page ,132 ;-----------------------------Module-Header-----------------------------; ; Module Name: MVGAXX.ASM ; ; This module contains functions for dealing with the following VGA ; 256 color (modex) modes. ; ; 320x200x8 ; 320x400x8 ; 320x240x8 ; ; Created: 03-20-90 ; Author: Todd Laney [ToddLa] ; ; 15-Dec-96 jeffno Made ScreenOffset and ScreenDisplay public so modex.c's ; new mode-set code can get at them. Also added cdwScreenWidthInDWORDS ; to enable PixBlt to operate correctly with 360x modes. ; ; Copyright (c) 1984-1995 Microsoft Corporation ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
?PLM = 1 ?WIN = 0 .386 .xlist include cmacros.inc include mvgaxx.inc .list
externA __A000h
; size for one 320x240x8 page (in mode X) ;------------- ; This is no longer accurate for x350 etc modex... ; turn it into a WORD and make it public so modex.c can ; set it properly. ;ScreenPageSize equ ((80 * 240 + 255) and (not 255))
sBegin Data
ScreenSel dw __A000h
;-------------------------------- Public Data ---------------------------------------- ; ; The following three WORDS (ScreenOffset, ScreenDisplay and cdwScreenWidthInDWORDS ; and ScreenPageSize) MUST remain in sync with the extern declarations in modex.c ;
_ScreenOffset label word ScreenOffset dw 0
_ScreenDisplay label word ScreenDisplay dw 0
_cdwScreenWidthInDWORDS label word cdwScreenWidthInDWORDS dw 0
_cbScreenPageSize label word cbScreenPageSize dw ((80 * 240 + 255) and (not 255))
;expose these so modex.c can set 'em public _ScreenOffset public _ScreenDisplay public _cdwScreenWidthInDWORDS public _cbScreenPageSize
; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sEnd Data
createSeg %SEGNAME, CodeSeg, word, public, CODE
sBegin CodeSeg assumes cs,CodeSeg assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
; Manually perform "push" dword register instruction to remove warning PUSHD macro reg db 66h push reg endm
; Manually perform "pop" dword register instruction to remove warning POPD macro reg db 66h pop reg endm
;---------------------------Public-Routine------------------------------; ; FlipPage ; ; display the current draw page and select another draw page ; ; Entry: ; ; Returns: ; none ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; BP,DS,SI,DI ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,FLAGS ; Calls: ; none ; History: ; Wed 04-Jan-1990 13:45:58 -by- Todd Laney [ToddLa] ; Created. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
cProc FlipPage, <NEAR, PUBLIC>, <> cBegin ; we only program the high byte of the offset. ; so the page size must be a multiple of 256 ; *** This compile-time assert can't be used anymore since cbScreenPageSize ; *** is now a static word. There are corresponding asserts in modex.c ; *** at the top of SetVGAForModeX(). ;errnz <cbScreenPageSize and 255>
mov ax,ScreenOffset mov ScreenDisplay,ax mov al,0Ch mov dx,CRT_INDEX out dx,ax
; NOTE. This routine will actually do triple buffering if a page is less ; than 64k/3. We might want to revisit this if we allow apps to specify a ; dirty subrect to be copied on a flip: if they don't know the difference ; double and triple-buffered they'll get all out of sync.
mov ax,cbScreenPageSize add ScreenOffset,ax neg ax cmp ScreenOffset,ax jbe FlipPage13XExit
mov ScreenOffset,0
;---------------------------Public-Routine------------------------------; ; SetPalette ; ; setup the palette ; ; Entry: ; start - first palette index to set ; count - count of palette index's ; pPal - points to array of RGBQUADs containg colors ; ; Returns: ; None ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; BP,DS,SI,DI ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,FLAGS ; Calls: ; setramdac ; History: ; ; Wed 04-Jan-1990 13:45:58 -by- Todd Laney [ToddLa] ; Created. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; assumes ds,nothing assumes es,nothing
cProc SetPalette, <NEAR, PUBLIC>, <ds,si,di> parmW start parmW count parmD pPal localV pal, %(3 * 256) cBegin lds si,pPal
mov bx,start ; get start pal index mov cx,count ; get count mov ax,bx add ax,cx sub ax,256 ; see if the count goes beyond the end jle @f ; No, valid range sub cx,ax ; Yes, clip it mov count,cx @@:
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ; convert the palette from a array of RGBQUADs (B,G,R,X) to a array of ; VGA RGBs (R>>2,G>>2,B>>2) ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; lea di,pal ; ES:DI --> pal array on stack mov ax,ss mov es,ax
convert_pal_loop: lodsw ; al=blue, ah=green mov dx,ax ; dl=blue, dh=green lodsw ; al=red shr al,2 ; map from 0-255 into 0-63 shr dl,2 shr dh,2 xchg al,dl stosb ; write red xchg dl,dh ; switch blue,green mov ax,dx stosw ; write green,blue
loop convert_pal_loop
lea si,pal ; DS:SI --> converted RGBs mov ax,ss mov ds,ax mov cx,count ; re-load count
call setramdac ; set the physical palette cEnd
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; setramdac - initialize the ramdac to the values stored in ; a color table composed of double words ; ; entry: ; bx - index to 1st palette entry ; cx - count of indices to program ; ds:si -> array of RGBs ; ; exit: ; palette has been loaded ; ; Registers destroyed: ; al,cx,dx,si ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- assumes ds,nothing assumes es,nothing
public setramdac setramdac proc near mov ax,bx
mov dx,3c8h ;Color palette write mode index reg. out dx,al
mov dx,3c9h ;Color palette data reg.
mov bx,cx ;CX *= 3 add cx,cx ; add cx,bx ; if 0 rep outsb ;Set the palette all at once! else @@: lodsb out dx,al pause loop @b endif ret setramdac endp
;---------------------------Public-Routine------------------------------; ; PixBlt ; ; copy a bitmap to the screen ; ; Entry: ; x - (x,y) pos of lower left of rect ; y ; xExt - width and height of rect ; yExt ; pBits - pointer to bits ; BitsOffset - pointer offset to start at. ; WidthBytes - width of a bitmap scan ; ; IMPORTANT: SEE WIDTH RESTRICTIONS AS DOCUMENTED WITHIN ROUTINE ; Note reference to cdwScreenWidthInDWORDS. ; ; Returns: ; none ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; BP,DS,SI,DI ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,FLAGS ; History: ; ; Wed 04-Jan-1990 13:45:58 -by- Todd Laney [ToddLa] ; Created. ; 15-Dec-96 jeffno Allowed pitch other than 320, extended inner loop ; to handle multiples of 320 with remainder 8 pixels ; (for 360x modes) ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
cProc PixBlt, <NEAR, PUBLIC>, <ds> ParmW xExt ;14 ParmW yExt ;12 ParmD pBits ;8 10 ParmD BitsOffset ;4 6 ParmW WidthBytes ;2 ;0 localW next_dst_scan localD next_src_scan cBegin .386 PUSHD si ; push esi PUSHD di ; push edi
xor esi,esi xor edi,edi xor ebx,ebx
; this routine only handles images in multiles of 32 pixels ; and they must start 4 pixel aligned ; But JeffNo added an extra loop to extend to either a multiple ; of 32 (320x) or a multiple of 32 plus 8 extra pixels (360x). ; An assert has been added in modex.c to ensure one of these cases.
; and xExt,not 31 ;; and x,not 3
mov es,ScreenSel
mov ax,cdwScreenWidthInDWORDS mov next_dst_scan,ax
mov ax,WidthBytes sub ax,4 movsx eax,ax mov next_src_scan,eax
mov di,ScreenOffset ; es:di -> top-left screen
lds si,pBits add esi,BitsOffset assumes ds,nothing
mov al,SC_MAP_MASK mov dx,SC_INDEX out dx,al align 4 PixBltXLoop: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------; ; ax - free ; bx - index into dest es:[edi+ebx] index into source [esi+ebx*4] ; cx - loop count ; dl - mask ; dh - free ; si - source pointer (does not change) ; di - dest pointer (does not change)
mov cx,xExt shr cx,2 and cx,0fff8h ; a left over would give an extra loop at 360x mov dl,11h ; dh = mask align 4 PixBltXPhaseLoop: mov bx,dx ; set the mask mov al,dl mov dx,SC_INDEX+1 out dx,al mov dx,bx
xor bx,bx ; start at zero align 4 PixBltXPixelLoop: mov al,[esi+ebx*4] mov ah,[esi+ebx*4+4] mov es:[di+bx],ax
mov al,[esi+ebx*4+8] mov ah,[esi+ebx*4+12] mov es:[di+bx+2],ax
mov al,[esi+ebx*4+16] mov ah,[esi+ebx*4+20] mov es:[di+bx+4],ax
mov al,[esi+ebx*4+24] mov ah,[esi+ebx*4+28] mov es:[di+bx+6],ax
add bx,8 cmp bx,cx jl short PixBltXPixelLoop
PixBltXNext: inc esi shl dl,1 jnc short PixBltXPhaseLoop
;-----------------------------------------------------------------; ; extra stuff to tack on the extra 2 chains to go from 352 to 360 ; Note this little chunk relies on the xExt being a multiple of ; 8 pixels. If xExt is 320, we'll skip this part, and if it's ; 360, we'll do it ; test xExt,08h je short NoExtras ;branch taken implies width is 320, else 360 mov dx,SC_INDEX+1 mov al,011h ;the plane bits out dx,al ;select plane.
mov bx,xExt ; point to the last 8 columns sub bx,8 shr bx,2
mov cl,[esi+ebx*4-4] ; -4 because esi is 4 greater than start of row mov ch,[esi+ebx*4] mov es:[di+bx],cx
shl al,1 out dx,al ;select plane.
mov cl,[esi+ebx*4-3] mov ch,[esi+ebx*4+1] mov es:[di+bx],cx
shl al,1 out dx,al ;select plane.
mov cl,[esi+ebx*4-2] mov ch,[esi+ebx*4+2] mov es:[di+bx],cx
shl al,1 out dx,al ;select plane.
mov cl,[esi+ebx*4-1] mov ch,[esi+ebx*4+3] mov es:[di+bx],cx
NoExtras: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------;
add di,next_dst_scan ;no changes to these to support 360x, since this add esi,next_src_scan ;assume looped over multiple of 320, and the extra ;loop didn't change di and esi.
dec yExt jnz PixBltXLoop ;not a short by just 3 bytes!
PixBltXExit: POPD di ; pop edi POPD si ; pop esi cEnd
;---------------------------Private-Routine------------------------------; ; SetMode320x200x8 ; ; VGA 320x200x8 graphics mode is entered (plain ol' MODE 13h) ; ; Entry: ; ; Returns: ; 360x200x8 graphics mode is entered ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; BP,DS,SI,DI ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,FLAGS ; Calls: ; INT 10h ; History: ; ; Wed 04-Jan-1990 13:45:58 -by- Todd Laney [ToddLa] ; Created. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
cProc SetMode320x200x8, <NEAR, PUBLIC>, <ds,si,di> cBegin mov ScreenOffset,0 ; make sure this is zero mov ScreenDisplay,0 ; make sure this is zero too.
mov ax,13h ; set display mode 320x200x8 int 10h mov dx,SC_INDEX ; alter sequencer registers mov ax,0604h out dx,ax ;disable chain4 mode mov dx,CRT_INDEX mov ax,0E317h out dx, ax mov ax, 014h out dx, ax cEnd
;---------------------------Private-Macro--------------------------------; ; SLAM port, regs ; ; Sets a range of VGA registers ; ; Entry: ; port port index register ; regs table of register values ; ; History: ; Wed 04-Jan-1990 13:45:58 -by- Todd Laney [ToddLa] ; Created. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
SLAM macro port, regs local slam_loop local slam_exit mov cx,(®s&_end - regs) / 2 mov dx,port mov si,offset regs jcxz slam_exit slam_loop: lodsw out dx,ax pause loop slam_loop slam_exit: endm
;---------------------------Private-Routine------------------------------; ; SetMode320x400x8 ; ; VGA 320x400x8 graphics mode is entered ; ; Entry: ; ; Returns: ; 320x400x8 graphics mode is entered ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; BP,DS,SI,DI ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,FLAGS ; Calls: ; INT 10h ; History: ; ; Wed 04-Jan-1990 13:45:58 -by- Todd Laney [ToddLa] ; Created. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
seq_320x400: ;dw 00801h ; Dot Clock * 2 dw 00604h ; Disable chain 4 seq_320x400_end:
crt_320x400: dw 04009h ; cell height dw 00014h ; turn off dword mode dw 0e317h ; turn on byte mode crt_320x400_end:
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
cProc SetMode320x400x8, <NEAR, PUBLIC>, <ds,si,di> cBegin mov ScreenOffset,0 ; make sure this is zero mov ScreenDisplay,0 ; make sure this is zero too.
mov ax,12h int 10h ; have BIOS clear memory
mov ax,13h ; set display mode 320x200x8 int 10h
mov ax,cs ; get segment for data mov ds,ax
; ; Set the CRT regs ; SLAM CRT_INDEX, crt_320x400
; ; Set the SEQ regs ; SLAM SC_INDEX, seq_320x400 cEnd
;---------------------------Private-Routine------------------------------; ; SetMode320x240x8 ; ; VGA 320x240x8 graphics mode is entered ; ; Entry: ; ; Returns: ; 320x240x8 graphics mode is entered ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; BP,DS,SI,DI ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,FLAGS ; Calls: ; INT 10h ; History: ; ; Wed 04-Jan-1990 13:45:58 -by- Todd Laney [ToddLa] ; Created. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
seq_320x240: dw 00604h ; Disable chain 4 seq_320x240_end:
crt_320x240: ; dw 00611h ; un-protect cr0-cr7
dw 00d06h ;vertical total dw 03e07h ;overflow (bit 8 of vertical counts) dw 04109h ;cell height (2 to double-scan) dw 0ea10h ;v sync start dw 0ac11h ;v sync end and protect cr0-cr7 dw 0df12h ;vertical displayed dw 00014h ;turn off dword mode dw 0e715h ;v blank start dw 00616h ;v blank end dw 0e317h ;turn on byte mode crt_320x240_end:
cProc SetMode320x240x8, <NEAR, PUBLIC>, <ds,si,di> cBegin mov ScreenOffset,0 ; make sure this is zero mov ScreenDisplay,0 ; make sure this is zero too.
mov ax,13h ; set display mode 320x200x8 int 10h
mov ax,cs ; get segment for data mov ds,ax assumes ds,Code
mov dx,CRT_INDEX ;reprogram the CRT Controller mov al,11h ;VSync End reg contains register write out dx,al ; protect bit inc dx ;CRT Controller Data register in al,dx ;get current VSync End register setting and al,7fh ;remove write protect on various out dx,al ; CRTC registers dec dx ;CRT Controller Index
; ; Set the CRT regs ; SLAM CRT_INDEX, crt_320x240
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; alter sequencer registers mov ax,0604h out dx,ax ;disable chain4 mode
; ; Select a 25 mHz crystal ; cli ; mov dx,SC_INDEX ; alter sequencer registers mov ax,0100h ; synchronous reset out dx,ax ; asserted pause
mov dx,MISC_OUTPUT ; misc output mov al,0e3h ; use 25 mHz dot clock out dx,al ; select it pause
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; sequencer again mov ax,0300h ; restart sequencer out dx,ax ; running again pause sti
; ; now clear the memory. ; mov ax,DataBASE mov ds,ax assumes ds,Data
mov ax,ScreenSel mov es,ax xor di,di
mov ax,SC_MAP_MASK + 0F00h mov dx,SC_INDEX out dx,ax
xor ax,ax mov cx,8000h rep stosw cEnd
sEnd CodeSeg end