* * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: ns.cpp * Content: Noise Suppression DMO implementation. * ***************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include "nsp.h"
#include "kshlp.h"
#include "clone.h"
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::NDQueryInterface
STDMETHODIMP CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::NDQueryInterface ( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv ) { IMP_DSDMO_QI(riid, ppv);
if (riid == IID_IPersist) { return GetInterface((IPersist*)this, ppv); } else if (riid == IID_IMediaObject) { return GetInterface((IMediaObject*)this, ppv); } else if (riid == IID_IDirectSoundCaptureFXNoiseSuppress) { return GetInterface((IDirectSoundCaptureFXNoiseSuppress*)this, ppv); } else if (riid == IID_IMediaParams) { return GetInterface((IMediaParams*)this, ppv); } else if (riid == IID_IMediaParamInfo) { return GetInterface((IMediaParamInfo*)this, ppv); } else { return CComBase::NDQueryInterface(riid, ppv); } }
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO constructor
CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO(IUnknown *pUnk, HRESULT *phr) : CComBase(pUnk, phr), m_fEnable(FALSE), m_fDirty(FALSE), m_bInitialized(FALSE) { }
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO destructor
CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::~CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO() { }
const MP_CAPS g_NsCapsAll = 0; static ParamInfo g_params[] = { // index type caps min, max, neutral, unit text, label, pwchText??
NSP_Enable, MPT_BOOL, g_NsCapsAll, 0, 1, 0, L"", L"", L"", };
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::InitOnCreation
HRESULT CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::InitOnCreation() { HRESULT hr = InitParams(1, &GUID_TIME_REFERENCE, 0, 0, sizeof g_params / sizeof *g_params, g_params); return hr; }
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::Init
HRESULT CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::Init() { m_bInitialized = TRUE; return S_OK; }
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::Clone
STDMETHODIMP CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::Clone(IMediaObjectInPlace **pp) { return StandardDMOClone<CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO, DSCFXNoiseSuppress>(this, pp); }
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::Discontinuity
HRESULT CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::Discontinuity() { return NOERROR; }
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::FBRProcess
HRESULT CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::FBRProcess ( DWORD cSamples, BYTE *pIn, BYTE *pOut ) { if (!m_bInitialized) return DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_SET;
return NOERROR; }
// ==============Implementation of the private INoiseSuppress interface ==========
// ==================== needed to support the property page ===============
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::SetAllParameters
STDMETHODIMP CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::SetAllParameters(LPCDSCFXNoiseSuppress pParm) { if (pParm == NULL) { Trace(1, "ERROR: pParm is NULL\n"); return E_POINTER; }
HRESULT hr = SetParam(NSP_Enable, static_cast<MP_DATA>(pParm->fEnable)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_fDirty = true; }
return hr; }
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::GetAllParameters
STDMETHODIMP CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::GetAllParameters(LPDSCFXNoiseSuppress pParm) { if (pParm == NULL) { return E_POINTER; }
MP_DATA var; HRESULT hr = GetParam(NSP_Enable, &var); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pParm->fEnable = (BOOL)var; }
return hr; }
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::Reset
STDMETHODIMP CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::Reset() { return KsTopologyNodeReset(m_hPin, m_ulNodeId, true); }
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::SetParam
STDMETHODIMP CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::SetParam ( DWORD dwParamIndex, MP_DATA value, bool fSkipPasssingToParamManager ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch (dwParamIndex) { case NSP_Enable: if ((BOOL)value != m_fEnable) { hr = KsSetTopologyNodeEnable(m_hPin, m_ulNodeId, (BOOL)value); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_fEnable = (BOOL)value; } break; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Init(); // FIXME - temp hack (sets m_bInitialized flag)
// Let the base class set this so it can handle all the rest of the param calls.
// Skip the base class if fSkipPasssingToParamManager. This indicates that we're
// calling the function internally using values that came from the base class --
// thus there's no need to tell it values it already knows.
return (FAILED(hr) || fSkipPasssingToParamManager) ? hr : CParamsManager::SetParam(dwParamIndex, value); }
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::GetParam
STDMETHODIMP CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::GetParam ( DWORD dwParamIndex, MP_DATA* value ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fTemp;
switch (dwParamIndex) { case NSP_Enable: hr = KsGetTopologyNodeEnable(m_hPin, m_ulNodeId, &fTemp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_fEnable = fTemp; *value = (MP_DATA)fTemp; } break; }
return hr; }
// CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::ProcessInPlace
HRESULT CDirectSoundCaptureNoiseSuppressDMO::ProcessInPlace ( ULONG ulQuanta, LPBYTE pcbData, REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, DWORD dwFlags ) { // Update parameter values from any curves that may be in effect.
// Do this in the same order as SetAllParameters in case there are any interdependencies.
return FBRProcess(ulQuanta, pcbData, pcbData); }