| ERRORBOX.C | | | | Routines for dealing with Resource-string based messages | | | | (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1991. All rights reserved. | | | | Revision History | | 15-Oct-1992 LaurieGr (AKA LKG) Ported to WIN32 / WIN16 common code | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <stdio.h> // needed for va_list stuff
#include <stdarg.h> // needed for va_list stuff
#include <strsafe.h>
#include "mplayer.h"
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func short | ErrorResBox | This function displays a message box using * program resource error strings. * * @parm HWND | hwnd | Specifies the message box parent window. * * @parm HANDLE | hInst | Specifies the instance handle of the module * that contains the resource strings specified by <p idAppName> and * <p idErrorStr>. If this value is NULL, the instance handle is * obtained from <p hwnd> (in which case <p hwnd> may not be NULL). * * @parm WORD | flags | Specifies message box types controlling the * message box appearance. All message box types valid for <f MessageBox> are * valid. * * @parm WORD | idAppName | Specifies the resource ID of a string that * is to be used as the message box caption. * * @parm WORD | idErrorStr | Specifies the resource ID of a error * message format string. This string is of the style passed to * <f wsprintf>, containing the standard C argument formatting * characters. Any procedure parameters following <p idErrorStr> will * be taken as arguments for this format string. * * @parm arguments | [ arguments, ... ] | Specifies additional * arguments corresponding to the format specification given by * <p idErrorStr>. All string arguments must be FAR pointers. * * @rdesc Returns the result of the call to <f MessageBox>. If an * error occurs, returns zero. * * @comm This is a variable arguments function, the parameters after * <p idErrorStr> being taken for arguments to the <f printf> format * string specified by <p idErrorStr>. The string resources specified * by <p idAppName> and <p idErrorStr> must be loadable using the * instance handle <p hInst>. If the strings cannot be * loaded, or <p hwnd> is not valid, the function will fail and return * zero. * */ #define STRING_SIZE 256
void PositionMsgID(PTSTR szMsg, HANDLE hInst, UINT iErr) { PTSTR psz; TCHAR szMplayerMsgID[16]; TCHAR szTmp[STRING_SIZE]; TCHAR szFmt[STRING_SIZE];
if (!LoadString(hInst, IDS_MSGFORMAT, szFmt, STRING_SIZE)) return; if (!iErr) { for (psz = szMsg; psz && *psz && *psz != TEXT(' '); psz++) ; if (*psz == TEXT(' ')) { *psz++ = TEXT('\0'); wsprintf((LPTSTR)szTmp, (LPTSTR)szFmt, (LPTSTR)psz, (LPTSTR)szMsg); } else return; } else { wsprintf((LPTSTR)szMplayerMsgID, TEXT("MPLAYER%3.3u"), iErr); wsprintf((LPTSTR)szTmp, (LPTSTR)szFmt, (LPTSTR)szMsg, (LPTSTR)szMplayerMsgID); }
lstrcpy((LPTSTR)szMsg, (LPTSTR)szTmp); }
short FAR cdecl ErrorResBox(HWND hwnd, HANDLE hInst, UINT flags, UINT idAppName, UINT idErrorStr, ...) { TCHAR sz[STRING_SIZE]; TCHAR szFmt[STRING_SIZE]; UINT w; va_list va;
/* We're going away... bringing a box up will crash */ if (gfInClose) return 0;
if (hInst == NULL) { if (hwnd == NULL) hInst = ghInst; else hInst = GETHWNDINSTANCE(hwnd); }
w = 0;
if (!sz || !szFmt) goto ExitError; // no mem, get out
if (!LOADSTRINGFROM(hInst, idErrorStr, szFmt)) goto ExitError;
va_start(va, idErrorStr); StringCchVPrintf(sz, STRING_SIZE, szFmt, va); va_end(va);
if (flags == MB_ERROR) if (idErrorStr == IDS_DEVICEERROR) PositionMsgID(sz, hInst, 0); else PositionMsgID(sz, hInst, idErrorStr);
if (!LOADSTRINGFROM(hInst, idAppName, szFmt)) goto ExitError;
if (gfErrorBox) { DPF("*** \n"); DPF("*** NESTED ERROR: '%"DTS"'\n", (LPTSTR)sz); DPF("*** \n"); return 0; }
// BlockServer();
/* Don't own this error box if we are not visible... eg. PowerPoint will
hard crash. */ if (!IsWindowVisible(ghwndApp) || gfPlayingInPlace) { DPF("Bring error up as SYSTEMMODAL because PowerPig crashes in slide show\n"); hwnd = NULL; flags |= MB_SYSTEMMODAL; }
w = MessageBox(hwnd, sz, szFmt, flags); gfErrorBox--; // UnblockServer();
if (gfErrorDeath) { DPF("*** Error box is gone ok to destroy window\n"); PostMessage(ghwndApp, gfErrorDeath, 0, 0); }
return (short)w; }