* * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: haldrv.cpp * Content: Direct3D HAL Driver * ***************************************************************************/
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "commdrv.hpp"
#include "genpick.hpp"
#include "d3dfei.h"
#include "span.h"
#ifndef WIN95
#include <ntgdistr.h>
void Destroy(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI); //---------------------------------------------------------------------
int GenGetExtraVerticesNumber( LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI ) { LPD3DHAL_GLOBALDRIVERDATA lpGlob = lpDevI->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData;
return (int)(lpGlob->dwNumVertices ? lpGlob->dwNumVertices : D3DHAL_DEFAULT_TL_NUM);
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CalcDDSurfInfo(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, BOOL bUpdateZBufferFields) { DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; HRESULT ddrval; DWORD dwWidth, dwHeight; unsigned long m; int s;
// Get info from the surface
memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC)); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC); ddrval = lpDevI->lpDDSTarget->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { return ddrval; }
dwWidth = ddsd.dwWidth; dwHeight = ddsd.dwHeight; if ((ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & (DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED4 | DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8)) == 0) { // palettized pixfmts will not have valid RGB Bitmasks, so avoid computing this for them
lpDevI->red_mask = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask; lpDevI->green_mask = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask; lpDevI->blue_mask = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask;
if ((lpDevI->red_mask == 0x0) || (lpDevI->green_mask == 0x0) || (lpDevI->blue_mask == 0x0)) { D3D_ERR("All the color masks in the Render target's pixel-format must be non-zero"); return DDERR_INVALIDPIXELFORMAT; }
// these are used by Clear
for (s = 0, m = lpDevI->red_mask; !(m & 1); s++, m >>= 1) ; lpDevI->red_shift = s; lpDevI->red_scale = 255 / (lpDevI->red_mask >> s); for (s = 0, m = lpDevI->green_mask; !(m & 1); s++, m >>= 1) ; lpDevI->green_shift = s; lpDevI->green_scale = 255 / (lpDevI->green_mask >> s); for (s = 0, m = lpDevI->blue_mask; !(m & 1); s++, m >>= 1) ; lpDevI->blue_shift = s; lpDevI->blue_scale = 255 / (lpDevI->blue_mask >> s);
DDASSERT(lpDevI->red_scale!=0); DDASSERT(lpDevI->green_scale!=0); DDASSERT(lpDevI->blue_scale!=0); lpDevI->bDDSTargetIsPalettized=FALSE; } else lpDevI->bDDSTargetIsPalettized=TRUE;
if (lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer_DDS4 && bUpdateZBufferFields) { // Get info from the surface
memset(&ddsd2, 0, sizeof(ddsd2)); ddsd2.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2); ddrval = lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer_DDS4->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd2); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { return ddrval; }
if( ddsd2.ddpfPixelFormat.dwZBitMask!=0x0) { for (s = 0, m = ddsd2.ddpfPixelFormat.dwZBitMask; !(m & 0x1); s++, m >>= 1) ; lpDevI->zmask_shift=s; } else { lpDevI->zmask_shift=0; // if ZBitMask isn't being set, then Clear2 will never be used,
// so zbuf_shift/stencil_shift wont be needed anyway
if( ddsd2.ddpfPixelFormat.dwStencilBitMask!=0x0) { for (s = 0, m = ddsd2.ddpfPixelFormat.dwStencilBitMask; !(m & 0x1); s++, m >>= 1) ; lpDevI->stencilmask_shift=s; } else { lpDevI->stencilmask_shift=0; } }
return D3D_OK; }
// called by DDRAW
DDASSERT(lpD3DHALCallbacks!=NULL); if (lpD3DHALCallbacks->ContextDestroyAll==NULL) { // no cleanup necessary (running on d3d hel)
return D3D_OK; }
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(D3DHAL_CONTEXTDESTROYALLDATA)); data.dwPID = dwPID;
// I'd prefer to use CALL_HALONLY() to do the locking (to avoid doing it for the SW rasterizers),
// but that requires a pDevI which I can't get to from the caller, which is a ddraw cleanup routine
#ifdef WIN95
_EnterSysLevel(lpWin16Lock); #endif
ret = (*lpD3DHALCallbacks->ContextDestroyAll)(&data);
#ifdef WIN95
_LeaveSysLevel(lpWin16Lock); #endif
return ret; }
// ATTENTION - These two functions should be combined into one as soon
// as ContextCreate has the new private data mechanism built in.
#ifdef WIN95
D3D_INFO(6, "in halCreateContext. Creating Context for driver = %08lx", lpDevI);
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(D3DHAL_CONTEXTCREATEDATA)); //
// From DX7 onwards, drivers should be accepting
// Surface Locals instead of the Surface interfaces
// this future-proofs the drivers
if (IS_DX7HAL_DEVICE(lpDevI)) { if (lpDevI->lpDD) data.lpDDLcl = ((LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT)(lpDevI->lpDD))->lpLcl; else data.lpDDLcl = NULL;
if (lpDevI->lpDDSTarget) data.lpDDSLcl = ((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)lpDevI->lpDDSTarget)->lpLcl; else data.lpDDSLcl = NULL;
if (lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer) data.lpDDSZLcl = ((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer)->lpLcl; else data.lpDDSZLcl = NULL;
} else { data.lpDDGbl = lpDevI->lpDDGbl; data.lpDDS = lpDevI->lpDDSTarget; data.lpDDSZ = lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer; } data.dwPID = GetCurrentProcessId();
if (lpDevI->d3dHWDevDesc.dwFlags == 0) { // The new software rasterizers want to share IM's state vector so
// we need to pass them the rstates pointer. They don't
// care about dwPID so stick the pointer in there.
data.dwPID = (DWORD)lpDevI->rstates; }
/* 0 for pre-DX5 devices.
* 1 for DX5 devices. * 2 for DX6 devices. */ data.dwhContext = lpDevI->dwVersion - 1;
CALL_HALONLY(ret, lpDevI, ContextCreate, &data); if (ret != DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED || data.ddrval != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("HAL context create failed"); return (DDERR_GENERIC); } lpDevI->dwhContext = data.dwhContext;
if (D3DMalloc ((void**)&lpDevI->lpwDPBufferAlloced, max(dwD3DTriBatchSize*4*sizeof(WORD), dwHWBufferSize) +32) != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR( "Out of memory in DeviceCreate" ); return (DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY); } lpDevI->lpwDPBuffer = (LPWORD) (((DWORD) lpDevI->lpwDPBufferAlloced+31) & (~31)); lpDevI->lpDPPrimCounts = (LPD3DHAL_DRAWPRIMCOUNTS) lpDevI->lpwDPBuffer; memset( (char *)lpDevI->lpwDPBuffer, 0, sizeof(D3DHAL_DRAWPRIMCOUNTS)); //Clear header also
lpDevI->dwDPOffset = sizeof(D3DHAL_DRAWPRIMCOUNTS); lpDevI->dwDPMaxOffset = dwD3DTriBatchSize * sizeof(D3DTRIANGLE)-sizeof(D3DTLVERTEX);
// save the surface handle for later checks
lpDevI->hSurfaceTarget = ((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)lpDevI->lpDDSTarget)->lpLcl->lpSurfMore->dwSurfaceHandle;
D3D_INFO(6, "in halCreateContext. Succeeded. dwhContext = %d", data.dwhContext);
return (D3D_OK); } #else
* On NT the kernel code creates the buffer to be used * for DrawPrim batching and returns it as extra data * in the ContextCreate request. */ HRESULT halCreateContext(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI) { D3DNTHAL_CONTEXTCREATEI ntData; D3DHAL_CONTEXTCREATEDATA *lpData = (D3DHAL_CONTEXTCREATEDATA *)&ntData; HRESULT ret;
D3D_INFO(6, "in halCreateContext. Creating Context for driver = %08lx", lpDevI);
* AnanKan: Assert here that the D3DNTHAL_CONTEXTCREATEI structure is * 2 DWORDS bigger than D3DHAL_CONTEXTCREATEDATA. This will be a good * consistency check for NT kernel updates. */ memset(&ntData, 0, sizeof(ntData)); if (lpDevI->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_REALHAL) { if (lpDevI->lpDD) lpData->lpDDLcl = ((LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT)(lpDevI->lpDD))->lpLcl; else lpData->lpDDLcl = NULL;
if (lpDevI->lpDDSTarget) lpData->lpDDSLcl = ((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)lpDevI->lpDDSTarget)->lpLcl; else lpData->lpDDSLcl = NULL;
if (lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer) lpData->lpDDSZLcl = ((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer)->lpLcl; else lpData->lpDDSZLcl = NULL; } else { lpData->lpDDGbl = lpDevI->lpDDGbl; lpData->lpDDS = lpDevI->lpDDSTarget; lpData->lpDDSZ = lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer; } lpData->dwPID = GetCurrentProcessId();
if (lpDevI->d3dHWDevDesc.dwFlags == 0) { // The new software rasterizers want to share IM's state vector so
// we need to pass them the rstates pointer. They don't
// care about dwPID so stick the pointer in there.
// Sundown: was lpData->dwPID, but added a union in d3dhal.h
lpData->dwrstates = (ULONG_PTR)lpDevI->rstates; }
/* 0 for pre-DX5 devices.
* 1 for DX5 devices. * 2 for DX6 devices. */ lpData->dwhContext = lpDevI->dwVersion - 1; ntData.cjBuffer = lpDevI->dwDPBufferSize; ntData.pvBuffer = NULL;
CALL_HALONLY(ret, lpDevI, ContextCreate, lpData); if (ret != DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED || lpData->ddrval != DD_OK) {
D3D_ERR("HAL context create failed"); return (DDERR_GENERIC); } lpDevI->dwhContext = lpData->dwhContext;
// If the lpDevI chose not to allocate a DrawPrim buffer do
// it for them.
if (ntData.pvBuffer == NULL) { lpDevI->dwDPBufferSize = dwD3DTriBatchSize * 4 * sizeof(WORD); if (lpDevI->dwDPBufferSize < dwHWBufferSize) { lpDevI->dwDPBufferSize = dwHWBufferSize; }
ret = D3DMalloc((void**)&lpDevI->lpwDPBufferAlloced, lpDevI->dwDPBufferSize + 32); if (ret != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("halCreateContext D3DMalloc"); return ret; }
ntData.pvBuffer = (LPVOID) (((ULONG_PTR)lpDevI->lpwDPBufferAlloced + 31) & ~31); ntData.cjBuffer = lpDevI->dwDPBufferSize + 32 - (DWORD)((ULONG_PTR)ntData.pvBuffer - (ULONG_PTR)lpDevI->lpwDPBufferAlloced); } else if( (lpDevI->dwDPBufferSize && ntData.cjBuffer < lpDevI->dwDPBufferSize) || ntData.cjBuffer < sizeof(D3DHAL_DRAWPRIMCOUNTS) ) { D3D_ERR("halCreateContext buffer stuff"); return (DDERR_GENERIC); }
// Need to save the buffer space provided and its size
lpDevI->lpwDPBuffer = (LPWORD)ntData.pvBuffer; lpDevI->lpDPPrimCounts = (LPD3DHAL_DRAWPRIMCOUNTS)ntData.pvBuffer;
//Clear header also
memset( (char *)ntData.pvBuffer, 0, sizeof(D3DHAL_DRAWPRIMCOUNTS));
lpDevI->dwDPOffset = sizeof(D3DHAL_DRAWPRIMCOUNTS); lpDevI->dwDPMaxOffset = ntData.cjBuffer-sizeof(D3DTLVERTEX);
// save the surface handle for later checks
lpDevI->hSurfaceTarget = ((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)lpDevI->lpDDSTarget)->lpLcl->hDDSurface;
D3D_INFO(6, "in halCreateContext. Succeeded. dwhContext = %d", lpData->dwhContext);
return (D3D_OK); } #endif
D3D_INFO(6, "in halCreateDestroy. Destroying Context for driver = %08lx", lpDevI); D3D_INFO(6, " dwhContext = %d", lpDevI->dwhContext);
if(lpDevI->dwhContext!=NULL) { memset(&data, 0, sizeof(D3DHAL_CONTEXTDESTROYDATA)); data.dwhContext = lpDevI->dwhContext;
CALL_HALONLY(ret, lpDevI, ContextDestroy, &data); if (ret != DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED || data.ddrval != DD_OK) { D3D_WARN(0,"Failed ContextDestroy HAL call in halDestroyContext"); return; } }
D3DHAL_DeallocateBuffers(lpDevI); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Allocate and check validity of DirectDraw surfaces */
lpDevI->lpDD = lpDD; lpDevI->lpDDGbl = ((LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT)lpDD)->lpLcl->lpGbl; lpDevI->lpDDSTarget = lpDDS; // For DX3 we do not keep references to Render target to avoid
// circular references in the aggregation model. But for DX5 we
// need to AddRef lpDDS. For DX6 we need to AddRef lpDDS4 which
// is done later below
if (lpDevI->dwVersion == 2) // DX5
// Get DDS4 Interfaces for RenderTarget/ZBuffer
HRESULT ret = lpDDS->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDrawSurface4, (LPVOID*)&lpDevI->lpDDSTarget_DDS4);
if(FAILED(ret)) { D3D_ERR("QI for RenderTarget DDS4 Interface failed "); return ret; } // An implicit AddRef for lpDDSTarget_DDS4 in case of DX6
if (lpDevI->dwVersion < 3) // DX3, DX5
if(lpZ!=NULL) { ret = lpZ->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDrawSurface4, (LPVOID*)&lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer_DDS4);
if(FAILED(ret)) { D3D_ERR("QI for ZBuffer DDS4 Interface failed ");
return ret; } lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer_DDS4->Release(); }
LPD3DHAL_D3DEXTENDEDCAPS lpCaps = lpDevI->lpD3DExtendedCaps; if (NULL == lpCaps || 0.0f == lpCaps->dvExtentsAdjust) { lpDevI->dvExtentsAdjust = 1.0f; } else { lpDevI->dvExtentsAdjust = lpCaps->dvExtentsAdjust; } if (lpCaps != NULL) if (lpCaps->dvGuardBandLeft != 0.0f || lpCaps->dvGuardBandRight != 0.0f || lpCaps->dvGuardBandTop != 0.0f || lpCaps->dvGuardBandBottom != 0.0f) { lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags |= D3DDEV_GUARDBAND; DWORD v; if (GetD3DRegValue(REG_DWORD, "DisableGB", &v, 4) && v != 0) { lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags &= ~D3DDEV_GUARDBAND; } #if DBG
// Try to get test values for the guard band
char value[80]; if (GetD3DRegValue(REG_SZ, "GuardBandLeft", &value, 80) && value[0] != 0) sscanf(value, "%f", &lpCaps->dvGuardBandLeft); if (GetD3DRegValue(REG_SZ, "GuardBandRight", &value, 80) && value[0] != 0) sscanf(value, "%f", &lpCaps->dvGuardBandRight); if (GetD3DRegValue(REG_SZ, "GuardBandTop", &value, 80) && value[0] != 0) sscanf(value, "%f", &lpCaps->dvGuardBandTop); if (GetD3DRegValue(REG_SZ, "GuardBandBottom", &value, 80) && value[0] != 0) sscanf(value, "%f", &lpCaps->dvGuardBandBottom); #endif // DBG
if (lpDevI->dwVersion < 2) lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags |= D3DDEV_PREDX5DEVICE;
if (lpDevI->dwVersion < 3) lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags |= D3DDEV_PREDX6DEVICE;
if (!lpDevI->lpD3DHALCallbacks || ! lpDevI->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData) { D3D_ERR("CB NULL or GBD NULL %x %x",lpDevI->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData,lpDevI->lpD3DHALCallbacks); return DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT; }
// Helpful Note: for Device2 and Device3, lpDevI->guid is only guaranteed to be
// the device type (HAL/RGB/etc) while init is happening. At end of DX5/DX6 CreateDevice,
// guid is reset to be IID_IDirect3DDevice2 or IID_IDirect3DDevice3, so don't try this sort
// of device type determination outside of initialization.
if (IsEqualIID((lpDevI->guid), IID_IDirect3DHALDevice)) { lpDevI->dwFEFlags |= D3DFE_REALHAL;
// We do texture management (and hence clipped Blts) only for a real HAL.
hr = lpDD->CreateClipper(0, &lpDevI->lpClipper, NULL); if(hr != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("Failed to create a clipper"); return hr; } } else { lpDevI->lpClipper = 0; }
if (lpDevI->pfnRampService != NULL) lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags |= D3DDEV_RAMP;
lpGlob = lpDevI->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData;
memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC)); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC); if (lpZ) { if ((hr = lpZ->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd)) != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("Failed to getsurfacedesc on z"); return hr; } if (ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY) { D3D_INFO(1, "Z buffer is in system memory."); } else if (ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY) { D3D_INFO(1, "Z buffer is in video memory."); } else { D3D_ERR("Z buffer not in video or system?"); } } memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC)); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC); if (lpDDS) { if ((hr = lpDDS->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd)) != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("Failed to getsurfacedesc on back buffer"); return hr; } if (ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY) { D3D_INFO(1, "back buffer is in system memory."); } else if (ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY) { D3D_INFO(1, "back buffer is in video memory."); } else { D3D_ERR("back buffer not in video or system?"); } if (!(lpGlob->hwCaps.dwDeviceRenderBitDepth & BitDepthToDDBD(ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount))) { D3D_ERR("Rendering surface's RGB bit count not supported " "by hardware device"); return DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT; } }
if (lpGlob->dwNumVertices && (lpGlob->hwCaps.dwMaxVertexCount != lpGlob->dwNumVertices)) { D3D_ERR("In global driver data, hwCaps.dwMaxVertexCount != " "dwNumVertices"); lpGlob->hwCaps.dwMaxVertexCount = lpGlob->dwNumVertices; } if (lpGlob->dwNumVertices && lpGlob->dwNumClipVertices < D3DHAL_NUMCLIPVERTICES) { D3D_ERR("In global driver data, dwNumClipVertices " "< D3DHAL_NUMCLIPVERTICES"); lpGlob->dwNumClipVertices = D3DHAL_NUMCLIPVERTICES; }
if ((hr = CalcDDSurfInfo(lpDevI,TRUE)) != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("CalcDDSurfInfo failed"); return hr; }
* Create our context in the HAL driver */ if ((hr = halCreateContext(lpDevI)) != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("halCreateContext failed"); return hr; }
if ((hr = D3DFE_InitTransform(lpDevI)) != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("D3DFE_InitTransform failed"); return hr; } if (hr = (D3DFE_InitRGBLighting(lpDevI)) != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("D3DFE_InitRGBLighting failed"); return hr; }
lpDevI->dwFEFlags |= D3DFE_VALID;
lpDevI->iClipStatus = D3DSTATUS_DEFAULT; lpDevI->rExtents.x1 = D3DVAL(2048); lpDevI->rExtents.x2 = D3DVAL(0); lpDevI->rExtents.y1 = D3DVAL(2048); lpDevI->rExtents.y2 = D3DVAL(0);
return S_OK; }
void D3DFE_Destroy(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI) { if (lpDevI->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_VALID) { D3DFE_DestroyTransform(lpDevI); D3DFE_DestroyRGBLighting(lpDevI); }
if(lpDevI->lpClipper) { lpDevI->lpClipper->Release(); }
if (lpDevI->lpD3DHALCallbacks) { halDestroyContext(lpDevI); }
D3D_INFO(0, "Made %d HAL calls", lpDevI->hal_calls); #endif
// If any picks were done the pick records need to be freed.
// They are allocated in D3DHAL_AddPickRecord in halpick.c
if (lpDevI->pick_data.records) { D3DFree(lpDevI->pick_data.records); } }
void TriFillRectsTex(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, DWORD count, LPD3DRECT rect,D3DTEXTUREHANDLE hTex) { LPDIRECT3DDEVICE3 lpD3DDev = static_cast<LPDIRECT3DDEVICE3>(lpDevI); LPD3DVIEWPORT2 lpCurrentView = &((LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORTI)(lpDevI->lpCurrentViewport))->v_data;
DWORD i; float width = (float)lpCurrentView->dwWidth; float height = (float)lpCurrentView->dwHeight; // ~.5 offset makes the result stable for even scales which are common.
// since this offset is not scaled by texture size, need to make it a bit smaller
float x = (float)lpCurrentView->dwX - .41f; float y = (float)lpCurrentView->dwY - .41f;
DWORD dwZEnable; DWORD dwStencilEnable; DWORD dwZWriteEnable; DWORD dwZFunc; DWORD dwWrapU; DWORD dwWrapV; DWORD dwFillMode; DWORD dwFogEnable; DWORD dwFogMode; DWORD dwBlendEnable; DWORD dwColorKeyEnable; DWORD dwAlphaBlendEnable; DWORD dwTexture; DWORD dwTexturePers; DWORD dwDither; DWORD pdwWrap[D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD]; D3DTLVERTEX v[4]; BOOL bWasInScene = FALSE; D3DMATERIALHANDLE hMat;
if (!(lpDevI->dwHintFlags & D3DDEVBOOL_HINTFLAGS_INSCENE)) { lpDevI->dwHintFlags |= D3DDEVBOOL_HINTFLAGS_INTERNAL_BEGIN_END; bWasInScene = TRUE; lpD3DDev->BeginScene(); }
// save current renderstate we need to reset to draw textured rect
lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ZENABLE, &dwZEnable); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ZWRITEENABLE, &dwZWriteEnable); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ZFUNC, &dwZFunc); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPU, &dwWrapU); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPV, &dwWrapV); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FILLMODE, &dwFillMode); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE, &dwFogEnable); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGTABLEMODE, &dwFogMode); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_BLENDENABLE, &dwBlendEnable); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_COLORKEYENABLE, &dwColorKeyEnable); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHABLENDENABLE, &dwAlphaBlendEnable); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREHANDLE, &dwTexture); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILENABLE, &dwStencilEnable); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREPERSPECTIVE, &dwTexturePers); lpD3DDev->GetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_DITHERENABLE, &dwDither);
// Save WRAPi
for (i = 0; i < D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD; i++) { lpD3DDev->GetRenderState((D3DRENDERSTATETYPE)(D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP0 + i), pdwWrap + i); }
// Disable WRAPi
for (i = 0; i < D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD; i++) { lpD3DDev->SetRenderState((D3DRENDERSTATETYPE)(D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP0 + i), 0); }
BOOL bRampServiceClear = FALSE;
if(lpDevI->pfnRampService!=NULL) { lpD3DDev->GetLightState(D3DLIGHTSTATE_MATERIAL, &hMat); lpD3DDev->SetLightState(D3DLIGHTSTATE_MATERIAL, lpDevI->lpCurrentViewport->hBackgndMat); PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex = *(PD3DI_SPANTEX *)ULongToPtr(hTex); if (pTex->Format == D3DI_SPTFMT_PALETTE8) { // if it is Ramp, and if the texture is PALETTE8,
// then we should use the new service that handles
// non-power of 2 textures
bRampServiceClear = TRUE; } }
if (bRampServiceClear) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++, rect++) { CallRampService(lpDevI, RAMP_SERVICE_CLEAR_TEX_RECT, lpDevI->lpCurrentViewport->hBackgndMat,rect); } } else { for (i = 0; i < count; i++, rect++) { D3DVALUE tu1, tv1, tu2, tv2;
tu1 = ((D3DVALUE)(rect->x1 - x))/width; tv1 = ((D3DVALUE)(rect->y1 - y))/height; tu2 = ((D3DVALUE)(rect->x2 - x))/width; tv2 = ((D3DVALUE)(rect->y2 - y))/height;
v[0].sx = (D3DVALUE) rect->x1; v[0].sy = (D3DVALUE) rect->y1; v[0].sz = (D3DVALUE) 0; v[0].rhw = (D3DVALUE) 1; v[0].color = (D3DCOLOR) ~0UL; v[0].specular = (D3DCOLOR) 0; v[0].tu = tu1; v[0].tv = tv1;
v[1].sx = (D3DVALUE) rect->x2; v[1].sy = (D3DVALUE) rect->y1; v[1].sz = (D3DVALUE) 0; v[1].rhw = (D3DVALUE) 1; v[1].color = (D3DCOLOR) ~0UL; v[1].specular = (D3DCOLOR) 0; v[1].tu = tu2; v[1].tv = tv1;
v[2].sx = (D3DVALUE) rect->x2; v[2].sy = (D3DVALUE) rect->y2; v[2].sz = (D3DVALUE) 0; v[2].rhw = (D3DVALUE) 1; v[2].color = (D3DCOLOR) ~0UL; v[2].specular = (D3DCOLOR) 0; v[2].tu = tu2; v[2].tv = tv2;
v[3].sx = (D3DVALUE) rect->x1; v[3].sy = (D3DVALUE) rect->y2; v[3].sz = (D3DVALUE) 0; v[3].rhw = (D3DVALUE) 1; v[3].color = (D3DCOLOR) ~0UL; v[3].specular = (D3DCOLOR) 0; v[3].tu = tu1; v[3].tv = tv2;
// restore saved renderstate
lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ZENABLE, dwZEnable); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ZWRITEENABLE, dwZWriteEnable); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ZFUNC, dwZFunc); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPU, dwWrapU); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPV, dwWrapV); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FILLMODE, dwFillMode); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE, dwFogEnable); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGTABLEMODE, dwFogMode); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_BLENDENABLE, dwBlendEnable); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_COLORKEYENABLE, dwColorKeyEnable); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHABLENDENABLE, dwAlphaBlendEnable); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREHANDLE, dwTexture); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILENABLE, dwStencilEnable); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREPERSPECTIVE, dwTexturePers); lpD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_DITHERENABLE, dwDither);
// Restore WRAPi
for (i = 0; i < D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD; i++) { lpD3DDev->SetRenderState((D3DRENDERSTATETYPE)(D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP0 + i), pdwWrap[i]); } if(lpDevI->pfnRampService!=NULL) { lpD3DDev->SetLightState(D3DLIGHTSTATE_MATERIAL, hMat); }
if (bWasInScene) { lpD3DDev->EndScene(); lpDevI->dwHintFlags &= ~D3DDEVBOOL_HINTFLAGS_INTERNAL_BEGIN_END; } }
void BltFillRects(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, DWORD count, LPD3DRECT rect, D3DCOLORVALUE *pFillColor) { LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDS = lpDevI->lpDDSTarget; HRESULT ddrval; DDBLTFX bltfx; RECT tr; DWORD i; DWORD r, g, b;
// Fill with background color
memset(&bltfx, 0, sizeof(bltfx)); bltfx.dwSize = sizeof(bltfx);
// unlike clear callback, which just takes pure 32-bit ARGB word and forces the driver to scale it for
// the pixelformat, here we need to compute the exact fill word, depending on surface's R,G,B bitmasks
if(lpDevI->pfnRampService!=NULL) { // DX5 allowed the background material to be NULL. For this case, will clear to index 0
// which is usually black in ramp mode
if(lpDevI->lpCurrentViewport->hBackgndMat!=0) { CallRampService(lpDevI, RAMP_SERVICE_MATERIAL_TO_PIXEL,lpDevI->lpCurrentViewport->hBackgndMat,&bltfx.dwFillColor); } else { bltfx.dwFillColor=0; // index 0 is usually black in ramp mode.
} } else {
if(lpDevI->bDDSTargetIsPalettized) { // map 24-bit color to 8-bit index used by 8bit RGB rasterizer
CallRastService(lpDevI, RAST_SERVICE_RGB8COLORTOPIXEL, CVAL_TO_RGBA(*pFillColor), &bltfx.dwFillColor); } else {
if((lpDevI->red_scale == 0) || (lpDevI->green_scale == 0) || (lpDevI->blue_scale == 0)) { DPF(1, "(ERROR) BltFillRects Failed one of the scales is zero" ); return; }
r = (DWORD)(255.0 * pFillColor->r) / lpDevI->red_scale; g = (DWORD)(255.0 * pFillColor->g) / lpDevI->green_scale; b = (DWORD)(255.0 * pFillColor->b) / lpDevI->blue_scale; bltfx.dwFillColor = (r << lpDevI->red_shift) | (g << lpDevI->green_shift) | (b << lpDevI->blue_shift); } }
for (i = 0; i < count; i++,rect++) { tr.left = rect->x1; tr.right = rect->x2; tr.top = rect->y1; tr.bottom = rect->y2; do { ddrval = lpDDS->Blt(&tr, NULL, NULL, DDBLT_COLORFILL, &bltfx); } while (ddrval == DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING); } }
void BltFillZRects(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, unsigned long Zpixel, DWORD count, LPD3DRECT rect, DWORD dwWriteMask) { HRESULT ddrval; DDBLTFX bltfx; DWORD i; RECT tr; DWORD dwExtraFlags=0;
#if DBG
if (lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer == NULL) // should be checked prior to call
return; #endif
memset(&bltfx, 0, sizeof(DDBLTFX)); bltfx.dwSize = sizeof(DDBLTFX); bltfx.dwFillDepth = Zpixel;
// hack to pass DepthBlt WriteMask through ddraw/ddhel to blitlib
if(dwWriteMask!=0) { bltfx.dwZDestConstBitDepth=dwWriteMask; dwExtraFlags = DDBLT_DEPTHFILLWRITEMASK; }
for(i=0;i<count;i++,rect++) { D3D_INFO(4, "Z Clearing x1 = %d, y1 = %d, x2 = %d, y2 = %d, WriteMask %X", rect->x1, rect->y1, rect->x2, rect->y2, bltfx.dwReserved); tr.left = rect->x1; tr.right = rect->x2; tr.top = rect->y1; tr.bottom = rect->y2; do { ddrval = lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer->Blt(&tr, NULL, NULL, DDBLT_DEPTHFILL | dwExtraFlags, &bltfx); } while (ddrval == DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING); } }
#define DPF_MODNAME "D3DFE_Clear"
// Flush any outstanding geometry to put framebuffer/Zbuffer in a known state for Clears that
// don't use tris (i.e. HAL Clears and Blts). Note this doesn't work for tiled architectures
// outside of Begin/EndScene, this will be fixed later
ret = lpDevI->FlushStates(); if (ret != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Error trying to render batched commands in D3DFE_Clear"); return ret; }
bDoRGBClear=((dwFlags & D3DCLEAR_TARGET)!=0); // must convert to pure bool so bDoHALRGBClear==bDoRGBClear works
bDoZClear=((dwFlags & D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER)!=0);
// note: textured clears and clears to background depth buffer must be handled explicitly
// using Blt calls and not be passed to driver
bDoHALRGBClear = bDoRGBClear && (dwTexture==0) && (lpDevI->lpD3DHALCallbacks2->Clear!=NULL); bDoHALZClear = bDoZClear && (lpDDSBackDepth==NULL) && (lpDevI->lpD3DHALCallbacks2->Clear!=NULL);
if(bDoHALRGBClear || bDoHALZClear) { ClearData.dwhContext = lpDevI->dwhContext; ClearData.dwFillColor = ClearData.dwFillDepth = 0; ClearData.dwFlags = 0x0;
if(bDoHALRGBClear) { // original Clear DDI Spec had dwFillColor being dependent on the surface RGB bit depths
// like the COLORFILL Blt in SetRectangles. But the dx5 implementation always passed a
// 32-bit ARGB to the driver for all surface depths. So that's the way it stays.
ClearData.dwFillColor = CVAL_TO_RGBA(*pFillColor); ClearData.dwFlags = D3DCLEAR_TARGET; }
if(bDoHALZClear) { // must clear to 0xffffffff because legacy drivers expect this
// should be using (1<<lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer->ddpfSurface.dwZBufferBitDepth)-1;
ClearData.dwFillDepth = 0xffffffff; ClearData.dwFlags |= D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER; }
ClearData.lpRects = lpRect; ClearData.dwNumRects = numRect; #ifndef WIN95
if((ret = CheckContextSurface(lpDevI)) != D3D_OK) return ret; #endif
CALL_HAL2ONLY(ret, lpDevI, Clear, &ClearData); if (ret != DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED) return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED;
// if all requested clears were done by HAL, can return now
if((bDoRGBClear==bDoHALRGBClear) && (bDoZClear==bDoHALZClear)) return ClearData.ddrval; }
if((lpDevI->lpD3DHALCallbacks3->Clear2!=NULL) && (lpDevI->lpD3DHALCallbacks2->Clear==NULL)) { DWORD dwFlagsLeft=dwFlags; DWORD dwClear2Flags=0x0;
// driver implemented Clear2 callback but not Clear
// call Clear2 for as many items as we can, and leave the rest for SW
if(bDoRGBClear && (dwTexture==0)) { dwClear2Flags |= D3DCLEAR_TARGET; dwFlagsLeft &= ~D3DCLEAR_TARGET; bDoRGBClear=FALSE; }
if(bDoZClear && (lpDDSBackDepth==NULL)) { dwClear2Flags |= D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER; dwFlagsLeft &= ~D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER; bDoZClear=FALSE; }
if(dwClear2Flags!=0x0) { ClearData.ddrval = D3DFE_Clear2(lpDevI,dwClear2Flags,numRect,lpRect,CVAL_TO_RGBA(*pFillColor),1.0,0); }
if(dwFlagsLeft==0x0) return ClearData.ddrval;
dwFlags=dwFlagsLeft; }
// otherwise do clears using SW, since no HW method exists or using textured background for RGBclear
// or background depth buffer for Zclear
// clear RGB using Blt
if (bDoRGBClear && (!bDoHALRGBClear)) { if(dwTexture == 0) BltFillRects(lpDevI, numRect, lpRect, pFillColor); else TriFillRectsTex(lpDevI, numRect, lpRect, dwTexture); }
// clear Z using Blt
if (bDoZClear && (!bDoHALZClear)) { if (lpDDSBackDepth!=NULL) { RECT src, dest; DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; HRESULT ret;
D3D_INFO(2, "Z Clearing using depth background"); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof ddsd; ddsd.dwFlags = 0; if (ret = lpDDSBackDepth->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd)) { D3D_ERR("GetSurfaceDesc failed trying to clear to depth background"); return ret; } D3D_INFO(3, "Depth background width=%d, height=%d", ddsd.dwWidth, ddsd.dwHeight);
SetRect(&src, 0, 0, ddsd.dwWidth, ddsd.dwHeight);
LPD3DVIEWPORT2 lpCurrentView = &((LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORTI)(lpDevI->lpCurrentViewport))->v_data;
SetRect(&dest, lpCurrentView->dwX, lpCurrentView->dwY, lpCurrentView->dwX + lpCurrentView->dwWidth, lpCurrentView->dwY + lpCurrentView->dwHeight );
// copy from background depth buffer to zbuffer
if (ret = lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer->Blt( &dest, lpDDSBackDepth, &src, DDBLT_WAIT, NULL)) { D3D_ERR("Blt failed clearing depth background"); return ret; } } else {
// Clear to maximum Z value. Presence of stencil buffer ignored, depthfill blt
// can overwrite any existing stencil bits with 1's. Clear2 should be used to
// clear z while preserving stencil buffer
BltFillZRects(lpDevI, 0xffffffff, numRect, lpRect, 0x0); } }
if(ClearData.ddrval!=D3D_OK) return ClearData.ddrval; else { return CallRampService(lpDevI, RAMP_SERVICE_CLEAR, 0, 0); } }
#define DPF_MODNAME "D3DFE_Clear2"
HRESULT D3DFE_Clear2(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD numRect, LPD3DRECT lpRect, D3DCOLOR dwColor, D3DVALUE dvZ, DWORD dwStencil) { DWORD dwDepthClearVal,dwStencilClearVal; HRESULT ret; BOOL bDoRGBClear,bDoZClear,bDoStencilClear; BOOL bIsStencilSurface = FALSE; D3DHAL_CLEAR2DATA Clear2Data; DDPIXELFORMAT *pZPixFmt; D3DCOLORVALUE vFillColor;
DDASSERT(lpDevI->pfnRampService==NULL); // Device3 ramp not allowed, so dont have to handle this case
// Flush any outstanding geometry to put framebuffer/Zbuffer in a known state for Clears that
// don't use tris (i.e. HAL Clears and Blts). Note this doesn't work for tiled architectures
// outside of Begin/EndScene, this will be fixed later
ret = lpDevI->FlushStates(); if (ret != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Error trying to render batched commands in D3DFE_Clear2"); return ret; }
bDoRGBClear=((dwFlags & D3DCLEAR_TARGET)!=0); bDoZClear=((dwFlags & D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER)!=0); //make these true boolean so XOR below works
bDoStencilClear=((dwFlags & D3DCLEAR_STENCIL)!=0);
if (lpDevI->lpD3DHALCallbacks3->Clear2) { // Clear2 HAL Callback exists
Clear2Data.dwhContext = lpDevI->dwhContext; Clear2Data.lpRects = lpRect; Clear2Data.dwNumRects = numRect; Clear2Data.dwFillColor = Clear2Data.dwFillStencil = 0; Clear2Data.dvFillDepth = 0.0f; Clear2Data.dwFlags = dwFlags;
if(bDoRGBClear) { // Here I will follow the ClearData.dwFillColor convention that
// color word is raw 32bit ARGB, unadjusted for surface bit depth
Clear2Data.dwFillColor = dwColor; }
// depth/stencil values both passed straight from user args
if(bDoZClear) Clear2Data.dvFillDepth = dvZ; if(bDoStencilClear) Clear2Data.dwFillStencil = dwStencil;
#ifndef WIN95
if((ret = CheckContextSurface(lpDevI)) != D3D_OK) return ret; #endif
CALL_HAL3ONLY(ret, lpDevI, Clear2, &Clear2Data); if (ret != DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED) return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; return Clear2Data.ddrval; }
if(bDoRGBClear) { const float fScalor=(float)(1.0/255.0);
vFillColor.a = RGBA_GETALPHA(dwColor)*fScalor; vFillColor.r = RGBA_GETRED(dwColor)*fScalor; vFillColor.g = RGBA_GETGREEN(dwColor)*fScalor; vFillColor.b = RGBA_GETBLUE(dwColor)*fScalor; }
if((bDoZClear || bDoStencilClear) && (lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer!=NULL)) { //PowerVR need no Zbuffer
pZPixFmt=&((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT) lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer)->lpLcl->lpGbl->ddpfSurface;
// if surface has stencil bits, must verify either Clear2 callback exists or
// we're using SW rasterizers (which require the special WriteMask DDHEL blt)
bIsStencilSurface=(pZPixFmt->dwFlags & DDPF_STENCILBUFFER);
if(bDoZClear || bDoStencilClear) { // if Clear2 callback doesnt exist and it's a z-only surface and not doing zclear to
// non-max value then Clear2 is attempting to do no more than Clear could do, so it's
// safe to call Clear() instead of Clear2(), which will take advantage of older
// drivers that implement Clear but not Clear2
if((!bIsStencilSurface) && (!(bDoZClear && (dvZ!=1.0)))) { return D3DFE_Clear(lpDevI,dwFlags,numRect,lpRect,&vFillColor,0); }
if(bIsStencilSurface) { DDSCAPS *pDDSCaps;
pDDSCaps=&((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT) lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer)->lpLcl->ddsCaps;
// This case should not be hit since we check right at the
// driver initialization time if the driver doesnt report Clear2
// yet it supports stencils
if(!(pDDSCaps->dwCaps & DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY)) { D3D_ERR("Driver HAL doesn't provide Clear2 callback, cannot use Clear2 with HW stencil surfaces"); return DDERR_INVALIDPIXELFORMAT; } } } else { // we're just clearing RGB, so since Clear2 callback doesn't exist, try calling Clear
return D3DFE_Clear(lpDevI,dwFlags,numRect,lpRect,&vFillColor,0); }
if(bDoZClear) { LPDDPIXELFORMAT pPixFmt=&((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT) lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer)->lpLcl->lpGbl->ddpfSurface;
if((dvZ!=1.0)&&(lpDevI->lpD3DHALCallbacks3->Clear2==NULL)&&(pPixFmt->dwZBitMask==0x0)) { // I have no way to emulate ZClears to non-maxZ values without a ZBitMask, so must fail call
D3D_ERR("cant ZClear to non-maxz value without Clear2 HAL callback or valid ZBuffer pixfmt ZBitMask"); return DDERR_INVALIDPIXELFORMAT; }
// special case the common cases
if(dvZ==1.0) { dwDepthClearVal=pPixFmt->dwZBitMask; } else if(dvZ==0.0) { dwDepthClearVal=0; } else { dwDepthClearVal=((DWORD)((dvZ*(pPixFmt->dwZBitMask >> lpDevI->zmask_shift))+0.5)) << lpDevI->zmask_shift; } }
if(bDoStencilClear) { LPDDPIXELFORMAT pPixFmt=&((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT) lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer)->lpLcl->lpGbl->ddpfSurface;
DDASSERT(pPixFmt->dwStencilBitDepth<32); DDASSERT(pPixFmt->dwStencilBitMask!=0x0);
// special case the common case
if(dwStencil==0) { dwStencilClearVal=0; } else { dwStencilClearVal=(dwStencil & ((1<<pPixFmt->dwStencilBitDepth)-1)) << lpDevI->stencilmask_shift; } }
// Fall back to Emulation using Blt
if(bDoRGBClear) { BltFillRects(lpDevI, numRect, lpRect, &vFillColor); //ok to not return possible errors from Blt?
if(bDoZClear||bDoStencilClear) { if((bDoZClear!=bDoStencilClear) && bIsStencilSurface) { // have to worry about using writemask to screen out writing the stencil or z buffer
if(bDoZClear) { // WriteMask enabled Z bits only
DDASSERT(pZPixFmt->dwZBitMask!=0x0); BltFillZRects(lpDevI,dwDepthClearVal, numRect, lpRect, pZPixFmt->dwZBitMask); } else { DDASSERT(pZPixFmt->dwStencilBitMask!=0x0); BltFillZRects(lpDevI,dwStencilClearVal, numRect, lpRect, pZPixFmt->dwStencilBitMask); } } else { // do Stencil & Z Blt together, using regular DepthFill blt which will be faster
// than the writemask blt because its write-only, instead of read-modify-write
// Note we're passing non-0xffffffff values to DepthFill Blt here
// not absolutely guaranteed to work on legacy drivers
BltFillZRects(lpDevI,(dwDepthClearVal | dwStencilClearVal), numRect, lpRect, 0x0); } }
return D3D_OK; } #undef DPF_MODNAME