// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Implementation of CAutDirectMusicSegment.
#include "stdinc.h"
#include "autsegment.h"
#include "activescript.h"
#include "autconstants.h"
#include <limits>
const WCHAR CAutDirectMusicSegment::ms_wszClassName[] = L"Segment";
// Method Names/DispIDs
const DISPID DMPDISP_Load = 1; const DISPID DMPDISP_Play = 2; const DISPID DMPDISP_Stop = 3; const DISPID DMPDISP_DownloadSoundData = 4; const DISPID DMPDISP_UnloadSoundData = 5; const DISPID DMPDISP_Recompose = 6;
const AutDispatchMethod CAutDirectMusicSegment::ms_Methods[] = { // dispid, name,
// return: type, (opt), (iid),
// parm 1: type, opt, iid,
// parm 2: type, opt, iid,
// ...
// ADT_None
{ DMPDISP_Load, L"Load", ADPARAM_NORETURN, ADT_None }, { DMPDISP_Play, L"Play", ADT_Interface, true, &IID_IUnknown, // returned segment state
ADT_Long, true, &IID_NULL, // flags
ADT_Interface, true, &IID_IDirectMusicAudioPath, // audio path
ADT_Interface, true, &IID_IDirectMusicSegment, // template segment for transition
ADT_Interface, true, &IID_IDirectMusicSegmentState, // playing segment to replace
ADT_None }, { DMPDISP_Stop, L"Stop", ADPARAM_NORETURN, ADT_Long, true, &IID_NULL, // flags
ADT_None }, { DMPDISP_DownloadSoundData, L"DownloadSoundData", ADPARAM_NORETURN, ADT_Interface, true, &IID_IDirectMusicAudioPath, // audio path
ADT_None }, { DMPDISP_UnloadSoundData, L"UnloadSoundData", ADPARAM_NORETURN, ADT_Interface, true, &IID_IDirectMusicAudioPath, // audio path
ADT_None }, { DMPDISP_Recompose, L"Recompose", ADPARAM_NORETURN, ADT_None }, { DISPID_UNKNOWN } };
const DispatchHandlerEntry<CAutDirectMusicSegment> CAutDirectMusicSegment::ms_Handlers[] = { { DMPDISP_Load, Load }, { DMPDISP_Play, Play }, { DMPDISP_Stop, Stop }, { DMPDISP_DownloadSoundData, DownloadSoundData }, { DMPDISP_UnloadSoundData, UnloadSoundData }, { DMPDISP_Recompose, Recompose }, { DISPID_UNKNOWN } };
// Creation
CAutDirectMusicSegment::CAutDirectMusicSegment( IUnknown* pUnknownOuter, const IID& iid, void** ppv, HRESULT *phr) : BaseImpSegment(pUnknownOuter, iid, ppv, phr) { }
HRESULT CAutDirectMusicSegment::CreateInstance( IUnknown* pUnknownOuter, const IID& iid, void** ppv) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CAutDirectMusicSegment *pInst = new CAutDirectMusicSegment(pUnknownOuter, iid, ppv, &hr); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pInst; return hr; } if (pInst == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; }
// Private Functions
HRESULT CAutDirectMusicSegment::Load(AutDispatchDecodedParams *paddp) { // Loading is actually implemented generically by container items.
// If we're here, we're already loaded and don't need to do anything.
return S_OK; }
const FlagMapEntry gc_flagmapPlay[] = { { ScriptConstants::IsSecondary, DMUS_SEGF_SECONDARY }, { ScriptConstants::IsControl, DMUS_SEGF_CONTROL | DMUS_SEGF_SECONDARY }, { ScriptConstants::AtFinish, DMUS_SEGF_QUEUE }, { ScriptConstants::AtGrid, DMUS_SEGF_GRID }, { ScriptConstants::AtBeat, DMUS_SEGF_BEAT }, { ScriptConstants::AtMeasure, DMUS_SEGF_MEASURE }, { ScriptConstants::AtMarker, DMUS_SEGF_MARKER }, { ScriptConstants::AtImmediate, DMUS_SEGF_DEFAULT }, // this flag gets flipped later
const FlagMapEntry gc_flagmapPlayTransCommand[] = { { ScriptConstants::PlayFill, DMUS_COMMANDT_FILL }, { ScriptConstants::PlayIntro, DMUS_COMMANDT_INTRO }, { ScriptConstants::PlayBreak, DMUS_COMMANDT_BREAK }, { ScriptConstants::PlayEnd, DMUS_COMMANDT_END }, { ScriptConstants::PlayEndAndIntro, DMUS_COMMANDT_ENDANDINTRO }, { 0 } };
const FlagMapEntry gc_flagmapPlayTransFlags[] = { { ScriptConstants::AtFinish, DMUS_COMPOSEF_SEGMENTEND }, { ScriptConstants::AtGrid, DMUS_COMPOSEF_GRID }, { ScriptConstants::AtBeat, DMUS_COMPOSEF_BEAT }, { ScriptConstants::AtMeasure, DMUS_COMPOSEF_MEASURE }, { ScriptConstants::AtMarker, DMUS_COMPOSEF_MARKER }, { ScriptConstants::AtImmediate, DMUS_COMPOSEF_IMMEDIATE }, { ScriptConstants::AlignToBar, DMUS_COMPOSEF_ALIGN | DMUS_COMPOSEF_MEASURE }, { ScriptConstants::AlignToBeat, DMUS_COMPOSEF_ALIGN | DMUS_COMPOSEF_BEAT }, { ScriptConstants::AlignToSegment, DMUS_COMPOSEF_ALIGN | DMUS_COMPOSEF_SEGMENTEND }, { ScriptConstants::PlayModulate, DMUS_COMPOSEF_MODULATE }, { 0 } };
HRESULT CAutDirectMusicSegment::Play(AutDispatchDecodedParams *paddp) { IDirectMusicSegmentState **ppSegSt = reinterpret_cast<IDirectMusicSegmentState **>(paddp->pvReturn); LONG lFlags = paddp->params[0].lVal; IDirectMusicAudioPath *pAudioPath = reinterpret_cast<IDirectMusicAudioPath*>(paddp->params[1].iVal); IDirectMusicSegment *pTransitionSegment = reinterpret_cast<IDirectMusicSegment*>(paddp->params[2].iVal); IDirectMusicSegmentState *pFromSegmentState = reinterpret_cast<IDirectMusicSegmentState*>(paddp->params[3].iVal);
const LONG lFlagsNonPrimary = ScriptConstants::IsSecondary | ScriptConstants::IsControl; const LONG lFlagsTransition = ScriptConstants::PlayFill | ScriptConstants::PlayIntro | ScriptConstants::PlayBreak | ScriptConstants::PlayEnd | ScriptConstants::PlayEndAndIntro; if ((lFlags & lFlagsNonPrimary) && (lFlags & lFlagsTransition)) { // Transitions may only be used when playing primary segments. Return a runtime error.
Trace(1, "Error: Play called with IsSecondary or IsControl flag as well as a transition flag (PlayFill, PlayIntro, etc..). Transitions can only be used with primary segments.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IDirectMusicPerformance8 *pPerformance = CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentPerformanceWEAK(); if (lFlags & lFlagsTransition) { // do a transition
DWORD dwCommand = MapFlags(lFlags, gc_flagmapPlayTransCommand); assert(dwCommand < std::numeric_limits<WORD>::max()); // the command parameter is a WORD. this just checks that there's nothing truncated.
DWORD dwFlags = MapFlags(lFlags, gc_flagmapPlayTransFlags); // Always play the entire transition instead of doing the old (slightly strange) 1 bar / long stuff.
// Also, always use an embedded audio path if one exists.
dwFlags |= (DMUS_COMPOSEF_ENTIRE_TRANSITION | DMUS_COMPOSEF_USE_AUDIOPATH); IDirectMusicComposer8 *pComposer = CActiveScriptManager::GetComposerWEAK(); hr = pComposer->AutoTransition(pPerformance, m_pITarget, dwCommand, dwFlags, NULL, NULL, ppSegSt, NULL); } else { DWORD dwFlags = MapFlags(lFlags, gc_flagmapPlay); // Reverse the default flag because our flag means the opposite. Default is the default and immediate is the flag.
if (pTransitionSegment) dwFlags |= DMUS_SEGF_AUTOTRANSITION;
__int64 i64IntendedStartTime; DWORD dwIntendedStartTimeFlags; CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentTimingContext(&i64IntendedStartTime, &dwIntendedStartTimeFlags);
hr = pPerformance->PlaySegmentEx(m_pITarget, 0, pTransitionSegment, dwFlags | dwIntendedStartTimeFlags, i64IntendedStartTime, ppSegSt, pFromSegmentState, pAudioPath); } if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return S_OK; }
const FlagMapEntry gc_flagmapStop[] = { { ScriptConstants::AtGrid, DMUS_SEGF_GRID }, { ScriptConstants::AtBeat, DMUS_SEGF_BEAT }, { ScriptConstants::AtMeasure, DMUS_SEGF_MEASURE }, { ScriptConstants::AtMarker, DMUS_SEGF_MARKER }, { ScriptConstants::AtImmediate, DMUS_SEGF_DEFAULT }, // this flag gets flipped later
{ 0 } };
const FlagMapEntry gc_flagmapStopTransFlags[] = { { ScriptConstants::AtGrid, DMUS_COMPOSEF_GRID }, { ScriptConstants::AtBeat, DMUS_COMPOSEF_BEAT }, { ScriptConstants::AtMeasure, DMUS_COMPOSEF_MEASURE }, { ScriptConstants::AtMarker, DMUS_COMPOSEF_MARKER }, { ScriptConstants::AtImmediate, DMUS_COMPOSEF_IMMEDIATE }, { 0 } };
HRESULT CAutDirectMusicSegment::Stop(AutDispatchDecodedParams *paddp) { LONG lFlags = paddp->params[0].lVal;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IDirectMusicPerformance8 *pPerformance = CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentPerformanceWEAK(); if (lFlags & ScriptConstants::PlayEnd) { // do a transition to silence
DWORD dwFlags = MapFlags(lFlags, gc_flagmapStopTransFlags); // Always play the entire transition instead of doing the old (slightly strange) 1 bar / long stuff.
// Also, always use an embedded audio path if one exists.
dwFlags |= (DMUS_COMPOSEF_ENTIRE_TRANSITION | DMUS_COMPOSEF_USE_AUDIOPATH); IDirectMusicComposer8 *pComposer = CActiveScriptManager::GetComposerWEAK(); hr = pComposer->AutoTransition(pPerformance, NULL, DMUS_COMMANDT_END, dwFlags, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { DWORD dwFlags = MapFlags(lFlags, gc_flagmapStop); // Reverse the default flag because our flag means the opposite. Default is the default and immediate is the flag.
__int64 i64IntendedStartTime; DWORD dwIntendedStartTimeFlags; CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentTimingContext(&i64IntendedStartTime, &dwIntendedStartTimeFlags);
hr = pPerformance->Stop(m_pITarget, NULL, i64IntendedStartTime, dwFlags | dwIntendedStartTimeFlags); } return hr; }
HRESULT CAutDirectMusicSegment::Recompose(AutDispatchDecodedParams *paddp) { IDirectMusicComposer8 *pComposer = CActiveScriptManager::GetComposerWEAK(); IDirectMusicComposer8P *pComposerP = NULL; HRESULT hr = pComposer->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectMusicComposer8P, (void**)&pComposerP); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pComposerP->ComposeSegmentFromTemplateEx(NULL, m_pITarget, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); pComposerP->Release(); } return hr; }
HRESULT CAutDirectMusicSegment::DownloadOrUnload(bool fDownload, AutDispatchDecodedParams *paddp) { IUnknown *pAudioPathOrPerf = reinterpret_cast<IDirectMusicAudioPath*>(paddp->params[0].iVal); if (!pAudioPathOrPerf) pAudioPathOrPerf = CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentPerformanceWEAK();
return fDownload ? m_pITarget->Download(pAudioPathOrPerf) : m_pITarget->Unload(pAudioPathOrPerf); }