;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; DLLENTRY.ASM ; ; simulates the NT DllEntryPoint call for a Win16 DLL ; ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1989, 1990. All rights reserved. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
PMODE = 1 ?PLM=1 ; pascal call convention ?WIN=0 ; NO! Windows prolog/epilog code .286
.xlist include cmacros.inc .list
externFP DllEntryPoint externFP LocalInit
ifndef SEGNAME SEGNAME equ <_TEXT> endif
createSeg %SEGNAME, CodeSeg, word, public, CODE
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; Stuff needed to avoid the C runtime coming in, and init the windows ; reserved parameter block at the base of DGROUP ; ; NOTE if you need the 'C' startup dont use this file. ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
if 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
sBegin Data assumes ds,Data
DD 0 ; So null pointers get 0 DW 5 ; number of reserved ptrs globalW pLocalHeap,0 ; Local heap pointer globalW pAtomTable,0 ; Atom table pointer globalW pStackTop,0 ; top of stack globalW pStackMin,0 ; minimum value of SP globalW pStackBot,0 ; bottom of stack
public __acrtused __acrtused = 1
sEnd Data
sBegin CodeSeg assumes cs,CodeSeg assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
;--------------------------Private-Routine-----------------------------; ; ; LibEntry - called when DLL is loaded ; ; Entry: ; CX = size of heap ; DI = module handle ; DS = automatic data segment ; ES:SI = address of command line (not used) ; Returns: ; AX = TRUE if success ; History: ; 06-27-89 -by- Todd Laney [ToddLa] ; Created. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; assumes ds,nothing assumes es,nothing
cProc LibEntry,<FAR,PUBLIC,NODATA>,<> cBegin jcxz @f cCall LocalInit,<0,0,cx> @@: ifdef DAYTONA cCall DllEntryPoint, <1, di, ds, cx, 0, 0, 0> endif cEnd
;--------------------------Private-Routine-----------------------------; ; ; WEP - called when DLL is unloaded ; ; History: ; 06-27-89 -by- Todd Laney [ToddLa] ; Created. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; assumes ds,nothing assumes es,nothing
cProc WEP, <FAR, PUBLIC, PASCAL>, <ds> ParmW fSystemExit cBegin ; ; HEY dont cleanup if windows is going down. ; mov ax,fSystemExit or ax,ax ;;; jnz just_exit
mov ax,DataBASE mov ds,ax assumes ds,Data
ifdef DAYTONA cCall DllEntryPoint, <0, di, ds, cx, 0, 0, 0> endif just_exit: cEnd
sEnd CodeSeg
end LibEntry