* * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: ModemUI.cpp * Content: Modem service provider UI functions * * * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 03/24/99 jtk Created ***************************************************************************/
#include "dnmdmi.h"
// Constant definitions
// default size of temp strings used to add stuff to dialog
// Macro definitions
// Structure definitions
// Variable definitions
static const INT_PTR g_iExpectedIncomingModemSettingsReturn = 0x23456789; static const INT_PTR g_iExpectedOutgoingModemSettingsReturn = 0x3456789A;
// Function prototypes
static INT_PTR CALLBACK IncomingSettingsDialogProc( HWND hDialog, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); static HRESULT SetAddressParametersFromIncomingDialogData( const HWND hDialog, CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint );
static INT_PTR CALLBACK OutgoingSettingsDialogProc( HWND hDialog, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); static HRESULT SetOutgoingPhoneNumber( const HWND hDialog, const CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint ); static HRESULT SetAddressParametersFromOutgoingDialogData( const HWND hDialog, CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint );
static HRESULT DisplayModemConfigDialog( const HWND hDialog, const HWND hDeviceComboBox, const CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint );
static HRESULT SetModemDataInDialog( const HWND hComboBox, const CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint ); static HRESULT GetModemSelectionFromDialog( const HWND hComboBox, CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint ); static INT_PTR CALLBACK ModemStatusDialogProc( HWND hDialog, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
// Function definitions
// ------------------------------
// DisplayIncomingModemSettingsDialog - dialog for incoming modem connection
// Entry: Pointer to startup param
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "DisplayIncomingModemSettingsDialog"
void DisplayIncomingModemSettingsDialog( void *const pContext ) { INT_PTR iDlgReturn; CModemEndpoint *pModemEndpoint;
DNASSERT( pContext != NULL );
// intialize
pModemEndpoint = static_cast<CModemEndpoint*>( pContext );
DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( pModemEndpoint ) == sizeof( LPARAM ) ); SetLastError( ERROR_SUCCESS ); iDlgReturn = DialogBoxParam( g_hModemDLLInstance, // handle of module for resources
NULL, // no parent
IncomingSettingsDialogProc, // dialog message proc
reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>( pModemEndpoint ) // startup parameter
); if ( iDlgReturn != g_iExpectedIncomingModemSettingsReturn ) { DWORD dwError;
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed to start incoming modem settings dialog!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, dwError ); pModemEndpoint->SettingsDialogComplete( DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
return; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// DisplayOutgoingModemSettingsDialog - dialog for Outgoing modem connection
// Entry: Pointer to startup param
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "DisplayOutgoingModemSettingsDialog"
void DisplayOutgoingModemSettingsDialog( void *const pContext ) { INT_PTR iDlgReturn; CModemEndpoint *pModemEndpoint;
DNASSERT( pContext != NULL );
// intialize
pModemEndpoint = static_cast<CModemEndpoint*>( pContext );
DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( pModemEndpoint ) == sizeof( LPARAM ) ); SetLastError( ERROR_SUCCESS ); iDlgReturn = DialogBoxParam( g_hModemDLLInstance, // handle of module for resources
NULL, //
OutgoingSettingsDialogProc, // dialog message proc
reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>( pModemEndpoint ) // startup parameter
); if ( iDlgReturn != g_iExpectedOutgoingModemSettingsReturn ) { DWORD dwError;
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed to start outgoing modem settings dialog!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, dwError ); pModemEndpoint->SettingsDialogComplete( DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
return; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// StopModemSettingsDialog - stop dialog dialog for modem settings
// Entry: Handle of dialog
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "StopModemSettingsDialog"
void StopModemSettingsDialog( const HWND hDlg ) { DNASSERT( hDlg != NULL ); if ( PostMessage( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM( IDCANCEL, NULL ), NULL ) == 0 ) { DWORD dwError;
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed to stop dialog!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, dwError ); DNASSERT( FALSE ); } } //**********************************************************************
//// ------------------------------
//// DisplayModemStatusDialog - dialog for modem status
//// Entry: Pointer to destination for dialog handle
//// Pointer to startup param
//// Exit: Error code
//// ------------------------------
//HRESULT DisplayModemStatusDialog( HWND *const phDialog, CModemEndpoint *const pEndpoint )
// HRESULT hr;
// HWND hDialog;
// // intialize
// hr = DPN_OK;
// DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( pEndpoint ) == sizeof( LPARAM ) );
// hDialog = CreateDialogParam( g_hModemDLLInstance, // handle of module for resources
// MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_MODEM_STATUS ), // resource for dialog
// GetForegroundWindow(), // parent window (whatever is on top)
// ModemStatusDialogProc, // dialog message proc
// reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>( pEndpoint ) // startup parameter
// );
// if ( hDialog == NULL )
// {
// DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not create modem status dialog!" );
// DisplayErrorCode( 0, GetLastError() );
// goto Failure;
// }
// *phDialog = hDialog;
// ShowWindow( hDialog, SW_SHOW );
// UpdateWindow( hDialog );
// return hr;
// goto Exit;
//// ------------------------------
//// StopModemStatusDialog - stop dialog for modem connection status
//// Entry: Handle of dialog
//// Exit: Nothing
//// ------------------------------
//void StopModemStatusDialog( const HWND hDialog )
// DNASSERT( hDialog != NULL );
// if ( SendMessage( hDialog, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM( IDCANCEL, NULL ), NULL ) != 0 )
// {
// // we didn't handle the message
// }
// ------------------------------
// OutgoingSettingsDialogProc - dialog proc for outgoing modem connection
// Entry: Window handle
// Message LPARAM
// Message WPARAM
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "OutgoingSettingsDialogProc"
static INT_PTR CALLBACK OutgoingSettingsDialogProc( HWND hDialog, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { CModemEndpoint *pModemEndpoint; HRESULT hr;
// initialize
hr = DPN_OK;
// note the active endpoint pointer
DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( pModemEndpoint ) == sizeof( LONG_PTR ) ); pModemEndpoint = reinterpret_cast<CModemEndpoint*>( GetWindowLongPtr( hDialog, GWLP_USERDATA ) );
switch ( uMsg ) { // initialize dialog
case WM_INITDIALOG: { // since this is the first dialog message, the default code to set
// pModemEndpoint isn't getting valid data
DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( pModemEndpoint ) == sizeof( lParam ) ); pModemEndpoint = reinterpret_cast<CModemEndpoint*>( lParam ); pModemEndpoint->SetActiveDialogHandle( hDialog );
// SetWindowLongPtr() returns NULL in case of error. It's possible
// that the old value from SetWindowLongPtr() was really NULL in
// which case it's not an error. To be safe, clear any residual
// error code before calling SetWindowLongPtr().
SetLastError( 0 ); if ( SetWindowLongPtr( hDialog, GWLP_USERDATA, lParam ) == NULL ) { DWORD dwError;
dwError = GetLastError(); if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting user data for window!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, dwError ); goto Failure; } }
// set dialog information
hr = SetModemDataInDialog( GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_COMBO_OUTGOING_MODEM_DEVICE ), pModemEndpoint ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting modem device!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure; }
hr = SetOutgoingPhoneNumber( hDialog, pModemEndpoint ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting phone number!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure; }
return TRUE;
break; }
// a control did something
case WM_COMMAND: { // what was the control?
switch ( LOWORD( wParam ) ) { case IDOK: { hr = SetAddressParametersFromOutgoingDialogData( hDialog, pModemEndpoint ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem getting dialog data!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure; }
// pass any error code on to 'DialogComplete'
pModemEndpoint->SettingsDialogComplete( hr ); EndDialog( hDialog, g_iExpectedOutgoingModemSettingsReturn );
break; }
case IDCANCEL: { pModemEndpoint->SettingsDialogComplete( DPNERR_USERCANCEL ); EndDialog( hDialog, g_iExpectedOutgoingModemSettingsReturn );
break; }
case IDC_BUTTON_MODEM_CONFIGURE: { hr = DisplayModemConfigDialog( hDialog, GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_COMBO_OUTGOING_MODEM_DEVICE ), pModemEndpoint ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem with DisplayModemConfigDialog in outgoing dialog!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); }
break; } }
break; }
// window is closing
case WM_CLOSE: { break; } }
Exit: return FALSE;
Failure: DNASSERT( pModemEndpoint != NULL ); DNASSERT( hr != DPN_OK ); pModemEndpoint->SettingsDialogComplete( hr ); EndDialog( hDialog, g_iExpectedOutgoingModemSettingsReturn );
goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// IncomingSettingsDialogProc - dialog proc for incoming modem connection
// Entry: Window handle
// Message LPARAM
// Message WPARAM
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "IncomingSettingsDialogProc"
static INT_PTR CALLBACK IncomingSettingsDialogProc( HWND hDialog, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { CModemEndpoint *pModemEndpoint; HRESULT hr;
// initialize
hr = DPN_OK;
// note the modem port pointer
DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( pModemEndpoint ) == sizeof( LONG_PTR ) ); pModemEndpoint = reinterpret_cast<CModemEndpoint*>( GetWindowLongPtr( hDialog, GWLP_USERDATA ) );
switch ( uMsg ) { //
// initialize dialog
case WM_INITDIALOG: { //
// since this is the first dialog message, the default code to set
// pModemEndpoint isn't getting valid data
DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( pModemEndpoint) == sizeof( lParam ) ); pModemEndpoint = reinterpret_cast<CModemEndpoint*>( lParam ); pModemEndpoint->SetActiveDialogHandle( hDialog );
// SetWindowLongPtr() returns NULL in case of error. It's possible
// that the old value from SetWindowLongPtr() was really NULL in
// which case it's not an error. To be safe, clear any residual
// error code before calling SetWindowLongPtr().
SetLastError( 0 ); if ( SetWindowLongPtr( hDialog, GWLP_USERDATA, lParam ) == NULL ) { DWORD dwError;
dwError = GetLastError(); if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting user data for window!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, dwError ); goto Failure; } }
// set dialog information
hr = SetModemDataInDialog( GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_COMBO_INCOMING_MODEM_DEVICE ), pModemEndpoint ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting modem device!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure; }
return TRUE;
break; }
// a control did something
case WM_COMMAND: { // what was the control?
switch ( LOWORD( wParam ) ) { case IDOK: { hr = SetAddressParametersFromIncomingDialogData( hDialog, pModemEndpoint ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem getting dialog data!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure; }
// pass any error code on to 'DialogComplete'
pModemEndpoint->SettingsDialogComplete( hr ); EndDialog( hDialog, g_iExpectedIncomingModemSettingsReturn );
break; }
case IDCANCEL: { pModemEndpoint->SettingsDialogComplete( DPNERR_USERCANCEL ); EndDialog( hDialog, g_iExpectedIncomingModemSettingsReturn );
break; }
case IDC_BUTTON_MODEM_CONFIGURE: { hr = DisplayModemConfigDialog( hDialog, GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_COMBO_INCOMING_MODEM_DEVICE ), pModemEndpoint ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem with DisplayModemConfigDialog in incoming dialog!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); }
break; } }
break; }
// window is closing
case WM_CLOSE: { DNASSERT( FALSE ); break; } }
Exit: return FALSE;
Failure: DNASSERT( pModemEndpoint != NULL ); DNASSERT( hr != DPN_OK ); pModemEndpoint->SettingsDialogComplete( hr ); EndDialog( hDialog, g_iExpectedIncomingModemSettingsReturn );
goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
//// ------------------------------
//// ModemStatusDialogProc - dialog proc for modem status
//// Entry: Window handle
//// Message LPARAM
//// Message WPARAM
//// Exit: Error code
//// ------------------------------
//static INT_PTR CALLBACK ModemStatusDialogProc( HWND hDialog, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
// CModemEndpoint *pModemEndpoint;
// HRESULT hr;
// // initialize
// hr = DPN_OK;
// // note the active endpoint pointer
// DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( pModemEndpoint ) == sizeof( LONG_PTR ) );
// pModemEndpoint = reinterpret_cast<CModemEndpoint*>( GetWindowLongPtr( hDialog, GWLP_USERDATA ) );
// switch ( uMsg )
// {
// // initialize dialog
// {
// // since this is the first dialog message, the default code to set
// // pModemEndpoint isn't getting valid data
// DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( pModemEndpoint ) == sizeof( lParam ) );
// pModemEndpoint = reinterpret_cast<CModemEndpoint*>( lParam );
// //
// // SetWindowLongPtr() returns NULL in case of error. It's possible
// // that the old value from SetWindowLongPtr() was really NULL in
// // which case it's not an error. To be safe, clear any residual
// // error code before calling SetWindowLongPtr().
// //
// SetLastError( 0 );
// if ( SetWindowLongPtr( hDialog, GWLP_USERDATA, lParam ) == NULL )
// {
// DWORD dwError;
// dwError = GetLastError();
// if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS )
// {
// DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting user data for window!" );
// DisplayErrorCode( 0, dwError );
// goto Failure;
// }
// }
// // set dialog information
// return TRUE;
// break;
// }
// // a control did something
// case WM_COMMAND:
// {
// // what was the control?
// switch ( LOWORD( wParam ) )
// {
// case IDOK:
// {
//// HRESULT hr;
//// if ( ( hr = GetDialogData( hDialog, pModemEndpoint ) ) != DPN_OK )
//// {
//// DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem getting dialog data!" );
//// DisplayDNError( 0, hr );
//// goto Failure;
//// }
//// // pass any error code on to 'DialogComplete'
//// pModemEndpoint->DialogComplete( hr );
// DestroyWindow( hDialog );
// break;
// }
//// case IDCANCEL:
//// {
//// pModemEndpoint->DialogComplete( DPNERR_USERCANCEL );
//// DestroyWindow( hDialog );
//// break;
//// }
// }
// break;
// }
// // window is closing
// case WM_CLOSE:
// {
// break;
// }
// }
// return FALSE;
// DNASSERT( pModemEndpoint != NULL );
// DNASSERT( hr != DPN_OK );
//// pModemEndpoint->StatusDialogComplete( hr );
// DestroyWindow( hDialog );
// goto Exit;
// ------------------------------
// SetModemDataInDialog - set device for modem dialog
// Entry: Window handle of modem combo box
// Pointer to modem port
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "SetModemDataInDialog"
HRESULT SetModemDataInDialog( const HWND hComboBox, const CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint ) { HRESULT hr; LRESULT lResult; DWORD dwModemCount; MODEM_NAME_DATA *pModemNameData; DWORD dwModemNameDataSize; BOOL fSelectionSet; UINT_PTR uIndex;
DNASSERT( hComboBox != NULL ); DNASSERT( pModemEndpoint != NULL );
// initialize
hr = DPN_OK; pModemNameData = NULL; dwModemNameDataSize = 0; fSelectionSet = FALSE;
lResult = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 ); // DNASSERT( lResult == CB_OKAY ); // <-- Win2K is busted!!!!
hr = GenerateAvailableModemList( pModemEndpoint->GetSPData()->GetThreadPool()->GetTAPIInfo(), &dwModemCount, pModemNameData, &dwModemNameDataSize ); switch ( hr ) { //
// no modems to list, no more processing to be done
case DPN_OK: { goto Exit; }
// expected return
// error
default: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "SetModemDataInDialog: Failed to get size of modem list!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure;
break; } }
pModemNameData = static_cast<MODEM_NAME_DATA*>( DNMalloc( dwModemNameDataSize ) ); if ( pModemNameData == NULL ) { hr = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "SetModemDataInDialog: Failed to allocate memory to fill modem dialog list!" ); goto Failure; }
hr = GenerateAvailableModemList( pModemEndpoint->GetSPData()->GetThreadPool()->GetTAPIInfo(), &dwModemCount, pModemNameData, &dwModemNameDataSize ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "SetModemDataInDialog: Failed to get size of modem list!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure; }
for ( uIndex = 0; uIndex < dwModemCount; uIndex++ ) { LRESULT AddResult;
DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( pModemNameData[ uIndex ].pModemName ) == sizeof( LPARAM ) ); AddResult = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_INSERTSTRING, 0, reinterpret_cast<const LPARAM>( pModemNameData[ uIndex ].pModemName ) ); switch ( AddResult ) { case CB_ERR: { hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem adding serial device to combo box!" ); goto Failure;
break; }
case CB_ERRSPACE: { hr = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Out of memory when ading serial device to combo box!" ); goto Failure;
break; }
// we added the string OK, set the associated device id and check
// to see if this is the current value to set selection
default: { LRESULT SetResult;
SetResult = SendMessage ( hComboBox, CB_SETITEMDATA, AddResult, pModemNameData[ uIndex ].dwModemID ); if ( SetResult == CB_ERR ) { DWORD dwError;
hr = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting modem device info!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, dwError ); goto Failure; }
if ( pModemEndpoint->GetDeviceID() == uIndex ) { LRESULT SetSelectionResult;
SetSelectionResult = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_SETCURSEL, AddResult, 0 ); if ( SetSelectionResult == CB_ERR ) { DWORD dwError;
hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting default modem device selection!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, dwError ); DNASSERT( FALSE ); goto Failure; }
fSelectionSet = TRUE; }
break; }
} }
if ( fSelectionSet == FALSE ) { LRESULT SetSelectionResult;
SetSelectionResult = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); if ( SetSelectionResult == CB_ERR ) { DWORD dwError;
dwError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting default modem selection!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, dwError ); } }
Exit: if ( pModemNameData != NULL ) { DNFree( pModemNameData ); pModemNameData = NULL; }
return hr;
Failure: goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// GetModemSelectionFromDialog - get modem selection from dialog
// Entry: Window handle of modem combo box
// Pointer to modem port
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "GetModemSelectionFromDialog"
static HRESULT GetModemSelectionFromDialog( const HWND hComboBox, CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint ) { HRESULT hr; LRESULT Selection; LRESULT DeviceID;
// initialize
hr = DPN_OK;
if ( hComboBox == NULL ) { hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid control handle passed to GetModemSelectionFromDialog!" ); goto Failure; }
// get modem selection
Selection = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); if ( Selection == CB_ERR ) { hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not get current modem selection!" ); DNASSERT( FALSE ); goto Failure; }
// get device ID
DeviceID = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_GETITEMDATA, Selection, 0 ); if ( DeviceID == CB_ERR ) { hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not get selection item data!" ); DNASSERT( FALSE ); goto Failure; }
// Now that we finally have the device ID, set it. Make sure
// we clear any existing ID first, or the ID setting code will
// complain. I like paranoid code, so work around the ASSERT.
DNASSERT( DeviceID <= UINT32_MAX ); hr = pModemEndpoint->SetDeviceID( INVALID_DEVICE_ID ); DNASSERT( hr == DPN_OK );
hr = pModemEndpoint->SetDeviceID( static_cast<DWORD>( DeviceID ) ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting modem device ID!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure; }
Exit: return hr;
Failure: goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// SetOutgoingPhoneNumber - set phone number for modem dialog
// Entry: Window handle
// Pointer to modem port
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "SetOutgoingPhoneNumber"
HRESULT SetOutgoingPhoneNumber( const HWND hDialog, const CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint ) { HRESULT hr;
// initialize
hr = DPN_OK;
if ( SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_EDIT_MODEM_PHONE_NUMBER ), pModemEndpoint->GetPhoneNumber() ) == FALSE ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting default phone number!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, GetLastError() ); goto Exit; }
Exit: return hr; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// SetAddressParamtersFromIncomingDialogData - set address data from incoming modem settings dialog
// Entry: Window handle
// Pointer to modem port
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "SetAddressParametersFromIncomingDialogData"
static HRESULT SetAddressParametersFromIncomingDialogData( const HWND hDialog, CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint ) { HRESULT hr; HWND hControl;
// initialize
hr = DPN_OK; hControl = GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_COMBO_INCOMING_MODEM_DEVICE ); if ( hControl == NULL ) { hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem getting handle of combo box!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, GetLastError() ); goto Failure; }
hr = GetModemSelectionFromDialog( hControl, pModemEndpoint ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem getting modem device!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure; }
Failure: return hr; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// SetAddressParamtersFromOutgoingDialogData - set endpoint data from outgoing modem settings dialog
// Entry: Window handle
// Pointer to modem port
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "SetAddressParametersFromOutgoingDialogData"
static HRESULT SetAddressParametersFromOutgoingDialogData( const HWND hDialog, CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint ) { HRESULT hr; HWND hControl; DWORD dwPhoneNumberLength; TCHAR TempBuffer[ MAX_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH + 1 ];
DNASSERT( hDialog != NULL ); DNASSERT( pModemEndpoint != NULL );
// initialize
hr = DPN_OK; hControl = GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_COMBO_OUTGOING_MODEM_DEVICE ); if ( hControl == NULL ) { hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem getting handle of combo box!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, GetLastError() ); goto Failure; }
hr = GetModemSelectionFromDialog( hControl, pModemEndpoint ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem getting modem device!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure; }
// get phone number from dialog
hControl = GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_EDIT_MODEM_PHONE_NUMBER ); if ( hControl == NULL ) { hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem getting handle of phone number edit field!" ); DisplayErrorCode( 0, GetLastError() ); goto Failure; }
dwPhoneNumberLength = GetWindowText( hControl, TempBuffer, (sizeof(TempBuffer)/sizeof(TCHAR)) - 1 ); if ( dwPhoneNumberLength == 0 ) { #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwErrorReturn;
dwErrorReturn = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "User entered an invalid phone number in dialog (err = %u)!", dwErrorReturn ); #endif // DBG
hr = DPNERR_ADDRESSING; goto Failure; } else { hr = pModemEndpoint->SetPhoneNumber( TempBuffer ); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem setting new phone number!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure; } }
Failure: return hr; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// DisplayModemConfigDialog - display dialog to configure modem
// Entry: Window handle
// Pointer to modem port
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "DisplayModemConfigDialog"
static HRESULT DisplayModemConfigDialog( const HWND hDialog, const HWND hDeviceComboBox, const CModemEndpoint *const pModemEndpoint ) { HRESULT hr; LRESULT lSelection; LRESULT lDeviceID; LONG lTAPIReturn;
DNASSERT( hDialog != NULL ); DNASSERT( pModemEndpoint != NULL );
// initialize
hr = DPN_OK;
if ( hDeviceComboBox == NULL ) { hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Invalid device combo box handle!" ); goto Exit; }
// ask for current selection in combo box
lSelection = SendMessage( hDeviceComboBox, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); if ( lSelection == CB_ERR ) { hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed to get current modem selection when configuring modem!" ); DNASSERT( FALSE ); goto Exit; }
// ask for the device ID for this selection, note that the device IDs are
lDeviceID = SendMessage( hDeviceComboBox, CB_GETITEMDATA, lSelection, 0 ); if ( lDeviceID == CB_ERR ) { hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem getting device ID from selected modem when calling for config dialog!" ); goto Exit; }
// display dialog
DNASSERT( lDeviceID <= UINT32_MAX ); lTAPIReturn = p_lineConfigDialog( TAPIIDFromModemID( static_cast<DWORD>( lDeviceID ) ), hDialog, TEXT("comm/datamodem") ); if ( lTAPIReturn != LINEERR_NONE ) { hr = DPNERR_GENERIC; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem with modem config dialog!" ); DisplayTAPIError( 0, lTAPIReturn ); goto Exit; }
Exit: return hr; } //**********************************************************************