#ifndef __TOOLPARAM_H__
#define __TOOLPARAM_H__
#include "medparam.h"
#include "alist.h"
typedef struct _ParamInfo { DWORD dwIndex; // Which parameter.
MP_PARAMINFO MParamInfo; // Standard MediaParams structure.
WCHAR * pwchText; // Array of text names for enumerated types.
} ParamInfo;
class CCurveItem : public AListItem { public: CCurveItem* GetNext() { return (CCurveItem*)AListItem::GetNext();} MP_ENVELOPE_SEGMENT m_Envelope; // Envelope segment.
class CCurveList : public AList { public: // void Clear();
void AddHead(CCurveItem* pCurveItem) { AList::AddHead((AListItem*)pCurveItem);} // void Insert(CCurveItem* pCurveItem);
CCurveItem* GetHead(){return (CCurveItem*)AList::GetHead();} // CCurveItem* GetItem(LONG lIndex){return (CCurveItem*)AList::GetItem(lIndex);}
CCurveItem* RemoveHead(){ return (CCurveItem*)AList::RemoveHead();} // void Remove(CCurveItem* pCurveItem){AList::Remove((AListItem*)pCurveItem);}
// void AddTail(CCurveItem* pCurveItem){AList::AddTail((AListItem*)pCurveItem);}
// CCurveItem* GetTail(){ return (CCurveItem*)AList::GetTail();}
~CCurveList(); };
class CParamsManager : public IMediaParams, public IMediaParamInfo { public: CParamsManager(); ~CParamsManager();
// IUnknown
// IMediaParams
STDMETHODIMP GetParam(DWORD dwParamIndex, MP_DATA *pValue); STDMETHODIMP SetParam(DWORD dwParamIndex,MP_DATA value); STDMETHODIMP AddEnvelope(DWORD dwParamIndex,DWORD cPoints,MP_ENVELOPE_SEGMENT *ppEnvelope); STDMETHODIMP FlushEnvelope( DWORD dwParamIndex,REFERENCE_TIME refTimeStart,REFERENCE_TIME refTimeEnd); STDMETHODIMP SetTimeFormat( GUID guidTimeFormat,MP_TIMEDATA mpTimeData);
// IMediaParamInfo
STDMETHODIMP GetParamCount(DWORD *pdwParams); STDMETHODIMP GetParamInfo(DWORD dwParamIndex,MP_PARAMINFO *pInfo); STDMETHODIMP GetParamText(DWORD dwParamIndex,WCHAR **ppwchText); STDMETHODIMP GetNumTimeFormats(DWORD *pdwNumTimeFormats); STDMETHODIMP GetSupportedTimeFormat(DWORD dwFormatIndex,GUID *pguidTimeFormat); STDMETHODIMP GetCurrentTimeFormat( GUID *pguidTimeFormat,MP_TIMEDATA *pTimeData);
// other (non-COM) functions
HRESULT InitParams(DWORD cTimeFormats, const GUID *pguidTimeFormats, DWORD dwFormatIndex, MP_TIMEDATA mptdTimeData, DWORD cParams, ParamInfo *pParamInfos); HRESULT GetParamFloat(DWORD dwParamIndex,REFERENCE_TIME rtTime,float *pval); // returns S_FALSE if rtTime is after the end time of the last curve
HRESULT GetParamInt (DWORD dwParamIndex,REFERENCE_TIME rt,long *pval); // returns S_FALSE if rtTime is after the end time of the last curve
HRESULT CopyParamsFromSource(CParamsManager * pSource);
// parameter control curve handling
class UpdateCallback { public: // Define this in derived classes if you are going to use UpdateActiveParams.
// Called by CParamsManager inside UpdateActiveParams to update the effect's internal state variables.
// SetParamUpdate should be the same as SetParam, except that DMO defer the call to the base class
// (CParamsManager::SetParam) in SetParam but should not do so in SetParamUpdate.
virtual HRESULT SetParamUpdate(DWORD dwParamIndex, MP_DATA value) = 0; }; // function that calls SetParam to adjust the value of all parameters that may have changed to their
// new values at time rtTime
void UpdateActiveParams(REFERENCE_TIME rtTime, UpdateCallback &rThis); // rThis should be the derived class (*this)
DWORD GetActiveParamBits() { return m_dwActiveBits; }
protected: // data
CRITICAL_SECTION m_ParamsCriticalSection; BOOL m_fDirty; // Has data changed since last file load or save?
DWORD m_cTimeFormats; // Number of supported time formats.
GUID *m_pguidTimeFormats; // Array of supported time formats.
GUID m_guidCurrentTimeFormat; // The time format we're set to.
MP_TIMEDATA m_mptdCurrentTimeData; // The unit of measure for the current time format.
DWORD m_cParams; // Number of parameters.
ParamInfo *m_pParamInfos; // Array of ParamInfo structures, one for each parameter.
CCurveList *m_pCurveLists; // Array of Curve lists, one for each parameter.
DWORD m_dwActiveBits; // Tracks the params that currently have curves active.
#endif // __TOOLPARAM_H__