* * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: Connect.cpp * Content: This file contains support for the CONNECT/DISCONNECT protocol in DirectNet. * It is organized with FrontEnd routines first (Connect, Listen), * and Backend handlers (timeouts, frame crackers) after. * * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 11/11/98 ejs Created * 07/01/2000 masonb Assumed Ownership * ****************************************************************************/
#include "dnproti.h"
/*** FRONT END ***/
** Connect ** ** This function attempts to make a connection to a specified address. ** The function establishes the existance of a DirectNet entity and maps ** an EndPoint handle. Then we exchange CONNECT packets which allows each ** side to establish a baseline RTT. ** */
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNPConnect"
HRESULT DNPConnect(HANDLE hProtocolData, IDirectPlay8Address* paLocal, IDirectPlay8Address* paRemote, HANDLE hSPHandle, ULONG ulFlags, VOID* pvContext, VOID* pvSessionData, DWORD dwSessionDataSize, PHANDLE phConnectHandle) { ProtocolData* pPData; PSPD pSPD; // Service Provider to handle this connect
PMSD pMSD; SPCONNECTDATA ConnData; // Parameter Block
HRESULT hr; #ifdef DBG
ULONG ulAllowedFlags; #endif // DBG
// Determine which SP will take this call
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLIN_LVL, "Parameters: hProtocolData[%p], paLocal[%p], paRemote[%p], hSPHandle[%x], ulFlags[%x], pvContext[%p], pvSessionData[%p], dwSessionDataSize[%u], phConnectHandle[%p]", hProtocolData, paLocal, paRemote, hSPHandle, ulFlags, pvContext, pvSessionData, dwSessionDataSize, phConnectHandle);
hr = DPNERR_PENDING; pPData = (ProtocolData*)hProtocolData; ASSERT_PPD(pPData);
// Core should not call any Protocol APIs after calling DNPRemoveServiceProvider
// We use an MSD to describe this op even though it isn't technically a message
if((pMSD = (PMSD)POOLALLOC(MEMID_CONNECT_MSD, &MSDPool)) == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "Returning DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY - failed to create new MSD"); hr = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
pMSD->CommandID = COMMAND_ID_CONNECT; pMSD->pSPD = pSPD; pMSD->Context = pvContext;
ASSERT(pMSD->pEPD == NULL); // MSD_Get/Release ensures this, and IndicateConnect requires it.
// Prepare to call SP to map the endpoint.
ConnData.pAddressDeviceInfo = paLocal; ConnData.pAddressHost = paRemote; ConnData.dwReserved = 0; // Never used
#ifdef DBG
DNASSERT( ( ulFlags & ~(ulAllowedFlags) ) == 0 ); #ifndef DPNBUILD_NOMULTICAST
#endif // DBG
ConnData.dwFlags = 0; #ifndef DPNBUILD_NOSPUI
if ( ( ulFlags & DN_CONNECTFLAGS_SESSIONDATA ) != 0 ) { ConnData.dwFlags |= DPNSPF_SESSIONDATA; ConnData.pvSessionData = pvSessionData; ConnData.dwSessionDataSize = dwSessionDataSize; }
ConnData.pvContext = pMSD; ConnData.hCommand = 0;
#ifdef DBG
// Hook up MSD before calling into SP
Lock(&pSPD->SPLock); pMSD->blSPLinkage.InsertBefore( &pSPD->blMessageList); // Put this on cmd list
pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 |= MFLAGS_ONE_ON_GLOBAL_LIST; Unlock(&pSPD->SPLock); #endif // DBG
*phConnectHandle = pMSD;
// SP Connect call is guaranteed to return immediately
LOCK_MSD(pMSD, "SP Ref"); // Add reference for call into SP
LOCK_MSD(pMSD, "Temp Ref");
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "Calling SP->Connect, pSPD[%p], pMSD[%p]", pSPD, pMSD); /**/hr = IDP8ServiceProvider_Connect(pSPD->IISPIntf, &ConnData); /** CALL SP **/
if(hr != DPNERR_PENDING) { // SP Connect should always be asynchronous so if it isnt PENDING then it must have failed
DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "SP->Connect did not return DPNERR_PENDING, assuming failure, hr[%x]", hr);
// DPNERR_PENDING is the only success code we accept
Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); // This will be unlocked by final RELEASE_MSD
pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 &= ~(MFLAGS_ONE_IN_SERVICE_PROVIDER); // clear InSP flag
#ifdef DBG
Lock(&pSPD->SPLock); pMSD->blSPLinkage.RemoveFromList(); // knock this off the pending list
pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 &= ~(MFLAGS_ONE_ON_GLOBAL_LIST); Unlock(&pSPD->SPLock); #endif // DBG
DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "Temp Ref"); DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "SP Ref"); // Remove one ref for SP call
RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Release On Fail"); // Remove one ref to free resource
goto Exit; }
pMSD->hCommand = ConnData.hCommand; // retain SP command handle
pMSD->dwCommandDesc = ConnData.dwCommandDescriptor;
RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Temp Ref"); // Unlocks CommandLock
Exit: DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLIN_LVL, "Returning hr[%x], pMSD[%p]", hr, pMSD);
return hr; }
** Listen ** ** This command tells DN that it should start to accept connection requests. ** This command will return pending, and will continue to indicate connections ** until it is explicitly cancelled. It may be desireable to establish a limit ** mechanism of some sort, but for the time being this will do. ** ** Now it is desirable to Listen on multiple ports on a single adapter. This ** means that we need to accept multiple concurrent Listen commands on each adapter. ** Another fact of life is that we need to crack the Target address far enough to ** determine which SP to submit the Listen on. */
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNPListen"
HRESULT DNPListen(HANDLE hProtocolData, IDirectPlay8Address* paTarget, HANDLE hSPHandle, ULONG ulFlags, VOID* pvContext, VOID* pvSessionData, DWORD dwSessionDataSize, HANDLE* phListenHandle) { ProtocolData* pPData; PSPD pSPD; PMSD pMSD; SPLISTENDATA ListenData; HRESULT hr; #ifdef DBG
ULONG ulAllowedFlags; #endif // DBG
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLIN_LVL, "Parameters: hProtocolData[%p], paTarget[%p], hSPHandle[%p], ulFlags[%x], pvContext[%p], pvSessionData[%p], dwSessionDataSize[%u], phListenHandle[%p]", hProtocolData, paTarget, hSPHandle, ulFlags, pvContext, pvSessionData, dwSessionDataSize, phListenHandle);
hr = DPNERR_PENDING; pPData = (ProtocolData*)hProtocolData; ASSERT_PPD(pPData);
// Core should not call any Protocol APIs after calling DNPRemoveServiceProvider
// We use an MSD to describe this op even though it isn't technically a message
if((pMSD = (PMSD)POOLALLOC(MEMID_LISTEN_MSD, &MSDPool)) == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "Returning DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY - failed to create new MSD"); hr = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
pMSD->CommandID = COMMAND_ID_LISTEN; pMSD->pSPD = pSPD; pMSD->Context = pvContext;
ListenData.pAddressDeviceInfo = paTarget;
#ifdef DBG
DNASSERT( ( ulFlags & ~(ulAllowedFlags) ) == 0 ); DNASSERT(((ulFlags & DN_LISTENFLAGS_FASTSIGNED) && (ulFlags & DN_LISTENFLAGS_FULLSIGNED))==0); #endif // DBG
//if we've got signing on pick initial connect secrets, otherwise zero out the secrets
pMSD->ullCurrentConnectSecret=0; if (ulFlags & DN_LISTENFLAGS_FASTSIGNED) { pMSD->ulMsgFlags1|=MFLAGS_ONE_FAST_SIGNED; DNGetGoodRandomData(&pMSD->ullCurrentConnectSecret, sizeof(pMSD->ullCurrentConnectSecret)); } else if (ulFlags & DN_LISTENFLAGS_FULLSIGNED) { pMSD->ulMsgFlags1|=MFLAGS_ONE_FULL_SIGNED; DNGetGoodRandomData(&pMSD->ullCurrentConnectSecret, sizeof(pMSD->ullCurrentConnectSecret)); } pMSD->ullLastConnectSecret=pMSD->ullCurrentConnectSecret; pMSD->dwTimeConnectSecretChanged=GETTIMESTAMP();
ListenData.dwFlags = 0; #ifndef DPNBUILD_NOSPUI
if ( ( ulFlags & DN_LISTENFLAGS_SESSIONDATA ) != 0 ) { ListenData.dwFlags |= DPNSPF_SESSIONDATA; ListenData.pvSessionData = pvSessionData; ListenData.dwSessionDataSize = dwSessionDataSize; } if ( (ulFlags & DN_LISTENFLAGS_DISALLOWENUMS ) != 0 ) { ListenData.dwFlags |= DPNSPF_LISTEN_DISALLOWENUMS; } ListenData.pvContext = pMSD; ListenData.hCommand = 0;
*phListenHandle = pMSD;
// SP Listen call is guarenteed to return immediately
#ifdef DBG
Lock(&pSPD->SPLock); pMSD->blSPLinkage.InsertBefore( &pSPD->blMessageList); // Dont support timeouts for Listen
pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 |= MFLAGS_ONE_ON_GLOBAL_LIST; Unlock(&pSPD->SPLock); #endif // DBG
LOCK_MSD(pMSD, "SP Ref"); // AddRef for SP
LOCK_MSD(pMSD, "Temp Ref");
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "Calling SP->Listen, pSPD[%p], pMSD[%p]", pSPD, pMSD); /**/hr = IDP8ServiceProvider_Listen(pSPD->IISPIntf, &ListenData); /** CALL SP **/
if(hr != DPNERR_PENDING) { // SP Listen should always be asynchronous so if it isnt PENDING then it must have failed
DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "SP->Listen did not return DPNERR_PENDING, assuming failure, hr[%x]", hr);
// DPNERR_PENDING is the only success code we accept
#ifdef DBG
Lock(&pSPD->SPLock); pMSD->blSPLinkage.RemoveFromList(); // knock this off the pending list
pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 &= ~(MFLAGS_ONE_ON_GLOBAL_LIST); Unlock(&pSPD->SPLock); #endif // DBG
DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "Temp Ref"); DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "SP Ref"); // release once for SP
RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Release On Fail"); // release again to return resource
goto Exit; }
pMSD->hCommand = ListenData.hCommand; // retail SP command handle
pMSD->dwCommandDesc = ListenData.dwCommandDescriptor;
RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Temp Ref"); // Unlocks CommandLock
Exit: DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLIN_LVL, "Returning hr[%x], pMSD[%p]", hr, pMSD);
return hr; }
** Complete Connect ** ** The user's Connect operation has completed. Clean everything up ** and signal the user. ** ** THIS IS ALWAYS CALLED WITH THE COMMAND LOCK HELD IN MSD, LEAVES WITH IT RELEASED */
#define DPF_MODNAME "CompleteConnect"
VOID CompleteConnect(PMSD pMSD, PSPD pSPD, PEPD pEPD, HRESULT hr) { AssertCriticalSectionIsTakenByThisThread(&pMSD->CommandLock, TRUE);
// We expect to never get here twice
// Connects cannot have timeout timers
ASSERT(pMSD->TimeoutTimer == NULL);
#ifdef DBG
Lock(&pSPD->SPLock); if(pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 & MFLAGS_ONE_ON_GLOBAL_LIST) { pMSD->blSPLinkage.RemoveFromList(); // Remove MSD from master command list
pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 &= ~(MFLAGS_ONE_ON_GLOBAL_LIST); } Unlock(&pSPD->SPLock);
ASSERT(!(pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 & MFLAGS_ONE_COMPLETED_TO_CORE)); pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 |= MFLAGS_ONE_COMPLETED_TO_CORE; pMSD->CallStackCoreCompletion.NoteCurrentCallStack(); #endif // DBG
pMSD->pEPD = NULL; Unlock(&pMSD->CommandLock);
if(pEPD) { ASSERT(hr == DPN_OK); DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "(%p) Calling Core->CompleteConnect, pMSD[%p], Core Context[%p], hr[%x], pEPD[%p]", pEPD, pMSD, pMSD->Context, hr, pEPD); pSPD->pPData->pfVtbl->CompleteConnect(pSPD->pPData->Parent, pMSD->Context, hr, (PHANDLE) pEPD, &pEPD->Context);
Lock(&pEPD->EPLock); ReceiveComplete(pEPD); // Complete any, releases EPLock
} else { ASSERT(hr != DPN_OK); DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "Calling Core->CompleteConnect with NULL EPD, pMSD[%p], Core Context[%p], hr[%x]", pMSD, pMSD->Context, hr); pSPD->pPData->pfVtbl->CompleteConnect(pSPD->pPData->Parent, pMSD->Context, hr, NULL, NULL); }
// Release the final reference on the MSD AFTER indicating to the Core
Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Final Release On Complete"); // Finished with this one, releases CommandLock
#define DPF_MODNAME "CompleteDisconnect"
VOID CompleteDisconnect(PMSD pMSD, PSPD pSPD, PEPD pEPD) { AssertCriticalSectionIsTakenByThisThread(&pMSD->CommandLock, TRUE);
// We expect to never get here twice
// Disconnects cannot have timeout timers
ASSERT(pMSD->TimeoutTimer == NULL);
#ifdef DBG
Lock(&pSPD->SPLock); if(pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 & MFLAGS_ONE_ON_GLOBAL_LIST) { pMSD->blSPLinkage.RemoveFromList(); // Remove MSD from master command list
pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 &= ~(MFLAGS_ONE_ON_GLOBAL_LIST); } Unlock(&pSPD->SPLock);
ASSERT(!(pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 & MFLAGS_ONE_COMPLETED_TO_CORE)); pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 |= MFLAGS_ONE_COMPLETED_TO_CORE; pMSD->CallStackCoreCompletion.NoteCurrentCallStack(); #endif // DBG
// No one else should use this
if(pMSD->CommandID == COMMAND_ID_DISCONNECT) { Unlock(&pMSD->CommandLock);
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "(%p) Calling Core->CompleteDisconnect, DPN_OK, pMSD[%p], Core Context[%p]", pEPD, pMSD, pMSD->Context); pSPD->pPData->pfVtbl->CompleteDisconnect(pSPD->pPData->Parent, pMSD->Context, DPN_OK); } else { Unlock(&pMSD->CommandLock);
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "(%p) Calling Core->IndicateConnectionTerminated, DPN_OK, Core Context[%p]", pEPD, pEPD->Context); pSPD->pPData->pfVtbl->IndicateConnectionTerminated(pSPD->pPData->Parent, pEPD->Context, DPN_OK); }
Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); Lock(&pEPD->EPLock);
// Release MSD before EPD since final EPD will call out to SP and we don't want any locks held
RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Final Release On Complete"); // Finished with this one, releases CommandLock
RELEASE_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK (DISC COMMAND)"); // release hold on EPD, releases EPLock
#define DPF_MODNAME "CompleteHardDisconnect"
VOID CompleteHardDisconnect(PEPD pEPD) { AssertCriticalSectionIsTakenByThisThread(&pEPD->EPLock, TRUE);
//potentially multiple threads can try and complete the hard disconnect
//e.g. We might get a hard disconnect response at the same time we complete the send
//of our final hard disconnect frame. This flag+guard ensures we only complete it once
if (pEPD->ulEPFlags2 & EPFLAGS2_HARD_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "(%p) Ignoring. Hard disconnect already completed", pEPD); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; } pEPD->ulEPFlags2|=EPFLAGS2_HARD_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE; //if we've got a timer running to send more hard disconnect frames then cancel it
if (pEPD->LinkTimer) { if (CancelProtocolTimer(pEPD->pSPD, pEPD->LinkTimer, pEPD->LinkTimerUnique)==DPN_OK) { DECREMENT_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK (DROP LINK RETRY)"); } pEPD->LinkTimer=NULL; pEPD->LinkTimerUnique=0; } DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "(%p) Completed hard disconnect sequence, dropping link.", pEPD); //actually completing/indicating the disconnection to core is handled in the drop link function
DropLink(pEPD); //ep lock released by above call
//finally drop the reference placed on the ep either when disconnect was called or when
//it received its first hard disconnect frame
Lock(&pEPD->EPLock); RELEASE_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK (HARD DISCONNECT)"); // release hold on EPD, releases EPLock
** Complete SP Connect ** ** A Connect Command has completed in the Service Provider. This does not mean our ** work is done... this means we now have a mapped EndPoint so we can exchange packets ** with this partner. We will now ping this partner to get an initial RTT and make sure ** there really is a protocol over there that will talk to us. ** ** Of course, if SP does not return success then we can nip this whole thing in ** the proverbial bud. ** */
#define DPF_MODNAME "CompleteSPConnect"
DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "SP Completes Connect, pMSD[%p])", pMSD);
pEPD = pMSD->pEPD;
if(hr != DPN_OK) { // This will only happen once since DoCancel will not have done it because the IN_SP flag was set, and
// ConnectRetryTimeout has never yet been set.
if (pEPD) { ASSERT_EPD(pEPD); Lock(&pEPD->EPLock);
// Unlink EPD from MSD
ASSERT(pEPD->pCommand == pMSD); pEPD->pCommand = NULL; DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "EPD Ref"); // Release Reference from EPD
DropLink(pEPD); // This releases the EPLock
} Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); // must do this before clearing IN_SP flag
pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 &= ~(MFLAGS_ONE_IN_SERVICE_PROVIDER); // clear InSP flag
DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "SP Ref"); // Dec ref count w/o release lock
DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "SP failed Connect, completing Connect, pMSD[%p], hr[%x]", pMSD, hr); CompleteConnect(pMSD, pSPD, NULL, hr); // SP failed the connect call, unlocks CommandLock
return; }
// After a successful connect, we should have an endpoint
Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); // must do this before clearing IN_SP flag
// The endpoint should have already been linked to this MSD
ASSERT(pEPD->pCommand == pMSD);
if(pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 & MFLAGS_ONE_CANCELLED) { // We get here when someone called DoCancel while we were still in the SP. As above:
// This will only happen once since DoCancel will not have done it because the IN_SP flag was set, and
// ConnectRetryTimeout has never yet been set.
// Unlink EPD from MSD
ASSERT(pEPD->pCommand == pMSD); pEPD->pCommand = NULL; DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "EPD Ref"); // Release Reference from EPD
Unlock(&pMSD->CommandLock); // DropLink may call into the SP
DropLink(pEPD); // This releases the EPLock
Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); // must do this before clearing IN_SP flag
pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 &= ~(MFLAGS_ONE_IN_SERVICE_PROVIDER); // clear InSP flag
DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "SP Ref"); // Dec ref count w/o release lock
DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Command is cancelled or timed out, Complete Connect, pMSD[%p]", pEPD, pMSD); CompleteConnect(pMSD, pSPD, NULL, DPNERR_USERCANCEL); return; }
pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 &= ~(MFLAGS_ONE_IN_SERVICE_PROVIDER); // clear InSP flag
DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "SP Ref"); // Dec ref count w/o release lock
// Set up End Point Data /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Transition state
do { pEPD->dwSessID = DNGetGoodRandomNumber(); } while (pEPD->dwSessID==0); DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Sending CONNECT Frame, SessionID = %x", pEPD, pEPD->dwSessID); (void) SendCommandFrame(pEPD, FRAME_EXOPCODE_CONNECT, 0, 0, FALSE);
// Set timer for reply, then wait for reply or TO.
pEPD->uiRetryTimeout = pSPD->pPData->dwConnectTimeout; pEPD->uiNumRetriesRemaining = pSPD->pPData->dwConnectRetries;
LOCK_EPD(pEPD, "LOCK (CONN Retry Timer)"); // Create reference for timer
DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Setting Connect Retry Timer", pEPD); ScheduleProtocolTimer(pSPD, pEPD->uiRetryTimeout, 100, ConnectRetryTimeout, (PVOID) pEPD, &pEPD->LinkTimer, &pEPD->LinkTimerUnique);
Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); Unlock(&pMSD->CommandLock); }
** Connect Retry Timeout ** ** Retry timer has expired on a Connect operation. This one function ** is shared by Calling and Listening partners. Complexity is due to the ** fact that cancel code cannot always ensure that this handler will not ** run, so there are flags to signal various edge conditions (cancel, abort, ** completion, high-level timeout). */
#define DPF_MODNAME "ConnectRetryTimeout"
VOID CALLBACK ConnectRetryTimeout(void * const pvUser, void * const pvHandle, const UINT uiUnique) { PMSD pMSD; PEPD pEPD = (PEPD) pvUser; PSPD pSPD = pEPD->pSPD;
DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "ENTER Connect Retry Timeout pEPD=%p", pEPD);
if((pEPD->LinkTimer != pvHandle)||(pEPD->LinkTimerUnique != uiUnique)) { // Timer been reset! This is a spurious fire and should be ignored.
RELEASE_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK: (Spurious (ie late) firing of CONNECT timer)"); // releases EPLock
DPFX(DPFPREP,7, "(%p) Ignoring late CONNECT timer", pEPD); return; } pMSD = pEPD->pCommand;
if(pMSD == NULL) { pEPD->LinkTimer = 0; RELEASE_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK: (Conn retry timer - after completion)"); // releases EPLock
return; } ASSERT_MSD(pMSD);
// Make sure this doesn't go away when we leave the lock
LOCK_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); // Release before taking higher level lock
// Take both locks in the proper order
Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); Lock(&pEPD->EPLock);
pEPD->LinkTimer = 0;
// This timer should only be running in a CONNECTING state
if( (pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 & (MFLAGS_ONE_CANCELLED | MFLAGS_ONE_COMPLETE)) || (!(pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_CONNECTING))) { // Release MSD before EPD since final EPD will call out to SP and we don't want any locks held
RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold for lock"); // Remove temporary reference and release lock
RELEASE_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK (Conn Retry Timer)"); // Remove reference for timer, releases EPLock
return; // and thats all for now
// IF more retries are allowed and command is still active, send another CONNECT frame
if(pEPD->uiNumRetriesRemaining-- > 0) { pEPD->uiRetryTimeout = _MIN(pEPD->uiRetryTimeout * 2, 5000); // exp backoff to a max of 5000ms until we establish our first RTT
if(pMSD->CommandID == COMMAND_ID_CONNECT) { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Sending CONNECT Frame", pEPD); (void) SendCommandFrame(pEPD, FRAME_EXOPCODE_CONNECT, 0, 0, FALSE); } // Listen -- retry CONNECTED frame
else { pEPD->ulEPFlags |= EPFLAGS_CHECKPOINT_INIT; // We will expect a reply to this frame
DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Sending CONNECTED Frame", pEPD); (void) SendCommandFrame(pEPD, FRAME_EXOPCODE_CONNECTED, 0, 0, FALSE); }
// Send the next ping
DPFX(DPFPREP,7, "(%p) Setting Connect Retry Timer", pEPD); pEPD->LinkTimer = pvHandle; RescheduleProtocolTimer(pSPD, pvHandle, pEPD->uiRetryTimeout, 100, ConnectRetryTimeout, (PVOID) pEPD, &pEPD->LinkTimerUnique);
Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold for lock"); // Remove temporary reference and release lock
// Since we have re-started timer, we don't adjust refcount
} else { // We got no response and timed out.
if(pMSD->CommandID == COMMAND_ID_CONNECT) { DECREMENT_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK: (Connect Timer (Failure Path))");// Dec Ref for this timer, releases EPLock
// This will only happen once since we know DoCancel has not been called due to our CANCELLED check above,
// and if it is now called it will see our CANCELLED flag set below. We also know that the success case hasn't
// happened or COMPLETE above would have been set. We also have not had two timers get here because of the
// CANCELLED check above and set here.
// Unlink EPD from MSD
ASSERT(pEPD->pCommand == pMSD); pEPD->pCommand = NULL; DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "EPD Ref"); // Release Reference from EPD
Unlock(&pMSD->CommandLock); // DropLink may call into the SP.
DropLink(pEPD);// Releases EPLock
DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "Hold for lock"); // Remove temporary reference
DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) Connect retries exhausted, completing Connect, pMSD[%p]", pEPD, pMSD); CompleteConnect(pMSD, pMSD->pSPD, NULL, DPNERR_NORESPONSE); // releases CommandLock
// Listen - clean up associated state info, then blow away end point
else { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) Connect retries exhausted on Listen, Kill Connection, pMSD[%p]", pEPD, pMSD);
if(pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_LINKED_TO_LISTEN) { pEPD->ulEPFlags &= ~(EPFLAGS_LINKED_TO_LISTEN); pEPD->blSPLinkage.RemoveFromList(); // Unlink EPD from Listen Queue
ASSERT(pEPD->pCommand != NULL); pEPD->pCommand = NULL; // Unlink listen from EPD
DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "EPD Ref"); // release reference for link to EPD
RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold for lock"); // Remove temporary reference and release lock
DECREMENT_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK: (Connect Timer (Failure Path))");// Dec Ref for this timer, SPLock not already held
DropLink(pEPD); } } }
** Process Connection Request ** ** Somebody wants to connect to us. If we have a listen posted we will ** fill out a checkpoint structure to correlate his response and we will fire ** off a CONNECTED frame ourselves ** ** Since our connection will not be up until we receive a CONNECTED response ** to our response we will need to set up a retry timer ourselves. ** ** Called with ep lock held. Returns with ep lock released */
#define DPF_MODNAME "ProcessConnectRequest"
VOID ProcessConnectRequest(PSPD pSPD, PEPD pEPD, PCFRAME pCFrame) { PMSD pMSD = NULL;
AssertCriticalSectionIsTakenByThisThread(&pEPD->EPLock, TRUE);
if((pMSD = pEPD->pCommand) == NULL) { // There are two cases: we are a connecting endpoint or we are a listening endpoint. In the connecting
// case we will fail in the following 'if' because we do not allow connections on non-listening endpoints.
// In the listening case, the fact that pMSD is NULL means that we have received the other side's
// CONNECTED packet, which also tells us that they have seen our CONNECTED packet. The only reason we
// would now be seeing a CONNECT is if a) there was a stale, late-delivered packet on the wire, or b)
// some malicious user is spoofing packets to us. In both cases, ignoring the packet is the right
// thing to do.
// There is a third possibility for the listening endpoint case, and that is that the other side went down
// and we didn't realize it, and they are now attempting to reconnect. The best we can do is wait the full
// timeout until the link is torn down on our side, and let their retries make the connection for them at
// that time. If we cut the timeout short, we have no way to know that a malicious user can't force
// legitimate connections closed by spoofing CONNECT packets.
DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) CONNECT Frame received on CONNECTED link, ignoring", pEPD); DNASSERTX(FALSE, 3);
Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; }
ASSERT_MSD(pMSD); LOCK_MSD(pMSD, "LOCK: Hold For Lock"); // Place reference on Cmd until we can lock it
Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); Lock(&pEPD->EPLock); // Serialize access to EPD (this may not really be new sess)
// Make sure this endpoint was listening for connections
// This could be a Connect in which case this is a malicious packet. It could also be a Disonnect or Disconnect Response
// if the endpoint is being disconnected. In any case we just need to ignore the connect packet.
// Make sure we can work with this version
if((pCFrame->dwVersion >> 16) != (DNET_VERSION_NUMBER >> 16)) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) PROTOCOL RECEIVED CONNECT REQUEST FROM AN INCOMPATIBLE VERSION(theirs %x, ours %x), DROPPING LINK", pEPD, pCFrame->dwVersion, DNET_VERSION_NUMBER); DNASSERTX(FALSE, 2); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "UNLOCK: Hold For Lock"); RejectInvalidPacket(pEPD); //above call will release ep lock
return; }
// Make sure we've been sent a valid session identity
// N.B. We only added the fact that session ids couldn't be zero when signing was added
if (VersionSupportsSigning(pCFrame->dwVersion) && pCFrame->dwSessID==0) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) Protocol received an invalid session identity", pEPD); DNASSERTX(FALSE, 2); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "UNLOCK: Hold For Lock"); RejectInvalidPacket(pEPD); //above call will release ep lock
return; }
// Make sure the listen command is still valid
return; }
// We shouldn't use the pMSD past here since this will unlock it
// Are we already connected?
if(pEPD->ulEPFlags & (EPFLAGS_STATE_CONNECTED | EPFLAGS_STATE_TERMINATING)) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) CONNECT Frame received on Connected or Terminating link, ignoring", pEPD);
// If connection has been completed then we don't need to do more work
// This can happen if we failed to cancel the connect timer in ProcessConnectedResponse and a CONNECT packet
// comes in.
Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; }
// If we are already in a CONNECTING state then this is not the first CONNECT frame we have seen. If the SessID's
// match, then the partner probably didn't hear our first response, so we will resend it. If the SessID's don't
// match, then either the partner aborted and is starting with a new SessID, or a malicious party is spoofing the
// partner's address, and sending a bogus packet. In either of these cases we will ignore the connect. A partner
// aborting a connect mid-way probably crashed anyway, and waiting for us to timeout the first connect attempt
// will be the least of their worries.
if(pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_CONNECTING) { if(pCFrame->dwSessID != pEPD->dwSessID) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) Received non-matching SessionID, ignoring CONNECT", pEPD); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; }
// Unexpected CONNECT Frame has same Session ID. Partner probably lost our response. We will
// respond again to this one.
DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) Received duplicate CONNECT request. Sending another response...", pEPD);
// Listen side must set this before sending CONNECTED
pEPD->ulEPFlags |= EPFLAGS_CHECKPOINT_INIT; // We will expect a reply to this frame
// If this fails they will be sending another CONNECT anyway, so we do nothing
(void) SendCommandFrame(pEPD, FRAME_EXOPCODE_CONNECTED, pCFrame->bMsgID, 0, FALSE);
Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; }
// Transition state
// If version number is high enough then mark the fact that this link could potentially use signing
// The fact we're handling a CONNECT here (rather than in unconnected data) indicates that the session
// is actually unsigned, but flicking this bit ensure we'll use the new style keep alives
if (VersionSupportsSigning(pCFrame->dwVersion) && VersionSupportsSigning(DNET_VERSION_NUMBER)) { pEPD->ulEPFlags2|=EPFLAGS2_SUPPORTS_SIGNING; } pEPD->dwSessID = pCFrame->dwSessID; // Use this SessID in all C-traffic
pEPD->ulEPFlags |= EPFLAGS_CHECKPOINT_INIT; // We will expect a reply to this frame
DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Sending CONNECTED Frame", pEPD); (void) SendCommandFrame(pEPD, FRAME_EXOPCODE_CONNECTED, pCFrame->bMsgID, 0, FALSE);
pEPD->uiRetryTimeout = pSPD->pPData->dwConnectTimeout; // Got to start somewhere
pEPD->uiNumRetriesRemaining = pSPD->pPData->dwConnectRetries; // w/exponential wait
LOCK_EPD(pEPD, "LOCK: (CONNECT RETRY TIMER)"); // Create reference for timer
DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Setting Connect Timer", pEPD); ScheduleProtocolTimer(pSPD, pEPD->uiRetryTimeout, 100, ConnectRetryTimeout, (PVOID) pEPD, &pEPD->LinkTimer, &pEPD->LinkTimerUnique); if (pEPD->LinkTimer == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) Setting Connect Retry Timer failed", pEPD);
// If we can't even set timers due to low memory, then the best we can do is
// abandon this new connection and hope to give good service to our existing
// connections.
pEPD->ulEPFlags &= ~(EPFLAGS_LINKED_TO_LISTEN); pEPD->blSPLinkage.RemoveFromList(); // Unlink EPD from Listen Queue
// Unlink the MSD from the EPD
ASSERT(pEPD->pCommand == pMSD); pEPD->pCommand = NULL;
DropLink(pEPD); // This releases EPLock
Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "EPD Ref");
return; }
Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); }
** CompleteConnectedResponse ** ** This is completes a connection response: marking the link as in use, initialize the send/recv parameters and ** indicates the connection to the core. Its called from both ProcessConnectedResponse and ** ProcessConnnectedSignedResponse, performing the link setup that common to both ** ** Called with both EP Lock and MSD Command Lock held. Returns with both released. **/
#define DPF_MODNAME "CompleteConnectedResponse"
void CompleteConnectedResponse(PProtocolData pPData, PEPD pEPD, PMSD pMSD, PCFRAME pCFrame, DWORD dwInitialRTT, DWORD tNow) { DNASSERT((pEPD->ulEPFlags & (EPFLAGS_STATE_DORMANT | EPFLAGS_STATE_CONNECTING | EPFLAGS_STATE_TERMINATING))==0); AssertCriticalSectionIsTakenByThisThread(&pEPD->EPLock, TRUE); AssertCriticalSectionIsTakenByThisThread(&pMSD->CommandLock, TRUE);
//mark that the link is connected and ready to send
//clip the measured RTT to within a sensible range
if (((int) dwInitialRTT) <= 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) dwInitialRTT measured as %d, using 1ms instead", pEPD, dwInitialRTT); dwInitialRTT = 1; } else if (dwInitialRTT>pPData->dwSendRetryIntervalLimit/2) { dwInitialRTT=pPData->dwSendRetryIntervalLimit/2; }
if (VersionSupportsCoalescence(pCFrame->dwVersion)==FALSE) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) Partner does not support coalescence", pEPD); pEPD->ulEPFlags2 |= EPFLAGS2_NOCOALESCENCE; } #ifdef DPNBUILD_COALESCENEVER
else { DPFX(DPFPREP,7, "(%p) Disabling coalescence sends even though partner supports them.", pEPD); pEPD->ulEPFlags2 |= EPFLAGS2_NOCOALESCENCE; } #endif // DPNBUILD_COALESCENEVER
if(pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_LINKED_TO_LISTEN) { pEPD->ulEPFlags &= ~(EPFLAGS_LINKED_TO_LISTEN); pEPD->blSPLinkage.RemoveFromList(); // Unlink EPD from Listen Queue
DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) Partner Reported Version: %x, Our Version: %x, tNow %u Initial RTT %u", pEPD, pCFrame->dwVersion, DNET_VERSION_NUMBER, tNow, dwInitialRTT); //set up EP ready to received and send with some sensible initial state
InitLinkParameters(pEPD, dwInitialRTT, tNow); DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) N(R) = 0, N(S) = 0", pEPD); pEPD->bNextSend = 0; pEPD->bNextReceive = 0; pEPD->bHighestAck = 0xFF; /*
** It turns out that the first RTT measurement is a very bad one (slow) because because ** it includes overhead for opening and binding a new socket, endpoint creation, etc. ** Therefore each side will take another quick sample right away. The initial calculations ** above will still serve as an initial RTT until this better sample is available */
// Take another RTT sample
DPFX(DPFPREP,7,"(%p) Performing Checkpoint", pEPD); SendKeepAlive(pEPD);
// Cleanup connect operation
if(pMSD->CommandID == COMMAND_ID_CONNECT) { // There was a CONNECT Command issued that now must be completed
DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); // Remove temporary reference from above.
// This will not happen twice because both COMPLETE and CANCELLED are checked above, and the
// call to CompleteConnect will set COMPLETE.
// Unlink the MSD from the EPD
ASSERT(pEPD->pCommand == pMSD); pEPD->pCommand = NULL; DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "EPD Ref"); // Release reference for EPD link
CompleteConnect(pMSD, pSPD, pEPD, DPN_OK); // This releases the MSD Lock
} else { // LISTENING
// We were the listener. We will indicate a Connect event on the listen
// command w/o completing the Listen
// We know this will only happen once because the person who does it will transition us out
// of the CONNECTING state, and we can't get here unless we are in that state.
// Unlink the MSD from the EPD
ASSERT(pEPD->pCommand == pMSD); pEPD->pCommand = NULL; DECREMENT_MSD(pMSD, "EPD Ref"); // Release reference for EPD link
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "(%p) Calling Core->IndicateConnect, pMSD[%p], Core Context[%p]", pEPD, pMSD, pMSD->Context); pSPD->pPData->pfVtbl->IndicateConnect(pSPD->pPData->Parent, pMSD->Context, (PHANDLE) pEPD, &pEPD->Context);
// Complete any receives that queued while waiting for IndicateConnect
Lock(&pEPD->EPLock); ReceiveComplete(pEPD); // releases EPLock
// Release the final reference on the MSD AFTER indicating to the Core
Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); // release temp MSD (releases lock)
} }
** Process Connected Response ** ** A response to a connection request has arrived (or a response to ** our connection response). Now the connection is officially up (on ** our end of the circuit). Set the link-state according to our first ** RTT sample and get ready to party. ** ** If we are the originating party, we will want to send a ** CONNECTED frame to our partner, even though the connection is ** complete from our perspective. This will allow partner to establish ** his baseline RTT and clock bias as we can do here. In this case, he ** will have his POLL bit set in the frame we just received. ** ** Now, we might get additional CONNECTED frames after the first one ** where we startup the link. This would most likely be due to our CONNECTED ** response getting lost. So if we get a CONNECTED frame with POLL set ** after our link is up, we will just go ahead and respond again without ** adjusting our state. ** ** Note about Locks: ** ** This code is complicated by the precedence of CritSec ownership. To simplify ** as much as possible we will take the Listen command lock at the very start of the ** procedure (when appropriate) because it has the highest level lock. This prevents ** us from completing the whole connection process and then finding that the Listen ** went away so we can't indicate it to the user. ** ** We keep a RefCnt on the Listen so it won't go away while a new session ** is pending on it. */
#define DPF_MODNAME "ProcessConnectedResponse"
VOID ProcessConnectedResponse(PSPD pSPD, PEPD pEPD, PCFRAME pCFrame, DWORD tNow) { PCHKPT pCP; PMSD pMSD; DWORD dwInitialRTT;
AssertCriticalSectionIsTakenByThisThread(&pEPD->EPLock, TRUE);
// If the link has not seen a CONNECT or issued a CONNECT, we do not expect a CONNECTED.
// Since this is the only reason this EPD was created, we will tear it down by rejecting
// the connection.
if (pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_DORMANT) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) CONNECTED response received on a dormant link, dropping link", pEPD); RejectInvalidPacket(pEPD); //ep lock will be released by above function
return; }
// There is a possibility that the link is in the terminating state. If so, we don't
// care about CONNECTED packets.
if (pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_TERMINATING) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) CONNECTED response received on a terminating link, ignoring", pEPD); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; }
// At this point either we are connecting and this is a response, or someone has connected to us, and this is
// the reply to our response. Note that this could be a duplicate of one of these cases, so we may already
// be in a connected state. There is also the possiblity that these are malicious packets.
// If the SessID does not match, ignore the CONNECTED packet. This is either a malicious attempt at messing
// up a legitimate connection, or our partner aborted and has come back in with a new session ID.
if(pEPD->dwSessID != pCFrame->dwSessID) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) CONNECTED response has bad SessID, ignoring", pEPD); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; } // If we have completed our side of the connection then our only responsibility is to send responses
// if our partner is still POLLING us.
if(pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_CONNECTED) { // A Listen will set POLL on the CONNECTED packet, a Connect will not
// If we're a signed link then this is a bogus packet, since we should only get CONNECTEDSIGNED responses
// hence we do nothing in that case
if ((pCFrame->bCommand & PACKET_COMMAND_POLL) && ((pEPD->ulEPFlags2 & EPFLAGS2_SIGNED_LINK)==0)) { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Duplicate CONNECTED frame, sending another response...", pEPD);
// If this fails we will let the partner's retry catch it.
(void) SendCommandFrame(pEPD, FRAME_EXOPCODE_CONNECTED, pCFrame->bMsgID, 0, FALSE); } Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; }
// Since we are not CONNECTED yet, we must be in a CONNECTING state in order to receive a
// CONNECTED response.
// MSD should not be NULL if we are in the CONNECTING state
pMSD = pEPD->pCommand; ASSERT_MSD(pMSD); LOCK_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); // Place reference on Cmd until we can lock it
Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); Lock(&pEPD->EPLock);
// Since we left the EPLock, we must verify that we are still in the connecting state
if (!(pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_CONNECTING)) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) EPD left the CONNECTING state while we were out of the lock, ignoring CONNECTED frame", pEPD);
Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); // This releases the command lock
return; }
if(pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 & (MFLAGS_ONE_CANCELLED | MFLAGS_ONE_COMPLETE)) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) Connect/Listen command cancelled or complete, ignoring CONNECTED frame", pEPD);
// Whoever cancelled the Listen should be disconnecting this connection too
// so all we have to do here is bail out.
Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); // This releases the command lock
return; } // Next, take care of this guy's reply if we still owe him one
// A Listen will set POLL on the CONNECTED packet, a Connect will not
if(pCFrame->bCommand & PACKET_COMMAND_POLL) { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Sending CONNECTED Frame", pEPD); if(SendCommandFrame(pEPD, FRAME_EXOPCODE_CONNECTED, pCFrame->bMsgID, 0, FALSE) != DPN_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Sending CONNECTED Frame Failed", pEPD);
// We cannot complete the connection... we will just let things time out
RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); // Protect the pCommand field
return; } }
// Now we can setup our new link, but only if this frame Correlates to a checkpoint we have outstanding
// so we can seed our state variables.
// Can we correlate resp?
pCP = LookupCheckPoint(pEPD, pCFrame->bRspID); if (pCP==NULL) { /*
** Uncorrelated CONNECTED frame. How can this happen? Parter's response must ** have been dropped, so he is retrying his CONN frame. Since we are trying to ** measure an accurate RTT we dont want to use his retry against our original ** request, so he zeros out his Resp correlator. We will eventually retry with ** new correlator and hopefully that frame will get through. */
DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) Uncorrelated CONNECTED frame arrives", pEPD); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); return; } // We are connected, so shut off retry timer
if(pEPD->LinkTimer != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Cancelling Connect Timer", pEPD); if(CancelProtocolTimer(pSPD, pEPD->LinkTimer, pEPD->LinkTimerUnique) == DPN_OK) { DECREMENT_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK: (Conn Retry Timer - Connect Complete)"); // remove reference for timer, SPLock not already held
} else { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Cancelling Connect Timer Failed", pEPD); } pEPD->LinkTimer = 0; // This will prevent timer from trying to do any work if it couldn't cancel
//twiddle the connecting bit off. We'll set the CONNECTED bit when we complete the connected response
// If version number is high enough then mark the fact that this link could potentially use signing
// We've obviously got an unsigned link (because we got a CONNECT rather than a CONNECTSIGNED), but
// this'll ensure we use the new style Keep Alives rather than the old
// N.B. The listening side may have already flicked this bit when it got the initial CONNECT. So this
// is only really necessary for the connecting side. But there's no point doing an extra check for a harmless or op.
if (VersionSupportsSigning(pCFrame->dwVersion) && VersionSupportsSigning(DNET_VERSION_NUMBER)) { pEPD->ulEPFlags2|=EPFLAGS2_SUPPORTS_SIGNING; }
//compute the initial RTT based on the checkpoint and then clean the checkpoint state up
dwInitialRTT = tNow - pCP->tTimestamp; ChkPtPool.Release(pCP); FlushCheckPoints(pEPD); // Make sure we do this before the InitCheckPoint
//Finally set link up and indicate connect to the core
//This runs the code path common to both CONNECTED and CONNECTEDSIGNED responses
CompleteConnectedResponse(pSPD->pPData, pEPD, pMSD, pCFrame, dwInitialRTT, tNow); //above call releases both EP lock and MSD command lock
** ProcessConnectedSignedResponse ** ** This is called when a CONNECTEDSIGNED cframe is received and we're either already connected/connecting ** or we've just completed the 3 way handshake using unconnected data and are now ready to complete ** the connection. ** ** Called with the EP Lock held. Returns with it released. **/
#define DPF_MODNAME "ProcessConnectedSignedResponse"
VOID ProcessConnectedSignedResponse(PSPD pSPD, PEPD pEPD, CFRAME_CONNECTEDSIGNED * pCFrame, DWORD tNow) { PMSD pMSD;
AssertCriticalSectionIsTakenByThisThread(&pEPD->EPLock, TRUE);
//If the link is already being terminated (possibly this is a repeat reponse from a listener,
//so we've already indicated that the link is up and then torn it down) then ignore this frame
if (pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_TERMINATING) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) CONNECTED SIGNED response received on a terminating link, ignoring", pEPD); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; }
//If endpoint has already got a session identity it must match the one presented in this frame
//anything else indicates a malicious packet. Also the supplied sesion identity must be none zero
if ((pCFrame->dwSessID==0) || (pEPD->dwSessID && pEPD->dwSessID!=pCFrame->dwSessID)) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) CONNECTED SIGNED response received with invalid session identity " "pCFrame->dwSessID[%u] pEPD->dwSessID[%u]", pEPD, pCFrame->dwSessID, pEPD->dwSessID); RejectInvalidPacket(pEPD); //above call will release EP lock
return; }
//there are basically 3 conditions we care about.
//1. Endpoint is already connected. In this case we're probably the connector and our original
//connected signed frame to the listener was dropped. We just need to resend that response
//2. Endpoint is connecting. In this case we're the connector and we've just got our first response
//to our initial CONNECT frame. Time to complete the connection and make endpoint connected
//3. Endpoint is dormant. In this case we're the listener and we've just completed the three way
//handshake for a valid connection. Time to complete the connection and make endpoint connected
//connected case is simplest to handle
if(pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_CONNECTED) { //if the poll bit is set it means the frame originated from a listening side, so we should
//send a response back to them. If endpoint isn't marked as already being in a signed session
//then something is screwy and we should ignore this frame
if((pCFrame->bCommand & PACKET_COMMAND_POLL) && (pEPD->ulEPFlags2 & EPFLAGS2_SIGNED_LINK)) { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Duplicate CONNECTED SIGNED frame, sending another response...", pEPD);
SendConnectedSignedFrame(pEPD, pCFrame, tNow); } Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; } //we're going to need to complete the connection as we must have either just got a response to our CONNECT
//(CONNECTING case) or we're completed the 3 way initial connect handshake (DORMANT case)
//The MSD will either refer to a listen or a connect. We have to fiddle around with locking order
//at this point, to ensure we take the MSD lock before the EP lock
pMSD = pEPD->pCommand; ASSERT_MSD(pMSD); LOCK_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); // Place reference on Cmd until we can lock it
Lock(&pMSD->CommandLock); Lock(&pEPD->EPLock);
// Since we left the EPLock, we must verify that we are still good to process this frame
if ((pEPD->ulEPFlags & (EPFLAGS_STATE_DORMANT | EPFLAGS_STATE_CONNECTING))==0) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) EPD now in invalid state to process CONNECTED SIGNED frame", pEPD); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); // This releases the command lock
return; } if(pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 & (MFLAGS_ONE_CANCELLED | MFLAGS_ONE_COMPLETE)) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "(%p) Connect/Listen command cancelled or complete, ignoring CONNECTED SIGNED frame", pEPD);
// Whoever cancelled the Connect/Listen should be disconnecting this connection too
// so all we have to do here is bail out.
Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); // This releases the command lock
return; }
DWORD dwInitialRTT;
//if we're making the connection then we need to send a response back to the listener to confirm we're
//a valid host, compute what the RTT we just saw was and shut off the timer we were using to send CONNECT frames
if (pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_CONNECTING) { //check the signing options we've been sent from the listener make sense
//we should have a single signing type specified (and not both)
//and we're responsible for picking the secrets, so the values specified in the frame should be zero
if (((pCFrame->dwSigningOpts & (PACKET_SIGNING_FAST | PACKET_SIGNING_FULL))==0) || ((pCFrame->dwSigningOpts & (PACKET_SIGNING_FAST | PACKET_SIGNING_FULL))== (PACKET_SIGNING_FAST | PACKET_SIGNING_FULL)) || pCFrame->ullSenderSecret!=0 || pCFrame->ullReceiverSecret!=0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring CONNECTED_SIGNED cframe with invalid signing options"); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; } //find the check point associated with the initial connect so we can assess RTT
//if we can't find one something is screwy so we'll just ignore this frame
PCHKPT pCP = LookupCheckPoint(pEPD, pCFrame->bRspID); if (pCP==NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Failed to find checkpoint. Ignoring frame", pEPD); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; } //listener should always respond with the poll bit set. If its not set this is some bogus packet and we should ignore it
if ((pCFrame->bCommand & PACKET_COMMAND_POLL)==0) { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Ignoring CONNECTED SIGNED response with clear POLL bit", pEPD); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; }
//generate both the local and the remote secret. These'll both be sent back to the listener in the CONNECTED SIGNED
//response we're going to send out immediately after this. Note we only generate these values once and they
//can never be zero
while (pEPD->ullCurrentLocalSecret==0) { DNGetGoodRandomData(&pEPD->ullCurrentLocalSecret, sizeof(pEPD->ullCurrentLocalSecret)); } while (pEPD->ullCurrentRemoteSecret==0) { DNGetGoodRandomData(&pEPD->ullCurrentRemoteSecret, sizeof(pEPD->ullCurrentRemoteSecret)); } pEPD->ullOldLocalSecret=pEPD->ullCurrentLocalSecret; pEPD->ullOldRemoteSecret=pEPD->ullCurrentRemoteSecret; pEPD->ullLocalSecretModifier=pEPD->ullCurrentLocalSecret; pEPD->ullRemoteSecretModifier=pEPD->ullCurrentRemoteSecret; //Also if we fail to send the response frame then we shouldn't evolve our state. We'll retransmit a new CONNECT
//at some point and we can try the whole process again then
DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Sending CONNECTED SIGNED Frame", pEPD); if (SendConnectedSignedFrame(pEPD, pCFrame, tNow)!=DPN_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Failed to send CONNECTED SIGNED response", pEPD); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; } //connect has succeeded so clean up the link timer
if(pEPD->LinkTimer != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Cancelling Connect Timer", pEPD); if(CancelProtocolTimer(pSPD, pEPD->LinkTimer, pEPD->LinkTimerUnique) == DPN_OK) { // remove reference for timer, SPLock not already held
DECREMENT_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK: (Conn Retry Timer - Connect Complete)"); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "(%p) Cancelling Connect Timer Failed", pEPD); } pEPD->LinkTimer = 0; // This will prevent timer from trying to do any work if it couldn't cancel
} //compute the initial RTT, and then clear up the check point objects
dwInitialRTT = tNow - pCP->tTimestamp; ChkPtPool.Release(pCP); FlushCheckPoints(pEPD); //twiddle the connecting bit off. We'll flick the connected bit on in CompleteConnectedResponse
pEPD->ulEPFlags &= ~(EPFLAGS_STATE_CONNECTING); } //else if we've got a dormant endpoint then this endpoint has been created as a result of completing a
//3 way handshake with unconnected data. We can now complete the connection
else if (pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_DORMANT) { //N.B. By the time we get here we'll have already checked the version number, the signing options,
//the connect signature and the session identity for validity
//twiddle the dormant bit off. We'll flick the connected bit on in CompleteConnectedResponse
pEPD->ulEPFlags &= ~(EPFLAGS_STATE_DORMANT); //compute the RTT based on our original timestamp thats been echoed back to us
dwInitialRTT=tNow-pCFrame->dwEchoTimestamp; //store the session identity indicated by the frame we just received
pEPD->dwSessID=pCFrame->dwSessID; //and store the secrets we should be using to sign the link
pEPD->ullCurrentLocalSecret=pCFrame->ullReceiverSecret; pEPD->ullOldLocalSecret=pCFrame->ullReceiverSecret; pEPD->ullLocalSecretModifier=pCFrame->ullReceiverSecret; pEPD->ullCurrentRemoteSecret=pCFrame->ullSenderSecret; pEPD->ullOldRemoteSecret=pCFrame->ullSenderSecret; pEPD->ullRemoteSecretModifier=pCFrame->ullSenderSecret; } //else endpoint is in some weird undetermined condition
else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "(%p) In unknown state when processing CONNECTED SIGNED", pEPD); DNASSERT(0); RELEASE_MSD(pMSD, "Hold For Lock"); Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); return; }
//mark the endpoint with the relevant signing flags
pEPD->ulEPFlags2|=EPFLAGS2_SUPPORTS_SIGNING; if (pCFrame->dwSigningOpts & PACKET_SIGNING_FAST) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "(%p) Marking endpoint as fast signed local secret %x-%x remote secret %x-%x", pEPD, DPFX_OUTPUT_ULL(pEPD->ullCurrentLocalSecret), DPFX_OUTPUT_ULL(pEPD->ullCurrentRemoteSecret)); pEPD->ulEPFlags2|=EPFLAGS2_FAST_SIGNED_LINK; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "(%p) Marking endpoint as full signed local current secret %x-%x old secret %x-%x modifier %x-%x remote current secret %x-%x old secret %x-%x modifier %x-%x", pEPD, DPFX_OUTPUT_ULL(pEPD->ullCurrentLocalSecret), DPFX_OUTPUT_ULL(pEPD->ullOldLocalSecret), DPFX_OUTPUT_ULL(pEPD->ullLocalSecretModifier), DPFX_OUTPUT_ULL(pEPD->ullCurrentRemoteSecret), DPFX_OUTPUT_ULL(pEPD->ullOldRemoteSecret), DPFX_OUTPUT_ULL(pEPD->ullRemoteSecretModifier)); pEPD->ulEPFlags2|=EPFLAGS2_FULL_SIGNED_LINK;
//start looking for frames in the first 3/4's of the sequence space we can use to modify the secrets
pEPD->byRemoteSecretModifierSeqNum=SEQ_WINDOW_3Q; pEPD->byLocalSecretModifierSeqNum=SEQ_WINDOW_3Q; } //and complete the connection setup processing
//this runs the code common to both CONNECTED and CONNECTEDSIGNED paths
CompleteConnectedResponse(pSPD->pPData, pEPD, pMSD, (PCFRAME ) pCFrame, dwInitialRTT, tNow); //above call releases both EP lock and MSD command lock
** Drop Link ** ** For whatever reason we are dropping an active link. This requires us to ** Cancel any outstanding commands and give an indication to the user. ** ** ** ** CALLED WITH EPD->EPLOCK HELD; RETURNS WITH LOCK RELEASED ** */
#define DPF_MODNAME "DropLink"
VOID DropLink(PEPD pEPD) { DPFX(DPFPREP,2, "Drop Link %p (refcnt=%d)", pEPD, pEPD->lRefCnt);
ASSERT_EPD(pEPD); AssertCriticalSectionIsTakenByThisThread(&pEPD->EPLock, TRUE);
// First set/clear flags to prevent any new commands from issueing
// We will not indicate disconnect if the Core never knew about the connetion
BOOL fIndicateDisconnect = (pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_CONNECTED); // By default if we indicate disconnection from this function it'll be the connection terminated type
//the only exception is if ep is the source of a hard disconnect
BOOL fDisconnectTypeTermination=TRUE;
// Transition state
pEPD->ulEPFlags |= EPFLAGS_STATE_TERMINATING; // Accept no new commands
// I am creating a RefCnt bump for the send pipeline, which means we will no longer pull EPDs off
// the pipeline here. The clearing of the flags above will cause the EPD to be dropped from the
// pipeline the next time it is due to be serviced. We CAN still clean up all the frames'n'stuff
// because the send loop doesnt need to actually DO anything with this EPD. This behavior allows
// the SendThread to loop through the pipeline queue, surrendering locks, without having the queue
// changing beneath it.
//cancel all the timers on an endpoint
CancelEpdTimers(pEPD); //EPLock is still held when this returns
//cancel all pending sends
AbortSendsOnConnection(pEPD); //EPLock is released when this returns
Lock(&pEPD->EPLock); // Connects, Listens, and Disconnects are associated with an EPD through the pCommand member. AbortSends will
// have removed any Disconnects, and no Connects or Listens should still be hanging on when we call DropLink.
ASSERT(pEPD->pCommand == NULL);
// Now we clean up any receives in progress. We throw away any partial or mis-ordered messages.
//This returns all the recv buffers (if any) on a single list we can pass back to the SP once we unlock the EPD
SPRECEIVEDBUFFER * pRcvBuff = AbortRecvsOnConnection(pEPD); //EPLock is still held when this returns
IDP8ServiceProvider *pSPIntf = pSPD->IISPIntf;
//if we had a COMMAND_ID_DISCONNECT or COMMAND_ID_DISC_RESPONSE msg held in EPD::pCommand then
//during AbortSendsOnConnection we'll have handled completing the connection. Alternatively if this is a hard disconnect
//or the link has dropped in an untidy way, we'll have to indicate the disconnect here.
//N.B. Its possible if we started a soft disconnect, and the remote end started a hard disconnect, then although we'll
//actually drop due to the hard disconnect, we'll do the disconect completition using the soft disconnect msg
//i.e. Indicating completition in the AbortSendsOnConnection using the COMMAND_ID_DISCONNECT msg
if (!(pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_INDICATED_DISCONNECT)) { if (fIndicateDisconnect) { // Make sure we are the only one that indicates the disconnect
pEPD->ulEPFlags |= EPFLAGS_INDICATED_DISCONNECT; // If this endpoint was the source of a hard disconnect we should indicate disconection as a completition
// rather than a termination
if (pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_HARD_DISCONNECT_SOURCE) { fDisconnectTypeTermination=FALSE; } } } else { // Someone else beat us to it.
fIndicateDisconnect = FALSE; }
// We need to make sure that we don't allow DNPRemoveServiceProvider to complete until we are out of the Core
// and SP. This reference will do that, and is released at the end of this function.
LOCK_EPD(pEPD, "Drop Link Temp Ref");
// Remove the base reference if it still exists
if(!(pEPD->ulEPFlags2 & EPFLAGS2_KILLED)) { pEPD->ulEPFlags2 |= EPFLAGS2_KILLED;
RELEASE_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK (KILLCONN - Base Ref)"); // RELEASE the EPD, releases EPLock
} else { Unlock(&pEPD->EPLock); }
if(pRcvBuff) { AssertNoCriticalSectionsFromGroupTakenByThisThread(&g_blProtocolCritSecsHeld);
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "(%p) Calling SP->ReturnReceiveBuffers, pSPD[%p], pRcvBuff[%p]", pEPD, pSPD, pRcvBuff); IDP8ServiceProvider_ReturnReceiveBuffers(pSPIntf, pRcvBuff); }
// Tell user that session is over
// If the Core previously knew about this endpoint, and we have not yet indicated disconnect to the
// Core, we need to do it now.
//N.B. For hard disconnects this is always where the disconnection is indicated, since we don't have a disconnect MSG
//store in the pCommand member which might have been picked up elsewhere
if(fIndicateDisconnect) { AssertNoCriticalSectionsFromGroupTakenByThisThread(&g_blProtocolCritSecsHeld);
if (fDisconnectTypeTermination) { DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "(%p) Calling Core->IndicateConnectionTerminated, DPNERR_CONNECTIONLOST, Core Context[%p]", pEPD, pEPD->Context); pSPD->pPData->pfVtbl->IndicateConnectionTerminated(pSPD->pPData->Parent, pEPD->Context, DPNERR_CONNECTIONLOST); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "(%p) Calling Core->CompleteDisconnect, DPN_OK, Core Context[%p]", pEPD, pEPD->pvHardDisconnectContext); pSPD->pPData->pfVtbl->CompleteDisconnect(pSPD->pPData->Parent, pEPD->pvHardDisconnectContext, DPN_OK); } }
Lock(&pEPD->EPLock); RELEASE_EPD(pEPD, "Drop Link Temp Ref"); }
** Cancel Epd Timers ** ** This clears all timers that an endpoint potentially creates. Called either when ** we're dropping the link or hard disconnecting the link. Its possible a timer won't ** by cancellable, in which case we assume it'll fire and then pick up the new endpoint ** state (i.e. Its been terminated). ** ** ** CALLED WITH EPD->EPLOCK HELD; RETURNS WITH EPD->EPLOCK HELD ** */
#define DPF_MODNAME "CancelEpdTimers"
VOID CancelEpdTimers(PEPD pEPD) { PSPD pSPD=pEPD->pSPD; if(pEPD->RetryTimer) { if(CancelProtocolTimer(pSPD, pEPD->RetryTimer, pEPD->RetryTimerUnique) == DPN_OK) { DECREMENT_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK (DROP RETRY)"); // SPLock not already held
} pEPD->RetryTimer = 0; } if(pEPD->LinkTimer) { if(CancelProtocolTimer(pSPD, pEPD->LinkTimer, pEPD->LinkTimerUnique) == DPN_OK) { DECREMENT_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK (DROP LINK RETRY)"); // SPLock not already held
} pEPD->LinkTimer = 0; } if(pEPD->DelayedAckTimer) { if(CancelProtocolTimer(pSPD, pEPD->DelayedAckTimer, pEPD->DelayedAckTimerUnique) == DPN_OK) { DECREMENT_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK (DROP DELAYEDACK)"); // SPLock not already held
} pEPD->DelayedAckTimer = 0; } if(pEPD->DelayedMaskTimer) { if(CancelProtocolTimer(pSPD, pEPD->DelayedMaskTimer, pEPD->DelayedMaskTimerUnique) == DPN_OK) { DECREMENT_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK (DROP DELAYED MASK)"); // SPLock not already held
} pEPD->DelayedMaskTimer = 0; } if(pEPD->SendTimer) { if(CancelProtocolTimer(pSPD, pEPD->SendTimer, pEPD->SendTimerUnique) == DPN_OK) { DECREMENT_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK (DROP SENDTIMER)"); // SPLock not already held
pEPD->SendTimer = 0; } } if(pEPD->BGTimer) { if(CancelProtocolTimer(pSPD, pEPD->BGTimer, pEPD->BGTimerUnique) == DPN_OK) { DECREMENT_EPD(pEPD, "UNLOCK (DROP BG TIMER)"); // SPLock not already held
pEPD->BGTimer = 0; } } }
** Abort Recvs on Connection ** ** This messages we've queued on a connection (misordered, partial, complete, whatever) ** Called when we're dropping the link or when we're hard disconnecting it ** ** ** CALLED WITH EPD->EPLOCK HELD; RETURNS WITH EPD->EPLOCK HELD ** */
#define DPF_MODNAME "AbortRecvsOnConnection"
SPRECEIVEDBUFFER * AbortRecvsOnConnection(PEPD pEPD) { PRCD pRCD, pNext; CBilink * pLink; SPRECEIVEDBUFFER * pRcvBuff=NULL;
while((pRCD = pEPD->pNewMessage) != NULL) { ASSERT_RCD(pRCD);
pEPD->pNewMessage = pRCD->pMsgLink; if(pRCD->pRcvBuff == NULL) { ASSERT(pRCD->ulRFlags & (RFLAGS_FRAME_INDICATED_NONSEQ | RFLAGS_FRAME_LOST)); }
RELEASE_SP_BUFFER(pRcvBuff, pRCD->pRcvBuff);
while(!pEPD->blOddFrameList.IsEmpty()) { pLink = pEPD->blOddFrameList.GetNext(); pRCD = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pLink, RCD, blOddFrameLinkage); ASSERT_RCD(pRCD);
RELEASE_SP_BUFFER(pRcvBuff, pRCD->pRcvBuff);
while(!pEPD->blCompleteList.IsEmpty()) { pLink = pEPD->blCompleteList.GetNext(); pRCD = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pLink, RCD, blCompleteLinkage); ASSERT_RCD(pRCD);
pLink->RemoveFromList(); ASSERT(pEPD->uiCompleteMsgCount > 0); pEPD->uiCompleteMsgCount--; while(pRCD != NULL) { ASSERT_RCD(pRCD); pNext = pRCD->pMsgLink; RELEASE_SP_BUFFER(pRcvBuff, pRCD->pRcvBuff); RELEASE_RCD(pRCD); pRCD = pNext; } } return pRcvBuff; }