie_Maker_lnk = "Windows Movie Maker.lnk" Windows_Update_lnk = "Windows Update.lnk" Windows_url = "Windows.url" Windows_Real-Time_Client_lnk = "Klient re�ln�ho �asu syst�mu Windows.lnk" WINWORD_DOC = "WINWORD.DOC" WINWORD2_DOC = "WINWORD2.DOC" Winter_forest_jpg = "Zimn� les.jpg" wmplibrary_v_0_12_db = "wmplibrary_v_0_12.db" WordPad_lnk = "WordPad.lnk" WORDPFCT_WPD = "WORDPFCT.WPD" WORDPFCT_WPG = "WORDPFCT.WPG" Writable_CD_cdburn = "Zapisovateln� disk CD.cdburn" Remote_Assistance_lnk = "Vzd�len� pomoc.lnk"
@*: @*: These strings must match NT shell localization @*: Sample_Music_Lnk = "Uk�zky hudby.lnk" Sample_Pictures_lnk = "Uk�zky obr�zk�.lnk"
Blue_Hills_jpg = "Modr� vrcholky.jpg" Sunset_jpg = "Z�pad slunce.jpg" Water_lilies_jpg = "Lekn�ny.jpg" Winter_jpg = "Zima.jpg"
Windows_XP_Balloon_wav = "Windows XP - bublina.wav" Windows_XP_Battery_Critical_wav = "Windows XP - kritick� stav bateri�.wav" Windows_XP_Battery_Low_wav = "Windows XP - vybit� baterie.wav" Windows_XP_Critical_Stop_wav = "Windows XP - kritick� zastaven�.wav" Windows_XP_Default_wav = "Windows XP - v�choz�.wav" Windows_XP_Ding_wav = "Windows XP - cink.wav" Windows_XP_Error_wav = "Windows XP - chyba.wav" Windows_XP_Exclamation_wav = "Windows XP - v�straha.wav" Windows_XP_Hardware_Fail_wav = "Windows XP - hardwarov� chyba.wav" Windows_XP_Hardware_Insert_wav = "Windows XP - vlo�en� hardwaru.wav" Windows_XP_Hardware_Remove_wav = "Windows XP - odebr�n� hardwaru.wav" Windows_XP_Logoff_Sound_wav = "Windows XP - zvuk p�i odhl��en�.wav" Windows_XP_Logon_Sound_wav = "Windows XP - zvuk p�i p�ihl��en�.wav" Windows_XP_Menu_Command_wav = "Windows XP - p��kaz nab�dky.wav" Windows_XP_Minimize_wav = "Windows XP - minimalizace.wav" Windows_XP_Notify_wav = "Windows XP - upozorn�n�.wav" Windows_XP_Print_complete_wav = "Windows XP - dokon�en� tisku.wav" Windows_XP_Recycle_wav = "Windows XP - recyklace.wav" Windows_XP_Restore_wav = "Windows XP - obnoven�.wav" Windows_XP_Ringin_wav = "Windows XP - p��choz� vol�n�.wav" Windows_XP_Ringout_wav = "Windows XP - odchoz� vol�n�.wav" Windows_XP_Shutdown_wav = "Windows XP - vypnut�.wav" Windows_XP_Start_wav = "Windows XP - spu�t�n�.wav" Windows_XP_Startup_wav = "Windows XP - po spu�t�n�.wav"