* * Copyright (C) 1994-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: ddsckey.c * Content: DirectDraw Surface color key support * SetColorKey, GetColorKey * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 02-feb-95 craige split out of ddsurf.c * 21-feb-95 craige created CheckColorKey * 27-feb-95 craige new sync. macros * 15-mar-95 craige HEL work * 19-mar-95 craige use HRESULTs * 26-mar-95 craige support for driver wide colorkey * 01-apr-95 craige happy fun joy updated header file * 06-may-95 craige use driver-level csects only * 23-may-95 craige call HAL for SetColorKey * 16-jun-95 craige new surface structure * 25-jun-95 craige pay attention to DDCKEY_COLORSPACE; allow NULL ckey; * one ddraw mutex * 26-jun-95 craige reorganized surface structure * 28-jun-95 craige ENTER_DDRAW at very start of fns * 01-jul-95 craige don't allow ckeys for overlays unless supported * 03-jul-95 craige YEEHAW: new driver struct; SEH * 09-jul-95 craige handle the display driver failing setcolorkey * 31-jul-95 craige validate flags * 12-aug-95 craige call HEL SetColorKey when surface is in system memory * 09-dec-95 colinmc added execute buffer support * 02-jan-96 kylej handle new interface structs * 12-feb-96 colinmc Surface lost flag moved from global to local object * 21-apr-96 colinmc Bug 18057: SetColorKey fails set on system surfaces * if no emulation present * 12-mar-97 smac Bug 1746: Removed redundant checks in SetColorKey * 12-mar-97 smac Bug 1971: Return failure if HAL fails or sometimes * if the HAL doesn't handle the call. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "ddrawpr.h"
#define DPF_MODNAME "CheckColorKey"
* CheckColorKey * * validate that a requested color key is OK */ HRESULT CheckColorKey( DWORD dwFlags, LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL pdrv, LPDDCOLORKEY lpDDColorKey, DWORD *psflags, BOOL halonly, BOOL helonly ) { DWORD ckcaps; BOOL fail; BOOL color_space;
ckcaps = pdrv->ddBothCaps.dwCKeyCaps; fail = FALSE;
*psflags = 0;
* check if is a color space or not */ if( lpDDColorKey->dwColorSpaceLowValue != lpDDColorKey->dwColorSpaceHighValue ) { color_space = TRUE; } else { color_space = FALSE; }
* Overlay dest. key */ if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_DESTOVERLAY ) { if( dwFlags & (DDCKEY_DESTBLT| DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY| DDCKEY_SRCBLT) ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid Flags with DESTOVERLAY" ); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; }
#if 0
* see if we can do this on a per surface/per driver basis */ if( !isdriver ) { if( !(ckcaps & DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYPERSURFACE) ) { if( ckcaps & DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYDRIVERWIDE) { return DDERR_COLORKEYDRIVERWIDE; } return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } } else { if( !(ckcaps & DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYDRIVERWIDE) ) { return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } } #endif
* can we do this kind of color key? */ if( !color_space ) { if( !(ckcaps & DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAY ) ) { GETFAILCODE( pdrv->ddCaps.dwCKeyCaps, pdrv->ddHELCaps.dwCKeyCaps, DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAY ); if( fail ) { DPF_ERR( "DESTOVERLAY not supported" ); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW; } } } else { if( !(ckcaps & DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYCLRSPACE ) ) { GETFAILCODE( pdrv->ddCaps.dwCKeyCaps, pdrv->ddHELCaps.dwCKeyCaps, DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYCLRSPACE ); if( fail ) { DPF_ERR( "DESTOVERLAYCOLORSPACE not supported" ); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW; } } }
* is this hardware or software supported? */ if( halonly ) { *psflags |= DDRAWISURF_HW_CKEYDESTOVERLAY; } else if( helonly ) { *psflags |= DDRAWISURF_SW_CKEYDESTOVERLAY; } /*
* Blt dest. key */ } else if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_DESTBLT ) { if( dwFlags & (DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY| DDCKEY_SRCBLT) ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid Flags with DESTBLT" ); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; }
* can we do the requested color key? */ if( !color_space ) { if( !(ckcaps & DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLT ) ) { GETFAILCODE( pdrv->ddCaps.dwCKeyCaps, pdrv->ddHELCaps.dwCKeyCaps, DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLT ); if( fail ) { DPF_ERR( "DESTBLT not supported" ); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW; } } } else { if( !(ckcaps & DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACE ) ) { GETFAILCODE( pdrv->ddCaps.dwCKeyCaps, pdrv->ddHELCaps.dwCKeyCaps, DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACE ); if( fail ) { DPF_ERR( "DESTBLTCOLORSPACE not supported" ); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW; } } }
* is this hardware or software supported? */ if( halonly ) { *psflags |= DDRAWISURF_HW_CKEYDESTBLT; } else if( helonly ) { *psflags |= DDRAWISURF_SW_CKEYDESTBLT; } /*
* Overlay src. key */ } else if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY ) { if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_SRCBLT ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid Flags with SRCOVERLAY" ); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; }
* see if we can do this on a per surface/per driver basis */ #if 0
* make sure we can do this kind of color key */ if( !color_space ) { if( !(ckcaps & DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAY ) ) { GETFAILCODE( pdrv->ddCaps.dwCKeyCaps, pdrv->ddHELCaps.dwCKeyCaps, DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAY ); if( fail ) { DPF_ERR( "SRCOVERLAY not supported" ); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW; } } } else { if( !(ckcaps & DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACE ) ) { GETFAILCODE( pdrv->ddCaps.dwCKeyCaps, pdrv->ddHELCaps.dwCKeyCaps, DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACE ); if( fail ) { DPF_ERR( "SRCOVERLAYCOLORSPACE not supported" ); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW; } } }
* is this hardware or software supported? */ if( halonly ) { *psflags |= DDRAWISURF_HW_CKEYSRCOVERLAY; } else if( helonly ) { *psflags |= DDRAWISURF_SW_CKEYSRCOVERLAY; } /*
* Blt src. key */ } else if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_SRCBLT ) { /*
* can we do the requested color key? */ if( !color_space ) { if( !(ckcaps & DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT ) ) { GETFAILCODE( pdrv->ddCaps.dwCKeyCaps, pdrv->ddHELCaps.dwCKeyCaps, DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT ); if( fail ) { DPF_ERR( "SRCBLT not supported" ); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW; } } } else { if( !(ckcaps & DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACE ) ) { GETFAILCODE( pdrv->ddCaps.dwCKeyCaps, pdrv->ddHELCaps.dwCKeyCaps, DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACE ); if( fail ) { DPF_ERR( "SRCBLTCOLORSPACE not supported" ); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW; } } }
* is this hardware or software supported? */ if( halonly ) { *psflags |= DDRAWISURF_HW_CKEYSRCBLT; } else if( helonly ) { *psflags |= DDRAWISURF_SW_CKEYSRCBLT; } /*
* bad flags */ } else { DPF_ERR( "Invalid Flags" ); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } return DD_OK;
} /* CheckColorKey */
#define DPF_MODNAME "GetColorKey"
* DD_Surface_GetColorKey * * get the color key associated with this surface */ HRESULT DDAPI DD_Surface_GetColorKey( LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSurface, DWORD dwFlags, LPDDCOLORKEY lpDDColorKey ) { LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT this_int; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL this_lcl; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL this; DWORD ckcaps;
DPF(2,A,"ENTERAPI: DD_Surface_GetColorKey");
TRY { /*
* validate parms */ this_int = (LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT) lpDDSurface; if( !VALID_DIRECTDRAWSURFACE_PTR( this_int ) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT; } this_lcl = this_int->lpLcl; this = this_lcl->lpGbl; if( SURFACE_LOST( this_lcl ) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_SURFACELOST; }
* We know z-buffers and execute buffers aren't going to have * color keys. */ if( this_lcl->ddsCaps.dwCaps & ( DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER | DDSCAPS_EXECUTEBUFFER ) ) { DPF_ERR( "Surface does not have color key" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEY; }
if( dwFlags & ~DDCKEY_VALID ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid flags" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } if( !VALID_DDCOLORKEY_PTR( lpDDColorKey ) ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid colorkey ptr" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; }
// For now, if the current surface is optimized, quit
if (this_lcl->ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_OPTIMIZED) { DPF_ERR( "It is an optimized surface" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_ISOPTIMIZEDSURFACE; }
* do we even support a color key */ if( !(this->lpDD->ddCaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_COLORKEY) && !(this->lpDD->ddHELCaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_COLORKEY) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW; }
ckcaps = this->lpDD->ddCaps.dwCKeyCaps;
* get key for DESTOVERLAY */ if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_DESTOVERLAY ) { if( dwFlags & (DDCKEY_DESTBLT| DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY| DDCKEY_SRCBLT) ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid Flags with DESTOVERLAY" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } //ACKACK: destoverlay can be set on non-overlay surfaces!
/* GEE: I ramble about this below as well...
* seems to me we have an inconsitency here... * I am too tired to see if it is a real bug or just * a weirdness. */ #if 0
if( !(this_lcl->ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_OVERLAY ) ) { DPF_ERR( "DESTOVERLAY specified for a non-overlay surface" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT; } #endif
#if 0
if( !(this_lcl->dwFlags & DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYDESTOVERLAY) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEY; } *lpDDColorKey = this_lcl->ddckCKDestOverlay; /*
* get key for DESTBLT */ } else if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_DESTBLT ) { if( dwFlags & (DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY| DDCKEY_SRCBLT) ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid Flags with DESTBLT" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } if( !(this_lcl->dwFlags & DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYDESTBLT) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEY; } *lpDDColorKey = this_lcl->ddckCKDestBlt; /*
* get key for SRCOVERLAY */ } else if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY ) { if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_SRCBLT ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid Flags with SRCOVERLAY" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } if( !(this_lcl->ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_OVERLAY ) ) { DPF_ERR( "SRCOVERLAY specified for a non-overlay surface" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } #if 0
if( !(this_lcl->dwFlags & DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYSRCOVERLAY) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEY; } *lpDDColorKey = this_lcl->ddckCKSrcOverlay; /*
* get key for SRCBLT */ } else if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_SRCBLT ) { if( !(this_lcl->dwFlags & DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYSRCBLT) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_NOCOLORKEY; } *lpDDColorKey = this_lcl->ddckCKSrcBlt;
} else { DPF_ERR( "Invalid Flags" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } } EXCEPT( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { DPF_ERR( "Exception encountered validating parameters" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; }
LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DD_OK;
} /* DD_Surface_GetColorKey */
* ChangeToSoftwareColorKey */ HRESULT ChangeToSoftwareColorKey( LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT this_int, BOOL use_full_lock ) { HRESULT ddrval;
ddrval = MoveToSystemMemory( this_int, TRUE, use_full_lock ); if( ddrval != DD_OK ) { return ddrval; } this_int->lpLcl->dwFlags &= ~DDRAWISURF_HW_CKEYSRCOVERLAY; this_int->lpLcl->dwFlags |= DDRAWISURF_SW_CKEYSRCOVERLAY; return DD_OK;
} /* ChangeToSoftwareColorKey */
#define DPF_MODNAME "SetColorKey"
* DD_Surface_SetColorKey * * set the color key associated with this surface */ HRESULT DDAPI DD_Surface_SetColorKey( LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSurface, DWORD dwFlags, LPDDCOLORKEY lpDDColorKey ) { LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT this_int; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL this_lcl; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL this; HRESULT ddrval; DWORD sflags = 0; BOOL halonly; BOOL helonly; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL pdrv_lcl; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL pdrv; LPDDHALSURFCB_SETCOLORKEY sckhalfn; LPDDHALSURFCB_SETCOLORKEY sckfn; DDHAL_SETCOLORKEYDATA sckd; DWORD rc; DDCOLORKEY ddck; DDCOLORKEY ddckOldSrcBlt; DDCOLORKEY ddckOldDestBlt; DDCOLORKEY ddckOldSrcOverlay; DDCOLORKEY ddckOldDestOverlay; DWORD oldflags;
DPF(2,A,"ENTERAPI: DD_Surface_SetColorKey");
* validate parms */ TRY { this_int = (LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT) lpDDSurface; if( !VALID_DIRECTDRAWSURFACE_PTR( this_int ) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT; } this_lcl = this_int->lpLcl; this = this_lcl->lpGbl; if( SURFACE_LOST( this_lcl ) ) { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_SURFACELOST; }
// For now, if the current surface is optimized, quit
if (this_lcl->ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_OPTIMIZED) { DPF_ERR( "It is an optimized surface" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_ISOPTIMIZEDSURFACE; }
* No color keys on z-buffers or execute buffers. */ if( this_lcl->ddsCaps.dwCaps & ( DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER | DDSCAPS_EXECUTEBUFFER ) ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid surface type: can't set color key" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDSURFACETYPE; }
// New interfaces don't let mipmap sublevels have colorkeys
if ((!LOWERTHANSURFACE7(this_int)) && (this_lcl->lpSurfMore->ddsCapsEx.dwCaps2 & DDSCAPS2_MIPMAPSUBLEVEL)) { DPF_ERR( "Cannot set colorkey for mipmap sublevels" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_NOTONMIPMAPSUBLEVEL; }
if( dwFlags & ~DDCKEY_VALID ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid flags" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; }
if( lpDDColorKey != NULL ) { if( !VALID_DDCOLORKEY_PTR( lpDDColorKey ) ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid colorkey ptr" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } }
pdrv_lcl = this_lcl->lpSurfMore->lpDD_lcl; pdrv = pdrv_lcl->lpGbl;
helonly = FALSE; halonly = FALSE;
* is surface in system memory? */ if( this_lcl->ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY ) { halonly = FALSE; helonly = TRUE; }
* do we even support a color key? */ if( !(pdrv->ddBothCaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_COLORKEY) ) { if( pdrv->ddCaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_COLORKEY ) { halonly = TRUE; } else if( pdrv->ddHELCaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_COLORKEY ) { helonly = TRUE; } else { LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } }
if( helonly && halonly ) { #pragma message( REMIND( "Need to overhaul SetColorKey for DX3!" ) )
* NOTE: This is a temporary fix to keep certain ISVs happy * until we can overhaul SetColorKey completely. The problem * is that we don't look at the drivers S->S, S->V and V->S * caps when deciding whether to call the HEL or the HAL for * color key sets. This is not terminal for most cards as it * will simply mean falling back on the HEL when we shouldn't. * However, for a certain class for cards (those which are * not display drivers) which have no emulation this will * result in SetColorKey failing. To keep them happy we * will just spot this situation and force a HAL call. * * 1) This is a temporary fix. * 2) The H/W must support the same colorkey operations for * its system memory blits as it does for its video * memory ones or things will go wrong. */ if( ( !( pdrv->ddHELCaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_COLORKEY ) ) && ( pdrv->ddCaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM ) ) { helonly = FALSE; } else { DPF_ERR( "Not supported in hardware or software!" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } }
* Restore these if a failure occurs */ oldflags = this_lcl->dwFlags; ddckOldSrcBlt = this_lcl->ddckCKSrcBlt; ddckOldDestBlt = this_lcl->ddckCKDestBlt; ddckOldSrcOverlay = this_lcl->ddckCKSrcOverlay; ddckOldDestOverlay = this_lcl->ddckCKDestOverlay;
* color key specified? */ if( lpDDColorKey != NULL ) { /*
* check for color space */ ddck = *lpDDColorKey;
if( !(dwFlags & DDCKEY_COLORSPACE) ) { ddck.dwColorSpaceHighValue = ddck.dwColorSpaceLowValue; } lpDDColorKey = &ddck;
* check the color key */ ddrval = CheckColorKey( dwFlags, pdrv, lpDDColorKey, &sflags, halonly, helonly );
if( ddrval != DD_OK ) { DPF_ERR( "Failed CheckColorKey" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return ddrval; } }
* Overlay dest. key */ if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_DESTOVERLAY ) { if( !(pdrv->ddCaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_OVERLAY) ) { DPF_ERR( "Can't do overlays" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_NOOVERLAYHW; } /* GEE: in GetColorKey we say that DestColorKey can
* be set for non overlay surfaces. Here we require * overlay data in order to SetColorKey (DestColorKey) * I understand why this is the case... are their any * implications to HASOVERLAYDATA other than bigger * structure... if not then we are okay? * would it not be more consistent to move DestColorKey * into local surface structure and not have it be part * of the optional data. */ if( !(this_lcl->dwFlags & DDRAWISURF_HASOVERLAYDATA) ) { DPF_ERR( "Invalid surface for overlay color key" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_NOTAOVERLAYSURFACE; } if( lpDDColorKey == NULL ) { this_lcl->dwFlags &= ~DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYDESTOVERLAY; } else { this_lcl->ddckCKDestOverlay = *lpDDColorKey; this_lcl->dwFlags |= DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYDESTOVERLAY; } /*
* Blt dest. key */ } else if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_DESTBLT ) { if( lpDDColorKey == NULL ) { this_lcl->dwFlags &= ~DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYDESTBLT; } else { this_lcl->ddckCKDestBlt = *lpDDColorKey; this_lcl->dwFlags |= DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYDESTBLT; } /*
* Overlay src. key */ } else if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY ) { #if 0 // Talisman overlay sprite might not use overlay surface!
if( !(this_lcl->ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_OVERLAY ) ) { DPF_ERR( "SRCOVERLAY specified for a non-overlay surface" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_NOTAOVERLAYSURFACE; } #endif
if( lpDDColorKey == NULL ) { this_lcl->dwFlags &= ~DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYSRCOVERLAY; } else { this_lcl->ddckCKSrcOverlay = *lpDDColorKey; this_lcl->dwFlags |= DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYSRCOVERLAY; } /*
* Blt src. key */ } else if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_SRCBLT ) { if( lpDDColorKey == NULL ) { this_lcl->dwFlags &= ~DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYSRCBLT; } else { this_lcl->ddckCKSrcBlt = *lpDDColorKey; this_lcl->dwFlags |= DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYSRCBLT; } } } EXCEPT( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { DPF_ERR( "Exception encountered validating parameters" ); LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; }
* add in extra flags */ this_lcl->dwFlags |= sflags;
* notify the HAL/HEL */ if( helonly ) // Color key valid only in emulation?
{ sckfn = pdrv_lcl->lpDDCB->HELDDSurface.SetColorKey; sckhalfn = sckfn; } else { sckfn = pdrv_lcl->lpDDCB->HALDDSurface.SetColorKey; sckhalfn = pdrv_lcl->lpDDCB->cbDDSurfaceCallbacks.SetColorKey; }
* This next part is a hack, but it should be safe. It is legal for * them to pass a NULL lpDDColorKey, meaning that they want to stop * colorkeying. The only problem is that there's no way to pass this * into the HAL since we always pass them a colorkey structure. * Therefore, we will not call the HAL/HEL when this is the case. The * only problem w/ this is an overlay surface will need to know this now, * so we will call UpdateOverlay in that case. */ if( lpDDColorKey == NULL ) { if( dwFlags & ( DDCKEY_DESTOVERLAY | DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY ) ) { if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_DESTOVERLAY ) { this_lcl->lpSurfMore->dwOverlayFlags &= ~(DDOVER_KEYDEST|DDOVER_KEYDESTOVERRIDE); } else { this_lcl->lpSurfMore->dwOverlayFlags &= ~(DDOVER_KEYSRC|DDOVER_KEYSRCOVERRIDE); } if( this_lcl->ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_VISIBLE ) { if( ( this_lcl->lpSurfMore->dwOverlayFlags & DDOVER_DDFX ) && ( this_lcl->lpSurfMore->lpddOverlayFX != NULL ) ) { DD_Surface_UpdateOverlay( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE) this_int, &(this_lcl->rcOverlaySrc), (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE) this_lcl->lpSurfaceOverlaying, &(this_lcl->rcOverlayDest), this_lcl->lpSurfMore->dwOverlayFlags, this_lcl->lpSurfMore->lpddOverlayFX ); } else { DD_Surface_UpdateOverlay( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE) this_int, &(this_lcl->rcOverlaySrc), (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE) this_lcl->lpSurfaceOverlaying, &(this_lcl->rcOverlayDest), this_lcl->lpSurfMore->dwOverlayFlags, NULL ); } } }
LEAVE_DDRAW(); return DD_OK; }
ddrval = DD_OK; if( sckhalfn != NULL ) { sckd.SetColorKey = sckhalfn; sckd.lpDD = pdrv; sckd.lpDDSurface = this_lcl; sckd.ckNew = *lpDDColorKey; sckd.dwFlags = dwFlags; DOHALCALL( SetColorKey, sckfn, sckd, rc, helonly ); if( rc == DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED ) { if( sckd.ddRVal != DD_OK ) { DPF_ERR( "HAL/HEL call failed" ); ddrval = sckd.ddRVal; } } else if( rc == DDHAL_DRIVER_NOCKEYHW ) { if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_SRCBLT ) { ddrval = ChangeToSoftwareColorKey( this_int, TRUE ); if( ddrval != DD_OK ) { DPF_ERR( "hardware resources are out & can't move to system memory" ); ddrval = DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW; } } else { ddrval = DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } } } else { /*
* This is really only a problem when setting an overlay colorkey * and the overlay is already coloerkeying; otherwise, the * colorkey is set in the LCL and will be used the next time * the overlay or blt is called. */ if( dwFlags & DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY ) { if( ( this_lcl->ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_VISIBLE ) && ( this_lcl->lpSurfMore->dwOverlayFlags & ( DDOVER_KEYSRC | DDOVER_KEYSRCOVERRIDE ) ) ) { ddrval = DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; } }
* NOTE: We'd like to do the same for dest overlay, but: * 1) We don't see much usefulness in it since apps probably * will not be changing the dest colorkey on the fly. * 2) Since dest colorkeying is used a lot, changing the behavior * might break someone. * smac and jeffno 3/11/97 */ }
* Restore old values if a failure occurs */ if( ddrval != DD_OK ) { this_lcl->dwFlags = oldflags; this_lcl->ddckCKSrcBlt = ddckOldSrcBlt; this_lcl->ddckCKDestBlt = ddckOldDestBlt; this_lcl->ddckCKSrcOverlay = ddckOldSrcOverlay; this_lcl->ddckCKDestOverlay = ddckOldDestOverlay; }
LEAVE_DDRAW(); return ddrval;
} /* DD_Surface_SetColorKey */