Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  2. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by dmtmsdev.rc
  4. //
  5. #define IDD_ABOUT 102
  6. #define IDI_DIMAPTST 103
  7. #define IDI_TESTAPP 104
  8. #define IDI_DDKAPP 105
  9. #define IDD_STRESS_CFG 107
  10. #define IDD_MAIN 108
  11. #define IDI_INTERNAL 112
  12. #define IDD_DDKMAIN 115
  13. #define IDD_DDKAPP 117
  16. #define IDD_FAILURE_DETAILS 121
  17. #define IDD_SAVE_CONFIRMATION 123
  18. #define IDD_INTERNAL 150
  19. #define IDC_ENUM_DEVICES 1000
  20. #define IDC_DEVICES_LABEL 1001
  21. #define IDC_DEVICE_LIST 1002
  22. #define IDC_GENRE_LABEL 1003
  23. #define IDC_SUBGENRES 1004
  24. #define IDC_TEST_CTRL_GROUP 1010
  25. #define IDC_USE_INTEGRATED 1011
  26. #define IDC_USE_CPL 1012
  27. #define IDC_VERIFY_GROUP 1020
  28. #define IDC_VERIFY_AUTOMATIC 1021
  29. #define IDC_VERIFY_MANUAL 1022
  31. #define IDC_STRESS_OPTS_GROUP 1030
  32. #define IDC_MAPPING_FILE_GROUP 1030
  33. #define IDC_CODE_FRAG_GROUP 1030
  34. #define IDC_CONFIGURE 1031
  35. #define IDC_STRESS_MODE 1032
  36. #define IDC_SAVE_STD 1032
  37. #define IDC_FILENAME_LABEL 1032
  38. #define IDC_STRESS_START 1033
  39. #define IDC_SAVE_HID 1033
  40. #define IDC_FILENAME 1033
  41. #define IDC_SAVE_BOTH 1034
  42. #define IDC_BROWSE 1034
  43. #define IDC_START_WITH_DEFAULTS 1035
  44. #define IDC_USE_FILE 1035
  45. #define IDC_LAUNCH_CPL_EDIT_MODE 1036
  46. #define IDC_USE_NOTEPAD 1036
  47. #define IDC_CREATE 1037
  48. #define IDC_AXES_LABEL 1100
  49. #define IDC_AXIS_X_LABEL 1101
  50. #define IDC_AXIS_Y_LABEL 1102
  51. #define IDC_AXIS_Z_LABEL 1103
  52. #define IDC_AXIS_RX_LABEL 1104
  53. #define IDC_AXIS_RY_LABEL 1105
  54. #define IDC_AXIS_RZ_LABEL 1106
  55. #define IDC_AXIS_X 1107
  56. #define IDC_AXIS_Y 1108
  57. #define IDC_AXIS_Z 1109
  58. #define IDC_AXIS_RX 1110
  59. #define IDC_AXIS_RY 1111
  60. #define IDC_AXIS_RZ 1112
  61. #define IDC_BTNS_LABEL 1200
  62. #define IDC_BTNS_1_32 1201
  63. #define IDC_BTNS_33_64 1202
  64. #define IDC_BTNS_65_96 1203
  65. #define IDC_BTNS_97_128 1204
  66. #define IDC_BTN1 1205
  67. #define IDC_BTN2 1206
  68. #define IDC_BTN3 1207
  69. #define IDC_BTN4 1208
  70. #define IDC_BTN5 1209
  71. #define IDC_BTN6 1210
  72. #define IDC_BTN7 1211
  73. #define IDC_BTN8 1212
  74. #define IDC_BTN9 1213
  75. #define IDC_BTN10 1214
  76. #define IDC_BTN11 1215
  77. #define IDC_BTN12 1216
  78. #define IDC_BTN13 1217
  79. #define IDC_BTN14 1218
  80. #define IDC_BTN15 1219
  81. #define IDC_BTN16 1220
  82. #define IDC_BTN17 1221
  83. #define IDC_BTN18 1222
  84. #define IDC_BTN19 1223
  85. #define IDC_BTN20 1224
  86. #define IDC_BTN21 1225
  87. #define IDC_BTN22 1226
  88. #define IDC_BTN23 1227
  89. #define IDC_BTN24 1228
  90. #define IDC_BTN25 1229
  91. #define IDC_BTN26 1230
  92. #define IDC_BTN27 1231
  93. #define IDC_BTN28 1232
  94. #define IDC_BTN29 1233
  95. #define IDC_BTN30 1234
  96. #define IDC_BTN31 1235
  97. #define IDC_BTN32 1236
  98. #define IDC_POVS_LABEL 1300
  99. #define IDC_POV1 1301
  100. #define IDC_POV2 1302
  101. #define IDC_POV3 1303
  102. #define IDC_POV4 1304
  103. #define IDC_SEMANTIC_LABEL 1400
  104. #define IDC_SEMANTIC_ACTION 1401
  105. #define IDC_STRESS_RESULTS_GROUP 1500
  106. #define IDC_RUNNING_THREADS_LABEL 1501
  107. #define IDC_RUNNING_THREADS 1502
  108. #define IDC_TESTED_GENRES_LABEL 1503
  109. #define IDC_TESTED_GENRES 1504
  110. #define IDC_SUITABLE_DEVICES_LABEL 1505
  111. #define IDC_SUITABLE_DEVICES 1506
  112. #define IDC_FAIL_EXPECTED_LABEL 1507
  113. #define IDC_FAIL_EXPECTED 1508
  114. #define IDC_FAILURES_LABEL 1509
  115. #define IDC_FAILURES 1510
  116. #define IDC_GENRES_LABEL 1900
  117. #define IDC_DEVICE_GENRES 1901
  118. #define IDC_NUMTHREADS 2000
  119. #define IDC_NUMTHREADS_LABEL 2001
  120. #define IDC_ALL_THREADS_USE_SAME 2002
  121. #define IDC_USE_USERNAME 2003
  122. #define IDC_USERNAME 2004
  123. #define IDC_USE_APP_GUID 2005
  124. #define IDC_THREADNUM_LABEL 2006
  125. #define IDC_THREADNUM 2007
  126. #define IDC_USE_CUSTOM_GENRES 2008
  127. #define IDC_DESCRIPTION 3000
  128. #define IDC_STORE_MAPPING 3001
  129. #define IDC_UNMAP 3002
  130. #define IDC_UNMAP_ALL 3003
  131. #define IDC_CONTROL_LABEL 3004
  132. #define IDC_CONTROLS 3005
  133. #define IDC_ACTIONS_LABEL 3006
  134. #define IDC_ACTIONS 3007
  135. #define IDC_SUBGENRE_LABEL 3900
  136. #define IDC_SUBGENRE 3901
  137. #define IDC_TYPE_POV 3902
  138. #define IDC_TYPE_BUTTON 3903
  139. #define IDC_TYPE_AXIS 3904
  140. #define IDC_ADD_ACTION 4000
  141. #define IDC_REMOVE_ACTION 4001
  142. #define IDC_RENAME_ACTION 4002
  143. #define IDC_CUSTOM_ACTION 4003
  144. #define IDC_SELECTED_ACTIONS 4004
  145. #define IDC_SELECTED_ACTION_LABEL 4005
  146. #define IDC_FAILURE_INFO 5000
  147. #define IDC_NO_PROMPT 6000
  148. #define IDC_GENRE_GROUP 6001
  149. #define IDC_DONT_SAVE 6002
  150. // Next default values for new objects
  151. //
  152. #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  154. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 135
  155. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
  156. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 10009
  157. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
  158. #endif
  159. #endif