* * Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: DPLCommon.cpp * Content: DirectPlay Lobby Common Functions *@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 02/21/00 mjn Created * 04/13/00 rmt First pass param validation * 04/26/00 mjn Removed dwTimeOut from Send() API call * 05/01/00 rmt Bug #33108 -- Initialize returns DPNERR_NORESPONSE when not lobbied * 05/03/00 rmt Updated initialize so if lobby launched automatically establishes a * connection and makes self unavailable. (Also waits for connection). * 05/16/00 rmt Bug #34734 -- Init Client, Init App, Close App hangs -- * both client and app were using 'C' prefix, should have been 'C' for * client and 'A' for app. * 06/14/00 rmt Fixed build break with new compiler (added ')''s). * 06/15/00 rmt Bug #33617 - Must provide method for providing automatic launch of DirectPlay instances * 06/28/00 rmt Prefix Bug #38082 * 07/06/00 rmt Bug #38717 ASSERTION when sending data * 07/08/2000 rmt Bug #38725 - Need to provide method to detect if app was lobby launched * rmt Bug #38757 - Callback messages for connections may return AFTER WaitForConnection returns * rmt Bug #38755 - No way to specify player name in Connection Settings * rmt Bug #38758 - DPLOBBY8.H has incorrect comments * rmt Bug #38783 - pvUserApplicationContext is only partially implemented * rmt Added DPLHANDLE_ALLCONNECTIONS and dwFlags (reserved field to couple of funcs). * 07/13/2000 rmt Fixed memory leak * 07/14/2000 rmt Bug #39257 - LobbyClient::ReleaseApp returns E_OUTOFMEMORY when called when no one connected * 07/21/2000 rmt Removed assert which wasn't needed * 08/03/2000 rmt Removed assert which wasn't needed * 08/05/2000 RichGr IA64: Use %p format specifier in DPFs for 32/64-bit pointers and handles. * 08/18/2000 rmt Bug #42751 - DPLOBBY8: Prohibit more than one lobby client or lobby app per process * 08/24/2000 rmt Bug #43317 - DP8LOBBY: Occasionally when closing Lobby App right after releasing handles, causes assertion. * 02/06/2001 rodtoll WINBUG #293871: DPLOBBY8: [IA64] Lobby launching a 64-bit * app from 64-bit lobby launcher crashes with unaligned memory error. * *@@END_MSINTERNAL * ***************************************************************************/
#include "dnlobbyi.h"
// Constant definitions
// Macro definitions
// Structure definitions
// Variable definitions
LONG volatile g_lLobbyAppCount = 0; LONG volatile g_lLobbyClientCount = 0;
// Function prototypes
// Function definitions
// DPL_GetConnectionSettings
// Retrieves the pdplSessionInfo (if any) associated with the specified connection. This method
// is shared between the client and app interfaces.
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPL_GetConnectionSettings"
STDMETHODIMP DPL_GetConnectionSettings(LPVOID lpv,const DPNHANDLE hLobbyClient, DPL_CONNECTION_SETTINGS * const pdplSessionInfo, DWORD *pdwInfoSize, const DWORD dwFlags ) { HRESULT hResultCode; DIRECTPLAYLOBBYOBJECT *pdpLobbyObject;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Parameters: hTarget [0x%lx], pdplSessionInfo [0x%p], pdwInfoSize [%p], dwFlags [0x%lx]", hLobbyClient,pdplSessionInfo,pdwInfoSize,dwFlags);
if( pdpLobbyObject->dwFlags & DPL_OBJECT_FLAG_PARAMVALIDATION ) { if( FAILED( hResultCode = DPL_ValidateGetConnectionSettings( lpv, hLobbyClient, pdplSessionInfo, pdwInfoSize, dwFlags ) ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error validating getconnectsettings params hr=[0x%lx]", hResultCode ); DPF_RETURN( hResultCode ); } }
// Ensure we've been initialized
// Attempt to retrieve connection settings.
hResultCode = DPLConnectionGetConnectSettings( pdpLobbyObject, hLobbyClient, pdplSessionInfo, pdwInfoSize );
DPF_RETURN( hResultCode ); }
// DPL_SetConnectionSettings
// Sets the pdplSessionInfo structure associated with the specified connection. This method
// is shared between the client and app interfaces.
// This function will generate a DPL_MSGID_CONNECTION_SETTINGS message to be sent to the specified
// connection.
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPL_SetConnectionSettings"
STDMETHODIMP DPL_SetConnectionSettings(LPVOID lpv,const DPNHANDLE hLobbyClient, const DPL_CONNECTION_SETTINGS * const pdplSessionInfo, const DWORD dwFlags ) { HRESULT hResultCode; DPL_CONNECTION *pdplConnection; DIRECTPLAYLOBBYOBJECT *pdpLobbyObject; DPNHANDLE *hTargets = NULL; DWORD dwNumTargets = 0; DWORD dwTargetIndex = 0; CConnectionSettings *pConnectionSettings = NULL;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Parameters: hLobbyClient [0x%lx], pBuffer [0x%p], dwFlags [0x%lx]", hLobbyClient,pdplSessionInfo,dwFlags);
if( pdpLobbyObject->dwFlags & DPL_OBJECT_FLAG_PARAMVALIDATION ) { if( FAILED( hResultCode = DPL_ValidateSetConnectionSettings( lpv, hLobbyClient, pdplSessionInfo, dwFlags ) ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error validating setconnectsettings params hr=[0x%lx]", hResultCode ); DPF_RETURN( hResultCode ); } }
// Ensure we've been initialized
if( hLobbyClient == DPLHANDLE_ALLCONNECTIONS ) { dwNumTargets = 0;
// We need loop so if someone adds a connection during our run
// it gets added to our list
while( 1 ) { hResultCode = DPLConnectionEnum( pdpLobbyObject, hTargets, &dwNumTargets );
if( hResultCode == DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL ) { if( hTargets ) { delete [] hTargets; }
hTargets = new DPNHANDLE[dwNumTargets];
if( hTargets == NULL ) { DPFERR("Error allocating memory" ); dwNumTargets = 0; hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto SETCONNECT_EXIT; }
continue; } else if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error getting list of connections hr=0x%x", hResultCode ); break; } else { break; } }
// Failed getting connection information
if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { if( hTargets ) { delete [] hTargets; hTargets = NULL; } dwNumTargets = 0; goto SETCONNECT_EXIT; }
} else { hTargets = new DPNHANDLE[1]; // We use array delete below so we need array new
if( hTargets == NULL ) { DPFERR("Error allocating memory" ); dwNumTargets = 0; hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto SETCONNECT_EXIT; }
dwNumTargets = 1; hTargets[0] = hLobbyClient; } for( dwTargetIndex = 0; dwTargetIndex < dwNumTargets; dwTargetIndex++ ) { if ((hResultCode = DPLConnectionFind(pdpLobbyObject,hTargets[dwTargetIndex],&pdplConnection,TRUE)) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Invalid send target"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); continue; }
if( pdplSessionInfo ) { pConnectionSettings = new CConnectionSettings();
if( !pConnectionSettings ) { DPFERR("Error allocating memory" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto SETCONNECT_EXIT; }
hResultCode = pConnectionSettings->InitializeAndCopy( pdplSessionInfo );
if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 0, "Error setting up connection settings hr [0x%x]", hResultCode ); goto SETCONNECT_EXIT; } }
// Attempt to set connection settings.
hResultCode = DPLConnectionSetConnectSettings( pdpLobbyObject, hTargets[dwTargetIndex], pConnectionSettings );
if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error setting connct settings for 0x%x hr=0x%x", hTargets[dwTargetIndex], hResultCode ); delete pConnectionSettings; }
hResultCode = DPLSendConnectionSettings( pdpLobbyObject, hTargets[dwTargetIndex] );
if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error sending connection settings to client 0x%x hr=0x%x", hTargets[dwTargetIndex], hResultCode ); }
pConnectionSettings = NULL; }
for( dwTargetIndex = 0; dwTargetIndex < dwNumTargets; dwTargetIndex++ ) { if( hTargets[dwTargetIndex] ) DPLConnectionRelease(pdpLobbyObject,hTargets[dwTargetIndex]); }
if( hTargets ) delete [] hTargets;
DPF_RETURN(hResultCode); }
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPL_RegisterMessageHandlerClient"
STDMETHODIMP DPL_RegisterMessageHandlerClient(PVOID pv, const PVOID pvUserContext, const PFNDPNMESSAGEHANDLER pfn, const DWORD dwFlags) { return DPL_RegisterMessageHandler( pv, pvUserContext, pfn, NULL, dwFlags ); }
// HRESULT DPL_RegisterMessageHandler
// PVOID pv Interface pointer
// PVOID pvUserContext User context
// PFNDPNMESSAGEHANDLER pfn User supplied message handler
// DWORD dwFlags Not Used
// Returns
// DPN_OK If the message handler was registered without incident
// DPNERR_INVALIDPARAM If there was an invalid parameter
// DPNERR_GENERIC If there were any problems
// Notes
// This function registers a user supplied message handler function. This function should
// only be called once, even in cases where a game is being re-connected (i.e. after ending)
// This will set up the required message queues, handshake the lobby client's PID (if supplied on the
// command line) and spawn the application's receive message queue thread.
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPL_RegisterMessageHandler"
STDMETHODIMP DPL_RegisterMessageHandler(PVOID pv, const PVOID pvUserContext, const PFNDPNMESSAGEHANDLER pfn, DPNHANDLE * const pdpnhConnection, const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hResultCode = DPN_OK; DWORD dwCurrentPid; DWORD dwThreadId; PDIRECTPLAYLOBBYOBJECT pdpLobbyObject; char cSuffix;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Parameters: pv [0x%p], pfn [0x%p], dwFlags [%lx]",pv,pfn,dwFlags);
// TODO: MASONB: Why no paramval flag wrapping this?
if( FAILED( hResultCode = DPL_ValidateRegisterMessageHandler( pv, pvUserContext, pfn, pdpnhConnection, dwFlags ) ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error validating register message handler params hr=[0x%lx]", hResultCode ); DPF_RETURN( hResultCode ); }
// Ensure we've been initialized
if (pdpLobbyObject->dwFlags & DPL_OBJECT_FLAG_LOBBIEDAPPLICATION ) { // If we weren't at zero complain, otherwise put us at 1
if( DNInterlockedCompareExchange((LONG*)&g_lLobbyAppCount, 1, 0) != 0 ) { DPFERR( "You can only start one lobbied application per process!" ); DPF_RETURN( DPNERR_NOTALLOWED ); } } else { DNASSERT(pdpLobbyObject->dwFlags & DPL_OBJECT_FLAG_LOBBYCLIENT); // If we weren't at zero complain, otherwise put us at 1
if( DNInterlockedCompareExchange((LONG*)&g_lLobbyClientCount, 1, 0) != 0 ) { DPFERR( "You can only start one lobby client per process!" ); DPF_RETURN( DPNERR_NOTALLOWED ); } }
// Disable parameter validation flag if DPNINITIALIZE_DISABLEPARAMVAL
// is specified
pdpLobbyObject->pfnMessageHandler = pfn; pdpLobbyObject->pvUserContext = pvUserContext;
pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue = new CMessageQueue;
if( pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue == NULL ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error allocating receive queue" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ERROR_DPL_RegisterMessageHandler; }
// Open application receive message queue
dwCurrentPid = GetCurrentProcessId(); if ((hResultCode = pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue->Open(dwCurrentPid, cSuffix,DPL_MSGQ_SIZE,DPL_MSGQ_TIMEOUT_IDLE,0)) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Could not open App Rec Q"); goto ERROR_DPL_RegisterMessageHandler; }
if ((pdpLobbyObject->hReceiveThread = DNCreateThread(NULL,(DWORD)NULL,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DPLProcessMessageQueue, static_cast<void*>(pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue),(DWORD)NULL,&dwThreadId)) == NULL) { DPFERR("CreateThread() failed"); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue->Close(); goto ERROR_DPL_RegisterMessageHandler; }
if (pdpLobbyObject->dwFlags & DPL_OBJECT_FLAG_LOBBIEDAPPLICATION) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Attempt lobby connection");
hResultCode = DPLAttemptLobbyConnection(pdpLobbyObject);
if ( hResultCode == DPN_OK) { if( pdpnhConnection ) *pdpnhConnection = pdpLobbyObject->dpnhLaunchedConnection;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Application was lobby launched"); DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Waiting for true connect notification" );
DWORD dwReturnValue = DNWaitForSingleObject( pdpLobbyObject->hConnectEvent, DPL_LOBBYLAUNCHED_CONNECT_TIMEOUT );
DNASSERT( dwReturnValue == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ); } else if( hResultCode != DPNERR_TIMEDOUT ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Application was not lobby launched");
if( pdpnhConnection ) *pdpnhConnection = NULL;
// Need to reset return code to OK.. this is not an error
hResultCode = DPN_OK; } else { DPFERR( "App was lobby launched but timed out establishing a connection" ); if( pdpnhConnection ) *pdpnhConnection = NULL; } }
if (pdpLobbyObject->dwFlags & DPL_OBJECT_FLAG_LOBBIEDAPPLICATION ) { DNInterlockedExchange((LONG*)&g_lLobbyAppCount, 0); } else { DNASSERT(pdpLobbyObject->dwFlags & DPL_OBJECT_FLAG_LOBBYCLIENT); DNInterlockedExchange((LONG*)&g_lLobbyClientCount, 0); }
goto EXIT_DPL_RegisterMessageHandler; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPL_Close"
STDMETHODIMP DPL_Close(PVOID pv, const DWORD dwFlags ) { HRESULT hResultCode; DWORD dwNumHandles; DPNHANDLE *prgHandles; DWORD dw; DIRECTPLAYLOBBYOBJECT *pdpLobbyObject; DPL_CONNECTION *pConnection;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Parameters: (none)");
// TODO: MASONB: Why no paramval flag wrapping this?
if( FAILED( hResultCode = DPL_ValidateClose( pv, dwFlags ) ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error validating close params hr=[0x%lx]", hResultCode ); return hResultCode; }
// Ensure we've been initialized
if (pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue == NULL) { DPFERR("Already closed"); return DPNERR_UNINITIALIZED; } } EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DPFERR("Invalid object" ); return DPNERR_INVALIDOBJECT; } #endif // !DPNBUILD_NOPARAMVAL
// Shutdown the queue first to ensure that we don't end up shutting down a connection
// twice! (E.g. disconnect comes in as we are disconnecting it).
if (pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue) { if (pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue->IsOpen()) {
// Ask receive thread to terminate
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Terminate Receive Msg Thread"); pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue->Terminate();
// Wait for termination to occur
if (DNWaitForSingleObject(pdpLobbyObject->hReceiveThread,INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFERR("WaitForSingleObject failed"); } pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue->Close();
if (pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue) { delete pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue; pdpLobbyObject->pReceiveQueue = NULL; }
if (pdpLobbyObject->hReceiveThread) { DNCloseHandle(pdpLobbyObject->hReceiveThread); pdpLobbyObject->hReceiveThread = NULL; } if (pdpLobbyObject->hConnectEvent) { DNCloseHandle(pdpLobbyObject->hConnectEvent); pdpLobbyObject->hConnectEvent = NULL; }
if (pdpLobbyObject->hLobbyLaunchConnectEvent) { DNCloseHandle(pdpLobbyObject->hLobbyLaunchConnectEvent); pdpLobbyObject->hLobbyLaunchConnectEvent = NULL; } } }
// Enumerate handles outstanding
dwNumHandles = 0; prgHandles = NULL; hResultCode = DPLConnectionEnum(pdpLobbyObject,prgHandles,&dwNumHandles); while (hResultCode == DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL) { if (prgHandles) DNFree(prgHandles);
if ((prgHandles = static_cast<DPNHANDLE*>(DNMalloc(dwNumHandles*sizeof(DPNHANDLE)))) != NULL) { hResultCode = DPLConnectionEnum(pdpLobbyObject,prgHandles,&dwNumHandles); } else { DPFERR("Could not allocate space for handle array"); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } }
// Send DISCONNECTs to all attached msg queues, for which there are handles
if (hResultCode == DPN_OK) { for (dw = 0 ; dw < dwNumHandles ; dw++) { hResultCode = DPLConnectionFind(pdpLobbyObject,prgHandles[dw],&pConnection,TRUE );
if( SUCCEEDED( hResultCode ) ) {
hResultCode = DPLConnectionDisconnect(pdpLobbyObject,prgHandles[dw]);
if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error disconnecting connection 0x%x", hResultCode ); }
DPLConnectionRelease( pdpLobbyObject,prgHandles[dw]); } }
// Errors above are irrelevant, it's quite possible after building the list of outstanding
// connections that before we attempt to close the list one has gone away.
hResultCode = DPN_OK; }
if (prgHandles) { DNFree(prgHandles); prgHandles = NULL; }
if (pdpLobbyObject->dwFlags & DPL_OBJECT_FLAG_LOBBIEDAPPLICATION ) { DNInterlockedExchange((LONG*)&g_lLobbyAppCount, 0); } else { DNASSERT(pdpLobbyObject->dwFlags & DPL_OBJECT_FLAG_LOBBYCLIENT); DNInterlockedExchange((LONG*)&g_lLobbyClientCount, 0); }
DPF_RETURN( hResultCode ); }
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPL_Send"
STDMETHODIMP DPL_Send(PVOID pv, const DPNHANDLE hTarget, BYTE *const pBuffer, const DWORD dwBufferSize, const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hResultCode; DPL_CONNECTION *pdplConnection; DIRECTPLAYLOBBYOBJECT *pdpLobbyObject; DPNHANDLE *hTargets = NULL; DWORD dwNumTargets = 0; DWORD dwTargetIndex = 0;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Parameters: hTarget [0x%lx], pBuffer [0x%p], dwBufferSize [%ld], dwFlags [0x%lx]", hTarget,pBuffer,dwBufferSize,dwFlags);
if( pdpLobbyObject->dwFlags & DPL_OBJECT_FLAG_PARAMVALIDATION ) { if( FAILED( hResultCode = DPL_ValidateSend( pv, hTarget, pBuffer, dwBufferSize, dwFlags ) ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error validating send params hr=[0x%lx]", hResultCode ); DPF_RETURN( hResultCode ); } }
// Ensure we've been initialized
if( hTarget == DPLHANDLE_ALLCONNECTIONS ) { dwNumTargets = 0;
// We need loop so if someone adds a connection during our run
// it gets added to our list
while( 1 ) { hResultCode = DPLConnectionEnum( pdpLobbyObject, hTargets, &dwNumTargets );
if( hResultCode == DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL ) { if( hTargets ) { delete [] hTargets; }
hTargets = new DPNHANDLE[dwNumTargets];
if( hTargets == NULL ) { DPFERR("Error allocating memory" ); dwNumTargets = 0; hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto EXIT_AND_CLEANUP; }
memset( hTargets, 0x00, sizeof(DPNHANDLE)*dwNumTargets);
continue; } else if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error getting list of connections hr=0x%x", hResultCode ); break; } else { break; } }
// Failed getting connection information
if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { if( hTargets ) { delete [] hTargets; hTargets = NULL; } dwNumTargets = 0; goto EXIT_AND_CLEANUP; }
} else { hTargets = new DPNHANDLE[1]; // We use array delete below so we need array new
if( hTargets == NULL ) { DPFERR("Error allocating memory" ); dwNumTargets = 0; hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto EXIT_AND_CLEANUP; }
dwNumTargets = 1; hTargets[0] = hTarget; } for( dwTargetIndex = 0; dwTargetIndex < dwNumTargets; dwTargetIndex++ ) { if ((hResultCode = DPLConnectionFind(pdpLobbyObject,hTargets[dwTargetIndex],&pdplConnection,TRUE)) != DPN_OK) { DPFERR("Invalid send target"); DisplayDNError(0,hResultCode); hResultCode = DPNERR_INVALIDHANDLE; goto EXIT_AND_CLEANUP; }
DNASSERT(pdplConnection->pSendQueue != NULL);
if (!pdplConnection->pSendQueue->IsReceiving()) { DPFERR("Other side is not listening"); DPLConnectionRelease(pdpLobbyObject,hTarget); hResultCode = DPNERR_INVALIDHANDLE; goto EXIT_AND_CLEANUP; }
hResultCode = pdplConnection->pSendQueue->Send(pBuffer,dwBufferSize,INFINITE,DPL_MSGQ_MSGFLAGS_USER2,0);
if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error sending to connection 0x%x hr=0x%x", hTargets[dwTargetIndex], hResultCode ); } }
for( dwTargetIndex = 0; dwTargetIndex < dwNumTargets; dwTargetIndex++ ) { if( hTargets[dwTargetIndex] ) DPLConnectionRelease(pdpLobbyObject,hTargets[dwTargetIndex]); }
if( hTargets ) delete [] hTargets;
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPLReceiveIdleTimeout"
HRESULT DPLReceiveIdleTimeout(DIRECTPLAYLOBBYOBJECT *const pdpLobbyObject, const DPNHANDLE hSender) { DPL_CONNECTION *pConnection; CBilink* pblTemp; CBilink blRemove;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "(%p) Enumerating processes, checking for exit", pdpLobbyObject );
// Go through the list of all connections and build up a list of the ones that
// need to be removed.
pblTemp = pdpLobbyObject->m_blConnections.GetNext(); while (pblTemp != &pdpLobbyObject->m_blConnections) { pConnection = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pblTemp, DPL_CONNECTION, m_blLobbyObjectLinkage);
pblTemp = pblTemp->GetNext();
DWORD dwExitCode=0; if (DNGetExitCodeProcess(pConnection->hTargetProcess, &dwExitCode)==FALSE || dwExitCode!=STILL_ACTIVE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(%p) Process exit detected hTargetProcess %u dwExitCode %u GetLastError %u", pdpLobbyObject, HANDLE_FROM_DNHANDLE(pConnection->hTargetProcess), dwExitCode, GetLastError()); // Take the connection off of the Lobby Object's list and on a temporary list
pConnection->m_blLobbyObjectLinkage.RemoveFromList(); pdpLobbyObject->m_dwConnectionCount--; pConnection->m_blLobbyObjectLinkage.InsertBefore(&blRemove); } }
// Go through the list of removed connections and signal the user
pblTemp = blRemove.GetNext(); while (pblTemp != &blRemove) { pConnection = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pblTemp, DPL_CONNECTION, m_blLobbyObjectLinkage);
pblTemp = pblTemp->GetNext();
// Process has exited..
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "(%p) Process has exited PID %u hProcess", pdpLobbyObject, pConnection->dwTargetProcessIdentity, HANDLE_FROM_DNHANDLE(pConnection->hTargetProcess )); DPLConnectionReceiveDisconnect( pdpLobbyObject, pConnection->hConnect, NULL, DPNERR_CONNECTIONLOST ); } return DPN_OK; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPLReceiveUserMessage"
HRESULT DPLReceiveUserMessage(DIRECTPLAYLOBBYOBJECT *const pdpLobbyObject, const DPNHANDLE hSender, BYTE *const pBuffer, const DWORD dwBufferSize) { HRESULT hResultCode; DPL_MESSAGE_RECEIVE Msg;
Msg.dwSize = sizeof(DPL_MESSAGE_RECEIVE); Msg.pBuffer = pBuffer; Msg.dwBufferSize = dwBufferSize; Msg.hSender = hSender;
hResultCode = DPLConnectionGetContext( pdpLobbyObject, hSender, &Msg.pvConnectionContext );
// Failed to get the connection's context -- strange, but we're going to indicate anyhow.
if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed getting connection context hResultCode = 0x%x", hResultCode ); }
hResultCode = (pdpLobbyObject->pfnMessageHandler)(pdpLobbyObject->pvUserContext, DPL_MSGID_RECEIVE, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&Msg));
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode); }
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPLMessageHandler"
HRESULT DPLMessageHandler(PVOID pvContext, const DPNHANDLE hSender, DWORD dwMessageFlags, BYTE *const pBuffer, const DWORD dwBufferSize) { DIRECTPLAYLOBBYOBJECT *pdpLobbyObject; HRESULT hResultCode; DWORD *pdwMsgId;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Parameters: hSender [0x%x], pBuffer [0x%p], dwBufferSize [%ld]", hSender,pBuffer,dwBufferSize);
DNASSERT(pBuffer != NULL);
/*if (dwBufferSize < sizeof(DWORD))
{ DPFERR("Invalid message"); return(DPNERR_GENERIC); }*/
pdpLobbyObject = static_cast<DIRECTPLAYLOBBYOBJECT*>(pvContext); pdwMsgId = reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(pBuffer);
if( dwMessageFlags & DPL_MSGQ_MSGFLAGS_USER1 ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Received INTERNAL message"); switch(*pdwMsgId) { case DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_IDLE_TIMEOUT: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Received: DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_IDLE_TIMEOUT" ); DPLReceiveIdleTimeout(pdpLobbyObject,hSender); break; } case DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_DISCONNECT: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Received: DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_DISCONNECT"); DPLConnectionReceiveDisconnect(pdpLobbyObject,hSender,pBuffer,DPN_OK); break; }
case DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_CONNECT_REQ: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Received: DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_CONNECT_REQ"); DPLConnectionReceiveREQ(pdpLobbyObject,pBuffer); break; }
case DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_CONNECT_ACK: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Received: DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_CONNECT_ACK"); DPLConnectionReceiveACK(pdpLobbyObject,hSender,pBuffer); break; }
case DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_UPDATE_STATUS: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Received: DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_UPDATE_STATUS"); DPLUpdateAppStatus(pdpLobbyObject,hSender,pBuffer); break; }
case DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_CONNECTION_SETTINGS: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Received: DPL_MSGID_INTERNAL_CONNECTION_SETTINGS"); DPLUpdateConnectionSettings(pdpLobbyObject,hSender,pBuffer); break; }
default: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Received: Unknown message [0x%lx]",*pdwMsgId); DNASSERT(FALSE); break; } } } else if( dwMessageFlags & DPL_MSGQ_MSGFLAGS_USER2 ) { DNASSERT( !(dwMessageFlags & DPL_MSGQ_MSGFLAGS_QUEUESYSTEM) ); DPFX(DPFPREP, 5,"Received USER message"); DPLReceiveUserMessage(pdpLobbyObject,hSender,pBuffer,dwBufferSize); }
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode); }
// DPLSendConnectionSettings
// This function is used to send a connection settings update message
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPLSendConnectionSettings"
HRESULT DPLSendConnectionSettings( DIRECTPLAYLOBBYOBJECT * const pdpLobbyObject, const DPNHANDLE hConnection ) { BYTE *pbTransmitBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwTransmitBufferSize = 0; DPL_INTERNAL_CONNECTION_SETTINGS_UPDATE *pdplMsgSettings = NULL; DPL_CONNECTION *pdplConnection = NULL; CPackedBuffer PackBuffer;
HRESULT hResultCode = DPN_OK;
hResultCode = DPLConnectionFind(pdpLobbyObject, hConnection, &pdplConnection, TRUE );
if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFERR( "Unable to find specified connection" ); return hResultCode; }
// Grab lock to prevent other people from interfering
DNEnterCriticalSection( &pdplConnection->csLock );
PackBuffer.Initialize( NULL, 0 );
if( pdplConnection->pConnectionSettings ) { pdplConnection->pConnectionSettings->BuildWireStruct( &PackBuffer ); }
dwTransmitBufferSize = PackBuffer.GetSizeRequired();
pbTransmitBuffer = new BYTE[ dwTransmitBufferSize ];
if( !pbTransmitBuffer ) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 0, "Error allocating memory" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto DPLSENDCONNECTSETTINGS_DONE; }
pdplMsgSettings = (DPL_INTERNAL_CONNECTION_SETTINGS_UPDATE *) pbTransmitBuffer;
PackBuffer.Initialize( pbTransmitBuffer, dwTransmitBufferSize );
DNASSERT( pdplMsgSettings );
if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 0, "Error adding main struct hr [0x%x]", hResultCode ); goto DPLSENDCONNECTSETTINGS_DONE; }
if( pdplConnection->pConnectionSettings ) { hResultCode = pdplConnection->pConnectionSettings->BuildWireStruct( &PackBuffer );
if( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 0, "Error adding connect struct hr [0x%x]", hResultCode ); goto DPLSENDCONNECTSETTINGS_DONE; } pdplMsgSettings->dwConnectionSettingsSize = 1; } else { pdplMsgSettings->dwConnectionSettingsSize = 0; }
if (!pdplConnection->pSendQueue->IsReceiving()) { DPFERR("Other side is not receiving"); goto DPLSENDCONNECTSETTINGS_DONE; }
hResultCode = pdplConnection->pSendQueue->Send(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pdplMsgSettings), PackBuffer.GetSizeRequired(), INFINITE, DPL_MSGQ_MSGFLAGS_USER1, 0); if ( FAILED( hResultCode ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not send connect settings hr [0x%x]", hResultCode ); goto DPLSENDCONNECTSETTINGS_DONE; }
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
if( pbTransmitBuffer ) delete [] pbTransmitBuffer;
DNLeaveCriticalSection( &pdplConnection->csLock );
return hResultCode;
// DPLUpdateConnectionSettings
// This function is called when a connection settings update message has been received.
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPLUpdateConnectionSettings"
HRESULT DPLUpdateConnectionSettings(DIRECTPLAYLOBBYOBJECT *const pdpLobbyObject, const DPNHANDLE hSender, BYTE *const pBuffer ) { HRESULT hr; DPL_MESSAGE_CONNECTION_SETTINGS MsgConnectionSettings; DWORD dwSettingsBufferSize = 0; BOOL fAddressReferences = FALSE; CConnectionSettings *pConnectionSettings = NULL; DPL_INTERNAL_CONNECTION_SETTINGS_UPDATE *pConnectionSettingsMsg = NULL;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Parameters: pBuffer [0x%p]",pBuffer);
DNASSERT(pdpLobbyObject != NULL); DNASSERT(pBuffer != NULL);
if( pConnectionSettingsMsg->dwConnectionSettingsSize ) { pConnectionSettings = new CConnectionSettings();
if( !pConnectionSettings ) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 0, "Error allocating connection settings" ); hr = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto UPDATESETTINGS_FAILURE; }
hr = pConnectionSettings->Initialize( &pConnectionSettingsMsg->dplConnectionSettings, (UNALIGNED BYTE *) pConnectionSettingsMsg );
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 0, "Error building structure from wire struct hr [0x%x]", hr ); goto UPDATESETTINGS_FAILURE; } }
// Set the connection settings on the object
hr = DPLConnectionSetConnectSettings( pdpLobbyObject, hSender, pConnectionSettings );
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error setting connection settings hr = 0x%x", hr ); goto UPDATESETTINGS_FAILURE; }
// Setup message to indicate to user
MsgConnectionSettings.dwSize = sizeof(DPL_MESSAGE_CONNECTION_SETTINGS); MsgConnectionSettings.hSender = hSender;
if( pConnectionSettings ) MsgConnectionSettings.pdplConnectionSettings = pConnectionSettings->GetConnectionSettings(); else MsgConnectionSettings.pdplConnectionSettings = NULL;
hr = DPLConnectionGetContext( pdpLobbyObject, hSender, &MsgConnectionSettings.pvConnectionContext );
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error getting connection's context value" ); goto UPDATESETTINGS_FAILURE; }
hr = (pdpLobbyObject->pfnMessageHandler)(pdpLobbyObject->pvUserContext, DPL_MSGID_CONNECTION_SETTINGS, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&MsgConnectionSettings));
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Error returned from user callback -- ignored hr [0x%x]", hr ); }
return DPN_OK;
if( pConnectionSettings ) delete pConnectionSettings;
return hr; }