// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// reftnl.cpp
// Direct3D Reference Transformation and Lighting - public interface
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
#define RESPATH_D3D "Software\\Microsoft\\Direct3D"
// Gets the value from DIRECT3D registry key
// Returns TRUE if success
// If fails value is not changed
BOOL GetD3DRegValue(DWORD type, char *valueName, LPVOID value, DWORD dwSize) {
HKEY hKey = (HKEY) NULL; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RESPATH_D3D, &hKey)) { DWORD dwType; LONG result; result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, valueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)value, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hKey);
return result == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == type; } else return FALSE; }
// RefAlignedBuffer32
HRESULT RefAlignedBuffer32::Grow(DWORD growSize) { if (m_allocatedBuf) free(m_allocatedBuf); m_size = growSize; if ((m_allocatedBuf = malloc(m_size + 31)) == NULL) { m_allocatedBuf = 0; m_alignedBuf = 0; m_size = 0; return DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY; } m_alignedBuf = (LPVOID)(((ULONG_PTR)m_allocatedBuf + 31 ) & ~31); return S_OK; }
// RRProcessVertices::InitTL()
void RRProcessVertices::InitTLData() { m_LightVertexTable.pfnDirectional = RRLV_Directional; m_LightVertexTable.pfnParallelPoint = RRLV_Directional; m_LightVertexTable.pfnSpot = RRLV_PointAndSpot; m_LightVertexTable.pfnPoint = RRLV_PointAndSpot; //
// Guardband parameters
// By default enable Guardband and set the extents equal
// to the default RefRast parameters
m_dwTLState |= RRPV_GUARDBAND; m_ViewData.minXgb = (REF_GB_LEFT); m_ViewData.maxXgb = REF_GB_RIGHT; m_ViewData.minYgb = (REF_GB_TOP); m_ViewData.maxYgb = REF_GB_BOTTOM; #if DBG
DWORD v = 0; // Guardband parameters
if (GetD3DRegValue(REG_DWORD, "DisableGB", &v, 4) && v != 0) { m_dwTLState &= ~RRPV_GUARDBAND; } // Try to get test values for the guard band
char value[80]; if (GetD3DRegValue(REG_SZ, "GuardBandLeft", &value, 80) && value[0] != 0) sscanf(value, "%f", &m_ViewData.minXgb); if (GetD3DRegValue(REG_SZ, "GuardBandRight", &value, 80) && value[0] != 0) sscanf(value, "%f", &m_ViewData.maxXgb); if (GetD3DRegValue(REG_SZ, "GuardBandTop", &value, 80) && value[0] != 0) sscanf(value, "%f", &m_ViewData.minYgb); if (GetD3DRegValue(REG_SZ, "GuardBandBottom", &value, 80) && value[0] != 0) sscanf(value, "%f", &m_ViewData.maxYgb); #endif // DBG
// end