include(`texaddra.mh')dnl for W divide dnl need to fix up texaddrasm.mh to have W divide functions dnl and increment function so both pass and fail can use dnl the same code. It may be better not to though if I dnl am mixing code in the pass case.
dnl dnl d_TestFail dnl dnl Macro to build test fail term incrementing routines dnl dnl $1 is one of Flat Gouraud dnl $2 is one of NoTex Tex1 PerspTex1 Tex2 PerspTex2 dnl $3 is one of NoSpecularFog SpecularFog dnl $4 is one of NotMonolithic Monolithic dnl define(`d_TestFail', ` ;void TestFail_$1_$2_$3(PD3DI_RASTCTX pCtx, PD3DI_RASTPRIM pP, ; PD3DI_RASTSPAN pS) ;{ ifelse(`$4', `NotMonolithic', ` PUBLIC _MMX_TestFail_$1_$2_$3 _MMX_TestFail_$1_$2_$3: ') ifelse(`$1', `Gouraud', ` ;pS->uB += pP->iDBDX; pS->uG += pP->iDGDX; ;pS->uR += pP->iDRDX; pS->uA += pP->iDADX; movq mm1, XpS(uB) paddw mm1, XpP(iDBDX) movq XpS(uB), mm1 ')
ifelse(eval((d_index(`$2', `Tex1') == 0)), `1', `
push edi mov edi, 0 d_UpdateUoWandVoW() d_UpdateNonPersp() pop edi
') ifelse(`$2', `Tex2', `
; edi now is used to store the texture index push edi mov edi, 0 LoopSetTexture$1$2$3$4: cmp edi, dword ptr XpCtx(cActTex) je DoneSetTexture$1$2$3$4
d_UpdateUoWandVoW() d_UpdateNonPersp()
inc edi jmp LoopSetTexture$1$2$3$4
DoneSetTexture$1$2$3$4: ; Restore edi pop edi
') ifelse(eval((d_index(`$2', `PerspTex1') == 0)), `1', `
d_UpdateLOD() d_UpdateOoW() d_WDivide()
push edi mov edi, 0 d_UpdateUoWandVoW() d_UoWVoWTimesW() pop edi
') ifelse(`$2', `PerspTex2', ` d_UpdateLOD() d_UpdateOoW() d_WDivide()
; edi now is used to store the texture index push edi mov edi, 0 LoopSetTexture$1$2$3$4: cmp edi, dword ptr XpCtx(cActTex) je DoneSetTexture$1$2$3$4
d_UoWVoWTimesW() d_UpdateUoWandVoW()
inc edi jmp LoopSetTexture$1$2$3$4
DoneSetTexture$1$2$3$4: ; Restore edi pop edi ') ifelse(`$3', `SpecularFog', ` ;if (pCtx->pdwRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_SPECULARENABLE]) ;{ ; 3 options here. ; either do masked add ; or always add ; or make another bead ;pS->uBS += pP->iDBSDX; pS->uGS += pP->iDGSDX; ;pS->uRS += pP->iDRSDX; movq mm1, XpS(uBS) paddw mm1, XpP(iDBSDX) movq XpS(uBS), mm1 ;}
;if (pCtx->pdwRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE]) ;{ ; Same options as above for this if statement. ;pS->uFog += (INT16)pP->iDFogDX; ; Fog is actually added in above addition
;pCtx->SI.uFogB += pCtx->SI.iFogBDX; ;pCtx->SI.uFogG += pCtx->SI.iFogGDX; ;pCtx->SI.uFogR += pCtx->SI.iFogRDX; ; there is a forth value that is being added here ; but it is not begin used. movq mm1, XpCtxSI(uFogB) paddw mm1, XpCtxSI(iFogBDX) movq XpCtxSI(uFogB), mm1 ;} ')
ifelse(`$4', `NotMonolithic', ` ;ret jmp dword ptr XpCtx(pfnPixelEnd)
;} ')