// palette.h
// Structures and prototypes ramp palette code.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
#include "colall.h"
typedef void (*RLDDIPaletteSetColorMethod)(void*, int index, int red, int green, int blue); typedef int (*RLDDIPaletteAllocateColorMethod)(void*, int red, int green, int blue); typedef void (*RLDDIPaletteFreeColorMethod)(void*, int index);
typedef struct _RLDDIPaletteEntry RLDDIPaletteEntry;
typedef enum _PaletteState { PALETTE_FREE, /* not used, allocatable */ PALETTE_UNUSED, /* not used, not allocatable */ PALETTE_USED /* used, allocatable */ } PaletteState;
struct _RLDDIPaletteEntry { LIST_MEMBER(_RLDDIPaletteEntry) list; int usage; /* how many users (0 => free) */ unsigned char red, green, blue, pad1; /* intensity values */ PaletteState state; };
#define HASH_SIZE 257
#define RGB_HASH(red, green, blue) (((red) << 8) ^ ((green) << 4) ^ (blue))
#define ENTRY_TO_INDEX(pal, entry) ((int)((entry) - (pal)->entries))
#define INDEX_TO_ENTRY(pal, index) (&(pal)->entries[index])
typedef struct _RLDDIPalette { RLDDIPaletteEntry* entries; /* palette entries */ size_t size; /* number of entries in palette */ LIST_ROOT(name3, _RLDDIPaletteEntry) free; /* free list */ LIST_ROOT(name4, _RLDDIPaletteEntry) unused; /* colors not to use */ LIST_ROOT(name5, _RLDDIPaletteEntry) hash[HASH_SIZE];
void* priv; RLDDIPaletteAllocateColorMethod allocate_color; RLDDIPaletteFreeColorMethod free_color; RLDDIPaletteSetColorMethod set_color;
* A color allocator for use with RLDDIColormap. */ RLDDIColorAllocator alloc; } RLDDIPalette;
RLDDIPalette* RLDDICreatePalette(PD3DI_RASTCTX pCtx, size_t size); void RLDDIPaletteSetColor(RLDDIPalette* pal, int index, int red, int green, int blue); int RLDDIPaletteAllocateColor(RLDDIPalette* pal, int red, int green, int blue); void RLDDIPaletteFreeColor(RLDDIPalette* pal, int index); void RLDDIDestroyPalette(RLDDIPalette* pal);
#endif // _RAMPPALETTE_H_