Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /* RESERVED:
  2. * The scheme of the o2base library requires a set of 14 or so resources.
  3. * Every object has resources that are an offset from these 15 resources and
  4. * it's up to the initialization of the ClassDescriptor to get this right.
  5. * Currently, this offset is 0, set in srfact.cxx
  6. #define IDOFF_CLASSID 0
  9. #define IDOFF_USERTYPEAPP 3
  10. #define IDOFF_DOCFEXT 5
  11. #define IDOFF_ICON 10
  12. #define IDOFF_ACCELS 11
  13. #define IDOFF_MENU 12
  14. #define IDOFF_MGW 13
  15. #define IDOFF_MISCSTATUS 14
  16. */
  17. /* Icons */
  18. #define IDI_APP 10 // same as IDOFF_ICON
  19. #define IDI_DSOUND 15
  20. #define IDI_CONVERT 16
  21. /* Dialogs */
  22. #ifndef IDC_STATIC
  23. #define IDC_STATIC -1
  24. #endif
  25. #define IDD_SOUNDRECBOX 100
  26. #define ID_STATUSTXT 200
  27. #define ID_CURPOSTXT 201
  28. #define ID_FILELENTXT 202
  29. #define ID_WAVEDISPLAY 203
  30. #define ID_CURPOSSCRL 204
  31. // These need to start at ID_BTN_BASE and be sequential in the
  32. // order in which the bitmaps occur in sndrec32.bmp (use imagedit)
  33. #define ID_REWINDBTN 205
  35. #define ID_FORWARDBTN 206
  36. #define ID_PLAYBTN 207
  37. #define ID_STOPBTN 208
  38. #define ID_RECORDBTN 209
  40. #define IDR_PLAYBAR 501
  41. #if defined(THRESHOLD)
  42. #define ID_SKIPSTARTBTN 213
  43. #define ID_SKIPENDBTN 214
  44. #endif //THRESHOLD
  45. #define IDD_SAVEAS 101
  46. #define IDC_CONVERTTO 1000
  47. //#define IDC_CONVERT_FROM 1001
  48. //#define IDC_CONVERT_TO 1002
  49. #define IDC_TXT_FORMAT 1003
  50. #define IDC_CONVERTPLAYABLE 1008
  51. #define IDC_CONVERTRECORDABLE 1009
  52. #define IDC_CONVERTALL 1010
  53. #define IDD_CONVERTING 102
  54. #define IDC_PROGRESSBAR 1000
  55. #define IDC_CONVERT_FROM 1001
  56. #define IDC_CONVERT_TO 1002
  57. #define IDD_PROPERTIES 103
  58. #define IDC_DISPFRAME 1000
  59. #define IDC_DISPICON 1001
  60. #define IDC_FILENAME 1002
  61. #define IDC_COPYRIGHT 1003
  62. #define IDC_FILELEN 1004
  63. #define IDC_AUDIOFORMAT 1005
  64. #define ID_APPLY 1006
  65. #define ID_INIT 1007
  66. #define IDC_TXT_COPYRIGHT 1008
  67. #define IDC_TXT_FILELEN 1009
  68. #define IDC_TXT_AUDIOFORMAT 1010
  69. #define IDC_CONVERTCHOOSEFROM 1011
  70. #define IDC_DATASIZE 1012
  71. #define IDC_CONVGROUP 1013
  72. #define IDC_TXT_DATASIZE 1014
  73. #define IDD_CONVERTCHOOSE 104
  74. #define IDC_SETPREFERRED 1000
  75. /* Strings */
  76. #define IDS_APPNAME 100 // SoundRec
  77. #define IDS_APPTITLE 101 // Sound Recorder
  78. #define IDS_HELPFILE 102 // SOUNDREC.HLP
  79. #define IDS_SAVECHANGES 103 // Save changes to '<file>'?
  80. #define IDS_OPEN 104 // Open WAVE File
  81. #define IDS_SAVE 105 // Save WAVE File
  82. #define IDS_ERROROPEN 106 // Error opening '<file>'
  83. #define IDS_ERROREMBED 107 // Out of memory...
  84. #define IDS_ERRORREAD 108 // Error reading '<file>'
  85. #define IDS_ERRORWRITE 109 // Error writing '<file>'
  86. #define IDS_OUTOFMEM 110 // Out of memory
  87. #define IDS_FILEEXISTS 111 // File '<file>' exists -- overwrite it?
  88. //#define IDS_BADFORMAT 112 // File format is incorrect/unsupported
  89. #define IDS_CANTOPENWAVEOUT 113 // Cannot open waveform output device
  90. #define IDS_CANTOPENWAVEIN 114 // Cannot open waveform input device
  91. #define IDS_STATUSSTOPPED 115 // Stopped
  92. #define IDS_STATUSPLAYING 116 // Playing
  93. #define IDS_STATUSRECORDING 117 // Recording -- ...
  94. #define IDS_CANTFINDFONT 118 // Cannot find file '<file>', so...
  95. #define IDS_INSERTFILE 119 // Insert WAVE File
  96. #define IDS_MIXWITHFILE 120 // Mix With WAVE File
  97. #define IDS_CONFIRMREVERT 121 // Revert to last-saved copy... ?
  98. #define IDS_INPUTNOTSUPPORT 122 // ...does not support recording
  99. #define IDS_BADINPUTFORMAT 123 // ...cannot record into files like...
  100. #define IDS_BADOUTPUTFORMAT 124 // ...cannot play files like...
  101. #define IDS_UPDATEBEFORESAVE 125 // Update embedded before save as?
  102. #define IDS_SAVEEMBEDDED 126 // Update embedded before closing?
  103. //#define IDS_CANTSTARTOLE 127 // Can't register the server with OLE
  104. #define IDS_NONEMBEDDEDSAVE 128 // 'Save'
  105. #define IDS_EMBEDDEDSAVE 129 // 'Update'
  106. //#define IDS_NONEMBEDDEDEXIT 130 // 'Exit'
  107. #define IDS_EMBEDDEDEXIT 131 // 'Exit and Update'
  108. //#define IDS_SAVELARGECLIP 132 // Save large clipboard?
  109. //#define IDS_FILENOTFOUND 133 // The file %s does not exist
  110. #define IDS_NOTAWAVEFILE 134 // The file %s is not a valid...
  111. #define IDS_NOTASUPPORTEDFILE 135 // The file %s is not a supported...
  112. #define IDS_FILETOOLARGE 136 // The file %s is too large...
  113. #define IDS_DELBEFOREWARN 137 // Warning: Deleteing before
  114. #define IDS_DELAFTERWARN 138 // Warning: Deleteing after
  115. #define IDS_UNTITLED 139 // (Untitled)
  116. #define IDS_FILTERNULL 140 // Null replacement char
  117. #define IDS_FILTER 141 // Common Dialog file filter
  118. #define IDS_OBJECTLINK 142 // Object link clipboard format
  119. #define IDS_OWNERLINK 143 // Owner link clipboard format
  120. #define IDS_NATIVE 144 // Native clipboard format
  122. #define IDS_FAKEITEMNAME 145 // Wave
  123. #endif
  124. //#define IDS_CLASSROOT 146 // Root name
  125. //#define IDS_EMBEDDING 147 // Embedding
  126. #define IDS_POSITIONFORMAT 148 // Format of current position string
  127. #define IDS_NOWAVEFORMS 149 // No recording or playback devices are present
  128. #define IDS_PASTEINSERT 150
  129. #define IDS_PASTEMIX 151
  130. #define IDS_FILEINSERT 152
  131. #define IDS_FILEMIX 153
  132. //#define IDS_SOUNDOBJECT 154
  133. #define IDS_CLIPBOARD 156
  134. #define IDS_MONOFMT 157
  135. #define IDS_STEREOFMT 158
  136. #define IDS_CANTPASTE 159
  137. //#define IDS_PLAYVERB 160
  138. //#define IDS_EDITVERB 161
  139. #define IDS_DEFFILEEXT 162
  140. #define IDS_NOWAVEIN 163
  141. #define IDS_SNEWMONOFMT 164
  142. #define IDS_SNEWSTEREOFMT 165
  143. #define IDS_NONE 166
  144. #define IDS_NOACMNEW 167
  146. #define IDS_NOZEROMONOFMT 169
  147. #define IDS_NOZEROSTEREOFMT 170
  148. //#define IDS_LINKEDUPDATE 171
  149. #define IDS_OBJECTTITLE 172
  150. #define IDS_EXITANDRETURN 173
  151. #define IDS_BADREG 174
  152. #define IDS_FIXREGERROR 175
  153. #define IDS_ERR_CANTCONVERT 177
  154. #define IDS_PROPERTIES 178
  155. #define IDS_SHOWPLAYABLE 179
  156. #define IDS_SHOWRECORDABLE 180
  157. #define IDS_SHOWALL 181
  158. #define IDS_DATASIZE 182
  159. #define IDS_NOCOPYRIGHT 183
  160. #define IDS_PLAYVERB 184
  161. #define IDS_EDITVERB 185
  162. #define IDS_OPENVERB 186
  163. #define IDS_MMSYSPROPTITLE 187
  164. #define IDS_MMSYSPROPTAB 188
  165. #define IDS_RTLENABLED 189
  167. #define IDS_ERRORFILENAME 191 // Filename is too long
  168. /*
  169. * menus
  170. */
  171. #define IDM_OPEN 12
  172. #define IDM_SAVE 13
  173. #define IDM_SAVEAS 14
  174. #define IDM_REVERT 15
  175. #define IDM_EXIT 16
  176. #define IDM_COPY 20
  177. #define IDM_DELETE 21
  178. #define IDM_INSERTFILE 22
  179. #define IDM_MIXWITHFILE 23
  180. #define IDM_PASTE_INSERT 24
  181. #define IDM_PASTE_MIX 25
  182. #if defined(THRESHOLD)
  183. #define IDM_SKIPTOSTART 26
  184. #define IDM_SKIPTOEND 27
  185. #define IDM_INCREASETHRESH 28
  186. #define IDM_DECREASETHRESH 29
  187. #endif //threshold
  188. #define IDM_DELETEBEFORE 31
  189. #define IDM_DELETEAFTER 32
  190. #define IDM_INCREASEVOLUME 33
  191. #define IDM_DECREASEVOLUME 34
  192. #define IDM_MAKEFASTER 35
  193. #define IDM_MAKESLOWER 36
  194. #define IDM_ADDECHO 37
  195. #define IDM_REVERSE 38
  196. #define IDM_ADDREVERB 39
  197. #define IDM_INDEX 91
  198. #define IDM_KEYBOARD 92
  199. #define IDM_COMMANDS 93
  200. #define IDM_PROCEDURES 94
  201. #define IDM_USINGHELP 95
  202. #define IDM_ABOUT 96
  203. #define IDM_SEARCH 97
  204. #define IDM_HELPTOPICS 98
  205. #define IDM_VOLUME 99
  206. #define IDM_PROPERTIES 100
  207. #define IDM_NEW 1000 // need room ...