// Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// midifile.cpp
// original author: Dave Miller
// original project: AudioActive
// modified by: Mark Burton
// project: DirectMusic
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <dsoundp.h>
#include "debug.h"
#define ASSERT assert
#include "Template.h"
#include "dmusici.h"
#include "dmperf.h"
#include "dmusicf.h"
#include "..\dmusic\dmcollec.h"
#include "alist.h"
#include "tlist.h"
#include "dmime.h"
#include "..\dmband\dmbndtrk.h"
#include "..\dmband\bandinst.h"
#define EVENT_VOICE 1 // Performance event
#define EVENT_REALTIME 2 // qevent() must invoke interrupt
#define EVENT_ONTIME 3 // event should be handled on time
/* MIDI status bytes ==================================================*/
#define MIDI_NOTEOFF 0x80
#define MIDI_NOTEON 0x90
#define MIDI_PTOUCH 0xA0
#define MIDI_CCHANGE 0xB0
#define MIDI_PCHANGE 0xC0
#define MIDI_MTOUCH 0xD0
#define MIDI_PBEND 0xE0
#define MIDI_SYSX 0xF0
#define MIDI_MTC 0xF1
#define MIDI_SONGPP 0xF2
#define MIDI_SONGS 0xF3
#define MIDI_EOX 0xF7
#define MIDI_CLOCK 0xF8
#define MIDI_START 0xFA
#define MIDI_STOP 0xFC
#define MIDI_SENSE 0xFE
#define ET_NOTEOFF ( MIDI_NOTEOFF >> 4 ) // 0x08
#define ET_NOTEON ( MIDI_NOTEON >> 4 ) // 0x09
#define ET_PTOUCH ( MIDI_PTOUCH >> 4 ) // 0x0A
#define ET_CCHANGE ( MIDI_CCHANGE >> 4 ) // 0x0B
#define ET_PCHANGE ( MIDI_PCHANGE >> 4 ) // 0x0C
#define ET_MTOUCH ( MIDI_MTOUCH >> 4 ) // 0x0D
#define ET_PBEND ( MIDI_PBEND >> 4 ) // 0x0E
#define ET_SYSX ( MIDI_SYSX >> 4 ) // 0x0F
#define ET_PBCURVE 0x03
#define ET_CCCURVE 0x04
#define ET_MATCURVE 0x05
#define ET_PATCURVE 0x06
#define ET_TEMPOEVENT 0x01
struct FSEBlock;
/* FullSeqEvent is SeqEvent plus next pointers*/ typedef struct FullSeqEvent : DMUS_IO_SEQ_ITEM { struct FullSeqEvent* pNext; struct FullSeqEvent* pTempNext; /* used in the compresseventlist routine */ long pos; /* used to keep track of the order of events in the file */
private: DWORD dwPosInBlock; static FSEBlock* sm_pBlockList; public: static void CleanUp(); void* operator new(size_t n); void operator delete(void* p); } FullSeqEvent;
struct FSEBlock { FSEBlock() { for(int i = 0 ; i < BITMAPSPERBLOCK ; ++i) { m_dwBitMap[i] = 0; } }; FSEBlock* m_pNext; DWORD m_dwBitMap[BITMAPSPERBLOCK]; FullSeqEvent m_Event[BITMAPSPERBLOCK][32]; };
FSEBlock* FullSeqEvent::sm_pBlockList;
void FullSeqEvent::CleanUp() { FSEBlock* pBlock; FSEBlock* pNext;
for(pBlock = sm_pBlockList ; pBlock != NULL ; pBlock = pNext) { #ifdef DEBUG
for(int i = 0 ; i < BITMAPSPERBLOCK ; ++i) { if(pBlock->m_dwBitMap[i] != 0) { DebugBreak(); } } #endif
pNext = pBlock->m_pNext; delete pBlock; } sm_pBlockList = NULL; }
void* FullSeqEvent::operator new(size_t n) { if(sm_pBlockList == NULL) { sm_pBlockList = new FSEBlock; if(sm_pBlockList == NULL) { return NULL; } sm_pBlockList->m_pNext = NULL; sm_pBlockList->m_dwBitMap[0] = 1; sm_pBlockList->m_Event[0][0].dwPosInBlock = 0; return &sm_pBlockList->m_Event[0][0]; }
FSEBlock* pBlock; int i; DWORD dw;
for(pBlock = sm_pBlockList ; pBlock != NULL ; pBlock = pBlock->m_pNext) { for(i = 0 ; i < BITMAPSPERBLOCK ; ++i) { if(pBlock->m_dwBitMap[i] != 0xffff) { break; } } if(i < BITMAPSPERBLOCK) { break; } } if(pBlock == NULL) { pBlock = new FSEBlock; if(pBlock == NULL) { return NULL; } pBlock->m_pNext = sm_pBlockList; sm_pBlockList = pBlock; pBlock->m_dwBitMap[0] = 1; pBlock->m_Event[0][0].dwPosInBlock = 0; return &pBlock->m_Event[0][0]; }
for(dw = 0 ; (pBlock->m_dwBitMap[i] & (1 << dw)) != 0 ; ++dw); pBlock->m_dwBitMap[i] |= (1 << dw); pBlock->m_Event[i][dw].dwPosInBlock = (i << 6) | dw; return &pBlock->m_Event[i][dw]; }
void FullSeqEvent::operator delete(void* p) { FSEBlock* pBlock; int i; DWORD dw; FullSeqEvent* pEvent = (FullSeqEvent*)p;
dw = pEvent->dwPosInBlock & 0x1f; i = pEvent->dwPosInBlock >> 6; for(pBlock = sm_pBlockList ; pBlock != NULL ; pBlock = pBlock->m_pNext) { if(p == &pBlock->m_Event[i][dw]) { pBlock->m_dwBitMap[i] &= ~(1 << dw); return; } } }
TList<StampedGMGSXG> gMidiModeList;
// One for each MIDI channel 0-15
DMUS_IO_BANKSELECT_ITEM gBankSelect[NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS]; DWORD gPatchTable[NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS]; long gPos; // Keeps track of order of events in the file
DWORD gdwLastControllerTime[NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS]; // Holds the time of the last CC event.
DWORD gdwControlCollisionOffset[NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS]; // Holds the index of the last CC.
DWORD gdwLastPitchBendValue[NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS]; // Holds the value of the last pbend event.
long glLastSysexTime;
void CreateChordFromKey(char cSharpsFlats, BYTE bMode, DWORD dwTime, DMUS_CHORD_PARAM& rChord);
void InsertMidiMode( TListItem<StampedGMGSXG>* pPair ) { TListItem<StampedGMGSXG>* pScan = gMidiModeList.GetHead(); if( NULL == pScan ) { gMidiModeList.AddHead(pPair); } else { if( pPair->GetItemValue().mtTime < pScan->GetItemValue().mtTime ) { gMidiModeList.AddHead(pPair); } else { pScan = pScan->GetNext(); while( pScan ) { if( pPair->GetItemValue().mtTime < pScan->GetItemValue().mtTime ) { gMidiModeList.InsertBefore( pScan, pPair ); break; } pScan = pScan->GetNext(); } if( NULL == pScan ) { gMidiModeList.AddTail(pPair); } } } }
HRESULT LoadCollection(IDirectMusicCollection** ppIDMCollection, IDirectMusicLoader* pIDMLoader) { // Any changes made to this function should also be made to CDirectMusicBand::LoadCollection
// in dmband.dll
assert(ppIDMCollection); assert(pIDMLoader);
DMUS_OBJECTDESC desc; memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(desc)); desc.dwSize = sizeof(desc);
desc.guidClass = CLSID_DirectMusicCollection; desc.guidObject = GUID_DefaultGMCollection; desc.dwValidData |= (DMUS_OBJ_CLASS | DMUS_OBJ_OBJECT); HRESULT hr = pIDMLoader->GetObject(&desc,IID_IDirectMusicCollection, (void**)ppIDMCollection);
return hr; }
// seeks to a 32-bit position in a stream.
HRESULT __inline StreamSeek( LPSTREAM pStream, long lSeekTo, DWORD dwOrigin ) { LARGE_INTEGER li;
if( lSeekTo < 0 ) { li.HighPart = -1; } else { li.HighPart = 0; } li.LowPart = lSeekTo; return pStream->Seek( li, dwOrigin, NULL ); }
// this function gets a long that is formatted the correct way
// i.e. the motorola way as opposed to the intel way
BOOL __inline GetMLong( LPSTREAM pStream, DWORD& dw ) { union uLong { unsigned char buf[4]; DWORD dw; } u; unsigned char ch;
if( S_OK != pStream->Read( u.buf, 4, NULL ) ) { return FALSE; }
#ifndef _MAC
// swap bytes
ch = u.buf[0]; u.buf[0] = u.buf[3]; u.buf[3] = ch;
ch = u.buf[1]; u.buf[1] = u.buf[2]; u.buf[2] = ch; #endif
dw = u.dw; return TRUE; }
// this function gets a short that is formatted the correct way
// i.e. the motorola way as opposed to the intel way
BOOL __inline GetMShort( LPSTREAM pStream, short& n ) { union uShort { unsigned char buf[2]; short n; } u; unsigned char ch;
if( S_OK != pStream->Read( u.buf, 2, NULL ) ) { return FALSE; }
#ifndef _MAC
// swap bytes
ch = u.buf[0]; u.buf[0] = u.buf[1]; u.buf[1] = ch; #endif
n = u.n; return TRUE; }
static short snPPQN; static IStream* gpTempoStream = NULL; static IStream* gpSysExStream = NULL; static IStream* gpTimeSigStream = NULL; static DWORD gdwSizeTimeSigStream = 0; static DWORD gdwSizeSysExStream = 0; static DWORD gdwSizeTempoStream = 0; static DMUS_IO_TIMESIGNATURE_ITEM gTimeSig; // holds the latest time sig
long glTimeSig = 1; // flag to see if we should be paying attention to time sigs.
// this is needed because we only care about the time sigs on the first track to
// contain them that we read
static IDirectMusicTrack* g_pChordTrack = NULL; static DMUS_CHORD_PARAM g_Chord; // Holds the latest chord
static DMUS_CHORD_PARAM g_DefaultChord; // in case no chords are extracted from the track
static WORD GetVarLength( LPSTREAM pStream, DWORD& rfdwValue ) { BYTE b; WORD wBytes;
if( S_OK != pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) { rfdwValue = 0; return 0; } wBytes = 1; rfdwValue = b & 0x7f; while( ( b & 0x80 ) != 0 ) { if( S_OK != pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) { break; } ++wBytes; rfdwValue = ( rfdwValue << 7 ) + ( b & 0x7f ); } return wBytes; }
#ifdef _MAC
static DWORD ConvertTime( DWORD dwTime ) { wide d; long l; // storage for the remainder
if( snPPQN == DMUS_PPQ ) { return dwTime; } WideMultiply( dwTime, DMUS_PPQ, &d ); return WideDivide( &d, snPPQN, &l ); } #else
static DWORD ConvertTime( DWORD dwTime ) { __int64 d;
if( snPPQN == DMUS_PPQ ) { return dwTime; } d = dwTime; d *= DMUS_PPQ; d /= snPPQN; return (DWORD)d; } #endif
static FullSeqEvent* ScanForDuplicatePBends( FullSeqEvent* lstEvent ) { FullSeqEvent* pEvent; FullSeqEvent* pNextEvent; MUSIC_TIME mtCurrentTime = 0x7FFFFFFF; // We are scanning backwards in time, so start way in the future.
WORD wDupeBits = 0; // Keep a bit array of all channels that have active PBends at mtCurrentTime.
if( NULL == lstEvent ) return NULL;
// Scan through the list of events. This list is in backwards order, with the first item read at the end
// of the list. This makes it very easy to scan through and remove pitch bends that occur at the same time, since
// we can remove the latter events (which occured earlier in the midi file.)
for( pEvent = lstEvent ; pEvent ; pEvent = pNextEvent ) { pNextEvent = pEvent->pNext; if( pNextEvent ) { // If the time is not the same as the last, reset.
if (pNextEvent->mtTime != mtCurrentTime) { // Reset the time.
mtCurrentTime = pNextEvent->mtTime; // No duplicate pbends at this time.
wDupeBits = 0; } if ((pNextEvent->bStatus & 0xf0) == MIDI_PBEND) { DWORD dwChannel = pNextEvent->dwPChannel; if (wDupeBits & (1 << dwChannel)) { // There was a previous (therefore later in the file) pbend at this time. Delete this one.
pEvent->pNext = pNextEvent->pNext; delete pNextEvent; pNextEvent = pEvent; } else { // This is the last instance of a pbend on this channel at this time, so hang on to it.
wDupeBits |= (1 << dwChannel); } } } } return lstEvent; }
static FullSeqEvent* CompressEventList( FullSeqEvent* lstEvent ) { static FullSeqEvent* paNoteOnEvent[16][128]; FullSeqEvent* pEvent; FullSeqEvent* pPrevEvent; FullSeqEvent* pNextEvent; FullSeqEvent* pHoldEvent; FullSeqEvent tempEvent; int nChannel;
if( NULL == lstEvent ) return NULL;
memset( paNoteOnEvent, 0, sizeof( paNoteOnEvent ) ); pPrevEvent = NULL;
// add an event to the beginning of the list as a place holder
memset( &tempEvent, 0, sizeof(FullSeqEvent) ); tempEvent.mtTime = -1; tempEvent.pNext = lstEvent; lstEvent = &tempEvent; // make sure that any events with the same time are sorted in order
// they were read
for( pEvent = lstEvent ; pEvent != NULL ; pEvent = pNextEvent ) { pNextEvent = pEvent->pNext; if( pNextEvent ) { BOOL fSwap = TRUE; // bubble sort
while( fSwap ) { fSwap = FALSE; pPrevEvent = pEvent; pNextEvent = pEvent->pNext; while( pNextEvent->pNext && ( pNextEvent->mtTime == pNextEvent->pNext->mtTime )) { if( pNextEvent->pNext->pos < pNextEvent->pos ) { fSwap = TRUE; pHoldEvent = pNextEvent->pNext; pPrevEvent->pNext = pHoldEvent; pNextEvent->pNext = pHoldEvent->pNext; pHoldEvent->pNext = pNextEvent; pPrevEvent = pHoldEvent; continue; } pPrevEvent = pNextEvent; pNextEvent = pNextEvent->pNext; } } } } // remove the first, temporary event, added above
lstEvent = lstEvent->pNext;
pPrevEvent = NULL; // combine note on and note offs
for( pEvent = lstEvent ; pEvent != NULL ; pEvent = pNextEvent ) { pEvent->pTempNext = NULL; pNextEvent = pEvent->pNext; //nChannel = pEvent->bStatus & 0xf;
nChannel = pEvent->dwPChannel; if( ( pEvent->bStatus & 0xf0 ) == MIDI_NOTEON ) { // add this event to the end of the list of events based
// on the event's pitch. Keeping track of multiple events
// of the same pitch allows us to have overlapping notes
// of the same pitch, choosing that note on's and note off's
// follow in the same order.
if( NULL == paNoteOnEvent[nChannel][pEvent->bByte1] ) { paNoteOnEvent[nChannel][pEvent->bByte1] = pEvent; } else { FullSeqEvent* pScan; for( pScan = paNoteOnEvent[nChannel][pEvent->bByte1]; pScan->pTempNext != NULL; pScan = pScan->pTempNext ); pScan->pTempNext = pEvent; } } else if( ( pEvent->bStatus & 0xf0 ) == MIDI_NOTEOFF ) { if( paNoteOnEvent[nChannel][pEvent->bByte1] != NULL ) { paNoteOnEvent[nChannel][pEvent->bByte1]->mtDuration = pEvent->mtTime - paNoteOnEvent[nChannel][pEvent->bByte1]->mtTime; paNoteOnEvent[nChannel][pEvent->bByte1] = paNoteOnEvent[nChannel][pEvent->bByte1]->pTempNext; } if( pPrevEvent == NULL ) { lstEvent = pNextEvent; } else { pPrevEvent->pNext = pNextEvent; } delete pEvent; continue; } pPrevEvent = pEvent; }
for( pEvent = lstEvent ; pEvent != NULL ; pEvent = pEvent->pNext ) { pEvent->mtTime = pEvent->mtTime; if( ( pEvent->bStatus & 0xf0 ) == MIDI_NOTEON ) { pEvent->mtDuration = pEvent->mtDuration; if( pEvent->mtDuration == 0 ) pEvent->mtDuration = 1; } }
return lstEvent; }
static int CompareEvents( FullSeqEvent* pEvent1, FullSeqEvent* pEvent2 ) { BYTE bEventType1 = static_cast<BYTE>( pEvent1->bStatus >> 4 ); BYTE bEventType2 = static_cast<BYTE>( pEvent2->bStatus >> 4 );
if( pEvent1->mtTime < pEvent2->mtTime ) { return -1; } else if( pEvent1->mtTime > pEvent2->mtTime ) { return 1; } else if( bEventType1 != ET_SYSX && bEventType2 != ET_SYSX ) { BYTE bStatus1; BYTE bStatus2;
bStatus1 = (BYTE)( pEvent1->bStatus & 0xf0 ); bStatus2 = (BYTE)( pEvent2->bStatus & 0xf0 ); if( bStatus1 == bStatus2 ) { return 0; } else if( bStatus1 == MIDI_NOTEON ) { return -1; } else if( bStatus2 == MIDI_NOTEON ) { return 1; } else if( bStatus1 > bStatus2 ) { return 1; } else if( bStatus1 < bStatus2 ) { return -1; } } return 0; }
static FullSeqEvent* MergeEvents( FullSeqEvent* lstLeftEvent, FullSeqEvent* lstRightEvent ) { FullSeqEvent anchorEvent; FullSeqEvent* pEvent;
anchorEvent.pNext = NULL; pEvent = &anchorEvent;
do { if( CompareEvents( lstLeftEvent, lstRightEvent ) < 0 ) { pEvent->pNext = lstLeftEvent; pEvent = lstLeftEvent; lstLeftEvent = lstLeftEvent->pNext; if( lstLeftEvent == NULL ) { pEvent->pNext = lstRightEvent; } } else { pEvent->pNext = lstRightEvent; pEvent = lstRightEvent; lstRightEvent = lstRightEvent->pNext; if( lstRightEvent == NULL ) { pEvent->pNext = lstLeftEvent; lstLeftEvent = NULL; } } } while( lstLeftEvent != NULL );
return anchorEvent.pNext; }
static FullSeqEvent* SortEventList( FullSeqEvent* lstEvent ) { FullSeqEvent* pMidEvent; FullSeqEvent* pRightEvent;
if( lstEvent != NULL && lstEvent->pNext != NULL ) { pMidEvent = lstEvent; pRightEvent = pMidEvent->pNext->pNext; if( pRightEvent != NULL ) { pRightEvent = pRightEvent->pNext; } while( pRightEvent != NULL ) { pMidEvent = pMidEvent->pNext; pRightEvent = pRightEvent->pNext; if( pRightEvent != NULL ) { pRightEvent = pRightEvent->pNext; } } pRightEvent = pMidEvent->pNext; pMidEvent->pNext = NULL; return MergeEvents( SortEventList( lstEvent ), SortEventList( pRightEvent ) ); } return lstEvent; }
static DWORD ReadEvent( LPSTREAM pStream, DWORD dwTime, FullSeqEvent** plstEvent, DMUS_IO_PATCH_ITEM** pplstPatchEvent ) { static BYTE bRunningStatus;
gPos++; dwTime = ConvertTime(dwTime);
DWORD dwBytes; DWORD dwLen; FullSeqEvent* pEvent; DMUS_IO_PATCH_ITEM* pPatchEvent; DMUS_IO_SYSEX_ITEM* pSysEx; BYTE b;
BYTE* pbSysExData = NULL;
if( FAILED( pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) ) { return 0; }
if( b < 0x80 ) { StreamSeek( pStream, -1, STREAM_SEEK_CUR ); b = bRunningStatus; dwBytes = 0; } else { dwBytes = 1; }
if( b < 0xf0 ) { bRunningStatus = (BYTE)b;
switch( b & 0xf0 ) { case MIDI_CCHANGE: case MIDI_PTOUCH: case MIDI_PBEND: case MIDI_NOTEOFF: case MIDI_NOTEON: if( FAILED( pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) ) { return dwBytes; } ++dwBytes;
pEvent = new FullSeqEvent; if( pEvent == NULL ) { return 0; }
pEvent->mtTime = dwTime; pEvent->nOffset = 0; pEvent->pos = gPos; pEvent->mtDuration = 0; pEvent->bStatus = bRunningStatus & 0xf0; pEvent->dwPChannel = bRunningStatus & 0xf; pEvent->bByte1 = b; if( FAILED( pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) ) { delete pEvent; return dwBytes; } ++dwBytes; pEvent->bByte2 = b;
if( ( pEvent->bStatus & 0xf0 ) == MIDI_NOTEON && pEvent->bByte2 == 0 ) { pEvent->bStatus = (BYTE)( MIDI_NOTEOFF ); }
/* If there are multiple controller events at the same time, seperate
them by clock ticks. gdwLastControllerTime holds the time of the last CC event. gdwControlCollisionOffset holds the number of colliding CCs. */
if ((pEvent->bStatus & 0xf0) == MIDI_CCHANGE) { DWORD dwChannel = pEvent->dwPChannel; if (dwTime == gdwLastControllerTime[dwChannel]) { pEvent->mtTime += ++gdwControlCollisionOffset[dwChannel]; } else { gdwControlCollisionOffset[dwChannel] = 0; gdwLastControllerTime[dwChannel] = dwTime; } }
if(((pEvent->bStatus & 0xf0) == MIDI_CCHANGE) && (pEvent->bByte1 == 0 || pEvent->bByte1 == 0x20)) { // We have a bank select or its LSB either of which are not added to event list
if(pEvent->bByte1 == 0x20) { gBankSelect[pEvent->dwPChannel].byLSB = pEvent->bByte2; } else // pEvent->bByte1 == 0
{ gBankSelect[pEvent->dwPChannel].byMSB = pEvent->bByte2; } // We no longer need the event so we can free it
delete pEvent; } else // Add to event list
{ pEvent->pNext = *plstEvent; *plstEvent = pEvent; } break;
case MIDI_PCHANGE: if(FAILED(pStream->Read(&b, 1, NULL))) { return dwBytes; } ++dwBytes;
pPatchEvent = new DMUS_IO_PATCH_ITEM;
if(pPatchEvent == NULL) { return 0; } memset(pPatchEvent, 0, sizeof(DMUS_IO_PATCH_ITEM)); pPatchEvent->lTime = dwTime - 1; pPatchEvent->byStatus = bRunningStatus; pPatchEvent->byPChange = b; pPatchEvent->byMSB = gBankSelect[bRunningStatus & 0xF].byMSB; pPatchEvent->byLSB = gBankSelect[bRunningStatus & 0xF].byLSB; pPatchEvent->dwFlags |= DMUS_IO_INST_PATCH;
if((pPatchEvent->byMSB != 0xFF) && (pPatchEvent->byLSB != 0xFF)) { pPatchEvent->dwFlags |= DMUS_IO_INST_BANKSELECT; }
gPatchTable[bRunningStatus & 0xF] = 1;
pPatchEvent->pNext = *pplstPatchEvent; pPatchEvent->pIDMCollection = NULL;
*pplstPatchEvent = pPatchEvent;
case MIDI_MTOUCH: if( FAILED( pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) ) { return dwBytes; } ++dwBytes; pEvent = new FullSeqEvent; if( pEvent == NULL ) { return 0; }
pEvent->mtTime = dwTime; pEvent->nOffset = 0; pEvent->pos = gPos; pEvent->mtDuration = 0; pEvent->bStatus = bRunningStatus & 0xf0; pEvent->dwPChannel = bRunningStatus & 0xf; pEvent->bByte1 = b; pEvent->pNext = *plstEvent; *plstEvent = pEvent; break; default: // this should NOT be possible - unknown midi note event type
ASSERT(FALSE); break; } } else { switch( b ) { case 0xf0: dwBytes += GetVarLength( pStream, dwLen ); pSysEx = new DMUS_IO_SYSEX_ITEM; if( pSysEx != NULL ) { pbSysExData = new BYTE[dwLen + 1]; if( pbSysExData != NULL ) { MUSIC_TIME mt = dwTime; if (mt == 0) { mt = glLastSysexTime++; if (mt > 0) mt = 0; } pbSysExData[0] = 0xf0; if( FAILED( pStream->Read( pbSysExData + 1, dwLen, NULL ) ) ) { delete [] pbSysExData; delete pSysEx; return dwBytes; }
if( pbSysExData[1] == 0x43 ) { // check for XG files
BYTE abXG[] = { 0xF0, 0x43, 0x10, 0x4C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7E, 0x00, 0xF7 }; int i; for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { if( i == 2 ) { if( ( pbSysExData[i] & 0xF0 ) != abXG[i] ) break; } else { if( pbSysExData[i] != abXG[i] ) break; } } if( i == 8 ) // we have an XG!
{ TListItem<StampedGMGSXG>* pPair = new TListItem<StampedGMGSXG>; if (!pPair) return dwBytes; pPair->GetItemValue().mtTime = mt; pPair->GetItemValue().dwMidiMode = DMUS_MIDIMODEF_XG; InsertMidiMode(pPair); } } else if( pbSysExData[1] == 0x41 ) { // check for GS files
BYTE abGS[] = { 0xF0,0x41,0x00,0x42,0x12,0x40,0x00,0x7F,0x00,0x41,0xF7 }; int i; for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { if( i != 2 ) { if( pbSysExData[i] != abGS[i] ) break; } } if( i == 10 ) // we have a GS!
{ TListItem<StampedGMGSXG>* pPair = new TListItem<StampedGMGSXG>; if (!pPair) return dwBytes; pPair->GetItemValue().mtTime = mt; pPair->GetItemValue().dwMidiMode = DMUS_MIDIMODEF_GS; InsertMidiMode(pPair); } } else if (( pbSysExData[1] == 0x7E ) && (pbSysExData[3] == 0x09)) { TListItem<StampedGMGSXG>* pPair = new TListItem<StampedGMGSXG>; if (!pPair) return dwBytes; pPair->GetItemValue().mtTime = mt; pPair->GetItemValue().dwMidiMode = DMUS_MIDIMODEF_GM; InsertMidiMode(pPair); } pSysEx->mtTime = mt; pSysEx->dwPChannel = 0; DWORD dwTempLen = dwLen + 1; pSysEx->dwSysExLength = dwTempLen; if( NULL == gpSysExStream ) { // create a stream to hold sysex events
CreateStreamOnHGlobal( NULL, TRUE, &gpSysExStream ); if( gpSysExStream ) { DWORD dwTemp; // write the chunk header
dwTemp = DMUS_FOURCC_SYSEX_TRACK; gpSysExStream->Write( &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // write the overall size. (Replace this later with the
// true overall size.)
dwTemp = sizeof(DMUS_IO_TIMESIGNATURE_ITEM); // overall size (to be replaced later)
gpSysExStream->Write( &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); } } if( gpSysExStream ) { gpSysExStream->Write( &pSysEx->mtTime, sizeof(MUSIC_TIME), NULL ); gpSysExStream->Write( &pSysEx->dwPChannel, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); gpSysExStream->Write( &pSysEx->dwSysExLength, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); gpSysExStream->Write( pbSysExData, dwTempLen, NULL ); gdwSizeSysExStream += (sizeof(long) + sizeof(DWORD) + dwTempLen); } delete [] pbSysExData; delete pSysEx; } else { StreamSeek( pStream, dwLen, STREAM_SEEK_CUR ); } } else { StreamSeek( pStream, dwLen, STREAM_SEEK_CUR ); } dwBytes += dwLen; break; case 0xf7: // ignore sysex f7 chunks
dwBytes += GetVarLength( pStream, dwLen ); StreamSeek( pStream, dwLen, STREAM_SEEK_CUR ); dwBytes += dwLen; break; case 0xff: if( FAILED( pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) ) { return dwBytes; } ++dwBytes; dwBytes += GetVarLength( pStream, dwLen ); if( b == 0x51 ) // tempo change
{ DWORD dw = 0; DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM tempo;
while( dwLen > 0 ) { if( FAILED( pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) ) { return dwBytes; } ++dwBytes; --dwLen; dw <<= 8; dw += b; } if (dw < 1) dw = 1; tempo.dblTempo = 60000000.0 / ((double)dw); tempo.lTime = dwTime; if( NULL == gpTempoStream ) { // create a stream to hold tempo events
CreateStreamOnHGlobal( NULL, TRUE, &gpTempoStream ); if( gpTempoStream ) { DWORD dwTemp; // write the chunk header
dwTemp = DMUS_FOURCC_TEMPO_TRACK; gpTempoStream->Write( &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // write the overall size. (Replace this later with the
// true overall size.) Also write the size of the individual
// structure.
dwTemp = sizeof(DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM); // overall size (to be replaced later)
gpTempoStream->Write( &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // individual structure.
gpTempoStream->Write( &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); } } if( gpTempoStream ) { gpTempoStream->Write( &tempo, sizeof(DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM), NULL ); gdwSizeTempoStream += sizeof(DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM); } } else if( b == 0x58 && glTimeSig ) { // glTimeSig will be set to 0 inside the main calling function
// once we no longer care about time sigs.
DMUS_IO_TIMESIGNATURE_ITEM timesig; if( FAILED( pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) ) { return dwBytes; } // set glTimeSig to 2 to signal to the main function that we've
// read a time sig on this track
glTimeSig = 2; gTimeSig.lTime = timesig.lTime = dwTime; gTimeSig.bBeatsPerMeasure = timesig.bBeatsPerMeasure = b; ++dwBytes; if( FAILED( pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) ) { return dwBytes; } gTimeSig.bBeat = timesig.bBeat = (BYTE)( 1 << b ); // 0 means 256th note
gTimeSig.wGridsPerBeat = timesig.wGridsPerBeat = 4; // this is irrelavent for MIDI files
if( NULL == gpTimeSigStream ) { CreateStreamOnHGlobal( NULL, TRUE, &gpTimeSigStream ); if( gpTimeSigStream ) { DWORD dwTemp; // write the chunk header
dwTemp = DMUS_FOURCC_TIMESIGNATURE_TRACK; gpTimeSigStream->Write( &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // write the overall size. (Replace this later with the
// true overall size.) Also write the size of the individual
// structure.
dwTemp = sizeof(DMUS_IO_TIMESIGNATURE_ITEM); // overall size (to be replaced later)
gpTimeSigStream->Write( &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // individual structure.
gpTimeSigStream->Write( &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); gdwSizeTimeSigStream += sizeof(DWORD); } } if( gpTimeSigStream ) { gpTimeSigStream->Write( ×ig, sizeof(DMUS_IO_TIMESIGNATURE_ITEM), NULL ); gdwSizeTimeSigStream += sizeof(DMUS_IO_TIMESIGNATURE_ITEM); } ++dwBytes; StreamSeek( pStream, dwLen - 2, STREAM_SEEK_CUR ); dwBytes += ( dwLen - 2 ); } else if( b == 0x59 ) { // Read sharps/flats and major/minor bytes
if( FAILED( pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) ) { return dwBytes; } char cSharpsFlats = b; ++dwBytes; if( FAILED( pStream->Read( &b, 1, NULL ) ) ) { return dwBytes; } BYTE bMode = b; ++dwBytes;
// Create a chord (with one subchord) from the key info
CreateChordFromKey(cSharpsFlats, bMode, dwTime, g_Chord);
// If the chord track is empty, create it.
if (!g_pChordTrack) { HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicChordTrack, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IDirectMusicTrack, (void**)&g_pChordTrack ); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return dwBytes;
// If dwTime > 0, use SetParam to insert the default chord at time 0
if (dwTime > 0) { g_pChordTrack->SetParam(GUID_ChordParam, 0, &g_DefaultChord); } }
// Use SetParam to insert the new chord into the chord track
g_pChordTrack->SetParam(GUID_ChordParam, dwTime, &g_Chord);
} else { StreamSeek( pStream, dwLen, STREAM_SEEK_CUR ); dwBytes += dwLen; } break; default: break; } } return dwBytes; }
static void AddOffsets(FullSeqEvent* lstEvent, IDirectMusicTrack* pTimeSigTrack) { HRESULT hr; MUSIC_TIME mtNext = 0; DMUS_IO_TIMESIGNATURE_ITEM timesig; timesig.bBeat = gTimeSig.bBeat ? gTimeSig.bBeat : 4; timesig.bBeatsPerMeasure = gTimeSig.bBeatsPerMeasure ? gTimeSig.bBeatsPerMeasure : 4; timesig.wGridsPerBeat = gTimeSig.wGridsPerBeat ? gTimeSig.wGridsPerBeat : 4; timesig.lTime = 0; short nClocksPerGrid = ((DMUS_PPQ * 4) / timesig.bBeat) / timesig.wGridsPerBeat;
if (pTimeSigTrack) { hr = pTimeSigTrack->GetParam(GUID_TimeSignature, 0, &mtNext, (void*)×ig); if (FAILED(hr)) { mtNext = 0; } else { nClocksPerGrid = ((DMUS_PPQ * 4) / timesig.bBeat) / timesig.wGridsPerBeat; } }
for( FullSeqEvent* pEvent = lstEvent; pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->pNext ) { if ( ( pEvent->bStatus & 0xf0 ) == MIDI_NOTEON ) { if (mtNext && pTimeSigTrack && mtNext < pEvent->mtTime) { hr = pTimeSigTrack->GetParam(GUID_TimeSignature, mtNext, &mtNext, (void*)×ig); if (FAILED(hr)) { mtNext = 0; } else { nClocksPerGrid = ((DMUS_PPQ * 4) / timesig.bBeat) / timesig.wGridsPerBeat; } } ASSERT(nClocksPerGrid); if( 0 == nClocksPerGrid ) nClocksPerGrid = 1; // this should never happen, but just in case.
pEvent->nOffset = (short) ((pEvent->mtTime - timesig.lTime) % nClocksPerGrid); pEvent->mtTime -= pEvent->nOffset; if (pEvent->nOffset > (nClocksPerGrid / 2)) { // make it a negative offset and bump the time a corresponding amount
pEvent->nOffset -= nClocksPerGrid; pEvent->mtTime += nClocksPerGrid; } } }
@method HRESULT | IDirectMusicPerformance | CreateSegmentFromMIDIStream | Given a MIDI stream, creates a Segment that can be played via <im IDirectMusicPerformance.PlaySegment>.
@parm LPSTREAM | pStream | [in] The MIDI stream. It should be set to the correct seek to begin reading. @parm IDirectMusicSegment* | pSegment | [out] A pointer to contain the created Segment.
@rvalue DMUS_E_CANNOTREAD | There was an error attempting to read the MIDI file. @rvalue S_OK
*/ HRESULT CreateSegmentFromMIDIStream(LPSTREAM pStream, IDirectMusicSegment* pSegment) { if(pSegment == NULL || pStream == NULL) { return E_POINTER; }
HRESULT hr = DMUS_E_CANNOTREAD; DWORD dwID; DWORD dwCurTime; DWORD dwLength; DWORD dwSize; short nFormat; short nNumTracks; short nTracksRead; FullSeqEvent* lstEvent; DMUS_IO_PATCH_ITEM* lstPatchEvent; FullSeqEvent* lstTrackEvent; HRESULT hrGM = S_OK;
EnterCriticalSection(&g_CritSec); gpTempoStream = NULL; gpSysExStream = NULL; gpTimeSigStream = NULL; gdwSizeTimeSigStream = 0; gdwSizeSysExStream = 0; gdwSizeTempoStream = 0; glTimeSig = 1; // flag to see if we should be paying attention to time sigs.
// this is needed because we only care about the time sigs on the first track to
// contain them that we read
g_pChordTrack = NULL;
lstEvent = NULL; lstPatchEvent = NULL; nNumTracks = nTracksRead = 0; dwLength = 0; gPos = 0; gMidiModeList.CleanUp(); if (g_pChordTrack) { g_pChordTrack->Release(); g_pChordTrack = NULL; } CreateChordFromKey(0, 0, 0, g_Chord); CreateChordFromKey(0, 0, 0, g_DefaultChord);
memset(&gBankSelect, 0xFF, (sizeof(DMUS_IO_BANKSELECT_ITEM) * NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS)); memset(&gPatchTable, 0, (sizeof(DWORD) * NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS)); memset(&gTimeSig, 0, sizeof(DMUS_IO_TIMESIGNATURE_ITEM)); memset(&gdwLastControllerTime, 0xFF, (sizeof(DWORD) * NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS)); memset(&gdwControlCollisionOffset, 0, (sizeof(DWORD) * NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS)); glLastSysexTime = -5;
if( ( S_OK != pStream->Read( &dwID, sizeof( FOURCC ), NULL ) ) || !GetMLong( pStream, dwSize ) ) { Trace(1,"Error: Failure parsing MIDI file.\n"); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CritSec); return DMUS_E_CANNOTREAD; } // check for RIFF MIDI files
if( dwID == mmioFOURCC( 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F' ) ) { StreamSeek( pStream, 12, STREAM_SEEK_CUR ); if( ( S_OK != pStream->Read( &dwID, sizeof( FOURCC ), NULL ) ) || !GetMLong( pStream, dwSize ) ) { Trace(1,"Error: Failure parsing MIDI file.\n"); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CritSec); return DMUS_E_CANNOTREAD; } } // check for normal MIDI files
if( dwID != mmioFOURCC( 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd' ) ) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CritSec); Trace(1,"Error: Failure parsing MIDI file - can't find a valid header.\n"); return DMUS_E_CANNOTREAD; }
GetMShort( pStream, nFormat ); GetMShort( pStream, nNumTracks ); GetMShort( pStream, snPPQN ); if( dwSize > 6 ) { StreamSeek( pStream, dwSize - 6, STREAM_SEEK_CUR ); } pStream->Read( &dwID, sizeof( FOURCC ), NULL ); while( dwID == mmioFOURCC( 'M', 'T', 'r', 'k' ) ) { GetMLong( pStream, dwSize ); dwCurTime = 0; lstTrackEvent = NULL;
long lSize = (long)dwSize; while( lSize > 0 ) { long lReturn; lSize -= GetVarLength( pStream, dwID ); dwCurTime += dwID; if (lSize > 0) { lReturn = ReadEvent( pStream, dwCurTime, &lstTrackEvent, &lstPatchEvent ); if( lReturn ) { lSize -= lReturn; } else { Trace(1,"Error: Failure parsing MIDI file.\n"); hr = DMUS_E_CANNOTREAD; goto END; } } } dwSize = lSize; if( glTimeSig > 1 ) { // if glTimeSig is greater than 1, it means we've read some time sigs
// from this track (it was set to 2 inside ReadEvent.) This means that
// we no longer want ReadEvent to pay any attention to time sigs, so
// we set this to 0.
glTimeSig = 0; } if( dwCurTime > dwLength ) { dwLength = dwCurTime; } lstTrackEvent = ScanForDuplicatePBends( lstTrackEvent ); lstTrackEvent = SortEventList( lstTrackEvent ); lstTrackEvent = CompressEventList( lstTrackEvent ); lstEvent = List_Cat( lstEvent, lstTrackEvent ); if( FAILED( pStream->Read( &dwID, sizeof( FOURCC ), NULL ) ) ) { break; } } dwLength = ConvertTime(dwLength);
lstEvent = SortEventList( lstEvent );
// if( lstEvent ) Removed: this might be just a band, or sysex data, or whatever.
{ if(pSegment) { IPersistStream* pIPSTrack; IDirectMusicTrack* pDMTrack;
hr = S_OK;
if (!g_pChordTrack) { hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicChordTrack, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IDirectMusicTrack, (void**)&g_pChordTrack ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { g_pChordTrack->SetParam(GUID_ChordParam, 0, &g_DefaultChord); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pSegment->InsertTrack( g_pChordTrack, 1 ); g_pChordTrack->Release(); g_pChordTrack = NULL; }
// Note: We could be checking to see if there are actually tempo events,
// sysex events, etc. to see if it's really necessary to create these
// tracks...
// Create a Tempo Track in which to store the tempo events
if( gpTempoStream ) { if( SUCCEEDED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicTempoTrack, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IPersistStream, (void**)&pIPSTrack ))) { StreamSeek( gpTempoStream, sizeof(DWORD), STREAM_SEEK_SET ); gpTempoStream->Write( &gdwSizeTempoStream, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); StreamSeek( gpTempoStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET ); pIPSTrack->Load( gpTempoStream );
if( SUCCEEDED( pIPSTrack->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectMusicTrack, (void**)&pDMTrack ) ) ) { pSegment->InsertTrack( pDMTrack, 1 ); pDMTrack->Release(); } pIPSTrack->Release(); } }
// Add a patch event for each MIDI channel that does not have one
DMUS_IO_PATCH_ITEM* pPatchEvent = NULL; for(DWORD i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if(gPatchTable[i] == 0) { pPatchEvent = new DMUS_IO_PATCH_ITEM;
if(pPatchEvent == NULL) { continue; } memset(pPatchEvent, 0, sizeof(DMUS_IO_PATCH_ITEM)); pPatchEvent->lTime = ConvertTime(0); pPatchEvent->byStatus = 0xC0 + (BYTE)(i & 0xf); pPatchEvent->dwFlags |= (DMUS_IO_INST_PATCH); pPatchEvent->pIDMCollection = NULL; pPatchEvent->fNotInFile = TRUE;
pPatchEvent->pNext = lstPatchEvent; lstPatchEvent = pPatchEvent; } }
if(lstPatchEvent) { // Create Band Track in which to store patch change events
IDirectMusicBandTrk* pBandTrack;
if(SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectMusicBandTrack, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IDirectMusicBandTrk, (void**)&pBandTrack))) { // Get the loader from stream so we can open a required collections
IDirectMusicGetLoader* pIDMGetLoader = NULL; IDirectMusicLoader* pIDMLoader = NULL; hr = pStream->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectMusicGetLoader, (void**)&pIDMGetLoader); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pIDMGetLoader->GetLoader(&pIDMLoader); pIDMGetLoader->Release(); } // IStream needs a loader attached
// Populate the the Band Track with patch change events
for(DMUS_IO_PATCH_ITEM* pEvent = lstPatchEvent; pEvent; pEvent = lstPatchEvent) { // Remove instrument from head of list and give to band
DMUS_IO_PATCH_ITEM* temp = pEvent->pNext; pEvent->pNext = NULL; lstPatchEvent = temp;
// We will try to load the collection but if we can not we will continure
// and use the default GM on the card
if(pIDMLoader) { HRESULT hrTemp = LoadCollection(&pEvent->pIDMCollection, pIDMLoader); if (FAILED(hrTemp)) { hrGM = hrTemp; } }
hr = pBandTrack->AddBand(pEvent);
// Release reference to collection
if(pEvent->pIDMCollection) { (pEvent->pIDMCollection)->Release(); pEvent->pIDMCollection = NULL; } delete pEvent;
if(FAILED(hr)) { break; } }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TListItem<StampedGMGSXG>* pPair = gMidiModeList.GetHead(); if( NULL == pPair ) { // if we had nothing, generate a GM one so the band knows
// it was loaded from a midi file
// since the first band is set to play at -1,
// this is when the default midi mode must occur.
pBandTrack->SetGMGSXGMode(-1, DMUS_MIDIMODEF_GM); } for ( ; pPair; pPair = pPair->GetNext() ) { StampedGMGSXG& rPair = pPair->GetItemValue(); pBandTrack->SetGMGSXGMode(rPair.mtTime, rPair.dwMidiMode); } gMidiModeList.CleanUp();
if(SUCCEEDED(pBandTrack->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectMusicTrack, (void**)&pDMTrack))) { pSegment->InsertTrack(pDMTrack, 1); pDMTrack->Release(); } } if(pBandTrack) { pBandTrack->Release(); }
if(pIDMLoader) { pIDMLoader->Release(); } }
if( gpTimeSigStream ) { // Create a TimeSig Track to store the TimeSig events
if( SUCCEEDED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicTimeSigTrack, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IPersistStream, (void**)&pIPSTrack ))) { // set the overall size to the correct size
StreamSeek( gpTimeSigStream, sizeof(DWORD), STREAM_SEEK_SET ); gpTimeSigStream->Write( &gdwSizeTimeSigStream, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // reset to beginning and persist to track.
StreamSeek( gpTimeSigStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET ); pIPSTrack->Load( gpTimeSigStream );
if( SUCCEEDED( pIPSTrack->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectMusicTrack, (void**)&pDMTrack ) ) ) { pSegment->InsertTrack( pDMTrack, 1 ); AddOffsets(lstEvent, pDMTrack); pDMTrack->Release(); } pIPSTrack->Release(); } } else { AddOffsets(lstEvent, NULL); }
lstEvent = SortEventList( lstEvent );
// Create a Sequence Track in which to store the notes, curves,
// and SysEx events.
if( SUCCEEDED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicSeqTrack, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IPersistStream, (void**)&pIPSTrack ))) { // Create a stream in which to place the events so we can
// give it to the SeqTrack.Load.
IStream* pEventStream;
if( S_OK == CreateStreamOnHGlobal( NULL, TRUE, &pEventStream ) ) { // angusg: The implementation of memory IStream interface on
// CE can be inefficient if the stream memory isn't allocated
// before. It will call LocalRealloc on every IStream->Write
// for the amount that is written (in this case a small amount)
// this is incredible inefficient here as Realloc can be called
// thousands of times....
// The solution is to pre calculate the size of the stream and
// call ISteam->SetSize(), which calls LocalAlloc, to alloc the
// memory in one call.
// calculate the size of the stream storage
DWORD dwStreamStorageSize; FullSeqEvent* pEvent;
// add the size of the chunk id's written below
dwStreamStorageSize = 5 * sizeof(DWORD); // now count how many events need to be stored in the stream
for( pEvent = lstEvent; pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->pNext ) { dwStreamStorageSize += sizeof(DMUS_IO_SEQ_ITEM); }
liSize.QuadPart = dwStreamStorageSize; // make the stream allocate the complete amount of memory
// Save the events into the stream
ULONG cb, cbWritten;
// Save the chunk id
DWORD dwTemp = DMUS_FOURCC_SEQ_TRACK; pEventStream->Write( &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // Save the overall size. Count the number of events to determine.
dwSize = 0; for( pEvent = lstEvent; pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->pNext ) { dwSize++; } dwSize *= sizeof(DMUS_IO_SEQ_ITEM); // add 8 for the subchunk
dwSize += 8; pEventStream->Write( &dwSize, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // Save the subchunk id
dwTemp = DMUS_FOURCC_SEQ_LIST; pEventStream->Write( &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // Subtract the previously added 8
dwSize -= 8; // Save the size of the subchunk
pEventStream->Write( &dwSize, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // Save the structure size.
dwTemp = sizeof(DMUS_IO_SEQ_ITEM); pEventStream->Write( &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // Save the events.
cb = sizeof(DMUS_IO_SEQ_ITEM); // doesn't have the next pointers
for( pEvent = lstEvent; pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->pNext ) { if( dwLength < (DWORD)(pEvent->mtTime + pEvent->mtDuration) ) { dwLength = pEvent->mtTime + pEvent->mtDuration; } pEventStream->Write( pEvent, cb, &cbWritten ); if( cb != cbWritten ) // error!
{ pEventStream->Release(); pEventStream = NULL; hr = DMUS_E_CANNOTREAD; break; } }
if( pEventStream ) // may be NULL
{ StreamSeek( pEventStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET ); pIPSTrack->Load( pEventStream ); pEventStream->Release(); } }
if( SUCCEEDED( pIPSTrack->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectMusicTrack, (void**)&pDMTrack ) ) ) { pSegment->InsertTrack( pDMTrack, 1 ); pDMTrack->Release(); } pIPSTrack->Release(); } // set the length of the segment. Set it to the measure boundary
// past the last note.
DWORD dwResolvedLength = gTimeSig.lTime; if( 0 == gTimeSig.bBeat ) gTimeSig.bBeat = 4; if( 0 == gTimeSig.bBeatsPerMeasure ) gTimeSig.bBeatsPerMeasure = 4; if( 0 == gTimeSig.wGridsPerBeat ) gTimeSig.wGridsPerBeat = 4; while( dwResolvedLength < dwLength ) { dwResolvedLength += (((DMUS_PPQ * 4) / gTimeSig.bBeat) * gTimeSig.bBeatsPerMeasure); } pSegment->SetLength( dwResolvedLength );
if( gpSysExStream ) { // Create a SysEx Track in which to store the SysEx events
if( SUCCEEDED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicSysExTrack, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IPersistStream, (void**)&pIPSTrack ))) { // write overall length
StreamSeek( gpSysExStream, sizeof(DWORD), STREAM_SEEK_SET ); gpSysExStream->Write( &gdwSizeSysExStream, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); // seek to beginning and persist to track
StreamSeek( gpSysExStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET ); pIPSTrack->Load( gpSysExStream );
if( SUCCEEDED( pIPSTrack->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectMusicTrack, (void**)&pDMTrack ) ) ) { pSegment->InsertTrack( pDMTrack, 1 ); pDMTrack->Release(); } pIPSTrack->Release(); } }
} else { hr = E_POINTER; } } END: List_Free( lstEvent ); List_Free( lstPatchEvent );
// release our hold on the streams
RELEASE( gpTempoStream ); RELEASE( gpSysExStream ); RELEASE( gpTimeSigStream ); gpTempoStream = NULL; gpSysExStream = NULL; gpTimeSigStream = NULL; gdwSizeTimeSigStream = 0; gdwSizeSysExStream = 0; gdwSizeTempoStream = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CritSec);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrGM) || hr != S_OK ) { return hr; } else { return DMUS_S_PARTIALLOAD; } }
// Creates and returns (in rChord) a DMUS_CHORD_PARAM given the three input params.
// the new chord will have one subchord containing the root, third, fifth, and seventh
// of the key (as indicated by the sharps/flats and mode). Scale will be either
// major or minor, depending on the mode (mode is 0 if major, 1 if minor).
void CreateChordFromKey(char cSharpsFlats, BYTE bMode, DWORD dwTime, DMUS_CHORD_PARAM& rChord) { static DWORD dwMajorScale = 0xab5ab5; // 1010 1011 0101 1010 1011 0101
static DWORD dwMinorScale = 0x5ad5ad; // 0101 1010 1101 0101 1010 1101
static DWORD dwMajor7Chord = 0x891; // 1000 1001 0001
static DWORD dwMinor7Chord = 0x489; // 0100 1000 1001
BYTE bScaleRoot = 0; switch (cSharpsFlats) { case 0: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 9 : 0; break; case 1: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 4 : 7; break; case 2: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 11 : 2; break; case 3: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 6 : 9; break; case 4: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 1 : 4; break; case 5: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 8 : 11; break; case 6: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 3 : 6; break; case 7: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 10 : 1; break; case -1: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 2 : 5; break; case -2: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 7 : 10; break; case -3: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 0 : 3; break; case -4: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 5 : 8; break; case -5: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 10 : 1; break; case -6: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 3 : 6; break; case -7: bScaleRoot = bMode ? 8 : 11; break; } if (bMode) { wcscpy(rChord.wszName, L"m7"); } else { wcscpy(rChord.wszName, L"M7"); } DMUS_IO_TIMESIGNATURE_ITEM timesig; timesig.bBeat = gTimeSig.bBeat ? gTimeSig.bBeat : 4; timesig.bBeatsPerMeasure = gTimeSig.bBeatsPerMeasure ? gTimeSig.bBeatsPerMeasure : 4; timesig.wGridsPerBeat = gTimeSig.wGridsPerBeat ? gTimeSig.wGridsPerBeat : 4; DWORD dwAbsBeat = dwTime / ((DMUS_PPQ * 4) / timesig.bBeat); rChord.wMeasure = (WORD)(dwAbsBeat / timesig.bBeatsPerMeasure); rChord.bBeat = (BYTE)(dwAbsBeat % timesig.bBeatsPerMeasure); rChord.bSubChordCount = 1; rChord.SubChordList[0].dwChordPattern = bMode ? dwMinor7Chord : dwMajor7Chord; rChord.SubChordList[0].dwScalePattern = bMode ? dwMinorScale : dwMajorScale; rChord.SubChordList[0].dwInversionPoints = 0xffffff; // inversions allowed everywhere
rChord.SubChordList[0].dwLevels = 0xffffffff; // supports all levels
rChord.SubChordList[0].bChordRoot = bScaleRoot; rChord.SubChordList[0].bScaleRoot = bScaleRoot; }