* * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: Migration.cpp * Content: DNET Host Migration Routines *@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 12/23/99 mjn Created * 12/23/99 mjn Fixed basic host migration * 12/28/99 mjn Added DNCompleteOutstandingOperations * 12/28/99 mjn Added NameTable version to Host migration message * 12/28/99 mjn Moved Async Op stuff to Async.h * 01/04/00 mjn Added code to allow outstanding ops to complete at host migration * 01/06/00 mjn Moved NameTable stuff to NameTable.h * 01/11/00 mjn Moved connect/disconnect stuff to Connect.h * 01/15/00 mjn Replaced DN_COUNT_BUFFER with CRefCountBuffer * 01/16/00 mjn Moved User callback stuff to User.h * 01/17/00 mjn Generate DN_MSGID_HOST_MIGRATE at host migration * 01/19/00 mjn Auto destruct groups at host migration * 01/24/00 mjn Use DNNTUpdateVersion to update NameTable version * 01/25/00 mjn Send dwLatestVersion to Host at migration * 01/25/00 mjn Changed Host Migration to multi-step affair * 01/26/00 mjn Implemented NameTable re-sync at host migration * 02/01/00 mjn Implement Player/Group context values * 02/04/00 mjn Clean up NameTable to remove old entries * 03/25/00 rmt Added calls into DPNSVR modules * 04/04/00 rmt Added check for DPNSVR disable flag before attempting to register w/DPNSVR * 04/16/00 mjn DNSendMessage() used CAsyncOp * 04/18/00 mjn CConnection tracks connection status better * mjn Fixed player count problem * 04/19/00 mjn Update NameTable operations to use DN_WORKER_JOB_SEND_NAMETABLE_OPERATION * 04/25/00 mjn Fixed migration process to ensure use of CAsyncOp * mjn Migration calls CoInitialize()/CoUninitialize() before registering w/ DPNSVR * 05/03/00 mjn Use GetHostPlayerRef() rather than GetHostPlayer() * 05/04/00 mjn Ensure local player still in session for Host migration * 05/16/00 mjn Do not take locks when clearing NameTable short-cut pointers * 06/25/00 mjn Ignore players older than old Host when determining new Host in DNFindNewHost() * 07/06/00 mjn Fixed locking problem in CNameTable::MakeLocalPlayer,MakeHostPlayer,MakeAllPlayersGroup * 07/07/00 mjn Added shut down checks to migration code. * 07/20/00 mjn Cleaned up leaking RefCountBuffers and added closing tests * 07/21/00 mjn Added code in DNCheckReceivedAllVersions() to skip disconnecting players * 07/27/00 rmt Bug #40882 - DPLSESSION_HOSTMIGRATED status update is not sent * 07/31/00 mjn Added dwDestroyReason to DNHostDisconnect() * 08/05/00 RichGr IA64: Use %p format specifier in DPFs for 32/64-bit pointers and handles. * 08/05/00 mjn Added pParent to DNSendGroupMessage and DNSendMessage() * mjn Added fInternal to DNPerformChildSend() * 08/06/00 mjn Added CWorkerJob * 08/07/00 mjn Handle integrity check requests during host migration * 08/08/00 mjn Moved DN_NAMETABLE_OP_INFO to Message.h * 08/11/00 mjn Added DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING_2 to prevent multiple threads from passing DNCheckReceivedAllVersions() * 08/15/00 mjn Perform LISTEN registration with DPNSVR in PerformHostMigration3() * 08/24/00 mjn Replace DN_NAMETABLE_OP with CNameTableOp * 09/04/00 mjn Added CApplicationDesc * 09/06/00 mjn Fixed register with DPNSVR problem * 09/17/00 mjn Split CNameTable.m_bilinkEntries into m_bilinkPlayers and m_bilinkGroups * 10/12/00 mjn Ensure proper locks taken when traversing CNameTable::m_bilinkEntries * 01/25/01 mjn Fixed 64-bit alignment problem in received messages * 03/30/01 mjn Changes to prevent multiple loading/unloading of SP's * 04/05/01 mjn Added DPNID parameter to DNProcessHostMigration3() to ensure correct new host is completing host migration * 04/13/01 mjn Use request list instead of async op list when retrying outstanding requests * 05/17/01 mjn Wait for threads performing NameTable operations to finish before sending NameTable version during host migration * 07/22/01 mjn Added DPNBUILD_NOHOSTMIGRATE compile flag *@@END_MSINTERNAL * ***************************************************************************/
#include "dncorei.h"
// DNFindNewHost
// Find the new host from the entries in the NameTable.
// This is based on version number of the players in the NameTable. The player with
// the oldest version number (after the old Host) will be the new Host.
// DPNID *pdpnidNewHost New Host DNID
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNFindNewHost"
HRESULT DNFindNewHost(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, DPNID *const pdpnidNewHost) { CBilink *pBilink; CNameTableEntry *pNTEntry; CNameTableEntry *pLocalPlayer; CNameTableEntry *pHostPlayer; HRESULT hResultCode; DWORD dwVersionNewHost; DWORD dwVersionOldHost; DPNID dpnidNewHost;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: pdpnidNewHost [0x%p]",pdpnidNewHost);
DNASSERT(pdnObject != NULL);
pNTEntry = NULL; pLocalPlayer = NULL; pHostPlayer = NULL;
// Seed local player as new Host
if ((hResultCode = pdnObject->NameTable.GetLocalPlayerRef( &pLocalPlayer )) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not get local player reference"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); hResultCode = DPNERR_INVALIDPLAYER; goto Failure; } dpnidNewHost = pLocalPlayer->GetDPNID(); dwVersionNewHost = pLocalPlayer->GetVersion(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"First Host Candidate: dpnid [0x%lx], dwVersion [%ld]",dpnidNewHost,dwVersionNewHost); pLocalPlayer->Release(); pLocalPlayer = NULL;
// Determine old host player version
if ((hResultCode = pdnObject->NameTable.GetHostPlayerRef( &pHostPlayer )) == DPN_OK) { dwVersionOldHost = pHostPlayer->GetVersion(); pHostPlayer->Release(); pHostPlayer = NULL; } else { dwVersionOldHost = 0; }
// Lock down NameTable
// Traverse NameTable to find player with next older version
// TODO - we should release the NameTable CS so that leaving players get updated in NameTable
pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers) { pNTEntry = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableEntry,m_bilinkEntries); pNTEntry->Lock(); if (!pNTEntry->IsDisconnecting() && (pNTEntry->GetVersion() < dwVersionNewHost)) { //
// There are some conditions where we might have players older than the Host in the NameTable
// Consider the following: P1,P2,P3,P4 (P1 is Host)
// - P1, P2 drop
// - P3 detects drop of P1 and P2
// - P4 detects drop of P1 only (P2 may not yet have timed out)
// - P3 sends HOST_MIGRATE message to P4
// - P4 makes P3 new Host, but P2 is still in NameTable (at this stage)
// - P3 drops (P2's drop sill has not been detected!)
// We should therefore ignore all players older than the old Host,
if (pNTEntry->GetVersion() < dwVersionOldHost) { DPFERR("Found player older than old Host ! (Have we missed a drop ?)"); } else { dpnidNewHost = pNTEntry->GetDPNID(); dwVersionNewHost = pNTEntry->GetVersion(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Better Host Candidate: dpnid [0x%lx], dwVersion [%ld]", dpnidNewHost,dwVersionNewHost); } } pNTEntry->Unlock(); pNTEntry = NULL; pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
// Unlock NameTable
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Found New Host: dpnid [0x%lx], dwVersion [%ld]",dpnidNewHost,dwVersionNewHost);
if (pdpnidNewHost) *pdpnidNewHost = dpnidNewHost;
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
Exit: DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode);
Failure: if (pLocalPlayer) { pLocalPlayer->Release(); pLocalPlayer = NULL; } if (pHostPlayer) { pHostPlayer->Release(); pHostPlayer = NULL; } goto Exit; }
// DNPerformHostMigration1
// Perform host migration to become the new Host.
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNPerformHostMigration1"
HRESULT DNPerformHostMigration1(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const DPNID dpnidOldHost) { HRESULT hResultCode; CRefCountBuffer *pRefCountBuffer; CWorkerJob *pWorkerJob; CNameTableEntry *pLocalPlayer; CPendingDeletion *pPending; DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_HOST_MIGRATE *pInfo; CBilink *pBilink; CNameTableOp *pNTOp;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: dpnidOldHost [0x%lx]",dpnidOldHost);
DNASSERT(pdnObject != NULL);
pLocalPlayer = NULL; pRefCountBuffer = NULL; pPending = NULL; pWorkerJob = NULL; pNTOp = NULL;
// Need reference on local player
if ((hResultCode = pdnObject->NameTable.GetLocalPlayerRef( &pLocalPlayer )) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not get reference on LocalPlayer"); goto Failure; }
// Flag as performing host migration - ensure we're not already running this from another thread
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); if (pdnObject->dwFlags & DN_OBJECT_FLAG_CLOSING) { DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); hResultCode = DPN_OK; goto Failure; } if (pdnObject->dwFlags & DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING) { DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); hResultCode = DPN_OK; goto Failure; } pdnObject->dwFlags |= DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING; DNASSERT(pdnObject->pNewHost == NULL); pLocalPlayer->AddRef(); pdnObject->pNewHost = pLocalPlayer; DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject);
// Put this on the Outstanding operation list
if ((hResultCode = PendingDeletionNew(pdnObject,&pPending)) == DPN_OK) { pPending->SetDPNID( dpnidOldHost );
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csNameTableOpList); pPending->m_bilinkPendingDeletions.InsertBefore(&pdnObject->m_bilinkPendingDeletions); DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csNameTableOpList);
pPending = NULL; } #ifndef DPNBUILD_NOLOBBY
// Make new host
pdnObject->NameTable.UpdateHostPlayer( pLocalPlayer );
// We will need to wait for all threads performing name table operations to finish running
// before we send the current name table version to the host player
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); pdnObject->dwFlags |= DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING_WAIT; if (pdnObject->dwRunningOpCount > 0) { DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"Waiting for running threads to finish"); IDirectPlay8ThreadPoolWork_WaitWhileWorking(pdnObject->pIDPThreadPoolWork, HANDLE_FROM_DNHANDLE(pdnObject->hRunningOpEvent), 0); DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"No running threads to wait for"); } DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject);
// Clean-up outstanding operations
DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"Cleaning up outstanding NameTable operations"); pdnObject->NameTable.WriteLock(); DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"NameTable version [%ld]",pdnObject->NameTable.GetVersion()); pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkNameTableOps.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkNameTableOps) { pNTOp = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableOp,m_bilinkNameTableOps); pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); if (pNTOp->GetVersion() > pdnObject->NameTable.GetVersion()) { DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"Removing outstanding operation [0x%p], version [%ld]",pNTOp,pNTOp->GetVersion()); pNTOp->m_bilinkNameTableOps.RemoveFromList(); if (pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer()) { pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer()->Release(); pNTOp->SetRefCountBuffer( NULL ); } if (pNTOp->GetSP()) { pNTOp->GetSP()->Release(); pNTOp->SetSP( NULL ); } pNTOp->ReturnSelfToPool(); } pNTOp = NULL; } pdnObject->NameTable.Unlock();
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); pdnObject->dwFlags &= (~DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING_WAIT); DNResetEvent(pdnObject->hRunningOpEvent); DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject);
// Update NameTable operation list version
hResultCode = DNNTPlayerSendVersion(pdnObject);
// Update protocol (and SP)
// Only need to proceed if we're not the only player left in the session
if ((hResultCode = DNCheckReceivedAllVersions(pdnObject)) != DPN_OK) { // Inform other players of host migration
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Informing other players of host migration"); hResultCode = RefCountBufferNew(pdnObject, sizeof(DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_HOST_MIGRATE), MemoryBlockAlloc, MemoryBlockFree, &pRefCountBuffer); if (hResultCode != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not create RefCountBuffer for Host Migration"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(FALSE); goto Failure; } pInfo = reinterpret_cast<DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_HOST_MIGRATE*>(pRefCountBuffer->GetBufferAddress()); pInfo->dpnidNewHost = pLocalPlayer->GetDPNID(); pInfo->dpnidOldHost = dpnidOldHost;
if ((hResultCode = WorkerJobNew(pdnObject,&pWorkerJob)) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not create WorkerJob for Host Migration"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(FALSE); goto Failure; } pWorkerJob->SetJobType( WORKER_JOB_SEND_NAMETABLE_OPERATION ); pWorkerJob->SetSendNameTableOperationMsgId( DN_MSG_INTERNAL_HOST_MIGRATE ); pWorkerJob->SetSendNameTableOperationVersion( 0 ); pWorkerJob->SetSendNameTableOperationDPNIDExclude( 0 ); pWorkerJob->SetRefCountBuffer( pRefCountBuffer );
DNQueueWorkerJob(pdnObject,pWorkerJob); pWorkerJob = NULL;
pRefCountBuffer->Release(); pRefCountBuffer = NULL; }
pLocalPlayer->Release(); pLocalPlayer = NULL;
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
Exit: DNASSERT( pNTOp == NULL );
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode);
Failure: if (pLocalPlayer) { pLocalPlayer->Release(); pLocalPlayer = NULL; } if (pRefCountBuffer) { pRefCountBuffer->Release(); pRefCountBuffer = NULL; } if (pPending) { pPending->ReturnSelfToPool(); pPending = NULL; } goto Exit; }
// DNPerformHostMigration2
// Resynchronize NameTables of all connected players
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNPerformHostMigration2"
HRESULT DNPerformHostMigration2(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject) { HRESULT hResultCode; CRefCountBuffer *pRefCountBuffer; CBilink *pBilink; CNameTableEntry *pLocalPlayer; CNameTableEntry *pNTEntry; CNameTableEntry *pNTELatest; CConnection *pConnection; DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_REQ_NAMETABLE_OP *pInfo;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: (none)");
DNASSERT(pdnObject != NULL);
pRefCountBuffer = NULL; pLocalPlayer = NULL; pNTEntry = NULL; pNTELatest = NULL; pConnection = NULL;
if ((hResultCode = pdnObject->NameTable.GetLocalPlayerRef( &pLocalPlayer )) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not get local player reference"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); goto Failure; }
// See if we (Host player) have the latest NameTable
pLocalPlayer->AddRef(); pNTELatest = pLocalPlayer; DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Seed latest version [%ld] - player [0x%lx]",pNTELatest->GetLatestVersion(),pNTELatest->GetDPNID());
pdnObject->NameTable.ReadLock(); pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers) { pNTEntry = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableEntry,m_bilinkEntries); pNTEntry->Lock(); if (!pNTEntry->IsDisconnecting() && (pNTEntry->GetLatestVersion() > pNTELatest->GetLatestVersion())) { //
// Only want players we can actually reach !
pNTEntry->Unlock(); if ((hResultCode = pNTEntry->GetConnectionRef( &pConnection )) == DPN_OK) { if (!pConnection->IsDisconnecting() && !pConnection->IsInvalid()) { pNTELatest->Release(); pNTEntry->AddRef(); pNTELatest = pNTEntry;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"New latest version [%ld] - player [0x%lx]", pNTELatest->GetLatestVersion(),pNTELatest->GetDPNID()); } pConnection->Release(); pConnection = NULL; } else { DNASSERT(pConnection == NULL); } } else { pNTEntry->Unlock(); } pNTEntry = NULL;
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } pdnObject->NameTable.Unlock();
if (!pNTELatest->IsLocal()) { // Request missing entries from player w/ latest NameTable
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Host DOES NOT have latest NameTable !"); DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Host has [%ld], player [0x%lx] has [%ld]",pLocalPlayer->GetLatestVersion(), pNTELatest->GetDPNID(),pNTELatest->GetLatestVersion());
// Create REQ
hResultCode = RefCountBufferNew(pdnObject, sizeof(DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_REQ_NAMETABLE_OP), MemoryBlockAlloc, MemoryBlockFree, &pRefCountBuffer); if (hResultCode != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not create RefCount buffer for NameTable re-sync"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(FALSE); goto Failure; } pInfo = reinterpret_cast<DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_REQ_NAMETABLE_OP*>(pRefCountBuffer->GetBufferAddress()); pInfo->dwVersion = pLocalPlayer->GetLatestVersion() + 1; pInfo->dwVersionNotUsed = 0;
// Send REQ
if ((hResultCode = pNTELatest->GetConnectionRef( &pConnection )) == DPN_OK) { hResultCode = DNSendMessage(pdnObject, pConnection, DN_MSG_INTERNAL_REQ_NAMETABLE_OP, pNTELatest->GetDPNID(), pRefCountBuffer->BufferDescAddress(), 1, pRefCountBuffer, 0, DN_SENDFLAGS_RELIABLE, NULL, NULL); if (hResultCode != DPNERR_PENDING) { DPFERR("Could not send NameTable re-sync REQ"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(hResultCode != DPN_OK); // it was sent guaranteed, it should not return immediately
DNASSERT(FALSE); goto Failure; } pConnection->Release(); pConnection = NULL; }
pRefCountBuffer->Release(); // Added 19/07/00 MJN - is this needed ?
pRefCountBuffer = NULL; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Host has latest NameTable - proceed with Host Migration"); hResultCode = DNPerformHostMigration3(pdnObject,NULL); }
pNTELatest->Release(); pNTELatest = NULL;
pLocalPlayer->Release(); pLocalPlayer = NULL;
Exit: DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode);
Failure: if (pRefCountBuffer) { pRefCountBuffer->Release(); pRefCountBuffer = NULL; } if (pLocalPlayer) { pLocalPlayer->Release(); pLocalPlayer = NULL; } if (pNTEntry) { pNTEntry->Release(); pNTEntry = NULL; } if (pNTELatest) { pNTELatest->Release(); pNTELatest = NULL; } if (pConnection) { pConnection->Release(); pConnection = NULL; } goto Exit; }
// DNPerformHostMigration3
// Finish host migration.
// - perform missing NameTable operations and pass them on
// - send pending operations
// - inform players that host migration is complete
// - complete (local) outstanding async operations
// - initiate new listen (if required) to handle enums on known port
// As they say on the TTC, "All operations have returned to normal."
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNPerformHostMigration3"
HRESULT DNPerformHostMigration3(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, void *const pMsg) { HRESULT hResultCode; CBilink *pBilink; CNameTableEntry **PlayerList; CNameTableEntry *pNTEntry; CConnection *pConnection; CPendingDeletion *pPending; DWORD dwNameTableVersion; DWORD dw; DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwActual; DWORD dwUpdateFlags; CNameTableOp *pNTOp; UNALIGNED DN_NAMETABLE_OP_INFO *pInfo; UNALIGNED DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_ACK_NAMETABLE_OP *pAck;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: pMsg [0x%p]",pMsg);
DNASSERT(pdnObject != NULL);
pNTOp = NULL; pNTEntry = NULL; pConnection = NULL; pPending = NULL; PlayerList = NULL;
// Update missing NameTable operations on Host
if (pMsg != NULL) { pAck = static_cast<DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_ACK_NAMETABLE_OP*>(pMsg); DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Number of missing NameTable entries [%ld]",pAck->dwNumEntries); pInfo = reinterpret_cast<DN_NAMETABLE_OP_INFO*>(pAck+1); for (dw = 0; dw < pAck->dwNumEntries ; dw++) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Adding missing entry [%ld] of [%ld]",dw+1,pAck->dwNumEntries); hResultCode = DNNTAddOperation( pdnObject, pInfo->dwMsgId, static_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pMsg) + pInfo->dwOpOffset), pInfo->dwOpSize, 0, NULL ); if (hResultCode != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not add missing NameTable operation - ignore and continue"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(FALSE); } pInfo++; } }
// Update missing NameTable operations on other players
// Determine player list
dwCount = 0; dwActual = 0; pdnObject->NameTable.ReadLock(); dwNameTableVersion = pdnObject->NameTable.GetVersion(); pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers) { pNTEntry = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableEntry,m_bilinkEntries); pNTEntry->Lock(); if (!pNTEntry->IsDisconnecting() && (pNTEntry->GetLatestVersion() < dwNameTableVersion)) { dwCount++; } pNTEntry->Unlock(); pNTEntry = NULL;
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } if (dwCount) { if ((PlayerList = static_cast<CNameTableEntry**>(DNMalloc(dwCount * sizeof(CNameTableEntry*)))) == NULL) { DPFERR("Could not allocate target list"); DNASSERT(FALSE); pdnObject->NameTable.Unlock(); hResultCode = DPN_OK; goto Exit; } pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers) { pNTEntry = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableEntry,m_bilinkEntries); pNTEntry->Lock(); if (!pNTEntry->IsDisconnecting() && (pNTEntry->GetLatestVersion() < dwNameTableVersion)) { DNASSERT(dwActual < dwCount); pNTEntry->AddRef(); PlayerList[dwActual] = pNTEntry; dwActual++; } pNTEntry->Unlock(); pNTEntry = NULL;
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } } pdnObject->NameTable.Unlock();
// Send missing entries to players in player list
for (dwCount = 0 ; dwCount < dwActual ; dwCount++) { //
// Ensure player is reachable
if ((hResultCode = PlayerList[dwCount]->GetConnectionRef( &pConnection )) == DPN_OK) { if (!pConnection->IsDisconnecting() && !pConnection->IsInvalid()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Player [0x%lx] is missing entries: dwLatestVersion [%ld] should be [%ld]", PlayerList[dwCount]->GetDPNID(),PlayerList[dwCount]->GetLatestVersion(),dwNameTableVersion);
// Send required entries
for ( dw = PlayerList[dwCount]->GetLatestVersion() + 1 ; dw <= dwNameTableVersion ; dw++ ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Send entry [%ld] to player [0x%lx]",dw,PlayerList[dwCount]->GetDPNID());
// Get entry to send
pNTOp = NULL; if ((hResultCode = DNNTFindOperation(pdnObject,dw,&pNTOp)) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not retrieve NameTable operation - advance to next player"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); break; }
hResultCode = DNSendMessage(pdnObject, pConnection, pNTOp->GetMsgId(), PlayerList[dwCount]->GetDPNID(), pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer()->BufferDescAddress(), 1, pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer(), 0, DN_SENDFLAGS_RELIABLE, NULL, NULL); if (hResultCode != DPNERR_PENDING) { DPFERR("Could not send missing NameTable entry - advance to next player"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(hResultCode != DPN_OK); // it was sent guaranteed, it should not return immediately
DNASSERT(FALSE); break; } } // for
} // if
pConnection->Release(); pConnection = NULL; } // if
PlayerList[dwCount]->Release(); PlayerList[dwCount] = NULL; } if (PlayerList != NULL) { DNFree(PlayerList); PlayerList = NULL; }
// Host finished migration process
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); pdnObject->dwFlags &= (~(DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING | DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING_2)); if (pdnObject->dwFlags & DN_OBJECT_FLAG_CLOSING) { DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); hResultCode = DPN_OK; goto Exit; } DNASSERT(pdnObject->pNewHost != NULL); // This should be set !
pdnObject->pNewHost->Release(); pdnObject->pNewHost = NULL; DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject);
// Cleanup NameTable
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Cleaning up NameTable"); hResultCode = DNCleanUpNameTable(pdnObject);
// Send pending deletions
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Running pending operations"); DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csNameTableOpList); pBilink = pdnObject->m_bilinkPendingDeletions.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->m_bilinkPendingDeletions) { pPending = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CPendingDeletion,m_bilinkPendingDeletions);
DNHostDisconnect(pdnObject,pPending->GetDPNID(),DPNDESTROYPLAYERREASON_HOSTDESTROYEDPLAYER); pPending->ReturnSelfToPool(); pPending = NULL;
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csNameTableOpList); pBilink = pdnObject->m_bilinkPendingDeletions.GetNext(); } DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csNameTableOpList);
// Inform connected players that Host migration is complete
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Sending HOST_MIGRATE_COMPLETE messages"); hResultCode = DNSendHostMigrateCompleteMessage(pdnObject);
// Ensure outstanding operations complete
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Completing outstanding operations"); hResultCode = DNCompleteOutstandingOperations(pdnObject);
// Update listens
dwUpdateFlags = 0; #ifndef DPNBUILD_SINGLEPROCESS
if(pdnObject->ApplicationDesc.UseDPNSVR()) { dwUpdateFlags |= DN_UPDATE_LISTEN_FLAG_DPNSVR; } #endif // ! DPNBUILD_SINGLEPROCESS
if (pdnObject->ApplicationDesc.DisallowEnums()) { dwUpdateFlags |= DN_UPDATE_LISTEN_FLAG_DISALLOW_ENUMS; } if (dwUpdateFlags) { DNUpdateListens(pdnObject,dwUpdateFlags); }
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
Exit: DNASSERT(pNTEntry == NULL); DNASSERT(pConnection == NULL); DNASSERT(pPending == NULL); DNASSERT(PlayerList == NULL);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode); }
// DNProcessHostMigration1
// Perform an instructed host migration
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNProcessHostMigration1"
HRESULT DNProcessHostMigration1(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, void *const pvMsg) { HRESULT hResultCode; CNameTableEntry *pNTEntry; UNALIGNED DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_HOST_MIGRATE *pInfo;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: pvMsg [0x%p]",pvMsg);
DNASSERT(pdnObject != NULL); DNASSERT(pvMsg != NULL);
pNTEntry = NULL;
pInfo = static_cast<DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_HOST_MIGRATE*>(pvMsg);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"New Host [0x%lx], Old Host [0x%lx]",pInfo->dpnidNewHost,pInfo->dpnidOldHost);
DNASSERT(pInfo->dpnidNewHost != NULL); DNASSERT(pInfo->dpnidOldHost != NULL);
// Update destruction of old host as normal, and disconnect if possible
if ((hResultCode = pdnObject->NameTable.FindEntry(pInfo->dpnidOldHost,&pNTEntry)) == DPN_OK) { CConnection *pConnection;
pConnection = NULL;
pNTEntry->Lock(); if (pNTEntry->GetDestroyReason() == 0) { pNTEntry->SetDestroyReason( DPNDESTROYPLAYERREASON_NORMAL ); } pNTEntry->Unlock();
if ((hResultCode = pNTEntry->GetConnectionRef( &pConnection )) == DPN_OK) { if (pConnection->IsConnected()) { pConnection->Disconnect(); } pConnection->Release(); pConnection = NULL; }
pNTEntry->Release(); pNTEntry = NULL;
DNASSERT( pConnection == NULL ); }
// Get new host entry
if ((hResultCode = pdnObject->NameTable.FindEntry(pInfo->dpnidNewHost,&pNTEntry)) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not find new host NameTableEntry"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); hResultCode = DPN_OK; goto Failure; }
// Set HOST_MIGRATE status on DirectNet object
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); if (pdnObject->dwFlags & DN_OBJECT_FLAG_CLOSING) { DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); hResultCode = DPN_OK; goto Failure; } if (pdnObject->dwFlags & DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING) { //
// If we are already host migrating, ensure that this message
// is not from on older host than we expect. If it is, we
// will ignore it, and continue
DNASSERT(pdnObject->pNewHost != NULL); if (pdnObject->pNewHost->GetVersion() > pNTEntry->GetVersion()) { DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); hResultCode = DPN_OK; goto Failure; } pdnObject->pNewHost->Release(); pdnObject->pNewHost = NULL; } pdnObject->dwFlags |= DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING; DNASSERT( pdnObject->pNewHost == NULL ); pNTEntry->AddRef(); pdnObject->pNewHost = pNTEntry; DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject);
// Delete old host
// Indicate to lobby (if there is one) that a host migration has occured
// Make new host
pdnObject->NameTable.UpdateHostPlayer( pNTEntry );
// We will need to wait for all threads performing name table operations to finish running
// before we send the current name table version to the host player
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); pdnObject->dwFlags |= DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING_WAIT; pdnObject->dwWaitingThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); if (pdnObject->dwRunningOpCount > 0) { DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"Waiting for running threads to finish"); IDirectPlay8ThreadPoolWork_WaitWhileWorking(pdnObject->pIDPThreadPoolWork, HANDLE_FROM_DNHANDLE(pdnObject->hRunningOpEvent), 0); DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"No running threads to wait for"); } if (pdnObject->dwWaitingThreadID == GetCurrentThreadId()) { CBilink *pBilink; CNameTableOp *pNTOp;
// Clean-up outstanding operations
DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"Cleaning up outstanding NameTable operations"); pdnObject->NameTable.WriteLock(); DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"NameTable version [%ld]",pdnObject->NameTable.GetVersion()); pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkNameTableOps.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkNameTableOps) { pNTOp = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableOp,m_bilinkNameTableOps); pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); if (pNTOp->GetVersion() > pdnObject->NameTable.GetVersion()) { DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"Removing outstanding operation [0x%p], version [%ld]",pNTOp,pNTOp->GetVersion()); pNTOp->m_bilinkNameTableOps.RemoveFromList(); if (pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer()) { pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer()->Release(); pNTOp->SetRefCountBuffer( NULL ); } if (pNTOp->GetSP()) { pNTOp->GetSP()->Release(); pNTOp->SetSP( NULL ); } pNTOp->ReturnSelfToPool(); } pNTOp = NULL; } pdnObject->NameTable.Unlock();
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); pdnObject->dwFlags &= (~DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING_WAIT); pdnObject->dwWaitingThreadID = 0; DNResetEvent(pdnObject->hRunningOpEvent); DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); } else { //
// Don't continue because a newer host migration on another thread is now waiting
DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"Looks like a newer host migration is running - exiting"); goto Failure; }
// Send NameTable version to Host player
pNTEntry->Release(); pNTEntry = NULL;
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
Exit: DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode);
Failure: if (pNTEntry) { pNTEntry->Release(); pNTEntry = NULL; } goto Exit; }
// DNProcessHostMigration2
// Send Host player NameTable entries missing from its (Host's) NameTable
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNProcessHostMigration2"
HRESULT DNProcessHostMigration2(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, void *const pMsg) { HRESULT hResultCode; DWORD dwAckMsgSize; CBilink *pBilink; CNameTableEntry *pHostPlayer; CConnection *pConnection; CRefCountBuffer *pRefCountBuffer; CPackedBuffer PackedBuffer; CNameTableOp *pNTOp; DN_NAMETABLE_OP_INFO *pInfo; UNALIGNED DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_REQ_NAMETABLE_OP *pReq; DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_ACK_NAMETABLE_OP *pAck;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: pMsg [0x%p]",pMsg);
DNASSERT(pdnObject != NULL); DNASSERT(pMsg != NULL);
pHostPlayer = NULL; pConnection = NULL; pRefCountBuffer = NULL;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Host requested NameTable ops [%ld] to [%ld]", pReq->dwVersion,pdnObject->NameTable.GetVersion());
// Determine ACK message size
pdnObject->NameTable.ReadLock(); DNASSERT(pdnObject->NameTable.GetVersion() >= pReq->dwVersion); dwAckMsgSize = sizeof(DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_ACK_NAMETABLE_OP); // Number of entries
dwAckMsgSize += ((pdnObject->NameTable.GetVersion() - pReq->dwVersion + 1) // Message info
pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkNameTableOps.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkNameTableOps) { pNTOp = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableOp,m_bilinkNameTableOps); if ((pNTOp->GetVersion() >= pReq->dwVersion) && (pNTOp->GetVersion() <= pdnObject->NameTable.GetVersion())) { DNASSERT(pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer() != NULL); dwAckMsgSize += pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer()->GetBufferSize(); } pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
// Create ACK buffer
if ((hResultCode = RefCountBufferNew(pdnObject,dwAckMsgSize,MemoryBlockAlloc,MemoryBlockFree,&pRefCountBuffer)) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not create RefCount buffer for NameTable re-sync ACK"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(FALSE); pdnObject->NameTable.Unlock(); goto Failure; } PackedBuffer.Initialize(pRefCountBuffer->GetBufferAddress(),pRefCountBuffer->GetBufferSize()); pAck = reinterpret_cast<DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_ACK_NAMETABLE_OP *>(pRefCountBuffer->GetBufferAddress());
// Header
pAck->dwNumEntries = pdnObject->NameTable.GetVersion() - pReq->dwVersion + 1; PackedBuffer.AddToFront(NULL,sizeof(DN_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_ACK_NAMETABLE_OP));
// Offset list
pInfo = reinterpret_cast<DN_NAMETABLE_OP_INFO*>(PackedBuffer.GetHeadAddress()); PackedBuffer.AddToFront(NULL,pAck->dwNumEntries * sizeof(DN_NAMETABLE_OP_INFO));
// Messages
pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkNameTableOps.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkNameTableOps) { pNTOp = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableOp,m_bilinkNameTableOps); if ((pNTOp->GetVersion() >= pReq->dwVersion) && (pNTOp->GetVersion() <= pdnObject->NameTable.GetVersion())) { DNASSERT(pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer() != NULL); if ((hResultCode = PackedBuffer.AddToBack(pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer()->GetBufferAddress(), pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer()->GetBufferSize())) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not fill NameTable re-sync ACK"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(FALSE); pdnObject->NameTable.Unlock(); goto Failure; } pInfo->dwMsgId = pNTOp->GetMsgId(); pInfo->dwOpOffset = PackedBuffer.GetTailOffset(); pInfo->dwOpSize = pNTOp->GetRefCountBuffer()->GetBufferSize(); pInfo++; } pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } pdnObject->NameTable.Unlock();
// Send ACK buffer
if ((hResultCode = pdnObject->NameTable.GetHostPlayerRef( &pHostPlayer )) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not find Host player"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(FALSE); goto Failure; } if ((hResultCode = pHostPlayer->GetConnectionRef( &pConnection )) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not get Connection reference"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); goto Failure; } hResultCode = DNSendMessage(pdnObject, pConnection, DN_MSG_INTERNAL_ACK_NAMETABLE_OP, pHostPlayer->GetDPNID(), pRefCountBuffer->BufferDescAddress(), 1, pRefCountBuffer, 0, DN_SENDFLAGS_RELIABLE, NULL, NULL); if (hResultCode != DPNERR_PENDING) { DPFERR("Could not send NameTable re-sync ACK"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(hResultCode != DPN_OK); // it was sent guaranteed, it should not return immediately
DNASSERT(FALSE); goto Failure; }
pRefCountBuffer->Release(); // Added 19/07/00 MJN - Is this needed ?
pRefCountBuffer = NULL; pConnection->Release(); pConnection = NULL; pHostPlayer->Release(); pHostPlayer = NULL;
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
Exit: DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode);
Failure: if (pHostPlayer) { pHostPlayer->Release(); pHostPlayer = NULL; } if (pConnection) { pConnection->Release(); pConnection = NULL; } if (pRefCountBuffer) { pRefCountBuffer->Release(); pRefCountBuffer = NULL; } goto Exit; }
// DNProcessHostMigration3
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNProcessHostMigration3"
HRESULT DNProcessHostMigration3(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const DPNID dpnid) { HRESULT hResultCode; CNameTableEntry *pNTEntry;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: dpnid [0x%lx]",dpnid);
pNTEntry = NULL;
// No longer in Host migration mode
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); pdnObject->dwFlags &= (~DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING); if (pdnObject->dwFlags & DN_OBJECT_FLAG_CLOSING) { DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); hResultCode = DPN_OK; goto Exit; }
// If we receive a HOST_MIGRATION_COMPLETE, we need to ensure that it is for the current host migration,
// and that another one hasn't started after.
// If this is the correct new host (i.e. pdnObject->pNewHost != NULL and DPNID's match),
// then we will continue. Otherwise, we will exit this function.
if (pdnObject->pNewHost) { if (pdnObject->pNewHost->GetDPNID() == dpnid) { pNTEntry = pdnObject->pNewHost; pdnObject->pNewHost = NULL; } } DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject);
if (pNTEntry) { pNTEntry->Release(); pNTEntry = NULL;
// Complete outstanding operations
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Completing outstanding operations"); hResultCode = DNCompleteOutstandingOperations(pdnObject); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"Host migration completed by wrong new host - ignore and continue"); }
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
Exit: DNASSERT( pNTEntry == NULL );
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode); }
// DNCompleteOutstandingOperations
// We will attempt to complete any outstanding asynchronous NameTable operations
// (i.e. create/destroy group, add/delete player to/from group, update info).
// If we are the Host player,
// - try processing the request directly
// - release the async op to generate completions
// Otherwise
// - resend the request to the Host
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNCompleteOutstandingOperations"
HRESULT DNCompleteOutstandingOperations(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject) { HRESULT hResultCode; CBilink *pBilink; CAsyncOp *pAsyncOp; CAsyncOp *pSend; CAsyncOp **RequestList; CConnection *pConnection; CNameTableEntry *pHostPlayer; CNameTableEntry *pLocalPlayer; DN_SEND_OP_DATA *pSendOpData; DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwActual;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: none");
DNASSERT(pdnObject != NULL);
pAsyncOp = NULL; pSend = NULL; RequestList = NULL; pConnection = NULL; pHostPlayer = NULL; pLocalPlayer = NULL;
// Get Host connection
if ((hResultCode = pdnObject->NameTable.GetHostPlayerRef( &pHostPlayer )) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not get host player reference"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); goto Failure; } if ((hResultCode = pHostPlayer->GetConnectionRef( &pConnection )) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not get host connection reference"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); goto Failure; } pHostPlayer->Release(); pHostPlayer = NULL;
// Get local player
if ((hResultCode = pdnObject->NameTable.GetLocalPlayerRef( &pLocalPlayer )) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not get local player reference"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); goto Failure; }
dwCount = 0; dwActual = 0;
// Determine outstanding request list size and build it
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csActiveList); pBilink = pdnObject->m_bilinkRequestList.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->m_bilinkRequestList) { dwCount++; pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } if (dwCount > 0) { if ((RequestList = static_cast<CAsyncOp**>(MemoryBlockAlloc(pdnObject,dwCount * sizeof(CAsyncOp*)))) == NULL) { DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csActiveList); DPFERR("Could not allocate request list"); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; } pBilink = pdnObject->m_bilinkRequestList.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->m_bilinkRequestList) { pAsyncOp = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CAsyncOp,m_bilinkActiveList); DNASSERT(dwActual < dwCount); DNASSERT(pAsyncOp->GetOpType() == ASYNC_OP_REQUEST); pAsyncOp->AddRef(); RequestList[dwActual] = pAsyncOp; pAsyncOp = NULL; dwActual++; pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } } DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csActiveList);
// Perform outstanding requests
if (RequestList) { DWORD dw;
for ( dw = 0 ; dw < dwActual ; dw++ ) { pSendOpData = RequestList[dw]->GetLocalSendOpData(); if ( pSendOpData->dwMsgId == DN_MSG_INTERNAL_REQ_CREATE_GROUP || pSendOpData->dwMsgId == DN_MSG_INTERNAL_REQ_DESTROY_GROUP || pSendOpData->dwMsgId == DN_MSG_INTERNAL_REQ_ADD_PLAYER_TO_GROUP || pSendOpData->dwMsgId == DN_MSG_INTERNAL_REQ_DELETE_PLAYER_FROM_GROUP || pSendOpData->dwMsgId == DN_MSG_INTERNAL_REQ_UPDATE_INFO || pSendOpData->dwMsgId == DN_MSG_INTERNAL_REQ_INTEGRITY_CHECK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Found outstanding operation: dwMsgId [0x%lx]",pSendOpData->dwMsgId);
if (pLocalPlayer->IsHost()) { //
// Remove request from request list
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csActiveList); RequestList[dw]->m_bilinkActiveList.RemoveFromList(); DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csActiveList);
hResultCode = DNHostProcessRequest( pdnObject, pSendOpData->dwMsgId, pSendOpData->BufferDesc[1].pBufferData, pLocalPlayer->GetDPNID() ); } else { //
hResultCode = DNPerformChildSend( pdnObject, RequestList[dw], pConnection, 0, &pSend, TRUE); if (hResultCode == DPNERR_PENDING) { //
// Reset SEND AsyncOp to complete apropriately.
pSend->SetCompletion( DNCompleteSendRequest );
pSend->Release(); pSend = NULL; } } } pSendOpData = NULL; RequestList[dw]->Release(); RequestList[dw] = NULL; } MemoryBlockFree(pdnObject,RequestList); RequestList = NULL; }
pLocalPlayer->Release(); pLocalPlayer = NULL; pConnection->Release(); pConnection = NULL;
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
Exit: DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode);
Failure: if (pLocalPlayer) { pLocalPlayer->Release(); pLocalPlayer = NULL; } if (pHostPlayer) { pHostPlayer->Release(); pHostPlayer = NULL; } if (pConnection) { pConnection->Release(); pConnection = NULL; } if (RequestList) { MemoryBlockFree(pdnObject,RequestList); RequestList = NULL; } goto Exit; }
// DNCheckReceivedAllVersions
// Check to see if all players in the NameTable have returned their
// NameTable versions. If so, ensure the NameTables are re-sync'd and
// then finish the Host migration
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNCheckReceivedAllVersions"
HRESULT DNCheckReceivedAllVersions(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject) { HRESULT hResultCode; CBilink *pBilink; CNameTableEntry *pNTEntry; BOOL bNotReady;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: (none)");
DNASSERT(pdnObject != NULL);
bNotReady = FALSE; pdnObject->NameTable.ReadLock(); pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers.GetNext(); while ((pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers) && (!bNotReady)) { pNTEntry = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableEntry,m_bilinkEntries); pNTEntry->Lock(); if (!pNTEntry->IsDisconnecting() && (pNTEntry->GetLatestVersion() == 0)) { //
// Ensure that we are not including dropped/disconnected players who have yet to be processed
CConnection *pConnection;
pConnection = NULL;
pNTEntry->Unlock(); if ((hResultCode = pNTEntry->GetConnectionRef( &pConnection )) == DPN_OK) { if (!pConnection->IsDisconnecting() && !pConnection->IsInvalid()) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Player [0x%lx] has not returned dwLatestVersion",pNTEntry->GetDPNID()); bNotReady = TRUE; // these must all be non-zero
} pConnection->Release(); pConnection = NULL; } } else { pNTEntry->Unlock(); } pNTEntry = NULL;
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } pdnObject->NameTable.Unlock();
if (bNotReady) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"All players have not responded"); return(DPNERR_PENDING); }
// Ensure only one thread runs this from here on out
DNEnterCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); if (!(pdnObject->dwFlags & DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING)) { DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Another thread has already finished Host Migration - returning"); hResultCode = DPN_OK; goto Exit; } if (pdnObject->dwFlags & DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING_2) { DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject); DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Another thread will proceed with Host Migration - returning"); hResultCode = DPN_OK; goto Exit; } pdnObject->dwFlags |= DN_OBJECT_FLAG_HOST_MIGRATING_2; DNLeaveCriticalSection(&pdnObject->csDirectNetObject);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"All players have responded - host migration stage 1 complete"); hResultCode = DNPerformHostMigration2(pdnObject);
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
Exit: DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode); }
// DNCleanUpNameTable
// Clean up the NameTable.
// There are some cases where dropped players are not properly removed from the NameTable.
// An example is when the Host-elect drops right after the Host before it has a chance
// to send out a HOST_MIGRATE message. In this case, since the HOST_MIGRATE message
// implicitly includes the DELETE_PLAYER message for the original Host, the original
// Host player never gets removed from current players' NameTables, though it DOES get
// marked as DISCONNECTING.
// Delete all DISCONNECTING players with older NameTable versions than ourselves.
// Players with newer NameTable versions imply WE are the Host player, so we will
// take care of them later (Pending Operations)
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNCleanUpNameTable"
HRESULT DNCleanUpNameTable(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject) { HRESULT hResultCode; CBilink *pBilink; CNameTableEntry *pNTEntry; DPNID *List; DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwActual; DWORD dw;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: (none)");
DNASSERT(pdnObject != NULL);
List = NULL;
// Create list of old player DPNID's
dwCount = 0; dwActual = 0; pdnObject->NameTable.ReadLock(); pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers) { pNTEntry = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableEntry,m_bilinkEntries); pNTEntry->Lock(); if (pNTEntry->IsDisconnecting() && (pNTEntry->GetVersion() < pdnObject->NameTable.GetLocalPlayer()->GetVersion())) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Found old player [0x%lx]",pNTEntry->GetDPNID()); dwCount++; } pNTEntry->Unlock();
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } if (dwCount) { if ((List = static_cast<DPNID*>(DNMalloc(dwCount * sizeof(DPNID*)))) != NULL) { pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers) { pNTEntry = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableEntry,m_bilinkEntries); pNTEntry->Lock(); if (pNTEntry->IsDisconnecting() && (pNTEntry->GetVersion() < pdnObject->NameTable.GetLocalPlayer()->GetVersion())) { DNASSERT(dwActual < dwCount); List[dwActual] = pNTEntry->GetDPNID(); dwActual++; } pNTEntry->Unlock();
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); } } } pdnObject->NameTable.Unlock();
// Remove old players
if (List) { for (dw = 0 ; dw < dwActual ; dw++) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Removing old player [0x%lx]",List[dw]); DNHostDisconnect(pdnObject,List[dw],DPNDESTROYPLAYERREASON_HOSTDESTROYEDPLAYER); List[dw] = 0; }
DNFree(List); List = NULL; }
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode); }
// DNSendHostMigrateCompleteMessage
// Send a HOST_MIGRATE_COMPLETE message to connected players
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNSendHostMigrateCompleteMessage"
HRESULT DNSendHostMigrateCompleteMessage(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject) { HRESULT hResultCode; CAsyncOp *pParent; CBilink *pBilink; CNameTableEntry *pNTEntry; CConnection *pConnection;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: (none)");
DNASSERT(pdnObject != NULL);
pParent = NULL; pNTEntry = NULL; pConnection = NULL;
hResultCode = DNCreateSendParent( pdnObject, DN_MSG_INTERNAL_HOST_MIGRATE_COMPLETE, NULL, 0, DN_SENDFLAGS_RELIABLE, &pParent); if (hResultCode != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not create AsyncOp"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(FALSE); goto Failure; }
// Lock NameTable
pBilink = pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers.GetNext(); while (pBilink != &pdnObject->NameTable.m_bilinkPlayers) { pNTEntry = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink,CNameTableEntry,m_bilinkEntries); if (!pNTEntry->IsDisconnecting() && !pNTEntry->IsLocal()) { if ((hResultCode = pNTEntry->GetConnectionRef( &pConnection )) == DPN_OK) { hResultCode = DNPerformChildSend( pdnObject, pParent, pConnection, 0, NULL, TRUE); if (hResultCode != DPNERR_PENDING) { DPFERR("Could not perform part of group send - ignore and continue"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); DNASSERT(hResultCode != DPN_OK); // it was sent guaranteed, it should not return immediately
} pConnection->Release(); pConnection = NULL; } }
pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); }
// Unlock NameTable
pParent->Release(); pParent = NULL;
Exit: DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode);
Failure: if (pParent) { pParent->Release(); pParent = NULL; } goto Exit; }