* Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: ddkernel.c * Content: APIs for getting the kernel mode handles for * DirectDraw and the surfaces * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 09-jan-97 smac created * ***************************************************************************/ #include "ddrawpr.h"
#ifdef WINNT
#include "ddrawgdi.h"
#include "ddkmmini.h"
#include "ddkmapi.h"
#include "minivdd.h"
#include "ddkmmini.h"
#include "ddkmapip.h"
#define DPF_MODNAME "DirectDrawVideoPort"
#define DISPLAY_STR "display"
extern char g_szPrimaryDisplay[]; // usually \\.\Display1 on Win98
#if WIN95
* IsWindows98 */ BOOL IsWindows98( VOID ) { OSVERSIONINFO osVer;
osVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( osVer ); osVer.dwMinorVersion = 0; GetVersionEx( &osVer );
return( ( osVer.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS ) && ( osVer.dwMinorVersion > 0 ) ); }
* SyncKernelSurface * * Initializes the buffer with the kernel surface info and then gives * it to the HAL so they can make whatever modifications are neccesary * and to fill in the dwDriverReserved fields with their internal state * data. */ HRESULT SyncKernelSurface( LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL lpSurface, LPDDKMSURFACEINFO lpddkmSurfaceInfo ) { LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE lpSurfGblMore; DDHAL_SYNCSURFACEDATA HALSurfaceData; LPDDHALKERNELCB_SYNCSURFACE pfn; LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpddpfFormat; DWORD rc;
* Determine the default data the best that we can */ memset( &HALSurfaceData, 0, sizeof( HALSurfaceData ) ); HALSurfaceData.dwSize = sizeof( HALSurfaceData ); HALSurfaceData.lpDD = lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl; HALSurfaceData.lpDDSurface = lpSurface; HALSurfaceData.dwSurfaceOffset = 0; HALSurfaceData.fpLockPtr = lpSurface->lpGbl->fpVidMem; HALSurfaceData.lPitch = (DWORD) lpSurface->lpGbl->lPitch; HALSurfaceData.dwOverlayOffset = 0; if( lpSurface->ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_OVERLAY ) { HALSurfaceData.dwOverlaySrcWidth = lpSurface->rcOverlaySrc.right - lpSurface->rcOverlaySrc.left; HALSurfaceData.dwOverlaySrcHeight = lpSurface->rcOverlaySrc.bottom - lpSurface->rcOverlaySrc.top; HALSurfaceData.dwOverlayDestWidth = lpSurface->rcOverlayDest.right - lpSurface->rcOverlayDest.left; HALSurfaceData.dwOverlayDestHeight = lpSurface->rcOverlayDest.bottom - lpSurface->rcOverlayDest.top; } else { HALSurfaceData.dwOverlaySrcWidth = 0; HALSurfaceData.dwOverlaySrcHeight = 0; HALSurfaceData.dwOverlayDestWidth = 0; HALSurfaceData.dwOverlayDestHeight = 0; }
* Now call the HAL and have it fill in the rest of the values */ pfn = lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl->lpDDCB->HALDDKernel.SyncSurfaceData; if( pfn != NULL ) { DOHALCALL( SyncSurfaceData, pfn, HALSurfaceData, rc, 0 ); if( DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED != rc ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } else if( DD_OK != HALSurfaceData.ddRVal ) { return (HRESULT)rc; } } else { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
* Now put all of the data into a structure that the VDD can understand */ lpddkmSurfaceInfo->ddsCaps = lpSurface->ddsCaps.dwCaps; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwSurfaceOffset = HALSurfaceData.dwSurfaceOffset; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->fpLockPtr = HALSurfaceData.fpLockPtr; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwWidth = (DWORD) lpSurface->lpGbl->wWidth; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwHeight = (DWORD) lpSurface->lpGbl->wHeight; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->lPitch = HALSurfaceData.lPitch; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwOverlayFlags = lpSurface->lpSurfMore->dwOverlayFlags; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwOverlayOffset = HALSurfaceData.dwOverlayOffset; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwOverlaySrcWidth = HALSurfaceData.dwOverlaySrcWidth; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwOverlaySrcHeight = HALSurfaceData.dwOverlaySrcHeight; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwOverlayDestWidth = HALSurfaceData.dwOverlayDestWidth; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwOverlayDestHeight = HALSurfaceData.dwOverlayDestHeight; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwDriverReserved1 = HALSurfaceData.dwDriverReserved1; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwDriverReserved2 = HALSurfaceData.dwDriverReserved2; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwDriverReserved3 = HALSurfaceData.dwDriverReserved3; if( lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpVideoPort == NULL ) { lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwVideoPortId = (DWORD)-1; } else { lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwVideoPortId = lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpVideoPort->ddvpDesc.dwVideoPortID; } lpSurfGblMore = GET_LPDDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE( lpSurface->lpGbl ); lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwPhysicalPageTable = lpSurfGblMore->dwPhysicalPageTable; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->pPageTable = (DWORD)lpSurfGblMore->pPageTable; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->cPages = lpSurfGblMore->cPages; GET_PIXEL_FORMAT( lpSurface, lpSurface->lpGbl, lpddpfFormat ); if( lpddpfFormat != NULL ) { lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwFormatFlags = lpddpfFormat->dwFlags; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwFormatFourCC = lpddpfFormat->dwFourCC; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwFormatBitCount = lpddpfFormat->dwRGBBitCount; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwRBitMask = lpddpfFormat->dwRBitMask; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwGBitMask = lpddpfFormat->dwGBitMask; lpddkmSurfaceInfo->dwBBitMask = lpddpfFormat->dwBBitMask; }
return DD_OK; }
* SyncKernelVideoPort * * Initializes the buffer with the kernel video port info and then gives * it to the HAL so they can make whatever modifications are neccesary * and to fill in the dwDriverReserved fields with their internal state * data. */ HRESULT SyncKernelVideoPort( LPDDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_LCL lpVideoPort, LPDDKMVIDEOPORTINFO lpddkmVideoPortInfo ) { LPDDHALKERNELCB_SYNCVIDEOPORT pfn; DDHAL_SYNCVIDEOPORTDATA HALVideoPortData; DWORD rc;
* Determine the default data the best that we can */ memset( &HALVideoPortData, 0, sizeof( HALVideoPortData ) ); HALVideoPortData.dwSize = sizeof( HALVideoPortData ); HALVideoPortData.lpDD = lpVideoPort->lpDD; HALVideoPortData.lpVideoPort = lpVideoPort; HALVideoPortData.dwOriginOffset = 0; if( lpVideoPort->ddvpInfo.dwVPFlags & DDVP_PRESCALE ) { HALVideoPortData.dwHeight = lpVideoPort->ddvpInfo.dwPrescaleHeight; } else if( lpVideoPort->ddvpInfo.dwVPFlags & DDVP_CROP ) { HALVideoPortData.dwHeight = lpVideoPort->ddvpInfo.rCrop.bottom - lpVideoPort->ddvpInfo.rCrop.top; } else { HALVideoPortData.dwHeight = lpVideoPort->ddvpDesc.dwFieldHeight; } if( lpVideoPort->ddvpInfo.dwVPFlags & DDVP_INTERLEAVE ) { HALVideoPortData.dwHeight *= 2; } HALVideoPortData.dwVBIHeight = lpVideoPort->ddvpInfo.dwVBIHeight;
* Now call the HAL and have it fill in the rest of the values */ pfn = lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpDDCB->HALDDKernel.SyncVideoPortData; if( pfn != NULL ) { DOHALCALL( SyncVideoPortData, pfn, HALVideoPortData, rc, 0 ); if( DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED != rc ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } else if( DD_OK != HALVideoPortData.ddRVal ) { return (HRESULT)rc; } } else { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
* Now put all of the data into a structure that the VDD can understand */ lpddkmVideoPortInfo->dwOriginOffset = HALVideoPortData.dwOriginOffset; lpddkmVideoPortInfo->dwHeight = HALVideoPortData.dwHeight; lpddkmVideoPortInfo->dwVBIHeight = HALVideoPortData.dwVBIHeight; lpddkmVideoPortInfo->dwDriverReserved1 = HALVideoPortData.dwDriverReserved1; lpddkmVideoPortInfo->dwDriverReserved2 = HALVideoPortData.dwDriverReserved2; lpddkmVideoPortInfo->dwDriverReserved3 = HALVideoPortData.dwDriverReserved3;
return DD_OK; }
* UpdateKernelSurface */ HRESULT UpdateKernelSurface( LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL lpSurface ) { LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE lpSurfGblMore; HANDLE hDeviceHandle; DWORD ddRVal;
if( !IsKernelInterfaceSupported( lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl ) ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
lpSurfGblMore = GET_LPDDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE( lpSurface->lpGbl ); if( lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface == 0 ) { return DDERR_GENERIC; } else { DDKMSURFACEUPDATE ddkmSurfaceInfo; DWORD dwReturned;
hDeviceHandle = GETDDVXDHANDLE( lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDeviceHandle ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
* Get/sync the surface info */ ddRVal = SyncKernelSurface( lpSurface, &(ddkmSurfaceInfo.si) ); if( ddRVal != DD_OK ) { DPF( 0, "Unable to sync surface data with HAL" ); return ddRVal; }
* Get the handle from the VDD */ ddkmSurfaceInfo.dwDirectDrawHandle = lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl->lpGbl->hKernelHandle; ddkmSurfaceInfo.dwSurfaceHandle = lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface; ddRVal = (DWORD) DDERR_GENERIC; DeviceIoControl( hDeviceHandle, DD_DXAPI_UPDATE_SURFACE_INFO, &ddkmSurfaceInfo, sizeof( ddkmSurfaceInfo ), &ddRVal, sizeof( ddRVal ), &dwReturned, NULL); if( ddRVal != DD_OK ) { DPF( 0, "Unable to update the surface info" ); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } }
return DD_OK; }
* GetKernelSurfaceState */ HRESULT GetKernelSurfaceState( LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL lpSurf, LPDWORD lpdwStateFlags ) { DDGETSURFACESTATEIN ddStateInput; DDGETSURFACESTATEOUT ddStateOutput; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE lpSurfGblMore; HANDLE hDeviceHandle; DWORD dwReturned;
*lpdwStateFlags = 0; if( !IsKernelInterfaceSupported( lpSurf->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl ) ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
hDeviceHandle = GETDDVXDHANDLE( lpSurf->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDeviceHandle ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
* Send the new info down to the VDD */ lpSurfGblMore = GET_LPDDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE( lpSurf->lpGbl ); ddStateInput.hDirectDraw = (HANDLE) (lpSurf->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl->lpGbl->hKernelHandle); ddStateInput.hSurface = (HANDLE) (lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface); ddStateOutput.ddRVal = (DWORD) DDERR_GENERIC; DeviceIoControl( hDeviceHandle, DD_DXAPI_PRIVATE_GET_SURFACE_STATE, &ddStateInput, sizeof( ddStateInput ), &ddStateOutput, sizeof( ddStateOutput ), &dwReturned, NULL); if( ddStateOutput.ddRVal != DD_OK ) { DPF( 0, "Unable to get the surface state" ); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } *lpdwStateFlags = ddStateOutput.dwStateStatus;
return DD_OK; }
ddDOSBox.dwDirectDrawHandle = lpDD->lpGbl->hKernelHandle; ddDOSBox.dwDOSBoxEvent = lpDD->lpGbl->dwDOSBoxEvent; ddRVal = (DWORD) DDERR_GENERIC; DeviceIoControl( (HANDLE)lpDD->hDDVxd, DD_DXAPI_SET_DOS_BOX_EVENT, &ddDOSBox, sizeof( ddDOSBox ), &ddRVal, sizeof( ddRVal ), &dwReturned, NULL);
return DD_OK; }
* UpdateKernelVideoPort * * On NT, this same stuff is done in kernel mode as part of the * UpdateVideo call, so it doesn't have to do it again here. */ HRESULT UpdateKernelVideoPort( LPDDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_LCL lpVideoPort, DWORD dwFlags ) { LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE lpSurfGblMore; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL lpSurf; DDKMVIDEOPORTINFO ddkmVideoPortInfo; HANDLE hDeviceHandle; DWORD dwReturned; DWORD ddRVal; DWORD dwIRQ; DWORD i;
if( ( lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps == NULL ) || ( lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->hKernelHandle == (DWORD)NULL ) ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
hDeviceHandle = GETDDVXDHANDLE( lpVideoPort->lpDD ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDeviceHandle ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
* Start filling in the info */ memset( &ddkmVideoPortInfo, 0, sizeof( DDKMVIDEOPORTINFO ) ); ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwDirectDrawHandle = lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->hKernelHandle; ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwVideoPortId = lpVideoPort->ddvpDesc.dwVideoPortID; ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwVPFlags = lpVideoPort->ddvpInfo.dwVPFlags; ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwFlags = dwFlags; if( lpVideoPort->dwFlags & DDRAWIVPORT_ON ) { ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwFlags |= DDKMVP_ON; } if( dwFlags != DDKMVP_RELEASE ) { if( ( lpVideoPort->dwFlags & DDRAWIVPORT_SOFTWARE_AUTOFLIP ) && ( lpVideoPort->ddvpInfo.dwVPFlags & DDVP_AUTOFLIP ) ) { if( lpVideoPort->dwNumAutoflip > 0 ) { ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwFlags |= DDKMVP_AUTOFLIP; } if( lpVideoPort->dwNumVBIAutoflip > 0 ) { ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwFlags |= DDKMVP_AUTOFLIP_VBI; } } ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwNumAutoflipping = lpVideoPort->dwNumAutoflip; ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwNumVBIAutoflipping = lpVideoPort->dwNumVBIAutoflip;
* Fill in surface handles for the regular video */ if( lpVideoPort->lpSurface != NULL ) { if( lpVideoPort->dwNumAutoflip > 0 ) { for( i = 0; i < lpVideoPort->dwNumAutoflip; i++ ) { lpSurf = lpVideoPort->lpFlipInts[i]->lpLcl; DDASSERT( lpSurf != NULL ); lpSurfGblMore = GET_LPDDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE( lpSurf->lpGbl ); ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwSurfaceHandle[i] = lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface; } } else { lpSurf = lpVideoPort->lpSurface->lpLcl; lpSurfGblMore = GET_LPDDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE( lpSurf->lpGbl ); ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwSurfaceHandle[0] = lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface; } }
* Fill in surface handles for the VBI data */ if( lpVideoPort->lpVBISurface != NULL ) { if( lpVideoPort->dwNumVBIAutoflip > 0 ) { DWORD dwCnt = 0;
for( i = lpVideoPort->dwNumAutoflip; i < (lpVideoPort->dwNumVBIAutoflip + lpVideoPort->dwNumAutoflip); i++ ) { lpSurf = lpVideoPort->lpFlipInts[i]->lpLcl; DDASSERT( lpSurf != NULL ); lpSurfGblMore = GET_LPDDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE( lpSurf->lpGbl ); ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwVBISurfaceHandle[dwCnt++] = lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface; } } else { lpSurf = lpVideoPort->lpVBISurface->lpLcl; lpSurfGblMore = GET_LPDDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE( lpSurf->lpGbl ); ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwVBISurfaceHandle[0] = lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface; } }
* Sync with the HAL */ if( dwFlags == DDKMVP_UPDATE ) { /*
* Get/sync the surface info */ ddRVal = SyncKernelVideoPort( lpVideoPort, &ddkmVideoPortInfo ); if( ddRVal != DD_OK ) { DPF( 0, "Unable to sync video port data with HAL" ); return ddRVal; } }
* Does this support an IRQ? */ dwIRQ = DDIRQ_VPORT0_VSYNC; dwIRQ <<= ( lpVideoPort->ddvpDesc.dwVideoPortID * 2 ); if( !( lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps->dwIRQCaps & dwIRQ ) ) { ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwFlags |= DDKMVP_NOIRQ; } if( !( lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps->dwCaps & DDKERNELCAPS_SKIPFIELDS ) ) { ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwFlags |= DDKMVP_NOSKIP; } }
* Notify DDVXD if the even field is shifted down by one line * due to half lines. This is really only an issue when capturing. */ if( lpVideoPort->ddvpDesc.VideoPortType.dwFlags & DDVPCONNECT_HALFLINE ) { ddkmVideoPortInfo.dwFlags |= DDKMVP_HALFLINES; }
* Send the new info down to the VDD */ ddRVal = (DWORD) DDERR_GENERIC; DeviceIoControl( hDeviceHandle, DD_DXAPI_UPDATE_VP_INFO, &ddkmVideoPortInfo, sizeof( ddkmVideoPortInfo ), &ddRVal, sizeof( ddRVal ), &dwReturned, NULL); if( ddRVal != DD_OK ) { DPF( 0, "Unable to update the video port info" ); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
return DD_OK; }
* EnableAutoflip */ VOID EnableAutoflip( LPDDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_LCL lpVideoPort, BOOL bEnable ) { DDENABLEAUTOFLIP ddkmEnableAutoflip; HANDLE hDeviceHandle; DWORD dwReturned; DWORD ddRVal;
if( lpVideoPort == NULL ) { return; }
#ifdef WIN95
if( !IsWindows98() ) { return; } #endif
hDeviceHandle = GETDDVXDHANDLE( lpVideoPort->lpDD ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDeviceHandle ) { return; }
* Start filling in the info */ memset( &ddkmEnableAutoflip, 0, sizeof( DDENABLEAUTOFLIP ) ); ddkmEnableAutoflip.dwDirectDrawHandle = lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->hKernelHandle; ddkmEnableAutoflip.dwVideoPortId = lpVideoPort->ddvpDesc.dwVideoPortID; ddkmEnableAutoflip.bEnableAutoflip = bEnable; ddRVal = (DWORD) DDERR_GENERIC; DeviceIoControl( hDeviceHandle, DD_DXAPI_ENABLE_AUTOFLIP, &ddkmEnableAutoflip, sizeof( ddkmEnableAutoflip ), &ddRVal, sizeof( ddRVal ), &dwReturned, NULL); }
* MungeAutoflipCaps */ void MungeAutoflipCaps( LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL pdrv ) { LPDDVIDEOPORTCAPS lpVideoPortCaps; DWORD i;
if( ( pdrv->hKernelHandle != (DWORD) NULL ) && ( pdrv->lpDDVideoPortCaps != NULL ) && ( pdrv->lpDDKernelCaps != NULL ) && ( pdrv->lpDDKernelCaps->dwCaps & DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP ) ) { /*
* Software autoflipping is supported, so set the autoflip * capabilities to the max. */ for( i = 0; i < pdrv->ddCaps.dwMaxVideoPorts; i++ ) { lpVideoPortCaps = &(pdrv->lpDDVideoPortCaps[i]); if( ( lpVideoPortCaps != NULL ) && VALID_DDVIDEOPORTCAPS_PTR( lpVideoPortCaps ) ) { lpVideoPortCaps->dwCaps |= DDVPCAPS_AUTOFLIP; lpVideoPortCaps->dwNumAutoFlipSurfaces = MAX_AUTOFLIP; if( lpVideoPortCaps->dwCaps & DDVPCAPS_VBISURFACE ) { lpVideoPortCaps->dwNumVBIAutoFlipSurfaces = MAX_AUTOFLIP; } } } } } #endif
* InternalReleaseKernelHandle */ HRESULT InternalReleaseKernelSurfaceHandle( LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL lpSurface, BOOL bLosingSurface ) { LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE lpSurfGblMore; HANDLE hDeviceHandle; DWORD dwReturned; DWORD ddRVal; #ifdef WIN95
DDRELEASEHANDLE ddRelease; #endif
#ifdef WIN95
if( lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl->lpGbl->hKernelHandle == (DWORD) NULL ) { return DD_OK; }
hDeviceHandle = GETDDVXDHANDLE( lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDeviceHandle ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } #endif
lpSurfGblMore = GET_LPDDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE( lpSurface->lpGbl ); if( lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface == 0 ) { return DD_OK; }
* Check the ref count to make sure it's time to release this surface */ if( bLosingSurface ) { lpSurfGblMore->dwKernelRefCnt = 0; } else if( lpSurfGblMore->dwKernelRefCnt > 0 ) { if( --(lpSurfGblMore->dwKernelRefCnt) > 0 ) { return DD_OK; } }
#if WIN95
* Tell the VDD to release the surface */ ddRelease.dwDirectDrawHandle = lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl->lpGbl->hKernelHandle; ddRelease.hSurface = lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface; ddRVal = (DWORD) DDERR_GENERIC;
DeviceIoControl( hDeviceHandle, DD_DXAPI_RELEASE_SURFACE_HANDLE, &ddRelease, sizeof( ddRelease ), &ddRVal, sizeof( ddRVal ), &dwReturned, NULL); if( ddRVal != DD_OK ) { DPF_ERR( "Unable to release the surface handle in the VDD" ); return (HRESULT)ddRVal; }
{ LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL pdrv_lcl = lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL pdrv = pdrv_lcl->lpGbl;
// Update DDraw handle in driver GBL object before calling DdGetDxHandle.
pdrv->hDD = pdrv_lcl->hDD; DdGetDxHandle( NULL, lpSurface, TRUE ); }
lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface = 0;
return DD_OK; }
* InternalCreateKernelSurfaceHandle */ HRESULT InternalCreateKernelSurfaceHandle( LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL lpSurface, PULONG_PTR lpHandle ) { LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE lpSurfGblMore; HANDLE hDeviceHandle; DWORD ddRVal;
*lpHandle = 0; if( !IsKernelInterfaceSupported( lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl ) ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
lpSurfGblMore = GET_LPDDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE( lpSurface->lpGbl ); if( lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface != 0 ) { *lpHandle = lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface; lpSurfGblMore->dwKernelRefCnt++; } else { #if WIN95
DDKMSURFACEINFO ddkmSurfaceInfo; DDGETSURFACEHANDLE ddkmGetSurfaceHandle; DWORD dwReturned;
hDeviceHandle = GETDDVXDHANDLE( lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDeviceHandle ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
* Get/sync the surface info */ ddRVal = SyncKernelSurface( lpSurface, &ddkmSurfaceInfo ); if( ddRVal != DD_OK ) { DPF( 0, "Unable to sync surface data with HAL" ); return ddRVal; }
* Get the handle from DDRAW.VXD */ ddkmSurfaceInfo.dwDirectDrawHandle = lpSurface->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl->lpGbl->hKernelHandle; ddkmGetSurfaceHandle.ddRVal = (DWORD) DDERR_GENERIC; ddkmGetSurfaceHandle.hSurface = 0; DeviceIoControl( hDeviceHandle, DD_DXAPI_GET_SURFACE_HANDLE, &ddkmSurfaceInfo, sizeof( ddkmSurfaceInfo ), &ddkmGetSurfaceHandle, sizeof( ddkmGetSurfaceHandle ), &dwReturned, NULL); if( ( ddkmGetSurfaceHandle.ddRVal != DD_OK ) || ( ddkmGetSurfaceHandle.hSurface == 0 ) ) { DPF( 0, "Unable to get surface handle from the VDD" ); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } *lpHandle = lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface = ddkmGetSurfaceHandle.hSurface;
*lpHandle = (ULONG_PTR) DdGetDxHandle( NULL, lpSurface, 0 ); if( *lpHandle == 0 ) { return DDERR_GENERIC; } lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface = *lpHandle;
lpSurfGblMore->dwKernelRefCnt = 1; }
return DD_OK; }
* InitKernelInterface */
#ifdef WINNT
#define MAX_AUTOFLIP 10
HRESULT InitKernelInterface( LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL lpDD ) { #ifdef WIN95
LPDDKERNELCAPS lpKernelCaps; HANDLE hDeviceHandle; DWORD dwReturned; DWORD ddRVal; DWORD dwTemp; BYTE szDisplayName[MAX_DRIVER_NAME];
#ifdef WIN95
* Don't do anything unles we're Windows98 or later */ if( !IsWindows98() ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
* Get the name of the VDD device to open * This is a hack to do some temporary work on Win95 */ lstrcpy( szDisplayName, lpDD->lpGbl->cDriverName ); if( _stricmp( szDisplayName, DISPLAY_STR ) == 0 ) { lstrcpy( szDisplayName, g_szPrimaryDisplay ); }
* Open the VDD for communication */ lpDD->lpGbl->hKernelHandle = 0; hDeviceHandle = CreateFile( szDisplayName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_GLOBAL_HANDLE, NULL); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDeviceHandle ) { DPF( 0, "Unable to open the VDD" ); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
* Get the function table from the mini VDD */ memset( &ddInput, 0, sizeof( ddInput ) ); DeviceIoControl( hDeviceHandle, VDD_IOCTL_GET_DDHAL, &dwTemp, sizeof( DWORD ), &(ddInput.MiniVDDTable), sizeof( DDMINIVDDTABLE ), &dwReturned, NULL);
* Send the new info down to DDRAW.VXD */ lpKernelCaps = lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps; if( lpKernelCaps != NULL ) { ddInput.dwMaxVideoPorts = lpDD->lpGbl->ddCaps.dwMaxVideoPorts; if( lpDD->lpGbl->ddCaps.dwCaps2 & DDCAPS2_CANBOBINTERLEAVED ) { ddInput.dwDeviceFlags |= DDKMDF_CAN_BOB_INTERLEAVED; } if( lpDD->lpGbl->ddCaps.dwCaps2 & DDCAPS2_CANBOBNONINTERLEAVED ) { ddInput.dwDeviceFlags |= DDKMDF_CAN_BOB_NONINTERLEAVED; } if( !( lpKernelCaps->dwCaps & DDKERNELCAPS_SETSTATE ) ) { ddInput.dwDeviceFlags |= DDKMDF_NOSTATE; } } ddOutput.ddRVal = (DWORD) DDERR_GENERIC; DeviceIoControl( (HANDLE)lpDD->hDDVxd, DD_DXAPI_INIT_DEVICE, &ddInput, sizeof( ddInput ), &ddOutput, sizeof( ddOutput ), &dwReturned, NULL); if( ddOutput.ddRVal != DD_OK ) { DPF( 0, "Unable to initialize the kernel data" ); CloseHandle( hDeviceHandle ); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
* If unable to allocate the IRQ, disable functionality that depends * on it. */ if( lpKernelCaps != NULL ) { if( !ddOutput.bHaveIRQ ) { DPF( 1, "Unable to allocate IRQ - disabling some kernel mode functionality" ); lpKernelCaps->dwIRQCaps = 0; }
* Disable kernel mode caps for which functions are not available */ if( ( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddGetIRQInfo == NULL ) || ( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddEnableIRQ == NULL ) ) { // Can't to any IRQ stuff w/o these functions
DPF( 1, "vddGet/EnableIRQ not supported - overriding dwIRQCaps" ); lpKernelCaps->dwIRQCaps = 0; } if( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddSetState == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "vddSetState not supported - overriding DDKERNELCAPS_SETSTATE" ); lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_SETSTATE; } if( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddLock == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "vddLock not supported - overriding DDKERNELCAPS_LOCK" ); lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_LOCK; } if( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddSkipNextField == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "vddSkipNextField not supported - overriding DDKERNELCAPS_SKIPFIELDS" ); lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_SKIPFIELDS; } if( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddFlipOverlay == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "vddFlipOverlay not supported - overriding DDKERNELCAPS_FLIPOVERLAY" ); lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_FLIPOVERLAY; } if( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddFlipVideoPort == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "vddFlipVideoPort not supported - overriding DDKERNELCAPS_FLIPVIDEOPORT" ); lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_FLIPVIDEOPORT; } if( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddGetPolarity == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "vddGetFieldPolarity not supported - overriding DDKERNELCAPS_FIELDPOLARITY" ); lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_FIELDPOLARITY; } if( ( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddTransfer == NULL ) || ( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddGetTransferStatus == NULL ) ) { DPF( 1, "vddTransfer/GetTransferStatus not supported - overriding DDKERNELCAPS_CAPTURE_NONLOCALVIDMEM/SYSMEM" ); lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_CAPTURE_NONLOCALVIDMEM; lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_CAPTURE_SYSMEM; lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_CAPTURE_INVERTED; } if( ( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddBobNextField == NULL ) && ( lpDD->lpGbl->ddCaps.dwCaps2 & DDCAPS2_CANBOBINTERLEAVED ) ) { DPF( 1, "vddBobNextField not supported - overriding DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP" ); lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP; } if( ( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddFlipOverlay == NULL ) || ( ddInput.MiniVDDTable.vddFlipVideoPort == NULL ) ) { DPF( 1, "vddFlipOverlay/VideoPort not supported - overriding DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP" ); lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP; } if( !( lpKernelCaps->dwIRQCaps & DDIRQ_VPORT0_VSYNC ) ) { DPF( 1, "DDIRQ_VPORT0_VSYNC not set - overriding DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP" ); lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~( DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP | DDKERNELCAPS_SETSTATE ); } if( !( lpKernelCaps->dwCaps & DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP ) ) { DPF( 1, "DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP not set - overriding DDKERNELCAPS_SKIPFIELDS" ); lpKernelCaps->dwCaps &= ~DDKERNELCAPS_SKIPFIELDS; }
* Notify DDVXD of the updated caps */ ddSetCaps.dwDirectDrawHandle = ddOutput.dwDirectDrawHandle; ddSetCaps.dwCaps = lpKernelCaps->dwCaps; ddSetCaps.dwIRQCaps = lpKernelCaps->dwIRQCaps; ddRVal = (DWORD) DDERR_GENERIC; DeviceIoControl( (HANDLE)lpDD->hDDVxd, DD_DXAPI_SET_KERNEL_CAPS, &ddSetCaps, sizeof( ddSetCaps ), &ddRVal, sizeof( ddRVal ), &dwReturned, NULL); if( ddRVal != DD_OK ) { DPF( 0, "Unable to initialize the kernel data" ); CloseHandle( hDeviceHandle ); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } }
* Tell the VDD to notify us of dos box and res change events. */ vddNotify.NotifyMask = VDD_NOTIFY_START_MODE_CHANGE | VDD_NOTIFY_END_MODE_CHANGE | VDD_NOTIFY_ENABLE | VDD_NOTIFY_DISABLE; vddNotify.NotifyType = VDD_NOTIFY_TYPE_CALLBACK; vddNotify.NotifyProc = ddOutput.pfnNotifyProc; vddNotify.NotifyData = ddOutput.dwDirectDrawHandle; DeviceIoControl( hDeviceHandle, VDD_IOCTL_SET_NOTIFY, &vddNotify, sizeof( vddNotify ), &dwTemp, sizeof( dwTemp ), &dwReturned, NULL); CloseHandle( hDeviceHandle );
lpDD->lpGbl->hKernelHandle = ddOutput.dwDirectDrawHandle; lpDD->lpGbl->pfnNotifyProc = ddOutput.pfnNotifyProc;
* Everything worked. If they can support software autoflipping, * we'll update the video port caps structure accordingly. */ MungeAutoflipCaps( lpDD->lpGbl );
* Can we software autoflip? If so, we'll update the video * port caps structure accordingly. */ lpKernelCaps = lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps; if( ( lpKernelCaps != NULL ) && ( lpKernelCaps->dwCaps & DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP ) && ( lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDVideoPortCaps != NULL ) ) { LPDDVIDEOPORTCAPS lpVideoPortCaps; DWORD i;
for( i = 0; i < lpDD->lpGbl->ddCaps.dwMaxVideoPorts; i++ ) { lpVideoPortCaps = &(lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDVideoPortCaps[i]); if( ( lpVideoPortCaps != NULL ) && VALID_DDVIDEOPORTCAPS_PTR( lpVideoPortCaps ) ) { lpVideoPortCaps->dwCaps |= DDVPCAPS_AUTOFLIP; lpVideoPortCaps->dwNumAutoFlipSurfaces = MAX_AUTOFLIP; if( lpVideoPortCaps->dwCaps & DDVPCAPS_VBISURFACE ) { lpVideoPortCaps->dwNumVBIAutoFlipSurfaces = MAX_AUTOFLIP; } } } }
return DD_OK; }
* ReleaseKernelInterface */ HRESULT ReleaseKernelInterface( LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL lpDD ) { HANDLE hDDVxd; HANDLE hVDD; DWORD dwTemp; DWORD dwReturned; BYTE szDisplayName[MAX_DRIVER_NAME];
* Do nothing if no interface has been created. */ if( lpDD->lpGbl->hKernelHandle == 0 ) { return DD_OK; }
#if WIN95
* Tell the VDD to stop notifying us of DOS box and res change events. */ if( lpDD->lpGbl->pfnNotifyProc != 0 ) { /*
* Get the name of the VDD device to open */ lstrcpy( szDisplayName, lpDD->lpGbl->cDriverName ); if( _stricmp( szDisplayName, DISPLAY_STR ) == 0 ) { lstrcpy( szDisplayName, g_szPrimaryDisplay ); }
vddNotify.NotifyMask = 0; vddNotify.NotifyType = VDD_NOTIFY_TYPE_CALLBACK; vddNotify.NotifyProc = lpDD->lpGbl->pfnNotifyProc; vddNotify.NotifyData = lpDD->lpGbl->hKernelHandle; DeviceIoControl( hVDD, VDD_IOCTL_SET_NOTIFY, &vddNotify, sizeof( vddNotify ), &dwTemp, sizeof( dwTemp ), &dwReturned, NULL); CloseHandle( hVDD ); } }
* Need to decide which VXD handle to use. If we are executing * on a DDHELP thread use the helper's VXD handle. */ hDDVxd = ( ( GetCurrentProcessId() != GETCURRPID() ) ? hHelperDDVxd : (HANDLE)lpDD->hDDVxd ); dwTemp = lpDD->lpGbl->hKernelHandle; if( ( hDDVxd != NULL ) && ( dwTemp != 0 ) ) { DeviceIoControl( hDDVxd, DD_DXAPI_RELEASE_DEVICE, &dwTemp, sizeof( DWORD ), &dwTemp, sizeof( DWORD ), &dwReturned, NULL); }
DdGetDxHandle( lpDD, NULL, TRUE );
return DD_OK; }
* Determines if software autoflipping is an option. */ BOOL CanSoftwareAutoflip( LPDDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_LCL lpVideoPort ) { DWORD dwIRQ;
#if WIN95
* Fail if the ring 0 interface is not present */ if( ( lpVideoPort == NULL ) || ( !IsKernelInterfaceSupported( lpVideoPort->lpDD ) ) || ( lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->hKernelHandle == (DWORD) 0 ) || ( lpVideoPort->dwFlags & DDRAWIVPORT_NOKERNELHANDLES ) ) { return FALSE; }
* Check the ring 0 caps to see if autoflipping is available */ if( ( lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps == NULL ) || !( lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps->dwCaps & DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP ) ) { return FALSE; }
* Check to make sure an IRQ is available for this video port */ dwIRQ = DDIRQ_VPORT0_VSYNC; dwIRQ <<= ( lpVideoPort->ddvpDesc.dwVideoPortID * 2 ); if( !( lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps->dwIRQCaps & dwIRQ ) ) { return FALSE; }
* Check the ring 0 caps to see if autoflipping is available */ if( (lpVideoPort == NULL ) || ( lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps == NULL ) || !( lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps->dwCaps & DDKERNELCAPS_AUTOFLIP ) ) { return FALSE; }
* Check to make sure an IRQ is available for this video port */ dwIRQ = DDIRQ_VPORT0_VSYNC; dwIRQ <<= ( lpVideoPort->ddvpDesc.dwVideoPortID * 2 ); if( !( lpVideoPort->lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps->dwIRQCaps & dwIRQ ) ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
DPF(2,A,"ENTERAPI: DD_Kernel_GetCaps");
TRY { this_int = (LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT) lpDDK; if( !VALID_DIRECTDRAW_PTR( this_int ) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT; } this = this_int->lpLcl->lpGbl; if( !VALID_DDKERNELCAPS_PTR( lpCaps ) ) { DPF( 0, "Invalid DDKERNELCAPS ptr" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } if( !IsKernelInterfaceSupported( this_int->lpLcl ) ) { DPF( 0, "Device does not support kernel interface" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } } EXCEPT( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { DPF_ERR( "Exception encountered validating parameters" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_EXCEPTION; }
memcpy( lpCaps, this->lpDDKernelCaps, sizeof( DDKERNELCAPS )); lpCaps->dwSize = sizeof( DDKERNELCAPS );
LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DD_OK; }
DPF(2,A,"ENTERAPI: DD_Kernel_GetKernelHandle");
TRY { this_int = (LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT) lpDDK; if( !VALID_DIRECTDRAW_PTR( this_int ) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT; } this = this_int->lpLcl->lpGbl; if( !VALID_DWORD_PTR( lpHandle ) ) { DPF( 0, "Invalid handle ptr" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } if( !IsKernelInterfaceSupported( this_int->lpLcl ) ) { DPF( 0, "Device does not support kernel interface" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } } EXCEPT( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { DPF_ERR( "Exception encountered validating parameters" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_EXCEPTION; }
#ifdef WINNT
this->hKernelHandle = (ULONG_PTR) DdGetDxHandle( this_int->lpLcl, NULL, FALSE ); if( this->hKernelHandle == 0 ) { DPF( 0, "Kernel failed GetDxHandle" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_GENERIC; } #endif
*lpHandle = this->hKernelHandle;
LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DD_OK; }
* DD_Kernel_ReleaseKernelHandle * * Does nothing - should it? */ HRESULT DDAPI DD_Kernel_ReleaseKernelHandle(LPDIRECTDRAWKERNEL lpDDK ) { LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT this_int; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL this;
DPF(2,A,"ENTERAPI: DD_Kernel_ReleaseKernelHandle");
TRY { this_int = (LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT) lpDDK; if( !VALID_DIRECTDRAW_PTR( this_int ) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT; } this = this_int->lpLcl->lpGbl; if( !IsKernelInterfaceSupported( this_int->lpLcl ) ) { DPF( 0, "Device does not support kernel interface" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } } EXCEPT( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { DPF_ERR( "Exception encountered validating parameters" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_EXCEPTION; }
#ifdef WINNT
ReleaseKernelInterface( this_int->lpLcl ); #endif
LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DD_OK; }
* DD_SurfaceKernel_GetKernelHandle */ HRESULT DDAPI DD_SurfaceKernel_GetKernelHandle(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACEKERNEL lpDDK, PULONG_PTR lpHandle ) { LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT this_int; DWORD ddRVal;
DPF(2,A,"ENTERAPI: DD_SurfaceKernel_GetKernelHandle");
TRY { this_int = (LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT) lpDDK; if( !VALID_DIRECTDRAWSURFACE_PTR( this_int ) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT; } if( !VALID_DWORD_PTR( lpHandle ) ) { DPF( 0, "Invalid handle ptr" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } if( !IsKernelInterfaceSupported( this_int->lpLcl->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl ) ) { DPF( 0, "Device does not support kernel interface" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } } EXCEPT( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { DPF_ERR( "Exception encountered validating parameters" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_EXCEPTION; }
ddRVal = InternalCreateKernelSurfaceHandle( this_int->lpLcl, lpHandle );
LEAVE_DDRAW(); return ddRVal; }
DPF(2,A,"ENTERAPI: DD_SurfaceKernel_ReleaseKernelHandle");
TRY { this_int = (LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT) lpDDK; if( !VALID_DIRECTDRAWSURFACE_PTR( this_int ) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT; } this = this_int->lpLcl->lpGbl; lpSurfGblMore = GET_LPDDRAWSURFACE_GBL_MORE( this ); if( lpSurfGblMore->hKernelSurface == 0 ) { DPF_ERR( "Kernel handle has already been released" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DD_OK; } if( this_int->lpLcl->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl->lpGbl->hKernelHandle == (DWORD) 0 ) { DPF( 0, "Device does not support kernel interface" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } } EXCEPT( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { DPF_ERR( "Exception encountered validating parameters" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_EXCEPTION; }
ddRVal = InternalReleaseKernelSurfaceHandle( this_int->lpLcl, FALSE );
LEAVE_DDRAW(); return ddRVal; }
* IsKernelInterfaceSupported */ BOOL IsKernelInterfaceSupported( LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL lpDD ) { #ifdef WIN95
if( ( lpDD->lpGbl->hKernelHandle == (DWORD) NULL ) || ( lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps == NULL ) || ( lpDD->lpDDCB->HALDDKernel.SyncSurfaceData == NULL ) ) { return FALSE; } #else
if( ( lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps == NULL ) || ( lpDD->lpGbl->lpDDKernelCaps->dwCaps == 0 ) ) { return FALSE; } #endif
return TRUE; }